#robotics Logs

Mar 01 2013

#robotics Calendar

00:00 rue_bed to keep it from getting going so fast it misses its target
00:01 rue_bed still following ok?
00:01 RifRaf yes
00:01 rue_bed what do you want to use hte pid with?
00:02 RifRaf dc servos
00:02 RifRaf like DC motors with pot feedback, but normal servos to start with
00:02 RifRaf to make arm work smoother
00:05 rue_bed wiper motor servos maybe?
00:05 rue_bed almost no point with the hobby servos they already have position control in them
00:07 RifRaf rue_bed big dc motors with gearheads, moving joints in the bigger arm i wanna make
00:07 rue_bed k
00:07 RifRaf have collected a few already for use
00:08 rue_bed do you remember the P servo we did way back?
00:08 RifRaf yes
00:10 rue_bed hmm, do you have a motor driver for any of the motors you have?
00:11 RifRaf yep for all of em
00:12 RifRaf from 1A to 200A drivers
00:14 RifRaf ok got 2 x 200rpm 12V motors ready, and 2 x IMS-1 50A drivers that i have used with pwm from avr already
00:15 RifRaf and some of these modules http://www.wayengineer.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&products_id=1066
00:15 RifRaf no encoder wheels yet though
00:16 RifRaf was gonna make some gears with black delrin and machine slots into them
00:16 RifRaf cause i still need more gears after the motors gearhead to get enough reduction and more torque
00:20 RifRaf am away for weekend though, gotta go party and see kif
00:22 RifRaf broke me little toe yesterday which is a pain but can drive ok with me steelcaps on
01:14 RifRaf made a colour sensor test station with an rgb led setup, the nunbers are starting to make some sence
01:20 RifRaf red makes some weird numbers appear, the code much have an issue with red i think
04:38 ocei3ko Hello
04:39 Jak_o_Shadows hi
04:42 RifRaf ohio
04:52 ocei3ko So, ordered a 633 piece 'lectronics kit
04:52 ocei3ko Nice... nice nice...
04:52 ocei3ko http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Electronic-Components-Starter-Kit-huge-633-piece-kit-/190712040817?pt=UK_BOI_Electrical_Components_Supplies_ET&hash=item2c6752cd71#shId
04:52 ocei3ko Seems easier than buying everything seperate
04:53 ocei3ko Think I should also get an arduino to go with it?
04:56 ocei3ko Heh, will see
04:57 ocei3ko brb
05:04 RifRaf shame that 500 of the bits are just resistors
06:00 ocei3ko o/
06:00 ocei3ko back
06:33 ocei3ko What is everyone working on lately?
07:06 ocei3ko Was thinking of ideas for projects
08:34 rue_bed arms and code
08:36 SorcererX Stereo Vision for my robot, but I suck at mechanics
08:56 rue_house thats what you shoudl work on then
09:03 rue_house hmm that kit has the small breadboard
13:10 ocei3ko Hello
13:11 RifRaf morning
13:11 Tom_itx PM
13:13 ocei3ko How is everyone?
13:14 RifRaf hung over to the max
13:14 ocei3ko :<
13:14 ocei3ko Need some ideas for 'lectronics projects
13:14 RifRaf and now have to go drive for 5 hours
13:14 RifRaf blink a led, make a robot
13:14 ocei3ko Escalated quickly
13:15 ocei3ko Was thinking of making a bot but I need god-tier knowledge for that.
13:15 ocei3ko Just waiting for parts to play around with to turn up.
13:16 RifRaf make motors turn and do what you want, hook a few servos up together
13:16 ocei3ko Think I'll just go with making everything in the textbooks for now
13:16 RifRaf make one of these http://imagebin.org/248530
13:17 RifRaf thats what i did yesterday
13:17 ocei3ko Was thinking of a quadcopter that shoots lasers.
13:19 RifRaf k good luck with that, gotta start driving here
13:25 ocei3ko Hows life there Tom_itx ?
13:25 Tom_itx it's got it's ups and downs
13:26 ocei3ko You think I should get an arduino to go with the parts I ordered?
13:27 Tom_itx i don't know what you ordered
13:27 Tom_itx arduino is just an avr on a fancy board
13:27 ocei3ko http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Electronic-Components-Starter-Kit-huge-633-piece-kit-/190712040817?pt=UK_BOI_Electrical_Components_Supplies_ET&hash=item2c6752cd71#shId
13:28 ocei3ko Read list at bottom, seemed like the best starter kit for price
13:29 GargantuaSauce have you programmed before?
13:29 ocei3ko Of course
13:29 GargantuaSauce c?
13:30 ocei3ko If you mean software
13:30 ocei3ko printf("Of course\n");
13:30 ocei3ko Learning perl and python atm though, no point using C for most things
13:31 GargantuaSauce ok don't bother with arduino then
13:31 Tom_itx i'd order a handfull of avr's instead
13:31 Tom_itx since your kit has a breadboard
13:31 ocei3ko Hmm
13:31 Tom_itx and maybe some 16mhz crystals and caps for them
13:31 GargantuaSauce you can get cheaper embedded platforms that are more powerful in several ways
13:31 ocei3ko Need to get a bigger breadboard, thinking 830 points
13:31 Tom_itx you'll need a dozen or more of em
13:31 GargantuaSauce most people in here are avr fans but personally i like to push the stm32 platform
13:32 ocei3ko I like avr. Don't know much about it, but it sounds pretty cool.
13:32 ocei3ko hah jk
13:33 ocei3ko When you say "handful of avrs", you mean literally just anything with avr in the name?
13:34 ocei3ko Not really good with items yet
13:37 GargantuaSauce http://ca.mouser.com/ProductDetail/STMicroelectronics/STM32F4DISCOVERY/?qs=sGAEpiMZZMvFPGEOwQcrY8eCSOyOXcPBXPB8snd5oaY%3d
13:37 GargantuaSauce get that if you want lots of computation power
13:37 GargantuaSauce http://ca.mouser.com/ProductDetail/STMicroelectronics/STM32F0DISCOVERY/?qs=%2fha2pyFadugozBplj2HA6I5SJWdyEV7UjcFqXknA50zpNg0Ehpc7VQ%3d%3d
13:37 GargantuaSauce this if you want to jam it right into a breadboard
13:39 GargantuaSauce you could probably find em for a dollar or two cheaper if you tried also
13:40 ocei3ko hmm
13:42 GargantuaSauce (the former also has an FPU and a ridiculous number of peripheral interfaces)
13:42 ocei3ko Side note: I use linux
13:43 GargantuaSauce good
13:43 GargantuaSauce that makes the build environment a lot easier to create
13:46 ocei3ko I need to go, but will discuss this later
13:46 ocei3ko Bye
15:52 dunz0r Just need to put the "proper" motors on and my curren project can be considered done, two months ahead of due date. Feels good.
15:52 dunz0r http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k4eeyNiKjdU <- with "placeholder" motors
16:10 Mujodo how do you detect the box? what kind of sensor(s)/input(s)?
16:10 Mujodo it's neat :)
16:11 Mujodo does it make the difference between the box and any close object?
16:12 dunz0r Mujodo: It uses IR distance sensors, so nope. Any object that's close will trigger them.
16:13 dunz0r An object which reflects mor IR light( like a white box) will probably trigger more easily than something that doesn't though :)
16:13 Mujodo ok ok
16:13 dunz0r The code isn't quite done yet, need to put on the proper motors before I can start working on that piece.
16:14 Mujodo did you build it for a class, for fun?
16:14 dunz0r Mujodo: For a competition actually. So... fun?:)
16:15 dunz0r It's for the swedish championship in robotics, the minisumo class.
16:16 Mujodo i wish you good performance and a lot of fun :)
16:16 dunz0r Thanks :)
21:11 rgantuaSauce has a pathological habit of using zip ties as a structural ele
21:25 dunz0r Better than hot glue I guess?
21:25 GargantuaSauce ooh good idea
21:25 rgantuaSauce plugs in the glu
21:56 dunz0r I prefer acrylic glass an aluminium, but each to his own I guess :)
21:57 GargantuaSauce i wish i had the tools/workspace to work with that sort of thing
21:59 dunz0r GargantuaSauce: You do. I just got a hacksaw, files and a lighter for bending the acrylic glass.
22:00 rue_house 3 robots take up about 60% of the space in my shop, the rest is taken up by another 4
22:00 nz0r fortunately builds quite small rob
22:00 dunz0r The biggest one so far is just 50cm x 30cm