#robotics Logs

Feb 24 2013

#robotics Calendar

01:00 zhanx so...
01:00 zhanx challenge me to make a peice of tech that don't exist
01:00 GargantuaSauce self-cleaning teledildonics apparatus
01:01 zhanx ewwwwwwwww
01:01 GargantuaSauce you're just afraid of progress
01:01 zhanx lol
01:07 ace4016 lol
01:12 wizrobe lol
12:40 rue_bed the video streamer on the rov has a 2 second delay
12:41 rue_bed I can PROBABLY to image grabbing faster than that
12:42 GargantuaSauce tell me about your video pipeline
12:43 rue_bed I'm using... a webcam.... and ... its not camserv, its...
12:44 rue_bed mjpeg stream
12:44 GargantuaSauce oh yeah ok
12:44 rue_bed and revieving on a tablet with webbrowser
12:44 GargantuaSauce you are going to have trouble decreasing the latency much if you're using a usb webcam and a pc to encode
12:45 rue_bed I got a usb video cap device, but they load the firmware via windows drivers
12:45 rue_bed :/
12:45 GargantuaSauce that won't be any better
12:46 rue_bed I have a pci slot, maybe I should put out another $20 for a pci video cap device...
12:46 rue_bed no?
12:46 rue_bed how about if I do usb-over-ethernet
12:46 rue_bed oh, no that limits me to a pc on the other side
12:46 rue_bed hmm
12:46 GargantuaSauce i think you probably want to go in a more embedded direction
12:46 rue_bed it takes the pc 2 seconds to capture and encode the image?
12:46 GargantuaSauce or at least get usb out of the equation
12:47 rue_bed I cant find a composite to ethernet box for less than $1000
12:47 rue_bed there are recorders, but not streamers
12:48 GargantuaSauce i've had fairly low latency with DV capture and streaming using vlc
12:48 rue_bed no gui on the machine
12:48 GargantuaSauce that requires a firewire port though
12:48 GargantuaSauce thats fine, vlc has a big cli
12:48 rue_bed oh I have a firewire card
12:49 GargantuaSauce (and a camcorder with dv out)
12:49 rue_bed composite to firewire?
12:49 GargantuaSauce nope.avi
12:49 rue_bed hmm
12:50 GargantuaSauce even dedicated encoding/streaming boxes i've seen for professional/industrial environments add at least half a second of latency
12:50 rue_bed mjpeg-streamer is what I'm using
12:50 GargantuaSauce what type of stream is it
12:51 rue_bed wow, society just dosn't care about latency, its all about bandwidth
12:51 GargantuaSauce you might get a little less latency with a udp multicast or unicast instead of tcp
12:51 GargantuaSauce yes
12:51 rue_bed its tcp
12:51 rue_bed can I pick up a udp stream on a webbrowser?
12:52 GargantuaSauce probably not
12:52 GargantuaSauce vlc is your go-to swiss army knife software for this sort of thing :P
12:52 rue_bed so your saying that most of the latency is getting the image transfered out of the camera
12:53 GargantuaSauce likely but not certainly
12:53 GargantuaSauce there'll be a good chunk of time added at each step of the process really
12:54 GargantuaSauce realtime video is kind of hard to do
12:54 GargantuaSauce personally i'm looking to do this sort of thing as well and i am not going to touch usb video devices
12:55 rue_bed yes, but vlc uses ffmpeg, and nobody seems to know how anything works when I'm looking for tech support, all the webpages on anything to do with command line options for mplayer or vlc are always useless, because they annually change the format
12:56 GargantuaSauce i didn't say it would be easy :P
12:57 GargantuaSauce it's just super versatile
12:57 rue_bed you know what confuses me, a webcam played locally is fine, no significant delay, usb is ~1mb/sec ethernet is ~10mb/sec, is jpeg really that heavy to encode?
12:57 rue_bed there must be a stream format thats largely uncompressed
12:57 MrCurious what messaging protocol you using? amqp? 0mq?
12:57 GargantuaSauce it's mostly the fact that each step is asynchronous
12:57 rue_bed what comes out of a webcam uvc?
12:58 GargantuaSauce there's a buffer each step along the way and everything is waiting on everything else to push its shit through the pipeline
12:58 rue_bed that would explain the buffer delays
12:58 rue_bed 2 seconds is a LOT of video buffer
12:58 rue_bed MrCurious, I'm using mjpeg
12:58 GargantuaSauce yeah and i'm sure the client has a nice long buffer of its own
12:59 rue_bed hmm, maybe I should try it over the wire to a pc, see if the latency is different
12:59 GargantuaSauce because the web browser's video player is not designed for real time video, it's for fetching porn from a remote server
12:59 rue_bed hah
12:59 MrCurious thats just a stream of jpeg right? so raw tcp sockets to transport it to the next computer?
12:59 rue_bed yea
12:59 rue_bed trying to drive over ethernet
13:00 MrCurious pretending your on mars?
13:00 MrCurious (the lag)
13:00 rue_bed preferably without writing my own apps
13:00 rue_bed MrCurious, 2 seconds out of the box
13:01 MrCurious have you googled "optimizing latency for live video"
13:01 GargantuaSauce i've written software that uses ffmpeg and it is (relatively) ok to work with
13:01 rue_bed for serverside?
13:01 MrCurious sry, my troll hat slipped on a bit there
13:01 rue_bed MrCurious, no
13:01 GargantuaSauce it made me less angry than directshow, at least
13:02 MrCurious doesnt VLC have a streaming facility. have you tried using that for both sides?
13:02 GargantuaSauce anyway as i said ideally you'd probably want to take a PC running a non-rtos out of the equation and go in the embedded direction
13:02 rue_bed sdl is neither simple, or direct
13:02 GargantuaSauce my plan is to use these http://workman-industries.net/images/MT9D112.jpg with the camera interface of the stm32f4 or potentially an allwinner SoC
13:03 rue_bed MrCurious, nobody can tell me help me resolve the command line option to get vlc to stream a webcam
13:03 GargantuaSauce do it with the ui first
13:03 rue_bed the machine dosn't have one
13:03 rue_bed too much overhead
13:03 GargantuaSauce so try it on your pc first
13:04 rue_bed I know I can stream from a gui, that dosn't help
13:04 GargantuaSauce once you've figured out the vlc options for the configuration you want, doing it in its cli will be much simpler
13:04 MrCurious http://www.linuxtv.org/wiki/index.php/Streaming-V4L
13:05 rue_bed you cant google it, all the results are obsolete, they change the command line format too often in ways that are non-backwards compatible
13:06 MrCurious you know the version, it says "This was done on Debian sid using vlc 0.8.5-svn20060212-0" so just run with that version...
13:06 GargantuaSauce the vlc wiki is fairly up to date
13:06 rue_bed the only people who might know how it works are the ones who wrote it, and from what I can tell, they are for the most part clueless because they just pass everything to ffmpeg
13:06 GargantuaSauce anyway if you're refusing to use vlc i'm sure you'll find a better solution
13:06 GargantuaSauce like writing your own ffmpeg wrapper
13:06 GargantuaSauce have fun
13:06 rue_bed as vlc and mplayer just seem to be ffmpeg wrappers, I'v spent months on this over the years..
13:06 MrCurious use 0mq if you do that. try for udp over tcp
13:07 rue_bed I'm not refusing, I'v given up
13:07 rue_bed we were just saying that a web browser cant pick up on udp
13:07 MrCurious you could throw a $ prize up for it $25 for someone who can show me how to ...
13:07 rue_bed heh
13:08 GargantuaSauce using the web browser is probably half the problem dude
13:08 rue_bed thats more than I budget for a whole robot...
13:08 MrCurious robots arent cheap. imposing cheap on robots results in pain
13:08 rue_bed yes, well I dont want to write a custom app for the tablet I got to control it with
13:08 MrCurious unless you are a grand master
13:08 rue_bed !assist robots/robots2.html
13:08 tobbor Possibly http://eds.dyndns.org/~ircjunk/robots/robots2.html
13:08 rue_bed all $20 projects
13:09 GargantuaSauce are you saying there is no solution for a tablet other than the browser or something you write yourself?
13:09 GargantuaSauce because i bet you're wrong
13:09 GargantuaSauce what is it running
13:09 rue_bed you see, the idea of the browser is that I can see AND control the robot
13:10 rue_bed send the commands from webpage via javascript
13:10 MrCurious uhm doesnt android/ipad have a live video facility. have you considered skype?
13:10 MrCurious to state the obvious
13:10 rue_bed they cant do the javascript to control the robot tho
13:10 GargantuaSauce well I guarantee that the browser's video player is adding a very large portion of the latency you're trying to minimize
13:10 MrCurious use a out of band for that
13:10 rue_bed and I'm not going to doubt it
13:11 MrCurious 2 windows. browser control. skype video
13:11 rue_bed I dont know a tablet os that lets you have the screen shared by two apps at once
13:11 MrCurious samsung lets you do that
13:11 GargantuaSauce omg use skype or google hangouts and do the control on the robot using voice recognition
13:11 GargantuaSauce do it do it
13:11 MrCurious note 2
13:11 rue_bed hah
13:12 rue_bed I think I should simplify the project :)
13:12 GargantuaSauce yes
13:12 rue_bed I'm sure that camserv didn't have that much latency tho
13:13 rue_bed it was a good program, fell out of maintenance
13:13 GargantuaSauce again i guarantee that much of the latency is coming from the tablet's browser
13:13 MrCurious you could convert the video to text based video.... then do it all in a ssh window using ncurses
13:13 rue_bed they keep making changes to gcc that bork old software packages
13:13 GargantuaSauce video players have big buffers by design
13:13 GargantuaSauce they are not made to limit latency
13:13 MrCurious text based video would have low bandwidth requirements
13:13 GargantuaSauce they are designed to do exactly the opposite
13:13 rue_bed well, as pointed out its a usb webcam too
13:13 rue_bed OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooooooo
13:14 rue_bed libascii!
13:14 MrCurious yes
13:14 GargantuaSauce lol
13:14 rue_bed REALLY fine font!
13:14 rue_bed its just a webcam, whats it, 240x320 anyhow?
13:14 rue_bed THAT is an outrageos idea I like
13:15 GargantuaSauce webcams are kind of silly when it comes to resolution
13:15 MrCurious lol
13:15 GargantuaSauce they'll crank out a couple of megapixels if you can tolerate 5fps
13:16 MrCurious use the ps3 eye cam. they are cheap, a very fast sensor, and 60fps @640, and 120fps at 320
13:16 MrCurious best usb cam i have run across and very reasonably prices
13:18 GargantuaSauce anyway now that i know the whole picture of what you're doing the usb video interface is probably the least of your worries
13:19 GargantuaSauce in summary the latency issues are because none of the components are designed for realtime purposes
13:21 rue_bed yea
13:22 GargantuaSauce in any case the best course of action might be to remove yourself from the control loop
13:22 GargantuaSauce you have a high performance computing platform on the robot
13:22 rue_bed 2 seconds of accumulated buffereing at ~10fps?
13:22 GargantuaSauce give it a high degree of autonomy
13:22 rue_bed I'm thinking about ascii
13:23 rue_bed I thnk I can use SDL to grab the webcam images
13:23 GargantuaSauce to the point where you're not part of the control loop, you're instead just giving it commands to follow
13:23 GargantuaSauce sdl doesn't do video capture i don't think?
13:23 rue_bed libaa1 - ascii art library
13:24 rue_bed opencv to grab images?
13:24 GargantuaSauce no
13:24 rue_bed I know there was one that made it not tooo ugly
13:24 GargantuaSauce been down that road, don't do it
13:24 GargantuaSauce opencv has rudimentary capture support but it's not any good
13:24 GargantuaSauce the focus of that library is processing, it's best to use a separate capturing solution
13:24 rue_bed ah, one of the last things I had open was the v4l examples
13:25 rue_bed 4vl -> libaal -> webbrowser
13:25 GargantuaSauce (also iirc its capture support is built into highgui which presumably requires an x server)
13:26 GargantuaSauce yeah that's probably your best bet, though i'm not sure about the last part
13:26 rue_bed I wonder how I can doublebuffer ascii frames in a web browser, maybe the ajax will do it automatically
13:26 GargantuaSauce i doubt ajaxey requests will have much lower latency than the video player
13:26 GargantuaSauce again, using a technology not designed for realtime operation
13:26 rue_bed I think it would, wait for the page to finish before it changes the window content
13:27 GargantuaSauce it would depend solely on how you write it i guess
13:27 rue_bed yea, I dont think there is a means to get sub-1 second timers
13:27 rue_bed I suppose 1fps is just 1 frame away from 2 seconds latency :)
13:27 GargantuaSauce hehe
13:27 home just use ps eye cam
13:27 home and use vlc player to stream?
13:28 GargantuaSauce anyway i think the best bet is to remove yourself from the control loop
13:28 GargantuaSauce so a bit of latency doesn't even matter
13:28 GargantuaSauce then as mentioned earlier you can pretend it's on mars
13:28 rue_bed the idea is to do realtime
13:28 home realtime processing..hmm
13:28 m_itx checks his watch and looks at rue
13:28 GargantuaSauce well you're not going to get that without a fundamental change in what you're doing it with
13:29 rue_bed tho I can see I'd have to make all my own low-latency apps on both sides
13:29 rue_bed agreed
13:29 rue_bed ok, I'm gonna shower, and then try to make an omlet
13:29 rue_bed wish me luck!
13:29 rue_bed ... with the omlet...
13:30 GargantuaSauce good luck with shower and omlette
13:30 GargantuaSauce and squeezing realtime performance out of non-realtime technology :P
13:30 rue_house I'm getting closer...
13:44 Skwint I have a real-time shower!
13:51 Vi0lentEsc Hello Everyone, I have a magical two hours to kill. Whats good?
13:52 GargantuaSauce drugs
13:53 Vi0lentEsc while that maybe be true, I think it would burn more then two hours
13:54 Vi0lentEsc but it would be a lot more fun then this channel at the moment.
13:55 GargantuaSauce the key is to combine the two
13:56 rue_house Vi0lentEsc, build a robot!
13:56 GargantuaSauce the three, in that case
13:56 rue_house one that does the grugs for you!
13:56 Vi0lentEsc that takes more then two hours and I left my micro controller at home.
13:56 rue_house ITS ---> Harrowinn addicct robot!
13:57 rue_house Vi0lentEsc, do you have chewing gum, an elastic band, and 2 paperclips?
13:57 Vi0lentEsc haha we have enough human versions of that to go around.
13:57 rue_house exactly, its something that should be completely taken over by robotics
13:58 Vi0lentEsc I came here to chew bubble gum and build robots but I am all out of bubble gum.
13:58 rue_house well the gum kinda clintches it, you need that to build anything
13:59 rue_house I dont think you can substitute a hair pin
13:59 rue_house tho hair pins can be used to substite almost everything else
13:59 rue_house I have an idea! do you have a printer and a ream of paper?
13:59 Vi0lentEsc and pick locks ... though not as easy as it shows in the movies.
13:59 rue_house and scisors and or a knife
14:00 rue_house unless your like me a take all the tumblers out of the locks
14:00 rue_house (never lose a key)
14:00 rue_house if someone is going to pick it, they will prolly succeed anyhow
14:00 rue_house tumblers -> pointless
14:00 Vi0lentEsc or just kick the damn thing in.
14:01 rue_house I'm always mused when people reinforce their door but not their walls
14:01 rue_house tho I suppose entering via the wall makes more noise
14:02 Vi0lentEsc at the end of the day all security is and illusion.
14:03 rue_house Vi0lentEsc, I was going to say, if you have a printer, ream of paper, and scisors or knife, you could prolly papercraft the gum you need to make a robot, you can find papercraft stuff to make just about anything these days
14:04 rue_house ooo I havn't seen working papercraft logic circuits yet, I... wait, I didn't look...
14:04 Vi0lentEsc the noises of an empty building are strange. you never notice them when everyone is rambling about
14:05 rue_house do you hear voices reffering to Red Rum?
14:05 Vi0lentEsc No, that
14:06 Vi0lentEsc *No, thats just written on the wall in blood.
14:08 rue_house ah, I dont see anything about that in the book, you must be ok
14:18 rue_house Vi0lentEsc, wait, did you wake up this morning on a cold, hard floor, in an empty room?
14:23 rue_house well this is closer to an omlet than my last try
14:24 GargantuaSauce bacon fat is your friend
14:24 rue_house coconut oil
14:25 rue_house damn, I almost got breakfast before lunchtime
14:26 rue_house awe, its rianing
14:26 rue_house inside, projects....inside, projects....
14:27 rue_house BF interperter
14:28 rue_house anyone know what ++++++++++[>+++++++>++++++++++>+++>+<<<<-]>++.>+.+++++++..+++.>++.<<+++++++++++++++.>.+++.------.--------.>+.>.
14:28 rue_house that program does?
14:44 rue_house ++++[>++++<-]>+[<+++++>-]<.
14:44 rue_house ok, thats outputs 0x55
14:44 rue_house (4*4+1)*5
14:56 MrCurious brainfuck?
14:58 GuShH_Lap rue_house: any ideas on working with uneven surfaces? say a 20, 30, 40 even 50 degree incline and not slipping
14:58 GuShH_Lap on a 4 wheel platform
14:58 GuShH_Lap ideally no anchoring points
14:59 GuShH_Lap rocky surface
15:36 rue_house active pressure distribution system
15:36 rue_house int main(void) {
15:36 rue_house bfProg_t program;
15:36 rue_house loadFile(&program, "main.bf") ;
15:36 rue_house run(&program);
15:36 rue_house return 0;
15:36 rue_house }
15:36 rue_house I love it when a library comes togethor
15:37 rue_house MrCurious, yes!
15:37 rue_house sweet, I updated all the pc code for my interperter
15:39 MrCurious you evolving the code genetically?
15:39 MrCurious thats all i can work out BF is useful for
15:44 rue_house I dont think the point of bf is to be usefull
15:44 rue_house its not good for genetic evolution, its non-self modifying
15:44 rue_house I wrote resembler for self-modifying code
15:44 rue_house rezembler?
15:44 rue_house anyhow...
15:48 rue_house resembler:
15:48 rue_house opcodes:
15:48 rue_house 0 NOP
15:48 rue_house 1 IN IN->*X
15:48 rue_house 2 OUT V V->OUT
15:48 rue_house 15 HALT
15:48 rue_house 3 SETX V X = V
15:48 rue_house 4 SUBX V X = X - V
15:48 rue_house 5 TRAX A = X
15:48 rue_house 6 TRXA X = A
15:48 rue_house 7 LDAX A = *X
15:48 rue_house 8 STAX *X = A
15:48 rue_house 9 LDA V A = V
15:48 rue_house 10 SUBA V A = A - V
15:48 rue_house 11 JNZA V jump + V if A != 0
15:48 rue_house 12 JZA V jump + V if A == 0
15:48 rue_house 13 JNZX V jump + V if *X != 0
15:48 rue_house 14 JZX V jump + V if *X == 0
15:51 rue_house /usr/local/bin/avrdude -c stk500v2 -p m8 -P /dev/ttyACM0 -e -B8 -U flash:w:main.hex -U eeprom:w:main_eeprom.hex
15:51 rue_house avrdude -c avrisp2 -P usb -p $(PRG_TARGET) -e -U flash:w:$(PRG).hex
15:52 rue_house avrdude -c avrisp2 -P usb -p atmega32 -e -U eeprom:w:bfmain.raw:r
15:52 rue_house hahah shouldn't have had the -e on there!
15:53 MrCurious a BF to AVR translator?
15:53 rue_house !bookmark bf avr upload: avrdude -c avrisp2 -P usb -p atmega32 -U eeprom:w:bfmain.raw:r
15:53 MrCurious that smells of a masters thesis
15:53 rue_house MrCurious, isn't that just evil?
15:53 rue_house hell no, I'm playing!
15:54 rue_house its so stupid and pointless I just had to do it
15:54 MrCurious well, add in some evolver code, and a small motor platform so teh bots could move, and replicate based on success in motion...
15:54 rue_house besides, I had all the code
15:54 MrCurious and you could have an elegant muse
15:54 MrCurious that could become your master one day
15:57 rue_house ok I flashed it all, but I have to go out to the shop and hook leds up to the avr to see if it worked
15:57 rue_house still in my pajamas
16:01 rue_house cooking lunch
16:01 rue_house !time
16:01 rue_house !time
16:01 rue_house !time
16:01 tobbor My watch says its 01:48PM Sun Feb 24 2013
16:01 rue_house u huh
16:01 MrCurious CA time
16:01 rue_house BC time
16:01 MrCurious 12 minutes till i go and mill aluminum
16:01 MrCurious omni bot aint gonna make itself
16:02 rue_house your not making a toothpick from a 16 lb block, right?
16:02 MrCurious stepper motor mounts from a hollow 2x4 extrusion that can fit over my slightly smaller than 2x2 square extrusion
16:02 MrCurious at least thats the theory
16:02 rue_house cool
16:10 rue_house I took the cats bird as he was walking in the door and he cant figure out where it went
16:16 MrCurious got the acer c7 chromebook for birthday. dual core 1.1ghz celeron with 320g hd, runs linux
16:17 MrCurious had linux on it within an hour of unboxing without making media
16:17 MrCurious thinking it has robot potential
16:18 rue_house :)
16:34 rue_shop2 oooo, is port A output?
16:34 rue_shop2 hahaha it works!!!!
16:34 rue_shop2 hahahahaha
16:41 rue_shop2 +[>,.<]
16:41 rue_shop2 that should test io for me
16:43 rue_shop2 SWEEEEET
16:43 rue_shop2 ok, I can post that to the world tonight
16:44 rue_shop2 haha what fun!
16:48 rue_house so, that items off the todolist..
16:48 rue_house hmm,
16:59 Tom_itx my to do list is growing in the wrong way
17:01 rue_house every item spawns 2 more?
17:02 rue_house like the lineup that keeps getting longer cause the people in it keep having kids?
17:02 Tom_itx seems like it
17:03 Tom_itx washer blew the bearing big time last night
17:03 Tom_itx replumbed for new washer/dryer
17:03 rue_house the same bearing?
17:03 Tom_itx yeah it's a sucky design
17:03 Tom_itx i'll never buy another one of those
17:03 rue_house you prolly coulnd't if you wanted to
17:03 rue_house designs change daily
17:04 Tom_itx i noticed the store stopped carying front loaders
17:04 rue_house they are more interested in having a new product than an improved one
17:04 Tom_itx i think the new one has a F&P style motor in it
17:04 Tom_itx direct drive
17:04 Jak_o_Shadows Never understood the fuss about front-loaders. You can't load stuff in half done, you gotta plan your washing more
17:05 rue_house like all the machines in australlia everyone is making windmills from
17:05 Tom_itx yep
18:11 MrCurious aluminum has been cut! 1/2 done
18:12 MrCurious my mill does not like the step drill
18:14 MrCurious 90k pings to my odroid and only 4 were lost :)
18:42 rue_shop2 yay! I finished the new die handle!
18:42 rue_shop2 wtf is with tobbor
18:44 rue_shop2 !time
18:44 tobbor My watch says its 04:31PM Sun Feb 24 2013
18:44 rue_shop2 !time
18:44 tobbor My watch says its 04:31PM Sun Feb 24 2013
19:09 rue_house *please note that sync() is a synchronous function, it cannot be operated asynchronously.
19:15 GuShH_Lap I wonder if rue_house isn't flyback, sometimes it feels that way specially with the histerical laughter!
19:45 GargantuaSauce that would be so canucked
20:20 RifRaf damn missed horar
20:21 GargantuaSauce hey RifRaf your stabilizey platform thing motivated me to finally get around to interfacing with my imu
20:22 RifRaf GargantuaSauce cool, mission accomplised
20:22 RifRaf have got the gforc e meter working ok now, logs data for days at a time
20:23 RifRaf Tom_itx you still having a play with project designer?
20:24 RifRaf i exported a project this morn, wanna see if you or anyone can import it ok
20:24 RifRaf should have code board files ect in the export
20:25 RifRaf GargantuaSauce Inertial measurement unit?
20:25 GargantuaSauce yeah
20:25 RifRaf nice, so is like several accels?
20:26 ace4016 plus some computing iirc
20:26 GargantuaSauce ADXL345 + L3G4200D + HMC5883L
20:26 GargantuaSauce accelerometer, gyro, magnetometer
20:27 GargantuaSauce gotta do some filtering+integration and then i'll have a reasonably accurate measure of orientation and velocity
20:27 RifRaf nice, have a gyro on the way, and maybe a magnetometer, anctuallu a little board with all three, so i will have an imu
20:27 RifRaf cool
20:28 RifRaf but i'll get used to each sensor by itself before mixing them up, still learning more about the adxl345
20:29 RifRaf set it to measure upto 8G this morning
20:32 RifRaf heh i was wondering how strong the adxl345 is since it can measure 16G, shockproof to 10000G :/
20:32 GargantuaSauce heh
20:32 GargantuaSauce yeah the board/solder joints will fail way before that
20:33 GargantuaSauce these MEMS sensors are so ridiculously amazing
20:34 Jak_o_Shadows1 When are you going to want 10000G resistance? If you plan on crashing it into objects, surely's there's a better way.
20:36 GargantuaSauce so you can mount it to a bullet and fire it from a rifle
20:47 Jak_o_Shadows1 I refuse to accept that
20:56 GargantuaSauce mount them to the fragmentation casing sections of a grenade
20:57 GargantuaSauce mount them to the thrust plate of a project orion drive
21:40 eadthem Well if the whole board weighs 4 ounces
21:41 eadthem that would be 2500 Pounds of force
21:41 theBear we making long distance missiles today ?
21:41 eadthem i do beleve fully potted in a hard epoxy it might survive that
23:12 Jak_o_Shadows1 well, the problem with long distance missiles is the government doesn't like you making them.
23:29 MrCurious turn it upside down, and describe it as a roman candle
23:35 eadthem Ya just make a huge tube in a U shape so you can still launch