#robotics Logs

Mar 21 2013

#robotics Calendar

00:14 yahweh Can one in theory turn a rear projection TV into an actual projector with minimal hassle?
00:15 yahweh I youtubed the inner workings of those things and they seem like there's absolutely no reason that it can't be done.
00:15 zap0 yes
00:15 zap0 focal length is often set to exactly the screen distance.
00:15 zap0 and is rarely adjustable much beyond that.
00:15 yahweh good point, probably a workaround for that though.
00:15 zap0 so you'll have to replace the optics
00:16 yahweh Can't just make a new holder thingy.
00:16 yahweh ?
00:16 yahweh Highly technical term eh?
00:16 zap0 i have 5 rear projectors here. focal length is about 1m from lense.
00:17 zap0 which means the image size is smaller than my lounge LED TV :(
00:18 yahweh I was thinking of grabbing 3-5 matching ones off ebay and doing a portrait setup for games.
00:18 yahweh Some edge blending and warping.
00:18 yahweh I bet it'd be pretty cool.
00:19 yahweh 1080p projectors are stupidly expensive however.
00:19 yahweh Rear projection TVs on the otherhand... people will pay you to get rid of them.
00:21 zap0 i have 5 matching ones. give me piles of monies, and they are yours
00:27 rue_house yahweh, yea, I have a bunch of lenses for it
00:27 rue_house I got mine for free
00:27 rue_house http://www.ebay.ca/itm/XL-5100-XL5100-F-9308-760-0-F93087600-LAMP-FOR-SONY-GRAND-WEGA-SXRD-XBR-TV-/290839977235?pt=US_Rear_Projection_TV_Lamps&hash=item43b769dd13
00:27 rue_house looks like for a few bucks I can buy a new lens
00:28 rue_house $53
00:29 RifRaf thats like a fortune to you isn't it?
00:31 rue_bed yea, I'm not sure i want to pay that just for a 50" tv
00:32 rue_bed If I take it apart, I can make a deathray, 140" projector tv, and a lightbox!
00:44 zap0 i've got 5 projectors, with these kind of lens http://www.ebay.ca/itm/Rear-Projection-TV-Hitachi-60SDX88BA-Lens-Lot-of-3-Lenses-Excellent-Condition-/281078961844?pt=US_Rear_Projection_TV_Lamps&hash=item41719c96b4
00:48 rue_bed huh
01:08 MrCurious rue: convert it over to LED
01:08 MrCurious use a cpu liquid cooler to vent the heat
01:38 RifRaf will an opamp like lm358 do 250x gain ? what value in the datasheet would tell me, it says 100db voltage gain
01:41 Gargantuasauce_ 100dB is 10^10
01:41 RifRaf so way more than i need?
01:42 Gargantuasauce_ you use negative feedback to decrease the gain of an opamp to something sane
02:04 theBear iv'e got two similar lenses, they're pretty decent
02:05 theBear and yeah, they're relatively easy to convert, but they won't be that bright by the time you make them bigger
03:10 SorcererX rue_house: thank you, but looks a bit overkill for this use :) maybe if I later on decide to get 24 VDC motors :P
05:29 jennie Hello
05:30 Jak_o_Shadows hi
05:30 Jak_o_Shadows Oh what fun cad is tonight!
05:31 jennie whats up Jak_o_Shadows
05:31 Jak_o_Shadows cadding stuff up
05:32 Jak_o_Shadows then realising that you screwed up the order, by doing 30 instead of 300
05:33 Jak_o_Shadows then realising that you haven't figured out how to get it out of inches
05:38 jennie ohh
08:57 rue_house SorcererX, hu?
08:58 SorcererX rue_house: you showed me a circuit for some 12V to 24V DC conversion
08:58 rue_house ah
08:58 rue_house 30ma you might be able to go charge pump
08:59 SorcererX yeah, I actually looked at my figures, I need like 2 x 12 mA max
15:05 GuShH sigh.. intercooler hose popped off, clip sheared the key on the hose clamp end... stupid jettas
15:05 GuShH actually, stupid mechanics. fuck them all to hell.
15:06 GuShH 120 bucks for a new one
15:06 GuShH and I noticed after they did the valve job they used RTV instead of the proper vw gasket
15:06 GuShH ...it's leaking oil everywhere
15:07 GuShH they probably didn't torque the bolts properly either, and they most likely reused the bolts as well
15:07 ShH hopes the wire kludge will hold long enough for a trip to the
15:10 GuShH I wonder where the tiny piece went to...
15:10 GuShH it's designed to fail in case the turbo is overboosting, but in this case it failed because the mechanic damaged the clamp system
15:11 GuShH not as pretty as this, but same idea http://i459.photobucket.com/albums/qq314/Zedbra/2005%20Jetta%20TDI/IMAG0166.jpg
15:11 GuShH the clamp I found wouldn't close tight enough
15:13 ShH isn't a fan of
15:14 GuShH I wonder if it operates at way over 30PSI... the bang it makes when the hose pops off is quite loud
18:11 RifRaf finally got 4 adc inputs working and agreeing with each other
18:12 Tom_itx take a vote then
18:12 RifRaf 0 - 30V, 0 - 55V, 0 - 3A and -50A to +50A
18:12 Tom_itx it will be unanomous
18:12 Tom_itx long day...
18:13 RifRaf i started work at 5am and finished at 7am
18:13 Tom_itx i was up at 3 and am still catching up
18:13 RifRaf short day, rewiring temp sensor in a 18 meter high pylon
18:15 RifRaf my lcd still does not initialise 95% of the time
18:15 RifRaf wonder how to fix it
18:15 RifRaf correctly, it shows garbage and then suddenly it works and keeps working till battery disconnected
18:16 RifRaf maybe i need to change something in the lib to initialse it better
18:17 RifRaf also got this project off breadboard last night and somehow soldered it up right on the veroboard
18:22 RifRaf did have to stuff around for an hour or so with a transistor wrong way around, that annoyed me
18:22 RifRaf and killed a few in the process
18:25 Gargantuasauce_ all the more reason to use jfets for everything
18:27 RifRaf found a few pn2222a so used them
19:29 rue_house you prolly need to filter th power better
19:32 RifRaf prolly, but its working still
19:32 RifRaf i need another 2k
19:32 RifRaf grrr, cannot add in fat file system
19:33 RifRaf unless i disable lcd, but then cannot see anything
19:34 RifRaf got this funduino board with a mega2560 on it, but that seems like overkill
19:35 rue_house use an ITX
19:35 rue_house you gonna be there soon anyhow
19:35 RifRaf guess i'll have to learn how to use raw data
19:35 RifRaf dude i am still in 32k, same as mage32 6 years ago
19:35 RifRaf so behave
19:36 RifRaf i have no spare i/o, got alot connected
19:36 rue_house yep
19:37 RifRaf and upload to pc with rs232 eh? instead of the ease of fat file system
19:37 RifRaf wish there was a common 64k avr
19:40 rue_house microcontrollers are not computers
19:40 rue_house what your asking for is a computer, not microcontroller
19:40 rue_house you need something atleast arm based
19:41 RifRaf dude i just want to log some data to an sd crard
19:41 rue_house k
19:41 rue_house :) C
19:59 RifRaf rue_house, so how much space do you need for i2c, spi, sdcard, lcd and a bunch of sensors and other stuff ?
20:00 RifRaf i think 24k is not bad, its just the file system that blows it out wombat
20:00 rue_house io controller
20:01 rue_house I'd break up the project, use the avr as comm conroller an do the managment/loggin with an arm running linux
20:01 rue_house which would have ethernet or usb comm to upload
20:01 RifRaf you are weird
20:02 rue_house I know you are but what am I?
20:02 RifRaf weird
20:02 rue_house ]:}
20:03 RifRaf i reckon i could take some stuff that i don't use from the library and make it fit if i need to
20:03 rue_house RifRaf, have you ever looked at the hammer?
20:04 RifRaf what kind of hammer?
20:04 rue_house its an arm based board
20:04 rue_house there is the rasberry pi too
20:04 RifRaf no, then i have to learn all over again
20:05 rue_house and ther is antoher fad, er, arm based controller out now
20:05 rue_house yea, but its a full blown computer, you can make your program in java!
20:05 RifRaf you are nuts, you know i like to use avr
20:05 rue_house yes, but you need a 1meg avr for what your trying to do
20:06 rue_house then you will need more speed
20:06 RifRaf NO I DO NOT, i need a 34k
20:06 rue_house ok
20:07 RifRaf ima hook up my FUNDUINO now
20:07 RifRaf 256k, will be able to port code in not too much time
20:08 RifRaf i will be able to make anything then
20:12 RifRaf what a fun looking board, lots of bang for the buck, look at all these i/o
20:13 rue_house :)
20:14 RifRaf you should try one
20:15 RifRaf but i know you'd rather the p133
20:15 rue_house I have a 2560 for the reprap, cause I dont want to rewrite their code
20:15 rue_house cost $20
20:15 RifRaf mine was $14
20:15 RifRaf so :P
20:16 RifRaf and i can make what i like, mhahahaha
20:16 rue_house :)
20:17 RifRaf have been putting off getting an axon controller, but this will get me used to the chip
20:18 RifRaf anyway more seriously, can you write to sdcard rue and retrieve data easy?
20:18 RifRaf i still wanna use this small mega328
20:19 RifRaf have have 20% room left in mega328 if i don't include fat support
20:19 RifRaf for more code
20:44 RifRaf rue_house, http://imagebin.org/251186
20:46 rue_house heh
20:47 RifRaf the sdcard plugs in to the isp, but forgot it in pic
20:49 RifRaf but ya can see the small 50A sensor, and me home made one
21:05 rue_house yup
22:16 theBear ahhahahaaa !~ i finally found it ! the stupid buzzing in my bedroom is the stupid ccfl inverter before it warms up ! stupid non filiament bulbs
22:41 GargantuaSauce i have one that makes a little scream noise when i turn it on
22:41 GargantuaSauce did that from day one
22:49 RifRaf mega2560 working :) ooh the possibilities
22:50 RifRaf just blink leds but all setup for projects thanks to me java board setup util eh rue_house
22:53 RifRaf http://imagebin.org/251198