#robotics Logs

Dec 11 2012

#robotics Calendar

09:17 rue_mohr "
09:17 rue_mohr The Three Laws of Robotics
09:17 rue_mohr 1. Measure twice, cut the average.
09:17 rue_mohr 2. For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction: when convenient.
09:17 rue_mohr 3. Too much procrastination to finish the third rule.
09:17 rue_mohr "
21:18 rue_mohr Tom_itx, no package yet!
21:18 rue_mohr no package!
21:18 rue_mohr where's my package!
21:19 rue_mohr resend! resend!
21:19 rue_mohr :)
21:20 TELunus Are you using IPoAC?
21:20 rue_mohr no, bandwidth sucks
21:20 rue_mohr I run cat5e cables everywhere
21:21 rue_mohr I have 1gbit at my fingertips
21:21 Tom_itx pfft
21:21 Tom_itx you know it takes 6 mo
21:21 Tom_itx when did i send it?
21:24 TELunus I mean IP over avian cariers, not IP over alternating current. The data transfer rate with IPoAC can actually be much higher than 1gbit/s. The latency is just really bad.
21:24 rue_mohr man it was so long ago
21:24 rue_mohr what was it, like .. yester4day
21:24 rue_mohr ah
21:25 rue_mohr no, the packet loss is waaay too high
21:25 rue_mohr and the ping times are horrendous
21:25 rue_mohr almost as bad as wifi
21:25 TELunus The packet loss is only too high if the users are untrained. Or if the cariers find mates on the way.
21:25 rue_mohr atleast with ipoav your data is secure
21:26 TELunus av?
21:26 rue_mohr c
21:27 rue_mohr http://hackaday.com/2012/12/10/10-ways-to-etch-pcbs-at-home/
21:27 Tom_itx 12/05-2012
21:27 Tom_itx 6 days
21:28 rue_mohr see, thats like forever
21:28 Tom_itx i sent one to germany that got there in 6 days
21:28 Tom_itx i also sent one across the US that took longer than 6
21:28 rue_mohr taking FOREVER
21:29 Tom_itx next time i'll send it collect fedex overnight mkay?
21:30 rue_mohr only if the shipping is free
21:30 Tom_itx it would cost as much as you sent just to ship it
21:30 TELunus fedex collect != free.
21:31 rue_mohr but shipping for china is free
21:31 Tom_itx that's no joke either
21:31 Tom_itx china wants our money though
21:31 rue_mohr ;)
21:31 Tom_itx they processed my stuff really quick this time
21:33 rue_mohr cool
21:33 rue_mohr doin anything
21:33 Tom_L http://www.jameco.com/Jameco/workshop/productnews/Hydrogen-fuel-cell-power.html?sp_rid=MzEyMjY2MzI1MjES1&sp_mid=4593156
21:35 TELunus Ya, let's ship hydrogen around instead of gassoline. Much safer.
21:37 Tom_itx i think it's produced on site
21:37 rue_mohr there are 'foams' thta you can "charge" with hydrogen, they only realease it at a set rate
21:38 Tom_itx how long did it take last time i sent you something?
21:38 Tom_itx i can't remember
21:38 rue_mohr YEARS!
21:38 rue_mohr no wait, thats how long it took rifraf to get his package from me
21:39 rue_mohr ok I ate supper, I'm going to bed
21:39 rue_mohr had enough of this being concious junk
21:40 rue_mohr today was the one day I had with ANYTHING scheduled in it, and it totally blew up,
21:40 rue_mohr half the town called me with emergency stuff
21:40 Tom_itx this whole week is busy for me
21:40 rue_mohr all at 10:00
21:40 Tom_itx storms?
21:40 rue_mohr which is when I was due at the shop for birthday cake
21:41 rue_mohr no, mass co-incodince
21:44 Tom_itx so did you make em all happy?
21:45 Tom_itx your cake or somebody else?
21:45 Tom_itx ahh i bet it was yours
21:45 Tom_itx you present was the lathe
21:45 Tom_itx :)
21:48 rue_mohr heh, friday was my cake :)
21:48 Tom_itx happy b day
21:48 rue_mohr :)
21:48 Tom_itx how many is it now?
21:50 rue_mohr 107?