#robotics Logs

Jan 06 2013

#robotics Calendar

01:57 KimLaroux we can fix that, just had a close-field anti-gravity generator to the fuselage
01:58 rue_house :)
01:58 rue_house good thinking
01:59 KimLaroux simple problems demand simple solutions
01:59 KimLaroux unless you're an engineer, which I'm not
02:05 moriarty KimLaroux what are you then?
02:06 KimLaroux moriarty: you know that's creepy
02:07 KimLaroux I was just looking at your nick in the list and thinking it was a cool nickname
02:07 moriarty KimLaroux, asking your occupation is creepy?
02:07 mLaroux looks out her win
02:07 moriarty "her"
02:07 KimLaroux no, that you message me when I was looking at your nick
02:08 ace4016 psychic powers!
02:08 KimLaroux creepy
02:08 moriarty KimLaroux, i didn't message you
02:09 moriarty i don't know what you're playing at here
02:09 ace4016 watch out; might be psionic mind control
02:09 KimLaroux whatever, I'm tired, it's 3 am XD
02:10 KimLaroux but to reply to your question, moriarty, I don't know what I am
02:11 KimLaroux Still haven't decided what Major to do =/
02:12 ace4016 do something that won't feel like a waste of 4 years
02:12 KimLaroux yeah
02:13 ace4016 what are you interested in?
02:13 KimLaroux just about everything
02:13 KimLaroux which isn't helping
02:14 KimLaroux electronics seems to stand out, though
02:15 KimLaroux Currently I'm torn between a Bachelor of Science with a Minor in EE, or go to an engineering school to get a recognized EE degree
02:16 ace4016 EEs typically get a bacehlor of science; what science were you interested in?
02:16 KimLaroux Physics
02:16 ace4016 (the degree is BSEE )
02:16 ace4016 ah
02:16 ace4016 i know a physicist that works as an EE
02:16 ace4016 she's...
02:16 KimLaroux I'm in Quebec, Canada, where you need a special degree to become an engineer
02:17 ace4016 lets just say you wouldn't want her necessarily designing anything as she lacks that sort of experience and background
02:17 ace4016 a BSEE is a special degree :P
02:17 ace4016 BS is just the type; EE is the field/concentration
02:18 moriarty lol bachelor of science?
02:19 moriarty KimLaroux, you're in HS?
02:19 ace4016 although some countries do have a BE...
02:19 KimLaroux College
02:19 moriarty i know an EE who works as a physicist
02:19 moriarty :)
02:19 KimLaroux ace4016: here you need a B.Eng to become and engineer
02:20 KimLaroux take for example http://www.mcgill.ca/engineering/degrees
02:21 ace4016 ah, so canada is one of those countries
02:21 moriarty lol Canadian engineering degrees
02:21 KimLaroux yep, though I can't tell if it's just Quebec or if all the other provinces have the same thing
02:21 ace4016 in the US a BS and BE are the same thing; the important thing is what comes after (as long as you didn't get a bachelors of art in engineering, you'll be fine :P)
02:22 KimLaroux moriarty: problem with canadian stuff?
02:23 moriarty KimLaroux, yeah, they suck
02:23 moriarty like major balls suck
02:23 moriarty BS and BE are different
02:23 ace4016 i think he's a super patriotic american; don't mind him
02:23 moriarty BE > BS any day
02:23 riarty facep
02:23 ace4016 ah, swedish?
02:23 KimLaroux Sorry to hear your boifriend doesn't satisfy you
02:24 moriarty KimLaroux, Canadian chicks are hot though
02:24 ace4016 ;p;
02:24 moriarty though i doubt you're one :)
02:24 ace4016 lol*
02:26 ace4016 yeesh...you don't like foreign people, do you moriarty?
02:26 ace4016 first indians, now quebecians?
02:26 KimLaroux well the nick fits him well, after all
02:26 moriarty ace4016, lol that indian had a sense of entitlement
02:26 moriarty are you an indian, ace4016?
02:27 moriarty and it's Québécoise
02:27 moriarty you're not very bright are you ace4016?
02:27 moriarty or if you're an English speaking person, it's Quebecer
02:27 ace4016 no, fairly matte
02:27 moriarty where are you from, ace4016, that you don't know either?
02:27 moriarty :)
02:28 ace4016 not from quebec, nor do i care tbh
02:28 moriarty lol nice excuse for being an ignorant fool
02:29 KimLaroux moriarty: just because someone doesn't know what you know, doesn't make them an "ignorant fool". Stop being such a self-centered american ass hole
02:29 ace4016 yes, because i'm going to spend my time remembering what to call the peoples of every province/county/city of all 300+ countries on the planet
02:29 ace4016 good use of my time
02:29 moriarty KimLaroux, of course it does :)
02:29 mLaroux si
02:29 moriarty ace4016, lol it's general knowledge, of course you could always pull an Obama and call the Canadian PM president
02:29 moriarty lol
02:29 KimLaroux You know, I can't remember last time I placed someone on ignore, but you sir, sure deserve it
02:29 ace4016 general knowledge for a quebecian maybe
02:30 moriarty KimLaroux, lol who cares what a high school dropout thinks? come and speak to me when you're more educated kkthx
02:30 moriarty ace4016, general knowledge for anybody really
02:30 ace4016 clearly
02:31 moriarty of course if i want to be pedantic, i'd point out that there is nowhere near 300 countries in the world
02:31 moriarty but i'd leave it at that, since you seem to be incorrect on almost every count
02:31 moriarty lol
02:33 ace4016 hyberboles...you seem to fail at them
02:33 moriarty ace4016, at least as a migrant you're doing the right thing by coming to America
02:33 ace4016 lol, migrant...
02:33 moriarty and upgrading your common sense knowledge :)
02:33 ace4016 right.
02:33 ace4016 nice assumption :P
02:34 moriarty ace4016, lol how old are you?
13:10 MaoTank Hi everybody!
13:10 ace4016 Hi Dr. Nick!
13:12 MaoTank How can i know if any motor can move certain weight?
13:12 MaoTank I n
13:13 MaoTank I know the torque, gear ratio, wheel diameter...
13:14 dunz0r MaoTank: http://www.societyofrobots.com/RMF_calculator.shtml perhaps?
13:15 MaoTank Oh thankyou
13:16 MaoTank I'll take a look
13:23 rue_bed do you wnat ot knw if it can move th weight on a flat surface, or up an incline, or do you want to know how fast it can accelerate?
13:23 ace4016 MaoTank, the torque can give you quite a bit of info alone actually
13:24 rue_bed yes, torque will tell you how much of an incline it can take with load and how fast it can accelerate
13:28 MaoTank On a flat surface
13:29 MaoTank To know if i can move an opponent
13:29 rue_bed ah, wrestling are you
13:29 rue_bed now you bring the friction of your wheels into it
13:30 rue_bed how heavy is the robot allowed to be?
13:30 dunz0r MaoTank: Building a sumo-robot?:)
13:30 dunz0r Or a "combat robot"?
13:32 rue_bed MaoTank, it helps if you stay here and answer questions when getting help
13:32 MaoTank A multi robot, i need velocity and acceleration for a challenge and a strenght for another, but using the same robot
13:33 rue_bed hmmm
13:33 rue_bed about how big is your robot
13:33 MaoTank I was thinking about fingertech cobra wheels
13:33 rue_bed about how big is your robot
13:34 MaoTank 0,7kg its the mas
13:34 rue_bed hmm
13:34 rue_bed pretty small
13:34 rue_bed hmmmmm
13:34 MaoTank A4 paper sheet
13:34 dunz0r MaoTank: They're great. Fingertechs spark-motors are great too
13:34 rue_bed hmm iirc A4 is a bit larger than letter
13:35 dunz0r I used the 1:63 geared ones on my last build, it was really strong.
13:35 dunz0r rue_bed: 15cm x 20cm
13:35 dunz0r Oh. Sorry.
13:35 dunz0r Not at all correct :D
13:35 dunz0r rue_bed: 210 by 297 mm
13:35 MaoTank Thats the max for the challenge
13:36 dunz0r MaoTank: I used these motors, with the 1:63 gearing and Cobra wheels: http://www.fingertechrobotics.com/proddetail.php?prod=ft-spark16
13:37 rue_bed thats almost 8.5x11"
13:38 MaoTank So i need to move my robot and another 0,7kg
13:38 rue_bed hmm, 0.7kg dosn't give you much, I was trying tot hink how you could have two sets of drive motors, a fast one and a torque one
13:38 MaoTank For the sumo challenge, but velocity for a speed challenge
13:38 dunz0r MaoTank: Velocity is good in sumo too.
13:39 dunz0r A fast robot almost always win over a slow one.
13:39 rue_bed MaoTank, do yo have batteries chosen?
13:39 MaoTank No, im chosing motors first
13:40 dunz0r Here's the torque table for the Spark motors, MaoTank http://www.fingertechrobotics.com/prodimages/drivemotors/torque_kg-cm_table.jpg
13:40 dunz0r And the no-load-speed table http://www.fingertechrobotics.com/prodimages/drivemotors/speed_table.jpg
13:41 rue_bed something like a dustbuster motor with a low ratio gearbox and a smps speed converter might work quite well
13:41 dunz0r MaoTank: With 1:63-motors and cobra wheels you get 0.4 m/s at 11.1V ideally
13:41 rue_bed you could let the smps take care of the high torque current requirements and yet still have crazy speed when the voltage is opened up
13:42 rue_bed MaoTank, how are you at electronics?
13:43 MaoTank It depends
13:43 rue_bed (dustbuster motors run upwards of 20000 rpm, with quite a bit of torque, even 10:1 might be overkill for what you need
13:43 rue_bed )
13:44 dunz0r 10:1 at 20000 rpm will be brutally fast :)
13:44 MaoTank But low force?
13:44 dunz0r 2000 rpm with 2.86cm wheels will make your robt travel almost 3m/s :O
13:44 rue_bed but in your wrestling challange they might pull 15A at about 4V, so you need to have a switching controller for hte range
13:45 rue_bed dustbuster mtoors can take a lot of torque, but they need a heavy current supply, which you can get from a switching power converter
13:45 rue_bed manually driven or autonomous?
13:45 MaoTank Autonomous
13:46 rue_bed what controller are you gonna use?
13:46 rue_bed at 3m/s you need to have something that can respond fast
13:46 dunz0r 3m/s is uncontrollable I think.
13:46 MaoTank I was thinking about using an arduino
13:46 dunz0r It would travel across the sumo-ring in less than a second.
13:47 rue_bed have you seen those line followers out of japan!?!?!
13:47 rue_bed its just a ring? you wont have time to finish accelerating to get to 3m/s
13:48 rue_bed and you woulnd't have to worry about steering, its almost garunteed to be a staight path
13:48 rue_bed ok, hmm
13:48 rue_bed you could gear them more
13:48 dunz0r Not if you're gonna push the other robot out. You often start in different quadrants of the ring
13:48 dunz0r So not a straight line
13:49 dunz0r MaoTank: What challenge are you participating in if I may ask?
13:50 rue_bed ok, I suggest looking for this, a low voltage motor, about 4 or 6V that is about 3cm dia and about 5 to 7cm long, with a max current of about 8A or higher, and a gear ratio of less than 20:1
13:50 MaoTank Its from university
13:50 rue_bed but to use that you need to have a buck switching power supply that will go from 0% to 100% battery
13:50 rue_bed with a 16A or so max output current
13:51 dunz0r I would probably go for a smaller motor and up the voltage and increase the gearing, but that's me
13:51 MaoTank And we need to use the same robot for both challenges (line follower and sumo)
13:51 rue_bed you can drive dc motors to 200% without killing them
13:51 GuShH rue_bed: you forgot to mention "not continously"
13:51 GuShH ie. heat will destroy them
13:51 dunz0r MaoTank: Here's a video of my robot with 1:63 fingertech motors and cobra wheels http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LPI_atlHl4E
13:51 dunz0r Unfortunately crappy programming ruined most of it.
13:51 rue_bed 200% continious is usually ok, above that and they will start to fail
13:52 MaoTank But line follower kind of you must select the way using wall marks
13:52 dunz0r Didn't have time to test properly etc
13:52 rue_bed besides, his use case isn't continious
13:52 GuShH there's no way most cheap ass dc motors will last longer than a few seconds at 200%
13:52 GuShH I think you've been playing way too much with old stuff!
13:53 dunz0r GuShH: Not cheap toy motors, no. I've successfully run a lot of motors at 200%, but they're higher quality.
13:53 rue_bed well, even on the cheap little hobby motors 200% is ok for a long time
13:53 dunz0r The fingertech motors I linked earlier for example, they don't mind 12V instead of 6V
13:53 GuShH dunz0r: you fail to realize their life is heavily reduced
13:53 rue_bed the cheap little ones will burn their brushes off at 100% given long enough
13:53 GuShH and you just ask for trouble
13:53 rue_bed but you dont need life for your application
13:53 dunz0r GuShH: Sure, but they will certainly last for mor than a few seconds.
13:54 rue_bed its all intermittent high demand
13:54 GuShH if heat is extracted properly sure
13:54 rue_bed when your following a line, they will be fine
13:54 GuShH why waste time building those things anyway
13:54 dunz0r My motors are still working at 200%.
13:54 GuShH it's not practical
13:54 dunz0r Because it's fun and challenging?
13:55 rue_bed if they blow up while your trying to push an opponent out of a ring, then they prolly did pretty good, but weren't gonna win anyhow, casualty of war
13:55 GuShH where's the challenge on something that's been done so many times you probably wouldn't be able to keep track of?
13:55 ShH bl
13:55 dunz0r It has been done a few times, but building a successful sumo-robot is no easy feat.
13:55 rue_bed you dont have to build it to last 20 years, if it operates for 10 hours its prolly done its life cycle anyhow
13:56 MaoTank The lines isnt too long so i wont all the velocity i could
13:56 rue_bed possibly even less
13:56 GuShH It's just a waste of resources.
13:56 rue_bed so are race cars
13:56 rue_bed tell that to race fans
13:56 GuShH fans are nuts
13:56 dunz0r GuShH: Why so negative?
13:57 GuShH sometimes I'm above ground, sometimes I'm not?
13:57 dunz0r Okidoki.
13:57 MaoTank :/
13:57 GuShH lol
13:57 GuShH MaoTank: negative "voltage"
13:58 GuShH rue_bed: some race cars are impressive, others are lame.
13:58 MaoTank So, what would be the motor election?
13:58 GuShH with all the restrictions imposed, it's pretty much the same as a sumo bot
13:58 rue_house are the lames ones the ones that are like all the rest?
13:58 rue_house dame engine, same gearbox, just a different driver?
13:59 GuShH rue_house: nascar?
13:59 GuShH I think it's pretty lame.
13:59 dunz0r "He's making a left turn!"
13:59 GuShH oh shi!
13:59 rue_house ok, who is the one building this robot again?
13:59 GuShH rue's point is ... to each his own.
13:59 rue_house I changed computers
14:00 dunz0r rue_house: MaoTank
14:00 rue_house MaoTank, how long does the robot need to operate for?
14:01 MaoTank Challenge time?
14:02 rue_house accumulated challange time
14:02 rue_house till it takes a place on a shelf
14:02 dunz0r MaoTank: Unless you seriously overvolt your motors, it shouldn't be a big problem.
14:02 dunz0r And by seriously I mean >200%
14:02 MaoTank 3 or 4 races and 3 or 4 sumo combats
14:02 rue_house I dont recommend more than 200%
14:02 rue_house AND THATS COMMING FROM ME!
14:03 nz0r recommends the same as rue_ho
14:03 rue_house I ran the motors in my line following racer to 400% and burned the brushes off :(
14:03 rue_house DONT RUN 3v MOTORS AT 12v!!!!!
14:04 rue_house I put a buck converter on and run them up to 5V
14:05 rue_house variable buck converter
14:05 rue_house !assist robots/
14:05 tobbor Possibly http://eds.dyndns.org/~ircjunk/robots/
14:05 rue_house http://eds.dyndns.org/~ircjunk/robots/multibots/smokingprogress/dscn6164.jpg
14:06 dunz0r I should make some sort of directory with information about my robots, some day.
14:06 RifRaf what if you ran at 400% but used pwm and only rarely go above 50% duty cycle?
14:06 rue_house RifRaf, the other problem I had was that the 12V pwm on the 3V motor caused brush arcing that ate them away
14:07 RifRaf have some 4.5V screwdriver in some linear actuators and been running them at 12v, very noisy
14:07 rue_house I put a LC filter (buck smps) on them and it was better
14:08 rue_house too much rpm and the windings get torn off the armature
14:08 MaoTank The i think the longest straight line will be 1m
14:08 rue_house too much power and the armature windings overheat and burn up
14:08 rue_house MaoTank, do you know the best time on record?
14:09 rue_house constant acceleration, 1m, 1Kg, 1s, who can do the math
14:09 MaoTank No, they are the firsts editions
14:10 MaoTank There wont be super robots
14:10 dunz0r 1m/s is quite fast. It's not impossible though.
14:11 rue_house ok I need to go have a shower, eat breakfast, eat lunch, write a http server, and work out how to spend the evening
14:11 dunz0r rue_house: Good luck o/
14:11 GuShH http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=orLWHG63quc holy shit... fuel injection in a saw
14:13 MaoTank So a pololu 30:1 will be enougth?
14:13 dunz0r MaoTank: Yep, those are quite fast. Go for the HP-version if you can. The extra power might come in handy in sumo matches
14:14 dunz0r MaoTank: If you use the Cobra wheels, you can calculate the speed based on rpms like this: (28.6 * 3.14) * (rpm/60)
14:14 dunz0r 500rpm will give you about 0.7 m/s
14:15 MaoTank 1000rpm free, 0,6km cm torque
14:15 MaoTank Stall torque
14:16 dunz0r MaoTank: Remember though; that's at 6V. They will probably give you more at higher voltages
14:17 dunz0r MaoTank: I know some successfull minisumo-robots(10x10cm, 500g) have used the Pololu 50:1HP motors.
14:17 MaoTank Im looking at fingertechrobotics
14:18 dunz0r Their motors are more powerful, but the motors are a bit bigger.
14:18 dunz0r I like the fingertech motors the best, my small robot with 1:63 motors could push ~2kgs without problem
14:19 MaoTank Another web with cobra wheels and good motors with international shipping?
14:19 dunz0r MaoTank: Fignertech does international shipping iirc.
14:19 dunz0r And it's not very expensive either.
14:19 dunz0r MaoTank: Robotmarketplace.com has some stuff too
14:20 dunz0r Not sure if they have Cobra wheels though
14:20 MaoTank Oh ok, im going to take a look for motors categorie
14:21 MaoTank Whats the 1:63 you selected?
14:21 MaoTank From fingertech
14:22 dunz0r MaoTank: These: http://www.fingertechrobotics.com/proddetail.php?prod=ft-spark16
14:22 dunz0r They are a tad expensive though, only drawback of them
14:23 dunz0r I'm going to use 50:1 motors on my next build though. 63:1 was quite ok at speed, but I don't need all that pusing power, 50:1 will give me more speed
14:23 dunz0r Sorry for flipping the 63:1 before btw :)
14:24 MaoTank I can select between 50 and 63:1 for this motor
14:24 dunz0r MaoTank: They have more gearings. 20:1, 35:1, 50:1, 63:1, 115:1, 250:1 and 360:1
14:25 MaoTank 63 will be enought?
14:26 MaoTank Or 50 like you?
14:26 dunz0r I used 63 on my last build, but it was a little on the slow side, I think 50 is better
14:26 dunz0r Founda video of the 50:1 motors on a robot btw: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0sPd4nHu2wY
14:27 dunz0r That one has four motors though
14:29 MaoTank I saw that chassis before. But i think that 4 wheels for follow lines are very uncomfortable
14:29 MaoTank And good for sumo
14:29 dunz0r MaoTank: Yep, it's the most popular configuration I think
14:30 dunz0r My current rebuild of my minisumo-robot will have two wheels as well, but I'm redesigning the electronics and everything else.
14:30 MaoTank And i need 4 motor controllers
14:30 MaoTank For thar chassis
14:31 MaoTank I think that 2 will be quite enougth
14:31 MaoTank 2 wheels
14:33 MaoTank Ok, im going to write my shopping list
14:36 rue_house your not doing 4 independantly driven wheels are you?
14:36 MaoTank Wooo, the tinyESC motor controller its too expensive
14:37 rue_house your WAY better off traction wise using 2 wheels and putting as MUCH of the weight DIRECLY over them as you can
14:37 MaoTank I was thinking about 2 back wheels
14:37 MaoTank And an onmidirection at front
14:38 rue_house put so much weight on the drive wheels that the other ones are just there to make it not tip over
14:42 MaoTank On robotmarketplace they dont have cobra wheels!
14:42 MaoTank :*(
14:48 MaoTank dunz0r , so 2 cobra, 2 50:1 motors (those of whon we spoke) and 2 tinyESC
14:48 MaoTank What do you think?
15:00 MaoTank Or another ;)
15:13 rue_house I have a tutorial on making wheels that will have really good traction if yo uput wide rubber bands over them
15:17 MaoTank Paste the url
15:55 MaoTank Im looking for the batteries
19:49 rue_shop3 !assist tutorials/mech
19:49 tobbor Possibly http://eds.dyndns.org/~ircjunk/tutorials/mech
20:08 rue_shop3 cool, I drilled a 10mm hole thru the side of a 15mm chaft
20:11 Tom_itx rue_shop3, on cable select, is the end hdd master or slave?
20:13 Tom_itx ok maybe the slave hdd is the culprit
20:13 orlok Tom_itx: last century called, they want their pain in the ass automagic back
20:14 Tom_itx ?
20:14 Tom_itx this is a very old system
20:14 orlok i fucking hate cable select :)
20:15 Tom_itx i had the hdd set master slave but it wouldn't boot
20:15 Tom_itx i'm diagnosing it atm but think the slave hdd may be the one going bad
20:15 Tom_itx i removed it and it booted up normal
20:16 Tom_itx the slave was a backup drive and is quite a bit older
20:19 rue_shop3 on cable select, there is no way to know, its gods descision, and he's pretty left field, for reference, see Palatipus
20:20 rue_shop3 make one the master, the other the slave, works every time
20:21 Tom_itx well i had it that way but had to go to cs to get them to boot
20:22 orlok Theres a not conencted wire that determines master/slave
20:22 orlok but i jus tuse the jumpers
20:22 orlok though some drives wont work if set as master if they are a single drive
20:22 orlok seperate setting for that too
20:22 orlok mainly WD's i think
20:24 Tom_itx set as master slave i get disk boot errors but when i boot them single at a time they both work
20:24 Tom_itx and as cs they both work
20:24 Tom_itx individually
20:24 rue_shop3 ah
20:25 Tom_itx i wonder if the controller is going south
20:25 rue_shop3 one of the drives has a master setting that also stipulates *NOT THE ONLY DRIVE*
20:25 rue_shop3 some drives try to take over the cable is they are master
20:25 Tom_itx it wrked for years with the jumpers set
20:25 orlok Tom_itx: swapped cable?
20:25 Tom_itx i tried a different cable yes
20:25 orlok (just buy a new system!)
20:25 Tom_itx same results
20:26 Tom_itx i have a spare
20:26 Tom_itx and buying a new system for this is not an option
20:28 Tom_itx maybe i'll move one of them to the secondary port
20:28 Tom_itx and see what happens
20:28 rue_shop3 hahaha damnit
20:28 rue_shop3 I just spent a half hour making a price the wrong damn sive
20:29 rue_shop3 supposed to by 8mm and I made it 6
20:29 Tom_itx if it's an od you can fix it
20:29 Tom_itx err if it's an ID you can fix it
20:29 rue_shop3 tom you have to read the manual and set the master to be -master with slave-
20:29 Tom_itx OD you're screwed
20:29 rue_shop3 its a problem one brand of drives had once upon a time
20:29 rue_shop3 OD
20:29 Tom_itx both wd
20:30 Tom_itx but several years apart in MFG
20:30 rue_shop3 the brand of the other drive dosn't matter
20:30 Tom_itx 97 and 08
20:30 Tom_itx both WD
20:30 rue_shop3 you have to set the master as *master with slave* its not shown on the drive, you have to read the manual to set it
20:30 rue_shop3 master with slave
20:30 Tom_itx i think i can put one with the cd
20:31 rue_shop3 they cheated and dont release the cable when they are not communicating toherwise
20:31 rue_shop3 so the slave drive currupts the transfers
20:31 rue_shop3 the jumper settings are easy to find online
20:31 rue_shop3 then you just set them up so they know there is another drive ont eh cable
20:32 Tom_itx rue_shop3, they've been working for years
20:33 Tom_itx and all the sudden decided not to
20:33 Tom_itx but they both work individually
20:33 Tom_itx i tried setting master slave and cs cs
20:33 Tom_itx neither option would let them live together
20:36 rue_mohr that is..
20:37 rue_shop3 hmm I dont think I have raid set up on the shop fileserver yet
20:37 Tom_itx ok
20:37 Tom_itx with the 2nd one on the secondary they both work
20:37 Tom_itx as does the cd
20:37 Tom_itx what would cause that all of the sudden?
20:38 Tom_itx something is failing but i don't know what
20:38 rue_shop3 get the data off them quick :)
20:38 Tom_itx i was
20:38 Tom_itx but i started getting system errors
20:38 Tom_itx i think it may be the controller
20:38 rue_shop3 seen it
20:39 Tom_itx now that i can run them singlly i will
20:39 Tom_itx see, one is just a backup for the other
20:39 orlok 18 days
20:39 orlok then i get a workshop, yay
20:39 Tom_itx til close?
20:39 orlok yup
20:39 Tom_itx why is it taking so long?
20:47 orlok Tom_itx: Apparently 3 months is the standard time
21:05 Tom_itx orlok you got your new telescope mount figured out?
21:31 rue_house :) my http request parser is working
22:23 Tom_itx k thinks seem normal again for now
22:23 Tom_itx things*
22:38 rue_shop2 hi rif
22:42 Tom_itx man
22:51 Tom_L just how big is google?
22:51 Tom_L check the slide shows on some of these...
22:52 Tom_L http://www.flickr.com/photos/rooftop65/sets/72157600558500529/detail/
22:52 Tom_L http://www.google.com/about/datacenters/gallery/index.html#/locations/council-bluffs
22:52 Tom_L http://www.google.com/about/datacenters/gallery/index.html#/locations/mayes-county
22:52 Tom_L http://www.google.com/about/datacenters/gallery/index.html#/locations/douglas-county
22:53 Tom_L http://www.google.com/about/datacenters/gallery/index.html#/locations/the-dalles
22:53 Tom_L http://www.google.com/about/datacenters/gallery/index.html#/locations/berkeley-county
23:02 rue_house earmuffs, cool