#robotics Logs

Jan 07 2013

#robotics Calendar

07:35 hackkitten :3
09:41 Ademan-work assist circuits?
09:41 Ademan-work assist circuits
09:41 Ademan-work blegh
09:46 Ademan-work rue_*: Sorry, I'm still trying to understand the rc-dec.gif circuit, and I don't quite understand it (particularly I don't understand the 4017). I haven't taken the time to understand rc-enc.gif if that's essential to udnerstand the signal being sent to rc-dec.gif
09:47 Ademan-work The part that confuses me I guess is that your pulse frequency is limited. So if one servo requires a particularly long pulse, the rest are waiting, correct?
13:24 rizlah o/
13:26 rizlah So I've made a shopping list of components to buy, I'm searching through Digikey to compile links but need a sanity check on the list.
13:29 Ademan-work Where do you guys buy servomotors? I think I'm going to take a chance on aliexpress for 1.80USD 9g servos...
13:33 rizlah http://www.digikey.fi/product-detail/en/CF14JT330R/CF14JT330RCT-ND/1830338
13:33 rizlah Or
13:33 rizlah http://www.digikey.fi/product-detail/en/CFR-25JB-52-330R/330QBK-ND/1636
13:33 rizlah ?
13:37 GuShH_ Ademan-work: for toys they're ok.. for anything mildly serious, not at all.
13:39 rizlah Also, there should be no reason why an 830 point breadboard is ~7€, and 840 is 34€ right?
13:39 rizlah Seriously see no reason for the extra 10 points to cost 27€ more
13:39 GuShH_ why the hell would you pay so much for either of those
13:39 rizlah Thinking of getting this http://www.digikey.fi/product-detail/en/TW-E40-1020/438-1045-ND/643111
13:39 GuShH_ what brand are they?
13:40 GuShH_ get that one if you're happy with the price
13:40 rizlah What price would be reasonable for you?
13:41 rizlah 7.6 isn't much, but if you're complaining I'm assuming they're normally 4€ elsewhere or something
13:43 rizlah Also the resistors, is 0.45/0.5 per 10 reasonable?
13:43 Ademan-work GuShH_: Because of the price or because of AliExpress? I'm pretty sure these are TowerPro, which iirc aren't that bad.
13:43 GuShH_ "towerpro"
13:43 GuShH_ they jitter a lot, all plastic, not reliable at all.. which is why you get what you pay for :)
13:44 GuShH_ and also why they're great for toy projects
13:44 Ademan-work I had heard bad things about the 995 (55g) but not about their 9g
13:44 GuShH_ also are they really 9 grams?
13:45 Ademan-work But anyways nobody's life will depend on my quadruped's servos
13:45 Ademan-work Don't have the listing in front of me, iunno
13:45 GuShH_ I guess I could weigh one
13:47 GuShH_ 11.2 with a standard horn and 10.6 without
13:47 GuShH_ so no they're not even 9 grams if you account for the cable and connector :P
13:47 GuShH_ 8.9g without the cable.
13:47 GuShH_ (just sitting on the desktop instead of on the scale)
13:48 rizlah Also, is using 24AWG wires on a 22AWG board reasonable?
13:49 Ademan-work GuShH_: also where would you draw the line for "serious" ? Does that have to do with application, load, accurracy?
13:50 Ademan-work or just "will anyone die due to failure or inaccuracy of the servo?" :-p
13:50 GuShH_ all of the above
13:51 GuShH_ I need to build a pan-tilt camera platform with a couple of those
13:55 rizlah Anyone here actually ordered from Digikey before?
13:55 LoRez yes
13:55 rizlah When ordering resistors, the Cut Tape (minimum quantity of 1) is the correct thing, right?
13:55 rizlah I won't get like... 10 boxes of 5k or whatever
13:56 LoRez yes, typically
13:56 LoRez although I don't see how that applies to just DigiKey.
13:56 Ademan-work GuShH_: My 6 month goal is to build the RoFi from project Biped... is that project "toy" enough to tolerate chinese hobby servos in your opinion? (those would be 55g not 9g)
13:57 GuShH_ Ademan-work: Why not?
13:57 GuShH_ Durability would be the main concern
13:58 Ademan-work GuShH_: Well I'd like for it to be able to reliably walk, so if cheap chinese hobby servos are too innaccurate to walk reliably then that would suck :-p
14:00 Ademan-work it will probably have a hard enough time walking given my inexperience as is
14:37 rizlah Do these seem OK: http://www.digikey.fi/product-detail/en/EEU-FR1E101B/P15348CT-ND/3072228 ? Was thinking of getting 5ea of 10, 100, 1000µF
14:38 Tom_itx http://www.autoblog.com/2010/11/16/video-crazy-machine-rolls-out-brick-roads-like-its-laying-carp/
14:39 rizlah Nice
15:17 FreezingCold When using a 10mm x 1.5 tap, can you use a 11/32 size drill bit?
15:19 rizlah Is this a decent set of resistor values, assuming one buys 5 of each: 100 220 330 470 1K 2K2 4K7 10K 330K 1M
15:19 FreezingCold rizlah: What are you using them for?
15:20 rizlah General purpose stuff, thinking of starting to dabble in some electronics
15:20 rizlah Have no stuff to use :/
15:20 rizlah tfw no 'lectronic components available :(
15:20 FreezingCold Yeah I guess that'd be an okay setup
15:21 FreezingCold Do you know about how resistors work in series and parallel yet?
15:21 rizlah Was thinking of buying 10ea of < 1k, 5ea of 1k+
15:21 FreezingCold Because with that, you can pretty much make whatever value you want
15:21 rizlah Yeah, that's why I was thinking more < 1k than above
15:21 rizlah Just wondering if that set is good enough for the majority of values
15:22 FreezingCold Yeah, looks good to me
15:23 rizlah Cheapest I can find are these ones: http://www.digikey.fi/product-detail/en/CF14JT330R/CF14JT330RCT-ND/1830338
15:23 rizlah Not sure if they're any good or not
15:23 FreezingCold tbh most labs at my school end up using 100 & 1k
15:24 FreezingCold rizlah: you in college?
15:24 rizlah No, this is more of a hobby
15:25 rizlah The link above shows 10 for 0.45€, 50 for 1.22€. Assuming I buy 10 different values at 10 each, 4.50€ isn't a huge deal.
15:26 FreezingCold I meant do you attend college for ANYTHING, cause then you might be able to leech off their supplies :)
15:26 FreezingCold I've lost a ton of resistors
15:26 FreezingCold just borrow some from the lab, because I lost mine there
15:26 rizlah Heh, leeching isn't an option atm :/
15:27 rizlah Biggest issue is with capacitors tbh, cannot find anything worth buying
15:28 rizlah was thinking 5x 0.0047 0.01 0.1µF ceramic, 3x 10 100 1000µF elecrolytic
15:35 RifRaf you'll find better deals on resistor packs on ebay etc
15:38 rizlah Yeah, not really in the mood to buy ~100 of each though
15:38 FreezingCold rizlah: probably not the most time efficient, maybe strip out old electronics
15:40 RifRaf i found several bulk pack of like 5 each of 50 values, but anyway
15:40 RifRaf free postage verses digikey crazy postage, to AU at least
15:41 rizlah Was thinking this first order from DK will be over the free shipping mark.
15:41 rizlah After that I'd need to look around for cheaper places
15:41 RifRaf you want at least 100 1k though
15:42 rizlah With regards to capacitors, the above values are all I'd need? Every book I've read has basically just used those values
15:42 rizlah 5x 0.0047 0.01 0.1µF ceramic, 3x 10 100 1000µF elecrolytic
15:42 RifRaf rue probly still has 997000 left
15:44 RifRaf rizlah there is no magic suit all pack, the packs you find generally have been put together with more common values, but almost every project will call for something else thats not in there
15:44 rizlah Right, but the general case when learning won't need more than that I assume
15:44 FreezingCold RifRaf: 100 1k's? What are you doing?
15:45 RifRaf then you discover smt and all those bits hardly get used again
15:45 FreezingCold RifRaf: I used only 101, 102, 103 and 104s last semester for the most part
15:45 FreezingCold RifRaf: I'd like to see you freehand solder SMT parts lol
15:45 fRaf stares at a wall of components that will never get use
15:46 FreezingCold sorry the first message was at rizlah
15:46 FreezingCold stupid "ri*" nicknames
15:47 rizlah First message? 100 1ks? Rif said 100 1ks
15:48 FreezingCold meant the second
15:48 rizlah Ah, those values being what?
15:48 FreezingCold I'm lazy http://www.csgnetwork.com/capcodeinfo.html
15:49 rizlah Ah ok
15:49 Ademan-work RifRaf: How much SMT soldering do you do?
15:49 Ademan-work I thought that was the realm of machines
15:49 FreezingCold tbh in my labs we never really used capacitors unless we were working with AC current, otherwise it's a tad pointless at times
15:50 FreezingCold Ademan-work: SMT isn't nearly as hard as people make it out to be. It's only hard once you get realllly tiny parts
15:50 RifRaf Ademan-work none now, quite a bit a few years ago, the rats ate me rework station hot air tube
15:50 rizlah FreezingCold: So they're not really needed?
15:50 FreezingCold rizlah: they will be needed, but not until you start working with AC current
15:50 rizlah Ah, right
15:50 FreezingCold lol, just remembered that AC current is an oxymoron...
15:51 RifRaf smt is so much easier and you can make things much smaller which you want for robotics
15:51 Ademan-work FreezingCold: But I guess if you're designing your own board, why go smt unless you have serious space constraints?
15:52 RifRaf Ademan-work also make my own 2 sided pcbs for the smt parts, for prototypes at least
15:53 FreezingCold Ademan-work: It's a good habit to get into, since SMT parts are cheaper depending on what it is
15:53 RifRaf got toner transfer down to a fine art
15:53 FreezingCold RifRaf: what kind of acid do you use?
15:53 RifRaf ammonium persulphate
15:54 RifRaf in a home made bubble chamber that suspends to boards
15:54 FreezingCold I've wanted to try using like til foil as a PCB surface lol
15:54 FreezingCold make the pcb out of some cheap plastic around home
15:57 RifRaf much easier to get copper pcb material, many advantages
15:57 rizlah Anyone know the best way to get hookup wire? Get a 10' spool or buy sets of individual pre-cut?
15:57 rizlah Also, is 24AWG in 22 breadboard too loose?
15:57 RifRaf get a spool
15:58 RifRaf for breadboards you can make your own when you find the right cable, eg, cat5 solid core
15:59 rizlah oic
15:59 rizlah I found a few spools but they are the 24AWG, not sure if too loose on board
16:00 RifRaf i like nice curved breadboard wires off the surface, not like those flat right angle ones the make
16:01 RifRaf hrm i wonder if i can put a webserver on my pocket wifi thingo? has an sd card slot
16:01 rizlah By loose I mean wire is too thin to stay in board
16:02 FreezingCold rizlah: I've rarely had that problem
16:02 FreezingCold actually never lol
16:02 FreezingCold I wouldn't buy wire
16:02 FreezingCold You probably have tons of extra in your house
16:02 rizlah I don't :/
16:04 FreezingCold you have old electronics...
16:04 rizlah I recently moved. Everything I own is in two boxes.
16:05 FreezingCold oh
16:05 FreezingCold makes sense. fun fact: you can make a resistor with a pencil
16:06 Tom_itx FreezingCold i freehand solder smt all the time
16:06 FreezingCold Tom_itx: by freehand I meant without a PCB
16:06 Tom_itx that's just silly talk
16:06 Tom_itx passives aren't designed for that to begin with
16:07 Tom_itx you will tear off the metal ends or r's
16:07 FreezingCold it's not hard to do with larger components :)
16:07 Tom_itx i wouldn't go back to thru hole for nuthin
16:07 rizlah You don't like thu-hole? wot
16:08 RifRaf same here
16:08 FreezingCold interesting, the lead on this paper has 1M ohm of resistance...
16:08 Tom_itx anybody want free photoshop?
16:08 Tom_itx adobe is giving it away
16:08 rizlah Tom_itx: Yeah
16:08 RifRaf rarely even use it these days
16:08 Tom_itx http://pastehtml.com/view/coar5c79i.html
16:09 FreezingCold Where can I get a 20000V source?
16:09 FreezingCold I want to power this LED off my paper
16:09 rizlah Is that legit?
16:09 Tom_itx yes
16:09 RifRaf FreezingCold transformer for neon tubes
16:09 Tom_itx there was another link but that's the direct one
16:10 FreezingCold think my paper can handle 400 watts of power?
16:10 FreezingCold Yeah should be fine...
16:10 Tom_itx no
16:10 rizlah How old are these versions?
16:10 FreezingCold na it's good paper
16:10 Tom_itx no idea
16:10 Tom_itx they're not the latest for sure
16:10 FreezingCold Tom_itx: I'm kidding lol
16:15 Tom_itx rizlah, http://www.gizmodo.co.uk/2013/01/grab-photoshop-and-cs2-for-absolutely-free-right-now/
16:15 rizlah http://pastebin.com/LBJG7vY6 How does that look for parts?
16:18 Tom_itx parts is parts
16:19 Tom_itx you can get alot of that cheaper via ebay
16:19 rizlah Hmm
16:20 Tom_itx dx has those jumper wires
16:20 rizlah Is the stuff good there?
16:20 rizlah dx?
16:20 Tom_itx i didn't click the link but i know what they are
16:20 Tom_itx dealextreme
16:20 Tom_itx i've had no problems with either
16:20 rizlah Ah, ok
16:20 Tom_itx you wait for shipping a bit
16:20 rizlah Problem is, I'm in .fi so need something that doesn't want too high shipping
16:21 Tom_itx worth checking
16:33 rizlah How does that look http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/28M-Equipment-Wire-Pack-11-Colours-1-0-6mm-22AWG-Single-Copper-Core-Hook-Up-/230776435022?pt=UK_BOI_Electrical_Components_Supplies_ET&hash=item35bb58f14e
16:43 rizlah Where did kats go?
16:43 rizlah Thought she was one of the regulars here
16:56 ace4016 she was
16:56 ace4016 she got k-lined for being disruptive and hasn't been back since
16:56 orlok wtf
16:57 orlok k-lined for being disruptive?
16:57 LoRez she did?
16:57 ace4016 or maybe it was just a bann
16:58 ace4016 she kept saying marshmellow over and over again
16:58 RifRaf lol
17:02 rizlah lol
17:41 FreezingCold ace4016: well k-line is network wide...
17:42 Acroban Hello !
17:45 ace4016 FreezingCold, yes, i'm aware. my memory is fuzzy, but i think it was
17:46 FreezingCold ouch, just for something that happened in one channel?
17:51 Acroban Could you please give me good websites / forum / google group / which talk about robotics ?
17:52 Acroban Besided I am interested in software in robotics
17:54 rizlah lol
17:54 rizlah Acroban: So you want to write software?
17:55 rizlah FreezingCold: So it looks like I'd have to buy the resistors in sets of 100, £1 per set. What values would be absolutely essential for general purpose?
17:55 Acroban I am interested in reading news and meeting people and talk about these subjects
17:55 RifRaf 1k
17:55 rizlah Acroban: What?
17:55 FreezingCold rizlah: 1k, 100
17:55 rizlah RifRaf: Just 1k? I can buy maybe 5 different values.
17:56 rizlah Ok, what else?
17:56 RifRaf you can do anything with 1k
17:56 FreezingCold that's actually true
17:56 RifRaf thats it :)
17:56 rizlah srs?
17:56 FreezingCold buy maybe some 1M though..
17:56 FreezingCold rizlah: yeah just put them in series
17:56 Acroban ?
17:56 FreezingCold or parallel
17:56 rizlah 100 1k 1M, what about 100K?
17:56 rizlah Acroban: We discuss robotics here. Start saying something interesting
17:57 rizlah I don't want to put 100 1k in series to get 100k, lolol
17:57 FreezingCold we don't need many 1M though
17:57 FreezingCold that's the thing
17:57 RifRaf then get a few 100k
17:57 FreezingCold I guess too many doesn't hurt
17:58 FreezingCold then again, £1 per set is nothing
17:58 FreezingCold Get some 2.2k
17:58 RifRaf it helps to have an idea of what circiuts you are making when ordering parts
17:58 FreezingCold my teaches love 2.2k resistors
17:58 rizlah Quite annoying because I don't want to have ~600 resistors where I use maybe... 25
17:58 rizlah lol
17:59 rizlah This is why I was considering digikey
17:59 FreezingCold meh
17:59 FreezingCold better to have too many at a good price than too few at a bad price
17:59 RifRaf digikey is useless for a small hobby order
17:59 RifRaf to start get a starter kit
17:59 rizlah What is good for a small hobby order
17:59 RifRaf a few cheap ebay packs of assorted items
18:00 rizlah I'm thinking I can get 100x 100 1k 2.2k, 10x 100k 1M
18:00 RifRaf i used to sell them, shame i am not organised, had everything you need to start with microcontrollers
18:02 Acroban Do you know which robotic platform (middleware + library) is the most used (professionnal vs research) ?
18:02 rizlah woop, found a 50x merchant
18:02 Acroban I think its ROS but I am not sured.
18:03 rizlah Define "robotic platform"
18:04 Acroban a software which help to develop a robot
18:04 Acroban help developping
18:05 rizlah Software to help develop a robot?
18:05 rizlah What type of robot are you looking to develop?
18:07 Acroban I don't want to develop a particular robot (I've already developed one using arduino and ROS)
18:08 rizlah So you want what? To use software to what?
18:09 Acroban I wanted to know which plaftorm is the most used in industrial or research community ?
18:10 rizlah I have no clue how I can answer that. I haven't heard of a "most used robotic platform"
18:10 rizlah Anyone want to help out here..?
18:12 Acroban http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Open-source_robotics
18:12 Acroban topic Open-source software
18:12 Acroban There is a list of some "robotic software"
18:13 rizlah Right, and there is no "definitive" software used world-wide
18:13 rizlah With robotics, you use the tool for the job.
18:13 Acroban nop
18:13 orlok avr-gcc?
18:13 orlok or,
18:13 orlok python
18:13 orlok hah
18:13 Acroban ok
18:13 rizlah orlok: What if your robot doesn't use avr?
18:14 orlok then.. it doesnt?
18:14 rizlah Right, my question relates to there being no single tool for the job.
18:16 Acroban I would like to test "all the tool" and compare them
18:16 Acroban but it will take too many time
18:17 Acroban and I could not test each tool deeply
18:19 rizlah You would need to look around for a quick overview of the tools listed there, after that you try the top 10 quickly
18:19 rizlah Then the top 5 of that 10
18:19 rizlah then top 3 of that 5
18:19 rizlah ... etc
18:20 Jenev hello
18:20 Jenev I'm new to the field of robotics
18:21 Jenev can someone tell me which form of actuator is the fastest and most powerful?
18:21 Acroban hey !
18:21 Acroban a DC motor no ?
18:21 Jenev oops
18:22 Jenev sorry i forgot to put linear
18:22 Jenev i mean for linear actuators
18:25 Acroban I have to go. I will come back in the next few days I think.
18:25 Acroban Thank you
18:26 Jenev ook
18:32 rizlah Hmm, why would an Arduino Uno be going for £14 on ebay when everything else sells it for £24+?
18:32 rizlah Doesn't sound legit, brah. Not one bit.
18:33 FreezingCold Some masters studies at one of the local university's in my city used QNX for most of their robots, was kinda interesting
18:34 RifRaf Jenev you make them as powerful as the application requires
18:35 RifRaf i have some using tiny 3v dc motors, others 24v printer motors, converted screwdrivers are pretty powerful but think what a converted 18v drill would do
18:39 ShH_ oOOoOoO(drill
18:41 RifRaf :)
18:41 GuShH_ looks like the power tool lithium packs could be handy
18:44 RifRaf lots of power in them, and fast recharge
18:44 RifRaf easy to swap
18:44 GuShH_ too bad those tools aren't cheap over here.
18:45 GuShH_ certainly not cheap enough to take apart
18:46 RifRaf garage sales, have found good chear power screwdrivers online, and they have great gearboxes and low gearing already
18:46 RifRaf and small
18:46 GuShH_ those are strictly american
18:46 GuShH_ we don't have garage sales...
18:46 RifRaf just a bit trickier to mount than a standard motor and gearbox combo
18:46 GuShH_ people keep their old stuff until they die, pretty much.
18:47 RifRaf GuShH_ thats a shame, i find stuff every week
18:47 RifRaf deceased estates then
18:47 GuShH_ well, I figure they would get robbed if they were to have a garage sale.
18:47 RifRaf where are you?
18:47 GuShH_ the only way you can do it is if you hire someone to organize it and bring in security
18:47 GuShH_ argentina
18:48 RifRaf lol
18:48 GuShH_ it's like cuba, or venezuela in that regard.
18:48 Jenev RifRaf, so what do you do, use them with a leadscrew?
18:48 RifRaf i see, interesting
18:48 GuShH_ someone needs to grow a pair and shoot the president already.
18:49 RifRaf Jenev yes, cheap ones can use threaded rod and captive nuts
18:49 RifRaf i make the nuts from delrin and they work pretty well on a steel thread
18:50 RifRaf just happen to have a few pulled apart in front of me remembering how they were made
18:51 GuShH_ delrin, turned on a lathe?
18:51 RifRaf yeah
18:51 RifRaf and then threaded with a tap, and make it to fit in the end of a tube
18:52 RifRaf that tube goes up and down inside another tube that is secured to the moror and gear assembly
18:52 GuShH_ right
18:53 RifRaf could not get a decent encoder to work in the linear motion so tyring to replace the actuators with gears and encoder wheel at moment
18:54 Jenev RifRaf, ok thanks
18:54 RifRaf no worries
18:59 Jenev RifRaf, any ideas on attaching the screw to the motor head though?
18:59 Jenev most the DC motors i have, have a gear-head
19:00 RifRaf the motor will normally have to be geared down, if you have a geared motor then use an inline coupling
19:01 RifRaf and remove the gearhead
19:01 RifRaf gear*
19:01 RifRaf like a tube with 2 set screws
19:02 RifRaf eg. http://grabcad.com/library/inline-coupling-4mm-to-4mm-mfa-como-drills
19:06 Jenev to be honest i don't understand what you just said?
19:06 RifRaf i must have misunderstodd you in that case
19:06 Jenev maybe
19:07 Jenev basically i just want to know of some way of ataching the lead screw to the motor shaft
19:07 Jenev is that what you answered?
19:07 RifRaf the screw (threaded rod etc) need to be connected securely to the motor shaft, i would use an inline coupling as in the picture above
19:09 RifRaf a captive nut on that screw will then move in a linear motion when the motor is turned, don't worry took me ages to make me first linear actuator, no one else had many clues at the time
19:22 Jenev ohhh
19:22 Jenev now i get it
19:23 Jenev so you secure the screw in one section and the shaft in the other
19:23 Jenev thanks
19:23 RifRaf yep :)
19:23 Jenev but now knowing this how bad could it be :p
19:34 Jenev RifRaf, i can't seem to find an inline coupler on ebay (which is where i buy most my stuff)
19:34 Jenev any ideas on what to look for?
19:35 orlok shaft coupler?
19:35 orlok you can use a pair of hose clamps and some tubing
19:44 Jenev thanks i found it :)
21:06 RyanS Is there any easy way to measure torque (in this case to turn the zoom ring of a DSLR), even approximately?
21:07 RyanS I'm trying to motorise it with a RC servo
21:10 ace4016 a torque meter
21:14 orlok RyanS: yeah, a digital scale
21:15 orlok also, what SLR lense, and zoom sucks.
21:15 orlok (imo)
21:16 RyanS Or even one of those spring hanging scales? Although I'm not sure how I would pull the ring with it.
21:16 rue_house you can get a digital scale for like $12
21:16 rue_house ebay
21:17 orlok RyanS: you need a laver attached to the ring somehow
21:17 orlok lever
21:18 RyanS One of these things? http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/40-Kg-x-20-Gram-Hanging-Pocket-Digital-Scales-Weight-Fishing-Travel-Luggage-/140661785051?pt=AU_Envelopes_Bags_Boxes&hash=item20c01881db
21:18 orlok also, what sort of lense?
21:19 orlok that wont be sensitive enough
21:19 RyanS umm one is 18-270,
21:20 RyanS ahh it's only 20 g resolution?
21:20 orlok also, any servo should be enough
21:21 orlok depending on the lense though
21:21 orlok what you doing with it?
21:21 RyanS well the thing is I need to use a three turn sail winch servo and there is only about 3 to choose from that are readily available
21:21 orlok ahh
21:22 RyanS 10kg - 13kg holding torque, and it will be geared about 50:120 mm to the lens
21:23 RyanS That's the servos available
21:23 RyanS That would probably plenty?
21:23 orlok yeah
21:23 orlok assuming your lense isnt rusted shut
21:24 RyanS I use remote control software for the camera, but obviously you can't control zoom remotely
21:26 orlok yeah.. i just use different lenses :)
21:27 RyanS I inherited the gear so can't complain
21:27 RyanS And I thought it would be an interesting project to do this
21:28 orlok what about focus?
21:29 orlok the lense has a pissy little focuser ring, right?
21:30 RyanS You can control it via software 'manually', but might as well Get a second servo for that
21:31 lok always focuses on infi
21:31 qasd http://www.electrokit.com/obstacle-avoiding-robot-pic.46906 <- what kind of sensors do you think it uses? radar? or is radar expensive and/or takes a lot of space?
21:32 orlok qasd: see the pairs of black things across the front?
21:32 orlok one will be an emitter, the other a detector
21:32 Tom_itx http://tom-itx.dyndns.org:81/~webpage/motors/focusring6.jpg
21:32 Tom_itx focus ring
21:33 Tom_itx http://tom-itx.dyndns.org:81/~webpage/motors/focusring10.jpg
21:34 RyanS loading.....
21:34 Tom_itx let me restart the router
21:34 Tom_itx it will load quick then
21:38 Tom_itx refresh it now
21:38 Tom_itx http://tom-itx.dyndns.org:81/~webpage/motors/focusring11.jpg
21:38 Tom_itx another view
21:38 RyanS Where does that come from? SLR lens?
21:38 Tom_itx some kind of medical equipment
21:38 Tom_itx not sure
21:39 RyanS Like some sort of x-ray
21:39 Tom_itx might give you some ideas though
21:41 orlok RyanS: what are you imaging?
21:42 qasd orlok: uses infrared light. it bounces back!?
21:44 RyanS Im ripping this off with some rails off ebay & RC drivetrain spur gear probably: http://jag35.com/effkit.html the lens ring gears were $10
21:45 RyanS not sure really, probably macro stuff, coins mainly
21:47 orlok qasd: from some things, yes
21:54 RyanS I did this one the other day for example: http://i210.photobucket.com/albums/bb176/Mingzhus/10mils_zps13a8fbc4.jpg
21:55 orlok oh, nice
21:56 RyanS Looks kind of museum catalogy i think
21:57 RyanS You can scan of a flatbed scanner, but look boring
21:59 orlok using the canon control software?
22:00 RyanS And my parents have nikon so I inherited the d5000 , when they upgraded
22:01 RyanS you have to purchase the software separately :(
22:02 RyanS Makes it easy to fiddle with settings really quickly
22:02 orlok eurgh
22:02 orlok the canon came with it
22:02 orlok but i just use gphoto
22:03 orlok do everything via bash
22:03 RyanS yep
22:03 RyanS I would of thought the API was not available for third-party developers being proprietary etc
22:04 lok swears at moronic timesh
22:06 RyanS What do you think of this for motorized zoom? http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/GWS-S125-3T-Digital-Sail-Winch-S125-3T-D-/130649356376#vi-content could get away without using a huge gear
22:08 RyanS just don't know what the output spline is. Unfortunately the 3 turn hitec is double the weight, analog and fairly large
22:11 lok resists the urge to start writing offensive notes to the new
22:11 orlok hobby servos are overprices for what they are
22:11 orlok pull apart an old inkjet, and check out jaycar
22:13 RyanS yeah I don't have the expertise to mess around with encoders and steppers etc
22:13 orlok its worth it, not too hard either
22:14 RyanS I'm going to design a motorised copy stand that will probably need steppers
22:16 RyanS The hardest part for me is writing the GUI etc for an arduino perhaps
22:17 orlok your gui will talk serial (or whatever) using a protocol the arduino understands
22:18 rue_house I wonder if I can get my tablet to utilize a usb-serial converter
22:20 RyanS yeah I only have a *very* basic grasp of programming. There's plenty of examples for the actual MCU code but it seemed to be a lot of messing around even to write the communication part of a VB GUI
22:21 rue_house RyanS, http://www.chipchapin.com/WebTools/JavaScript/example1-01.html
22:21 rue_house you have 10 minutes to write hello world in javascript
22:21 rue_house you dont need a webserver, you can make an html file on your computer and open it directly with a browser
22:22 RyanS In 10 years I might be able to work out a serial communication
22:22 rue_house !time
22:22 tobbor My watch says its 08:12PM Mon Jan 07 2013
22:22 orlok RyanS: got an arduino and python?
22:22 rue_house ok, start that hello world tutorial
22:22 rue_house if you dont finish by 8:22, your gonna be useless your whole life
22:23 RyanS Doesn't matter
22:23 rue_house cmon, read the page
22:28 RyanS I get it, but I don't think JavaScript is the best language for writing a GUI to talk serial to an ardiuno
22:28 RyanS brb
22:29 rue_house you dont have the experaiacnce to know that javascript is prettymuch ecactly like C and c++
22:29 rue_house and that because its interperted, its a lot easier to start with
22:29 rue_house Do the hello world, then hack it
22:35 RyanS I remember being told because JS is not object oriented is easier than c++....
22:36 RyanS I would just prefer a GUI .exe that doesn't require a browser
22:37 orlok wxwidgets
22:37 orlok python
22:37 orlok cross platform
22:37 orlok etc
22:38 RyanS <-- arts student. nuff said :P
22:38 orlok Ahhhh.
22:44 RyanS Essentially this is all I want http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T4BdtP5R0Hg but for steppers too. but hold button servo moves, release, servo stops. And sliders
22:48 home hey guys
22:48 home hows it going :D
23:00 home question
23:00 home opps damn
23:01 rue_house !time
23:01 tobbor My watch says its 08:51PM Mon Jan 07 2013
23:01 rue_house RyanS, did you make the program and try it out?
23:02 RyanS Sidetracked
23:03 rue_house RyanS, I'm sorry you will never make any progress on bringing your ideas to life
23:03 rue_house the people who do things dont do much dreaming, they just DO things, even if they are told its impossable
23:03 Rif :(
23:04 rue_house they dont come here asking what chip to buy, they come here talking about the challanges they are having with the chip they have found
23:04 rue_house rifraf is a perfect example
23:04 rue_house he didn't come here asking how to make a robot
23:04 rue_house he came here to tell us about it
23:04 rue_house in turn we helped him improve what he was doing
23:05 rue_house and rif improved us
23:05 rue_house by showing us things we would have never thought to do
23:06 rue_house so rif
23:06 rue_house you know I have a lathe now?
23:07 RyanS That's inspirational, I'm going to cry, but as I said I have little to add so that would be somewhat pointless
23:07 rue_house to be the person you want to be, you have to get off your butt and start doing things
23:07 rue_house dont let anything stop you ESPECIALLY the idea of not doing something cause you cant do it 'right'
23:07 rue_house JUST DO IT
23:08 Rif lol, that's nice rue, i need to get mine setup, still up the road at a mates place
23:08 rue_house right comes with practise
23:08 RyanS That's what they say at Nike
23:08 Rif i have got this new arm designed, gonn abe a bit of machining
23:09 rue_house Rif, I was trying to remmeber what you were gonna make for your arm with the lathe
23:09 RyanS I do other things, however
23:09 Rif upper arm is 2 big gearboxes to drive shoulder and elbow
23:09 Rif rue_house i made the linear actuators with it
23:09 rue_house oh
23:10 Rif and many round parts
23:10 rue_house rif, can you see if you can find me a 22mm spade bit for wood?
23:10 Rif i have on in the shed
23:10 rue_house !assist projects/lathe
23:10 tobbor Possibly http://eds.dyndns.org/~ircjunk/projects/lathe
23:10 Rif eno*
23:10 Rif one*
23:10 rue_house http://eds.dyndns.org/~ircjunk/projects/lathe/p1040779.jpg
23:11 rue_house I cant find existance of them in canada
23:11 rue_house nobody here can even get metric spade bits
23:11 Rif nice one, looks about the same size
23:11 rue_house I think it is, I cant remember yours well
23:11 orlok Rif: what brand lathe do you have?
23:11 Rif http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/22mm-x-150mm-Spade-Drill-Bit-for-Wood-spade-drill-bits-by-R-E-I-Trade-DIY-tools-/290829299970?pt=AU_Tool_Parts_Accessories&hash=item43b6c6f102&_uhb=1#ht_1201wt_1167
23:12 Rif how much do they want to post that?
23:12 rue_house what, why couldn't I find that beofre?
23:12 rue_house 1.60
23:12 Rif orlok its a chinese machine rebranded by some wholesaler in au, forget the name, got it from gasweld
23:12 rue_house wait, maybe it was 18mm I needed?
23:13 rue_house Rif, foxpro and grizzly are the same lathe as mine
23:13 rue_house (king)
23:14 orlok Sieg?
23:15 rue_house damnit rif, I searched for days high and low for that bit you just found in under like 30 seconds
23:16 Rif orlok toolex this one https://www.gasweld.com.au/575873-toolex.html
23:16 orlok https://www.gasweld.com.au/575873-toolex.html
23:16 orlok hah
23:16 Rif heh
23:16 rue_house aha!
23:17 rue_house shipping is $16.20 to canada
23:17 rue_house if I balance it out, it reasonable
23:17 rue_house bah, I'm going for it
23:18 Rif there must be places in china that sell em too, that was the first i found, all postage from there is free these dayds
23:19 rue_house when I search for 22mm spade bit, the one you found is the only one that comes up
23:19 orlok https://www.gasweld.com.au/580508-toolex.html
23:20 rue_house oh here is a twist drill for $11
23:21 home damn
23:22 Rif orlok yeah was tempted by that but at the time was gonna to get a bigger mill later
23:23 Rif not have a router that is gonna do it all for me so the mill can wait, still gonna be handy to have the lathe
23:23 Rif now*
23:23 rue_house oh, 22mm = outside dia of a 608 skateboard bearing
23:24 rue_house just to say WHY I was searching or 22mm
23:25 orlok i did a tcpdump on my VPS and picked up a pile of other peoples traffic
23:25 orlok tried telling the VPS host about it
23:25 orlok they didnt understand
23:25 orlok i sent them a tcpdump, no response yet
23:25 orlok :-\
23:25 rue_house your seeing traffic from all the other vm's
23:26 rue_house yes??
23:28 orlok yeah
23:28 orlok picked up somebody elses smtp traffic
23:28 rue_house thats just a property of the vm's nic driver
23:28 orlok the tech support's first response was "I see no packet loss to google"
23:28 rue_house :0
23:29 orlok hmm, a well configured VM shouldent behave like that
23:29 rue_house )
23:29 rue_house samn shift key
23:29 RyanS so one needs to have a great degree of knowledge and expertise and robotics to be a welcome here? A simple interest in the subject is not enough
23:29 rue_house no
23:29 orlok but, yeah - i was unsure if it was something that they were aware of or not, so i asked
23:29 rue_house but I'm getting short with people who spend 2 years talking and never build anything
23:30 rue_house even simple things
23:30 rue_house if you attach a battery to a motor and tell us about it, I'm proud of ya
23:30 rue_house more so if you post a youtube video
23:30 rue_house more so if you ask a question about it
23:31 rue_house but if you just talk about it? no.
23:34 orlok i cant wait to have a workbench again :-(
23:34 rue_house yea, it would be nice
23:35 rue_house just the thought of having flat space...
23:35 orlok closest i have at the moment is a space around a sink to do small bits of soldering at
23:35 rue_house tahts obsurd, solding should be done at the dinningroom table!
23:35 rue_house Rif, tell orlok !
23:35 orlok heh
23:36 orlok i'll have a dedicated shed with concrete floor and attached workshop
23:36 orlok i have already been informed, "none of my crap in the house!"
23:36 rue_house :/
23:37 rue_house you tell her that your gonna say the same thing if the tries to garden in the house
23:37 orlok not enough room anyway.. and whats what the workshops for
23:37 RyanS First discovery don't try to open C# projects in C++
23:37 orlok 17 days
23:38 rue_house RyanS, I dont suggest c++ or c# to start with
23:38 rue_house play with javascript a bit
23:40 rue_house ok new rule, if I'm buying an item over a dollar, I'm not allowed to ALSO buy a dollar item that day
23:41 orlok hmm.. epoxy floor coating....
23:42 e_house hands orlok a
23:42 rue_house thanks rif, you triggered me to find a 22mm bit
23:42 orlok the epoxy stuff doesnt give off a lot of fumes apparently
23:42 RyanS it is a servo control program that does basically what I need, but some modification is required
23:42 orlok as its not solvent based
23:42 orlok RyanS: got arduino?
23:43 rue_house RyanS, hacking working software can be a good start
23:43 orlok RyanS: how are you going to drive the servo?
23:43 rue_house I'm hacking a few peices of javascript togethor to make the driving interface for my web based rov
23:44 RyanS arduino
23:44 rue_house mines wifi
23:44 rue_house the bot has a wifi router on it, and a webserver
23:45 orlok RyanS: played with the servo control sketch?
23:45 orlok RyanS: also, what state are you in? i think you said already
23:45 RyanS vic
23:46 rue_house http://rueshouse.dyndns.org:82/~ircjunk/js/movetest.html
23:46 rue_house RyanS, check it out
23:46 orlok oh maybe not then heh
23:46 orlok RyanS: So am i
23:46 rue_house where you put the ...star... determines the speed of the left and right motors
23:47 rue_house the javascript will send the stars x,y to a webserver that will issue the commands to the motors
23:47 orlok RyanS: do you have the arduino yet? I find the freetronics versions are actually better
23:47 RyanS I've used the servo control sketch, but it seems to make them twitch occasionally
23:47 RyanS yeah I've had it for a while
23:47 rue_house I'm working on wringint a custom app to be the webserver recieving the co-ords that will send them direct to the motors
23:48 f hates twitching se
23:48 rue_house they must have use the avrlib code, its pretty twitchie
23:48 RyanS But it's not actually moving of the position?
23:48 rue_house Rif, I never got around to fixing the avrlib code
23:49 orlok RyanS: Thats.. odd? Almost sounds like current draw problems?
23:49 orlok USB should be able to supply enough juice to power one servo at least
23:49 rue_house no its bad interrupt code
23:49 orlok black to -ve, red to +ve, yellow to the PWM line
23:50 rue_house they have delays during the pulse timing that varry the control pulse widths a bit
23:50 orlok RyanS: did you get the led blinking?
23:50 Rif rue_house did avrlib every get more updates?
23:50 rue_house I dont think so
23:50 rue_house I think it became the arduino code
23:50 rue_house most of it
23:51 rue_house Rif, do you like my js motor speed controller?
23:51 Rif shame, buts thats ok i guess, i better dig out my arduino stuff one day
23:51 rue_house na code the avr's direct
23:51 Rif rue yeah nice start, it moves just where i put it
23:51 rue_house you know how
23:52 rue_house yes, the middle is stop on both mtoors
23:52 rue_house straight up is faster forward on both
23:52 rue_house straight down is reverse for both
23:52 rue_house left and right run the motors in opposite directions
23:52 rue_house to turn
23:52 Rif looks like australia is burning up today
23:53 rue_house global warming for sure, we should have seen freezing by now
23:53 rue_house Rif, the camserv project died
23:54 rue_house there is a close project called mjpeg-streamer
23:54 RyanS I'm tempted to research frequency of bushfires in the past vs today
23:54 Rif i still want to use motion for servos
23:54 rue_house I dont understand where the 2 second latency comes from
23:58 orlok RyanS: which suburb? did i ask? sunshine?