#robotics Logs

Mar 16 2013

#robotics Calendar

08:40 Tom_itx rue_house fix tobbor
08:57 theBear Tom_itx, does he even have testicles ? <grin>
11:07 rue_house !time
11:07 rue_house !time
11:08 rue_house damn even a 10 min cycle isn't enough
11:09 rue_house lets try that
11:10 rue_house !time
11:10 tobbor My watch says its 08:58AM Sat Mar 16 2013
11:16 Tom_itx wtf is wrong with it?
11:20 Tom_itx rue_house, fix yer bot
11:23 rue_house I think the network switch has a problem I'm still working on it
11:23 rue_house !time
11:23 rue_house wtf just restarted too
17:14 MrCurious OWI arm gear motor successfuly fitted with a pair of magnets and a hall effect sensor :)
17:24 irkp Hello. I'm looking at a circuit board from an answering machine, and there is a component that I don't recognize. It is a chip with four pins, each labeled A, C, K, or E on the board. The component number on the board is prefixed with a 'PH'. Does anyone know what this is?
17:25 Tom_itx some type of opto
17:25 irkp Okay. That makes sense. Thanks!
17:28 Guest38939 irkp: A = Anode, C = Cathode, E = Emitter, K = Collector in german most likely.
17:28 Guest38939 (kollektor)
17:29 Guest38939 Otherwise I don't know why you'd use K in English.
17:30 Guest38939 theBear: are you still sleeping?
17:30 irkp Guest
17:31 irkp Guest38939: I think C would be the collector and K would be the cathode. That makes the most sense, looking at the circuit.
17:31 Guest38939 no it doesn't
17:32 Guest38939 on both ends you'd have resistors anyway
17:32 irkp Guest38939: Also a transistor's pins are represented by C, B, and E, for collector, base, and emitter.
17:32 Guest38939 irkp: don't school me, in german is with K
17:32 Guest38939 and there's no Base on a fucking opto
17:32 Guest38939 it's open to the optical path
17:33 est38939 gives up with IRC altoge
17:33 Guest38939 ungrateful cunts
17:33 Guest38939 fuck it, freenode is full of shitheads.
17:33 Guest38939 a stagnant piece of shit of a network that couldn't adapt to the new century.
17:40 rue_house ?
17:41 rue_house he's wrong, some optos do bring out the base
17:41 SorcererX http://irc.netsplit.de/tmp/networks/history_freenode_uc.png doesn't look very stagnant to me :P
17:41 rue_house I think it was flyback
17:49 Guest38939 rue_house: he didn't have a 4N25 or similar whatsoever, he tried to school me on BJT nomenclature.
17:50 Guest38939 that's the kind of shit that happens when you bring it all down to kinder level, that's not the way teaching should be done. you enable and that's what you get.
17:51 rue_house your still here
17:51 rue_house why are you here?
17:51 Guest38939 Don't you live in a country where English is the primary language?
17:52 rue_house french are pretty arrogant, pretty sure they would say its the primary language of canada
17:53 Guest38939 To answer your vague question, I'm here because there are at least a couple individuals I like.
17:55 rue_house well your definitly our new troll, tho your not as bad as flyback or pepsi on a bad day
17:55 Guest38939 rue_house: I'm GuShH, not trying to hide with this nick, it's just I upgraded the client and lost the settings, didn't care to set it all up, and quite frankly tired of all the arrogant dipshits in this network, hence why I'm acting like one.
17:56 rue_house well if your not polite me or tom will kick you out
17:56 SorcererX well, if you are going to be in a channel where people use English, you shouldn't be surprised when you get corrected for using German terms
17:57 rue_house C E is on the transistor and A K is on the LED
17:57 rue_house I dont know of an led where the cathode is marked with a C
17:57 Guest38939 rue_house: you think I care if I'm "kicked out" of a putrid channel?
17:58 rue_house Guest38939, you want me to show you how many times flyback has said that?
17:58 Guest38939 flyback cares, hence why he comes back
17:58 rue_house I dont care if you care if you get kicked out, my interest is in maintaining the quality of the channel content
17:59 rue_house even if 90% of it is whitespace
17:59 rue_house :)
17:59 Guest38939 there is no quality and no content
17:59 Guest38939 it's you using it as a twitter account
17:59 rue_house there, is, you never notice it
17:59 Guest38939 and random arduino boys asking shitty kinder questions
17:59 rue_house noobs are allowed to ask questions too
18:00 Guest38939 that's not quality content.
18:00 rue_house nobodys gonna go to university for 10 years to learn how to make an avr flashing led that works the first time
18:00 Guest38939 if you need 10 years of uni for that you are medically retarded.
18:01 rue_house you sound like danfredricksen too
18:01 SorcererX rue_house: you could also have a PhD in some random engineering discipline and still not know how to make an AVR flashing led that works the first time :P
18:01 Guest38939 I already told you why the arrogance.
18:02 Guest38939 rue_house: on the other hand Dan is not a bad person
18:02 Guest38939 So sounding like XYZ is not an insult
18:03 rue_house SorcererX, there are two ends to the spectrum, its hard to know about everything your doing when you want to make a project when just starting out, wanting to make an avr flash an led is more than fairly enough started by knowing you need to use a 1k resistor for the led, and not knowing why
18:03 Guest38939 That didn't make much sense outside of your head
18:03 rue_house but we banned danf, he never built anything and pissed on everyones work
18:04 Guest38939 Digital and Analog are two different realms
18:04 rue_house what IS the last project you made?
18:06 rue_house I didn't say when, I said what
18:06 Guest38939 rue_house: nobody has to answer to you
18:06 Guest38939 And you don't have to pretend you know what somebody is about to write either.
18:06 Guest38939 It makes you sound paranoid.
18:07 rue_house of course not, dosn't look good when someone wont answer "how long has it been since you killed someone"
18:07 Guest38939 One thing is for sure, I don't make inefficient sketchy rusty sculptures...
18:08 Guest38939 For art is non functional.
18:08 rue_house are you like danf? never built anything because the materials and tools available in the world are not up to your spec?
18:09 Guest38939 Wasn't he testing out some electric motors and drivers?
18:09 rue_house they werent good enough
18:09 Guest38939 He's into electric cars.
18:09 rue_house he only drew them
18:09 Guest38939 That's different
18:09 Guest38939 No I'm not like that.
18:10 rue_house but you havn't ever made anything...
18:10 rue_house KA2284, wonder what that is...
18:10 Guest38939 Anything as inefficient as the things you've made, no.
18:10 Guest38939 You see, one has to admire your passion but at the same time, it's sad. You take wrong turns on every corner.
18:11 rue_house so your saying, among other things, that its better to not make anything than to make something even slightly not production quality
18:11 Guest38939 Everything you build is either ineficcient or not practical. To my eyes, that's equal to nothing.
18:11 Guest38939 Production quality has nothing to do with usability of something
18:11 Guest38939 Or how efficient it is. Since production devices are often not efficient
18:11 Guest38939 They're only efficient in the sense of manufacturing costs.
18:12 rue_house oh its a vu meter
18:12 Guest38939 a "vu" meter or a vu meter
18:14 rue_house hmm
18:14 Guest38939 You know, proper audio response or not
18:14 Guest38939 real or faked
18:14 rue_house I dont think they really have enough detail in the datasheet
18:14 rue_house they give db levels for the leds, but dont say when what triggers
18:15 rue_house oh no there we go
18:15 rue_house no thats d
18:15 rue_house b
18:16 rue_house -10db -5db 0db 3db 6db
18:16 rue_house why go much above 0 tho...
18:17 rue_house not worth $1 from ebay, I have a buch of lm.... 14... 9.... 2914?
18:18 rue_house and 15 and 16
18:18 rue_house 3915!
18:18 rue_house I was close
18:22 rue_house !time
18:22 tobbor My watch says its 04:10PM Sat Mar 16 2013
18:58 gault rue are you there?
19:20 Guest38939 gault: he went out to try out his iron-rue suit
19:20 gault ty
19:20 Guest38939 turns out he's having some issues with the laptop strapped to his arse, it keeps crashing.
19:32 rue_house gault, whats up
19:32 gault hello you were trying to get ahold of me
19:33 gault that email my parents relayed to me didn't seem to find your mail box
19:41 Guest38939 rue_house: thoughts on slight clunking noise on a bicylindrical 250cc 4 stroke? aside from valves.
19:42 Guest38939 it only appears on the lower rpm end, which is why I assumed valve clearange, but if that's out of the question then I wonder what it could be
19:42 Guest38939 CDI perhaps
19:42 Guest38939 clearance*
19:42 Guest38939 waiting on the owner to tell me if it happens only when it's cold. I refuse to waste my money.
19:43 rue_house does it get a lot ouder if you load it?
19:43 Guest38939 I think he tested it unloaded, so gearbox was out of the equation too
19:44 Guest38939 as was the transmission
19:44 Guest38939 sometimes if the chain is not properly adjusted you'll get a similar sound
19:44 Guest38939 but if it comes from the engine, I'd say valves.
19:44 Guest38939 it could be worse, like play in a conrod or bearing
19:45 Guest38939 what do you call the rubber dampers that go in the rear wheel hub? the ones that dampen the chain as the gearbox changes the output ratio
19:46 Guest38939 those too will cause vibrations and clunking noises, as could a rusty bearing on either wheel. I wonder if this guy isn't just plain deaf.
19:46 Guest38939 best to put the bike on a bench and get listening.
19:46 Jak_o_Shadows Just had a whipper-snipper break: The engine broke off the shaft. A dead easy fix, if you have the part. I don't, and it would cost as much as a new one probably
19:47 Guest38939 Jak_o_Shadows: ouch.
19:47 Guest38939 near the clutch?
19:47 Guest38939 a dead used one could be even cheaper, if you don't mind making 1 out of the 2
19:47 Guest38939 dead whipper snipper = scorred cylinder / piston (90% of the time that's it)
19:47 Jak_o_Shadows The whole engine just broke off the top of it. You can see the hole for where the square shaft fits in.
19:47 Guest38939 pics?
19:48 Jak_o_Shadows Nah, it's outside, and i'm inside. But I won't bin it, I have an older whipper snipper that won't start which i'm gonig to try and fix in a few weeks
19:48 Guest38939 put the carb of the dead one on the old one
19:49 Guest38939 most starting issues on these tiny 2 strokes are carb related (dry/crumbled diagraghm or dirty filter, jets)
19:49 Guest38939 mine is just a sthil copy...
19:49 Guest38939 I bought a dead one for spares because I know I'll need 'em eventually
19:50 Guest38939 the ignition alone costs as much as half the unit
19:50 Guest38939 clutch + ignition = buy a new one instead
19:50 Guest38939 carb is just as expensive...
19:50 Guest38939 silly.
19:51 Jak_o_Shadows I think it would still start, it's just the linkage to the cutting head that's broken. (It would start, providing the engines don't need a load)
19:52 Guest38939 the flywheel takes care of the minimum required load to sustain the combustion cycle
19:52 Guest38939 and it also provides cooling, and ignition, and timing.
19:52 Guest38939 cool beans.
19:52 Guest38939 I wanted to modify the spare engine but the top end is scorred.
19:53 Guest38939 it makes no sense to buy spares.
19:53 est38939 has a thing for small gas eng
20:22 Guest38939 http://laredmcorrexlasvenas.files.wordpress.com/2013/01/wpid-tumblr_mfqeol1czw1qdlh1io1_r1_250.gif?w=640
20:30 Tom_itx Guest38939 do we know you?
20:30 Tom_itx is it a 2 stroke?
20:30 rue_house its gush
20:31 Tom_itx don't they have rotary valves?
20:53 Guest38939 Tom_itx: the one with the knock? it's a 4 stroke, a ninja 250 bike.
20:53 Guest38939 as per the small 2 stroke on garden tools, they have reed valves in the carb itself
20:54 Guest38939 they only require an impulse line from the engine, the crank vacuum is what actuates the diaphragm which in turn with the valves form a pump
20:59 Guest38939 found a picture of flyback's desk http://laredmcorrexlasvenas.files.wordpress.com/2012/12/wpid-picsart_1355194539867.jpg
21:07 rue_shop2 you ARE flyback!
21:08 rue_shop2 I feel for the landlord
21:08 rue_shop2 even tho its his mother
21:08 rue_shop2 ok, genorator works, whats next
21:11 rue_shop2 8-| I have 12 monitors in the livingroom to test
21:24 Guest38939 I'm not flyback dammit
21:42 rue_shop2 yay! I repaired the knurling tool
21:49 Tom_itx prove it
22:00 Guest38939 I want a knurled banana
22:31 rue_shop2 Tom_itx, images later, made a new pin
22:31 rue_shop2 I dont want ot go in the house, the roomate spilled his bong and tried to fix it by pouring mr clean on it
22:32 rue_shop2 that said, i just tipped over 100ml of alcohol in the shop
22:32 e_shop2 c
22:54 rue_shop2 I need to make a setup for measuring the power output of motors
22:55 rue_shop2 recom I can do this with a pmdc