#robotics Logs

Feb 13 2013

#robotics Calendar

00:09 Ademan hrm actually...
00:19 rue_house may I sell you on the same thing but made with a programmable microcontroller
00:20 rue_house an AVR
00:20 rue_house ?
00:30 RifRaf hello
00:30 RifRaf ok got some answers to me scheduler issue, gonna try again
00:31 RifRaf !thislog
00:31 tobbor This one: http://rueshouse.dyndns.org:82/~ircjunk/irclogs/html/%23robotics-2013-02-13.html
00:34 RifRaf seems like a totally useful library rue
00:35 Ademan rue_house: I thought you were the one with a burning hatred of overuse of microcontrollers :-p
00:36 Ademan Anyways, I'm intentionally in over my head, I'll burn every last component in the pursuit of groking this circuit (and hopefully have a better grasp of electronics in general as well)
00:38 RifRaf Ademan cannot get your servos moving?
00:39 Ademan RifRaf: Built this: http://web.archive.org/web/20101128115959/http://seattlerobotics.org/encoder/200210/servoex/schematic.gif and yeah, not movin
00:39 Ademan When I first plug in my servo it moves briefly
00:39 Ademan sorry, I plug and unplug the power supply, not the servo
00:40 rue_house I'm not suggesting anything over , say 8 mips
00:40 Ademan if I "feather" the power supply, I get plenty of movement
00:40 rue_house hahaha
00:40 RifRaf ah ok, just a timer to feed it pulses, servos always move a little when they get power
00:40 Ademan oh :-/
00:40 Ademan hrm
00:40 rue_house RifRaf, walk thru the excersizer with Ademan
00:41 RifRaf well he has no avr, or would happily send some test code
00:41 rue_house ooh
00:41 rue_house you didn't use a 556
00:41 RifRaf rue_house can you read the reply to my problem please and help me decide what way to go
00:41 Ademan I'm using 2x 555s, I wouldn't expect that to be an issue?
00:41 RifRaf yes i have done it with a 555
00:42 RifRaf lets see what i can find
00:42 rue_house RifRaf, I'm alseep, so I cant help now
00:42 rue_house leave it in #garf for me in the morning
00:42 Ademan I do have an arduino clone somewhere, but my goal is as much learning as it is getting this to work, so I don't really want to bail on this approach
00:42 RifRaf k
00:42 rue_house I been asleep for almost an hour, geez
00:43 RifRaf http://www.societyofrobots.com/robotforum/index.php?topic=16573.0
00:44 RifRaf i feel so dumb, but at least my issue is not as simple as changing to #include <scheduler.h> , i did obviously try that
00:45 RifRaf i tryed the #include "scheduler.h" when i copied it to my working folder
00:45 Ademan are you using web bot lib 1 or 2?
00:46 RifRaf 2
00:46 RifRaf Ademan i found an example but is alot simpler to yours with just a single 555
00:46 RifRaf need to get a webserver going to show you though
00:47 Ademan python -m SimpleHTTPServer ? :-p
00:47 RifRaf Ademan all the stuff for webbots is the latest i could find which is still 10 months old or so
00:47 Ademan ah
00:47 RifRaf so i figured it would be fairly bug free
00:48 Ademan why do I always manage to zip-bomb myself?!
00:52 Ademan for the record, the time.h I have has the #include "scheduler.h" line commented out
00:52 Ademan but you said even adding that yourself didn't work?
00:53 RifRaf yep, still get C:\Code\projects\mega168\gait-runner/gaitc.c:50: undefined reference to `schedul
00:53 RifRaf eJob'
00:53 RifRaf would like to at least know i can use the schedular before giving up on it, then will do the other things he suggestede
00:54 RifRaf have deleted the webserver on my android, where can i get some free quick hosting?
00:54 Ademan how are you building?
00:55 Ademan I'd make sure you have -I/path/to/webbotlib
00:55 Ademan but you probably already have that
00:55 Ademan eh I suppose you'd get a different error if you didn't
00:56 RifRaf yep, cause other libraries work, the path is defined in Project Manager when exporting the data
01:00 GargantuaSauce RifRaf: what kind of hosting?
01:00 RifRaf allright this is the schematic i used http://imagebin.org/246506
01:00 RifRaf GargantuaSauce to chuck my website files on
01:00 GargantuaSauce so shared hosting will do? no shell necessary?
01:01 RifRaf yep
01:01 GargantuaSauce i use servage and it's pretty good cheap shitty shared hosting
01:01 GargantuaSauce i can give you a referral code if you want
01:01 RifRaf ok cool
01:02 RifRaf Ademan that schem is pretty simple to breadboard up and is a good tester for the servos
01:04 GargantuaSauce http://www.servage.net/?coupon=lolrobots
01:05 Ademan thanks RifRaf
01:06 RifRaf can show you how i breadboarded it if you want
01:07 RifRaf http://imagebin.org/246508
01:08 Ademan thanks, which resistor did you replace with a pot?
01:10 RifRaf R2 is the pot
01:11 RifRaf see the wiper symbol on the side going to pin 7 on 555
01:11 RifRaf thats the center connector of your pot
01:12 Ademan RifRaf: ah! thanks
01:12 Ademan sadly I don't have any transistors handy at the moment, but I'll pick a few up tomorrow
01:13 RifRaf you can substite many of the parts, like any small NPN transistor would work
01:14 RifRaf BC547 PN2222 etc
01:14 Ademan yeah, sadly, I have none heh
01:14 RifRaf heh
01:14 Ademan I've just begun hoarding components
01:16 GargantuaSauce http://dx.com/p/1-4w-resistance-metal-film-resistors-400-piece-pack-121339 http://dx.com/p/3-pin-triode-transistor-for-diy-project-black-200-piece-pack-132760 http://dx.com/p/aluminum-electrolytic-capacitor-for-diy-project-120-piece-pack-132738 http://dx.com/p/50v-2-100p-ceramic-capacitor-assortment-kit-19-x-30-pcs-152294
01:17 RifRaf metal film are so hard to read once you mix em up
01:18 RifRaf measuring them is faster, most 5% resistors are pretty spot on anyway these days and easier to work with
01:19 GargantuaSauce i think a lot of people use them once and then throw them out or stick them in a junk pile once the leads are bent
01:19 RifRaf lol, i didn't notice you had a bunch of links there
01:20 RifRaf good stuff i guess, all looks decent value, but i am over through hole parts, apart from a few to breadboard with
01:21 Ademan dangin GargantuaSauce you just cost me like 20 bucks
01:21 RifRaf heh
01:21 GargantuaSauce ha ha it's just the beginning
01:22 GargantuaSauce modules like http://dx.com/p/l298n-stepper-motor-driver-controller-board-for-arduino-120542 are pretty useful too
01:24 GargantuaSauce it's hard to get the l298N chip itself for much cheaper than that
01:25 RifRaf yep and awkward to do diy pcbs for it and breadboard
01:27 RifRaf GargantuaSauce do you use that one for 2 DC motors or 1 stepper?
01:27 GargantuaSauce yes
01:28 RifRaf yep have some similar ones here, same deal
01:29 GargantuaSauce though i'm about to purchase some actual monolithic stepper drivers so i'll soon only be using those h bridges for the former
01:59 RifRaf omg my code is compiling
02:00 RifRaf without any include <scheduler.h> at all , i just had the syntax wrong for the command, or maybe i am dreaming, will try it out
03:09 Triffid_Hunter RifRaf: cars came today, this thing is gonna be damn fast once I increase the hard current limit on my ESC
03:14 RifRaf Triffid_Hunter nice, i hope there is something useful in there
03:15 RifRaf the belt and stuff all seemed ok but give it a good clean, used to race that car, it won a season even, in stock motor class
03:17 RifRaf should be able to get parts as well still, shoulda given you the book but will post when i find it
03:18 RifRaf am getting somewhere with this code but still a main error with the scheduler, the compiling errors were my use of the command
03:19 Triffid_Hunter RifRaf: know a good way to un-twist a chassis?
03:19 RifRaf it compiles now but still gives an error once i try to start the scheduler, will keep trying in the morning , the schedular loop does starting really fast after a while, is all a bit weird but sure its my code
03:20 Triffid_Hunter you wrote a scheduler?
03:20 RifRaf hrm that would be from storing, so mega twist the opposit way in a clamp of sorts for a few dyas
03:20 RifRaf nope, am using the one in webbotlibs
03:20 Triffid_Hunter ah ok, haven't looked at that yet
03:20 RifRaf or trying to, even though webbot dude has suggested its not the best way to do what i want i still want to get it working before i move on
03:21 RifRaf at least am gettin support from the writer so will get it sorted, but don't wanna ask silly questions so trying hard ny meself
03:22 RifRaf its gonna be a usefully set of libs once i get some basics sorted
03:25 RifRaf Triffid_Hunter this is the scheduler, but the usage part is where i am getting things wrong http://webbot.org.uk/WebbotLibDocs/27187.html
03:27 Triffid_Hunter gah
03:27 RifRaf http://pastebin.com/Fiby1HXt in that checkSonar sometimes will run after some time, but the rescheduling is not working cause it repeats way too often
03:28 Triffid_Hunter haven't even got to the first function call and I see architectural issues- you have to keep re-queueing your function, which means you can't keep a stable timebase plus lag, it'll keep creeping forwards in time by small but unpredictable amounts
03:28 RifRaf and when the avr starts up get a error with the scheduler
03:28 Triffid_Hunter RifRaf: maybe you're double-queueing it in main loop somehow?
03:28 RifRaf yes i am so sure of that Triffid_Hunter, my lack of C prevent an easy cure though
03:28 RifRaf yes i am running out of scheduling tasks, ans should only have 1
03:29 RifRaf thats what the errors says, and i did what it said to fix it, ie. increase to 20, but stil the error
03:29 Triffid_Hunter RifRaf: use grep to find every occurrence of that function call.. there should be two: one in main() before mainloop, and one in the task itself
03:31 RifRaf hrm, thats what i am seeing, 2, am i not seeing it right?
03:36 Tom_itx RifRaf, put sonar in the main loop in a counter like i explained yesterday
03:37 Tom_itx don't use the scheduler for it
03:37 RifRaf hrm ok will try in morning, am too confused right now
03:37 Tom_itx count x a few times, increment it each loop until your number is reached then read the sonar
03:37 Tom_itx i'm just catching up on the log
03:37 RifRaf what i know for tonight is if i comment out the line //scheduleJob(&checkSonar,&data,lasttime, 0);
03:38 RifRaf i get the messages to the uart when the buttons are pressed each time, so the main code works, but still not calling the scheduler correctly i believe
03:39 Tom_itx if (x = 300) {checksonar(); x++'}
03:39 RifRaf Tom_itx if you wanna try modify the current code will be happy to try compile and test
03:39 Tom_itx err do the x++ outside that
03:39 Tom_itx or it'll never happen
03:39 Tom_itx where is it?
03:40 RifRaf will upload current code that does just what i said before
03:40 RifRaf http://pastebin.com/xMzyKNLs
03:41 RifRaf tells me when buttons are pressed, never checks sonar
03:42 Tom_itx what part is the main loop?
03:43 RifRaf starts with
03:43 RifRaf TICK_COUNT appControl(LOOP_COUNT loopCount, TICK_COUNT loopStart) {
03:43 Tom_itx and how do you call the sonar routine?
03:44 Tom_itx give me the line that makes it ping
03:44 RifRaf distanceRead(sonar);
03:45 RifRaf it returns in cm
03:45 RifRaf to print it you use..
03:45 RifRaf rprintf("Distance=%u\r\n",sonar.distance.cm);
03:48 Tom_itx how do i save my changes to your paste?
03:49 RifRaf repaste it
03:49 RifRaf there would be a way but that seems the easiest
03:50 RifRaf like paste new post
03:50 RifRaf create new paste up the top
03:51 Tom_itx http://pastebin.com/qgALr40s
03:51 Tom_itx see what that does
03:51 RifRaf k
03:51 Tom_itx remove any reference to scheduler etc
03:51 Tom_itx and if you need to include the sonar routine at the top, do so
03:51 Tom_itx err, you're using the scheduler for the other stuff though right?
03:52 RifRaf nope
03:52 RifRaf compiled and uploading
03:53 Tom_itx try lowering the 200 or raising it to suit how often it gets read
03:53 RifRaf ok,, am getting ,, Robot Started, nothing else
03:53 Tom_itx try a lower number first
03:53 Tom_itx like 3
03:53 RifRaf buttons not responding
03:53 RifRaf k let me see
03:54 RifRaf so if (x > 3){
03:54 Tom_itx yeah
03:54 Tom_itx or =
03:54 Tom_itx it's safer to say >= probably
03:55 RifRaf will try if this don't do anything
03:55 Tom_itx if (x >= 3){read the sonar;}
03:56 Tom_itx also:
03:56 RifRaf you mean? if (x >= 3)//read the sonar
03:56 Tom_itx if (x >= 3){read the sonar; x = 0;}
03:56 RifRaf oh yeah
03:56 RifRaf ok 1 min
03:56 Tom_itx you gotta zero x inside the 'if' call
03:57 RifRaf its all gone pear shaped, give me a min
03:57 Tom_itx pear shaped is a good look
03:58 Tom_itx if (x > 200){distanceRead(sonar); rprintf("Distance=%u\r\n",sonar.distance.cm); x = 0'}
03:59 Tom_itx x++;
03:59 RifRaf can you repast wat you think might work, this is just not anymore
03:59 Tom_itx change x = 0' to x = 0; typo
03:59 Tom_itx post one that works without the sonar
03:59 RifRaf lots of errors
04:00 RifRaf i know i am just missing something like ; but all seems good
04:00 Tom_itx lots is good, that means you're real close
04:00 Tom_itx lots usually means one error
04:00 RifRaf yep
04:02 RifRaf damn bad eyesight :/
04:02 RifRaf could not see between ) and }
04:03 Tom_itx while it's running a button call, it may not loop to count the sonar if statement, i'm not sure how their scheduler works
04:04 Tom_itx it may be stuck inside gaitRunnerPlay
04:04 Tom_itx err gaitRunnerProcess
04:04 RifRaf all servos are unplugged, and the button presses interupt them
04:04 RifRaf just uploaded, will plug buttons in
04:05 Tom_itx that code is the main idea, you may need to move it inside a different loop somewhere
04:05 RifRaf ok robot started, and button presses, no distance
04:05 RifRaf will show you wat i have
04:05 Tom_itx ^^
04:05 RifRaf no not stuck, the buttons show when i press them
04:06 RifRaf http://pastebin.com/t3crhwCZ
04:06 Tom_itx ok, comment out the if statement and just leave the distanceRead(sonar); and the rprintf lines
04:06 Tom_itx let's get it working too fast first
04:08 RifRaf k trying
04:09 Tom_itx where's the code you had where it was reading the sonar too many times
04:09 Tom_itx causing the servos to jitter
04:09 RifRaf ok i got nothing, then played with the wires and got alot of readings
04:10 RifRaf there might be a wiring issue, will have to meter all the cables out
04:10 Tom_itx so that loop worked?
04:10 RifRaf yes
04:10 Tom_itx now change the number to 100
04:10 Tom_itx or so
04:10 RifRaf but not the serial convertor died, so need to replug it in and start putty again
04:10 Tom_itx loop iterates every 1ms i think ( not sure )
04:11 RifRaf every uS
04:11 RifRaf but
04:11 Tom_itx k, start with 100 and work your way up then
04:11 RifRaf the call for the sonar has an inbiult 100ms delay
04:11 RifRaf and thats about how much it was displaying, 10 times a second
04:12 Tom_itx not much you can do about that i think
04:12 RifRaf thats why webbot told be not to use the scheduler
04:12 Tom_itx you could try a lower number
04:12 Tom_itx exactly
04:12 RifRaf but have spent 4 days so wanna get to know how to use it for future
04:12 Tom_itx that's why it's in the if statement
04:12 Tom_itx it may work fine but not for a timed event
04:13 Tom_itx sonar reading is slow business
04:13 RifRaf yep i dunno what the servos are doing now cause all unpowered, is a bit crazy debugging with 7 servos going nuts
04:14 RifRaf Tom_itx the replies here will likely mean alot more to you, ignore parts about include <shceduler.h> that was just the way i used the command http://www.societyofrobots.com/robotforum/index.php?topic=16573.0
04:14 Tom_itx does distanceRead(sonar); return the value to a variable automatically?
04:15 RifRaf yep
04:15 RifRaf in centimeters
04:15 Tom_itx otherwise you may need something like: x = distanceRead(sonar);
04:15 Tom_itx k
04:16 Tom_itx i scanned thru that earlier i think
04:17 RifRaf he knows his stuff, i just being going throught a line at a time trying to take it in, but the include stuff did happen automatically once my syntax was at least acceptable, if not correct
04:17 Tom_itx #include <scheduler.h> is how it should be
04:18 Tom_itx to use it
04:18 RifRaf yes, but have not got it at the moment in the code, makes no difference
04:18 Tom_itx that's fine
04:19 RifRaf i knew it was gonna be that way
04:19 RifRaf my problem was the way i constructed the function
04:19 RifRaf but even now its not really right
04:19 RifRaf the examples use data and someData, have no idea what to use instead
04:19 Tom_itx you need to be the author to know what's 'really right'
04:20 Tom_itx he knows what he did
04:20 RifRaf i just made stuff up based on bits i found elsewhere
04:20 Tom_itx but didn't portray it the best
04:20 RifRaf yeah
04:20 Tom_itx i need to get some stuff done now
04:20 RifRaf but the documentation should make it clear for dumbos like me if the rest is so easy
04:21 RifRaf no probs, i'll be asleep before too long, but gettin up early to try again
04:21 Tom_itx i found documenting something i wrote isn't so easy because i already understand how it works
04:21 RifRaf yep indeed, thats where it needs some help
04:21 Tom_itx work with that 'if' statement, it's likely what you want
04:22 Tom_itx just may not be in the right place
04:22 RifRaf but i am not the best for explaining but am trying to leave working results to the questions i have posted for others that have the same issues
04:22 Tom_itx it's a similar idea to what he suggested but i don't know his code well enough
04:22 Tom_itx he gave you a template to try
04:23 Tom_itx TICK_COUNT lastSonarRead = 0;
04:23 Tom_itx TICK_COUNT appControl(LOOP_COUNT loopCount, TICK_COUNT loopStart) {
04:23 Tom_itx if (loopStart - lastSonarRead >= 1000000){
04:23 Tom_itx lastSonarRead = loopStart;
04:23 Tom_itx ---read the sonar ---
04:23 Tom_itx }
04:23 Tom_itx }
04:23 RifRaf yep, it takes time i guess, and will have it sorted by the weekend am sure
04:23 Tom_itx only instead of 3 he used 10000000
04:23 RifRaf no thats me
04:23 Tom_itx same idea as what i did
04:23 Tom_itx oh
04:23 RifRaf 1000000 == 1 second
04:24 RifRaf if i had an extra 0 would be 10 seconds
04:24 RifRaf will check
04:24 Tom_itx i just grabbed a bunch of 0's
04:24 RifRaf heh , yep i had 6
04:25 Tom_itx k, laters..
04:26 RifRaf cya
09:03 rue_house did he get it working then?
09:05 Tom_itx no
09:05 Tom_itx it's a lib mess ya know
09:08 rue_house dont think I'm surprised
09:09 Tom_itx it's doable but you gotta spend the time to learn the lib and how all it's loops run
09:24 rue_house I think I'll keep comments on that to myself
12:51 RifRaf its not a lib mess, its my mess
12:51 Tom_itx both
12:52 RifRaf ima get somewhere this morn you watch
12:54 Tom_itx i was looking at the examples and wondered if what you had was generated c++ instead of c
12:54 Tom_itx i did a sample file here and it may be slightly different but you're using the gait stuff too and i didn't
12:56 RifRaf i can comment out all the gait stuff
12:57 RifRaf its just because i am wrongly using the function
13:00 RifRaf gonna make a normal serial cable, that avr is still sending out data from last night, but usb to serial cable is stuffing up
13:18 RifRaf Tom_itx that loop of yours does not seem to be working as planning
13:19 Tom_itx it's not in the right place
13:19 Tom_itx but i'm not sure how to get it there
13:19 RifRaf well it does keep groing through and checking the sensor, just no break
13:19 RifRaf going*
13:19 Tom_itx that was why i questioned if it was c++ generated code
13:19 RifRaf nope is C
13:19 Tom_itx try making a fresh project as c in another directory
13:19 RifRaf have not used the C++ for a week or so
13:19 Tom_itx ok
13:20 Tom_itx try the sonar line without the if stateent
13:20 Tom_itx see if it reads it
13:21 Tom_itx comment out the if and leave the sonar read and printf line
13:21 Tom_itx just those 2
13:21 RifRaf yes then works the same
13:22 Tom_itx so the sonar works like that?
13:22 RifRaf am trying to make a while statement to test
13:22 RifRaf yep
13:22 Tom_itx lemme see the code
13:22 RifRaf i am not getting the expected return so it may be broken, allway is 23 or 24 cm
13:22 RifRaf k\
13:22 Tom_itx i must leave in 10
13:22 RifRaf um 1/2 way through something, will be broke, gimme a min
13:29 RifRaf http://pastebin.com/C28BzShp
13:29 Tom_itx i'm gonna have to go
13:30 Tom_itx RifRaf, the init x = 5000.... and int i = 0; belong outside the loop
13:30 Tom_itx at the top
13:30 Tom_itx that's part of it
13:31 Tom_itx because every loop thru i will return to 0 and not increment
13:32 Tom_itx and i don't see x anywhere
13:32 Tom_itx but i looked really quick
13:32 Tom_itx gotta go...
13:32 Tom_itx just use i but not both i and x
13:33 Tom_itx compare i to a number
13:33 Tom_itx Rif
13:34 Rif got a BSOD from this silly serial adapter
13:34 Tom_itx zlog
13:34 Rif have not been here for a while
13:34 Tom_itx read what i just said
13:34 Tom_itx i gotta go
13:34 Rif k
13:35 Tom_itx put the init's up by init * data = 0;
13:35 Tom_itx out of any loops
13:35 Tom_itx bbl
13:36 Tom_itx even though you have a while the other code could be interrupt driven and still get executed in the scheduler, i dunno
13:37 Rif yes put em up there, trying again
14:02 Rif yay got a 5 second delay working
14:03 Rif but the buttons only get checked every 5 seconds so have to hold em in, but is a start
14:06 Rif http://pastebin.com/DMkGT5FK shortened to 250ms
15:18 Tom_itx RifRaf i think you're going about it wrong for the delay
15:19 Tom_itx that's why it delays too much for the rest of the code
15:19 Tom_itx the delay_ms(50) in the loop is the culprit
15:24 RifRaf no 5 times 50ms = 250ms, and thats what its doing now
15:24 RifRaf 4 times a second
15:24 RifRaf but yes it is wrong way, now i need a scheduler :)
15:24 RifRaf or something
15:25 RifRaf just wanted to make a delay this morning, and did that
15:26 Tom_itx not if you do as i said
15:26 Tom_itx you want to slow down the distanceRead(sonar); right?
15:26 Tom_itx and keep the rest going strong
15:27 Tom_itx RifRaf, how fast did that loop before you added the delay?
15:28 Tom_itx they already told you not to put the sonar in the scheduler
15:30 RifRaf well i made a one second delay counting to 10 and using 100ms as delay, so know it works
15:30 RifRaf and i know that i don't need the for etc, could just use delay_ms(250) etc
15:31 RifRaf but i made a working for statement, and that means more to me
15:33 Tom_itx try this one:
15:36 Tom_itx http://pastebin.com/eunvKtj5
15:36 Tom_itx wait scratch that
15:37 Tom_itx http://pastebin.com/tFqTuZkq
15:38 Tom_itx see what that does
15:54 Tom_itx damn irc servers
16:09 GuShH_Lap Tom_itx: where's Tom_Toilet ?
16:11 Tom_itx fucking intereweb
16:26 RifRaf Tom_itx ok will do, but stuff here for lots of hours first
16:26 RifRaf er stuck*
16:53 Tom_itx RifRaf, did you see what i changed?
17:31 Tom_itx RifRaf, tell em to stuff it... you got code to work on.
18:01 RifRaf yes can see the changes tom, does it compile for you?
18:03 Tom_itx i dunno
18:03 Tom_itx err i mean... of course it does!!
18:19 RifRaf ok, i'll send you the whole folder with board files etc so you can see how it all works
18:19 Tom_itx naw you try it
18:19 Tom_itx i don't have the same hardware you do
18:24 RifRaf i could send you a pcb
18:24 RifRaf have lots but no others made up
18:25 RifRaf might be better just to put a 328p on the board, think its the same pinout
18:29 Tom_itx i got one on a breadboard
18:32 RifRaf well with the board file you can easy see all the i/o pins used etc
18:32 RifRaf and copy on breadboard if you want
18:35 Tom_itx ok
20:03 Ademan RifRaf: Regarding the circuit you showed me last night. There's no reason why I couldn't use a 10K POT instead of the 20K and just put 10K inline on either side of it, right?
20:04 Ademan er, 5k inline on either side
20:13 Tom_itx for adc?
20:13 Tom_itx it should work with a 10k anyway
20:30 Tom_itx Ademan, if you use 10k with 5k on each side you won't reach the limits
20:33 RifRaf Ademan correct
20:34 RifRaf it will
20:34 RifRaf is just a voltage divider
21:03 Ademan hrm wait yeah I guess the ratio would be limited to 5k:15k
21:31 RifRaf Ademan have you made it yet?
21:31 RifRaf just use any linear pot thats close, not a log one
21:31 rue_shop2 made what?
21:32 RifRaf servo driver
21:32 rue_shop2 ah
21:34 RifRaf am i saying the right things rue?
21:35 rue_shop2 ?
21:35 rue_shop2 I wouldn't doubt you
21:42 rue_shop2 !assist avr/programmer/
21:42 tobbor Possibly http://eds.dyndns.org/~ircjunk/avr/programmer/
22:53 Ademan RifRaf: not yet, got home from work, went out and bought the transistors, ate dinner, did laundry, now I have a couple hours to myself lol
22:53 Ademan I should have asked, but C1 and C2 don't specify a unit. that's 0.1uF right?
23:19 RifRaf yep
23:20 RifRaf just a little ceramic cap or something, i used those yellow block ones
23:20 RifRaf 23min to go :/
23:20 RifRaf have wired up like 4000 led modules today
23:26 rue_house http://eds.dyndns.org/~ircjunk/images/p1040856.jpg
23:26 rue_house the gearbox I made on the weekend
23:29 RifRaf 12mm acrylic?
23:31 RifRaf 2 stage reduction? what gearing>
23:33 rue_house its lexan, I didn't count the ratio
23:33 rue_house its fast and brutally strong
23:33 rue_house it might be 20:1
23:35 RifRaf cool
23:35 rue_house I have an identlicle set
23:36 rue_house I'm thinkng making an arm
23:36 rue_house inspiration from you
23:36 rue_house if I have a box of mean gearmotors it makes the rest go easier
23:40 RifRaf am trying to get 100:1 gearing for me big arm
23:40 RifRaf the motors are 1200 rpm
23:40 RifRaf back ina bit, homeward bound
23:52 rue_house Tom_itx, have you ever dont i2c on an avr?