#robotics Logs

Sep 16 2012

#robotics Calendar

11:11 yahweh I stopped by your house yesterday and both you and Bill were gone.
11:12 yahweh It's your duty to always be patiently awaiting my random visits
12:03 theBear wtf is bill ?
12:03 theBear and what are you ? some kind of giant hairy wild aminal ?
12:32 rue_bed yahweh, uuuuh
12:32 rue_bed mmmmmoooorning....
12:32 rue_bed yahweh, we went to landfull for wood and golf clubs
12:33 rue_bed mmmm
12:33 e_bed stret
12:34 rue_bed there were no golf clubs at the shareshed, so we just got wood. no more amps, so I didn't get any of those
12:34 rue_bed but I'm gonna fix one of those amps, the thin silver one
12:35 rue_bed theBear, STL461 amp chip, you can find them on ebay, used or for a lot of money
12:35 rue_bed but you can also find STL465, which is its 30W counterpart
12:36 theBear excuse me ?
12:36 rue_bed the 461 is 20W
12:36 rue_bed so $5 and I have a new amp chip comming for it
12:36 theBear err, ok
12:36 theBear anyway, bedtime now... i see jou later, mang
12:37 rue_bed theBear, hahah gnite
12:37 e_bed looks around the room for anyone who looks a
12:37 rue_bed !thislog
12:37 tobbor This one: http://rueshouse.dyndns.org:82/~ircjunk/irclogs/html/%23robotics-2012-09-16.html
12:37 Tom_itx zzzzz
12:39 rue_bed so, dont know what to do about this marlin firmware problem
12:39 rue_bed from what I saw the marlin code isn't written in arduino-ise
12:39 rue_bed it looks like its just C
12:40 e_bed stretches and peers over the
12:40 tsmeow-afk wanders in cir
12:41 e_house decides to fo
12:41 e_house takes a break at his
12:41 e_house thinks about ow all the keyabords feel diffe
12:47 katsmeow-afk that's why i get all the same keybd
12:47 katsmeow-afk and then use a kvm on the cluster
13:45 rue_house kat, apparently TI makes a series of 74 bus switches thats are just fet switches (Ron = 4R)
13:45 rue_house dont see why they couldn't be used for analog switching
13:46 Tom_itx i got it to compile ok
13:46 Tom_itx didn't try linux
13:47 rue_house k
13:48 Tom_itx i did have to use .23 though 1.0.1 gave me a different error
13:48 rue_house I did too, origionally, then I left the machine for a few weeks and when I came back it wouldn't compile
13:48 rue_house so I got new copies of all the files, unpacked them and it worked
13:48 rue_house then I left it for a week
13:49 rue_house and now no amount of re-unpacking will make it compile
14:04 rue_house http://www.ti.com/lit/ug/scdd003a/scdd003a.pdf page 1009
14:04 rue_house !bookmark 3.3V 5V bidirectional level shifter logic
14:05 Tom_itx the NXP part is a good cheap part for that
14:06 Tom_itx comes in various widths
14:07 rue_house I thought you didn't find one that worked
14:07 Tom_itx yes i did
14:07 Tom_itx works excellent
14:07 Tom_itx down to 1v
14:07 Tom_itx http://www.mouser.com/ProductDetail/NXP/GTL2003PW118/?qs=%2fha2pyFadugR9%2fKGXiWOqkGNGBoFtjLoBnn42i6CVm%252b3gptrOpZ1hQ%3d%3d
14:07 Tom_itx that family has several bit widths
14:08 Tom_itx the maxim part didn't wor so good
14:10 Tom_itx why do you need it?
14:40 rue_house I came across it looking for application notes for audio switching
14:47 rue_house odd
14:47 rue_house is there a US election comming up?
14:47 sherlock yes
14:47 rue_house when is the draw?
14:47 sherlock uh
14:47 sherlock duno
14:47 sherlock lemme check
14:47 rue_house Tom_itx, ?
14:47 rue_house katsmeow-afk, ?
14:48 sherlock Nov 6
14:48 sherlock says wikipedia
14:48 rue_house sweet
14:48 sherlock http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_presidential_election,_2012
14:48 sherlock its super rich conservative dude vs less rich obama
14:48 rue_house cad is already at par, its prolly gonna hit 1.10 by the time the election is called
14:48 rue_house above
14:48 rue_house 1.03 cad = 1usd
14:50 rue_house hehe If I go to the bank and get $1000 usd I get $30 free
14:50 Tom_itx november
14:50 rue_house thats a month of free ebay items
14:51 sherlock oh, right, you have some ebay bot
14:51 rue_house no
14:51 rue_house I do it manually
14:51 sherlock you dont?
14:51 sherlock oh
14:51 sherlock silly
14:51 sherlock why
14:51 sherlock its more fun if its random :P
14:51 rue_house otherwise I'd only get accessories for iphones
14:51 sherlock so exclude the iphone keyword
14:51 sherlock idk
14:51 rue_house it takes so long to arrive that it virtually is random
14:51 sherlock :P
14:51 sherlock do you order from within canada only?
14:52 rue_house hahahah
14:52 rue_house in canada you CANNOT list something for $1 with free shipping and not be paying atleast $20 to give it away
14:53 rue_house most of the postal fees on the packages from china are 0
14:53 rue_house I dont know how that works
14:53 sherlock ah, right
14:53 sherlock hong kong post
14:53 sherlock idk
14:53 sherlock should order cheap stuff off of dealextreme instead
14:53 sherlock that stuff takes like months to arrive
14:53 rue_house I suspect its subsidized
14:53 sherlock but its free :P
14:53 rue_house dealextreme wont allow me to pay them
14:53 sherlock why
14:53 rue_house they didn't answer
14:53 rue_house it wont take my card
14:54 sherlock weird
14:54 rue_house but thats good, by the time I stopped shopping I was up to like $150
14:54 rue_house all sorts of cool wifi gear and stuff
14:54 rue_house cameras etc
14:56 rue_house some of the stuff from china gets here really quick, some really dosn't
14:57 sherlock do you get stuck with customs fees?
14:57 rue_house I only have 2 items out of like 80 that look like they got lost
14:57 rue_house no
16:37 Tom_itx rue_house, where does it put the .hex file?
16:42 EzCyclone3 Afternoon everyone!
16:42 EzCyclone3 How are we today?
16:44 EzCyclone3 Hey Kat
16:44 EzCyclone3 How ya been?
16:44 katsmeow-afk ok
16:45 EzCyclone3 I used to hang out in here quite a bit, but it's been a long time.
16:45 EzCyclone3 Werre you the one building the big ass boat?
16:45 katsmeow-afk yeas, and i was about to go back outside to it
16:45 katsmeow-afk bbl
16:45 EzCyclone3 ok see ya
16:46 EzCyclone3 Anyone else around?
16:49 Tom_itx nope
16:49 EzCyclone3 Lol
16:49 EzCyclone3 Tom how are ya?
16:49 Tom_itx doc says i'll be fine but i don't believe him
16:50 EzCyclone3 What happened?
16:50 Tom_itx life
16:50 EzCyclone3 I have timee.
18:06 rue_house Tom_itx, I dont know what the arduino program does
18:09 Tom_itx heh you know more than me
18:13 Tom_itx does it make use of the makefile?
18:20 dsf900 hi all
18:20 dsf900 Can anyone field a question about DC stepper motors?
18:21 Tom_itx maybe if you ask
18:23 dsf900 I've got a 12V 1.2A stepper motor, and I've got a 12V 1.5A DC power supply. How do I / do I need to do anything to limit the current flowing through the motor?
18:24 dsf900 I know that a resistor will cause a voltage drop, and this motor is rated for a minimum of 12V
18:24 chris_99 the motor will only consume as much current as it needs
18:24 dsf900 That's what I was hoping
18:25 Tom_itx alot of steppers aren't rated that high however you're more interested in the current than the voltage
18:25 Tom_itx most good stepper drivers are chopper drive where they are higher voltage but current limited
18:25 Tom_itx to get better torque from the stepper
18:26 dsf900 Yeah
18:26 dsf900 This is my first hobbyist project, and I didn't want to spend a ton
18:26 chris_99 a scanner stepper should be pretty accurate right?
18:26 Tom_itx a stepper is a stepper
18:26 Tom_itx x degrees per step
18:26 dsf900 So I got a L298N driver
18:26 Tom_itx 1.8 is typical
18:27 dsf900 Thanks, both Tom_itx and chris_99
18:27 chris_99 aha
18:27 Tom_itx my steppers are rated for 1.93v and i'm running them at 50v
18:27 chris_99 !!!!
18:27 chris_99 isn't that dangerous?!
18:27 Tom_itx nope
18:27 Tom_itx they are current limited
18:27 Tom_itx chopper drive
18:28 dsf900 The point of that is to achieve high RPM, correct, Tom_itx?
18:28 EzCyclone3 tHAT'S WHAT i HAVE ON MY cnc AND lvoe THEM.
18:28 Tom_itx yes
18:28 Tom_itx on both counts
18:28 chris_99 what's chopper drive mean?
18:28 EzCyclone3 Woah, CapsLock fail
18:28 Tom_itx mine are gecko 203v drives
18:28 Tom_itx google it
18:29 EzCyclone3 Good drives
18:29 EzCyclone3 Tom, what are you using them for?
18:29 Tom_itx my sherline mill
18:29 chris_99 hmm so the current fluctuates
18:30 Tom_itx i built the psu/drives for future expansion
18:30 Tom_itx the current is limited
18:30 Tom_itx mine are limited to 3.5A right now
18:30 chris_99 yeah, but it's not a steady curent
18:30 Tom_itx the voltage gets it there alot quicker
18:32 chris_99 so it works, because the high voltage is only for a short time right
18:32 chris_99 so it doesn't damage stuff
18:32 EzCyclone3 right
18:32 chris_99 hmm, so it's AC?
18:33 EzCyclone3 My drives are asome big ass chinese choppers that you can drive a truck through
18:33 dsf900 My motor is rated for between 12v and 40v, 40v will result in higher RPM but lower torque, correct?
18:33 EzCyclone3 It's not AC it's pulsed DC
18:33 chris_99 ah ok
18:33 EzCyclone3 there are mutiple coils inside your motors
18:34 EzCyclone3 Almost like 4 (or more) motors packed inside
18:34 EzCyclone3 so the DC is switched to each coil in a sequence.
18:34 chris_99 is there a chip that does this chopper effect?
18:35 Tom_itx http://homepage.cs.uiowa.edu/~jones/step/index.html
18:35 Tom_itx read that
18:35 EzCyclone3 Ah yes Professor Jones
18:35 EzCyclone3 crazy guy
18:35 EzCyclone3 but good at steppers
18:35 EzCyclone3 That's where I'm at School Tom
18:35 EzCyclone3 He is my professor
18:36 chris_99 ooh nice!!! lots of good stuff there
18:37 EzCyclone3 Yeah.
18:37 EzCyclone3 What are you working on Chris?
18:38 chris_99 i'm wanting to make a stereolithography 3d printer
18:38 EzCyclone3 Oh very fun
18:38 EzCyclone3 Where ya from?
18:38 EzCyclone3 I'm clearly in Iowa
18:38 EzCyclone3 lol
18:39 SavageSimian chris_99 that sounds pretty cool. have you made any progress on it yet?
18:40 SavageSimian i've looked into UV curable materials and that stuff is expensive as hell...
18:41 EzCyclone3 Yeah I have been thinking the same thing. Just add a differnt head to my CNC
18:42 EzCyclone3 There is a machine at school that uses a ethylene gas as a cat. They say it's not as pricy.
18:43 SavageSimian how does that work? immerse the UV source in a container of the gas?
18:44 EzCyclone3 There is no UV, but the box is sealed and you flood it with gas yes.
18:45 SavageSimian and this it built up layer by layer? how do you imprint the pattern on each layer?
18:45 EzCyclone3 It is some sort of sprayed metal powder.
18:45 SavageSimian sintering?
18:45 EzCyclone3 not form what I have heard so far
18:46 EzCyclone3 but I have never gotten to play with it or have had time to asked proff about it
18:46 EzCyclone3 Did Chris Vanish?
18:47 SavageSimian sounds interesting. you should talk em into putting up a website or maybe a youtube vid on the process...
18:48 EzCyclone3 Yeah I have been wanting to get some time with someone useing it. But we are still pretty early in the sem.
18:48 EzCyclone3 It's a brand new machine
18:48 EzCyclone3 it wasn't there last year
18:48 EzCyclone3 they also got too BIG ass Haas machinging centers
18:49 EzCyclone3 My TA said they spent like 5Mil on those three machines.
18:50 SavageSimian nice. howz about seeing if you can get the keys to the place... i may want to 'borrow' some of that stuff... :p
18:50 EzCyclone3 Lol, sure!
18:50 EzCyclone3 I have two CNC mills and a cnc lathe
18:50 SavageSimian i'm sure i could be discrete backing a flatbed up to the building and unloading a tow motor... :p
18:50 EzCyclone3 so not worth getting removed from my program for lol
18:51 Tom_itx haas are ok. midrange machines
18:51 EzCyclone3 This summer I was walking to see my Adviser about a class change and I got (Read had) to walk by them outside right after they pulled the crates
18:51 EzCyclone3 omg talk about wood
18:52 Tom_itx how much x travel?
18:52 EzCyclone3 on the Haas or mine?
18:52 Tom_itx haas
18:52 EzCyclone3 No idea
18:52 EzCyclone3 there are two of them
18:52 Tom_itx probably small at a uni
18:52 SavageSimian i'd like to take a shot at some MEMS using PVD. not even sure it's possible but was wanting to experiment
18:52 EzCyclone3 don't know if they are identical or not but they sure look like it
18:53 EzCyclone3 They are probably 12 feet long, and 7 feet high
18:53 EzCyclone3 8 feet deep
18:53 EzCyclone3 They make my 54" Knee look TINY
18:54 Tom_itx i know, i used to run/program them
18:54 EzCyclone3 I will try and swing by the lab and grab some pics this week for you guys
18:54 Tom_itx i've seen plenty of haas machines
18:54 chris_99 sorry twas afk, not made much progress yet, i'm hoping to use an old scanner for the Z axis
18:54 EzCyclone3 I would guess that the X is over 60
18:54 Tom_itx been to stewart haas racing
18:54 EzCyclone3 Cool, where is that?
18:54 Tom_itx wanna see his?
18:54 Tom_itx NC
18:55 EzCyclone3 Sure!
18:55 EzCyclone3 That's what I would have guess
18:55 EzCyclone3 I just got a new cousin in Mebaine, I need to come visit
18:55 Tom_itx http://tom-itx.dyndns.org:81/~webpage/cnc/stewart/DSC_0007.JPG
18:55 Tom_itx http://tom-itx.dyndns.org:81/~webpage/cnc/stewart/DSC_0008.JPG
18:55 Tom_itx that's their shop
18:55 Tom_itx (machine shop)
18:56 Tom_itx not the whole car shop
18:56 EzCyclone3 sure
18:56 SavageSimian chris_99 i was thinking about doing it with a DLP projector using a UV lamp. way faster then scanning a pattern in...
18:57 chris_99 SavageSimian, i've found a place that sells UV polymer for £20 / kg
18:57 chris_99 yeah i'm gonna use DLP
18:57 chris_99 need to find out how to cut glass nicely too for the base
18:57 EzCyclone3 Fun stuff
18:58 EzCyclone3 $4 cutter wheel
18:58 EzCyclone3 sand the edges
18:58 EzCyclone3 Do any of you have Skype?
18:58 chris_99 how would i keep the line straight though EzCyclone3
18:59 SavageSimian i just finished slicing up some steel motor mounts for my compound table on a table saw with a cutting wheel about half an hour ago...
18:59 EzCyclone3 Well, I would just use a straigt edge
18:59 EzCyclone3 Or you could put it into a CNC if you have access
18:59 chris_99 yeah alas not, i'd love a CNC too though
19:00 EzCyclone3 I would just say to use a ruler and go for it
19:00 EzCyclone3 I need to get some pics of my lab up.
19:00 EzCyclone3 I don;t have any good current ones
19:02 chris_99 yeah that's probably what i'll have to do
19:04 EzCyclone3 Welcome back
19:44 yahweh again Rue you were gone.
19:44 yahweh I just passed by and your work truck was there but your truck was not.
19:44 yahweh This is very unacceptable.
19:44 yahweh Rue_mohr!
19:47 Tom_itx fool, haven't you heard of cell phones?
19:48 Tom_itx stalker
20:18 rue_house hey
20:18 rue_house hahah
20:18 rue_house I went shopping
20:18 rue_house hahaha
20:18 sw0rdfish lol
20:19 Tom_itx funny ehh?
20:22 katsmeow-afk how many volts does it take to start a rue_mohr in the morning?
21:00 SavageSimian is a buck converter the only reasonably efficient way to get 5vdc from a 24vdc input?
21:00 Tom_itx it's what i did
21:01 SavageSimian did you build your own or buy off the shelf?
21:01 Tom_itx http://tom-itx.dyndns.org:81/~webpage/misc_stuff/5v_switcher.jpg
21:02 SavageSimian cool. low noise?
21:02 Tom_itx yeah
21:02 Tom_itx they seem to work on what i use em on
21:03 SavageSimian powering ttl?
21:03 Tom_itx yeah
21:07 SavageSimian did you use a controller chip? if so, do you remember which one?
21:07 SavageSimian or, do you have a schematic online?
21:08 Tom_itx http://tom-itx.dyndns.org:81/~webpage/misc_stuff/switcher.png
21:10 SavageSimian cool. ty. i've got a bunch of MC34063 controllers but they need precision milliohm resistances for accurate output.
21:17 rue_house SavageSimian,
21:18 SavageSimian ?
21:18 rue_house you can make them
21:18 rue_house 1 second
21:18 rue_house http://eds.dyndns.org/~ircjunk/tutorials/elex/cursense/main.html
21:18 SavageSimian yea. but i just found that you can buy em already made on ebay for dirt cheap.
21:19 rue_house funny, I couldn't find them for less than $3
21:19 SavageSimian http://www.ebay.com/itm/1pcs-DC-DC-Buck-Converter-Step-Down-Module-LM2596-Power-Supply-Output-1-23V-30V-/221113782096?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item337b688f50
21:19 SavageSimian $1.60
21:20 rue_house I dont mean to spoil your day, but there is something you need to know about that
21:20 rue_house its not a resistor
21:20 SavageSimian what is not a resistor?
21:20 rue_house that ebay listig
21:21 SavageSimian i'm not looking for a resistor. i'm looking for a dc-dc converter that'll efficiently knock 24vdc down to 5vdc.
21:21 rue_house aaah
21:21 rue_house good
21:21 rue_house cause thats not a resistor
21:21 SavageSimian lol. really? :o ty.
21:22 SavageSimian i was just mentioning that my smps controller chips were real finicky about a resistance on the input.
21:24 SavageSimian i wonder if i could find another use for those controller chips? pain in the ass for designing smps but it seems like a waste to throw em out...
21:24 rue_house their not really pickey
21:24 rue_house isn't the 34063 the 8 pin dip?
21:24 SavageSimian y
21:25 rue_house they are really easy to make switching supplies with
21:25 rue_house I think you might be mixing up inductors with resistors
21:27 rue_house there is a point I cant argue with tho
21:27 rue_house paying $2 to a website and getting a finished switching power suplly in the mail
21:27 rue_house even I cant argue that one
21:28 SavageSimian the app note i have calls for a .256 ohm sense resistor on the internal oscillator...
21:29 rue_house dont need it
21:29 rue_house was that a calculated value?
21:29 SavageSimian the one feeding pins 7,8, and 1
21:29 SavageSimian i believe it is.
21:30 rue_house have you built the supply witout it like I have?
21:31 SavageSimian no. was looking for alternatives to a diy .25 ohm resistor.
21:31 rue_house you dont need tohe .256 onh resistor
21:32 SavageSimian but, i guess the point is moot. china has just become $4.77 richer... :p
21:32 rue_house yup
21:33 SavageSimian still, it'd be cool to find a use for these chips. i've got a couple dozen of em...
21:34 rue_house you only need like 4 external parts
21:35 SavageSimian zener, 2 caps, and a coil?
21:35 rue_house no, a coil, capacitor, and 2 resistors
21:39 SavageSimian ok. is that a buck configuration? if you have a schematic i'd be interested in taking a look...
21:40 SavageSimian don't see how you can get a clean output with that few components.
21:40 rue_house iirc its te exapmple in the pdf
21:42 SavageSimian hummm... maybe i missed something. i'm looking at both the TI and the ON semi datasheets right now and don't see it...
21:45 Tom_itx rue_house
21:45 Tom_itx did you have to install all the java crap?
21:45 Tom_itx also did you read where it said the 2560 wasn't supported in linux yet
21:45 Tom_itx ?
21:46 Tom_itx there may be a fix for that by now but i haven't read that far yet
21:46 rue_house I'v compiled and written the softrware twice now
21:46 rue_house its just that every time I need to make a change I'm put thru hell
21:46 Tom_itx well i'm installing this on linux
21:47 Tom_itx not because i need it there...
21:48 rue_house I havn't tried my main desktop
21:49 Tom_itx how do you launch it?
21:50 rue_house you just click the arduino file
21:51 Tom_itx yea i did
21:51 Tom_itx i spose i should extract marlin
21:52 rue_house if you try running it from a console you will be able to see the java errors
21:53 rue_house 44 slices...
21:54 rue_house 85.78 degrees
21:54 rue_house wedge width...8.5 degrees
22:01 yahweh Can anyone give me a time frame for when all pc games will be made for linux?
22:02 SavageSimian 8:34 pm EST, January 17, 2293
22:02 yahweh :(
22:02 SavageSimian +/- 15 minutes
22:03 rue_house yahweh, hey
22:03 rue_house I'v given in
22:03 rue_house the gyro cage
22:03 yahweh Giving up? or in?
22:03 rue_house I'm calculating the ring in 8" segments
22:03 rue_house it loosk like every 8" you need to cut out a .3" slice
22:03 yahweh 'cause you can't give up.
22:04 rue_house which has got to be about the same thickness as a cutting blade
22:04 yahweh @savagesimian
22:04 yahweh ...
22:04 rue_house so, want to come over sometme and we will make the gyro cage?
22:04 yahweh Your outlook on the future sucks
22:05 SavageSimian really? i felt it might have been a bit overly optimistic...
22:05 yahweh with steve jobs finally gone I think linux finally has room as the more viable alternative.
22:06 yahweh Sooner or later it will catch up.
22:06 yahweh With steam coming native to linux now the end MUST be nigh.
22:06 yahweh I hope
22:07 yahweh I just wish it was sooner, reinstalling windows all the time is getting old.
22:08 SavageSimian linux will never catch up - unless it rolls out a multi-billion dollar marketing engine to compete with MS and uhhh... whoever the little one is... peaches? prunes?... oh... no, apple...
22:08 rue_house I am one of the few tho thnks games are stupid
22:08 yahweh Apple will die on it's own. With steve gone they'll lose their "cool" factor.
22:08 rue_house I'm happy with my virus-safe OS
22:09 atom1 Binary sketch size: 47554 bytes (of a 258048 byte maximum)
22:09 SavageSimian imo, apple never had a 'cool' factor except with the fruity types...
22:09 yahweh Rue you're a fool
22:09 rue_house tom, now close it for a week and try to recompile it
22:09 atom1 ok
22:09 yahweh Games and porn are the only reasons to have a computer.
22:10 rue_house heh
22:10 Tom_itx installing updates too
22:10 rue_house and calculating how far bil is behind on rent?
22:10 SavageSimian i want to interface my robot arm to my computer so's it can bring me closer to my favorite porn sites...
22:10 Tom_itx a whole drumset worth yet?
22:10 yahweh pen and paper can do that.
22:11 rue_house I started playing with computers to make AI friends, and I still hold true to my goal
22:11 rue_house no paper can fit that many zeros
22:11 yahweh So what does that make me?
22:11 yahweh Filler?
22:12 SavageSimian i just play with computers because they haven't been able to work the bugs out of stepford wives yet...
22:12 rue_house your a data string on a computer
22:12 rue_house its perfect
22:13 SavageSimian i think the biggest reason i mess with computers is that you can interact with em without having to buy a round of drinks for em and listen to em bitch about their shitty lives...
22:14 yahweh windows bitches constantly
22:14 SavageSimian i rarely have problems with windows...
22:14 Tom_itx so do linux users... about windows
22:14 SavageSimian heh
22:15 SavageSimian i run into a problem with windows maybe once a year and even then it's usually not that hard to fix...
22:15 rue_house that would be fixed if windows just went away
22:15 Tom_itx then you'd just whine about arduino
22:16 rue_house nope, its passed, Im to whine about rasberry pi now
22:16 Tom_itx you got one?
22:16 rue_house keep up with thte times ole friend
22:16 rue_house nope
22:16 Tom_itx me neither
22:16 Tom_itx don't plan to either
22:16 SavageSimian i thought about getting a Pi but didn't really see the point.
22:17 rue_house http://www.ebay.ca/itm/5-25-Internal-SATA-USB-HUB-Mic-Audio-Memory-Card-Reader-/280692925864?pt=US_Memory_Card_Readers_Adapters&hash=item415a9a25a8
22:17 rue_house haha its the front panel my computer never had
22:18 SavageSimian i don't need a tiny computer. i either use microcontrollers or computers. the Pi is somewhere in between. more then a microcontroller and less then a computer...
22:19 yahweh Windows just complained at me again!
22:19 yahweh It's always something with them.
22:19 yahweh "You can't get this update, you didn't pay."
22:20 yahweh "you can't install Japanese, you didn't pay"
22:20 SavageSimian hummm... maybe you should pay?
22:20 yahweh "you can't uninstall internet explorer, everything will break."
22:21 rue_house just rename explorer.exe to explode.exe, windows isn't smart enought o figure it out
22:21 yahweh Fuck no, I don't use windows, I just use steam.
22:21 yahweh http://blogs.valvesoftware.com/linux/
22:22 rue_house should I spend $2 on a usb hub to use in my machine?
22:22 yahweh check that out, good news for linux users.
22:22 yahweh Why do you need a usb hub? Do you really lack enough usb slots?
22:22 rue_house http://www.ebay.ca/itm/MINI-USB-2-0-HUB-HIGH-SPEED-4-PORT-LAPTOP-PC-SLIM-B-/110609080621?pt=US_USB_Cables_Hubs_Adapters&hash=item19c0d0a12d
22:23 yahweh I've got 16 on my machine, I can't imagine why.
22:23 rue_house have to avoid these apparenly just a spliced connection
22:23 rue_house I'm getting to many internal usb thingles
22:23 SavageSimian i was thinking about getting a hub. my machine is behind the desk. a hub would make it more accessable...
22:24 yahweh just get lots of usb extensions to make the rats nest even crazier.
22:24 yahweh When you need to move one just add more instead of untangling.
22:25 SavageSimian mine are all bundled and tie-wrapped
22:25 yahweh Hey Rue, you've tried e17 right?
22:26 yahweh bundled and tied? That's crazy talk.
22:26 rue_house e17 was all borked
22:27 yahweh Did you only try it on one machine?
22:27 yahweh I'm sure tempted to try it.
22:27 SavageSimian hey, i like my cables like i like my wimmens...
22:27 rue_house no I installed 3 from scratch and e17 was borked on them all
22:27 rue_house the default themes and stuff arn't installed by default
22:28 rue_house so it all goes windows3,1-ish
22:28 yahweh hahaha
22:28 rue_house with 1" borders and primary colours
22:28 yahweh :(
22:28 yahweh oh well
22:28 yahweh maybe e18
22:29 yahweh xfwm is surprisingly customizable.
22:29 yahweh I got it looking pretty nice now.
22:30 SavageSimian Tom_itx i saw that oven on your site. is that supposed to be for reflow soldering?
22:30 Tom_itx yessir
22:31 SavageSimian cool. i could use one of those...
22:31 yahweh http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=njos57IJf-0&list=PL59A6BAB16A05B4AA&index=6&feature=plpp_video
22:31 SavageSimian might try the same thing with a PIC controller
22:31 yahweh There you go Rue
22:35 rue_house hahaha
22:36 SavageSimian Tom_itx just out of curiousity why did you decide to use an atmega on it? couldn't you have achieved a decent result with a PWM circuit in a feedback loop?
22:36 yahweh You like that Rue?
22:36 rue_house good one
22:36 SavageSimian i'm thinking maybe a VCO tied to a thermistor...
22:37 yahweh I hate rap but that whole series is rediculous.
22:38 yahweh Watch them all from season 1. It's well worth the hour or so. The only crappy one is Gandalf vs. Dumbledor
22:42 Tom_itx mmm
22:42 Tom_itx he left
22:43 yahweh We all have to leave sometime.
22:44 rue_shop2 no i didn't
22:44 rue_shop3 I'm still here
22:44 rue_mohr who>?
22:46 yahweh You didn't actually get up to type that did you?
22:47 katsmeow-afk define "up"
22:49 yahweh Standing
22:49 yahweh standing up
22:52 rue_house the shop is now shut down
22:52 rue_house (inverse of up)
22:53 rue_house I'm gonna install my new usb card drive and go to bed
22:53 rue_house I have an hour
22:56 yahweh watch the ERBs
22:56 yahweh From Sarah palin vs. lady gaga it's pretty much pure awesomeness.
23:01 AzMoo Hi guys, I've got a question about DC motors and torque. If I have a motor that has a torque of 16kg-cm, does that mean that if I have a wheel of radius 3cm, on a surface with no incline it should be able to move about 5.3kg?
23:08 rue_house I forgot how much more than one monitor works out my neck
23:09 rue_house AzMoo, 1 min
23:09 katsmeow-afk .
23:10 katsmeow-afk some guy once pulled a train freight car with a rope in his teeth, pull has little to do with weight if the rolling friction is low enough
23:10 katsmeow-afk a 3 mph breeze can push a 500 ton ship to one side
23:17 rue_house ok
23:17 rue_house 16kg-cm
23:17 rue_house 3cm radius
23:18 rue_house AzMoo, it means the robot is rated to push with 5.3kg of force
23:19 rue_house 53N
23:24 rue_house katsmeow-afk, did I show you my new grinder stand?
23:27 rue_house katsmeow-afk, I need steel balls
23:27 rue_house but not hardened
23:27 rue_house any ideas?
23:30 yahweh So Rue, you were talking about the rings...
23:30 yahweh No rolling?
23:30 rue_house 3mm slices 8" apart
23:30 yahweh You we're going to cut them
23:30 rue_house I know, rolling is hanging up the project too much
23:30 yahweh Most saw blades are 1/8"
23:31 AzMoo rue_house: Right. So if I've got two drive wheels each pushing with 53N, does that mean that the combination adds up to 106N?
23:31 rue_house the reason I wanted them rolled was to use them as tracks for the counterweithes
23:31 rue_house at 8" segments I can put a round track on it and it'll be within the width of the pipe
23:31 yahweh We could make a seperate rail inside out of 1/2"?
23:31 rue_house AzMoo, as long as you dont turn
23:32 rue_house the rail dosn't ahve to be round
23:32 rue_house damn keybaords
23:33 rue_house yahweh, they need to be continious curve
23:33 rue_house they can be made from 1/4" round bar or soemthing
23:34 rue_house but it might mean we can make up for this lost year
23:36 rue_house I wonder if the mounting holes lign up if you try to install a cdrom upside down
23:39 rue_house oh damnit, 17" monitors are't availabel anymore
23:40 AzMoo rue_house: Makes sense, thanks.
23:40 rue_house ah found one
23:41 rue_house $120
23:43 rue_house its a good thing nobody states the PPI of their monitors or nobody would buy that widescreen ****
23:49 yahweh I like wide screen.
23:50 yahweh Less pixels, nicer shape for videogames and movies.
23:50 yahweh Anyway, yes Rue I will come do that with you.
23:51 yahweh I'll try to get there on my days off.
23:51 rue_house ok
23:51 yahweh it's hard though 'cause between Yoshiko and I we're on 7 days a week and someone has to take care of Taiko.
23:52 rue_house bring the kid over, show him how to weld
23:52 rue_house be an expert by the time he's 1
23:52 yahweh One day I will. Potty training is still number one on priority list.
23:53 rue_house pfff
23:53 rue_house welding is more important
23:53 yahweh no
23:53 yahweh Not changing any more diapers is more important.
23:54 yahweh Did you read that article on steam for linux?
23:54 AzMoo OK, last question for now I think. Mass of my robot is 5kg, I want it to accel at 0.5m/s/s up a 20degree incline. So the F required, should be F = 5kg x 0.5m/s/s + 5g x sin(20) = 16.7N. Is that right? I know the questions are basic but the motors are expensive and I don't want to get the wrong ones.
23:54 rue_house no
23:54 rue_house I hated steam
23:55 rue_house oh cmon that basic physics, I'm asleep in 2 mins
23:55 yahweh I hate steam too, but if it comes to linux it's a huge boost for linux adoption.
23:55 rue_house AzMoo, your probably right
23:55 rue_house +- friction
23:55 rue_house the real world throws more friction at you than you can possibly imaging
23:56 rue_house if the math says you need 5kg force, make sure you have 10 available
23:56 yahweh Best part of the article though is when redesigning left4dead2 to run in open GL they found that linux runs it some 16% faster then windows with directx.
23:56 yahweh No surprise
23:56 yahweh linux faster duh
23:57 rue_house attic has NO images of their monitor stands
23:57 yahweh But the linux openGL version runs faster on windows then the windows directx version
23:58 rue_house http://codinghorror.typepad.com/.a/6a0120a85dcdae970b012877702a1d970c-pi
23:58 yahweh confirming what should have been obvious to valve a long time ago, directX is craptacular.
23:58 rue_house where do I put the 3rd monitor?
23:58 rue_house oh ther eis
23:59 rue_house is must be on another stand
23:59 yahweh There's three there.
23:59 yahweh It's on the same stand.
23:59 rue_house I think only 2 are
23:59 rue_house that cant be $45
23:59 yahweh The two at the back split on the last part of the arm
23:59 rue_house http://www.atic.ca/index.php?page=Products&cat=158