#robotics Logs

Dec 03 2012

#robotics Calendar

00:49 DagoRed Got it working!
00:49 DagoRed I had to look up the baud rate in which it would work.
01:09 DagoRed rue_mohr: Thank you, your words showed me I was overcomplicated the process.
02:07 rue_mohr :)
02:14 DagoRed Thank you.
02:14 goRed works on packet radio
02:23 DagoRed theos!
02:23 DagoRed http://aprs.fi/#!call=a%2FK6RPT-12&timerange=21600
02:27 theos DagoRed!
02:27 DagoRed How's it goin?
02:27 theos its going smooth. you?
02:28 DagoRed jobless at the moment and the girl is giving me shit
02:28 DagoRed so I've been better.
02:28 theos :)
02:46 exiff Unconditional love eh?
02:47 DagoRed More like she isn't sure about us and wants to be with someone else.
03:00 exiff Cut your losses
03:00 exiff is what i would say to you if you were here.
04:32 theBear i'd say we should go to the pub, but that's just me
18:14 Nashenas If I wanted to work with robotics, but focus mainly on programming, where should I start off. Are the lego mindstorm kits good to start with?
18:15 anannie Nashenas: Lego mindstorm is great to get an intuition about the machines themselves
18:17 Nashenas anannie: Is there a particular set you recommend I start off with? I'm familiar with linear algebra, and took a robotics course, but it was all theoretical. There were only matrices with lots of differentials, but no hands on experience or programming.
18:17 anannie Nashenas: Wow. You have a really solid background
18:18 anannie Nashenas: Try out the NXT set
18:18 Nashenas Lol, price on Buy.com: $2224569.00
18:19 anannie Huh?
18:19 Nashenas I searched on google, and it showed some prices for the NXT kit to the right. That was the price from "Buy.com" for the NXT kit
18:20 anannie Nashenas: It's for £200 or so
18:20 Nashenas Yeah, it's showing up around $299. I just thought it was a funny so I shared it.
18:21 anannie Gotta get back to work
23:17 zhanx just oven reflowed my desktop motherboard and it works again
23:40 home zhanx: How?
23:40 zhanx oven