#robotics Logs

Jan 22 2013

#robotics Calendar

00:18 MrTrick Does anyone have a recommendation for a USB servo controller?
00:20 MrTrick I need only two channels, but it's got to do at least 800 - 2180 microseconds with microsecond or better precision
00:25 rue_house MrTrick, with what kinda software control
00:26 rue_house http://eds.dyndns.org/~ircjunk/tutorials/elex/hobbyservo/servo101.html
00:27 MrTrick well, I've got a pololu micro maestro at the moment. It's USB serial control.
00:27 rue_house so use that
00:28 MrTrick My servos seem to be faster than the controller.
00:28 rue_house how do you mean?
00:29 MrTrick and it has two issues; a) pulses are sent out staggered, not all starting at the same moment. b) there's no support for a 'setMultiple' command, servos have to be commanded one at a time.
00:30 MrTrick The servos I have can travel 60 degrees in 100 milliseconds.
00:30 MrTrick The controller only updates position every 20 ms.
00:30 rue_bed yea
00:31 rue_bed you can only update a servo every 20ms
00:31 rue_bed the pulses themself are 2ms and you have to give it the other 18ms to do its position correction and motor driving
00:31 rue_bed did you read the link?
00:32 MrTrick Yes, I read through it.
00:32 rue_bed staggering the pulses spreads out the load on the power supply
00:32 MrTrick is the article admits though, most of it doesn't apply to digital servos.
00:32 rue_bed so get i2c operated servos
00:32 rue_bed if they are standard pwm servos, you have to wait 20ms
00:32 MrTrick got a link for me?
00:33 rue_bed for what?
00:33 rue_bed i2c servos?
00:33 MrTrick yes.
00:33 rue_bed hmmm
00:33 rue_bed robotstore.com?
00:33 rue_bed hmm
00:33 MrTrick I wonder if the digital ones will cope with a higher update frequency - The configurator panel suggests that I might be able to increase it.
00:33 rue_bed Tom_itx, remeber who sold those $150 i2c servos?
00:34 MrTrick http://www.hobbyking.com/hobbyking/store/uh_viewitem.asp?idproduct=13809 <-- Fast!
00:34 MrTrick there are the i2c *controllers*
00:34 MrTrick and there's openservo
00:35 rue_bed still pwm servos
00:35 rue_bed aka 20ms
00:35 MrTrick sure, I understand.
00:36 rue_bed should I ask what your doing you need that much update speed?
00:36 MrTrick robot control.
00:37 MrTrick robot arm, that is.
00:37 Triffid_Hunter MrTrick: atmega88 or 168 could easily drive two servos with 50ns precision using timer1
00:38 MrTrick Even with a constant 20ms update rate, I find it judders from one position to the next.
00:38 MrTrick which wouldn't be such an issue, except that one motor is moving before the other.
00:39 GuShH that's both poor controlling and poor servos
00:39 Triffid_Hunter MrTrick: if you want precision control, you need something better than cheap hobby servos
00:39 GuShH and in software one will always move before the other, even if you can't notice.
00:39 orlok also, current
00:39 MrTrick I've been trying to hunt down something better. Concrete suggestions?
00:40 Triffid_Hunter GuShH: not so, can set avr timer to turn on both timer outputs at a specific moment
00:40 orlok MrTrick: What sort of power are you providing?
00:40 GuShH Triffid_Hunter: that's hardware.
00:40 MrTrick orlok: it has a hefty 6V 3A supply. I suppose I should check the output voltage.
00:40 rue_bed I have avr code for custom loop controller
00:40 rue_bed I use it on my hexapod
00:40 orlok MrTrick: SHould be anough for a few then - Check the stall current of your servos
00:40 Triffid_Hunter GuShH: even software can go PORTn = (mask(servo0_pin) | mask(servo1_pin))
00:41 rue_bed I have one mega32 operating 4 servo loops
00:41 rue_bed with bussable serial control
00:41 MrTrick orlok: says '300-400ma operating current' on the spec.
00:41 orlok 3 days!!!
00:41 GuShH Triffid_Hunter: it is technically being executed not in parallel.
00:41 rue_bed 9600 baud, 2 bytes per command
00:41 MrTrick I'm not driving them particularly hard.
00:42 MrTrick rue_bed: interesting.
00:42 GuShH orlok: 3 days for what?
00:42 GuShH does it have anything to do with breaking bad? heh
00:42 orlok GuShH: No? why, is it starting again?
00:43 GuShH I don't know, I hope so
00:43 orlok GuShH: Till i get my house keys!
00:43 GuShH oh
00:43 GuShH :D
00:43 orlok well. I get the shed, the other half gets the house keys
00:43 orlok :)
00:43 GuShH " while the second half is scheduled to premiere in summer 2013"
00:43 GuShH bleh
00:44 rue_bed MrTrick,
00:44 rue_bed !assist robots/buddy3/
00:44 tobbor Possibly http://eds.dyndns.org/~ircjunk/robots/buddy3/
00:44 rue_bed er um
00:44 rue_bed !assist robots/buddyIII
00:44 tobbor Possibly http://eds.dyndns.org/~ircjunk/robots/buddyIII
00:44 rue_bed damn, 3rd time for sure
00:44 rue_bed !assist robots/buddy_III
00:44 tobbor Possibly http://eds.dyndns.org/~ircjunk/robots/buddy_III
00:45 rue_bed http://eds.dyndns.org/~ircjunk/robots/buddy_III/p1020051.jpg
00:46 GuShH rue_bed: brass joints?
00:46 MrTrick Looks nifty. Very gracile construction.
00:47 GuShH where the hell do you put all these things
00:48 rue_bed MrTrick, I found them
00:49 rue_bed steel wire, brazed
00:49 rue_bed http://nodna.de/Dynamixel-MX-28T-MX28T-Robot-Servo_1
00:49 rue_bed MrTrick, ^^
00:49 MrTrick ah, those.
00:49 ShH idly turns into jesse pin
00:50 rue_bed who?
00:50 MrTrick Yes, I've looked at them. Haven't had any response to my queries, so I don't know whether they're suitable.
00:50 GuShH yo bitch, nice servo.
00:50 GuShH rue_bed: it's from Breaking Bad
00:50 GuShH a tv series.
00:50 rue_bed ok
00:50 GuShH (he speaks like that)
00:50 rue_bed he's street dumb?
00:50 GuShH well he should, after all hes a meth cook.
00:50 MrTrick (don't get me wrong, I know that Dynamixels will be much more feature-rich and accurate than hobby servos. I just can't be sure they'll work.)
00:51 GuShH and used to deal
00:51 rue_bed MrTrick, they are serial control
00:51 rue_bed mine allow you to cache the next position and globally, synchronously activate it
00:51 GuShH neat
00:51 RifRaf the video won't work on the helicopter so gonna have to send it back, does take images but only wanted it for the video
00:51 MrTrick rue_bed: you have them?
00:51 GuShH tried with a fast sd?
00:52 GuShH RifRaf: not creating the files at all?
00:52 rue_bed I make my own, I'm not made of money
00:52 rue_bed $8/4 servos
00:52 GuShH ouch 190 euro
00:52 rue_bed approx
00:52 rue_bed MrTrick, want to see my instruction set?
00:52 RifRaf GuShH no files, and no led to indicate that pressing the button is working
00:53 MrTrick rue_bed: not necessarily. I'm *not* going to build my own servos.
00:53 GuShH RifRaf: well, if it's on warranty....
00:53 GuShH otherwise I would open it up to see if the button is even working, then troubleshoot upward
00:53 RifRaf yeah should have some, still flies fine so its not from crashing it
00:53 RifRaf yes, will send em an email before pulling it apart
00:53 GuShH I believe they're digital, at least they might be using one bit per switch
00:54 rue_bed MrTrick, ok
00:54 rue_bed MrTrick, what country you in?
00:54 GuShH RifRaf: its a nice toy too bad the camera res is so low, you could in theory have 720p in there, but it would require a lot more processing power :(
00:54 GuShH then again keychain cameras are 720p
00:55 GuShH I have one that actually interpolates to 720p... the assholes.
00:55 rue_bed its funny how a 4x4 pixel camea can be sold as 720p
00:55 GuShH they have enough processing power to upscale the frames
00:55 GuShH and no option to disable interpolation
00:55 GuShH rue_bed: it's not funny when samsung and others are doing it also
00:55 MrTrick Australia.
00:55 GuShH they should fine them
00:56 GuShH rue_bed: you know what else isn't funny? software caps
00:56 GuShH a camera that can do 1080p is software limited to 640x480
00:56 rue_bed !! rifraf is your guy, he can make the system I designed for only about $50/servo
00:56 GuShH "market segmentation"
00:56 RifRaf GuShH did you see the video footage on the webpage?
00:56 MrTrick rue_bed: what's the backlash on your servos?
00:56 ShH must be a co
00:56 GuShH RifRaf: I remember seeing 320x240
00:57 rue_bed MrTrick, you can use whatever hardware you want
00:57 GuShH I've put a spy cam on a chainsaw once, but I couldn't dampen the mic enough it kept overloading
00:57 rue_bed remove the controller form the servos you have and use mine to control them
00:57 GuShH they're crap but at least they're so cheap you can have fun with them
00:57 RifRaf i though it was ok, the camera is like about 10mm square if that
00:57 GuShH RifRaf: yeah 720p ones are also that small
00:58 RifRaf ok i have stripped all other hardware from my avr project apart from the uart
00:58 GuShH problem is overall image quality is poor due to the small surface area of the sensor
00:58 MrTrick rue_bed: finding good enough donor hardware? forget it.
00:58 GuShH that means less photons are hitting it at any given point in time and you end up resorting to software levelling...
00:58 GuShH or an accumulating buffer
00:58 rue_bed MrTrick, nasa might have some hardware able to fit your requirements
00:59 GuShH lol
00:59 GuShH MrTrick: what's the application of the arm?
00:59 MrTrick Writing. With a reach of about 500mm.
00:59 rue_bed heh
01:00 rue_bed using servos
01:00 MrTrick Any wobble or inaccuracy is *very* obvious.
01:00 rue_bed hah
01:00 MrTrick Yes, I've contemplated steppers also.
01:00 MrTrick and possibly that's going to be the best way forward.
01:00 rue_bed steppers would work, if you have enough patience for them to finish moving
01:00 rue_bed MrTrick, have a basic arm design?
01:01 rue_bed !assist robots/arm6
01:01 tobbor Possibly http://eds.dyndns.org/~ircjunk/robots/arm6
01:01 MrTrick Don't worry, I've got lots of it working well.
01:01 MrTrick very little backlash or give in the frame.
01:01 MrTrick just pesky control issues.
01:02 rue_bed http://eds.dyndns.org/~ircjunk/robots/arm4/p1010990.jpg
01:02 rue_bed steppers
01:02 MrTrick ergh.... you *welded* to bearings?
01:02 rue_bed slow as all hell
01:02 MrTrick o_O
01:02 rue_bed MrTrick, better yet, those bearings I welded to, are smooth as new!
01:02 rue_bed WHERE!
01:03 GuShH lol
01:03 GuShH behind the arm!
01:03 rue_bed FFFF!!! SWEEEET
01:03 e_bed grabs the crayons and goes and colours somet
01:04 MrTrick rue_bed: http://i.imgur.com/SmQnzOe.jpg
01:04 rue_bed hmm I see
01:05 MrTrick that pattern is drawn on a 1.5mm grid.
01:05 rue_bed this WILL he hard to colour
01:05 GuShH "we detected our video may be shaky, would you like us to mess it up forever?" youtube(tm)
01:05 e_bed sharpens his fav colour cra
01:05 GuShH your*
01:05 MrTrick rue: so, this level of accuracy in drawing isn't enough.
01:06 MrTrick also, some lingering issues in inverse kinematics that are either a problem with calibrating or non-linearity in the potentiometer.
01:08 Trick goes to catch a t
01:09 rue_bed hmm
01:09 rue_bed you could error map it
01:09 rue_bed but servos aren't gonna work good there
01:09 rue_bed you should have linear actuators
01:10 rue_bed I should make one up to show ya
01:10 rue_bed it looks just like one I already made
01:10 rue_bed wait... wrong tab
01:12 rue_bed but I see why your interested in high accuracy and synchronous movement
01:23 RifRaf hrm, cannot get any data out at all, will try another pcb
01:55 MrTrick rue_bed: know anything about universal joints?
01:56 MrTrick I was thinking of building a design around something like these; http://www.robotshop.com/geared-bipolar-stepper-motor-3v-233-oz-in.html
01:56 MrTrick but one of the motors needs to be offset about 30 degrees, in order to fit.
01:56 MrTrick (can't have it sitting vertically)
01:58 MrTrick something like this looks like it'd be sufficient; http://ondrivesus.com/universals_plastic.htm
01:58 GuShH do people really buy from those "robot" stores?
01:58 MrTrick It's just an example.
01:58 RifRaf 30° is quite a bit for a uni joint
01:58 MrTrick Not for a double one.
01:59 RifRaf thats would help
01:59 MrTrick and it *would* have to be a double joint, in order to cancel the rotational unevenness.
01:59 RifRaf yeah
02:00 MrTrick The problem as I see it, is fixing a plate that's at the right angle and distance to the motor... and attaching a shaft to the plate and to the u-joint, such that it stays in the right place.
02:00 RifRaf i thought they were more for misaligned straight drives rather than going around corners
02:03 MrTrick no, I don't think so; http://ondrivesus.com/PDF/couplings/zero_backlash_plastic_universals.pdf
02:03 MrTrick for misaligned straight drives, you have shaft couplers.
02:04 MrTrick what's the component called, that holds a shaft square in a hole? Allows rotation, but not translation or wobble.
02:05 RifRaf a bearing?
02:06 RifRaf why would trucks and cars need uni joints on the tailshaft then? they could just use a shaft coupler?
02:07 MrTrick torque limitationa, I suppose.
02:11 RifRaf because the shafts are misaligned, bumps, suspension in rear end etc
03:08 Tom_itx RifRaf, what's your lcd pinout to the port pins?
03:08 Tom_itx i'll wire one up later today and try it
03:22 RifRaf have just being wiring up an arduino so need to change them, but are you doing a mega32?
03:23 RifRaf so far got serial data out to computer but trying to get some buttons working now
03:25 RifRaf for mega32 i have RS-A7,RW-A6,E-D2,Data4-D4,Data5-D5,Data6,D6,Data7-D7
03:26 Tom_itx yeah i got a mega32 too
03:28 RifRaf the text 2 speech is on PB3 and then just the rx and and tx pins to a max232
03:29 Tom_itx http://tom-itx.dyndns.org:81/~webpage/boards/atmega32_exp1.jpg
03:29 Tom_itx i got one of those out to test with
03:30 RifRaf nice will be easy to hookup then
03:30 RifRaf just need a small amp on PB3 to hear the audio
03:30 Tom_itx wonder if a piezo would do
03:31 RifRaf or line in to mic input on sterio, thats all i am doing
03:31 Tom_itx i'll probably just hook up the lcd for now
03:32 RifRaf ok
03:33 RifRaf i am like ten steps backwards of where i was cause have ripped everything apart trying to get this stupid serial working
03:34 RifRaf now am thinking my boards must be wrong or something
03:34 Tom_itx did you see the test i did?
03:34 Tom_itx you should load that and try it once
03:34 RifRaf and that at some stage the serial would have worked had i had the hardware correct, am confusedf
03:34 RifRaf no missed it
03:35 Tom_itx <Tom_itx> RifRaf i got a test file for the m32
03:35 Tom_itx <Tom_itx> just finished converting it from a 168
03:35 Tom_itx <Tom_itx> working on lcd code for it
03:35 RifRaf you have working hex file or code? for mega32
03:35 Tom_itx <Tom_itx> you need an led on PB5 for the test
03:36 RifRaf my connection was heaps bad, i don't recall this
03:36 Tom_itx http://tom-itx.dyndns.org:81/~webpage/avr/atmega32/rs232_rx_test/
03:36 Tom_itx <Tom_itx> rs232 to a pc terminal
03:36 Tom_itx <Tom_itx> push 1 2 or 3 to see a result on PB5
03:37 RifRaf for 16mhz?
03:37 Tom_itx yeah
03:37 RifRaf ok will flash the hex file, need to hook it up again
03:37 Tom_itx i had it working on a m168 and changed the regs for the 32
03:37 Tom_itx it should still work
03:38 Tom_itx err wait.. i did it for 8mhz
03:38 Tom_itx i can recompile it for 16
03:38 Tom_itx just checked the define at the top of the c file..
03:39 Tom_itx i'll fix it and repost here in a sec
03:43 Tom_itx ok new code up
03:47 RifRaf ok, i just flashed it but will redo
03:51 RifRaf nothing at first now a Z in the terminal window when i press any key
03:52 Tom_itx that's the default
03:52 Tom_itx led on b5 should toggle with 1 and 2 press
03:53 RifRaf oh b5
03:53 RifRaf o had it on b3
03:53 RifRaf no pb5 on this board :/
03:53 Tom_itx i can swap it
03:54 RifRaf can you zip up and will get all the files and try recompile
03:54 RifRaf ok thats easier
03:54 RifRaf for me in my state
03:54 RifRaf at least we have TX already so half the setup is right
03:55 Tom_itx i'll upload in a sec for pb3
03:55 RifRaf cheers
03:56 Tom_itx ok grab it now
03:56 RifRaf k
03:58 RifRaf ok a quick blink for 1, nothing for 2, about 1 second on for 3
03:59 Tom_itx sounds about right
03:59 RifRaf really?
03:59 Tom_itx it may be cycling too quick to see 2
03:59 Tom_itx not sure
03:59 Tom_itx i haven't used it in a long time
03:59 Tom_itx 3 has a delay
03:59 RifRaf wow so cool, so i have rx and tx working on this board then?
03:59 Tom_itx rx anyway
03:59 Tom_itx yes
03:59 Tom_itx now study the code
04:00 Tom_itx it's all done in the interrupt
04:00 RifRaf but i get a Z in the terminal window, thats TX?
04:00 Tom_itx oh, yeah it would be
04:00 RifRaf nice
04:00 RifRaf thanks for that, i'll stop thinking these boards are just bad now
04:00 Tom_itx but there's no tx send function as such
04:00 Tom_itx you can mess with it
04:01 RifRaf am just glad to know it works as hooked up this moment, so not touching it but will try other code
04:01 Tom_itx k, i'm out for a while now
04:02 Tom_itx 4am
04:02 RifRaf ok thanks again
04:02 Tom_itx there's probably tx code on my site but it's for a 168 likely
04:03 Tom_itx you could play with that
04:03 Tom_itx http://tom-itx.dyndns.org:81/~webpage/avr/
04:03 Tom_itx there's all the code
04:04 Tom_itx http://tom-itx.dyndns.org:81/~webpage/avr/rs232_test/atmega32/
04:04 Tom_itx that has a tx function
04:05 Tom_itx should change it to 16mhz though instead of 8
04:05 Tom_itx top of the c file
04:05 Tom_itx and edit the makefile for the 32 instead of mega16
04:05 Tom_itx top of the makefile
04:08 RifRaf have got the led blinking the same for each button, but changed the Z and not getting the word i typed yet
04:09 Jak_o_Shadows Also, i should buy a serial level shifter thing, and a usb-to-serial adaptor
04:10 RifRaf yep
04:10 RifRaf Jak_o_Shadows i have lots if you want one, but i know how cheap they are, the level shifters
04:14 Tom_itx need a single char for that test
04:14 RifRaf yep noticed
04:14 RifRaf but at least i am getting what i type in
04:14 Tom_itx try the other tx test with the changes
04:15 RifRaf or have in the code i mean
04:15 RifRaf did you put up some different code?
04:15 Jak_o_Shadows Why didn't you suggest this yesterday, when i was buying stuff?
04:15 Tom_itx scroll up and read ^^
04:16 RifRaf k i see links
04:16 Tom_itx http://tom-itx.dyndns.org:81/~webpage/avr/rs232_test/atmega32/
04:16 Tom_itx it was compiled for a mega16 at 8mhz though
04:17 Tom_itx just make the 2 changes i mentioned
04:17 Tom_itx i'm out..
04:18 RifRaf getting this `æfæ`æfæ`æfæ`æfæ`
04:18 RifRaf ok oh
04:18 RifRaf will do
04:23 RifRaf now get U then T every few hundred milliseconds
04:23 RifRaf and Connected!
04:23 RifRaf so tx seems good
04:26 RifRaf yep just like the code says, every 250ms
13:05 RifRaf omg yes, started from scratch, rx/tx working in 10 minutes :/
13:20 RifRaf ok so the lcd is displaying the char i type in terminal, but different, like 1=49 , 2=50, a=97 , A=65 , any clues?
13:23 RifRaf ok so i am getting the Decimal value of the Char according to this http://www.asciitable.com/
13:32 RifRaf yay changed int InstreamData to char InstreamData, fuck only 5 days to work that out :/
14:00 RifRaf big steps this morning, mega32 speaks and displays a char from the mega168, next step is to move to words
14:25 RifRaf current code, how to turn InstreamData into a string or word please? http://pastebin.com/njXngU3C
19:12 rue_house if you get T then something is still wrong with the baud rate
19:12 rue_house hows that lib going rif?
19:13 Tom_itx what are you talking about?
19:13 Tom_itx he did the UTUT test and it worked
19:13 rue_house UT?
19:13 rue_house should just be U
19:13 Tom_itx no
19:13 Tom_itx mine did ututut
19:13 rue_house yes, cause thats alternating bits
19:13 rue_house U is 01010101
19:14 Tom_itx so that was the test i gave him to try
19:14 rue_house thats WHY its U
19:14 Tom_itx and it worked
19:14 Tom_itx so he got the led to blink with input from the terminal
19:14 rue_house if the baud rate is wrong, you can work out what baud rate your really getting by what you get
19:14 Tom_itx then did the UTUTUT test
19:14 rue_house it he using that library or just palin C
19:15 Tom_itx for the test early this am it was pure c
19:15 Tom_itx then he tried his lib again
19:15 rue_house col
19:15 rue_house his lib working at all yet?
19:15 Tom_itx then he posted the pastebin
19:16 Tom_itx so it must be working to a degree
20:31 RifRaf rue and tom, my code is working with the libs now
20:31 RifRaf only 1 char at a time though
20:31 RifRaf main issue seems to be that i had an int instead of a char
20:32 MrTrick I hate it when you know what you need, but not what to call it!
20:32 RifRaf look at the pastebin from a few hours ago if you want to see if you can turn my chars into a word
20:32 RifRaf MrTrick yep me too
20:32 MrTrick Lets see if anyone knows this...
20:32 MrTrick I need something like a lazy susan bearing...
20:33 GargantuaSauce that's what they're actually called
20:33 MrTrick hence 'like'
20:33 MrTrick but that the moving side has a shaft I can attach a universal joint to.
20:34 MrTrick The important thing is that the bearing keeps the moving side aligned with the stationary side, both linearly and axially.
20:34 MrTrick (so that the only degree of freedom - rotation - can be driven through the shaft.
20:36 RifRaf they are called lazy susan bearings
20:36 RifRaf go figure
20:36 RifRaf oh like
20:37 RifRaf weld one up
20:38 RifRaf Tom_itx yeah got the recieved char to be printed to lcd, send back via rs232 and spoken, so acheived alot
20:39 MrTrick trouble is, they all seem to be open. http://www.smallparts.com.au/store/partslist/lazysusanbearings/lazysusanbearings/all/1/
20:40 rue_bed you power a thrust bearing with a ring gear
20:40 rue_bed not from a shaft off the centre
20:40 rue_bed !assist robots/arm6
20:40 tobbor Possibly http://eds.dyndns.org/~ircjunk/robots/arm6
20:40 rue_bed I think
20:41 rue_bed !assist robots/arm7
20:41 tobbor Possibly http://eds.dyndns.org/~ircjunk/robots/arm7
20:43 MrTrick ah, 'slewing bearing' gives interesting results.
20:43 MrTrick http://www.ui-pi.com/userfiles/image/6%20Meter%20Slewing%20Bearing.jpg
20:45 MrTrick rue_bed: possibly. Might not be so good for backlash though.
20:46 MrTrick I'm also thinking about 50mm, max.
20:48 MrTrick ooh; http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/Turntable-Bearing-Model-Railway-Train-Set-Baseboard-/290697227034#vi-content
20:58 Tom_itx RifRaf
20:58 Tom_itx what happens when you change the if to a while
20:59 Tom_itx if(InstreamData!=0)
20:59 MrTrick Actually, I've just realised - a *small* open-type lazy susan bearing is ideal. that way I can feed the wiring through the base, and fix a driving shaft to a plate on the moving side. (Rotation is only 180 or so)
20:59 Tom_itx the read() would need to be inside the loop
21:00 Tom_itx i don't like their 'sudo' code
21:01 Tom_itx is that c++ flavor?
21:01 Tom_itx looks like it
21:11 RifRaf Tom_itx whle i need a while and some i++ thing, at work for next 3 hours still so cannot play code yet
21:11 RifRaf c++
21:11 RifRaf back in a while, have to go design stuff for work :/
21:12 Tom_itx the buffer reads in a byte at a time
21:13 Tom_itx so look for some trigger for the end of text such as end of line, null or count the characters in the string
21:17 Tom_itx http://pastebin.com/NpkZXGef
21:17 Tom_itx something like that
21:19 RifRaf ok will try that
21:19 Tom_itx that's on my toaster oven running my serial lcd thing
21:20 Tom_itx a t2313 is the 'serial' controller for it
21:40 MrTrick while we're (I'm) on the topic of 'finding that thing that you don't know the name of' ... given a motor with a flat on the shaft, how do you transfer the torque to a plate? (and fix the linear position) One could cut a flat hole in the plate... but that wouldn't fix the position. A flat shape and nuts? Only if the shaft is threaded.
21:40 Tom_itx grub screws
21:41 zhanx umm that or that half moon thingy that fixed things in place. (can't remember the name either
21:41 MrTrick Okay, so that's the little thing that presses on the flat.
21:41 Tom_itx rue eats em for breakfast
21:41 MrTrick What about the thing that the grub screw sits in?
21:42 zhanx the slot?
21:42 orlok Collar attached to the plate
21:42 MrTrick aha, that's it.
21:42 Tom_itx http://tom-itx.dyndns.org:81/~webpage/maxbot/image016.jpg
21:43 orlok MrTrick: If you look at most motors that drive a gear thats not a press-fit, theres a collar that sticks out of the gear with a hole for a grub screw
21:43 Tom_itx orlok! no daily report!!?
21:43 MrTrick now, what about a collar that actually has a flange (flange flange flange) for attachment to a flat surface?
21:43 orlok Tom_itx: 2 days!
21:44 MrTrick Tom_itx: those collars look interesting, too.
21:44 orlok so have to write a cheque tomorrow or the day after
21:44 Tom_itx i made them
21:49 MrTrick *snerk*
21:49 MrTrick I completely forget - I have a set of these at home; http://www.robotgear.com.au/Cache/Files/ProductImageOriginals/750_Mounting%20hub%20for%205mm%20shafts%20with%20included%20Allen%20wrench%20and%20set%20screws.jpg
21:56 orlok yeah, that will do it
21:57 zhanx ok dress uniform is done
21:58 zhanx i get to be a bailiff in a court marshal for the next 3 days
22:00 orlok zhanx: Wow, how you get picked for that?
22:00 orlok zhanx: is it just escorting them in/out and making sure they dont go nuts?
22:00 zhanx i am big and he is violent
22:00 orlok Ahh
22:01 zhanx also i am level 4 combative cert'd
22:01 GuShH orlok and I are level 120 royal paladins! take that!
22:02 zhanx GuShH, no problem my m-4 has +200 against royal paladins and my bayonet is +50 against paladin armor
22:02 GuShH haha
22:03 GuShH cheater!
22:03 zhanx and i get a 18(+4) str bonus
22:03 orlok zhanx: but you need to regain distance to use the m-4! hard to do against a mounted opponent!
22:03 GuShH but we look cooler, pft.
22:03 orlok (yes, i know - just shoot the horse, right.)
22:03 zhanx orlok, 18 in yes
22:03 GuShH no, horsey :(
22:04 zhanx horesy in for repairs GuShH ?
22:04 GuShH yeah, new intercooler and racing stripes.
22:05 zhanx racing stripes means feeding it more
22:05 rue_shop3 "STOP using your finger to clean the tip of the iron!! the smell of the burning flesh is REALLY bothering me!"
22:05 zhanx rue_shop3, that is why i use my elbow
22:06 GargantuaSauce i just poked my hotend, that kind of hurt
22:06 zhanx hence the nice scab i got
22:07 zhanx rue_shop3, make this http://hackedgadgets.com/2010/04/20/spinning-rgb-led-ball/
22:09 ShH pokes GargantuaSauce with his hot
22:09 GargantuaSauce ouch
22:10 GargantuaSauce that wasn't very nice you know
22:26 rue_shop3 zhanx, :) hi
22:26 rue_shop3 help shug... he left
22:26 zhanx k
22:26 zhanx help him tomorrow
22:26 zhanx doing math
22:57 rue_shop3 looks like buddy II should be good for 6 hours of runtime in idle (computer+wifi only)
23:58 GuShH rue_shop3: so why is it called buddy?
23:58 GuShH rue_shop3: did you strip down everything you could to save power?