#robotics Logs

Jan 14 2013

#robotics Calendar

00:19 rue_house debian is soooo far behind the release date of its softwre packages that they had to create a whole porting system to get new software to work
00:19 theBear hehe
00:20 e_house is, of course, reffering to backp
00:21 rue_house is the arduino library set SO thick its processor independent now?
00:21 theBear sound like it, sad world we live in
00:22 rue_house people are gonna start to need io microcontrollers to interface hardware to their microcontrollers
00:24 theBear hehe, lot of them already do, but that's cos they never learnt to use the microcontrollers properly
00:31 rue_house everyone seems to expect a microcomputer, I wish they would learn the difference
00:32 rue_house if they want a microcomputer, get a freaking microatx already
00:32 theBear heh, way i see it, a 2dollar avr is better than my first pc by a long way apart from not having 512kb ram
00:34 MjrTom You Dawg! I heard you liked interfacing to microcontrollers, so I put a microcontroller on your microcontroller so you can interface to a microcontroller while interfacing to your microcontroller!
00:34 MjrTom * Yo
00:35 orlok MjrTom: are you talking about the Arduino Uno?
00:35 orlok :)
00:35 orlok YODAWG!
00:35 theBear hehe
00:35 orlok MjrTom: Did you see xzibit's tweet about it?
00:35 theBear that xzibit guy cracks me up
00:35 Jak_o_Shadows1 rue_house: Does it have python 2.7, msp4gcc, and enough community repositories for games and such? Also ati drivers? Sabayon linux stuffs up after every update, i gotta fix it every time
00:35 theBear what ? xzibit got a arduino ?
00:35 orlok i think it went something like "would you all jump on something sharp please"
00:36 theBear my favourite is still the dawg and yoyo meme version
00:43 rue_house microtax you just install linux
00:43 rue_house atx
00:43 rue_house its a PC
00:44 rue_house a small one
00:53 RifRaf cut some gears on router today, did a pretty good job
01:02 shuggans Rif: can you help me with somethign quick?
01:03 RifRaf can try
01:03 shuggans http://www.aliexpress.com/item/L298N-Step-Stepper-Motor-Driver-Controller-Module-5V-output-for-Robot-Smart-Car/727457833.html <- have this, got my arduino today :). I need to know what to connect to that driver board to get this thing to turn a motor...
01:04 shuggans :/
01:04 orlok shuggans: got stepper? got multimeter?
01:04 RifRaf why a stepper motor driver?
01:04 shuggans it's just a DC motor...
01:04 RifRaf not gonna work then
01:04 shuggans no steppers
01:05 orlok hmm.. stepper driver should still handle a standard dc motor shouldent it? kinda?
01:05 RifRaf well i can you could run 2 dc motors from a stepper controller so retract that
01:05 shuggans If I short 3 of the pins on there (ENA, 5v, and in1) it spins one way
01:05 orlok RifRaf: just no speed control?
01:05 Ademan Couldn't you use an H-bridge and pwm to drive a c motor?
01:05 Ademan dc*
01:06 shuggans Ademan: I have this H bridge driver: http://www.aliexpress.com/item/L298N-Step-Stepper-Motor-Driver-Controller-Module-5V-output-for-Robot-Smart-Car/727457833.html
01:06 shuggans I just dont know enough about this stuff yet to control it from my arduino
01:06 Ademan btw, I'm trying to find the LM 7805 (5v regulator) on digikey and can't seem to...
01:06 shuggans I have my arduino sending a HIGH signal from a port...
01:07 RifRaf shuggans beleive me i really don't know much, and i dunno how to drive a dc motor from a stepper controller, rue would though
01:08 RifRaf its rather daunting just how many subjects you need to know to make a robot
01:08 shuggans :P
01:08 shuggans Any Ideas Rue?
01:09 RifRaf he's probly off chasing a butterfly
01:09 shuggans lol
01:09 theBear looks like it's got seperate inputs for each half bridge (l294 is 4 half bridges right ?) so umm, i spose if it's a 5v-ish motor you go gnd to one output, and just use one input, if you want reverse and/or the motor can handle 10v, you use 2 outputs and drive 2 inputs
01:09 theBear actually, scratch the 10v bit, use 2 outputs and 2 inputs
01:10 theBear hi/hi (with enable on) shows the motor 0v, hi/low shows it 5v, low/hi shows it 5v in the reverse direction, and low/low shows it 0v, enable off shows it nothing (ie. coast vs 0v=brake)
01:10 RifRaf yeah, do you have anything that lists what all the connectors are labeled, that will give us clues
01:11 shuggans It goes: ENA 5V 5V ENB on top row
01:11 shuggans below that: In1 In2 In3 In4
01:11 theBear the closeup pic on that link shows , what he just said :)
01:12 shuggans That lin has the best pics i can find of it
01:12 theBear i'd check the l294 datasheet too, but from memory it's 4 half bridges, 4 inputs to control each of those, 4 outputs and an enable per pair of outs
01:12 theBear so that board basically just breaks out the chip with a few caps and diodes and things to keep it in check
01:14 shuggans I see..
01:14 RifRaf shuggans the link you gave us the other day had instructions on how to drive it, have that handy?
01:14 shuggans so how do i wire to it with the arduino?
01:14 shuggans I dont remember >_<
01:14 shuggans i cant find that either >_<
01:14 shuggans i have a video that uses a strikingly similar board...
01:14 RifRaf wire one port, like portb, one pin to each input of the driver
01:14 shuggans but with ez robot driver not arduino
01:15 RifRaf then controlling the highs and lows on portb should do stuff to make the motor move
01:15 RifRaf you guys have heard of raspberry pie?
01:15 theBear yeah a bit
01:16 shuggans port b?
01:16 RifRaf someone told me about em today, seems like alot for $25
01:16 RifRaf shuggins, find a datasheet
01:16 RifRaf here is one i have open all day http://www.atmel.com/Images/doc2503.pdf
01:17 theBear it is a lot for that... only disadvantage is that for full graphics accelleration you need a semi-closed driver/bin blob, but yeah, it's amazing value
01:17 RifRaf look at page two, it shows all the pins, PB0 to PB7 are the 8 i/o pins connected to portb
01:18 RifRaf its for mega32 though, you need one for the arduino you have and the atmega168 i think they use
01:19 shuggans atmega328p is what the chip says
01:20 RifRaf ah ok, so google, atmega328 datasheet and get familiar with all the pins
01:21 RifRaf the arduino removes you abit from that level, but is good to know
01:24 shuggans so in1 needs to be high, in2 needs to be low
01:24 shuggans or opposite for the other direction?
01:24 RifRaf yep, do you have your programming environment setup for the arduino yet?
01:25 shuggans jsut using the IDE
01:25 RifRaf yep, have you been able to make it flash a led yet?
01:25 shuggans leave the jumper on the enable and the 5v next to it then
01:25 shuggans yes I was :)
01:25 RifRaf cool so you are well on the way, and since you can code its gonna be so much easier than for me\
01:26 shuggans Lol - I dont know C++ yet.
01:26 shuggans I knwo vb.net though. and C++ looks ALOT like php and mIRC scripting
01:26 shuggans I have the conecpt there
01:27 shuggans just not the syntax :)
01:27 RifRaf but yep, all you need to learn now is how to send highs and lows to the pins you are connecting to the motor driver
01:28 shuggans omg wait a minute - you said Id need 10v on a mosfet to turn a motor.. is this from a high to one and a low to another?
01:28 RifRaf no
01:28 RifRaf 10v needs other hardware like a transistor, the avr only puts out max 5v
01:29 shuggans I see...
01:29 shuggans I thought I had an epiphany
01:29 RifRaf high is ~5v, low is ~0v
01:29 shuggans :P
01:29 RifRaf there is no -5v
01:30 RifRaf if you had -5 to +5 you could make 10v differential but thats not gonna happen here
01:31 RifRaf anyway you said you had logic level input on your fet, so you don't need any more
01:31 shuggans This is a different driver board
01:31 shuggans that other one I made
01:31 RifRaf no 10V if to drive a FET, you motor driver needs 5v
01:32 shuggans ok
01:34 shuggans Had driver output High to in1, LOW to in2
01:34 shuggans nothing
01:34 RifRaf have you got this datasheet open as well? http://www.st.com/internet/com/TECHNICAL_RESOURCES/TECHNICAL_LITERATURE/DATASHEET/CD00000240.pdf
01:35 RifRaf bottom of page 6 has a logic table, thats what it needs to drive it
01:36 shuggans are the "inputs" on the chip just "gates"?
01:36 RifRaf and read the rest on what the chip needs to work and you will know whats going on, then ask questions that are relevant to the datasheets and people can assist much better
01:37 RifRaf not me, but others like bear and triffid etc
01:37 theBear you're smart you ass, outta practice maybe, but you know your shit
01:37 RifRaf i get there in the end though
01:39 RifRaf theBear i killed a 3 phase 10hp motor in me router today, apparently, hopefully its the cause of the other faults we be having
01:39 theBear ouch
01:39 theBear that's a serious router :)
01:39 RifRaf so only have one vacuum pump till its fixed, but can still work
01:39 RifRaf yeah very, i'll show ya me gears i cut today, brb
01:39 theBear what you doing for work ?
01:40 RifRaf router operator
01:40 RifRaf :)
01:40 theBear i'll look sometime, gotta lie down in a minute, back is fucked again and i'm all drugged up and confused
01:40 shuggans Bear, I can't make sense of this right now - this board is crazy :S
01:40 RifRaf i do the cad and desing, cut the parts, and do wiring of leds and stuff
01:40 theBear nice
01:40 RifRaf but this year i am making robots on it
01:40 theBear i fix audio again, if i can still walk
01:41 theBear not looking great the last week or so tho
01:41 RifRaf when no one is looking
01:41 theBear o
01:41 theBear heh
01:41 RifRaf yeah read that you had quite some pains, no good
01:41 theBear mmm,i'm a pensioner and all
01:41 shuggans Does the motor driver + the arduino need to share the same powersource, grounds etc?
01:42 RifRaf yep
01:42 shuggans wellllll thats why its not working :P
01:42 RifRaf common ground
01:42 theBear same grounds, should probably not share the reg unless it's a TINY motor
01:42 theBear hehehe
01:42 theBear yeo
01:42 theBear yep\
01:42 shuggans so I should run everything into the ground on the arduino?
01:43 theBear they need a common ground, otherwise "5v" doesn't mean anything, like connecting a lightbulb to one end of a battery
01:43 shuggans and the arduino's ground port will work? if i run every ground into that?
01:44 shuggans or does gnd mean the - side of the battery powering the board?
01:44 theBear should be the same thing, and once you connect them, they are all the same thing
01:44 Jak_o_Shadows1 they should be equivalent
01:44 shuggans im currently powering the arduino throught the USB connection from my pc
01:44 shuggans not fro ma battery
01:45 shuggans I need to power it fro mthe same battery as the driver board?
01:45 theBear then you shouldn't have mentioned battery :)
01:45 theBear oh, you got a battery
01:45 theBear just, connect the grounds
01:45 shuggans battry is in the VCC and GND terminals of the driver board
01:45 theBear we can't say it any simpler than that
01:46 RifRaf the - from one board to the - one the other,
01:46 shuggans which GND on the arduino? there are several...
01:46 RifRaf heh
01:46 shuggans does it matter?
01:46 theBear they are all the friggin same !
01:46 shuggans (I dont want tpo fry anything - jsut got it)
01:46 theBear that's why they have the same name
01:47 theBear meh, time to relax... bbl
01:53 shuggans OMG it works!
01:53 shuggans needed the ground. Thank you guys so much!
01:53 shuggans :D
01:54 RifRaf yay
01:54 shuggans (Sorry for my n00bishness.... )
01:54 RifRaf its great to have someone making things in here, keep going
02:03 RifRaf http://rifraf.dyndns.org/images/gears2.jpg
02:45 shuggans I just finished my foward, rverse, left and right commands
02:45 shuggans I think this thing drained my 9v battery SUPER fast... what gives?
02:46 shuggans either that or I fried this h-bridge board. ... the leds come on (there are 4 outs, 1 led each)... but wuth the motors on, they dont turn anymore and no lights. the second i disconnect the motors, lights up.
02:47 Triffid_Hunter shuggans: 9v batteries suck for longevity vs decent loads like motors
02:47 Triffid_Hunter shuggans: I'd expect it to last 20 mins or so
02:48 RifRaf yep there is not much in a 9v when it comes to motors
02:49 RifRaf you really need to get a multimeter, even a $10 one
02:50 RifRaf so you can test for basic thing like flat battery, and current draw
02:50 RifRaf Triffid_Hunter did you see the gears?
02:51 shuggans 4 double A's be better?
02:51 shuggans I have a holder for 4...
02:52 Triffid_Hunter yeah definitely
02:52 Triffid_Hunter personally I'd use a wall wart
02:52 Jak_o_Shadows1 What would a lantern battery be like? Better?
02:52 Jak_o_Shadows1 Yeah, use a wall wart while testing
02:52 shuggans awhat?
02:55 shuggans like... an AC adapter?
02:58 MjrTom lantern battery is 6v
03:02 shuggans Hmmm
03:02 shuggans with the 4 AAs no power at all on the driver board
03:07 shuggans why would tha tbe? Requires more than that?
03:08 RifRaf 5 aa would be better, the regulator would have some voltage drop, if it was more than 1v then a 5v device won't work, can you measure the volts to make sure the batteries are good?
03:09 shuggans So if I have an AC adapter... that says OUTPUT: 9vdc 1000mA
03:09 RifRaf should be good
03:09 shuggans I could cut the plug off and go into the VCC and GND ?
03:09 shuggans on the driver board?
03:09 RifRaf as long as it says output DC somewhere as well
03:09 shuggans 9VDC
03:10 RifRaf goodo
03:10 shuggans what are the odds of this shocking the crap out of me?
03:10 RifRaf yep hook it up, make sure you gets the wires right, 1a wire fry things if wrong
03:10 RifRaf no risk to you at all
03:11 shuggans how do I know which is + and -?
03:11 rue_bed use your multimeter
03:11 rue_bed do you have an led?
03:11 shuggans yes I have an led...
03:12 rue_bed look into the led
03:12 rue_bed see the post and anvil?
03:12 rue_bed | 7
03:12 shuggans ???
03:12 rue_bed post anvil
03:12 shuggans yes
03:13 shuggans there are 2
03:13 rue_bed the post is positive
03:13 shuggans ones the other way
03:13 rue_bed use a 2 wire led
03:13 shuggans it is
03:13 shuggans assuming red is positive white is neg
03:13 rue_bed then there is one post, and one avil INSIDE the led
03:14 rue_bed uh, are there wires attached to your led?
03:14 shuggans yes
03:14 rue_bed do you know if the led already has a resistor too?
03:14 rue_bed how are you at math
03:15 rue_bed how fast can you type
03:15 shuggans dont think so. power light from a pc case
03:15 rue_bed if I type 3 questions before you can answer one, do you only remmber the last queston?
03:15 RifRaf lol
03:15 rue_bed ok do you have a resistor? about 1k
03:15 shuggans :P
03:15 rue_bed I'm serious, most people cane
03:15 rue_bed cant
03:16 shuggans dont know...
03:16 rue_bed your failing miserably right now
03:16 shuggans lol i answer i order :P
03:16 rue_bed do you know the colours for a 1k led?
03:16 shuggans nope
03:16 rue_bed brown, black, red gold
03:17 rue_bed do you have a 1k resistor
03:17 rue_bed whats your pets name
03:17 shuggans i have... red purple brown gold
03:17 rue_bed no,
03:17 rue_bed !doresistors 5
03:17 tobbor rue_bed: What is the colour for the value 4?
03:17 rue_bed yellow
03:17 tobbor rue_bed: Correct. What is the value of the color blue?
03:17 rue_bed 5
03:17 tobbor rue_bed: No, the answer was 6. What is the colour for the value 9?
03:18 rue_bed white
03:18 tobbor rue_bed: Correct. What is the value of the color yellow?
03:18 rue_bed 4
03:18 tobbor rue_bed: Correct. What is the value of the color red?
03:18 rue_bed 2
03:18 tobbor rue_bed: Correct. Your score was: 80%
03:18 rue_bed always scerw up 5 and 6
03:18 rue_bed shuggans, what other resistors do you have
03:18 rue_bed whats 1+1
03:19 shuggans just these
03:19 RifRaf a window
03:19 shuggans and whatever I can find on a PSU
03:19 rue_bed look for brown black red gold
03:19 shuggans r r b g
03:19 shuggans r b green gold
03:19 RifRaf rue he is doin pretty good in the salvage department
03:19 rue_bed no
03:19 rue_bed no
03:20 rue_bed RifRaf, yes
03:20 rue_bed I'm proud of him there
03:20 shuggans brown black red gold
03:20 shuggans tiny guy...
03:20 rue_bed ok
03:20 rue_bed get that
03:21 rue_bed shuggans, which is positive, the post or the anvil
03:21 rue_bed do you have any pets
03:21 rue_bed whats 1+1
03:22 shuggans post
03:22 shuggans yes
03:22 shuggans 2
03:22 rue_bed ooooOOOooo
03:22 shuggans got the resistor :P
03:22 rue_bed first person ever to answer a queue
03:22 shuggans haha
03:22 rue_bed in 8 years
03:23 rue_bed red will prolly be +
03:23 shuggans lol, nice.
03:23 rue_bed so, know how to hook up the resistor?
03:23 shuggans no.
03:23 rue_bed :)
03:23 shuggans And is orange a color. off the board, this MAY be orange.
03:23 rue_bed one lead of the led goes to one lead of the resistor
03:23 rue_bed the power goes to the free resistor lead andhte free led lead
03:24 rue_bed ----|<-------\/\/\/\/\/\-----
03:24 rue_bed where -|<-- is hte led and -\/\/\/\/\/\- is the resistor
03:24 rue_bed oh no, its 1am
03:24 rue_bed tomorow is pooched
03:24 shuggans lol
03:25 shuggans its 3 here :)
03:25 rue_bed my instrucitons on the led make sense?
03:25 shuggans which side of the resistor the which side of the led?
03:25 rue_bed do you have a solderless breadboard?
03:25 rue_bed dosn't matter
03:25 shuggans no, its on its way fro mebay
03:25 rue_bed ok
03:25 rue_bed thats a good way for it to be tho
03:25 shuggans I want this on the positive side of the led though?
03:26 rue_bed if you like, yes
03:27 rue_bed shuggans, you gonna remmeber that this is #robotics on the freenode irc network and hang around for a few weeks or longer?
03:27 shuggans kk
03:28 shuggans Lol - Ill be here alot
03:28 rue_bed ok
03:28 rue_bed you might be the next rifraf
03:28 shuggans Going to get pretty heavy into arduino + learning electric circuits
03:28 rue_bed the led is ready?
03:28 shuggans Its addicting already :P
03:28 RifRaf gee my connection sucks tonight
03:28 shuggans yes.
03:29 shuggans Led is ready
03:29 rue_bed ok, so, if you connect the free lead of the resisotr and the free lead of the led to the power supply the led will light u...
03:29 rue_bed up IF the + is on the same side as the power supply +
03:30 shuggans O_O
03:30 shuggans lights both ways.
03:30 RifRaf what a clever led
03:30 rue_bed uh
03:30 rue_bed its an AC output adapter
03:31 rue_bed you need an adapter that outputs DC
03:31 RifRaf it said 9vdc
03:31 rue_bed really?
03:31 shuggans one way is orange light one is yellow
03:31 RifRaf thats what he said
03:31 shuggans it DOES say 9vdc
03:31 shuggans output
03:31 rue_bed does it change colour when you go the oth...
03:31 rue_bed damnit
03:31 rue_bed FINE choice of led
03:32 shuggans :P
03:32 rue_bed what are the odds, of a bicolour led!?!?!?!1
03:32 rue_bed WHAT ARE THE ODDS
03:32 rue_bed ok, that explains why you said there are two posts
03:32 shuggans let me scout another.
03:32 rue_bed I kinda wrote that comment off, sorry
03:32 rue_bed well
03:32 shuggans xD
03:32 rue_bed do you have a 9V battery?
03:32 rue_bed you can use it to work out which colour is which polarity
03:32 shuggans yes
03:33 shuggans lol
03:33 shuggans I have another type of led
03:33 shuggans OR
03:33 rue_bed attach the led to the battery, then you know when the wires are on + and - which colour the led goes
03:33 shuggans a regular diode I can put on the led O_o
03:34 rue_bed tell me what you know of diodes :)
03:34 shuggans Just that they let a circuit flow one direction
03:34 shuggans thats itttt
03:34 rue_bed you been reading?
03:35 shuggans lol - discovered this last night when you all helped me built the motor driver circuit
03:35 rue_bed well, what do you want to do, battery, led, or diode?
03:35 shuggans and had me use a diode to keep from damaging the MOSFET
03:35 shuggans lol I just grabbed the 9v
03:35 shuggans looks liek yellow is positive
03:36 RifRaf yellow is normally positive, 12v at least
03:36 RifRaf if you have to choose between yellow and black
03:37 shuggans lol
03:37 shuggans the led
03:37 shuggans is yellow one way, orange the other
03:37 RifRaf oh yeah sorry, brainwarp
03:37 shuggans wire with writing makes yellow light! is the wire with writing usually pos?
03:38 RifRaf positive may have a stripe
03:38 shuggans no stripe
03:38 shuggans just the writing
03:39 RifRaf well then the one with the writing is likely the positive
03:39 rue_bed at some point browse thu
03:39 rue_bed !assist tutorials/elex
03:39 tobbor Possibly http://eds.dyndns.org/~ircjunk/tutorials/elex
03:39 rue_bed !assist tutorials/elex
03:39 rue_bed not he diode
03:39 rue_bed sorry, I'm apparently uner major lag
03:40 shuggans :P
03:42 rue_bed have you got it that you can work out polarity with it now?
03:42 RifRaf acrylic to acrylic seems a bit sticky, don't think i'd use it for gears
03:42 shuggans yes
03:42 rue_bed ok, gnight
03:43 rue_bed check out those webpages
03:43 RifRaf nice prototypes but in delrin they will be awesome
03:43 RifRaf see ya rue
03:43 rue_bed http://eds.dyndns.org/~ircjunk/tutorials/elex
03:43 rue_bed C U
03:44 shuggans night!
04:04 shuggans RifRaf: So question.
04:05 shuggans Is the L298N limited by so amps
04:05 shuggans Or is that dependant on other things? Could I use it to build a 60+ Amp motor driver board?
04:08 RifRaf no, you would use fets
04:09 shuggans So use 4 MOSFETs for an H bridge?
04:09 shuggans t ocontrol 1 DC motor?
04:09 RifRaf yep, or 8, or 16. or 32, depends on what you need
04:10 RifRaf i have 16 in each large driver here
04:10 shuggans 16?
04:10 RifRaf and 4 in the 40a ones, and then smaller single chip ones
04:10 shuggans If I chained 2 60 amp FETS togehter does it mean it can handle 120 amps?
04:10 RifRaf yep
04:10 RifRaf sorta
04:10 shuggans :/
04:11 RifRaf you never use the chips max current as the current you are going to run at
04:11 shuggans well yeah
04:11 shuggans but I was just curious
04:11 shuggans if thats hoiw it worked
04:12 shuggans if I daisy chained 2 15 amp mosfets - max amprage is 30 amps? or still 15?
04:12 RifRaf with fets you can multiple, eg, i use 4 for a 40A driver that could do 80A peak, and 16 for a driver that can do 160A constant, or 320A or more peak
04:13 shuggans you're talking 20 Amp MOSFETS?
04:14 RifRaf each of those fets has a max rating of 192A though, i dunno how you would do that though, maybe in some freezing conditions
04:14 shuggans Im super confused.
04:14 RifRaf but that will do 20a easy
04:15 RifRaf they, heh, i am easy to confuse people, my typing is not what i think
04:15 RifRaf just biuld alot bigger than what you want, like 200% at least, and all will be well
04:16 RifRaf things stay cool and work how they should
04:16 shuggans http://www.fairchildsemi.com/ds/FD/FDP3632.pdf <--- How many of these would I need to use to build a 150 Amp driver?
04:18 shuggans (150 Amp MAX)
04:18 RifRaf in the 220 package maybe 20a max per fet, and you need one for each side of the h-bridge, so you need to double the amount you need for one direction
04:19 RifRaf and you would want cooling or a decent heatsink
04:19 RifRaf so 8 i guess
04:20 RifRaf er 16
04:21 shuggans BUK9675-100A <- Is this a better mosfet than the one I showed you above?
04:22 RifRaf you are much better off waiting for someone else that is upto date and knows there stuff
04:22 shuggans Lol kk.
04:22 shuggans I need to hit the sack anyway
04:22 RifRaf i use parts that have been tryed and testing in other projects and have support
04:22 RifRaf are you in AU?
04:23 shuggans Thats a bunch for your help tonight! - I will probably not be back on until THursday Night - work out of town M-Thursday
04:23 shuggans Im in USA
04:23 RifRaf so it must be late, am ready to crash here already as well
04:24 shuggans (Its 4:11 AM - gotta be up at 6 to shower then drive 2 hours to work :P
04:24 RifRaf heh, ok have a good week
04:24 shuggans You as well, tty soon!
05:09 Triffid_Hunter someone tell shuggans to google 'chuck mcmanis fet current ratings'
09:24 rue_house wow, I think I remember us brining up that site 6 yeras ago
09:25 DagoRed which site
09:28 rue_house <Triffid_Hunter> someone tell shuggans to google 'chuck mcmanis fet current ratings'
09:31 DagoRed ahh
09:31 goRed googles it hims
20:32 home hey guys
20:33 home I am trying to drive my robot forward
20:33 home when I wave my hand over the light sensor
20:33 home I am using an Arduino to do the logic
20:33 home however, as soon as I take the battery off
20:33 home I mean usb power
20:33 home and reattempt with a 9V battery
20:33 home it doesn't work..
20:36 rue_house show us a drawing of your wiring
20:36 rue_house or photographs
20:37 home I am using a breadboard
20:37 home to power the sensor
20:37 rue_house show us a drawing of your wiring
20:37 rue_house or photographs
20:37 home urgh
20:37 home urgh
20:37 home need a camera XD
20:38 home let me get the lappy cAM
20:38 home xd
20:40 home Here is a picture :D http://i.imgur.com/fGbl4.jpg
20:40 home ...bad wiring :/ I know
20:41 home so... XD
20:41 home I thnk its wired fine
20:41 home but for some reason its not powering on when I put the battery :/
20:51 home rue_house: ?
20:52 home rue_housnvm
20:52 home its working now
20:52 home change the positive of the sensor
20:52 home hmm
20:56 home bad wiring :/
21:44 rue_house well I have to be abel to see how its wired to help with wiring
21:47 Tom_itx but i showed you already
22:01 home it works
22:01 home but man