#robotics Logs

Apr 07 2013

#robotics Calendar

00:01 rue_shop2 ok
00:01 rue_shop2 but I was trying to tell you about that hack weeks ago
00:01 rue_shop2 you weren't online
00:01 rue_shop2 why is your number long distance anyhow?
00:12 MrCurious what hack
00:12 MrCurious i like hacks
02:49 Jak_o_Android Noooooooooo Tobbor!!!
02:53 MrCurious it boggles my mind how people are willing to pay $100 for chromebooks with broken lcd's when they are $200 new with working lcd
02:53 MrCurious now at $30 - $50 they would be a excellent dual core 1.1ghz option for a robot brain.
02:56 Jak_o_Android RPis were never really that good an option were they?
02:58 Hukka Nope
03:22 MrCurious rpi's are an adequate option for parts of a robotic system
14:48 Rif bottom of page 9 shows a tehther interface, http://www.robotpower.com/downloads/uRRC-2.0-manual.pdf
14:48 Rif can i just use of of me max232 boards instead of the 74hc14 ?
14:58 rue_shop2 looks like it
14:58 rue_shop2 usb!? wait
14:59 rue_shop2 its not serial rif
14:59 rue_shop2 wtf are they doing, usb dosn't work like that at all
15:00 rue_shop2 use their adapter rif, soemthing is wrong there
15:00 Rif i just made an adapter
15:00 Rif its not usb, this is old rue, getting the old stuff going
15:01 Rif i have the output from usb connector going to a max232, not working yet though
15:15 GeDaMo This thing is beautiful http://www.festo.com/cms/en_corp/13165.htm
15:15 GeDaMo Particularly the second video where they show the mechanism
15:21 rue_house ok, its not usb then
15:21 rue_house they just use usb connectors?
15:21 rue_house to make it seem cool?
15:22 rue_house rs232, over usb connectors,
15:23 Rif well it not working still, trying another max232
15:24 Rif rue the board still controls the big motor drivers fine
15:24 rue_house Rif, do you remember how to test the max232 baords?
15:24 rue_house loop the send and recieve togethor on the ttl side
15:24 Rif with rc control, i want to connect another avr to send signals, if the rs232 don't work, with just connect to 4 servo inputs instead
15:24 rue_house use a terminal, see if it echos the characters back
15:25 Rif rue not at moment, just trying to get going before work
15:25 Rif oh yes
15:25 rue_house heh, I just remmembered your still at work
15:25 rue_house and I just remmebered the mowerbot is out in the lawn, bbl
15:25 Rif nope is 6am, not there yet
15:25 Rif i am making a motor driver carrier for foxy today
15:25 Rif she will be active again this week
15:27 Rif wouldn't a lawn be the place for a mowerbot to live?
15:27 Rif the rs232 does echo back
15:56 Rif can see that the rx and tx go to that usb header via a resistor, all looks good
18:07 RifRaf wish i could find the code for the uRRC
18:07 RifRaf i don't think there is anything on the serial
18:47 RifRaf yay found the code
18:47 goRed raises
21:09 MrCurious finding it unimaginable that my stove has no fuse/circuit breaker. sure its gas, but this is 2013!
21:31 sw0rdfish hey, I was shocked to learn a program coded in Lisp can write programs by itself... if so why didn't we master AI long ago?
21:31 orlok the programmers got distracted by recreating unix
21:39 DagoRed nice orlok
21:39 DagoRed How's it going btw?
21:40 GargantuaSauce i don't have a succinct answer but reading http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/G%C3%B6del%27s_incompleteness_theorems might give you an idea sw0rdfish
22:46 sw0rdfish GargantuaSauce, nice.