#robotics Logs

Aug 06 2012

#robotics Calendar

00:33 dumbass Cruise stage separation complete for @MarsCuriosity. It carried the rover on a cruise away from Earth all the way to the red planet about 1 minute ago
00:33 dumbass NASA #MSL: @MarsCuriosity is now sending heartbeat tones (tonal signals) indicating when certain critical mission events occur about 1 minute ago
00:33 dumbass NASA #MSL: The @MarsCuriosity rover is now speeding up relative to Mars as the gravity of the red planet is pulling it in 46 seconds ago ·
00:34 dumbass The rover, snug between a protective back shell and heat shield, is about 10 minutes away from entering the Martian atmosphere and about 17 minutes away from landing.
00:36 dumbass MarsCuriosity Entering Mars' atmosphere. 7. Minutes. Of. Terror. Starts. NOW.
00:36 dumbass 17 seconds ago
00:37 dumbass someone's timing is off
00:37 dumbass NASA #MSL: We're in the seven minutes of terror for @MarsCuriosity 26 seconds ago
00:38 dumbass MarsCuriosity Guided entry is begun. Here I go! #MSL
00:38 dumbass http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ki_Af_o9Q9s <<== animation
00:41 dumbass MarsCuriosity Parachute deployed! Velocity 900 mph. Altitude 7 miles. 4 minutes to Mars! #MSL
00:42 dumbass MarsCuriosity Heatshield separation. Next up: Radar must lock on ground #MSL
00:42 dumbass MarsCuriosity Backshell separation. It's just you & me now, descent stage. Engage all retrorockets!
00:43 dumbass NASA #MSL: Heat shield has separated and we are in powered flight for @MarsCuriosity. And the sky crane has started.
00:44 dumbass MarsCuriosity I'm safely on the surface of Mars. GALE CRATER I AM IN YOU!!! #MSL
00:44 dumbass NASA #MSL: Touchdown confirmed for @MarsCuriosity
00:44 dumbass the timing is waaaaayyyyyyy off on this
00:44 dumbass 10 minutes ago they were 10 minutes from atmosphere entry
00:47 dumbass NASA #MSL: We've got thumbnails from @MarsCuriosity: http://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/mars/images/first_images_mars.html
00:48 dumbass cept they aren't
00:50 dumbass Curiosity Lands on Mars
00:50 dumbass Mon, 06 Aug 2012 12:32:54 AM CDT
00:50 dumbass NASA's Curiosity rover has landed on Mars! Its descent-stage retrorockets fired, guiding it to the surface. Nylon cords lowered the rover to the ground in the "sky crane" maneuver. When the spacecraft sensed touchdown, the connecting cords were severed, and the descent stage flew out of the way. The time of day at the landing site is mid-afternoon -- about 3 p.m. local Mars time at Gale Crater. The time at JPL's mission control is about 10:31 p.
00:51 dumbass thumbnails are on http://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/mars/main/index.html
00:53 dumbass i cannot get to http://twitter.com/NASA/status/232350219700932608/photo/1
00:53 GargantuaSauce i am pretty impressed that this thing worked
00:54 dumbass me too, shame they can't manage to get the pics online as easily as we can, eh?
00:54 GargantuaSauce they were up on the first images page for a sec and then went away
00:55 GargantuaSauce i bet the transmission was cut off by the horizon mid-image and it broke the uploading script :P
00:56 dumbass http://twitter.com/NASA/status/232350219700932608/photo/1/large
00:56 dumbass looks like the inside of the dustcap, i damn sure hoped someone had removed that before it launched :-/
01:02 dumbass stillw aiting on http://twitter.com/NASA/status/232352483492630529/photo/1
01:06 dumbass gnite
01:07 GargantuaSauce https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-hQwvriYA5bI/UB9be-zfsWI/AAAAAAAAWLM/1OcIL_hTGH4/s407/mars.jpg
03:08 rue_shop2 ok today we installed the firmware on the arduino for controlling the reprap
03:09 rue_shop2 and I was just able to compile the controller software and connect to the arduino with it
03:09 rue_shop2 tommorows challange is to try to get the temp controller working on it
03:12 theos nice
03:49 rue_shop2 ok, its tommorow, up and att'm
03:53 theos :)
04:24 standoo hello
04:56 theos hi
04:56 tobbor theos! like, totally tell us about the project!
09:02 dumbass Minutes later, Curiosity beamed back the first pictures from the surface showing its wheel and its shadow, cast by the afternoon sun - giving earthlings their first glimpse of a touchdown on another world.
09:02 dumbass not true, we have pics of wheel on mars from other landers
09:04 dumbass it's so little coverage for an even that could push Murphy's Law gack to the status of Theory
09:04 dumbass event
09:06 dumbass yet another stupidity from abc news : Swapping Batman for Big Bird Could Aid Sleep, Study Found
09:06 dumbass Previous studies in children have linked violent videos to disrupted sleep
09:06 dumbass so by a;ll means disrupt their sleep with violent batman instead of bid bird
09:50 theBear that's just abstract effects... some kids get scared by stuff like batman, kids tend to stay scared longer, and often associate scary stuff like batman with night and dark
12:08 rrywolf stretches out on kat and y
12:24 rue_house whats bothering you kat?
12:25 theos who is kat?
12:28 rue_house one of our top techs
12:28 rue_house who dosn't feel too top
12:36 theos :)
12:36 theos nice
14:25 dumbass rue, what's bothering me is the dumbass idea for using a robot to trim trees
14:28 rue_shop4 yay!
14:28 rue_shop4 I think I fixed one of the dual xeon 2.4G servers to use as a workstation
14:29 rue_shop4 ok this one is a single, I'll save the dualie for something special
14:29 rue_shop4 which I shouldn't do because they go obsolete before it happens
14:29 dumbass goodie
14:29 mbass goes back to
14:29 rue_shop4 kat, aside from everything, whats got you down?
14:30 dumbass [14:14] <dumbass> rue, what's bothering me is the dumbass idea for using a robot to trim trees
14:31 rue_shop4 please understand I'm canadain, I see the slaughter of trees like people in war all too often and I'm really biased against it
14:31 rue_shop4 have you ever seen a clearcut mountian?
14:31 dumbass yeas
14:31 dumbass have you ever seen me talk abot how beautiful my wooded mountian stream is?
14:31 rue_shop4 I know thats not what you are asking, but there are things about it that depply bother me
14:32 rue_shop4 I get sick when I think of images of machines chewing up trees
14:32 rue_shop4 I tried to take it from the perspective of just clearing up a trouble tree, and it still made me kinda sick
14:32 rue_shop4 I cant get verry disturbing videos out of my head
14:32 dumbass yea, it's like me sitting inthe dark even tho i have deep discharge bateries and power convertors and two generators, so my mom won't drive up here with attack dogs like she said she would
14:33 dumbass i live with large dead trees because doing anything about them is a bad dumbass idea
14:33 rue_shop4 no
14:33 rue_shop4 your not wrong, I have a fobia
14:34 dumbass yeas, i live down to humanity's threats every day, including not having garbage pickup because taking the garbage out makes the neighbor's dogs angry, which could put me in jail
14:35 dumbass so now i know, i am to live with the fear that those limbs can fall on my car as i drive under them
14:36 rue_shop4 your an engineer
14:36 rue_shop4 how about I help with a robot to tie a rope to the top end of hte tree so its fall can be controlled
14:36 dumbass that won't climb up 30ft to cut the dead limbs down
14:37 rue_shop4 its the whole tree falling thats the issue, no
14:37 rue_shop4 ?
14:37 dumbass that won't clear the pine tree blown sideways into the oak, the pine is a lost cause, but not being able to clear it is rubbing the bark off the oak too
14:38 dumbass just that you are making me justify my use of it is enough to put me way off it
14:38 rue_shop4 if there were a rope/cable on the top end, could you not come-along it down somewhere safe?
14:38 dumbass this is what happens when the DA's office will not allow me to take the trash out, because the neighbor's gods object : http://designerthinking.com/images/trash/IMG_0451m.jpg
14:38 dumbass http://designerthinking.com/images/trash/IMG_0452m.jpg
14:39 rue_shop4 "what do you want me to do about it" you know you shoot down every idea I suggest
14:39 rue_shop4 your either trying to notify me of the problem, or your asking for help
14:40 dumbass http://designerthinking.com/images/trash/IMG_0458m.jpg
14:40 rue_shop4 you dont seem receptive to help, so your being rather read-only
14:40 dumbass right, i am not asking for help when i ask for people to help change anything
14:41 rue_shop4 well?
14:41 rue_shop4 try my shoes for a bit
14:41 rue_shop4 I'm in canada, your in the usa, and your suffering
14:41 rue_shop4 you have proven I dont know my way around us law
14:42 dumbass this pile is actually over 6ft tall now, this is an old pic : http://designerthinking.com/images/trash/IMG_0466m.jpg
14:42 rue_shop4 you have pointed out I cantunderstand your position on account I'm a male living in a non-suppressive area
14:42 dumbass i can't take trash out, i can't have a window fan, i can't have bathroom exhaust fans, i can't use a robot to trim trees, all i know i can do is sleep
14:43 rue_shop4 I know what you want, you want to live free of suppression
14:43 rue_shop4 you want to have your human rights back
14:43 dumbass if the power goes out, i cannot use any of the stuff i have to make electricity, i haveto sit int he dark like it's the 1700's
14:43 rue_shop4 but because EVERYONE in your area is part of the suppression, you have nowhere to turn
14:44 dumbass i cannot let light hit the $600 in solar panels
14:44 rue_shop4 see, even your mother is part of the suppression
14:44 rue_shop4 you have being suppressed by everyone around you
14:44 rue_shop4 I'm not around you
14:44 dumbass so yeas, when i been saying thelast yr or more that a tree trimming robot is a good idea, and you shoot me down , i'm a fucked dumbass
14:44 rue_shop4 but you rename yourself to suggest I'm suppressing you
14:45 rue_shop4 you must understand that I see a tree-processor like your talking about in the same manner as I see someone walking down a lineup of women, men, and children with a handgun shooting them all point blank
14:45 rue_shop4 one by one
14:46 rue_shop4 I'm not trying to suppress you kat
14:46 dumbass so i am so stupid that's i'd use it for only good, what a dumbass i am
14:47 rue_shop4 maybe you been subject to it so long youve started to suppress yourself
14:47 rue_shop4 maybe thats what loss of will is
14:48 dumbass my car could get crushed, costing me $1000's, but hot damn we didn't cut that dead tree limb down, it's worth more than i am!
14:48 rue_shop4 I'm not gonna ask if you have a chainsaw, your leg says you do.
14:49 dumbass yea, but getting up the 30ft to use and not hurt the rest of the tree, or myself, i cannot do
14:49 dumbass then there's the dead trees
14:49 dumbass shit, not gonna justify it, you already "know" i am going to clearcut whole forests with it
14:50 rue_shop4 there was a peice of land I as on once that was being selectivly cleared, would tie a rope to the aldar trees (basically weeds) and pull them over with a backhoe
14:50 rue_shop4 I understand you aren't into using it for clearcutting
14:50 rue_shop4 but I cant think about the machine without seeing a 4 year old being shot point blank with a hand gun
14:52 rue_shop4 the lockups this machine was having must have been the power supply, this new supply is working great
14:52 rue_shop4 gonan install it and the hard drive
14:52 dumbass and you think of me, you think i'll be doing that
14:56 dumbass if i take trash out, or garden in the dirt on the ground, the DA's office believes i am harrassing dogs or spying
14:56 dumbass if i use the bateries and invertors, the neighbors will cmplain of the nose
14:57 dumbass if i use generators (which they cannot hear) or solar panels, i am stealing fromt he power company
14:57 dumbass i can't ever win
14:58 dumbass now, if i use a machine to trim dead limbs off a tree, i am clearcutting forests, or <rue_shop4> but I cant think about the machine without seeing a 4 year old being shot point blank with a hand gun
14:59 dumbass by extension, i am wondering how you feel about me drinking water from the creek, or if i should just die of thirst
15:00 dumbass because i don't know how you humans think, but it's mighty warped as far as i can tell, and you make new rules just for me to protect vicious dogs and trees, and you have the law on your side to put me in a cage
15:55 rue_shop4 all the motherboard power cords were 3" too short
15:55 rue_shop4 I found a 20 to 24 pin converter that gave me 3" on one of them
15:55 rue_shop4 had to make a molex to EPS cord
15:57 rue_shop4 haha there was anohter supply right beside me that wouldn't have needed the adapter
15:57 rue_shop4 oh well
15:59 rue_shop4 hah thik I just found antoher too
16:02 rue_shop4 I was worried cause the supply is only rated to 11A of 12V, but the machine is only pulling 2
16:03 rue_shop4 4A when playing a youtube video
16:05 rue_shop4 I'm calling it ok then
16:18 dumbass i haveto leave, because if <quote> <rue_shop4> but I cant think about the machine without seeing a 4 year old being shot point blank with a hand gun </quote> there's no telling how much more legal trouble, including jail, you'll cause me for trimming a dead tree branch
16:37 rue_shop4 I dont want to ignore kat when she's down, but talking to her dosn't really work out, ever
16:37 rue_shop4 is she ever up?
16:38 rue_shop4 yes
16:38 rue_shop4 oh
16:38 rue_shop4 but its brief
16:46 GargantuaSauce http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rAeQn5QnyXo
16:46 GargantuaSauce zenta makes me moist
17:45 Tom_itx rue_shop4 what do you know about python?
17:47 rue_shop4 Tom_itx, what do you want to do with it?
17:58 Tom_itx backend for glade
17:58 Tom_itx http://imagebin.org/223577
17:58 Tom_itx similar to that
18:40 rue_shop4 where have I heard of glade
18:41 rue_shop4 aside from havingt oto many fans, this machine is fine
19:29 seravitae1 hm
19:30 seravitae1 anyone know of a company that makes pressure sensors? I am looking for a pressure sensor for steam, so it needs to be good for around 0-120 degrees celcius, about 0-30psi and preferably not a bare sensor, something with a thread on it that i can screw in to replace a dial gauge.
19:48 rue_shop4 seva..
19:49 Tom_itx rue
19:49 Elleo 1/6
19:49 Elleo opos
19:49 Elleo oops*
19:49 Tom_itx rue_shop4
19:49 rue_shop4 yes?
19:50 Tom_itx pm
19:53 rue_shop4 so you want to make a editor iwth the python?
20:07 rue_shop4 I had to go to a 2.4G zeon to get a macihine with enough punch to play youtube videos
20:08 Tom_itx no, a custom cnc interface
20:11 rue_shop4 ah
20:12 rue_shop4 modding existing or scratch?
20:21 Tom_itx scratch
20:21 Tom_itx using gladevcp
20:22 rue_shop3 give me a overview of the design criteria
20:22 rue_shop2 whats it need to do?
20:22 Tom_itx http://gnipsel.com/linuxcnc/gui-tutorial/python02.html
20:22 Tom_itx ok
20:46 rue_shop4 modding existing or scratch?
20:46 rue_shop4 er
20:46 rue_shop4 whats the program need to do?
20:46 Tom_itx i'm just playing with it
20:46 Tom_itx but switching to glade gives better program control
20:47 Tom_itx over the current axis interface
20:47 rue_shop4 whats glade again?
20:47 Tom_itx it's more direct control
20:47 rue_shop4 I think I should spend another $60 on a extruder head for this printer
20:47 Tom_itx http://glade.gnome.org/
20:47 rue_shop4 tests show this one may have problems
20:47 Tom_itx you should get to know it
20:48 orlok How is the printer going?
20:48 orlok glade.. opengl layer?
20:48 rue_shop4 its visual python :)
20:48 rue_shop4 oh glade
20:48 rue_shop4 now I know the name
20:49 rue_shop4 well I been working on an extruder head, but I dont have any of the high temp plastics I need
20:49 rue_shop4 I made a head but I think its gonna reflect too much heat back and melt hte carrige
20:49 Tom_itx that seems to be a critical part of a reprap. i wouldn't fudge on it
20:50 Tom_itx Triffid_Hunter linked a good one a while back
20:50 orlok Tom_itx: knopw of any sites of failed extruder designes?
20:50 rue_shop4 I'm $300 in so far
20:50 orlok ceramics?
20:51 Tom_itx orlok i'm not following reprap
20:51 rue_shop4 I have enough funds that even $1000 wouldn't hurt, but I dont think the project shoudl cost that much
20:51 Tom_itx i hear tuning them can be fun
20:55 orlok I cannot wait to get a shed
20:56 rue_shop4 500 square feet, dont go with a mere 480 like I did
20:56 furrywolf then get to work?
20:56 furrywolf sheds aren't exactly hard to build.
20:56 rue_shop4 orlok, want a materials list?
20:56 rue_shop4 orlok, how big DO you want to go?
20:56 orlok furrywolf: Need to purchase the space to put it first
20:56 orlok thats my big hold up
20:56 rue_shop4 put it on wheels
20:56 rue_shop4 :)
20:56 orlok Hopefully when i buy the land, a part of it has a shed already there
20:57 furrywolf ah, yes, purchasing land is much harder than building a shed.
20:57 Tom_itx i'd go for a 50 x 30
20:57 rue_shop4 orlok, are you getting close to being able to get land?
20:57 orlok rue_shop4: Apparently thats one way to get around the council being pricks about structures
20:57 orlok Hey. I'm in metric land here
20:57 Triffid_Hunter rue_shop4: yeah don't muck around with the hot-end, it's the heart of the reprap and a lot of smart people have made a lot of interesting designs that didn't work
20:57 furrywolf I can't afford land. :(
20:57 rue_shop4 30x50m shed, I like it
20:57 orlok Theres been a few places with big garages
20:58 Triffid_Hunter so now that we've found a few designs that do work, either simply buy one, or read the docs about them so you actually have some idea when you make your own :)
20:58 orlok one had a 4 car garage
20:58 rue_shop4 Triffid_Hunter, I wan tot get going more than I wantot play with my design
20:58 rue_shop4 I also dont know critical things to help me design it
20:58 rue_shop4 like side load
20:59 orlok furrywolf: i am living with my mother to save up
20:59 Triffid_Hunter rue_shop4: not much from printing, but the nozzle tends to ride over bumps in the top of the print which can be significant
20:59 orlok furrywolf: my, my GF, and my daughter, and my mother, all in the one house.
20:59 rrywolf noses around the channel looking for
21:00 orlok SHe's almost 10 months old now!
21:00 Tom_itx orlok you are outnumbered
21:00 orlok yup
21:00 rue_shop4 Triffid_Hunter, if I had some ptfe tube I think I could make this work, but it'll be another 2 weeks beofre it gets here
21:01 Triffid_Hunter rue_shop4: ptfe can't be used as a structural element just so you know. it's fine as long as there's other stuff holding it in place
21:01 rue_shop4 tell yoru sisters its no fair to multiply in order to take over a larger share of the house
21:01 rue_shop4 yea, but I need a ligning for the head neck
21:01 Triffid_Hunter the relevant information is that the molecules of ptfe slip over /themselves/ so if there's any continuous pressure then it distorts
21:01 rue_shop4 I'm using carbon steel now, and it transfers heat too good
21:02 rue_shop4 !assist projects/reprap
21:02 tobbor Possibly http://eds.dyndns.org/~ircjunk/projects/reprap
21:02 Triffid_Hunter rue_shop4: stainless steel works for the arcol v4
21:02 Triffid_Hunter which incidentally is the only modern hot-end design that can handle over 240c, so buy or emulate that one if you want to print nylon or polycarbonate
21:02 rue_shop4 yes, carbon steel conductivity is like 16, stainless is like 7, and quartz is like 1
21:03 orlok hmm
21:03 Triffid_Hunter rue_shop4: but then the arcol v4 has a thin walled thermal break that's about 1cm long and if I recall correctly the walls are less than 50 microns thick
21:03 rue_shop4 http://eds.dyndns.org/~ircjunk/projects/reprap/p1040443.jpg
21:03 orlok astrogel wafer?
21:03 orlok astrogel? is that what i'[m thinking of?
21:03 rue_shop4 I made the neck from a drilled out bolt (not shown)
21:04 orlok no, no.. thats not what i was thinking of hah
21:04 orlok AEROGEL
21:04 rue_shop4 Triffid_Hunter, none of the designs I'v seen deperate the structural members from the thermal members, I would, but I dont have the material I'd need
21:04 GuShH astro? isn't it aero?
21:04 GuShH what the hell are you on orlok!
21:04 orlok GuShH: yes, yes it is....
21:04 ShH puts orlok in a locked room with astr
21:04 orlok i had to google frozen smoke heh
21:04 rue_shop4 Triffid_Hunter, the head in the back of that image was just a test
21:05 GuShH diy aerogel!
21:05 Triffid_Hunter rue_shop4: the designs you've seen use PEEK with a PTFE tube inside
21:05 rue_shop4 :) I know
21:05 Triffid_Hunter PEEK is quite expensive, but it's good to 245c or so
21:05 rue_shop4 and they dont fit on a reprap cause of the way they heatsink
21:06 rue_shop4 none of the photocopiers I have, have a large enough block for me to make one
21:06 rue_shop4 do you know what the code is for bakealite?
21:06 GuShH hmm this motor cap is almost 40% off :(
21:06 GuShH no wonder it wasn't starting
21:07 furrywolf 40% might well be within tolerance, sadly.
21:07 GuShH they're 5%
21:07 furrywolf ah
21:07 rue_shop4 put a cap in thats 150% rated see if it runs
21:07 furrywolf I've seen +100/-50 and other stupidly bad ratings on some...
21:07 rue_shop4 if not, the motors shot
21:07 GuShH furrywolf: so far this is the only fault I've found
21:07 rue_shop4 you will never hit 90 degrees anyhow
21:07 GuShH it started once or twice, but it had trouble spinning up. so I'm replacing the cap tomorrow
21:08 rue_shop4 cap start or cap run?
21:08 GuShH I should refer to the diagram, but given it's small size I'd say it's a run cap
21:09 rue_shop4 5uf or under?
21:09 GuShH 5
21:09 GuShH hopefully the windings are fine, they don't look burnt up.
21:09 rrywolf is hungry s
21:09 rue_shop4 sometimes they just short
21:09 ShH hands furrywolf a big chunk of choco
21:09 Tom_itx rue_shop4 is the idea that you need to thermally insulate the nozzle?
21:09 rrywolf can't eat choco
21:09 GuShH I don't really keep a big stock of these, otherwise I would've wired something up already to test it.
21:09 GuShH furrywolf: no?
21:10 furrywolf now what nick is kat using?
21:10 furrywolf bleh
21:10 rue_shop4 Tom_itx, if I understand right, you need to do a pretty sharp thermal profile onthe plastic
21:10 GuShH furrywolf: what's wrong with chocolate?
21:10 rue_shop4 ______/--\__
21:10 rue_shop4 where the high point is just at the tip
21:10 rue_shop4 as soon as its out of the tip, you want it to cool off again
21:10 furrywolf it makes me nauseated, gives me a headache, and generally makes me feel like shit. too much makes me vomit. which sucks, because it's so yummy...
21:10 ShH hopes the bearings aren't shot and a goop of grease will serve it r
21:10 GuShH crap :(
21:11 GuShH is it a specific component of chocolate?
21:11 furrywolf dunno
21:11 furrywolf I can't drink coffee either.
21:11 Tom_itx rue_shop4 what heats it?
21:11 GuShH :|
21:11 ShH brings furrywolf to the do
21:11 GuShH furrywolf: tea?
21:11 rue_shop4 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j0hHsMvqHQo if the plastic dosn't cool too fast after leaving the head, you get an effect like that
21:11 furrywolf I don't like tea. heh.
21:12 rue_shop4 Tom_itx, there is a heater on the tip of the extruder
21:12 GuShH furrywolf: could it be an issue with caffeine then?
21:12 rue_shop4 a 5W 4.7R resistor with 12V across it, or a coil of nichrome wire
21:13 furrywolf dunno
21:15 GuShH heh the controller box for this furnace burner costs from 100 to 300 usd...
21:15 Tom_itx rue_shop4 do you have a link to a good extruder head?
21:15 GuShH I'd rather make my own than buy a new one
21:16 GuShH at least the HV transformer is working fine, not sure about the electrodes but I could hear something fun going on in there.
21:16 furrywolf what are you working on, anyway?
21:17 GuShH the new controllers are the same mechanical crap, but with a daughter board that uses a uC to flash some error codes using the reset push button led.
21:17 GuShH central heating system on this house
21:17 GuShH well, it uses water radiators.
21:17 furrywolf my repair project today was a centrefuge that would spin up if you held in the contactor, but none of the controls worked. problem was the feed pump is blowing its fuse, and the control transformer runs off the feed pump supply. told them to fix the pump and replace the fuse. heh.
21:18 Triffid_Hunter Tom_itx: makergear, j-head and arcol v4 are the current favourites in the reprap world
21:19 GuShH I've been fixing the valves on the radiators and purging the system off air, I had an expansion tank/vessel that was all leaky so I had to repair that as well, then I noticed I had more leaks in the system... it was a good idea to get a big tube of silicone sealant.
21:19 ShH thinks there's no way on earth hes calling someone to do all this work for
21:19 ShH could end up in flames if he does that, knowing how all these assholes oper
21:20 GuShH to feed my safety quota I added a fire extinguisher on the boiler room.
21:20 GuShH and theres dual in-line solenoids for the gas line, plus two cut off valves. so that feels safe enough.
21:21 Tom_itx Triffid_Hunter so the nozzles are basically hex brass with an orfice
21:21 furrywolf the biggest danger comes from running the burner with dampers shut or blowers off. there's usually several safeties to prevent this.
21:22 rue_shop4 Triffid_Hunter, its frustrating, I almost have everything I think I need
21:22 rue_shop4 some stuff if just a bit too specialized
21:23 rue_shop4 Triffid_Hunter, but with the heatsink you cant put a j head on a reprap?
21:23 rue_shop4 unless I have my names mixed up
21:23 furrywolf I seem to be too tired to deal with food, so I'm going to go get something pre-made. bleh. bbl.
21:24 rue_shop4 damn, I want to stay up to 3am today
21:24 GuShH furrywolf: yep, that's what the controller does. mechanically speaking it looks fine, I tested it on the bench.
21:24 rue_shop4 or even 5
21:24 GuShH it's a nice design, but too expensive.
21:24 rue_shop3 I need to finish this stepper driver too
21:24 rue_shop3 need to make a sequencer for it
21:24 GuShH you can actually pull it out like a catridge.
21:25 furrywolf it's not just fire... that's a relatively small risk. CO, however, is not a small risk.
21:25 GuShH theres ventilation on the room
21:25 GuShH it's basically outside, given how cold it gets due to the openings
21:26 GuShH I would get sensors for that, if they weren't so damn expensive here.
21:26 GuShH have them all in line with the rest of the sensing elements.
21:26 furrywolf they're like $10 and legally required here. heh.
21:26 GuShH since they're not legally required, they cost a small fortune here, very low demand (and sold as "specialized equipment")
21:26 furrywolf any building with any gas, oil, or wood appliances must have a functioning CO detector.
21:27 GuShH reason why so many people die every year but no one seems to listen.
21:27 furrywolf if you have all electric I think you can get away without one, but I'd need to check the code.
21:27 orlok FUnny that thats not a requirement here
21:27 orlok i think smoke detectors are, bot not CO2
21:27 GuShH smoke detectors are not a must either.
21:27 GuShH I have one though
21:28 GuShH (ideally I would have one in every room.. but that's too expensive also)
21:28 furrywolf one of my relatives died from it... he was in an RV, and someone/something (passing car clipped it, vibration, ?... no way of knowing) broke the exhaust pipe off the heater in the night.
21:28 GuShH :(
21:28 GuShH I'm aware of the dangers, which is why I'm taking my time to service this thing properly.
21:29 GuShH I haven't checked online for prices yet
21:29 GuShH not sure I'd trust a cheapie chinese unit with my life, but it may be better than no sensor.
21:30 rue_house http://www.makergear.com/products/operators-pack <-- Triffid_Hunter your oppion please on getting a .35mm pack?
21:30 GuShH hmm 23 usd
21:32 GuShH furrywolf: are these the ones you were talking about? there doesn't seem to be a lot of safety on this thing, just thermostats and the controller makes sure theres a fl
21:32 GuShH errrr
21:32 GuShH what the hell.
21:32 GuShH http://www.ebay.com/itm/Safety-CO-Carbon-Monoxide-Monitor-Sensor-Poisoning-Alarm-Detector-Toxic-Warming-/110872925226?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item19d08a942a
21:32 GuShH that's what I get for writing a message, cutting it to finish it later and then having a copy&paste failure.
21:33 furrywolf shiny, even has a display on it.
21:33 GuShH shows ppm I guess
21:34 GuShH for the price I'd give it a go
21:34 GuShH the burner controller box.... http://www.ebay.com/itm/SATRONIC-CONTROL-BOX-TTG-760-1-MOD-45-240V-40-60HZ-REPLACED-MMI-810-/230805196317?_trksid=p5197.m1992&_trkparms=aid%3D111000%26algo%3DREC.CURRENT%26ao%3D1%26asc%3D14%26meid%3D1147891896850570990%26pid%3D100015%26prg%3D1006%26rk%3D1%26
21:34 GuShH not sure why they are so expensive, either NOS or there's something I don't know?
21:34 m_itx moves rue_shop4's mouse finger toward 'Add to C
21:35 rue_house I'm jsut adding todays dollar ebay item to my cart
21:35 rue_house I want an ppinion before I add another (ANOTHER) $100 to this machine
21:35 rue_house Triffid_Hunter, is really irc-busy, so I'm waiting
21:36 Tom_itx other channels?
21:36 rue_house yea, he's pretty busy just in #reprap
21:37 Tom_itx well he said it was one of the top 3 or 4 right now
21:37 Triffid_Hunter rue_house: yeah the makergears are good
21:37 rue_house ok I'll get that
21:37 Tom_itx Triffid_Hunter what size nozzle is best?
21:37 Triffid_Hunter 0.35 is my favourite nozzle diameter :)
21:37 e_house puts on his blindfold and pulls out the credit
21:37 Triffid_Hunter rue_house: you going for 1.75 or 3mm filament?
21:37 rue_house 3mm
21:38 Tom_itx takes longer to heat
21:38 rue_house you suggested 1.75 is more prone to jambing
21:38 Tom_itx hmm
21:38 Tom_itx does it reel thru the nozzle like a wirefeed welder?
21:38 Triffid_Hunter Tom_itx: 0.25 forces you to use fine detail settings all the time. 0.35 allows coarse enough settings for my liking while still being able to do fine work, 0.5's coarsest settings are too coarse for me
21:39 Triffid_Hunter Tom_itx: yeah there's a bolt with teeth cut in it sitting just behind the hot-end that rams it down with a tremendous amount of force
21:39 Triffid_Hunter Tom_itx: if you hang your spool above the printer and the spool has a knot, the printer will actually lift itself off the table and climb up the filament
21:40 Tom_itx they don't use a stepper or something to turn a knurled piece with the pinched thread in it?
21:40 Triffid_Hunter and they need to be that strong, if we heat the filament up to the point where it's runny, the prints look absolutely terrible.. it needs to be as viscous as possible without jamming, and without being too cold to bond to the layer below
21:40 Tom_itx mine has that with a bearing on the other side to clamp against to feed the wire
21:40 Triffid_Hunter Tom_itx: it's exactly like that, but knurling isn't grippy enough
21:41 Tom_itx hmm
21:41 Tom_itx i would think adapting a wirefeed mechanism would work rather well
21:41 Tom_itx springloaded tension adjuster
21:41 rue_house I did the truck with a tap
21:41 rue_house and a drill
21:41 Triffid_Hunter Tom_itx: https://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/kB6Fia1F2zE7cO1UGg9f_NMTjNZETYmyPJy0liipFm0
21:42 Tom_itx plastic feed gears?
21:42 rue_house its pretty strong
21:42 rue_house I got mine going
21:42 Tom_itx how much distance is there between the feed and the actual nozzle?
21:42 Triffid_Hunter Tom_itx: yep. don't underestimate the strength of our printed parts
21:43 Tom_itx and does the string go thru a tube on it's way to the nozzle?
21:43 Triffid_Hunter Tom_itx: around 70mm between bolt and nozzle orifice
21:43 Triffid_Hunter Tom_itx: yes absolutely, there's enough pressure that it absolutely buckles given the opportunity
21:43 Tom_itx if i get slag on my welder tip, the drive just slips
21:44 Tom_itx but steel wire is alot stiffer than plastic
21:44 Tom_itx rue_shop4, considered .035" wirefeed tips?
21:44 rue_house I'll throw more old engineerng at it later
21:44 Tom_itx i have some :)
21:44 Triffid_Hunter Tom_itx: also those gears are PLA, it's very hard as plastics go, hard enough to work fairly well as a bushing
21:44 rue_house the problem is you need to melt it just at the tip, and then cool it just out
21:45 Tom_itx Triffid_Hunter do you have a side view of the same pic?
21:45 rue_house tom
21:45 rue_house !assist projects/reprap
21:45 tobbor Possibly http://eds.dyndns.org/~ircjunk/projects/reprap
21:45 rue_house they are deep teeth
21:45 Triffid_Hunter fwiw the melt zone in the makergear and j-head is a good 35mm long
21:45 Tom_itx rue_shop4 yes i know
21:45 Tom_itx that's why the heater is at the tip
21:45 rue_house http://eds.dyndns.org/~ircjunk/projects/reprap/p1040280.jpg
21:46 Tom_itx would a glue gun heater work?
21:46 Triffid_Hunter Tom_itx: https://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/mdxKhk-HCCu2bAXG5k6nttMTjNZETYmyPJy0liipFm0 is probably close enough
21:46 rue_house http://eds.dyndns.org/~ircjunk/projects/reprap/p1040281.jpg
21:46 Triffid_Hunter Tom_itx: last time I checked, glue gun heaters were quite long
21:46 rue_house the gears I got are not herringbone tho
21:46 Tom_itx oh
21:46 rue_house they are
21:46 rue_house and the glue splats out and buckles back in the chamber
21:46 Triffid_Hunter a long heater gives better throughput and less need for regulation at the expense of flow control
21:46 rue_house they use a silicone grommit to keep it in
21:47 rue_house the chamber is 1mm larger than the gluestick
21:47 Triffid_Hunter Tom_itx: heh that last pic also has a 100mm long bridge I printed, just as a demonstration of what's possible :)
21:47 Triffid_Hunter that hot-end is the arcol v4
21:48 rue_house Triffid_Hunter, 1 sec for images of the head I made
21:49 rue_house http://eds.dyndns.org/~ircjunk/projects/reprap/p1040465.jpg
21:49 rue_house no sensor yet
21:49 Triffid_Hunter rue_house: what's the black stuff?
21:50 Tom_itx in regard to your belt drive this may interest you: http://bell-everman.com/products/linear-positioning/servobelt-linear-sbl
21:50 rue_house http://eds.dyndns.org/~ircjunk/projects/reprap/p1040466.jpg
21:50 Tom_itx click on 'how it works'
21:50 rue_house its paint :)
21:50 Triffid_Hunter rue_house: ah, may want to thin that bolt down if you can
21:50 rue_house http://eds.dyndns.org/~ircjunk/projects/reprap/p1040467.jpg
21:51 Triffid_Hunter no wonder it conducts so much heat if it's that fat
21:51 rue_house carbon steel isn't good, I did a test-heat, its really conductive
21:51 rue_house http://eds.dyndns.org/~ircjunk/projects/reprap/p1040468.jpg
21:51 rue_house http://eds.dyndns.org/~ircjunk/projects/reprap/p1040469.jpg
21:51 rue_house I CAN try to make a quartz neck for it, but I dont think at this point its worth the time
21:52 rue_house http://eds.dyndns.org/~ircjunk/projects/reprap/p1040473.jpg <-- overall machine so far
21:52 Tom_itx Triffid_Hunter did you see that belt drive system ^^
21:52 Tom_itx neat idea i thought
21:52 Tom_itx may not apply for you but i thought it was interesting
21:53 rue_house ah, cool tom
21:53 Triffid_Hunter Tom_itx: yeah interesting idea, bet it costs a heap though
21:53 Tom_itx nothing gets caught in the teeth
21:53 Triffid_Hunter Tom_itx: also we're trying to get motors off the axes to improve acceleration and reduce resonance
21:54 Triffid_Hunter Tom_itx: that's probably more useful for subtractive processes like CNC milling
21:54 rue_house the tripod did a good job of that
21:54 Triffid_Hunter our 3d printers don't chuck bits of crud everywhere :)
21:54 Tom_itx yeah, right now i'm more into cnc than reprap
21:54 Triffid_Hunter Tom_itx: yeah fair enough, may be worth your while checking out smoothie project, that targets cnc as well as reprap
21:55 Tom_itx i just finished updating my control
21:55 Tom_itx it could handle a lot bigger machine now
21:55 Tom_itx 7A drivers
21:56 Tom_itx up to ~80v
21:56 Triffid_Hunter heh that should do the job
21:56 Tom_itx my transformers are 50v
21:57 Triffid_Hunter Tom_itx: http://youtu.be/ndOzDB44NT8 may be interesting.. that's my printer running at what are considered pretty normal speeds these days :)
21:57 Triffid_Hunter a subtractive CNC I think would be making horrific noises if you managed to get it moving that quick
21:57 Tom_itx how many ipm do you run?
21:57 Tom_itx or have you figured that
21:58 Triffid_Hunter Tom_itx: 120mm/s while printing, travel at up to 1m/s
21:58 Tom_itx i could easily do that but with cnc you have alot more load
21:58 Tom_itx i can get 80ipm rapids with my mill
21:58 Triffid_Hunter had to cut the travel rate down to 300mm/s though when I replaced my bushings with linear bearings because the bearings can't move that quick
21:58 rue_house your junk is getting caught in your machine triff
21:58 Tom_itx more than that and the mass makes it miss steps
21:58 Triffid_Hunter Tom_itx: it's the acceleration that's generally scary for CNC folk rather than the top speed
21:59 Tom_itx yeah but you have little mass to move
21:59 rue_house Triffid_Hunter, why is the starter trace going all the way around the amchine?
21:59 Triffid_Hunter rue_house: naw that's to stop the gear taking chunks outta the belt. I've shifted all that around since I made that video
21:59 Triffid_Hunter rue_house: make sure the extruder is primed properly, also I make it tall when printing ABS because ABS likes to warp if it gets any breezes on it
22:00 rue_house http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ikwlsaqjmHA&feature=endscreen&NR=1 that has an aluminum neck, if that works why couldn't I make steel work/
22:01 Triffid_Hunter hm I can't youtube at the moment, am using mobile broadband while our national telco is being stupid about pluggin in our ADSL
22:01 Tom_itx is the idea that you want to keep the neck as cool as possible?
22:02 orlok shit, i keep forgetting you are in australia!
22:02 Triffid_Hunter Tom_itx: yeah we want the heat at the tip, and a relatively sharp thermal transition across the neck. it should never be more than 50c at the top
22:02 orlok Triffid_Hunter: reccomendations on building a 3d printer in oz? buy a kit and all the hardware from bunnings?
22:02 Tom_itx copper fins
22:02 Triffid_Hunter orlok: yeah, where the national telco puts out a survey that asks what people think is holding Australia's internet back, then claims it's been hacked when 93% of respondents say the national telco
22:03 Triffid_Hunter orlok: create3d.com.au is my shop :)
22:03 Tom_itx rue_shop4, make a water cooled neck
22:03 Triffid_Hunter Tom_itx: heh one of those appeared recently on the reprap blog
22:03 Tom_itx which? water?
22:03 Triffid_Hunter general consensus is that it's just one more thing to go wrong
22:03 Triffid_Hunter Tom_itx: yes
22:03 Tom_itx yeah, copper should work pretty well though
22:03 Tom_itx it's a bitch to machine
22:04 Triffid_Hunter Tom_itx: SS is worse but it makes a fantastic barrel material due to its poor conductivity
22:04 Tom_itx what diameter?
22:04 Tom_itx i have some ss tubing
22:04 Triffid_Hunter makergear and j-head hotends use brass barrels, and rely on PEEK and PTFE for the thermal break
22:04 Tom_itx probably 1/4"
22:05 Tom_itx how long is the neck?
22:05 Tom_itx maybe 1.5"?
22:05 Triffid_Hunter Tom_itx: perfect, drill a 3.17mm hole down it, cut the outer wall down to maybe 0.1mm thick, cut some flats either side of the constriction so you can tighten it with a spanner without destroying the thermal break
22:05 Triffid_Hunter Tom_itx: usually 35-40mm
22:06 rue_shop4 Tom_itx, hte whole head is about the size of an AA batery
22:06 Tom_itx rue_shop4, want some ss tubing?
22:06 rue_shop4 I have a roll of 3.6mm ptfe comming
22:06 rue_shop4 tube
22:06 rue_shop4 25feet or so
22:06 Triffid_Hunter https://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/SLcdxSAAW33b0DPixNMrrtMTjNZETYmyPJy0liipFm0 <-- that's a 40mm fan on the left there, for scale
22:07 Tom_itx oh you stick a fan on the extruder neck?
22:07 Triffid_Hunter Tom_itx: yep, to help keep the cold end cold
22:08 rue_shop4 often a fan is placed such that it cools the upper neck of the tip and the plastic that has justbeen extruded
22:08 Triffid_Hunter I have a separate fan for cooling the printed objects
22:08 rue_shop4 then there are the fans for cooling the motors
22:08 Triffid_Hunter an 80mm fan zip-tied to my frame and connected so the firmware can control its speed
22:08 rue_shop4 some machines look like their gonna get up and fly away
22:08 Triffid_Hunter rue_shop4: don't have any cooling motors, my motors only run at 45c or so
22:09 rue_shop4 ok I'm exaggerating a bit
22:09 orlok Advanced electronics kit, Y axis carridge kit, printed parts kit,steel rods kit - what am i missing?
22:10 rue_shop4 orlok, your in australlia?
22:10 Triffid_Hunter orlok: bearings.. need 6x 608, and 10x LM8UU unless you go with printed bushings
22:10 orlok rue_shop4: yup
22:10 Triffid_Hunter orlok: also a hot-end
22:10 Triffid_Hunter orlok: belts and pulleys perhaps
22:10 rue_shop4 k, if in the usa I can significantly reduce the threaded rod kit cost
22:10 orlok Triffid_Hunter: advanced electronics kit includes all that?
22:10 Triffid_Hunter orlok: we're still gearing up for full kits, just a few items missing now
22:10 rue_shop4 orlok, arduino mega and RAMPS shield
22:10 Tom_itx rue_shop4, take a short section from an old coil AC radiator and use that. it's copper tube with fins around it
22:10 rue_shop4 polupu motor drivers
22:10 rue_shop4 atx power supply
22:10 Triffid_Hunter orlok: yeah it does I suppose
22:11 rue_shop4 synchro belts
22:11 Triffid_Hunter orlok: oh yeah, power supply, need one of those
22:11 orlok is the J extruder the hot end?
22:11 Triffid_Hunter orlok: yep that's one, we also have makergear hot-ends
22:11 Tom_itx do they PWM the heater?
22:11 orlok ok, thats all in the advanced electronics kit
22:11 rue_shop4 yes
22:11 Tom_itx or leave it on during the print
22:11 rue_shop4 with pid control loop
22:11 Triffid_Hunter Tom_itx: yes, PID too on the nozzle. bed is run bang-bang
22:12 rue_shop4 orlok, where is your list right now
22:12 rue_shop4 orlok, and atleast one spool of plastic
22:12 Tom_itx how long before initial first startup and the tip is hot enough to work?
22:12 Tom_itx or do you have a preheat cycle
22:12 rue_shop4 from my initial test, about 3 mins
22:12 Triffid_Hunter Tom_itx: couple of minutes perhaps
22:12 Tom_itx do they run a preheat cycle on it?
22:12 Tom_itx that would be a good idea
22:13 rue_shop4 via G code, yes
22:13 Triffid_Hunter Tom_itx: we have gcodes that wait for the nozzle to reach target temperature
22:13 Tom_itx oh
22:13 Triffid_Hunter bed too, the bed can sometimes take a while to heat up
22:13 rue_shop4 Triffid_Hunter, hey, I almost know what I'm talking about :)
22:13 Tom_itx what's the best bed heater?
22:13 Triffid_Hunter the best beds are mains-powered ones
22:13 rue_shop4 most of them are a long pcb trace
22:13 Triffid_Hunter Greg Frost in adelaide uses clothes irons and stove elements
22:13 Tom_itx do any use those rubber mats?
22:14 Tom_itx with elements in them
22:14 Triffid_Hunter Tom_itx: I installed one of those in my printer just yesterday actually, it's lovely
22:14 Tom_itx what W?
22:14 Tom_itx i would think they would be the shizzle
22:14 Triffid_Hunter problem with mains-powered heaters is random joes doing mains wiring tends to be dangerous, especially when we're running mains power to a moving metal platform
22:14 Triffid_Hunter Tom_itx: mine's 250w, it's lovely and fast compared to my pcb heater
22:14 rue_shop4 with pla I understand a heated bed is optional?
22:15 Tom_itx what v did you run the pcb heater at?
22:15 Tom_itx 24v?
22:15 Triffid_Hunter Tom_itx: most of our bed heaters run from 12v to get around the dangers of mains wiring, so they only give 120-150 watts
22:15 Tom_itx ok
22:15 Triffid_Hunter hence the slow warm-up times for the bed
22:15 Triffid_Hunter if you're competent with mains wiring, best get a mains heater
22:15 Triffid_Hunter rue_shop4: yes, you can print on cold blue painter's tape with PLA
22:15 rue_shop4 Triffid_Hunter, so your thwoing over 600W at it?
22:15 Triffid_Hunter rue_shop4: however I used heat anyway with PLA, just set it to 55c
22:16 furrywolf ... the dangers of mains wiring? seriously, it's challenging to wire up a heater?
22:16 rue_shop4 furrywolf, some people making these dont know anyting
22:16 Triffid_Hunter rue_shop4: heh no my silicon heater is designed to give 250w from mains
22:16 rue_shop4 mains + silicone?
22:16 Triffid_Hunter furrywolf: many reprappers I'm sure are perfectly competent, and at the same time I've met quite a lot who I wouldn't trust to wire up a potato clock
22:17 rue_shop4 hahah
22:17 Tom_itx rue_shop4 the're designed for it
22:17 furrywolf natural selection. :P
22:17 e_shop4 agrees with furryw
22:17 Triffid_Hunter like all those who run 5v into the 12v input and wonder why their motors won't turn and their hot-end is sluggish
22:17 GuShH makers.
22:17 rue_shop4 thats part of what I like about australlia, its a place where idiots dont live long
22:18 Triffid_Hunter heh yeah even the trees here kill people
22:18 rue_shop4 I learned that citrus trees have BIG spikes
22:18 Triffid_Hunter some do, some don't
22:18 rue_shop4 its unfortunate I was half way up when I noticed
22:18 furrywolf my lemon is quite pointy.
22:18 Triffid_Hunter we have a bush lemon tree at the bottom of our driveway, it has spikes on it :)
22:19 rue_shop4 it was a lemon treee
22:19 Triffid_Hunter I was more referring to the eucalypts which cover most of australia.. they're a tree where huge branches die and stay in the tree for a while, then suddenly drop
22:20 rue_shop4 we have those here, their called maple trees
22:20 orlok Advanced electronics kit, Y axis carridge kit, printed parts kit,steel rods kit, and a PC PSU (i think i have a few spare)
22:20 furrywolf trees in general do that
22:20 orlok bearings
22:20 orlok whats the best choice?
22:21 rue_shop4 orlok, can I see a link to your advanced electronics kit?
22:21 orlok http://create3d.com.au/shop/product_info.php/cPath/34/products_id/75
22:21 rue_shop4 orlok, "608" skateboard bearings off ebay for $1 ea
22:21 orlok http://create3d.com.au/shop/product_info.php/products_id/63
22:21 orlok rue_shop4: there they are :)
22:21 Triffid_Hunter rue_shop4: need both 6x 608 bearings and some that run on 8mm smooth rod
22:21 Tom_itx http://www.mcmaster.com/#silicone-heaters/=iqm1y1
22:22 rue_shop4 ugh, this machine is half way thru an upgrade and nothing is woring
22:22 Triffid_Hunter rue_shop4: you got printed bushings iirc
22:22 rue_shop4 :( yes
22:22 orlok oh
22:22 e_shop3 switches mach
22:22 orlok those couplers are cheap
22:22 Triffid_Hunter rue_shop4: don't like them? LM8UUs are drop-in replacement
22:22 rue_shop3 I knows$ it
22:22 orlok Triffid_Hunter: what state you in, and hows business?
22:22 rue_shop3 I have some cintered brass bushings
22:23 Triffid_Hunter orlok: northeast nsw, and it's really picking up at the moment
22:23 rue_shop3 I was >< that close to using them
22:23 orlok Triffid_Hunter: i bet!
22:23 rue_shop3 but i'm TRYING to go 'by the book' on this
22:23 Triffid_Hunter orlok: I found a brilliant guy in tweed who actually has a head for business unlike myself
22:24 rue_shop3 pullies are a bit big, but the kit looks good to me
22:24 Triffid_Hunter rue_shop3: mm I'm a bit sus about those brass bushings, seems like a tremendous amount of effort to get them running smoothly
22:24 rue_shop3 Triffid_Hunter your in aus!?
22:24 Triffid_Hunter rue_shop3: lol yes
22:24 rue_shop3 mine are industrail cintered ones
22:25 Triffid_Hunter about 15 mins from the easternmost point of australia
22:25 Tom_itx Triffid_Hunter are you selling reprap?
22:25 rue_shop4 heh, I was there
22:25 rue_shop4 looking over the cliff
22:26 rue_shop4 got a descent stereo set off the camera
22:26 Triffid_Hunter Tom_itx: yes
22:26 rue_shop3 $360!
22:26 rue_shop3 wow
22:26 rue_shop3 I paid less than that for my whole machine so far, and I have 2kg of plastic
22:26 rue_shop3 orlok whats your budget mate?
22:26 orlok rue_shop3: Pretty sure it cant be done for cheaper.. thats motors, drivers, belts, etc
22:27 orlok rue_shop3: Heh, dunno yet....
22:27 Triffid_Hunter rue_shop3: yeah can really squeeze the prices down if you're good at salvaging and have a heap of stuff lying around already
22:27 rue_shop3 orlok I used motors from photocopiers
22:27 Triffid_Hunter you'll find it tricky beating our prices getting everything yourself though
22:27 rue_shop3 new, I agree
22:27 orlok There doesnt seem to be any single component that drives the cost up
22:27 rue_shop3 I'm a good scavenger, I agree
22:28 rue_shop3 its hard to put out this much for a project
22:28 Triffid_Hunter orlok: no it's pretty evenly spread, although the electronics is about twice any other particular group of parts
22:28 rue_shop3 but when at the vancouver faire, everyone said between $1000 and $2000 for their machines
22:28 rue_shop3 I got a arduino mega 2560 for $22
22:29 rue_shop3 I'm gonna make the driver board, cause its raelly just a bunch of wires
22:29 e_shop3 looks for that A
22:29 Triffid_Hunter rue_shop3: makergear do a lovely prusa kit for around $900.. the makerbots cost a fortune because they release shitty designs then follow them with a series of 'upgrades' that are necessary to get it to work properly, but never fold the upgrades back into the original kit
22:30 rue_shop4 heh
22:30 Tom_itx Triffid_Hunter how's maxbot's compare to makergear?
22:30 rue_shop4 I need to upgrade the "might come in handy some day" to 2 boxes
22:30 Triffid_Hunter rue_shop4: https://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/hq6v_oZ5fo3z6l42PHAAPtMTjNZETYmyPJy0liipFm0 <-- yeah I know all about it being a bunch of wires ;)
22:30 rue_shop4 (I primarily reffer to RAMPS 1.2)
22:30 Triffid_Hunter Tom_itx: mendelmax uses aluminium extrusion instead of M8 rod, so should be stiffer. I think he has some very fancy Y axis now too
22:31 Tom_itx his are more $$$
22:31 Tom_itx i think
22:31 rue_shop4 Triffid_Hunter, you want I'll send you free, a atx power connector
22:31 rue_shop4 your 7805 should be mounted to someting that conducts heat better
22:31 Triffid_Hunter rue_shop4: heh I can get them here easily enough.. problem is, the pins don't align with the holes in my veroboard at all
22:31 Triffid_Hunter rue_shop4: no need, it doesn't get hot
22:32 orlok Oh, heatbed...
22:32 Triffid_Hunter rue_shop4: it only provides logic 5v for the 4 stepper drivers
22:32 orlok nope, in electronics kit
22:32 e_shop4 points to the red wire on the power conne
22:32 Triffid_Hunter 5v from the atx is too noisy
22:33 orlok "Genuine J Head Extruder" - is that the hot end and filament drive?
22:33 Tom_itx Triffid_Hunter, there's my fancy control box: http://tom-itx.dyndns.org:81/~webpage/cnc/psu/control3.jpg
22:33 Tom_itx i've changed some connectors since
22:34 rue_shop4 its funny really, the SECOND pcb i EVER made is in this box..
22:34 Triffid_Hunter orlok: that's the hot-end. for drive you want a hyena hobbed bolt, and the printed parts come with your plastics kit. electronics pack has the motor, then just need some M3, M4 fasteners
22:34 rue_shop4 orlok, findthe assembly guide for a better overall understanding
22:34 Tom_itx you can see a smps for my logic 5v on the upper left: http://tom-itx.dyndns.org:81/~webpage/cnc/psu/control5.jpg
22:35 Tom_itx wiring is all cleaned up now as well
22:36 Tom_itx i replaced the stepper plugs with DIN plugs: http://tom-itx.dyndns.org:81/~webpage/cnc/psu/control7.jpg
22:36 Tom_itx i like those ALOT better
22:36 Triffid_Hunter my soldering iron has one of those on it.. have to unplug it and plug it back in every so often for it to recognise the temp sensor
22:37 Tom_itx yeah i had to fix the plug in mine once
22:38 orlok ok, so a touch over $500 for the whole thing
22:38 Tom_itx the drivers are mounted to the door
22:38 rue_shop4 I just found 6 ad595 chips
22:38 Tom_itx behind the heatsink
22:38 Triffid_Hunter rue_shop4: heh there's the rest of your reprap paid for, stick em on ebay for $20/ea and see what happens
22:39 orlok $550 - Electronics, Y axis, Rods, bearings, Printed parts, Hobbed bolt
22:40 rue_shop4 Triffid_Hunter, pff, seriously?
22:40 Tom_itx rue, you tried to sell a rock.
22:40 Tom_itx put them up there
22:40 rue_shop4 and I'd have gotten away with it if it hadn't been for you metaling kids!
22:41 rue_shop4 wait, THAT WAS A GENUINE CANADIAN ROCK
22:41 rue_shop4 the genuine canadain coin set didn't sell either
22:41 rue_shop4 meh
22:41 Tom_itx i got some caymen coins
22:42 Tom_itx http://tom-itx.dyndns.org:81/~webpage/temp/misc/caymen_heads.jpg
22:43 orlok Triffid_Hunter: So, you looking at hiring?
22:44 e_shop4 wonders where he might have more a
22:44 orlok Triffid_Hunter: ALso, i see you offer parts in translucent purple, but you dont sell translucent purple filament?
22:45 Tom_itx ooo purple parts!
22:46 Triffid_Hunter orlok: heh no hiring at the moment, feel free to visit if you like though
22:46 orlok Triffid_Hunter: in vic :-(
22:46 Triffid_Hunter orlok: yeah, some colours are just too pretty.. set of parts takes about 70% of a roll of filament, which leaves me the rest to make pretty things from :)
22:46 Tom_itx orlok you're a helluvalot closer than me
22:48 Triffid_Hunter orlok: visit melbourne hackerspace, it's called cchs from memory
22:48 orlok Triffid_Hunter: Hmm.. i know several of the people involved, cow-worker used to be a regular
22:48 rue_shop3 Triffid_Hunter a 1kg roll!?
22:50 Triffid_Hunter rue_shop3: 900g, yeah
22:50 rue_shop3 I thought the parts kit was lighter than that
22:51 Triffid_Hunter yours might be ;)
22:51 rue_shop4 damn, that means machines are about $50 in just plastic
22:51 Triffid_Hunter rue_shop4: where are you getting your plastic from? we're paying around $33/roll over here, less in bulk
22:51 orlok Triffid_Hunter: Any ideas when purple will be available?
22:51 e_shop4 expl
22:52 rue_shop3 from...
22:52 rue_shop3 uh, I have it noted somewhere
22:52 Triffid_Hunter ultimachine?
22:53 rue_shop3 I got the plastic from the 'voxel factory'
22:53 rue_shop3 for $75 + 15 s&h
22:53 rue_shop3 for 2kg
22:53 rue_shop3 so I suppose $37 /roll
22:54 Triffid_Hunter $45 incl shipping
22:54 Triffid_Hunter I get mine from diamondage in NZ, they have a redistributor in USA somewhere now
22:56 Tom_itx http://diamondage.co.nz/
22:57 Tom_itx http://shop.printbl.com/
23:01 Tom_itx gnite
23:05 furrywolf is kat gone, or just using a different nick?
23:13 rue_shop3 she thinks she bothers me and dosn't want to be here if she bothers me
23:13 rue_shop3 it wasn't what I said
23:14 rue_shop3 I just asked to not be asked ot help with her automated tree destroyer
23:14 furrywolf meh, how can someone so smart be so... whatever kat is, at once? heh.
23:14 rue_shop3 I dont know
23:15 rue_shop3 she has a great mind, I wish she were more stable
23:15 rue_shop3 if stable is the right word
23:15 rue_shop3 I spent two days on a linux install I think I just pooched
23:17 Emray Hey
23:18 Triffid_Hunter hi
23:18 Emray What is this place?
23:19 Triffid_Hunter we talk about robots
23:20 rue_shop3 the mechanical ones
23:20 rue_shop3 or the software ones sometimes
23:20 rue_shop3 sometimes the biological one
23:20 rue_shop3 s
23:20 furrywolf this is a place where your imagination can shape reality, where you can talk about anything from electronics to science to sex toys, where the topics range from your inner thoughts to... the outer limits. please stand by.
23:20 rue_shop3 and sometimes the politics of it all
23:20 Emray Sweet
23:21 Emray I love robots
23:21 Emray I'm working on a hexapod right now
23:21 rue_shop3 if its not related to mechanics, electronics, programming, or psycology, it prolly shouldn't be brought up here
23:22 rue_shop3 damnit, I hvae to go eat
23:22 furrywolf rue_house: bull. everyone here, including you, has brought up plenty of things not related to any of those. :P
23:22 Emray Haha
23:22 Emray So how would I go about programming a hexapod?
23:23 furrywolf very carefully.
23:23 furrywolf although I guess psychology is broad enough it could fit many things into it... sex toys have a bit to do with psychology, maybe...
23:23 theos :P
23:24 Emray So where are you guys? I'm in California
23:24 furrywolf california.
23:24 Emray Well LA
23:25 furrywolf eww.
23:25 Emray ...
23:26 Emray Are there any hacker spaces in your area?
23:26 rrywolf doesn't like cities, especially big ones filled with weird people, crime, cars,
23:26 Emray Oh
23:27 GuShH furrywolf: IRC is just like a big city though
23:27 Emray Full of strange people...
23:27 furrywolf and both of us seem to have left the big "city" we were in,no? :P
23:28 GuShH only for my mental sanity, whatevers left of it.
23:29 Emray So what programs do you guys use for robot stuff?
23:29 GuShH not java
23:29 furrywolf nothing. I don't have the time and money to work on robotics anymore.
23:29 furrywolf and, yes, anything except java, basic, or the c-like arduino crap.
23:30 Emray Oh so yalls are programmers.
23:30 Emray Or brogrammers =0
23:30 furrywolf ?
23:30 GuShH what's a brogrammer?
23:31 GuShH heh 5 usd for a smoke detector, shipped from asia... can't beat that.
23:31 GuShH (they cost about 40-50 usd here!)
23:32 Emray A brogrammer is someone that is a programmer that does things like go to the gym or tan that stuff.
23:32 furrywolf ... sounds stupid.
23:32 GuShH I call that borderline metrosexual and has nothing to do with programming
23:33 Emray broctf. Org
23:33 furrywolf sounds like someone stuck "bro" on a perfectly good word.
23:33 GuShH also why go to the gym, buy the equipment instead.
23:33 furrywolf also, tan? lol
23:33 GuShH or just get your ass off the couch and start doing things
23:33 GuShH furrywolf: now they get tanned with spray guns...
23:33 Emray Go to broctf.org
23:33 furrywolf I get tan by working outside. :P
23:33 GuShH they like to increase their chances of getting cancer.
23:34 GuShH here, put these things in your nose and close your eyes *sprays him like a car*
23:34 furrywolf that pages does not make it sound less stupid.
23:34 Emray You guys are lame
23:34 GuShH Emray: doesn't matter what tools you use, I find it very insulting when someone asks to know which tools you used to do X.
23:34 GuShH it implies you can buy talent and experience, which pisses me off.
23:35 GuShH so it's not about the tools, period.
23:35 GuShH Emray: from this end, you look lame.
23:36 Emray GuShH: I just want to find out if there's a better program for something.
23:36 GuShH Instead of discussing robotics you are talking nonsense by making up words.
23:36 furrywolf yeah, you invented a stupid term, which is probably insulting to those of us with breasts, probably somewhat racist, and genrally annoying.
23:37 Emray Ok what projects are you all working on?
23:37 furrywolf starting a small business (not robotics related) to try to make more money to pay the bills.
23:38 furrywolf putting an engine in my car
23:38 GuShH yey you went for it!
23:38 Emray What's the business?
23:38 GuShH Emray: I'm automating an old central heating system...
23:38 furrywolf trying to install a water heater so I can finally have the miracle that is indoor plumbing
23:38 furrywolf fixing a lawnmower
23:39 GuShH that reminds me I need to either fix my water heater intake hose or replace it
23:39 furrywolf Emray: nothing fancy. independent contractor courier.
23:39 GuShH for some reason it rusted out and it's leaking now.
23:39 GuShH stupid cheap flex hoses.
23:40 GuShH at least it's not the tank, I used to hear water falling onto the burner and turning into steam.
23:40 GuShH speaking of stupid, so is the access to the anode.
23:41 GuShH it's behind the tank, on top, and it's a 1 meter long anode but the place the heater is on doesn't have that much space.
23:41 furrywolf drill a hole in the ceiling.
23:41 GuShH lol
23:41 GuShH this forces me to shut off the valves, purge, disconnect everything, tilt the whole thing out...
23:42 furrywolf or drill a hole in the ceiling.
23:42 Emray So nothing that's really robotics related?
23:42 GuShH if theres a tiny imperfection in the tank and the anode has corroded away, you are in for trouble.
23:42 furrywolf robotics requires spare time and money.
23:42 GuShH Emray: automation is not robotics related somehow?
23:42 Emray Unless it's your job
23:43 GuShH very few people have it as a job
23:43 GuShH and often because they are brilliant, not because of a whim.
23:43 Emray Yup
23:43 GuShH so by your logic I'd need to add 4 caster wheels to the boiler and have it chase a laser?
23:43 GuShH see, you don't fall in the brilliant category, sorry.
23:44 ShH has very little love toward useless robo
23:44 GuShH it either serves a very good function, or it's a complete waste of time and money.
23:44 GuShH and space.
23:45 GuShH Emray: clear example of "good" robotics would be rue's lawn mower bots, that's something I'd build.
23:46 Emray Ahh
23:46 ShH notices china is copying walbro carburetors
23:46 GuShH they're identical physically speaking!
23:46 furrywolf isn't his stuff little? mine has a 6hp motor on top, would make a good robot... :P
23:46 GuShH not sure they say walbro on them though
23:46 furrywolf they've been copying them for a while.
23:46 furrywolf a long while.
23:46 ShH stares at furry
23:46 GuShH now how do I know which ones are real!
23:46 Emray So not like a quadrocopter?
23:47 GuShH what function could such thing serve me, other than spying on the neighbours?
23:47 GuShH ...and costing me over 1k
23:47 Emray It does not cost that much
23:47 GuShH .....also it's a ticket to eternal virginity if you start early on.
23:48 Emray You could make one for a few hundred
23:48 furrywolf I haven't seen a fake with an actual brand/model on it. they're identical copies, but they use their own brand names. that is, they're clones, not counterfeits.
23:48 GuShH Emray: you mean those chinese kits?
23:48 furrywolf gah! what is it with people coming in here and asking about quadcopters?!
23:48 furrywolf why are they suddenly popular?
23:48 GuShH good to know, so aside from possible less tight machining tolerances, should I have to worry about them?
23:48 furrywolf they're not more useful than they've ever been, but now one in ten people who join here talk about them.
23:48 GuShH not sure... build something new, quit building the same thing everyone else has.
23:49 Emray No, like design your own pcb that you mount the motors on and put a battery on
23:49 GuShH IMO a regular heli is a lot more efficient to begin with
23:49 GuShH Emray: you could compare it to designing your own wheel, getting the rubber yourself and vulcanizing it in a mold too.
23:50 Emray So it takes time.
23:50 GuShH it's that stupid.
23:50 GuShH theres a whole industry behind quadcopters these days.
23:50 GuShH don't know why.
23:50 Emray The fun is in the designing and building process. And the fact that you built something that you designed.
23:51 GuShH it's hardly your design when you are aiming to copy what everyone else has been doing
23:52 Emray Well with a robotic lawnmower, that's copying too
23:52 Emray There's a lot of copying.
23:52 GuShH everything is copying.
23:52 GuShH except, like I said, the mower would serve a distinct function.
23:52 Emray You just have to come up with the best design
23:52 GuShH the copter is just a money wasting toy
23:52 Emray It's also a learning experience
23:53 GuShH You could say that about wiping your own ass after eating a new type of food.
23:53 GuShH Emray: So far you strike me as the maker/arduino guy... you should check out their channels.
23:54 Emray So then what are you guys?
23:54 GuShH no valid points, no distinct goal or path. join ##electronics.
23:54 GuShH Emray: here? from students to seasoned engineers and everything in between.
23:55 furrywolf and fluffy wolfies! :P
23:55 GuShH >_<
23:55 GuShH business wolfies
23:55 Emray Well it seems like you guys aren't excited about building and designing
23:55 Emray And that's the fun part
23:56 furrywolf I like building and designing. I also like paying the bills.
23:56 GuShH So based on 4% (or less) you are drawing that opinion.
23:56 GuShH That is, two users are talking right now excluding yourself.
23:56 Emray But whenever I say anything, you guys are pessimistic.
23:56 Emray Well yes
23:56 GuShH You remind me of medical trials.
23:57 Emray Why?
23:57 furrywolf lol
23:58 ShH whis