#robotics Logs

Mar 04 2013

#robotics Calendar

00:03 MrCurious then i skinned a toy dog to see if it wanted to be made into a robot
00:06 Jak_o_Shadows and did it?
00:12 MrCurious no
00:12 MrCurious full of mechanicals that are puzzling at first blush
00:12 MrCurious may rip em out and go with servo's
00:22 RifRaf rue_house well i was away
00:26 rue_house aha!
00:26 rue_house its your fault then!
00:27 RifRaf yeah well i enrolled in a uni course, that one someone found the lectures for a week or so back
00:28 RifRaf but dunno if i can fo it, never done much calculus
00:32 RifRaf on both my nanoduios the usb connector has come off, so be careful if you have one
00:33 rue_house !seen thejester
00:33 tobbor I have never seen thejester
00:33 RifRaf and tryed to resolder it but have bridges somewhere
00:33 rue_house yes you have you crazy robot
00:33 rue_house !seen the_jester
00:33 tobbor the_jester was last seen in #robotics on Jan 20 14:48 2013
09:05 rue_house well, I got a bit more work done on the new arm
09:05 rue_house should have worked on the reprap
09:05 Tom_itx so much to do
09:05 Tom_itx so little time
13:08 delinquentme bearings which allow two planes to slide along one another?
13:09 RifRaf linear?
13:10 delinquentme nah say like in a circular motion
13:10 delinquentme I've seen really big ones used for earth quakes in buildings
13:11 delinquentme spherical sliding bearing
13:22 theBear oh, umm, like a 45degree ball ?
13:22 theBear jeez, he's patient
14:00 ckkitten slides around theB
14:21 eBear shim
15:38 MrCurious_ anyone with 0mq skills here?
15:39 MrCurious_ trying to work out which pattern would be best for streaming data from a bot to a base. pub-sub, or another pattern
16:05 Hukka For one source and one sink, any kind of messaging queue system seems like humongous overkill
22:10 MrCurious_ ITS A TRAP!
22:49 rue_house this rice tastes pretty plain, I should have thrown in some tofu
22:50 orlok tofu is not the solution to bland
22:50 orlok tofu is the PROBLEM.
22:50 orlok Got my workshop to the point where i can fit a chain at the desk, yay!
22:50 orlok chair
22:50 orlok chair at the desk
22:50 rue_house MrCurious_, dont use mjpeg
22:51 GargantuaSauce i too find bondage exceedingly conducive to a productive workday
22:51 orlok works outsourcing everything to india :-(
22:51 orlok well, not outsourcing. started a subsiduary over there
22:51 orlok hired an indian CTO
22:51 orlok they are all useless :-((
22:52 GargantuaSauce racist!!!1
22:54 orlok GargantuaSauce: Nah, i woudlent care if they were compitent. The local people (bangladeshi, russian, indian, chinese) that were fired were all very compitent, but cos too much