#robotics Logs

Jan 29 2013

#robotics Calendar

00:35 Jak_o_Shadows yes.
00:36 RifRaf hey Jak_o_Shadows, whats goin on?
00:36 Jak_o_Shadows Writing a bot for an online text-based game. Ogame.us
00:37 RifRaf people still play them?
00:37 Jak_o_Shadows They have ipad apps now.
00:37 Jak_o_Shadows Some friends are playing it, so i'm writing a bot for it
00:38 RifRaf ah ok, so you didn't make all of that game
00:38 Jak_o_Shadows Oh heck no. I'm just going to write a bot for it. First stages is getting data out of the game so friends can look at it easier, second stage is writing an AI
00:39 RifRaf cool
00:39 GuShH cheater!
00:39 Jak_o_Shadows and proud of it
00:39 GuShH lol
00:40 GuShH I can't say I'm not one.
00:40 GuShH I've written plenty trainers bots and whatnot.
00:40 Jak_o_Shadows My testing in javascript: http://jsfiddle.net/dR6Mk/
00:40 Jak_o_Shadows Having trouble translating it to python. Can't seem to get the "innerHTML"
00:40 GuShH damn mosquitoes
00:40 GuShH how do you get rid of them? I tried everything!
00:41 Jak_o_Shadows fire.
00:41 RifRaf you need the bushman
00:41 Jak_o_Shadows Or one of those HV fly swatters
00:41 GuShH I don't want an active solution that involves me
00:41 RifRaf i never get bitting while fishing, is pretty heavy duty though
00:41 GuShH I have one of htose lamps
00:41 GuShH doesn't work
00:41 GuShH it gets all kinds of insects but them
00:42 RifRaf https://www.bushman-repellent.com/
00:42 GuShH I have repellents but they're nasty
00:45 RifRaf what i made at lunchtime http://www.flickr.com/photos/68474040@N07/8425364253/in/photostream
00:45 RifRaf need to clean the tabs of still
00:49 RifRaf the longer ones are for bending with heatgun into any position
00:54 RifRaf well? do they look at all useful?
00:57 rue_house !seen speedevil
00:57 tobbor SpeedEvil was last seen in ##electronics on Dec 02 18:06 2010
00:57 rue_house wow, he's in the top100k words over the last 8 years
00:57 RifRaf rue_house
00:58 RifRaf hrm am missing a few gripper parts, they must have flown away
01:00 rue_house ah yes
01:00 rue_house time for me bed eh?
01:00 RifRaf see the brackets?
01:00 rue_house oh ah
01:01 rue_house is that an arm?
01:01 RifRaf well parts for one
01:01 rue_house you could fix er up after you get it working, properly counterbalance it
01:01 RifRaf made one of every bit i could think of, and will make more of whatever i use tonight and find usefull
01:01 rue_house how thick?
01:01 RifRaf 3mm
01:01 rue_house cool
01:02 RifRaf might go thinner
01:02 rue_house one cnc file?
01:02 RifRaf i had to make a sheet of 4.5mm plexi to 4mm this arvo
01:02 RifRaf yes one file, but had tool order wrong for a bit so sent it though in bits so i could get it done before lunch
01:03 RifRaf i found a basic gripper online with a cad file and modified it, like new gears and stuff
01:04 RifRaf but make of the brackets i dreamed up last night while looking at servos
01:04 RifRaf is soo nice just having all the holes line up :)
01:05 RifRaf lol i have messed up on the hole spacing a bit though, need bigger servo horns to use all the holes
01:05 RifRaf but just a test
01:06 RifRaf 2 holes are still good
01:06 rue_house is that the castle party again?
01:06 RifRaf huh?
01:06 rue_house hilltop hoods
01:06 RifRaf no more castle partys
01:06 rue_house no?
01:06 RifRaf yeah they were good
01:07 RifRaf oh you lookin at other pics, big day out
01:07 rue_house rifraf partying as usual :)
01:07 RifRaf yes, but slowing down a little
01:08 rue_house dj the wedding?
01:08 RifRaf nope, that was me lil bro
01:09 RifRaf you might even see a grown up kif there
01:09 RifRaf pink hair
01:11 rue_house I was gonna ask
01:11 rue_house heh
01:16 RifRaf got an android pc in mail today, was old order, weighs 26g, less than an oz
01:16 dunz0r 26g... that is not a lot.
01:16 dunz0r Less than one of my motors which I'm waiting for :)
01:16 RifRaf nope but it has alot in the 26g
01:16 dunz0r I think they're 28g, with gearbox.
01:16 dunz0r RifRaf: What cpu in it?
01:16 RifRaf hoping to use it for some kind of rodot pc
01:16 RifRaf will find specs
01:17 RifRaf heh and good glasses
01:18 dunz0r I've got a Beaglebone I'm considering using in a robot-project. They're nice machines. 700MHz ARM-something with 256MB RAM
01:18 RifRaf CPU 1GHz cortex-a5, Android 4.0, 512mb ram, 4gb flash, wireless hdmi etc
01:18 rue_bed I paid $67 for a china android tablet and its great
01:18 dunz0r RifRaf: Wooha, speed monster :D
01:18 RifRaf this was like $45 rue
01:18 rue_bed cool
01:18 RifRaf on sp[ecial from this place that sends me offers all the time
01:18 rue_bed I cant remember mine
01:19 RifRaf i like me transformer tablet, that was a bit more but am happy with it
01:19 rue_bed transformer?
01:20 RifRaf asus transformer, comes with detachable kb
01:20 rue_bed oh
01:20 RifRaf thats acts as second battery
01:20 rue_bed ah
01:21 RifRaf cause i cannot type on touch screen i keep it on 95% of the time
01:21 rue_bed mine is missing arrow keys, which makes ssh sessions trickey
01:22 RifRaf i cannot believe this thing is a computer
01:23 RifRaf better plug it in and see
01:24 RifRaf even has hdmi cable, the cables weight 6 times more than the computer, thats funny
01:29 dunz0r RifRaf: My brother got something like that, uses it as a media-pc connected to his TV. Works great he says.
01:29 RifRaf ok so is hooked up to monitor, but i have no touch screen
01:29 RifRaf how do i use it?
01:29 RifRaf booted up in a few seconds
01:30 RifRaf ok maybe this usb cable connects to me pc
01:31 RifRaf hrm time to read the instructions
01:31 RifRaf usb cable looks like just input
01:32 dunz0r RifRaf: Bluetooth keyboard maybe?
01:33 RifRaf lol i am so dumb some days
01:33 RifRaf just had to plug in a usb mouse
01:33 RifRaf so with a usb hub should get keyboard etc
01:35 rue_bed RifRaf, my tablet came with a usb slave and master adapter for the same port
01:35 RifRaf ok wifi connected and all good, this is awesome
01:35 RifRaf the onscreen keyboard comes up when you need it just like a tablet
01:35 RifRaf so a mouse can do it all
01:36 RifRaf now to work out how to root it
01:36 rue_bed why?
01:36 rue_bed cant you do anything you want with it already?
01:38 RifRaf not use it as server
01:39 RifRaf there is something i need root for, it can wiat though, am moving on
01:39 RifRaf rue would like to just scp into it wirelessly sp do not need screen
01:40 RifRaf stuck a 32gb sd card in and has heaps of storage now
01:41 RifRaf liking these gears i cut today, good mesh
01:42 RifRaf only problem is that one gear needs rotation a few degrees to make the gripper look more even
01:45 dunz0r I should get myself a 3D-printer... would be so nice to be able to make gears and such...
01:46 dunz0r And sensormounts, damn I would want that :D
01:46 nz0r is getting sick of making his own crappy ones in acrylic g
01:51 RifRaf have just been using acrylic here so far
01:51 RifRaf the gears are a bit sticky though, intending to use delrin once all design issues are sorted
01:52 RifRaf dunz0r what kind of sensors?
01:52 RifRaf are 3d printed gears and such actually strong?
01:56 dunz0r RifRaf: All kinds. Mostly IR distance sensors.
01:57 RifRaf well should be simple, if you can draw them up in cad will cut you a few
01:57 dunz0r Sharps analouge 4-30cm ones.
01:57 dunz0r RifRaf: It is fairly simple, I agree. I've done a bunch of mounts, they're just not very good :)
01:57 RifRaf if you need a simple mounting arm or plate, something like those bits i made today
01:58 dunz0r RifRaf: I suspect the shipping will be quite hefty etc though. I'm in northern Europe.
01:59 RifRaf maybe, but maybe not, i have seen other online laser cutting services in europe though that would achieve the same thing
02:00 RifRaf still just looking at these bits, the amount of time it would have taken me before is enormous
02:00 RifRaf need to find m2 screws and nuts, know they are somewhere
02:02 dunz0r hmm... I need to find me tubes with a 3mm inner diameter.
02:03 RifRaf made from? how long?
02:06 dunz0r RifRaf: Thinking about brass and like a 4 millimeters maybe.
02:06 dunz0r I'm considering taking some spacers, drilling them out and cutting them to size.
02:08 RifRaf look for motor aeroplane places, they have lots of brass tube when you find the right one
02:08 RifRaf dodel*
02:08 RifRaf model
02:09 RifRaf have gotten if from ebay as well
02:09 RifRaf man too early for so many typos :/
02:14 dunz0r RifRaf: Ah. Good idea, didn't think of that. Thanks :)
02:22 RifRaf dunz0r what much would a semi decent 3d printer set you back?
02:22 RifRaf or how much even
02:23 RifRaf makinga cnc machine was always a dream for me, and then getting a job using one with 100 times more accuracy than i could make was kinda like a dream as well
02:25 RifRaf 3d printing seems a bit plasticy, but am sure they have the compounds worked out to be well bonding these days
02:26 RifRaf GuShH is using a 3d printer cheating?
02:27 GuShH for what? huh?
02:27 GuShH I wish I had a cnc
02:28 RifRaf so do i
02:28 RifRaf but being able to sneak a few jobs into one is pretty cool still
02:28 RifRaf i tell em i am using thre offcuts for good use
02:29 RifRaf well you don't like using other people libraries, i don't see why people have to invent there own wheel every time they need one
02:30 dunz0r RifRaf: 3D printers are about a $1000 or so irrc.
02:30 RifRaf if i was trying to code every thing i have done in the last few weeks even i would still be inbetween blinking a led and sending a U to rs232
02:30 dunz0r I have an unfinished CNC actually. Most parts, just not assembled it yet.
02:31 RifRaf dunz0r thats very reasonable i guess, was $950 just to get a motor rewoung for the vacuum pump today in mine at work
02:32 RifRaf but is so good with dual vacuums again, the machine is like 150K, but it does put out alot of stuff, stuff that people would never be able to do
02:33 RifRaf rue made a cnc machine from a few salvaged stepper motors and a few bits of ally when he was over here, cost $0
02:34 dunz0r Yeah. I'm aiming for something like that with my CNC build.
02:35 dunz0r Not 0$, but fairly close
02:35 dunz0r About 100$ so far
02:35 dunz0r And it's complete more or less.
02:35 dunz0r Need to put it together :|
02:35 RifRaf yep was pretty cool to see it draw pictures and stuff
02:35 RifRaf yes you must, make it a priority, is it all handy or packed up?
02:36 RifRaf what materials will it be able to do?
02:39 RifRaf look at foamex, it light and cheap, and easy to machine, we use it for basic stuff, but comes in all thicknesses and pretty study
02:39 RifRaf like a high density foam pvc
02:41 RifRaf 12
02:43 RifRaf wrong window :/
02:47 dunz0r RifRaf: Materials... good question. What's putting me off from finishing it is that the frame is in thick acrylic, and it's a bitch to drill/tap it etc.
02:47 dunz0r It's not a bought model, designed it myself etc.
02:48 RifRaf if you secure the parts well drilling should be easier
02:49 RifRaf i know it shatters easy
02:49 dunz0r Yep, bends and warps too.
02:50 dunz0r The friend who cut it out for me didn't have any MDF avaliable, that's why it's made from acrylic.
02:50 RifRaf vibration is the worst thing for breaking bits and rough cuts
02:51 RifRaf !thislog
02:52 RifRaf hrm damn these disconnects
02:54 RifRaf payin by the mb as well, over data limit :/
04:06 RifRaf theBear wat was the android app you told me about that needs root? like ssh
04:07 theBear erm, ummmm... like ssh ?
04:07 RifRaf putty?
04:08 RifRaf being able to upload files, ftp maybe
04:08 RifRaf scp
04:08 RifRaf running out of acronims
04:08 RifRaf so i can run a webserver and upload files easy
04:10 theBear erm, i don't really remember, eFile filemanager has a built in ftp server, don't think it needs root tho, droidvnc needs root but is just a vnc server for your phone, erm, remotewebdesktop is a kinda multipurpose remote control/file transfer/control app that presents as a webpage to clients
04:11 theBear remotewebdesktop also doesn't need root
04:11 theBear scp probly works if you got a ssh server, i never really looked into that tho
04:12 RifRaf ok then, maybe was not you sorry, will look up the apps you mentioned
04:14 theBear mmm, haven't used webdesktop for a while, but efile is good tho i only ftp occasionally, and droidvnc is awesome for stuff like answering msgs while the phone is on your desk charging
04:14 theBear tho a little abandonded and occasionally buggy
04:16 RifRaf this is for a new headless android, no screen or mouse
04:16 theBear oh, i get it
04:17 theBear in that case maybe the webdesktop one would do some useful things, not the others
04:17 theBear i never heard of a headless android
04:17 RifRaf do have the facilities if i need them but hoping to run without
04:17 RifRaf its just a new computer i got
04:18 RifRaf you plug it into your screen with hdmi, weighs 26 grams
04:18 theBear mmmk... can't really see the advantage of android without a ui
04:18 theBear suppose it provides a lot of framework stuff, but at a huge overhead
04:18 RifRaf to act as a webserver so i don't need to run a linux box
04:18 RifRaf and use on robots
04:19 theBear but it is a linux box with a layer on top :)
04:19 RifRaf hopefully
04:19 theBear are there even android webservers as such ?
04:20 RifRaf http://www.esold.com.au/android-4-0-mini-pc-1080p-hdmi-2xusb-microsd-p1293
04:20 RifRaf yeah am using one now
04:21 RifRaf paw server, sounds great for a bear :)
04:21 theBear interesting... and why is this better than just running apache/minihttpd/whatever on the EXACT same system with no modification whatsoever other than installing apache/whatever
04:21 theBear heh, i can't deny that
04:21 RifRaf http://www.xda-developers.com/android/run-a-website-on-android-with-paw-server/
04:22 RifRaf just easy i guess
04:54 GuShH android servers eek
05:53 IanWizard-Cloud So, gonna be building my first robot soon.
05:53 IanWizard-Cloud Not that I don't have the skill set, just never have :P So I'll probably be lingering for a while.
06:08 theBear hehe don't worry, i knew nothing when i came here
08:00 NightRavenXS guys, you have mentioned Psychology in your channel topic
08:00 NightRavenXS do you work with robot psychology?
08:00 NightRavenXS AI?
08:00 MjrTom you might also try #ai (while continuing to stay here too)
08:21 NightRavenXS wow thanks MjrTom :D
09:04 rue_house fear not, of the top 100000 words used on these channels, giveup is 99991 (towards the least popular end)
09:05 rue_house the most popular word is the
09:12 theBear lol
09:12 theBear daffodil ?
09:13 theBear can it roll back a month and tell how popular the term rif was ?
09:17 rue_house I did the whole set of logs
09:18 rue_house "5v" occurs more than the word "normal"
09:19 rue_house "->" occurs more than 'wait'
09:20 rue_house and it looks like if someone is going to explain something to you, they are likley to start with a smiley face
09:20 theBear seriously ? i've never written err, -nospace> <grin>
09:20 theBear hehe, does that mean it's an ironic explanation ?
09:20 theBear hang on, do we really collectively know 100,000 words, even including smilies and weird arrows i never use ?
09:21 rue_house shall I make a file of everything ever said that started with a smiley?
09:21 theBear mmm, i think a guy like you could come up with something better to file
09:21 rue_house yes 4464083 words over 8 years
09:21 rue_house "words"
09:21 theBear holy crap !
09:21 theBear how often DOES daffodil come up ? and don't say twice <grin>
09:22 rue_house 104165 got
09:22 rue_house 104081 could
09:22 rue_house 103362 than
09:22 rue_house 100699 should
09:22 rue_house 100350 good
09:22 rue_house 93882 -
09:22 rue_house 92896 any
09:22 rue_house 91367 much
09:22 rue_house 90898 work
09:22 theBear hehe, coulda shoulda woulda
09:22 rue_house 90544 by
09:22 rue_house 88464 see
09:22 rue_house 3 daily-temperature.png-rw-r--r--
09:22 rue_house 3 dailup
09:22 rue_house 3 dagoredthe
09:22 rue_house 3 dagoredhey
09:22 rue_house 3 dagnab
09:22 rue_house 3 daffodils
09:22 rue_house 3 daemonsand
09:22 eBear wonders if rue just accidentally did a 4.46million line past
09:22 rue_house 3 daemonized
09:22 rue_house 3 daemon.
09:22 rue_house 3 daemon)
09:22 rue_house 3 times over 8 years
09:22 theBear lol seriously, 3 daffodils ? that's kinda cool
09:23 theBear i would never pluralise it, so it was someone else :)
09:23 theBear what about shiny metal ass ?
09:23 rue_house doffodil only came up once
09:23 rue_house its individual words
09:23 rue_house 1 daffynition
09:23 rue_house 1 daffodilshybrid
09:23 rue_house 1 daffodils.wordsworth
09:23 rue_house 1 daffodils.like
09:23 rue_house 1 daffodil
09:23 rue_house 1 dafffy..
09:23 rue_house 1 daferty
09:25 theBear daffynition, i like it
09:25 theBear beer ?
09:25 GuShH wtf
09:25 rue_house 3167 annoying
09:25 rue_house 3159 beer
09:25 rue_house 3155 solve
09:26 GuShH lol, coulda shoulda woulda are first?
09:26 rue_house 4387 disk
09:26 rue_house 4386 wtf
09:26 rue_house 4385 computers
09:26 GuShH haha
09:26 rue_house 78 :-d
09:26 rue_house 78 :)wtf
09:26 rue_house 78 99.99%
09:26 NightRavenXS lol
09:26 rue_house 75 xacto
09:26 rue_house 75 wtf..
09:26 rue_house 75 writev
09:26 theBear hmmm, 3100 beers, not bad
09:26 theBear ooh, stanley vs xacto ?
09:26 rue_house 2381114 the
09:26 rue_house 1716490 a
09:26 rue_house 1539363 to
09:26 rue_house 1265902 i
09:26 rue_house 940305 it
09:26 rue_house 905509 you
09:26 rue_house 890457 is
09:27 theBear ONLY 75 WTF !?!?!?! i think it's broken, surely this can't be the most sensible channel on irc
09:27 rue_house 72 statue
09:27 rue_house 72 stanley
09:27 rue_house 72 stadium
09:27 NightRavenXS damn computers dont work right when I need them most
09:27 theBear oooooh bastard foreigners ! 3 more xactos
09:27 NightRavenXS ugh damn Fedora
09:27 GuShH NightRavenXS: you suck
09:27 rue_house this is over 8 years
09:27 NightRavenXS GuShH, maybe
09:27 GuShH o.o
09:28 rue_house 1139 gushh
09:28 theBear 75 wtf's in 8 years, it's just not possible !
09:28 rue_house 1126 gushh:
09:28 theBear is it tobbor doin it ? cos i imagine most of them are exclaiming he isn't here
09:28 GuShH I'm more than wtf!
09:28 rue_house 3031 receiver
09:28 rue_house 3030 thebear
09:28 rue_house 3026 kept
09:28 theBear ooh, how pop.... AWESOME !
09:28 theBear sorry GuShH buddy :)
09:28 theBear oooh, what about rue ?
09:29 rue_house 4897 worse
09:29 rue_house 4891 rue
09:29 rue_house 4884 solid
09:29 theBear that IS solid, nice work
09:29 theBear furry ?
09:29 rue_house 450 furrywolf
09:29 theBear what about just furry ?
09:29 rue_house 399 gona
09:29 rue_house 399 furry
09:29 rue_house 399 freight
09:30 rue_house got to go to work :)
09:30 theBear hmmm, i musta said it that many times, i'm sceptical
09:30 theBear oooh, bet it's got a lot of go to work
09:30 theBear and gotta
09:30 theBear and if it could conceptualise, us wasting your time with talk like this when you should be leaving for work :)
12:54 RifRaf looks like rue was having fun
14:47 Sebasthian Hi, can someone help me with one thing?
17:53 Tom_itx yay! regs came today
19:19 useless http://www.plasticpals.com/?p=459
20:05 rue_house ahahaha
20:05 rue_house hackaday:
20:05 rue_house ?Why should we give you money??
20:05 rue_house You probably shouldn?t. We?re not responsible people.
20:06 Jak_o_Shadows1 Then one guy donated it?
20:47 RifRaf rue finally got cygwin, all 5gb of it
21:21 rue_bed RifRaf, you missed the point
21:21 rue_bed you just needed anything that you could compile with
21:22 rue_bed in the meantime you got foxy goin
21:22 Tom_L got toys from china today
21:22 rue_bed thats good enough
21:22 rue_bed Tom_itx, what you get?
21:22 Tom_L smps
21:22 rue_bed ah
21:22 rue_bed ratings?
21:22 rue_bed 'no its form china'
21:23 rue_bed ok 7pm
21:23 rue_bed ok
21:24 rue_bed tea maybe would help
21:24 rue_bed might have a new robotics kid, yay
21:24 rue_bed tommorow is wednesday
21:25 rue_bed ok
21:25 Tom_L http://www.ebay.com/itm/180947008880?ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1497.l2649
21:25 Tom_L and the one with the 7seg display at the bottom of the page
21:25 rue_bed hmm
21:27 Jak_o_Shadows1 then two days after that it's friday! friday!
21:47 rue_shop3 Tom_itx, beats what you can make it for eh?
21:47 Tom_L $10 digikey parts
21:48 rue_shop3 :)
21:48 rue_shop3 w/free shipping
21:48 Tom_L you should splurge
21:48 Tom_L i got a handfull of em
21:48 rue_shop3 I splurge a little every day
21:48 Tom_L vregs are always needed
21:49 rue_shop3 I have a new student on the weekend, I have to get my act back togethor
21:49 Tom_L looks like there's a place to put a switch in the pic too
21:49 Tom_L i didn't look at the board
21:49 Tom_L ON/OFF ledgend at the bottom
21:49 rue_shop3 no its signal level control
21:50 MrTrick has anyone here tried greasing 3D printed parts?
21:50 rue_shop3 you can shutdown it
21:50 rue_shop3 MrTrick, parts are binding eh?
21:50 MrTrick I've got two plates to be printed out of ABS, that I want to rotate around a common pin.
21:50 rue_shop3 thats cause the design is wrong
21:50 MrTrick not yet, no.
21:51 Tom_L the display one is fairly accurate
21:51 MrTrick I want them to stay parallel to each other. I'm thinking of printing a round boss on each, sanding them smoothish, and using grease.
21:51 MrTrick (and having nuts on the outside keeping them pressed together)
21:59 rue_shop3 yay! I found the curriculum
21:59 rue_shop3 boo, I'm out of tea
22:01 Tom_L cold or hot?
22:04 rue_shop3 MT
22:29 Tom_itx did you try recompiling libc for avr once?
22:46 MrTrick So, I need to purchase an arduino to connect to a grblShield and run grbl. (oddly enough) Is there going to be any difference between a Leonardo, Duemilanove, or Uno?
23:30 MrTrick Ask a stupid question, get no answer. ^_^ (Yes, okay - Duemilanove is an old model. Leonardo has the all-in-one chip, but means if you reset it you'll lose your terminal)