#robotics Logs

Nov 29 2012

#robotics Calendar

01:42 DagoRed I'm curious if those are registers.
04:51 eduardogi hello eveyone
08:56 rue_mohr TELunus, X and A are registers, V is a literal value
08:56 rue_mohr remember that all program values are part of modifyable memory
08:57 rue_mohr TELunus, I'll post the interperter source again
08:58 rue_mohr http://paste.debian.net/213291/
08:58 rue_mohr 4 1 4 8 7 10 -1 8 4 -8 2 48 7 10 1 8 11 -15 15 5
08:58 rue_mohr that is a program that outputs a count from 1 to 5
08:59 rue_mohr I removed the Y pointer
08:59 rue_mohr comments er't updated
09:04 TELunus Ok. I should be able to do all of those.
09:04 TELunus Got an FPGA?
09:06 rue_mohr BG300 from XLINIX?
09:08 TELunus Don't know it. What does one use to program it?
09:08 rue_mohr dont know
09:08 rue_mohr I dont have any fpga's set up to use
09:08 rue_mohr software or hardware
09:09 rue_mohr I think I do have a parallel port jtag programmer around
09:09 rue_mohr I have the part number wrong anyhow
09:10 TELunus Oh. I don't have an FPGA. I borrowed one from a team mate at a team I was on while I was in the course.
09:10 rue_mohr what fpga were you using
09:10 rue_mohr maybe I can find one
09:12 TELunus Altera DE1. The software I'm using works for any Altera FPGA I belive though. Of course if a different FPGA is used I can learn to use the software for that.
09:12 rue_mohr ok I'll see what I can find this evening
09:12 TELunus Anyhow, I should head to class now.
09:13 rue_mohr bye
09:25 mohamed_amine hi all, we are going to design a SCARA, so: in real SCARA's, manufacturers usually uses servomotors or stepper motors ?
09:31 mohamed_amine Do SCARA robots uses servomotors or stepper motors?
09:34 rue_mohr :)
09:34 rue_mohr they gave up on steppers a while ago
09:34 rue_mohr they use 3 phase brushless servomotors for the smaller ones
09:35 rue_mohr some use hydraulics
09:35 mohamed_amine thanks rue_mohr,
09:36 mohamed_amine can stepper motors give 2-3 nm?
09:37 rue_mohr geared, at less than 1 rpm, you can get that out of about any stepper
09:38 rue_mohr 1? I might be being generous
09:38 mohamed_amine thanks :)
09:38 rue_mohr if you build a project with steppers, you will always be frustrated by how slow it is
09:39 mohamed_amine the problem with servos is that we don't find any seller here in ALG, i fund one that weight about 5Kgs
09:40 mohamed_amine so we decide to use stepper
09:40 rue_mohr A winshield wiper motor may give you enough torque
09:41 rue_mohr you have to gear any motor you use
09:41 mohamed_amine yes
09:41 rue_mohr winshield wiper motors are geared well
09:41 rue_mohr I'll be back in 10 hours
09:42 mohamed_amine ok thanks a lot
18:36 NicholasRoge Quick question, if I am coming up with a negative value for Ohms law, what does that mean, exactly? For example, I'm using ohms law, and I need a current of 1.08A with a voltage of 12V. I have to pass it through 15.9kOhms of resistance (a Kinect sensor, in this case). Obviously, the 12/15.9k does not equal 1.08, so I'd have to add in an additional, negative resistance, in order to make that correct.
19:22 Tom_itx then your math is wrong
19:22 Tom_itx E=IR
19:22 Tom_itx not E-IR+ -R
19:23 ace4016 well, the electronics is probably also wrong
19:24 Tom_itx do you use FF?
19:25 ace4016 firefox? i do :P
19:25 Tom_itx do you use ad blocker?
19:26 Tom_itx also there's one called pagetweak.. are you familiar with it?
19:26 Tom_itx i just installed ad blocker to try
19:26 ace4016 pagetweak, no. ad blocker (or ad block plus) ues
19:26 ace4016 yes*
19:26 ace4016 or rather, i use ad block plus
19:26 Tom_itx i installed plus i think
19:27 ace4016 there are some default filters you can set so it's ready to go
19:27 ace4016 i didn't know youtube had ads for the longest of times :P
19:27 Tom_itx where do you go to set them?
19:30 ace4016 tools > ad block plus > filter preferences
19:31 Tom_itx don't see that under tools
19:31 Tom_itx i restarted it...
19:31 Tom_itx hmm
19:31 ace4016 click on add filter subscriptions; the two i'm using are easylist and fanboy's adblock list
19:31 ace4016 ah...hrm
19:31 Tom_itx FF 17
19:32 ace4016 windows? (not sure if there is a difference in menus on the other platforms)
19:32 Tom_itx yeah windoz
19:32 ace4016 ah, i'm using v16 apparently...i rarely restart FF, much less my computer
19:33 ace4016 updating, uno momento
19:45 ace4016 yup, it's under tools for me
19:46 ace4016 you can go to tools > add-ons, click the extensions tab, and click options for adblock plus
19:46 ace4016 should see filter preferences there Tom_itx
19:47 Tom_itx this is slightly different but i got it
19:48 ace4016 ah, k
19:48 Tom_itx what filters are on yours?
19:48 ace4016 easylist and fanboy's adblock list
19:48 Tom_itx this has none
19:48 ace4016 huh...
19:49 rue_mohr TELunus, hows class today
19:49 ace4016 when you click add filter subscription, nothing comes up?
19:49 ace4016 unless this isnt' quite adblock plus
19:49 Tom_itx i don't see that option
19:50 ace4016 hrm, can you show a screenshot?
19:50 Tom_itx there's an exception list but it's empty
19:51 Tom_itx basically the options are: enable ads remover, block google analytics and the exceptions list which is empty
19:52 Tom_itx this says 'Updated Ad Blocker for FF 11+ 0.7.7'
19:53 Tom_itx there's an add on called 'Ad Blocking FiltersetP 1.0'
19:54 Tom_itx i could add that add-on
19:54 ace4016 http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v296/dante4016/abp.png
19:54 ace4016 that's what my abp looks like
19:54 Tom_itx windows?
19:55 TELunus Meh, just finished like the last slide on welds, then did review. Thursdays I only have one class.
19:55 ace4016 yup
19:55 TELunus However I figured out some stuff I needed to work on for how to do my ALU.
19:56 Tom_itx maybe i installed the wrong one
19:56 ace4016 http://adblockplus.org/en/
19:57 Tom_itx i just installed it
19:57 Tom_itx 2.2.1
19:57 Tom_itx i probably should uninstall the other one
19:57 rue_mohr slide on welds? weld analysis?
19:58 rue_mohr ace4016, funny, I swear on linux I dont see 1/10 the ads I do under windows
19:58 ace4016 i see 0 ads. 1/10 of zero is still 0
19:59 ace4016 on windows >_>
19:59 rue_mohr do you mean ads that are interlaced on sites like hackaday or ones that pop up with applications
20:00 ace4016 both
20:00 rue_mohr mmm
20:00 ace4016 as i said earlier, i didn't know youtube had ads for the longest of times
20:01 ace4016 but this is might devolve into a "windows bad, linux good" conversation, so it's shower time now
20:01 ace4016 oh wait...have to finish up something first
20:03 Tom_itx ace4016, now i get the same screen. i think i had the old addon originally
20:08 ace4016 ah
20:08 ace4016 yea
20:09 ace4016 that's how the old one was
20:10 ace4016 also, i wish alibre had a free version again...they became much better and got rid of their free version (still not that great...but better than solidedge :P)
20:11 rue_mohr I emptied 4 boxes of misc yesterday in the shop
20:11 rue_mohr a few more and thre will be room for a lathe
20:14 Tom_itx it's all junk you will miss next week
20:30 rue_mohr heh
20:30 rue_mohr its all changed since I started
20:31 rue_mohr when I started out, scrounging was the ONLY way I could get parts
20:31 rue_mohr now most of the scrounging stuff I was keeping is completely obsolete
20:31 rue_mohr so I'v been going thru boards cleaning off the stuff I still keep, like pots
20:31 rue_mohr tant caps
20:32 rue_mohr some transistors, regulators, various other caps
20:32 rue_mohr inductors
20:32 rue_mohr fuses, leds
20:33 rue_mohr temp sensors
20:33 rue_mohr pulse transformers
21:03 rue_mohr what are the 2d bar code things called
21:08 rue_mohr http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yqjKohZX2t8
21:08 rue_mohr its clled isolation routing, ok
21:19 TELunus Well, we can't actually really deal with welds analyticly, too complicated. But that course has been how to design with various common technologies, and the last module was bolts and weld joints.
21:19 rue_mohr http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wY6oiEhyfIc&feature=endscreen&NR=1
21:19 rue_mohr #@$%@#$%@#$%!@@#$ NAIL POLISH! @#$#@^!!@#$#$^#@
21:21 Tom_itx stop painting your nails
21:21 TELunus Apperantly you aren't supposed to re-use bolts.
21:21 rue_mohr hahaha
21:22 rue_mohr hahaha where did my pcb go , hahahah
21:23 rue_mohr I bet I can use nail polish in the plotter pens
21:23 rue_mohr damn
21:25 rue_mohr that solves a 6yr old problem
21:25 Tom_itx see if you can get .010" traces with it
21:25 rue_mohr I need a program that does isolation routing
21:26 rue_mohr you cover the whole pcb in nail polish and put a scribe in the plotter
21:26 Tom_itx that eagle gcode thing
21:26 rue_mohr I dont think eagle can do isolation routing
21:26 orlok 56 days until settlement
21:27 rue_mohr 22 days till the end of the world
21:28 rue_mohr sorry mate
21:29 Tom_itx it ate the ends of his fingers off
21:30 rue_mohr tom, I made a simple pcb, two 4 pin headers with paralleled pins
21:30 rue_mohr if eagle can isolation route, know how it works?
21:30 Tom_itx rue_mohr i thought we were past that archaic pcb making already
21:30 Tom_itx no
21:31 Tom_itx i've never tried it
21:31 Tom_itx there are quite a few ppl cutting boards though
21:31 Tom_itx you mean generate a path to cut away the unwanted copper?
21:31 rue_mohr route around the traces
21:31 Tom_itx i actually think i did that once with eagle
21:32 Tom_itx long time ago
21:32 Triffid_Hunter Tom_itx: isolation routing removes the absolute minimum of copper by using voronoi algorithm to grow all the traces
21:32 Tom_itx that's why i got those little mill cutters
21:32 rue_mohr Triffid_Hunter, know if eagle can do it?
21:32 Triffid_Hunter Traumflug from reprap project uses it a lot, has written about it a bit
21:32 rue_mohr if so, I'm set
21:32 orlok isnt there a link on HaD currently that shows it being done?
21:33 Tom_itx i'm not sure what ulp it is but i bet it does
21:33 rue_mohr yea, but from a program I'm not using
21:33 orlok oh, not quite
21:33 Triffid_Hunter rue_mohr: yeah pretty sure he uses eagle to generate his boards, but then runs it through some other software to get the isolation routing toolpaths
21:33 Triffid_Hunter Tom_itx: http://reprap.org/wiki/File:Gen7_Board_1.3_Assembly_01.jpeg <-- isolation routed board
21:33 rue_mohr aaah
21:33 Triffid_Hunter Tom_itx: compare to http://reprap.org/wiki/File:Gen7_Board_1.3_Layout.png :)
21:34 orlok new CTO is a tool
21:34 orlok :-\
21:34 Tom_itx yeah i get it
21:34 rue_mohr but I need the output in HPGL code
21:34 Tom_itx no
21:34 Tom_itx you need to upgrade to lcnc
21:35 rue_mohr yes
21:35 rue_mohr no
21:35 Tom_itx yes
21:35 rue_mohr my plotter works fine
21:35 rue_mohr milling pcb's is stupid
21:35 Tom_itx dude stop livin in the dark ages
21:35 Triffid_Hunter rue_mohr: https://github.com/Traumflug/Visolate may be relevant
21:35 ace4016 lol
21:35 Tom_itx i will give you kudos for getting a lathe though
21:35 rue_mohr with my plotter, I can resist the whole board, scribe scratch it for isolation etching, and do finer pitch than can be imagined
21:36 Tom_itx provided the scribe doesn't flake off the nail polish
21:37 Triffid_Hunter rue_mohr: there's a heap of folk sparypainting the board black then burning the paint off with blu-ray laser diodes
21:37 Tom_itx you're assuming it will cut a clean path
21:37 rue_mohr Triffid_Hunter, damn I like that idea too
21:37 Tom_itx that sounds like fun
21:37 rue_mohr but nailpolish wipes off with acetone
21:38 Tom_itx so does paint
21:38 rue_mohr the scribe would cut clean
21:38 rue_mohr I suppose it depends n the pain, the pain I use is a fight
21:38 Tom_itx so convert marlin to run your plotter then you can run regular gcode
21:39 Tom_itx somewhat regular...
21:39 Triffid_Hunter don't think marlin requires any converting
21:39 Tom_itx and you can run it from a sd card
21:39 Triffid_Hunter I put a pen in my reprap and plotted a board in permanent marker a while back, that worked well enough
21:39 Tom_itx put a laser diode in and try one
21:39 rue_mohr the Z positioning of my plotter is not hard fixed, and the plotter moves faster
21:39 rue_mohr than a std reprap
21:40 Tom_itx i got plenty of board to play with
21:40 rue_mohr the problem with markers is the trace size
21:40 Tom_itx i wish i'd have kept my plotter now
21:40 rue_mohr I can get .025" with a good pen
21:40 Tom_itx i could have gotten a couple dozen of em
21:40 Tom_itx from boeing surplus
21:40 rue_mohr flatbed plotters are rare
21:40 rue_mohr easy to make tho
21:41 Tom_itx not back then
21:41 Tom_itx they had a stack of em
21:41 Triffid_Hunter rue_mohr: I have an art pen with 0.2mm felt tip
21:41 Triffid_Hunter that's 0.0079" for you crazy americans
21:41 Triffid_Hunter no idea how well it works for etching yet
21:42 Triffid_Hunter I read somewhere that red colour works best.. will try it out at some point
21:42 rue_mohr the pens I use for etch resist are felt, the tips wear dull after a few dozen boards
21:43 rue_mohr I cant find a supply of the last pens I found that fit my plotter
21:43 rue_mohr hard to find them with the right ink
21:43 rue_mohr in North america you cannot just buy the ink either
21:43 Triffid_Hunter rue_mohr: most permanent marker ink works fine
21:44 rue_mohr not to my experiance
21:44 rue_mohr HAS to be black
21:44 rue_mohr sharpie and steadtler
21:45 Tom_itx Triffid_Hunter did the dude plate his holes on that gen7 board?
21:46 Triffid_Hunter Tom_itx: no
21:46 Triffid_Hunter Tom_itx: I've always wondered if running a 4B pencil lead through the holes would allow copper to plate properly
21:47 rue_mohr oh, it looks like the gcode output thing in eagle automatically is isolation routing
21:48 Tom_itx i couldn't remember, it's been way too long
21:49 rue_mohr ah, thats not in my light version
21:50 Tom_itx nope, doesn't appear to be in the newer default install i have
21:51 Tom_itx rue_mohr
21:52 Tom_itx also look for 'mill-outlines.ulp
21:52 Tom_itx it was in the default newer install
21:53 rue_mohr hmm kicad is listed for isoltion
21:53 rue_mohr yes, how do I set that
21:54 rue_mohr oh, run
21:55 Tom_itx outputs HPGL
21:55 Tom_itx isn't that what you wanted?
21:55 rue_mohr yea
21:55 rue_mohr haha, I have to work out how to view hpgl files now
21:58 Tom_itx funny i never noticed that one before
21:58 Tom_itx i was always looking for gcode
22:07 rue_mohr GRRR
22:08 rue_mohr its using lines that are .5" wide
22:08 Tom_itx change it
22:09 rue_mohr I cant I dont know what program is doing it
22:10 Tom_itx tool diameter for isolate?
22:10 rue_mohr I dont know what program is doing it
22:11 Tom_itx you ran the ulp right?
22:11 Tom_itx play with the parameters there
22:11 Tom_itx Mill Board/Dim
22:11 Tom_itx 3rd from the bottom
22:11 rue_mohr no I'm pretty sure it the hpgl viewer
22:12 Tom_itx and Dist Copper/Dim
22:12 rue_mohr \';
22:12 rue_mohr no I'm pretty sure it the hpgl viewer
22:12 rue_mohr no I'm pretty sure it the hpgl viewer
22:12 rue_mohr no I'm pretty sure it the hpgl viewer
22:12 rue_mohr no I'm pretty sure it the hpgl viewer
22:12 rue_mohr no I'm pretty sure it the hpgl viewer
22:12 rue_mohr no I'm pretty sure it the hpgl viewer
22:12 Tom_itx those 2 will determine your widths
22:12 Tom_itx i heard you the first time
22:12 rue_mohr the board view is fine
22:31 rue_mohr ooo got it
22:31 rue_mohr this may change things a lot
23:13 orlok http://www.overclockers.com.au/image.php?pic=images/newspics/30nov12/30.jpg
23:17 rue_mohr oops
23:17 rue_mohr "What do you mean dont ride the cable brake or it'll burn out?"