#robotics Logs

Jul 08 2012

#robotics Calendar

00:34 furrywolf bbl, bed.
02:00 rue_mohr cool
02:01 rue_mohr !seen kim
02:01 tobbor Kim was last seen in #robotics on Sep 26 21:18 2005
02:02 rue_mohr anyhow, buddy came by and we did a bunch of work on the new cnc machine
02:02 rue_mohr the last axis motor is on, and we made a bed for it
03:11 rue_mohr so for todays $1 ebay item I bought 10 8 pin chip sockets :)
03:44 rue_mohr huh 3000mAh AA NiMh for $1?
12:06 rrywolf stretches out next to katsmeow-
12:15 furrywolf "If hazardous materials or human remains are located -- which officials say is highly unlikely -- people are asked to call 911. For oil, chemical, radiological, biological and etiological discharges into the environment, people should call the U.S. Coast Guard National Response Center at 800-424-8802. "
12:15 furrywolf what the hell is an etiological discharge?
12:17 ace4016 doesn't make sense according to the definition of etiology
12:18 furrywolf no, it does not.
12:23 ace4016 next time some situation like that happens, i'll alert them of an etiological discharge; when they say what type, i'll say the dishcarge is the origin of this effect, therefore it's an etiological discharge :P
13:31 inbow_rue stret
13:32 rue_shop Triffid_Hunter, is there much compression or drag on the head?
13:53 Tom_itx rue_shop what were you taking the plotter apart for?
14:19 furrywolf wow. this solar ciculator pump I got has its own built in mppt controller.
14:20 furrywolf http://www.altestore.com/store/Solar-Water-Heaters/Circulating-Pumps/Laing-D5-Solar090B-PV-Direct-Circulating-Pump/p6066/ I got the 720b model
15:04 rue_shop Tom_itx, to make a reprap
15:05 Tom_itx you just paid money for one
15:29 rue_mohr yes, but after we do it by the book I'm gonna do some $20 ones
15:30 rue_mohr I'd like to make one with a 36" bed, maybe not good for huge stuff, but good for lots of small stuff
15:41 Tom_itx what's the average size bed?
16:05 furrywolf went back to the yardsale I went to yesterday, spent too much money again.
16:06 ace4016 tisk tisk
16:07 furrywolf new-in-box 300ft roll of 1/2" pex, $25. big toolbox of assorted pex fittings, copper rings, and two crimping tools, $25. new hot water tempering valve, $5. new double check valve, $5. new expansion tank, $5. new wall/cubbard heater (basically just a heater core and fan), $5. new 1.25" stainless foot valve, $5.
16:09 furrywolf oh, and electric window/skylight control system, $5.
16:11 furrywolf http://www.ebay.com/itm/Rehau-1-2-x-300-PEXa-O2-Barrier-PEX-Pipe-/120897534913?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item1c260dfbc1 heh, I spent half as much on the whole pile as the roll of tubing sells for on ebay.
16:13 furrywolf the pex crimpers are $85 each...
16:15 furrywolf I was planning on using CPVC for my interior plumbing, and already got the pipe... but now I could use pex too...
18:42 Tom_itx ok, rewiring the power to the drivers with lighter wire seems to have helped. not as much stress on the plug in connectors now
18:42 Tom_itx gradually getting all this debugged
19:15 Triffid_Hunter rue_mohr: there's some drag, not sure what you mean by compression.. the pressure exerted by the filament itself is quite astounding, a reprap is fully capable of lifting its own weight off the table by the extruder alone if you have a tangle in your spool, and the hot-end must accept that amount of pressure
19:16 Triffid_Hunter rue_mohr: if you mean compression from things pushing upwards on the nozzle, only if you crash it into the bed
19:17 Tom_itx what sort of coil feeder is used to feed the filament thru the head?
19:17 Tom_itx sorta like a wire feed welder?
19:27 Triffid_Hunter Tom_itx: toothed pinchwheel
19:27 Triffid_Hunter Tom_itx: the hyenas at arcol.hu are most popular at the moment, there's a tremendous amount of rather terrible ones around
19:27 Tom_itx yeah, my welder has a springloaded toothed gear
19:28 Triffid_Hunter Tom_itx: we set the tension to bite between 0.5 and 1mm into the filament
19:31 Tom_itx is that little threaded square block the heater?
20:57 katsmeow-afk .
20:57 Tom_itx o
21:06 katsmeow-afk i did more damage to my wrist falling on it yesterday than i thought i did
21:09 Tom_itx better rest it
21:09 katsmeow-afk i'm not using it as much as i'd like
21:10 katsmeow-afk i wanted to be drilling and tapping heatsinks , but i fell on all that beautiful grey rock yesterday
21:11 katsmeow-afk the fall was fine, the landing was all the wrong angles, the rock down there doesnt lay flat
21:12 katsmeow-afk it's one of thos "take the good with the bad" things
21:12 Tom_itx yeah
21:13 Tom_itx i rewired the power to my drivers today with a bit lighter wire
21:13 Tom_itx the heavy gage was putting too much strain on the plug that came with them
21:13 katsmeow-afk ajust the fuses accordingly?
21:13 Tom_itx this 18 ga is plenty big
21:13 Tom_itx what fuses?
21:13 Tom_itx :)
21:13 katsmeow-afk oh
21:14 Tom_itx i have a main fuse
21:14 katsmeow-afk what wire size were you using?
21:14 Tom_itx but i haven't put it in place yet because quite frankly i can't find a holder i like
21:14 Tom_itx umm 14 i think
21:14 Tom_itx but i got 18 to the steppers so i figure 18 is ok to the stepper drivers
21:15 Tom_itx one pair per driver
21:15 katsmeow-afk oh, ok
21:15 tsmeow-afk
21:15 Tom_itx much less strain
21:16 katsmeow-afk 18 may run warm at 5amps
21:16 Tom_itx yeah
21:16 Tom_itx it's got a 3.5A limit resistor on the driver
21:17 katsmeow-afk general rule of thumb too: if the connectors fail because of the wire size, they couldn't carry the amperage of that wire anyhow
21:17 Tom_itx they were supplied with the drivers
21:17 katsmeow-afk oh, 18 is ok at 3.5amps, it will run room temperature
21:19 katsmeow-afk the only reason i rate my psu at 5amps is it's got so much fan on it, and the banananananananana jacks will fail above 5amps anyhow
21:20 katsmeow-afk it's one minute surge rating is quite high, and the 5sec rating is over 25amps
21:20 katsmeow-afk basically, if it's too hot to touch, time to shut off
21:20 Tom_itx there's a couple things i could change on this but it's the stuff i had so it got used
21:20 katsmeow-afk same here
21:21 Tom_itx and it works
21:21 katsmeow-afk but, for instance, putting 2 mots in this box would have made it non-portable
21:23 katsmeow-afk what are the drill bits called that have 1/4 shank, but the drill bit may be much smaller, and only 1/4 long?
21:24 katsmeow-afk | |
21:24 katsmeow-afk \ /
21:24 katsmeow-afk \ /
21:24 katsmeow-afk ||
21:25 katsmeow-afk spotter bits?
21:25 katsmeow-afk i dunno
21:25 Tom_itx i'm not sure, spot drills, center drills?
21:25 Tom_itx debur bit?
21:26 Tom_itx oh
21:26 Tom_itx #3 center drill
21:26 Tom_itx #2 etc
21:26 Tom_itx hang on
21:27 Tom_itx http://www.travers.com/skulist.asp?r=s&n=||UserSearch1%3Ddrills&q=block+id+37948+and+class+level3+id+30355
21:28 Tom_itx those?
21:28 katsmeow-afk this is what enco has for "spotting bits" : http://www.use-enco.com/CGI/INPDFF?PMPAGE=48&PARTPG=INLMK32
21:28 katsmeow-afk yeas, but i was thinking of single ended
21:29 katsmeow-afk umm, thos countersink too
21:30 katsmeow-afk you know how like a #60 carbide pcb bit has a 1/8 shank? i was looking for a 1/4 or 3/6 on a 1/8 twist bit , but basically the same proportions,, so the bit cannot walk before it starts cutting
21:30 Tom_itx hmm
21:31 Tom_itx yeah we used similar for spot drills
21:31 Tom_itx i call what i linked a center drill
21:31 katsmeow-afk a 2" long 1/8 bit obviously walks, i can shut off the press and see plainly the bit is bent to one side
21:31 Tom_itx yeah
21:32 Tom_itx i spot them with one of those first or use a center punch
21:32 katsmeow-afk dinking the surface with a punch first doesn't always help
21:32 Tom_itx i know
21:42 Tom_itx http://www.travers.com/skulist.asp?r=s&n=||UserSearch1%3Dstep+drill&q=block+id+111888+and+class+level3+id+30349
21:42 Tom_itx not those?
21:42 Tom_itx http://www.travers.com/skulist.asp?r=s&n=||UserSearch1%3Dstep+drill&q=block+id+63109+and+class+level3+id+30295
21:42 Tom_itx or that?
21:42 Tom_itx that's more for tapping
21:44 katsmeow-afk neither
21:45 katsmeow-afk afk to put groceries away, milk is getting warm
21:45 Tom_itx mmm i dunno then
21:52 ace4016 warm milk? making buttermilk? :P
22:11 katsmeow-afk bak
22:33 rue_mohr I hate to use the s-word but I need a mechanical simulator
22:34 Keknom I like using Acad inventor for them
22:47 rue_mohr hmm
22:47 rue_mohr is it free?
22:48 Tom_itx solidworks
23:46 ferdna is there any RC (car/planes) irc channel?