#robotics Logs

Feb 19 2013

#robotics Calendar

03:11 GuShH_Lap RifRaf: talking to yourself again?
03:14 RifRaf GuShH_Lap yep
03:14 Skwint talking to yourself is a very underrated technique
03:14 RifRaf but also stating a fact\
03:14 RifRaf that some others may find useful
03:14 GuShH_Lap Hmmmm
03:15 RifRaf so GuShH_Lap have you used sd cards and avrs?
03:15 GuShH_Lap RifRaf: basic design
03:15 GuShH_Lap I've done raw sd on msp430
03:15 GuShH_Lap not fat
03:15 GuShH_Lap because I didn't have space for it
03:15 RifRaf ok, i am using fat so i can read on pc as well to look at data easy
03:15 GuShH_Lap got better mcus now, I should try that again
03:16 RifRaf yes it does chew up alot of room eh, i guess thats why the code jumped so big
03:16 RifRaf am at 74% use on mega328p
03:17 RifRaf will accell, some buttons a nd leds, and sdcard reader in fat mode, and lcd
03:17 RifRaf with*
03:17 RifRaf am ready to try write data now, all easy is working fine
03:17 GuShH_Lap you can read raw on PC too, just not as comfy
03:18 GuShH_Lap The idea when you use raw is to use it as an intermediary buffer
03:18 RifRaf yeah remember doing it on linux years ago
03:18 GuShH_Lap For example sampling data (logging) and then transferring it through serial
03:18 GuShH_Lap so no need to access the sd
03:18 RifRaf yep saw that technique mentions in the docs
03:18 GuShH_Lap works great for lots of applications
03:18 GuShH_Lap mine was datalogging....
03:18 GuShH_Lap crap, it's raining
03:18 RifRaf ok cool, i am just datalogging the accel to sdcard
03:19 RifRaf has been raining for days again here
03:19 RifRaf another flood this weekend predicted
03:19 RifRaf gives me an excuse to have not mowed lawn though
03:19 GuShH_Lap I've been doing some roof repairs myself, few days ago I was ready to go up when I got stung by some angry black looking bees
03:19 GuShH_Lap hurt like hell.
03:20 GuShH_Lap the sad part is, I couldn't get away fast because I was tied in two places with the harness
03:20 GuShH_Lap :(
03:20 RifRaf GuShH_Lap i have formatted these 2 cards with an sd formatter on pc, and they have 4096 and 32k clusters
03:20 ShH_Lap is a diy
03:20 RifRaf wow bees that be bad if you are sensitive to them
03:20 GuShH_Lap they're not bees, I don't know what they are
03:20 GuShH_Lap bigger than bees, all black
03:21 GuShH_Lap just by looking at them they shouldn't be flying! way too big
03:21 RifRaf dunno wat you have there, we have some mean insects here too
03:21 GuShH_Lap these love to dig into wood
03:21 GuShH_Lap I need to get some strong stuff to kill 'em all
03:21 GuShH_Lap It's personal now!
03:21 dioxide wood wasps?
03:22 RifRaf managed to get x and y values displayed, and 2 bargraphs on single line of 16x2 lcd :)
03:22 GuShH_Lap they're not wasps though
03:22 GuShH_Lap wasps are thin
03:22 GuShH_Lap I have those too, destroyed a nest the other day
03:22 RifRaf have other now for debugging this sd card
03:22 dioxide the only fat flying black bugs that sting i know of are bumble bees
03:23 dioxide http://fireflyforest.net/images/firefly/2006/March/Carpenter-bee-1.jpg
03:23 dioxide i guess its not a bumblebee.
03:23 dioxide hate those things
03:23 RifRaf yeah bumble bees came to mind but they are not real dangerous
03:24 GuShH_Lap dioxide: hurt like hell
03:24 GuShH_Lap these were hairy, all fluffy
03:24 RifRaf we have bush bees that are like that, another type of native bee
03:25 GuShH_Lap I typically let insects be
03:25 RifRaf and not a small wasp?
03:25 GuShH_Lap until they mess with the house or me personally.
03:25 GuShH_Lap they're thumb sized
03:25 RifRaf yep if you respect them the leave you alone i find
03:25 RifRaf i don't go killing spiders and stuff
03:26 GuShH_Lap if they're the bad kind and they're inside I murder them all
03:26 GuShH_Lap I let the daddy longlegs live but they don't really hunt that many mosquitoes and such
03:26 GuShH_Lap it's all a lie! and they make a mess, so they've been blacklisted.
03:27 RifRaf yeah things like redbacks and stuff in the house are not really acceptable
03:27 RifRaf yep spiders catch many insects here
03:27 RifRaf and the wasps use the spiders
03:28 RifRaf they put a spider in each little capsule they make to incubate in
03:28 RifRaf is pretty cool, even the wasps leave me alone cause i don't try attach them, or else they would try
03:29 RifRaf ok so gotta see if this accel goes past 1g
03:29 RifRaf the datasheet says 16g :/
03:29 GuShH_Lap at what resolution?
03:29 RifRaf gonna flash led if over 1000mg
03:29 RifRaf 1mg
03:30 RifRaf milli G force
03:30 RifRaf 1/1000
03:30 GuShH_Lap heh Google's doodle
03:31 RifRaf yep 540 years old, has been on me screen all day
03:32 RifRaf but still pretty neat, i did not take the time to look earlier
03:34 theBear we getting some new super-bumblebees here recently.... they're like cartoon bees, big giant stupid things
03:35 theBear from memory they came from nz or somewhere
03:36 GuShH_Lap theBear: felt like getting stuck with rusty needles or barbed wire!
03:36 GuShH_Lap stun
03:36 ShH_Lap needs to get more
03:36 theBear oh, i aint seen anyone get bit yet... scared the crap outta me first time i saw one tho
03:37 theBear hmm, giant and black eh ? sounds like some kinda wasp if it hurt that much
03:37 GuShH_Lap the same one got me twice
03:37 GuShH_Lap angry sluts
03:37 RifRaf most bees cannot sting twice
03:37 GuShH_Lap naturally any flying ball of hair with stingers has to be female.
03:38 RifRaf so likely not a bee
03:38 theBear most wasps can tho
03:38 RifRaf yep
03:38 GuShH_Lap I'll call them flying bitches from now on
03:38 RifRaf heh ok
03:45 GuShH_Lap I hate code bugs.
03:46 theBear better than ones that can make your foot hurt
03:46 RifRaf my coding is a bunch of bugs
03:49 GuShH_Lap theBear: they got me on the chest and a leg :(
03:49 theBear i never seen code do that either
03:49 GuShH_Lap lol
03:49 theBear shitballs... i havin a bad week and i don't like it
03:49 GuShH_Lap welcome to the club
03:50 RifRaf i had a bad day at work for a change if that counts
03:50 GuShH_Lap what's a bad day for RifRaf
03:50 theBear i'd do all kinds of horrible things to be able to work again
03:50 theBear i'd quite happily kill women and children
03:51 RifRaf where i get the shits with people that are stupid above me
03:51 ShH_Lap erases "Leon" as a possible identity of the
03:51 theBear hmm, what's a leon ?
03:51 GuShH_Lap Leon the professional
03:51 GuShH_Lap a movie
03:52 GuShH_Lap He's a hitman and doesn't kill women or children
03:52 theBear hmmm... as a hitman i don't think i'd do a kid
03:52 GuShH_Lap For that kind of pay I'd kill just about anything!
03:52 theBear worth watching ? i'm desperate for any fresh fiction at the moment
03:52 GuShH_Lap There's a young natalie portman in it. Of course it's worth watching
03:53 RifRaf yay i lit 2 leds with the avr
03:53 GuShH_Lap Too bad her parent's didn't let her have the sex scene.
03:53 RifRaf so know they are hooked up ok at least
03:53 theBear i don't know what a natalie protman is
03:53 GuShH_Lap the starwars girl
03:53 GuShH_Lap the one you'd tap
03:53 theBear what, leia ?
03:53 theBear lieutenant uhura ?
03:53 GuShH_Lap padme
03:53 eBear smiles a
03:54 GuShH_Lap wtf her real name is natalie hershlag
03:54 theBear i was pretty drunk that year... i better ask the gmachine
03:54 GuShH_Lap oh born in jerusalem
03:54 GuShH_Lap see, that's something I didn't know.
03:54 theBear wtf ?
03:54 theBear since when did ffox get a opera-esque homepage thing ?
03:55 GuShH_Lap So in the original Leon script she falls in love and has her first time with him, but her parents said "hell no" so they had to edit the whole script.
03:55 theBear mmm, i dunno, maybe when she was younger
03:55 theBear and better with short hair
03:55 GuShH_Lap She was a kid in that movie
03:55 GuShH_Lap not my cup of tea
03:55 RifRaf is this a 3 digit float to 2 decimanl points? X%3.2f
03:55 GuShH_Lap she had short hair in the movie
03:56 theBear hmmm, might have to check it out then
03:56 RifRaf i get Nnan
03:56 RifRaf er Xnan
03:56 GuShH_Lap so cool, someone made a wallpaper! http://www.wallsfeed.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/Leon-The-Professional-Jean-Reno-Natalie-Portman.jpg
03:58 RifRaf GuShH_Lap a float?
03:58 GuShH_Lap my problem is they never made the second one
03:58 RifRaf nm i'll open the C manual
03:58 GuShH_Lap and now natalie is too old.
04:00 RifRaf maybe i need a space
04:02 RifRaf would this give an error id valX and calY was int? rprintf("X%3.2f Y%3.2f ",valX,valY);
04:02 RifRaf excuse the typos please
04:02 RifRaf the paste is my code though
04:03 RifRaf that gives Xnan Ynan and i had numbers before
04:03 theBear this aircon is kicking ass since i cleaned the (filterless) hot radiator
04:04 GuShH_Lap heh, heat exchange ftw
04:06 RifRaf ok so floats cannot be negative maybe?
04:07 fRaf has an
04:07 Skwint floats can be negative
04:07 Skwint dividing them by zero is usually a bad idea?
04:08 Skwint and yes, that would be an error with ints
04:08 RifRaf ok thanks
04:08 Skwint you could rprintf("X%3.2f", float(valX));
04:08 Skwint or (float)valX in oldschool speak
04:09 RifRaf i just made valX a float to see if that helps
04:09 RifRaf and if not will try wat you said
04:09 Skwint one wonders why you want to print an int with 2 decimal points of accuracy?
04:09 Skwint you know it will be .00 ?
04:10 RifRaf yes :(
04:10 fRaf trys to remember what he was trying t
04:11 RifRaf oh yes
04:11 RifRaf i was gonna divide the int by 1000 to get the displayed value in G , no mG
04:12 RifRaf and wanted it to 2 decimal points, the last has no value to me
04:12 RifRaf does that make any sence?
04:13 RifRaf i forgot to divide by 1000 first, will try now
04:16 RifRaf still getting all zeros or nan
04:16 RifRaf grrr
04:21 RifRaf anyone have an idea for me to try? http://pastebin.com/HtB3FPCr
04:24 RifRaf yes
04:25 RifRaf i just had to change valX etc to float
04:25 RifRaf yay back on track
04:27 RifRaf this is the working code, feel free once again to tell me if things could be better
04:27 RifRaf http://pastebin.com/46DxbeTd
04:28 RifRaf heh forgot to take the comments out that say its not working
04:28 GuShH_Lap why use printf?
04:28 GuShH_Lap it's got a big footprint
04:29 GuShH_Lap for 2 decimal points you can just do it yourself
04:29 GuShH_Lap get the fractional part by subtracting the integral from the float then multiplying it by 100
04:29 GuShH_Lap get the integral by casting the float as an int
04:29 GuShH_Lap ....or forget about floats and do it all in ints to begin with heh
04:30 Skwint well, he wants to divide by 1000
04:30 GuShH_Lap No, you got it wrong.
04:30 Skwint I'd recommend printing the int and imagining a decimal point 3 in from the end :p
04:30 GuShH_Lap It doesn't matter how his float comes to life.
04:30 GuShH_Lap He just wants two decimal points.
04:30 GuShH_Lap since the rest is meaningless data
04:30 Skwint ("%d.00");
04:30 GuShH_Lap ...............
04:31 GuShH_Lap you two are not big in proper coding are you
04:31 GuShH_Lap just "get it done"
04:31 GuShH_Lap let's use floats and shitty old libs to perform the conversion for us! let's waste half the available memory on them too!
04:31 Skwint I've been coding for over 30 years and I'd say it all depends on what you are trying to achieve
04:32 GuShH_Lap I think your reading comprehension should be better if you've been staring at code for 30 years.
04:32 GuShH_Lap For all we know you wrote comments for 30 years.
04:32 Skwint I haven't looked at his code :p
04:32 GuShH_Lap Because you failed to read what he's been saying!
04:33 GuShH_Lap the code is arduinish at best.
04:33 Skwint _I_ failed to read? hang on...
04:33 Skwint <RifRaf> i was gonna divide the int by 1000 to get the displayed value in G , no mG <Skwint> well, he wants to divide by 1000 <GuShH_Lap> No, you got it wrong.
04:33 GuShH_Lap He actually posted a pastebin url.
04:33 Skwint yes, he did
04:33 GuShH_Lap He's dividing it, but that doesn't matter.
04:34 GuShH_Lap The problem was "I want two decimal digits"
04:34 Skwint and since he is debugging a system that has a built in way to send text debug messages back to the PC via rprintf, I think rprintf is quite sensible
04:34 GuShH_Lap Because it's obvious the remaining digits are meaningless.
04:35 RifRaf oh wow you are talking , i better read and catch up
04:35 GuShH_Lap a flawed, bloated system.
04:35 GuShH_Lap RifRaf: hes trying to start a penis measurement competition
04:35 RifRaf printf is inbuilt already just using it, for the uart and stuff
04:35 RifRaf which am not currently using
04:36 GuShH_Lap only "inbuilt" if you are actually using it, shouldn't be compiled otherwise.
04:36 GuShH_Lap unless the compiler was written by Skwint.
04:36 GuShH_Lap Hahahaa! ha!
04:36 RifRaf lol, someone at work tryed to tell me i could use the gforce meter for a wanking tester, but they do that with all my ideas
04:36 Skwint gushh is of the opinion that implementing your own print is a good use of your time. He calls writing your own print function "just get it done"
04:36 RifRaf they had some wonderful ideas for robot arms
04:36 GuShH_Lap Skwint: You seriously fail at reading comprehension.
04:37 GuShH_Lap Using whatever available function to "get it done" is the bad way around things, specially when you realize you've got no space left for your actual program.
04:37 Skwint http://xkcd.com/1028/
04:37 GuShH_Lap "get it done" is what wannabe dipshits who don't know how to code do it.
04:37 wint hugs the mouse
04:37 RifRaf well i am sure that i cannot write another 20% of code to fill it up
04:37 GuShH_Lap Includes all Java and .net programmers.
04:38 RifRaf still have to use the sd card, is initialised though
04:38 RifRaf GuShH_Lap hey thats me, be nice
04:38 GuShH_Lap My suggestion is the only sane solution for single or two decimal points on a one-off situation.
04:38 RifRaf but i think this dude webbot is pretty smart watever you say
04:39 wint agrees with ri
04:39 GuShH_Lap Writing those 2 lines takes less time than a pointless discussion with someone who can't read.
04:39 Skwint anyway, I shouldn't take it to heart rifraf
04:39 RifRaf yes isn't that i nice way to get a quick project done quick though
04:39 GuShH_Lap Your idea that using existing code is the sane, clean way is flawed.
04:39 RifRaf each one i do is getting faster
04:40 RifRaf wiring up this breadboard was like asy tonight
04:40 GuShH_Lap Specially when the code has several dependencies and wasn't written by you.
04:40 RifRaf i didn't drink for first 3 hours after i got home though
04:40 GuShH_Lap In the end you spend more time reading the docs than writing it from scratch
04:40 GuShH_Lap Or "trying to make it work with what I have" which is just a waste of time and you don't learn anything important.
04:41 RifRaf GuShH_Lap all these basic blocks are teaching me sooo much
04:41 GuShH_Lap They can only teach you how to more-or-less use them.
04:41 RifRaf and starting to add devices in different combos is so cool
04:41 RifRaf yes i know that
04:41 GuShH_Lap You aren't learning what's going on under the hood, you don't know what the dependencies are, the cost.
04:42 RifRaf that get the stuff going, that took me years before, hence why i gave up
04:42 RifRaf now i can make my ideas happen
04:42 GuShH_Lap The idea that my method would take longer can only come from someone who has trouble with basic concepts.
04:42 RifRaf i spent years learning under the hood really
04:42 GuShH_Lap RifRaf: There are ways and ways...
04:42 RifRaf i just wished i did not have to reinvent the whell to light a led each project
04:42 Skwint software / hardware - it's all the same - only a noob buys an LED premade from a shop when they can make their own!
04:43 GuShH_Lap You don't get it.
04:43 Skwint nope!
04:43 Skwint not even slightly
04:43 GuShH_Lap Analogies as bad as yours make me want to get a gun and clean up the world
04:43 Skwint good plan. Take a shot of whisky first it makes it hurt less.
04:43 GuShH_Lap One Java programmer, one bullet.
04:44 Skwint and don't accuse me of being a java programmer :p
04:44 GuShH_Lap It's one of the worst insults I can think of right now.
04:47 RifRaf this avr is taking like almost 10 seconds to diplay values on the lcd, would that be the sdcard code?
04:47 RifRaf has been the same for hours since i included the sdcard
04:48 RifRaf can now see what button is pressed and if the leds are on or off, on the screen as well as the leds, to make sure me code is working
04:48 RifRaf ok ready for sdcard code
04:49 RifRaf and accel data displaying on first line of lcd, leds and switchs on lower low
04:49 GuShH_Lap Oh jee, I don't know... maybe it's all the bloated code you've been using!
04:50 RifRaf this is not bloated
04:50 ShH_Lap eyer
04:50 RifRaf just a bit large at moment, but if it works, well thats why i have 32k
04:50 GuShH_Lap just comment out your sd code and send out random numbers to the lcd
04:50 RifRaf and a 4gb sdcard
04:50 GuShH_Lap or just profile your code
04:50 RifRaf i know how to do ramdom numbers
04:51 GuShH_Lap with another big library?
04:51 ShH_Lap g
04:51 RifRaf and i will soon work out how to write to an sd, i am just a little slow at times, will retry at 5am if no luck soon
04:51 GuShH_Lap display whatever.... use an int and add 1 on every iteration
04:52 RifRaf you being serious?
04:52 GuShH_Lap let it overflow
04:52 RifRaf i have no sd code yet
04:52 GuShH_Lap if you refuse to profile, that's how it was done in the good old days
04:52 RifRaf i have lcd displayed stuff correctly
04:52 GuShH_Lap so how can you say the sd code may be the culprit
04:53 RifRaf GuShH_Lap nothing is wrong
04:53 GuShH_Lap 10 seconds is too high, something is definetely wrong.
04:53 RifRaf i got it all working
04:53 RifRaf oh
04:53 GuShH_Lap unless you are sampling specifically for 10 seconds and averaging
04:53 RifRaf ok, will disable sdcard, easy to do
04:53 RifRaf brb
04:53 RifRaf cause its not even in the code yet
04:53 ShH_Lap hears a loud bang and screams coming from RifRaf's
04:54 RifRaf flashing avr now
04:54 GuShH_Lap I'm slow-coding with no booze....
04:55 RifRaf wiw still slow startup, but code was no smaller, might have to delete it
04:55 RifRaf the SPI bus and sd card
04:56 RifRaf heh forgot to disable the SD only the spi, make smaller now
04:56 RifRaf from 80% use to 44%
04:56 RifRaf startup is instant
04:56 ShH_Lap needs to hang some pictures and crap, his desk is cluttered with stuff that should be on w
04:57 GuShH_Lap RifRaf: yey for old fashioned way of profiling code
04:57 RifRaf so there must be a delay as well as lots of code in the fat32 system
04:57 RifRaf yes yay :)
04:57 GuShH_Lap and old fashioned debugging: sprinkle random print lines everywhere
04:57 RifRaf i use so many rptintf to debug my code on every line some days
04:57 GuShH_Lap or comment, compile, comment, compile, repeat until it works or your program is 0 bytes
04:57 RifRaf rprintf
04:58 GuShH_Lap RifRaf: stepping the program is a lot more useful in most cases, specially if you can read the register values, etc. as you step.
04:59 GuShH_Lap of course, you'd step over parts that aren't of interest, use breakpoints, etc.
04:59 RifRaf yep this is so small though
04:59 ShH_Lap sneezes on Skwint's sc
04:59 RifRaf gonna reenable the sdcard and spi bus
05:00 GuShH_Lap 10 seconds... either library is waiting for something and timing out, or is it calculating PI to several thousand digits on every iteration because the arduinian coder didn't know what constants were
05:00 RifRaf GuShH_Lap i currently have a freshly formatted mmc 256mb in the reader
05:01 RifRaf well guess wat
05:01 GuShH_Lap wat
05:01 RifRaf the 10 second delay is gone. let me recheck things
05:01 GuShH_Lap u mad
05:01 RifRaf may not be enabled proply
05:02 RifRaf code too small
05:02 ShH_Lap is happy with his on-the-fly language changer on this program he's wri
05:02 GuShH_Lap not sure if people switch languages often, but it's very annoying to have to restart a program to do so
05:02 RifRaf ok forgot to 'make'
05:02 RifRaf :P
05:03 RifRaf back to 16 seconds to flash avr instead of 8
05:03 GuShH_Lap flashing times are not too important, you have more code involved...
05:03 RifRaf ok the same, i did 8 missasippis
05:03 GuShH_Lap make it blink an led on each iteration >_<
05:03 RifRaf to display on screen, maybe my sd card is not wired up and its a timeoout?
05:04 GuShH_Lap Only you know.
05:04 RifRaf but it does nothing, i will make the led come on in siftware init
05:04 RifRaf oh it already is, ok let me see now
05:05 RifRaf yep no leds for 8 seconds either
05:05 RifRaf so its in the hardware setup part
05:05 GuShH_Lap time to step your program and see where all that time is being spent
05:06 RifRaf its not in my programs, its just the startup
05:06 GuShH_Lap condition not meant + poorly written loop = high waste of cycles
05:06 RifRaf the first part i really have control of os the software int
05:06 RifRaf oh
05:06 GuShH_Lap met*
05:06 ShH_Lap takes some of theBear's b
05:07 RifRaf yes don't fix your typos for me sir :)
05:07 RifRaf i can hardly see at the best of times
05:07 GuShH_Lap Nobody wants to correct me, I'll correct myself.
05:07 eBear kills
05:07 RifRaf hence why i never see mine
05:07 GuShH_Lap theBear: you have to share :(
05:07 theBear the hell i do !
05:07 GuShH_Lap WELL THEN
05:07 RifRaf i have just squeezed out me cask of port sorry
05:07 RifRaf is a strong one though
05:08 theBear cask of port ? interesting....
05:08 GuShH_Lap why is everyone here an alcoholic
05:08 GuShH_Lap theBear's eyes are suddenly wide open
05:08 theBear it's better that way, you don't wanna kill yourself so much
05:08 GuShH_Lap theBear: do you own any firearms?
05:09 theBear fuck, here we go.... get ready for a rant about steppers being stupid
05:09 GuShH_Lap or have access to them
05:09 theBear nah, of course i got access, i'm me
05:09 GuShH_Lap Then you'd need an average amount of booze to keep the thoughts out
05:09 RifRaf lol
05:09 theBear huh ? how does that work ?
05:10 GuShH_Lap I'm meters from a loaded gun, compared to you I would need several liters of booze right now.
05:10 GuShH_Lap theBear: because the more guns you own and the more depressed you are, the more booze you need to take.
05:10 GuShH_Lap PFFT everyone knows this!
05:10 theBear it's not about how hard or easy it is to kill yourself, for reference it's incredibly easy, it's about how much those you see and hear suck balls
05:11 theBear i could kill myself in 5 minutes 50 different ways just with stuff i can reach from this chair
05:11 theBear i could kill anyone else 100 different ways with the same stuff
05:11 GuShH_Lap well, I could get the knife from my pocket, cut one of the many power cords and electrocute myself on this non protected outlet
05:11 GuShH_Lap that's just as easy
05:11 theBear yeah, good chance of failing, but not bad
05:11 GuShH_Lap showers are just as dangerous too
05:11 theBear heck, just stick the knife in the outlet
05:11 GuShH_Lap less chances with a gun, unless you really suck.
05:12 GuShH_Lap theBear: LOL, I think I would just cause a short
05:12 theBear heh, lotta people failed that one
05:12 GuShH_Lap That would make me angry and I'd end up stabbing the wall.
05:12 theBear no, you just hit the active you got a damned good chance of dying
05:12 GuShH_Lap not if it's a polymer knife
05:12 GuShH_Lap then you just suck.
05:12 theBear get a real knife !@
05:12 GuShH_Lap lol
05:12 GuShH_Lap I want a polymer knife :(
05:13 GuShH_Lap or ceramic
05:13 GuShH_Lap so I can get past metal detectors with it.
05:13 theBear what ? youi wanna hijack a plane or something ?
05:13 RifRaf this is so much better using the pins wisely so i can keep everything hooked up while flashing avr!!!
05:13 GuShH_Lap I refuse to walk a step without a knife on me, they're real handy tools
05:13 theBear pfft, learn to be dangerous and useful without one
05:13 GuShH_Lap pffffft to you
05:13 theBear RifRaf, we heard you the first time !
05:14 GuShH_Lap who said anything about using it to stab someone!
05:14 RifRaf theBear well spotted, i missed the !!! the first time
05:14 theBear not me
05:14 GuShH_Lap you can be dangerous with a banana if you want to.
05:14 RifRaf everyone is using them now!
05:14 theBear bananas are too funny
05:14 GuShH_Lap that's the catch
05:15 GuShH_Lap rebar inside the banana.
05:15 RifRaf heh i have to make a new big banana sign soon
05:15 RifRaf like 15m wide
05:15 GuShH_Lap That would be awesome, bank robbers using fruit weapons.
05:15 theBear hehe, it'd look hilarious taking someone down with a banana knuckles
05:15 GuShH_Lap apple grenades!
05:15 GuShH_Lap orange land mines
05:16 RifRaf i've got no buttons?
05:16 GuShH_Lap Let's face it, who can easily acquire active grenades?
05:16 GuShH_Lap Aside from southern US folk.
05:17 GuShH_Lap yehaw
05:17 RifRaf desoldered soo many buttons, wtf are they
05:18 RifRaf hey i got me new servos today
05:18 RifRaf just noticed one in front of me keyboard
05:18 theBear screw this depressing shit... i gonna finish this and go spend my medicine money on the strongest stuff i can get
05:18 RifRaf can fix the arm and make it work proper
05:18 theBear might get some cash tonight... sometimes ya just gotta roll the dice...
05:18 RifRaf theBear get port
05:18 RifRaf mix with 2 thirds water at least
05:18 GuShH_Lap toilet cleaner
05:18 theBear if you can get it for about 12 bucks, it's on
05:18 theBear fuck water !
05:18 RifRaf and drink like red cordial
05:19 RifRaf works a treat and you feel ok in morn, sorta
05:19 theBear if it tastes bad i put ice tho, been doing that with this shitty cheap red recently
05:19 GuShH_Lap I could go for scotch right now :(
05:19 RifRaf ice sets it off great, do it
05:19 theBear i always feel bad in the morning, specially now
05:19 RifRaf the more water the better
05:19 theBear the morning IS variable tho
05:19 theBear by time i mean
05:20 GuShH_Lap o.O
05:20 RifRaf yes i know wat you mean
05:20 theBear didn't have to do anything for the first time in a week or so today, i'm heading for either a 30 hour day or a 30 hour sleep
05:20 RifRaf once you start the port you won't last more than 4 hours
05:20 RifRaf and good sleep and back into it
05:20 theBear jeez, little more than that i'll be older when i wakeup, sigh
05:21 GuShH_Lap technically nobody is getting younger :p
05:21 RifRaf yes i gave up trying to be younger a long time ago
05:21 theBear heh good sleep, that's rich.... even between being crippled i couldn't do that... slept next to err, a friend a few months ago and punched them (hard apparently) 3 times in my sleep
05:21 RifRaf but i also forgot to grow up
05:21 theBear yeah, but i get a whole lot older overnight this week :(
05:21 GuShH_Lap LOL
05:22 GuShH_Lap This cushion is making things worse... why do I listen to people when it comes to my back problems
05:22 theBear that wasn't like err, some word like euphemism, they are a friend, and i did SLEEP next to them, sigh
05:22 theBear heh yeah, don't listen to people
05:22 RifRaf darn internet doctors
05:22 GuShH_Lap so by punching you didn't mean fisting, got it.
05:22 theBear i'm becoming quite an expert, and i say all you can do is make it worse...
05:23 theBear heh, nah, that wasn't a euphamism either, i mean like black eyes
05:23 GuShH_Lap is that what kids are calling it these days
05:23 theBear point is, i'm disturbed these days to a point where even sleep doesn't release me
05:23 GuShH_Lap "I gave her a black eye last night"
05:23 theBear lol
05:24 theBear and recently these pills and this pain... i just stay awake sometimes for days, then go down forever
05:24 GuShH_Lap theBear: punch something?
05:24 theBear heh
05:24 GuShH_Lap a java programmer would be ideal.
05:24 theBear due to my lack of endurance at the moment i'll do anything quick for money... i'll do dirty deeds relatively cheap for example
05:24 RifRaf heh, some java stuff is ok
05:25 GuShH_Lap Is stress a problem?, Rent a java and punch them to death! call now!
05:25 theBear some java stuff MIGHT be ok, it's the people that make it we have a problem with :)
05:25 GuShH_Lap what sort of dirty deed
05:25 RifRaf no one else has got me this far in avr so quick cept a java program
05:25 theBear one in particular
05:25 GuShH_Lap o.o
05:25 theBear heh, any kind, anything normal people don't like to do
05:26 theBear best part is, i'd probly enjoy it
05:26 RifRaf just for setting up hardware easy so you can move on
05:26 GuShH_Lap would you paint my fence?
05:26 theBear that's just coincidence, the program would be 100 times smaller and use 10 times less memory :)
05:26 theBear oh, if it wasn't java
05:26 GuShH_Lap Jokes on you I ain't got no fence! you've been painting the air!!
05:27 theBear i WOULD paint it, i enjoy painting, even fences, but these gotta be quick... i had to wait around 20 mins yesterday and i wanted to cry halfway thru
05:27 theBear heh
05:27 eBear just smiled for the 2nd time all
05:27 GuShH_Lap whats a smile?
05:27 theBear went to the dole office on maybe friday.... by the time i got thru the line and sent to a chair i was far from comfortable
05:27 RifRaf omg i just finally resized my text way bigger in editplus, can read it now, i am so dumb sometimes, been staring at small text for so long
05:27 GuShH_Lap I'm from planet banana, we don't smile.
05:28 theBear heh, my eyes aint going yet, but in my middle age i find i don't like small fonts like i used to
05:28 theBear a banaman from outer space ?
05:28 RifRaf smiling and laughing is good, i try do it often
05:28 theBear heh, and i'm superted
05:28 theBear you bought me to life with your magic stardust
05:28 theBear err, moondust ?
05:28 GuShH_Lap RifRaf: sad thing is, you smile and laugh at your port cask
05:28 GuShH_Lap and that shit is simply pathetic!
05:28 theBear rif knows what i'm talking about... i think... maybe he too old :(
05:29 ShH_Lap r
05:29 theBear GuShH_Lap, bullshit !
05:29 GuShH_Lap poopdust
05:29 RifRaf GuShH_Lap its how i get my water intake, rememberits 75% water
05:29 GuShH_Lap I'd like an all-things-booze cask
05:29 theBear i been in public, laughing at a empty cask is way better than the shit normal people laugh at, my GOD humans are going downhill recently
05:29 theBear hmmm, i wonder, port probly aint so much a dieuretic like beer
05:30 theBear oooh, did i actually spell that almost right ?
05:30 GuShH_Lap by all-things-booze I really mean all things booze, in a cask.
05:30 GuShH_Lap just put all your booze in one place.
05:30 GuShH_Lap magic dispenser.
05:30 theBear i keep it in the corner cupboard
05:30 GuShH_Lap instabarf (tm)
05:30 RifRaf on the fridge, or in it if it beer
05:31 GuShH_Lap when I wanted to get drunk I would do just that, mix it all in.
05:31 theBear good point, i don't keep beer in the cupboard
05:31 RifRaf wow that was 4 shorts i words :)
05:31 GuShH_Lap today's weather: british
05:31 theBear hehe
05:31 GuShH_Lap soaky.
05:31 RifRaf aussie
05:31 theBear and what ? you can't wear more than 1 shorts
05:32 GuShH_Lap cold, can't see anything, it's pouring... sucks
05:32 theBear pfft, it's just about dark and it's 31c, wet and cold is way better
05:32 RifRaf yep is the same here but not raining :) just wet and damp with more rain on the way, flood a coming
05:33 GuShH_Lap Yeah but not when you feel like shit
05:33 GuShH_Lap http://dx.com/p/cy-dp-007-eyefinity-male-displayport-to-female-vga-data-cable-black-10cm-176772
05:34 GuShH_Lap why isn't there one with all 3 outputs..
05:34 GuShH_Lap look at the size of that thing!
05:34 GuShH_Lap also mini displayport costs half than regular displayport? nonsense!
05:34 GuShH_Lap logic dictates mini-displayport is the norm in macs so it should cost more, because mac users want to pay a premium!
05:34 theBear trust me, cold and feeling like shit is bearable, try it when you can't stop sweating
05:35 GuShH_Lap yesterday I couldn't stop sweating
05:35 theBear you should cut down on sugar :)
05:36 GuShH_Lap I don't really take much sugar
05:36 GuShH_Lap coffee with no sugar, tea with no sugar... no sodas...
05:36 GuShH_Lap I do take quite a lot of salt.
05:37 theBear had a call today... tomorrow i woulda been back at work for 6 months :( they even give you a $100 voucher for a large combination/chain of stores every 3 months when yer a working cripple :(
05:37 theBear white mans msg, i call it
05:37 GuShH_Lap 100 of booze?
05:38 GuShH_Lap that's like 65 liters of beer, assuming 100 usd at official exchange rate here.
05:38 theBear it's an option
05:38 theBear holy crap ! beer is cheap there
05:38 GuShH_Lap regular beer
05:38 ShH_Lap ponders a beer calcul
05:38 theBear i only drink regular beer, well buy it, and not regular american beer, real regular beer
05:39 theBear at the moment i usually get 3 liters for 15.20, and that's by far the cheapest around
05:39 theBear err, maybe you can go a couple bucks cheaper if you buy in bulk
05:39 GuShH_Lap OK but 100 usd at official rate is 500 ARs... non official, something like 800... that's potentially 100 liters.
05:39 theBear oh, and i aint talking stupid us dollars
05:39 theBear tho they close these days
05:40 GuShH_Lap I'd happily take a voucher like that!
05:40 theBear was at the bulk err, you know, cost price food buying if you got a account kinda place yesterday.... my god the booze was strong and cheap and in giant bottles
05:40 GuShH_Lap can you live off beer?
05:40 theBear me too, the last one was awesome, but i aint been able to work the last month :(
05:40 theBear for at least a few weeks you can
05:40 theBear well, i can
05:40 GuShH_Lap I never tried
05:41 GuShH_Lap it would turn into an expensive experiment
05:41 theBear it would ? cheaper than drinking AND eating
05:41 GuShH_Lap and I would turn into a human ball
05:41 theBear maybe you don't drink enough
05:41 GuShH_Lap I haven't had real booze in months
05:41 theBear you would ? i'm weird like that, my internal organs are impervious to abuse, and i can't get fat from beer or anything else
05:41 GuShH_Lap I can easily get fat...
05:41 theBear orright, to the shop
05:42 RifRaf yay
05:43 RifRaf i can make the leds come on when i slam it on the table
05:43 RifRaf gonna try 2G now
05:43 RifRaf means i am getting over 1G
05:43 theBear how much is a g anyway ?
05:44 RifRaf one G is you standing on the floor
05:44 RifRaf in the Z plane, up/down, if you jump that changes
05:45 RifRaf X and Y change when you move forward backward (X) or side to side (Y)
05:45 RifRaf hard cornering in a car is about 0,5G
05:45 RifRaf max braking in wet for me was 0.7G
05:46 RifRaf and max accek 0.4G, but a rtace car or even me in dry could do better
05:46 RifRaf just wont stop raining
05:47 RifRaf this thing i am making will measure and record G forces, and me mate at work will have his go pro on while racing bikes, gonna see what we get
05:47 RifRaf so can line it up with the video
05:47 RifRaf hopefully
05:48 RifRaf thats this weeks project, he races on saturday but i don't reckon i'll have it small and strong enough by then
05:48 RifRaf ok 2g test
05:48 RifRaf w00t
05:48 RifRaf it took a god slam on the table
05:48 RifRaf i would not like to be hit at 2G
05:49 RifRaf this is soo cool
05:49 RifRaf they reckon the racing bikes stopping can pull upto 3G
05:50 RifRaf 3g test, can only break my plexiglass that i can recut, wil do off the table and remove servos first
05:55 RifRaf ok could noy get 3G, there may be a 2G limit
05:55 RifRaf and stabbed myself nicely in the thumb with an ic pin
05:56 RifRaf back to 2.1G to see and then 2 and then crashing out
06:03 RifRaf yep a 2G limit it seems, which is fine, at least i know what values to ignore on a standing platform to make ti more stablre
06:03 RifRaf night
06:06 theBear ok, i got a box of wine that tastes like cordial for 12 bucks, i got less than a dollar left.. this better put me on my ass
06:06 theBear it goes well with painkiller overdoses too right ? cool, to the other draw
06:06 theBear hang on, 1g is me standing ? don't you mean 0g ?
06:07 theBear fuck, and now he gone
06:07 theBear erg, been a while since i had cheap tawny... rough
07:23 theBear rif is right, this stuff really does taste like cordial
07:24 Tom_itx theBear's into the sauce again
07:24 Tom_itx seems you're having a rough week
07:24 theBear again ? not again, i had 2 breaks in the last 15 or 18 years
07:25 theBear and yes, a very rough week... yesterday was certainly the worst day since christmas, including the one that i was told i can't work for 3months minimum and have to leave my new job and be a broke pensioner again
07:25 theBear how you doin mr tom ?
07:25 Tom_itx economy sucks but ok i suppose
07:26 Tom_itx headin out the door
07:26 theBear fairy nuff... rif is back.... i like it :)
08:02 JakeSteele anyone know what Gnes heating element is?
08:49 rue_house the processor?
10:35 GuShH_Lap theBear: : http://www.cadsoftusa.com/services/simulation/?language=en&lang=en
10:35 GuShH_Lap finally...
13:14 RifRaf damn its still so expensive
13:16 RifRaf theBear if there was 0G holding you down when standing you'd be floating, you'd likely be in space
13:43 RifRaf If your code requests a uSD but none is present, WebbotLib will cause your software to hang and eventually time out in 10 seconds (its a feature, not a bug)
13:43 RifRaf so i guess the hardware setup is not right, but explains the 10sec delay
14:00 Skwint rifraf - "in space" isn't accurate
14:00 Skwint "in freefall" I will allow you :p
14:11 RifRaf ok :)
14:15 RifRaf no sd card yet :(
14:31 RifRaf connections seem good, card has 3.3v and different voltages on the other pins
14:32 RifRaf guess i'll try again in 8 hours
20:41 RifRaf Tom_itx do you remember where we got the circiut for the sd card holder?
20:41 RifRaf i don't seem to have a CS pin and have wired up SS as CS, so maybe why tyhe card not working yet
20:42 Tom_itx same
20:43 Tom_itx http://tom-itx.dyndns.org:81/~webpage/logger/Datalogger32_mmc_sch.png
20:43 Tom_itx there's how mine was wired
20:44 Tom_itx the test anyway
20:46 Tom_itx http://elm-chan.org/docs/mmc/mmc_e.html
21:03 rue_house I think the gaskets on that exhaust header are supposed to be one-time-use
21:03 rue_house they look like they crush and dont spring back
21:03 Tom_itx metal on both side?
21:03 Tom_itx those are the crush type
21:05 rue_house its just a single stamped peice of metal
21:08 Tom_itx copper?
21:10 RifRaf i found some of those datalogger boards while unpacking
21:10 RifRaf ok i will recheck all wiring this arvo
21:10 RifRaf i know i put SS to CS
21:11 RifRaf which is wrong, SS should goto ground, then i need to find where CS is on my board
21:12 Tom_itx i think you will find cs is used and that ss doesn't go to ground all in good time
21:17 rue_shop2 OOOOOOOOOOOOO the -e option on the avr ERASES THE EEPROM TOO!
21:17 Tom_itx is that a good thing?
21:18 rue_shop2 I didn't know that, it could be REALLY important if you expect it to keep its conetnts untill you specifically reflash it
21:18 rue_shop2 have to make an app to convert BF programs to .ihex files...
21:20 Triffid_Hunter RifRaf: usually CS and SS are connected together
21:20 Triffid_Hunter CS can be connected to any GPIO however, when your avr is in master mode the SS pin isn't important
21:25 Tom_itx Triffid_Hunter, i think it must be configured though even if you don't use it
21:27 rue_house tomtomtom tom, the eeprom code worked
21:27 rue_house I am now > < that close to a working BF interperter on an avr
21:27 Tom_itx nice
21:29 Triffid_Hunter Tom_itx: no, SS is left as GPIO when the SPI block is in master mode
21:29 rue_house one of the ports on the exhaust header was 1/8" back from the rest, I gave it a bead of steel and filed it down to match the rest
21:29 Triffid_Hunter must have CS connected to _something_ though, it's used to delimit packets
21:30 rue_house you operate an io pin yourself to select the chip
21:34 Triffid_Hunter yep exactly
21:39 rue_house html, comment is </! or </?
21:39 rue_house or <?
21:39 rue_house or <!
21:39 rue_house ?
21:39 Tom_itx <!--
21:39 Tom_itx -->
21:39 Tom_itx end
21:39 rue_house thanks
21:57 rue_house oh, you dont need -e when reprogramming the eeprom
22:09 RifRaf ok thanks for the advice guys, will meter out my sd pcb and see where all the pins go
22:09 RifRaf with some luck will still have a schematic for it
22:14 RifRaf this pages shows how it should be hooked up http://webbot.org.uk/WebbotLibDocs2/46705.html
22:15 rue_house RifRaf, ?
22:16 RifRaf rue_house?
22:16 RifRaf sd crad rue
22:17 RifRaf card
22:17 RifRaf will store alot more than the eeprom
22:17 Tom_itx RifRaf, you talkin about the datalogger8 one?
22:17 rue_house yup
22:17 rue_house I just need to store a little program on it
22:17 Tom_itx iirc it had no sd
22:20 Tom_itx rue_house, what about serial eeprom?
22:20 RifRaf nope, making a gforce datalogger
22:20 rue_house dont need it
22:20 rue_house 1024 bytes is plenty for this
22:20 Tom_itx oh i thought you needed more room
22:21 rue_house not for the BF program
23:26 rue_house for storing audio data I do
23:26 rue_house but I got i2c eeproms working
23:26 rue_house kinda
23:26 rue_house they have blocks :/
23:27 rue_house its not "linear" addressing
23:27 rue_house there are some address bits over here, some over there, here a bit there a bit, everywhere a bit bit
23:27 rue_house old mc eeprom had a byte, i o i o oooo
23:28 Triffid_Hunter friend of mine was trying to use SD cards for logging data, he found experimentally that they can sometimes take up to 500ms to write a block
23:28 rue_house wow