#robotics Logs

Feb 15 2013

#robotics Calendar

00:31 RifRaf yep is neat, have setup the lcd to display graphs and data now
00:31 RifRaf is a pretty good sensor
00:32 RifRaf has 10 pins and only have 4 connected and working, 3.3V gnd sda and scl
00:33 rue_bed cool
00:34 rue_bed wanna post your code and i'll see if it works with my sensors?
00:34 RifRaf you using an atmega2328p?
00:34 RifRaf 328p?
00:35 rue_bed 324
00:35 RifRaf the hex file should just work then
00:35 RifRaf sounds different
00:35 rue_bed its 40 pin, not 20
00:35 RifRaf but you can see the code, i guess you want the hardware.h or my code?
00:36 rue_bed dunno
00:36 rue_bed let me get sorted
00:36 RifRaf or can zip up whole folder for you
00:36 RifRaf k
00:41 RifRaf http://imagebin.org/246769
00:42 RifRaf had to relearn all the lcd code changes from c++ to c but got there
00:48 RifRaf rue_bed are you here yet?
00:49 RifRaf with the sensor in the arm gripper, when level X and Y are 0 or close to, Z is 1000 or close to
00:49 RifRaf going down makes Z less than 1000 and up more than 1000
00:49 RifRaf 1000 = 1G
00:50 RifRaf and can see the tilt in X and Y when rotating gripper in X and Y, so should be able to control those 2 servos to keep level now using the sensor feedback eh?
00:53 RifRaf and level could be X and Y + or - 100, so its not too jumpy, need to move servos a bit then check sensor again when not moving cause the acceleration and jitters would upset it
00:53 RifRaf am i thinking right way?
01:00 rue_house I'm back
01:01 RifRaf k please have alot at my rambling quick
01:01 RifRaf a look*
01:01 rue_house shall I just get the folder from you and I dont have to stuff with a java gui?
01:02 RifRaf it only the gui to setup hardware rue
01:02 rue_house ah, I dont think I have working java on this thing
01:02 RifRaf and i won't have your hardware setup, is it a DIP IC?
01:03 rue_house I think I disabled it in a fit of frustration with online stuff that kept using it
01:03 RifRaf well its a handy thing for this
01:03 rue_house its a ringer for the m32
01:03 RifRaf can you use knoppix?
01:03 RifRaf or some live cd that will have java?
01:04 RifRaf ok but this is all on mega328p, you want to sstart by just looking at the code?
01:05 rue_house ok
02:20 rue_shop2 oh I have an unfinished eeprom programmer here
02:21 rue_shop2 lcd...
02:22 e_shop2 looks into a really crowded breab
02:24 RifRaf rue_shop2 http://imagebin.org/246776
02:26 rue_shop2 wow I have a lot of COOL lcd's in this box
02:27 RifRaf nice you want me to make it for a 4x20?
02:28 rue_shop2 no I dont want to dig thru it all, there is a 2x16 on the top with wires
02:28 RifRaf just use 2 x 16 for now
02:28 RifRaf see if my code works
02:28 rue_shop2 there is a 2x40, but its an odd pinout
02:29 rue_shop2 see if I can get the screen up first
02:29 RifRaf nope we want HD 44780 compatible
02:30 RifRaf yep will test mine with out sensor hooked up to see
02:31 RifRaf yes values are all 0
02:32 RifRaf and the accel started displaying values when pluged in while running so should all be good
02:32 rue_shop2 cool
02:33 RifRaf woops sorry, hope i didn't wake anyone
02:34 rue_shop2 hmm lcd pinout...
02:34 RifRaf will repost image
02:35 RifRaf right hand side http://imagebin.org/246775
02:35 RifRaf has an image of lcd as well to make it simple for you
02:35 RifRaf drawing anyway
02:36 RifRaf see it?
02:36 RifRaf the pinout is all displayed, what i/o for what and where it is an a standard lcd
02:37 RifRaf pin 3 on lcd to ground for max contrast no you won't need pot
02:38 RifRaf funny to see you on the other side rue :)
02:40 RifRaf RS = PA0, RW = PA1, E = PA2, D4 = PD4, D5 = PD5, D6 = PD6, D7 = PD7 (pd7 is on the other side of the dip mega32)
02:41 RifRaf opposite PD6
02:41 RifRaf cannot make it much simpler, hope that helps
02:42 RifRaf and you need the 16mhz xtal remember
02:42 rue_shop2 hmm not sure how to flash this
02:42 RifRaf avrdude, will give you command line if that helps?
02:42 rue_shop2 !assist tutorials/elex
02:42 tobbor Possibly http://eds.dyndns.org/~ircjunk/tutorials/elex
02:42 rue_shop2 command line works
02:43 rue_shop2 I cant remember all the options
02:43 RifRaf avrdude -p m32 -c usbtiny -U flash:w:accel.hex
02:43 RifRaf change programmer to yours
02:43 rue_shop2 avrdude -p m8 -e -U flash:w:blink.hex
02:43 rue_shop2 k
02:43 RifRaf you have no working programmer?
02:44 rue_shop2 haha the cat got a sticker on her foot in the shop
02:44 rue_shop2 yes
02:44 rue_shop2 one of toms
02:44 rue_shop2 usb
02:46 rue_shop2 avrdude -c avrisp2 -P usb -p m324a -e -U flash:w:$(PRG).hex
02:47 RifRaf you not using mega32, thought you had heaps
02:47 RifRaf i would at first sign of issues ok
02:47 RifRaf cause should work perfect on mega32
02:48 rue_shop2 I'm just hybriding the stuff
02:48 RifRaf ok but if we have problems plug one in ok
02:48 RifRaf want it to be plug and play for now
02:49 RifRaf don't make it harder than it has to be
02:49 RifRaf you can play after as much as you want
02:52 RifRaf plug in mega 32 and xtal , make sure fuses are for 16mhz, follow supplied pinout and turn on
02:52 RifRaf flash hex file and look at lcd, thats all we want
02:56 RifRaf lol i was just tipping the lcd screen around and wondering why the values do not change as expected :)
02:56 RifRaf the sensor is up in the arm gripper
02:57 RifRaf which still makes it work perfect, so happy with this start
02:59 RifRaf wow its really quite neat the Z part of this sensor, i though it would always display 1G if not going up or down
03:00 RifRaf but if held at 90° to level it displays 0G and the X goes to 1G, this is gonna be cool
03:01 RifRaf can always tell exactly what postion its in
03:01 rue_shop2 !thislog
03:01 tobbor This one: http://rueshouse.dyndns.org:82/~ircjunk/irclogs/html/%23robotics-2013-02-15.html
03:01 rue_shop2 http://rueshouse.dyndns.org:82/~ircjunk/irclogs/html/fuses.htm
03:02 RifRaf did i wipe out your buffer with rambling?
03:02 rue_shop2 !assist avr
03:02 tobbor Possibly http://eds.dyndns.org/~ircjunk/avr
03:02 rue_shop2 sorta, I'm ok
03:02 RifRaf but am excited
03:02 RifRaf you are taking your time, wats the issue?
03:02 rue_shop2 avrdude -p m32 -Uhfuse:w:0xD9:m -Ulfuse:w:0xEF:m
03:02 RifRaf oh you need a fuse calculator?
03:03 RifRaf i know one that works real well
03:03 rue_shop2 avrdude -c avrisp2 -P usb -p m324a -e -U flash:w:$(PRG).hex
03:03 RifRaf http://www.engbedded.com/fusecalc
03:03 rue_shop2 avrdude -c avrisp2 -P usb -p m324a -Uhfuse:w:0xD9:m -Ulfuse:w:0xEF:m
03:03 RifRaf i think you need some spaces
03:03 RifRaf maybe not required
03:04 RifRaf wats the -P usb ?
03:04 RifRaf some odd programmer?
03:04 RifRaf and you don't need -e , that auto unless specified
03:05 rue_shop2 part of the toptions to amke the avrisp2 work
03:05 rue_shop2 lcd isn't initing right,
03:05 rue_shop2 rechecking connections
03:05 RifRaf damn, is it blank, or a box in corner? or dark line?
03:06 RifRaf dark line is power and nothing else
03:06 RifRaf blank is init ok
03:07 RifRaf the main screen only happen at startup so will be blank if you plug in lcd after uC, just reset
03:07 rue_shop2 the bottom line is initialized, nothing on it
03:07 rue_shop2 done reset...
03:07 RifRaf yes that like wrong pinout or connections
03:07 rue_shop2 I can still flash, so crystal is working
03:08 RifRaf it should print to line 0 and line 1
03:08 rue_shop2 I wonder if those were the right fuses for crystal
03:08 rue_shop2 I need to comment them
03:09 RifRaf check with the link i posted before
03:09 rue_shop2 http://eds.dyndns.org/~ircjunk/avr/fuses.html
03:09 rue_shop2 pretty sure d9 ef is crystal
03:09 RifRaf you can input your settings and it displays the settings
03:09 RifRaf do it
03:09 RifRaf be sure
03:09 RifRaf http://www.engbedded.com/fusecalc
03:09 rue_shop2 maybe its E1
03:09 rue_shop2 H d9 L ef
03:10 RifRaf wait rue
03:10 RifRaf E1 D9 is 1Mhz
03:11 RifRaf i'll choose some for you
03:11 rue_shop2 I'm using EF d9
03:11 rue_shop2 ef d9 is right
03:11 RifRaf Low = DF , High = D9
03:12 RifRaf -U lfuse:w:0xdf:m -U hfuse:w:0xd9:m
03:12 RifRaf the :m may need to be changed, sometimes it gives me an issue
03:12 RifRaf but that will be 16Mhz at least
03:13 rue_shop2 df and ef are the same, just different startup time
03:14 RifRaf hey rue, it not limited to 8mhz is it?
03:14 RifRaf like atmega32U4
03:14 rue_shop2 no I get 16/20Mhz
03:14 RifRaf ok goodo
03:15 RifRaf no will you try with mega32
03:15 RifRaf so*
03:15 RifRaf have none of this chip you have, was it a free sample or popular now?
03:15 rue_shop2 hmm maybe I'll try antoher lcd
03:16 RifRaf and onother avr please
03:17 RifRaf and look at your lcd pinout and tell me wat it is in case there is an issue there
03:17 RifRaf but sure you can understand those images
03:17 RifRaf thats normally where i go wrong, took me three goes this arvo to get it righ
03:18 RifRaf but that was over 5 minutes
03:18 RifRaf cause i knew it was working
03:18 RifRaf rue i have a mega32 and another 16x2 lcd, want me to hook it up and test code for you?
03:19 RifRaf will be in morning though, a few hours, too drunk to drive breadboard at moment
03:23 RifRaf ok mega32 breadboarded but only found 12mhz xtal so far, got 6pin isp connected
03:24 RifRaf found breadboard ready 16x2
03:25 RifRaf new handy dandy breadboard wires that Tom_itx found the other day
03:26 RifRaf these are way better than wire rue, get some
03:27 RifRaf only opened the packet but happy already
03:35 rue_shop2 hmmm, still no lcd life
03:37 RifRaf am close to getting it hooked up here rue
03:37 RifRaf have you got caps on the xtal?
03:37 rue_shop2 yup
03:38 rue_shop2 when I pull the xtal, it wont program, so the xtal is working
03:39 RifRaf ok, am about to try flash the chip here
03:39 Tom_itx atmega32U4 does 16mhz
03:39 RifRaf need to find a jumper to power the avr
03:39 RifRaf via programmer
03:39 Tom_itx -P USB says 'look for me on a usb port'
03:40 RifRaf thanks tom
03:40 Tom_itx http://tom-itx.dyndns.org:81/~webpage/boards/atmega32u4/atmega32u4_1.jpg
03:40 e_shop2 th
03:40 Tom_itx i know these things
03:40 rue_shop2 diving into a finished project like this never works for me
03:41 RifRaf well you must learn grasshopper
03:41 Tom_itx rue_shop2, you don't know how to follow directions?
03:41 RifRaf i told him to just use a mega32
03:41 rue_shop2 the 324 is a dropin replacement
03:41 RifRaf i have a programming issue, so you have a few minutes
03:41 Tom_itx it should be fine anyway
03:42 RifRaf ok then
03:42 rue_shop2 wonder if I can find some of my lcd code and check this screen works
03:42 Tom_itx rue_shop2, some of the regs may have an extra 0 in them
03:42 Tom_itx i got all kinds of lcd code
03:43 RifRaf i knew i was too drunk to breadboard
03:43 RifRaf but gonna try again
03:44 RifRaf start with pwer led
03:45 RifRaf led good, try flash again
03:47 Tom_itx PORTB ^= 0xFF;
03:47 Tom_itx loop
03:47 RifRaf still a connection issue
03:48 RifRaf oh no caps on xtal
03:51 Tom_itx oh you found some of those jumper wires with the ends ehh?
03:51 rue_shop2 usbinstall:
03:51 rue_shop2 avrdude -c avrisp2 -P usb -p m324a -e -U flash:w:$(PRG).hex
03:51 Tom_itx i wish i had some females of those
03:51 RifRaf i bet the programmer lead is not pin to pin, need adapter
03:52 RifRaf Tom_itx i got the oppositre ones last week, already om order before we talked
03:52 Tom_itx i had a guy in china send me some fre
03:52 Tom_itx e
03:52 RifRaf they are so handy for hooking up the sensors with pins on them
03:52 Tom_itx an aussie in china no less
03:53 RifRaf woops there i go again
03:53 Tom_itx the old parport 6 pin are backward from the world
03:53 RifRaf yep this was made for mega32 breadboarded iirc
03:53 Tom_itx the pdf we used to make those was wrong
03:54 RifRaf flashing now sit, ssshhh
03:54 RifRaf sir*
03:54 Tom_itx wax on
03:54 Tom_itx wax off
03:54 Tom_itx wax on
03:54 Tom_itx wax off
03:55 RifRaf lets plug in lcd
03:55 RifRaf no power now
03:55 RifRaf cause unplugged programmer ya see
03:55 RifRaf ok time for a chines 5V adjustable supply
03:56 RifRaf i need more, darn chinese new year
03:56 RifRaf no presents lately
03:57 rue_shop2 my other lcd code isn't workign tierh
03:57 RifRaf hey Tom_itx
03:58 RifRaf yay
03:58 RifRaf well jusy cause that does not wipe out my coide yet
03:59 RifRaf cannot find psu except my old ones i made, will have to do i guess
04:01 RifRaf Tom_itx have you got an lcd and accelerometer laying arounf?
04:01 RifRaf and a mega32 or mega328
04:01 Tom_itx i got 3 of 4 of those
04:02 Tom_itx does 6 lcd's make up for an accelerometer?
04:02 RifRaf nope
04:02 Tom_itx actually i got one but it's on an arm board
04:02 RifRaf but $10 will get you one
04:02 Tom_itx i got an adxl202 in a box somewhere
04:02 RifRaf things are soo much cheaper than when i tryed this years ago
04:03 RifRaf yep think i have support for that as well
04:03 Tom_itx if i had $10 i'd consider myself a rich man
04:03 RifRaf sorry
04:03 RifRaf they used to be like $50 not long ago though, at $10 i can experiment
04:04 Tom_itx yay i think i got both these cutter paths now
04:04 RifRaf for?
04:04 Tom_itx i dunno
04:04 Tom_itx a bowl so somebody can spin some metal on it
04:05 RifRaf ok nice
04:05 RifRaf brb hacking into the usb programmer for 5v power
04:06 RifRaf ok just black first line on lcd, i have connection issue too
04:07 RifRaf ah wrong xtal, forgot that
04:08 RifRaf ok rue am close but no cookie, will have to continue in morning, am sure with clear head will be easy
04:09 RifRaf but if you cannot get your code going i don't feel too bad just yet, am sure will get going in morn
04:12 rue_shop2 ok I'm starting to think this is a 324 incompatability
04:12 RifRaf i just had to tread on a spider that was trying to get my foot while i was taking a piss
04:12 RifRaf and out popped like 2000 baby versions of it, pretty cool
04:13 RifRaf i studied them for a bit and will let them go, most won't survive
04:13 RifRaf they are so cure though
04:13 RifRaf cute* even
04:14 rue_shop2 I'll be damned
04:15 rue_shop2 tom
04:15 rue_shop2 Tom_itx,
04:15 e_shop2 folds his
04:15 rue_shop2 wtf?
04:15 RifRaf wat?
04:15 rue_shop2 its apparently not a dropin for the 32
04:15 RifRaf speak grasshopper
04:15 RifRaf well der
04:15 rue_shop2 its supposed to just have a few bits added
04:16 rue_shop2 the 32 code shoudl have worked fine
04:16 RifRaf well my mega32 is not working yet if thats any consolation
04:17 RifRaf i did get it to flash, but have wrong xtal
04:17 RifRaf will be morning by time i fix
04:17 RifRaf has been on for a while now and no smoke, led still good
04:19 rue_shop2 ok, I'll rewind here
04:19 RifRaf rue i found out some of the ledfs i use at work are almost industructable yesterday and today
04:19 RifRaf want to give up for tonight?
04:19 RifRaf not that give up is a term ou are familiar with
04:20 RifRaf i could feed these 12V leds 30V with no brightness increase and minimal current increase
04:21 RifRaf while others that used a simple resitor drew 15 times there normal current and blew up with lots of smoke
04:21 RifRaf the resistor joints gave out first
04:21 RifRaf wondering how the others just survived
04:22 RifRaf am gonna dismantle a few but have none here now
04:22 RifRaf maybe a bypass diode?
04:23 rue_shop2 no were back to no lcd life
04:23 RifRaf anyone has seen this before??
04:23 rue_shop2 switching power in them RifRaf
04:23 rue_shop2 module right?
04:23 RifRaf rue my code is still working on the mega328p without skipping a beat, i will get the mega32 going in morn for sure
04:23 RifRaf yes led modules
04:24 RifRaf made by GE
04:24 rue_shop2 wonder why its not working now
04:24 RifRaf you did have it working?
04:24 rue_shop2 I got some of my lcd code working
04:24 RifRaf oh
04:24 RifRaf have you switched to mega32 yet?
04:25 rue_shop2 yea
04:25 RifRaf ok cool, i will try again now then
04:25 rue_shop2 my m32 code dosn't work on the 324, but the same code works find on m32
04:26 RifRaf k
04:26 rue_shop2 wait a min
04:26 rue_shop2 wrong flash commgnad
04:26 rue_shop2 ah
04:26 RifRaf is flashing ok at least
04:26 rue_shop2 life, kindda
04:27 Tom_itx some regs have an extra 0 on the 324 is why
04:27 Tom_itx or 1
04:27 Tom_itx or A & B
04:27 rue_shop2 ok I have 0,0, but the bargraphs are screwed
04:27 RifRaf yay something at least
04:27 rue_shop2 Tom_itx, you mean some unused bits are used?
04:28 Tom_itx more reg names
04:28 rue_shop2 but names have nothing to dow ith it
04:28 Tom_itx more stuff on the 324 than the 32
04:28 rue_shop2 I'm not recompiling, the req'd registers should still be at the same addreses
04:28 Tom_itx if you had 1 of something but now you have 2 of it you need to rename something
04:29 rue_shop2 the io addresses for the 324 should be the same as the 32
04:29 rue_shop2 left it be said, I was wrong, didn't work
04:29 rue_shop2 needs recompile if used for 324
04:29 rue_shop2 noted
04:29 rue_shop2 need to find accelerometer
04:30 RifRaf i need to find a 16mhz xtal :/
04:30 RifRaf no wonder i cannot get past go
04:30 RifRaf and not stealing one from my arduino again
04:31 RifRaf took me ages to work out why it was not working :/
04:31 Tom_itx boot fuse
04:31 Tom_itx sir
04:32 RifRaf at least one of these mega32 is set for 16mhz already and tested a week or two back
04:32 Tom_itx it wasn't looking at 0x0000 for code
04:32 rue_shop2 lost the accel... huh
04:33 RifRaf damn
04:33 Tom_itx rue_shop2 must not have a job
04:34 RifRaf its time for http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7OLYvUFaSV0
04:35 rue_shop2 hah, its gone, I must have put it somewhere really safe
04:36 rue_shop2 I found the i2c temp sensors tho!
04:36 rue_shop2 ok, well I have about a million more of those accels...
04:37 RifRaf i cam make it for a temp sensor, have not worked out lm35 yet but should be easy
04:37 RifRaf i love fridays
04:41 rue_shop2 nono
04:41 rue_shop2 this is 3.3V
04:42 RifRaf well i had rw rs and e all in the wrong spots, told ya i could not do this tonight
04:42 rue_shop2 hmm
04:42 rue_shop2 the pins on this are GND 3.3V, ADC6 and ADC7
04:42 RifRaf on my breadboard rue, not bad code yet
04:43 rue_shop2 I thought these were i2c
04:43 RifRaf ba boing
04:44 rue_shop2 aha, they are
04:45 rue_shop2 thank gosh these have such a detailed silkscreen
04:51 rue_shop2 old lcd is nogo at 3V
04:56 RifRaf i found just one 16mhz xtal on old pcb, will desolder
04:56 Triffid_Hunter last time I ordered from littlebird I chucked in their random crystals pack
04:57 Triffid_Hunter haven't opened it yet, but I figure I would end up needing it if I didn't get, so now it's like a form of insurance
04:57 RifRaf i found many other values, like 20 something 14. something mhz
04:57 RifRaf but will use this 16 to keep things the same
04:58 Triffid_Hunter RifRaf: wiring up an avr8 of some sort?
04:58 RifRaf Triffid_Hunter i got an accelerometer going and displaying to lcd this arvo
04:58 Triffid_Hunter fwiw the serial library in github.com/triffid/Teacup_Firmware obeys your F_CPU
04:58 RifRaf next step is to get it to control X and Y on the gripper head of me arm
04:58 Triffid_Hunter hooray!
04:59 RifRaf and trying to get the code going for rue on his mega32, uses the i2c bus and stuff for the sensor
04:59 RifRaf mine is on a nano board with mega328p and 4x20 lcd
05:00 RifRaf working great, accel held in gripper of arm and working perfect
05:00 RifRaf just moving manual for now
05:00 rue_shop2 RifRaf, looks like sensors aren't giving any data
05:00 Triffid_Hunter just using it for orientation? or integrating as well?
05:01 rue_shop2 RifRaf, pc0 and pc1 for i2c?
05:01 RifRaf i want it to keep the gripper in a level plane, so i don't have to tell those ser vos what to do, just tell arm to go up down
05:01 RifRaf but can also still rotate those joints manually if required
05:01 RifRaf just less for me to control
05:01 RifRaf yes rue
05:02 rue_shop2 hmm
05:03 RifRaf i wish my breadboard would work ruem but i must wait till morning, it looks good now but something must be wrong
05:04 rue_shop2 I dont think my sensor is compatible with yours
05:04 rue_shop2 it would round off the theme of the evening tho
05:05 RifRaf heh
05:05 rue_shop2 :)
05:05 rue_shop2 I can hook it into linux and do an i2c bus sweep, see if it turns up
05:05 RifRaf ok can you afford $10 rue to get a good xyz?
05:06 rue_shop2 no :)
05:06 rue_shop2 I have about 60 of these
05:06 RifRaf this thing seems to work pretty well
05:06 RifRaf oh
05:06 RifRaf wat are they?
05:06 rue_shop2 got them for about $1.50ea
05:06 rue_shop2 primitive wii game sticks
05:06 RifRaf hrm
05:06 RifRaf wonder why
05:06 RifRaf oh
05:07 rue_shop2 1 kit has 3 rc transcievers and 2 accels
05:07 rue_shop2 was about $5/kit
05:07 RifRaf was gonna say did they come from an experimental sega master system
05:07 RifRaf these new thingos are cool rue, want a link?
05:07 rue_shop2 its ok
05:07 RifRaf Triffid_Hunter will find them for 1/2 the price again even
05:07 RifRaf k
05:08 rue_shop2 it was a stab in the dark to see if they were the same
05:08 rue_shop2 I thought the odds were good
05:08 RifRaf ok we can try again tomorrow ok
05:08 rue_shop2 !time
05:08 tobbor My watch says its 03:01AM Fri Feb 15 2013
05:08 RifRaf next weekend is fishing for sure
05:08 RifRaf but giving robots another chance this weekend
05:09 RifRaf gonna make these servos move to accel in morning
05:09 RifRaf jusy i++ stuff till i get level
05:10 RifRaf you think?
05:10 rue_shop2 ok
05:10 RifRaf cool, thats what i'll do then, or try to
05:11 RifRaf if x is more than 100 then move servo 2 a bit and check again etc
05:12 RifRaf i hope anyway
05:15 RifRaf k signing off, too many solder fumes or something
12:38 RifRaf was wrong fuse bits rue, try -U lfuse:w:0xef:m -U hfuse:w:0xd9:m
12:39 RifRaf have lcd on mega32 now
12:40 Tom_itx me too
12:41 RifRaf good
12:41 RifRaf see the metorite hit russia?
12:45 Tom_itx no
12:45 Tom_itx link
12:51 RifRaf is on TV news, not seen online
12:51 Tom_itx damage?
12:51 RifRaf yep, 750 injured, some good footage of the sonic boom
12:52 Tom_itx all the news here is on the dead cruise ship
12:53 RifRaf http://www.news.com.au/world/meteor-shower-explodes-in-central-russia-and-urals-injuring-people/story-fndir2ev-1226578976770
12:54 rue_bed !!!!!!!!!!!
12:55 rue_bed RifRaf, lcd works, the diff between ef and df is the delay when starting up, which dosn't really matter, my setting waits longer for the crystal to stabalize
12:55 RifRaf rue_bed the bargraph is messing up a bit here too, just disabled for now, need to get 3.3v to plug sensor in
12:58 RifRaf is ok now, had 12mhz instead of 16mhz xtal setting
13:06 GuShH_Lap RifRaf: bargraph? what are you working on!
13:08 RifRaf gravity GuShH_Lap
13:08 RifRaf rue ok have accelerometer working on mega32 in breadboard, my code was all fine
13:09 RifRaf yay
13:09 RifRaf running at 5V, it had a 5V pin next to 3.3V so just used that and it works
13:10 RifRaf rue my fuse issue was jtag enabled nefore
13:11 rue_bed I'd almos expect someones anti-missle sysstem the freak out before a meteor strikes
13:11 RifRaf it did strike :/
13:11 RifRaf a different one to the one that is coming today
13:11 RifRaf rue_bed so did you get my code working on your setup?
13:11 rue_bed oh ho, they heard about the ratings and their frieds are comming
13:12 RifRaf like are we there yet with this test?
13:12 rue_bed seems the sensor is different
13:12 RifRaf ok so you just geta 0 value all the time?
13:12 rue_bed the data I did have was on the desktop of a mchine that lots its harddrive
13:12 rue_bed yup, all 0
13:12 RifRaf ok goodo, well we could use i2c for something else, wat did you wanna use it for?
13:13 rue_bed I lost 5 machines in 1 week, power supply and harddrive failures
13:13 rue_bed it was insane
13:14 rue_bed me and one of the guys here were talking about me setting up a high-horsepower server and just running terminals
13:14 RifRaf then your server crashes
13:14 RifRaf and you have nothing
13:15 rue_bed not if its all built redundant
13:15 rue_bed powersupplies and drives
13:15 RifRaf rue so are we gonna do any more i2c stuff?
13:15 RifRaf its 6am, i work best at this time
13:15 rue_bed how about this RifRaf
13:15 rue_bed do you have any eeproms larger than 32k
13:15 rue_bed 2464 24512 or 24515
13:15 RifRaf yes found one last night in my travels
13:15 RifRaf we go get
13:16 rue_bed what do you think of a sound clip player
13:16 rue_bed plays a little audio clip when you push a button
13:16 RifRaf atmel 24c128 on the 8pin dip
13:17 rue_bed I have a program (somewhere) for reformatting audio files into mono 8 bit, unsgined, binary data
13:17 rue_bed yep ok
13:17 RifRaf add it to the i2c bus?
13:17 rue_bed at 8khz we can do 16 seconds
13:18 rue_bed and hook up a speaker to the pwm system
13:18 RifRaf i can keep the sensor hooked up right?
13:20 Rif i'd rather use eeprom to store 128k of different gaits
13:20 Rif wanna do text to speech?
13:21 rue_house no, I want to make my truck moo every time the turning siganl flashes
13:21 rue_house :)
13:21 Rif hello?
13:22 Rif oh
13:22 Rif moo_mohr
13:22 rue_house mooing on left and barking on right maybe
13:23 Rif ok well ima hook up the eeprom then, same pins?
13:23 rue_house yea, they all have different build in addresses
13:24 GuShH_Lap rue_bed: the one in russia?
13:24 GuShH_Lap I suspect military object.
13:24 Rif ok almost there
13:29 Rif ok is wired up, need some code now
13:31 Rif not correctly though :)
13:32 Rif need to set the address or something
13:33 Rif http://webbot.org.uk/WebbotLibDocs/38564.html
13:35 rue_house use 000 and ground all the address lines on the chip
13:35 rue_house the chip has 3 address lines so you can put multiple chips on a bus
13:36 rue_house without them conflicting
13:36 rue_house the chip has a 7 bit address, those compose 3 of the bits
13:36 Rif ok all to ground, address is 0xC0 , should be ready for use
13:37 Rif sensor still working
13:37 Rif how do we know its there?
13:37 Rif the eeprom
13:38 rue_house take the first address, and put it on screen, then increment it
13:38 rue_house but only do that on boot
13:38 rue_house not in the application loop function
13:39 Rif ok, this could take all day, want to see current code, maybe you can add it
13:39 Rif you can put it in harware setup or software setup part then
13:39 rue_house I'm a little all over right now
13:39 rue_house are you on saturday?
13:41 Rif yes
13:41 Rif ok it thinks my eeprom is 1024k, need to change somehow
13:42 Rif fixed, show i say formatted for file use?
13:42 Rif should*
13:42 rue_house the data in it dson't really matter right now
13:44 Rif ok
13:45 Rif can see the 5 commands to read write and check eeprom
13:45 Rif will have a go
13:49 Rif just stopped rest of code from working, will take a bit longer
14:17 Rif the other asteriod missed us
14:17 Rif ok this code freezes when trying to read or write to eeprom, maybe its a bad chip, but looked new
14:24 Rif rue_bed are you hooking an eeprom up too?
14:42 rue_house just had half of breakfast
14:42 rue_house and I'm late for lunch now
14:58 Rif don't even have milk for morning coffee here, struggling
15:00 Tom_itx don't drink coffee
16:44 chris_99 drink tea instead
16:45 Rif still need milk. need serial cable stuff to so off to town once i tidy up
17:08 Rif rue am putting eeprom aside till you wanna work on it, to town and then servos with accelerometer, taking the accel for a drive to town
17:23 rue_house poor accel
18:14 Rif worked so well rue, i didn't exceed about .7G, at max braking, is raining so could not be silly
18:14 Rif can accelerate at about 0.3G and in corners upto about .6G in the Y axis\
18:33 rue_shop2 RifRaf, I been playing
18:33 rue_shop2 we have to try your code again
18:33 rue_shop2 I forgot the pullup resistors
18:34 RifRaf i tested it
18:34 RifRaf works fine
18:34 RifRaf i can make it display random numbers for you if you have no sensor
18:35 rue_shop2 you dont know if it works with my accel tho
18:35 RifRaf ok hook it up then
18:35 rue_shop2 just doing some other things
18:36 RifRaf the code should be good what i sent, had no erroes here
18:37 rue_shop2 you dont know if it works with my accel tho
18:38 RifRaf well hook it up and see!
18:38 rue_shop2 I will later, I'm doing other thigns now
18:38 RifRaf or i'll never know
18:38 RifRaf :/
18:54 RifRaf rue_shop2 so where do you need the pullups anyway?
18:55 RifRaf have none on my breadboard
18:57 Tom_itx maybe on i2c
19:01 rue_shop2 the i2c data has to have a pullup, I suspect yours is built into your module
19:02 RifRaf k
19:34 RifRaf what are we making?
20:28 rue_shop2 grrr genorator, grrr
20:29 Tom_itx not being your friend?
20:29 rue_shop2 its good I decided to give it a run
20:30 Tom_itx yep, it's about time to air the tires on mine and warm it up
20:30 Tom_itx just swapped out the fuel a while back
20:31 rue_shop2 part of the reason I run it, keep it turned over a bit
20:47 RifRaf how do i say this right please? else if (valY <= -50) {
20:47 RifRaf using a negativre number
20:49 RifRaf took the else away and it worked
20:52 Rif omg its kinda working
20:53 Rif if i move the accel out out level in Y axis the servo recorrects it
20:57 RifRaf anyone bored and wanna help me try make this code smarter?
20:58 Tom_itx sry, doin cnc this evening
21:04 RifRaf good to see
21:41 Ademan how do these servos: http://www.robotshop.com/Images/rblyn80(multi).jpg attach to those brackets? Do you stick something to the bottom?
21:47 ace4016 they screw onto the bracket
21:47 ace4016 the servos have the actuator to attach to as well as the little tabs to the side if you can see
21:49 Ademan so the tabs attach to something that provides a free spinning something opposite the actuator?
21:51 ace4016 no; the tabs attach to the surrounding bracket; the servo head connects to the bracket it is suppose to move
21:53 Ademan ace4016: from that picture it looks to me like the point opposite the head is also connected, like the bracket connected to the head is a "C" and the servo is in it.
21:54 Ademan you can actually see a hole on both sides of the bracket on the far left
21:55 ace4016 the servo on the left is locked into the bracket on the left by the tabs; the left servo connects to the right servo with that C bracket (iirc these brackets come in like 2 pieces each, so you're looking at around 4 brackets in that picture...it's been a while though)