#robotics Logs

Oct 15 2012

#robotics Calendar

00:00 rue_house some people rewind hard drive motors
00:00 dunz0r Usually outrunner-type motors.
00:00 ace4016 yup
00:01 ace4016 i sort of dislike quadcopters though...
00:01 ace4016 lot of energy expenditure. most rotory wing vehicles are though
00:01 dunz0r I've yet to see a hexadec-copter. That would be cool(and really stupid).
00:03 katsmeow-afk yu did not see the one that guy sat on and flew?
00:04 dunz0r katsmeow-afk; No, did that one have sixteen propellers?
00:05 home ace4016: but it flies :o
00:07 katsmeow-afk at least that many
00:07 ace4016 home, doesn't fly so much as waste enough energy that mother nature says "FINE! i'll let you be in the air until your lungs give out"
00:08 home dunz0r: thats a lot of propellers :D
00:09 dunz0r home; Yeah. I've only seen octocopters at most. Even a decicopter would do :D
00:09 home 3 propellers :o
00:59 katsmeow-afk weather : http://classic.wunderground.com/radar/radblast.asp?ID=BMX&MR=1
01:00 katsmeow-afk that's actually late
01:01 rue_house no purple :)
01:01 rue_house we had a pretty good rainstorm here today
01:02 rue_house kat, I was playing with some things
01:02 katsmeow-afk did you talk and eat marshmellows all thru it?
01:02 rue_house modifying the phase of the signals is really important in them not ganging up to cause distortion
01:03 home hmm
01:03 rue_house your freq mod should effectivly maintain a difference tho
01:03 katsmeow-afk ganging up should not cause distortion
01:03 home octocopter
01:03 home hmm
01:03 rue_house gnight
01:04 katsmeow-afk :-/
01:06 home katsmeow-afk: hehe
01:06 home katsmeow-afk: lets chat :D
01:06 home katsmeow-afk: so what robotcs did you make recently ^_^
01:06 rue_bed I'm using sin+sin+...
01:06 rue_bed so if their in phase, they can peak up really easy
01:07 rue_bed maybe I can code up your method tommorow
01:07 rue_bed how many of those do you think I'll need to gang?
01:07 katsmeow-afk true, if the signal doesn't clip or compress, and bandwidth is wide enough, distortion should be minimal
01:07 katsmeow-afk i dunno , depends on what makes you happy
01:07 rue_bed and how far apart do you think the centre freqs can/have to be
01:08 rue_bed the vocal chords cause banding
01:08 katsmeow-afk spread based on octaves, praps the center 5 that you can hear will be good enough
01:08 rue_bed about 60 hz wide
01:09 rue_bed spaced about 130hz
01:09 katsmeow-afk it's not banding as much as a low freq modulation like a tremlo
01:09 katsmeow-afk some women have zero of that banding you see, many have as much as you see on your voice
01:10 rue_bed vocal chords acually black out freq bands of static from dc to about 4khz
01:10 katsmeow-afk vocal cords are lowpass
01:10 katsmeow-afk frickatives and overtones are all cavity resonances and air deflections/restrictions
01:10 rue_bed the images show interesting things
01:11 katsmeow-afk i have not seen any of your images
01:11 rue_bed I know
01:11 katsmeow-afk home, i have not made a robot in forever, and i am considering never making any
01:12 home katsmeow-afk: Why? they are AWESOME
01:13 rue_bed I might be better off filtering a loop of static than to try to generate it
01:13 katsmeow-afk because humans wold only put me down for it
01:13 rue_bed I wonder if I can use fft code to filter static
01:13 katsmeow-afk if you filter it, you'll discover i was right when i told you what noise is
01:14 rue_bed no I dont doubt your right
01:14 rue_bed I'm thinking about whats less cpu intensive for generating realtime speech
01:14 katsmeow-afk it's random numbers of half-cycles at random amplitudes
01:14 rue_bed it takes a fraction of the time to filter audio as it does to generate static
01:15 rue_bed I'v had thoughts of the fourier breakdown of a squarewave in my head since I started
01:15 katsmeow-afk noise is commonly stored for making sounds, it's played back thru filters (freq, amplitude, gates) to make or to add to other sounds
01:16 katsmeow-afk squarewave is all odd harmonics, and in phase
01:16 rue_bed yes
01:16 katsmeow-afk ergo, not random
01:17 katsmeow-afk if you fft a squarewave, and then make oscilators simulate those signals, and combine them back togther, you'll have the original squarewave
01:17 rue_bed I still think its odd that overlaying 240+ sine waves for 2 seconds of audio took my machine 8s
01:17 katsmeow-afk btw, there's also sft
01:18 katsmeow-afk i don't
01:18 rue_bed fft lacks spectral resolution
01:18 rue_bed I dont remmeber how to do a full blown fourier
01:18 katsmeow-afk i do analog
01:18 rue_bed bandpass?
01:19 katsmeow-afk if i want noise, i put a string of diodes across an opamp input and crank up it's gain
01:19 katsmeow-afk or i tune to a random radio freq
01:19 rue_bed this needs to be freq band specific noise like in the images
01:19 katsmeow-afk heck, you could play a jpg thru your sound card and have good noise
01:19 katsmeow-afk lighting is hitting close again
01:20 rue_bed with enough control to make TH or F sounds
01:20 katsmeow-afk shit, d@$%&#% , gimme a url for your sound image
01:20 rue_bed the spectrums are REALLY close
01:20 rue_bed !assist projects/speech/
01:20 tobbor Possibly http://eds.dyndns.org/~ircjunk/projects/speech/
01:22 rue_bed the bandwidth of TH F S really amazed me
01:23 katsmeow-afk why? you can't hear it all?
01:24 katsmeow-afk i'm surprised S wasn't all bunched up higher, the sox may not be accurate or fast enough
01:24 rue_bed not converted realtime
01:25 rue_bed I'm a bit skeptical of its freq windows, but otherwise it seems accurate
01:25 katsmeow-afk if it is sampling at 44khz, samples over 10khz are suspect
01:26 rue_bed I meant to bump up the sample rate when recording, I forgots
01:26 katsmeow-afk i've seen better spectrograms of dolphins and birds
01:26 rue_bed this IS free software
01:27 katsmeow-afk if you compress a dog barking, it sounds and looks like a bird chirping
01:27 rue_bed hehe
01:28 rue_bed I can have it generate larger images, but I'm not sure they have anymore real resoltuion
01:29 tsmeow-afk ponders recording a parekeet, processing it down to dog bark freqs and seeing if it scares the
01:29 katsmeow-afk no, that would be a project, ain't gona do it
01:30 rue_bed I must learn fft code
01:31 rue_bed the software ofcourse will only fft to 1/2 the sample rate, aka the 22khz top
01:31 katsmeow-afk and that's horribly high if you want even 50% accuracy
01:32 katsmeow-afk you can't tell anything about a signal if you sample only twice per signal cycle
01:32 katsmeow-afk you can't tell if it's sine, square, tringle, ramp, or a mess of other freqs
01:32 rue_bed I should redo one at 96000 and see what the diff is
01:33 katsmeow-afk put two dots on a graph, yo can draw any kind of signal imagineable thru the two dots
01:37 rue_bed even a signal that travels back in time!?
01:38 katsmeow-afk if you write like an Arab, right to left, in Oz, yeas
01:39 katsmeow-afk if you like, put an amplifier module in a timebase slot and feed it a signal, you can make the scope sweep backwards or in circles, or do a ntsc sweep pattern
01:44 home katsmeow-afk: you sure know alot :D
01:44 home katsmeow-afk: is ramp = ramping up, and ramping down?
01:48 katsmeow-afk no
01:48 home aw :*(
01:48 home meh, I want to learn about signals :D and radio waves :D
01:48 katsmeow-afk ramp = ramp up, fast fall, sawtooth = fast up, ramp down , triagle = ramp up ramp down
01:49 home katsmeow-afk: ah thx :D didnt know that
01:49 katsmeow-afk google and wikipedia can be your friend, home
01:49 home katsmeow-afk: I bet you could make an EMP ^_^
01:50 home katsmeow-afk: I choose to not use google or wikipedia
01:50 katsmeow-afk easily
01:50 home they are a scam :P
01:50 katsmeow-afk ok
02:18 home lulzsec
02:18 home 69 people
02:18 home all idling
02:18 home nice
02:21 rue_bed 1
02:21 intranick well
02:21 intranick not all are idling
02:21 tsmeow-afk isn't,
02:21 home rightt
02:21 home anyway
02:21 home its 3am here
02:21 home what about you guys?
02:22 katsmeow-afk 2am
02:24 home katsmeow-afk: lucky
02:25 katsmeow-afk why? if i were in uk it would be ~ noon ?
02:25 home ????
02:25 home lol
02:25 home katsmeow-afk: what do you do for fun?
02:31 katsmeow-afk i did do electronics and programming, and watch foxes and deer
02:32 katsmeow-afk i did do occasional welding, machining, and gardening
02:39 home so, what happened/?
02:39 home I do gardening
02:39 home have books about gardening too ( weird parents)
02:41 katsmeow-afk neighbor;s dogs stopped the foxes and deer and gardening
02:42 katsmeow-afk i am tired of being put down in various ways for being adept at the technological stuff
15:56 tsmeow-afk rips out all the stuffings from rue's pillows and seat cushions, and replaces the stuffings with half-cooked marshmel
18:50 Tom_itx rue_house, http://www.thermistor.com/calculators.php
18:50 Tom_itx figured it might come in handy some day
18:51 katsmeow-afk who has all my EU 600v barrier strips, i can't find them in all this marshmellow mess in here
19:02 home katsmeow-afk: :o
20:17 rue_house Tom_itx,
20:17 rue_house its acutally kinda useless everyone has peices of how to work it out
20:18 rue_house one place even has the javascript to calculate part of it, but they dont have the jdavascirp timplemented anyhwere
20:18 rue_house do you have top make a page yourself a brosse to ie
20:46 katsmeow-afk tube melted : http://donklipstein.com/henemelt.jpg
20:51 rue_house mmm heNe
20:57 e_house tries to get back into his skin after having pressed the play bu
20:57 rue_house YES, this usb device CAN drive headphones, its QUITE capable
20:59 rue_house not much base, but its a line level output
21:01 rue_house haha
21:01 rue_house I live-swapped the sound deivice on the mixer program
21:01 rue_house In the midst of the word he was trying to say, |
21:01 rue_house | In the midst of his laughter and glee, |
21:01 rue_house | He had softly and suddenly vanished away--- |
21:01 rue_house | For the Snark was a Boojum, you see. |
21:01 rue_house | |
21:01 rue_house | (Lewis Carroll, "The Hunting of the Snark") |
21:01 rue_house | |
21:01 rue_house | |
21:01 rue_house | The sound device was unplugged. |
21:01 rue_house | Press F6 to select another sound card.
21:02 rue_house :) I love linux
21:03 tsmeow-afk sticks marshmellows o
21:05 rue_house http://hackaday.com/2012/10/15/7400-project-encrypts-and-decrypts-data/
21:08 katsmeow-afk the woman who played the morphing robot in the tv series Sarah Conner Chronicles is the lead female singer for the band Garbage
21:09 katsmeow-afk https://www.google.com/search?q=band+Garbage&hl=en&client=firefox-a&hs=7gx&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&prmd=imvns&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=_L58UKKDKMuy0AHKrICYBQ&ved=0CE0QsAQ&biw=950&bih=479&sei=C798UNnQMvGP0QHchYDwDQ
21:09 rue_house http://letsmakerobots.com/files/Concept_of_a_learning_robot_based_on_VSLA.pdf
21:09 rue_house http://hackaday.com/2012/10/14/diy-tin-plating-for-bus-bars/
21:10 katsmeow-afk i am not doing more projects, i'll get diabetes from eating marshmellows first
21:11 rue_house tom, wtf you have to know the curve before it will calculate it for you?
21:12 rue_house if I had the datasheet, why would I be useing the calculator?
21:23 rue_house ok what was I doing
21:23 katsmeow-afk burning marshmellows
21:23 rue_house I have the usb sound card that I need to remove the pci sound card and put in a pci video card for my 3rd monitor
21:24 e_house offers kat some popcorn, a person can only do so much marshme
21:24 katsmeow-afk is the popcorn also more important than my projects
21:25 rue_house no
21:25 rue_house nor ar ethe marshmellows
21:26 rue_house I wan tot know what that battery bank is for
21:26 katsmeow-afk but the marshmellows can intrupt me when i talk about the projects
21:26 rue_house EV?
21:26 katsmeow-afk what battery bank?
21:26 katsmeow-afk what EV ?
21:26 rue_house everyone gets all sorts of interruptions and ignorances all the time
21:26 katsmeow-afk well, enjoy talking to everyone
21:26 rue_house you, if I recall right, seemed to indicate the 'other' power supply is to perform a balanced charge on an battery array of about 170V
21:27 rue_house but I only got htat thru hints
21:27 rue_house they might not have acutaly been related
21:27 katsmeow-afk why are you telling me this?
21:27 rue_house I want to know what that battery bank is for
21:28 rue_house its bugging me
21:28 katsmeow-afk nothing
21:28 rue_house but I'll get angry if you tell me
21:28 rue_house I want to know what that battery bank is for
21:28 katsmeow-afk ok
21:28 rue_house anyone know what kats 170V battery bank might be for?
21:29 rue_house I think its for an EV
21:29 rue_house but I dont know why its rakc mount
21:30 katsmeow-afk i see no point in it anymore, why should you?
21:30 rue_house I need to be like everyone else, asking for help but both not listening to what people say and then turning on people who outright offer help
21:31 rue_house people are like this
21:31 rue_house I need to know why
21:31 rue_house there must be something to it
21:31 katsmeow-afk there was
21:31 rue_house there must be a reason to be laying on the ground saying your bleeding to death but not wanting anyone to do anything about it. but making sure everyone knows its happening </random example>
21:32 rue_house I cant get this soldering iron to heat up
21:32 rue_house it just wont heat up
21:32 rue_house its just not getting hot
21:32 rue_house I cant solder with a cold soldering iron
21:32 katsmeow-afk i can't care anymore
21:32 rue_house I hate this stupid cold soldering iron
21:33 rue_house I be tthis stupid thing cant even melt ice
21:33 rue_house you couldn't sell this thing to a guy living on the sun if you were the best salesman in the universe
21:34 rue_house stupid cold soldering iron
21:34 rue_house why wont this thing heat up
21:34 katsmeow-afk k
21:35 rue_house I bet this stupid iron was made in china
21:37 rue_house heh, I'm sitting infront of the smartest thing there is, and I have nothing to say
21:39 rue_house theBear, your modern music guy, looking for a song by bestie boys (?) about eating your hat
21:42 rue_house its so easy, and I cant quite pull it off
21:42 rue_house I have al the peices, I'm sure, its just a matter of putting them togethor
21:42 rue_house its the little twists like like you in algabra to make things match
21:42 rue_house stupid tricks like multiplying by 1
21:43 rue_house I just need a blooming bump, and there is nobody who can do it
21:43 rue_house to those looking back at me, I'm ANNOYED
21:44 rue_house too much time staying alive instead of living
21:44 rue_house 0+
21:44 rue_house need to work on 0+
21:45 rue_house but its about support, I have to make everything, and if you think about it you will agree that makes it a LOT more work than it is for you
21:47 rue_house I think its called mic test
21:49 rue_house whats sad is how old I am and how not-that-far-back I am, if your looking at me you prolly realize just how slow technology really moves
21:55 rue_house "funny how solitary works" "esp with you in here with me"
21:56 rue_house "why am i the only one out here?"
22:26 katsmeow-afk we have no rue