#robotics Logs

Aug 14 2012

#robotics Calendar

00:03 furrywolf argh, isp dieing again.
00:05 furrywolf 'niteys :)
00:08 p1r473 thanks for the help guys
00:08 p1r473 im out also
00:08 p1r473 ordering that 1200 unit
00:09 p1r473 oh last question. if I ever do try to run a system pulling 1500 watts on a 1200 watt UPS, would it work but just not buy me much time?
00:10 orlok its as bad as crossing the streams
00:10 orlok also, check the rating on your power cable
00:11 p1r473 lol
00:11 p1r473 but crossing the streams gives like mega powerz
00:12 p1r473 which power cable? the one from the ups?
00:13 p1r473 would pulling more than it can handle max it splode?
00:13 orlok the one from your PC to whatever it is
00:13 orlok just get warm, hopefully
00:14 furrywolf if you draw more than the ups's rating, it shuts down as soon as it switches to battery, providing no backup at all.
00:14 orlok your system will not pull 1500 watts
00:17 rue_house his house?
00:19 rue_house p1r473, the internal overlord will just trip
00:19 rue_house when he goes down, he will take his power with him
00:19 p1r473 orlok: i mean if i ever get a beefier system with 3 gpus
00:20 p1r473 then it might pull 1500. not sure
00:20 p1r473 well they at least recommend a 1500 watt psu with that many cards
00:20 rue_house noo
00:21 rue_house a p4 system consumes about 4A of 12V and about 3A of 5V
00:21 rue_house funny, didn't measure the 3V rail...
00:21 p1r473 pentium 4?
00:21 p1r473 im not sure about the a's or v's, only thw w's, as thats what I was paying attention to on my killawatt because thats what the ups was rated by
00:22 rue_house whats the compouters power supply rated for?
00:22 rue_house 600?
00:22 p1r473 my current one is 1200 watts
00:22 orlok the rate is a lie
00:22 rue_house your computser power supply?
00:22 p1r473 yea
00:22 p1r473 the computer i was looking at to upgrade to was 1500
00:23 rue_house you bought advertizing
00:23 rue_house it prolly cant put out more than 650W, if that
00:23 p1r473 well the system according to my killawatt meter uses somewhere in the 800s under load
00:23 rue_house ? hmm
00:24 p1r473 but when looking at buying a ups i was thinking of getting one to handle my next pc, which i dont know what itll be or when
00:24 p1r473 yea i bought one of those wattage meters
00:24 p1r473 says the pc is pulling high 700's low 800s i think it was, while gaming
00:24 p1r473 cant remember if it was 800s or 900s
00:24 rue_house how many hard drives?
00:25 p1r473 i think mostly high 700s if i remember right
00:25 rue_house how many hard drives?
00:25 p1r473 only 1 ssd, ive since put 2 more internal magnetic drives in
00:25 p1r473 so now 3
00:25 p1r473 1 ssd and 2 spinnies. but i measured this when it was at only 1 ssd
00:25 rue_house what video card?
00:26 p1r473 4 gpus
00:26 rue_house quad head card?
00:26 p1r473 2 6990s
00:26 p1r473 so under load i guess they suck the power
00:26 p1r473 whats a head?
00:27 rue_house a monitor
00:27 rue_house what cpu
00:27 p1r473 1 dvi and 4 mini display port per card, 2 card
00:27 rue_house what cpu
00:27 p1r473 i7-980x
00:28 p1r473 overclocked
00:28 rue_house ah
00:28 p1r473 i mainly use it for notepad
00:28 p1r473 sometimes mspaint
00:28 orlok lol
00:28 orlok what sorta display?
00:28 rue_house you have a heat pump on it too then yes?
00:28 orlok 27" 2560x1440?
00:28 p1r473 30 inch but not connected to the ups
00:28 p1r473 30 1560x1600
00:28 p1r473 are you going to rob me or something? lol
00:28 rue_house you have a heat pump on it too then yes?
00:28 p1r473 i have a water pump
00:29 orlok nice.. i just have a 1920x1200
00:29 p1r473 if thats the same thing
00:29 p1r473 orlok what monitor you got?
00:29 rue_house radiator or
00:29 p1r473 i was looking at a few 27inch dells
00:29 orlok GTX 560Ti, Z77
00:29 p1r473 no idea, just know liquid cooled
00:29 rue_house what cools the liquid
00:29 orlok and a i7-.. 3.6Ghz i think it is? oc'd to 4.4Ghz
00:30 p1r473 i think baby souls
00:30 rue_house if you have active cooling it will double the machines power consumption
00:30 p1r473 I have to keep putting baby souls into the pc
00:30 p1r473 to keep it cool
00:30 orlok rue_house: you mean peltier or compressor?
00:30 rue_house peltier
00:30 orlok p1r473: does it have a radiator? like a car?
00:30 p1r473 let me check what cooler i have
00:30 p1r473 maybe that will tell u more
00:30 p1r473 1sec
00:30 orlok you can by sealed single unit coolers now
00:30 rue_house it would add ~600W
00:31 orlok my cpu heatsink is about as big as my PSU
00:31 p1r473 yea its definitely not adding an additional 600 i dont think
00:31 p1r473 because idle the computer is like.. 300-400wat
00:31 rue_house it all scales up
00:32 p1r473 ill check what cooler is in it
00:32 p1r473 does that mean anything?
00:33 orlok give me some of your money hmmkay?
00:33 p1r473 http://www.asetek.com/corsair-h40.html
00:33 p1r473 its one of those things
00:33 p1r473 i think it looks like that
00:33 p1r473 im broke
00:33 p1r473 spent all my money on my puter
00:33 p1r473 :)
00:33 orlok i have a samsung 2443 24"
00:33 rue_house passive, just a radiator
00:34 p1r473 i dont know for sure, i just know it looks like that thing
00:34 rue_house 'r needs to be maintained, leaving you with years of worry free operation.'
00:34 rue_house people who have that wont have their computer for years
00:35 p1r473 50,000 Hour Life
00:35 p1r473 lol
00:35 p1r473 according to site
00:36 p1r473 anyways im going to hit the sack
00:36 p1r473 night
00:36 p1r473 and ty for the help
00:37 theBear heh, and he'll stay broke just supplying the power for said computer
00:40 rue_house but you will change it before then cause it will not perform as good as you want
03:05 seravitae hm, this embedded system is doing my head in.
07:01 GuShH on today's installment of darwin's archive... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UF0HDsK0fwo
07:02 GuShH name 5 things he did wrong for extra points!
07:07 theBear erm, did i need sound or something ? most of it was off camera, he didn't cut a wedge, cut halfway up the bar on a heavy/under pressure cut, got his chain/idle break set way too hard (not really dangerous, just bad for the 'clutch'/engine) erm, waved it above his head with one hand, couldn't tell if it was running without sound
09:44 GuShH theBear: he also put his hand on the wrong part of the handle, my balls shrunk when I saw that because if the tip of the bar were to touch anything, he would've got his face cut in half with the kickback.
09:45 GuShH and of course you can hear it's been neglected, and possibly too heavy oil mix. too rich in that regard and why the engine was bogging down
09:45 theBear like i said, no sound, and now my trackball is fucked by wine, i can't do shit
09:45 GuShH the way that person handled the chainsaw just makes me want to scream.
09:45 GuShH theBear: it shut off about 5 times until he managed to get it going, which is why he went back and forth off camera
09:46 GuShH trackball?!
09:46 theBear yeah, and it did kinda look like half the times he started it midair... it's not a big saw, but a little big for that
09:46 theBear yeah trackball, it's what i use to move the arrow thing
09:46 theBear and right now it's prety fucked
09:46 GuShH heh I start my 38cc in mid air, don't think I can do that with the 52cc one, wouldn't even dream about it with a bigger engine unless it had some sort of decompression valve!
09:47 GuShH why is it fucked? does it go the other way? :P
09:47 theBear it just kinda wiggles mostly
09:47 theBear electronics don't like cheap wine
09:47 theBear it's kinda the finishing blow to a bad day
09:47 GuShH OH so wine got on it?
09:47 GuShH I thought WINE on linux...
09:47 ShH facep
09:47 theBear heh, on ... no no, thru
09:47 GuShH >_<
09:47 GuShH that's bad
09:48 GuShH tried to take it apart?
09:48 theBear to be fair i aint done it in 16 years
09:48 theBear nah, i'm in no mood
09:48 GuShH but ...
09:48 GuShH heh this reminds me of the mail man, today he asked if I could fix his ipod
09:48 theBear i'm having a bad night, my mind playing tricks on me, i shouldn't even be talking
09:48 Skwint If I hadn't done it for 16 years I'd be in the mood!
09:48 theBear hehe
09:48 GuShH I feel I'm forced to say yes otherwise my mail will get lost
09:48 GuShH It's not like I stock ipod parts though
09:49 GuShH not even sure it's a real ipod to begin with, sigh.
09:51 GuShH theBear: I'd be on the mood to spill some rubbing alcohol on the trackball, having nothing to lose.
09:52 GuShH and then maybe take a sip and go to sleep?
09:52 theBear GuShH, i woulda put it under the tap but it's plugged in and the wire runs all the way behind the keyboard.... and if i had more than a nip of meths i would, but i don't, and i might need it
09:52 ShH wonders how to get away with a 2 month long ignoring spree via e
09:53 theBear when i say i'm having a bad night and my mind is playing tricks on me, i really mean it
09:53 GuShH you need a higher dose of cartoons
09:54 theBear i need to recap at least one mobo in order to have that
09:55 GuShH Hey it's not all good for everyone either, for instance I'm trying to fix my toilet and I just found out why it was leaking, but only after having wasted a lot of silicone sealant and time -- found a crack on the plastic valve thingy and it was just spewing water out, but it looked like a sealing issue all along.
09:55 GuShH That reminds me, is it really mandatory in AU to use double flush valve thingies?
09:56 GuShH you know, tiny flush for the beer spillage, big flush for the logs.
09:56 GuShH theBear: have someone from ##electronics ship you the caps "OR ELSE"
09:56 theBear i dunno, probly these days, but i don't think you can get a 'single flush' costern
09:57 GuShH they're not mandatory here... it's stupid, they're trying to push recycling but they are unaware of how much energy and overall resources are lost to the friggin toilet.
09:57 GuShH rain water is rarely collected, people just waste and waste.
09:57 theBear 3 GALLONS !
09:58 GuShH I love the idea of collecting rain water and to have it pumped into the toilets, or just for the lawn.
09:58 GuShH you'd just need a very basic filter for the debris that may collect, I think maybe just gravity could be used.
09:59 theBear rainwater is good for drinking... few years back i was installing a bunch of rainwater tanks for peoples
09:59 GuShH theBear: is that an average flush?
09:59 theBear according to a cartoon i quite like
09:59 GuShH people here tend to think rainwater is bad
09:59 theBear i don't even know what a gallon is
09:59 GuShH something like 3.3 or 3.1 liters
09:59 theBear even deep in the city, rainwater ain't that bad
09:59 GuShH US that is
09:59 GuShH because UK thinks it's more or less than that.
10:00 theBear 3.3 liters, average toilet even on low flush is way more than that here
10:00 GuShH well say 10 liters
10:00 theBear and i talking us
10:00 GuShH let me convert!
10:00 GuShH 1 US gallon = 3.78541178 liter
10:00 GuShH 1 Imperial gallon = 4.54609188 liter
10:00 GuShH holy shit, that's a big difference.
10:00 theBear yeahk, so err, yeah, soundsa bout right
10:00 GuShH so let's say 3.8 then for the us.
10:01 ShH only had a vague idea because of his US made fuel t
10:02 GuShH no one uses gallons where I live.
10:02 theBear aaargh ! i think i just broke a toe
10:02 theBear OOOWWWW
10:02 GuShH with the table?
10:02 theBear fucking oil heater
10:02 eBear tries not to
10:02 GuShH you weren't joking about the bad day
10:02 ShH hugs the
10:03 theBear no shit
10:03 GuShH shit, well it's up hill from now on.
10:03 theBear oooow this hurts a lot more than a big toe broken
10:03 theBear yeah, uphill with a broken toe :(
10:03 GuShH that's what separates the men from the other stuff.
10:03 theBear don't say that, i been talking about giving up 5 bad events ago
10:03 GuShH can you move it?
10:03 theBear gimme a minute
10:04 GuShH time for a diy cast.
10:04 theBear yeah, i can move it with my hand, still hurts more than a broken big toe tho
10:04 ShH ponders polyurethane
10:04 theBear i'm just ognna go swear and roll around for a while
10:04 GuShH was it displaced sideways?
10:05 GuShH upwards?
10:05 GuShH a fissure can hurt just as much, sadly.
10:07 katsmeow-afk problem with rainwater is the bird poo all over the collectors
10:07 Skwint my issue with it is people burning plastic under a chimney on the same roof
10:08 theBear eek, lotta swelling, don't really wanna think about it right now
10:09 theBear bird poo never hurt anyone
10:09 katsmeow-afk if you cook it, maybe not
10:09 Skwint I live off drinking rain water when I'm out in the sticks with a backpack. I wouldn't do it in a town if I could help it.
10:09 katsmeow-afk "bird poo, err soup"
10:11 theBear i still drink out of the old tank, hasn't been treated or cleaned EVER, must be 10 years older than me, got a couple leaks now, won't last much longer, even got a open hole in the top where the gutters drain into ti, it's fine
10:13 katsmeow-afk my 2000gal pool-tank is open also, but i at least filter it 2x and RO it before drinking it
10:16 theBear my toe hurts :(
10:16 tsmeow-afk removes her pool from the bear's
10:17 theBear that didn't help at all :(
10:19 tsmeow-afk puts it
10:19 theBear aside from the flabour, i kinda like this wine... got a big round sticker "OVER 33% MORE !" on it... it's a big bottle
10:20 theBear grr i miss having a pointer-moving device
10:22 theBear eek, doesn't bend anymore, and it's fat :(
10:26 katsmeow-afk praps it's time for a doctor and their fancy tools
10:26 theBear not this time of night it aint
10:27 theBear aftter 11
10:29 katsmeow-afk problem with broken bones tho, if you wait 12 hrs till morning, you could lose the toe
10:30 theBear if it broke it aint that broke
10:30 theBear and i'm theBear , i aint like humans
10:31 theBear i walk away from car crashes that tear other peoples legs off
10:31 GuShH lol
10:31 GuShH yey 10 rocker switches for $1.5 shipped
10:32 GuShH I hope they're not the same kind I'm holding right now, the I O markings just rub off
10:32 theBear you aint sposed to laugh at that, poor bastard had his legs torn off shortly before dying...t hen again, i should blame him for the state i'm in
10:32 GuShH :(
10:35 GuShH goodluckbuy.com - 25P B Modern Window Building Huaqiang North Road - Shenzhen, 518031 - China
10:35 GuShH is everything in chinese always so descriptive? "modern window building"
10:35 theBear it's better than most western names
10:35 GuShH well yeah
10:35 GuShH but I imagine there are many modern window buildings over the area!
10:36 GuShH how do you know which one is THE one?
10:36 theBear local knowledge, when they built that it was the only wone with modern windowws
10:36 GuShH lol
10:41 katsmeow-afk directions i got here once: "you go down this road till you get to where the telephone company was, turn left, go till where the cable tv company was, turn left where the lights were taken down, ......"
10:46 katsmeow-afk Aug. 14, 2012 -
10:46 katsmeow-afk Soap may hold a dirty little secret in the form of a chemical called triclosan. Used in antiseptic hand soaps, shaving cream, toothpaste, deodorant and other hygiene products, a new study has found the chemical can weaken muscle contraction.
10:50 katsmeow-afk 2. US to Buy Meat, Fish to Help Farms Hit By Drought
10:50 katsmeow-afk The government will buy up to $170 million of pork, chicken, lamb and catfish in an effort to help farmers struggling with the drought
10:51 katsmeow-afk great, take the already low supply of food off the market?? and $170 million is less than $1 per person, something is wrong here
10:51 LoRez the triclosan thing is awesome
10:51 katsmeow-afk awesome?
10:51 LoRez yeah, I wanted to be weaker
10:51 katsmeow-afk oh
10:52 GuShH furrywolf: so the ignition switch on these small engines basically pull a short on the output?
10:52 LoRez </sarcasm>
10:53 LoRez I think mine lifts the ground on the coils. it may ground both sides of the primary though.
10:53 GuShH oh
10:54 GuShH I think that's what this one is doing, because it closes when the engine turns off
10:54 GuShH ie. normally open
10:54 LoRez not sure, since it's completely induced by the flywheel afaik.
10:54 LoRez but shorting the output to ground seems more difficult to do with a switch since it would seem to always arc across.
10:54 GuShH I hope to never have to replace that part of this chainsaw, since it involves taking it all apart
10:55 GuShH replacing the oiler worm drive was bothersome enough.
10:59 katsmeow-afk not if the spark plug gap is smaller than the switch gap
11:00 katsmeow-afk in many cases, the ignition coil will arc internally, which is why some come with a warning to not operate witout the proper plug attached
11:02 katsmeow-afk it's why some mechanics have a spark plug modified to easily clip to the engine block somewhere, to attach the spark wire to when removing it fromt he spark plug in the engine
12:30 furrywolf I once got directions, from someone in a city I've never been to, that included "turn right where the red barn was". I had to explain to them that, having never been in their city before, I had no clue where things used to be...
12:31 furrywolf most small engines stop by shorting the magneto primary to ground.
12:31 furrywolf it's shorting the primary, not the secondary - only a couple hundred volts, won't arc through air.
14:56 furrywolf yay, I have internet again.
14:57 furrywolf <furrywolf> magnetos work like a regular ignition coil, just with the primary current induced by the magnets rather than provided by an external source. one end of the coil is always grounded, the other is
14:57 furrywolf grounded through either points or an electronic circuit. to fire, the points or the circuit open, the primary voltage jumps to hundreds of volts, amplified by the turns ratio to the secondary.
14:57 furrywolf <furrywolf> standard flyback principle, just the primary doubles as a generator.
14:57 furrywolf <furrywolf> if you ground the primary, it never jumps up, and there's minimal secondary voltage, so no spark.
15:22 hackkitten yay internetz~
22:10 tsmeow-afk envies furry being able to use solar panels , `cause for 20 yrs here i paid the powerco a total of ~$14,000, and that much money would buy 130amps@110vdc worth of solar panels,, instead, i got not
22:43 rue_shop3 gee I wait for a lot of computers
22:51 tsmeow-afk taps her c
22:53 furrywolf my internet is really sucking tonight... will probably vanish again. bleh.
22:53 theBear my net is about the only thing left around here that does work :(
22:56 tsmeow-afk cuts a hunk out of her lan cable to snailmail furry so he'll have inte
23:05 katsmeow-afk .
23:18 katsmeow-afk $14,000 in the right solar panels, making power average 4 hrs a day is ~1.7 megawatt hours of electricity per month
23:27 furrywolf -:- BitchX: Join to #robotics was synched in 359.550 secs!!
23:27 furrywolf bleh
23:29 katsmeow-afk [ChanServ PING reply]: 0 secs
23:29 katsmeow-afk [furrywolf PING reply]: 1 sec
23:29 furrywolf yes, it's working now.
23:29 furrywolf my connection is randomly changing between perfect and completely dead.
23:42 tsmeow-afk climbs into her nest box for s
23:44 rrywolf tucks katsmeow-af
23:52 furrywolf can we please please please let natural selection take its course? I'm looking at a block of cheese I bought. in large, bold letters, it has an allergy warning that it contains milk.