#robotics Logs

Mar 27 2013

#robotics Calendar

03:17 RifRaf anyone successfully using graphic lcds?
03:25 Tom_itx nothing lately
04:06 GuShH RifRaf: some nokia ones
04:06 GuShH why
05:40 RifRaf cause i have a few i wanna use
05:40 RifRaf hey GuShH i am using arduino code right now :)
05:40 GuShH you just say that to annoy me
05:41 RifRaf just trying to debug these ultrasonic sensors, seems this newping lib for arduino is alot better than the one i was using
05:41 RifRaf no for real
05:41 RifRaf they are constantly freezing up and not working right with the lib i was using
05:42 GuShH Arduino, written by monkeys, for monkeys (tm)
05:42 RifRaf seems the cheap clone hc-sr04 are not quite the same as the srf04
05:43 RifRaf so i need to borrow some of this code, i am not going to keep using it
05:43 RifRaf however i have found a graphic lcd library as well, so might try it out
05:47 RifRaf getting 30 results a second from this hc-sr04 now and far more accurate than centimeters using the ping time value
05:47 RifRaf want to use it for a simple balancing robot
16:20 GargantuaSauce__ rif: remember that the speed of sound is temperature-sensitive
16:21 GargantuaSauce__ and you doooo happen to have a good digital temperature sensor there in your bmp085
16:21 GargantuaSauce__ just putting that out there
16:47 ace4016 temperature and pressure dependant
16:50 GargantuaSauce__ er yes, that too
16:58 rue_mohr Iput 40000km on my truck in 6 years...
16:58 rue_mohr You have: 40000km/6years
16:58 rue_mohr You want: km/day
16:58 rue_mohr * 18.252728
16:58 rue_mohr oo thats more than I thought
17:01 RifRaf i do 20k a year easy, more like 25
17:01 rue_mohr I thought I wqas around 10km/week
17:02 rue_mohr I'll recheck the numbers
22:34 MrCurious N. Korea disconnected the hotlineā€¦.
22:34 MrCurious S. Korea is responding by celebrates a national day of rest.
22:34 MrCurious No more "must answer" prank calls from Kim Jong Un for a while...
22:50 KimLaroux why would S. Korea even care about calls from the norten dictator?
23:08 MrCurious military hotline... ok, my joke sucked
23:10 KimLaroux I suck at understanding jokes
23:10 KimLaroux especially in the web
23:16 MrCurious you can only answer so many calls from Kim Jong Un asking for Al Koholic before you dread picking it up
23:17 MrCurious http://www.nytimes.com/2013/03/26/opinion/global/chappatte-cartoonwhat-next-from-north-korea.html?smid=go-share&_r=0
23:17 KimLaroux No more internet
23:18 KimLaroux Most people won't care about nuclear appocalypse as long as they can still get on facebook
23:44 MrCurious removal of internet the first world ultimate weapon of last resort...