#robotics Logs

Jul 04 2012

#robotics Calendar

00:29 furrywolf bbl, wolfy bedtime
01:25 ferdna i want a bicycle!!!
01:27 ace4016 i want to ride my bicycle, i want to ride my bike!
01:28 ferdna ace4016, i am thinking: http://www.walmart.com/ip/Genesis-Saber-26-Mountain-Bike/16685766
01:37 ace4016 mm...not a fan of walmart bikes in general, but if it works, it works :D
01:44 ferdna ace4016, i hope it does... anything you recommend for about the same price?
01:48 ace4016 not really; though i'm in the market for a good quality bike and will be doing a bit more research soon
01:48 ace4016 buying used is usually not a bad idea for a good quality bike
01:49 ace4016 a few nicks or so is ntohing
01:49 ace4016 nothing*
01:50 ferdna i guess
02:42 GuShH ...as long as it's not nicked.
02:53 peepsalot how are big servo motors like those used in professional cnc(not rc servos) controlled?
04:55 Tom_itx peepsalot pwm
04:55 Tom_itx join #linuxcnc if you have specific quesitons
04:55 peepsalot Tom_itx, how do you specify past 360 degrees?
04:56 Tom_itx they have control units to run them generally
04:56 Tom_itx why would it stop at 360 deg anyway?
04:57 Tom_itx if you apply pwm it will turn
04:57 Tom_itx i don't have servos on mine but mine use step and direction signals
04:57 peepsalot oh, i thought the pwm told it was angle to go to
04:57 Tom_itx i presume servos would be similar
04:57 Tom_itx no
04:57 Tom_itx rather how fast
04:58 peepsalot yeah i've used bipolar steppers
04:58 peepsalot i thought the big cnc servos weren't really steppers though
04:58 Tom_itx they're not
04:59 peepsalot but the drivers still take step/dir input?
04:59 Tom_itx i think so but like i said, i've not used one
05:01 Tom_itx you could ask in there but you may not get a reply right now, most are probably not awake
05:08 Tom_itx http://www.ebay.com/itm/NEW-BALDOR-TSD-050-05-1-U-SERVO-DRIVE-CONTROL-SINGLE-AXIS-FOR-DC-SERVO-MOTORS-/110909722378?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item19d2bc0f0a
05:09 Tom_itx peepsalot, for example^^
07:24 sw0rdfish Hi.
07:24 sw0rdfish So, the Higgs Boson is the news of the hour, katsmeow-afk :D
07:24 sw0rdfish yayy! GOOO PHYSICS!
07:32 redotics sw0rdfish, do you have a link ?
07:32 sw0rdfish http://www.news.com.au/technology/sci-tech/scientists-may-have-found-god-particle/story-fn5fsgyc-1226417165748
07:32 sw0rdfish watch the video first
07:33 sw0rdfish then read the article.
07:41 redotics http://www.newscientist.com/article/dn22014-celebrations-as-higgs-boson-is-finally-discovered.html
07:41 redotics ok thanks sw0rdfish
07:44 sw0rdfish hehe :D
07:48 redotics http://www.youtube.com/user/CERNTV if you'd like to sing "glorious higgs" lol
07:54 redotics http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QG8g5JW64BA for at least guessing What is the Higgs Boson .
07:55 ckkitten idly pokes a Higgs fi
07:55 ckkitten asplo
08:03 dotics 's toughts are a higgs f
08:03 dotics 's thoughts are a higgs f
08:04 sw0rdfish hello hackkitten :)
08:06 hackkitten hi sw0rdfish :)
08:58 rizlah So we were discussing multimeters earlier, is the MAS830B any good?
09:12 rue_mohr link?
09:14 rizlah http://www.multimeterwarehouse.com/MAS830Bf.htm OR http://www.naugramultimeters.com/digitalmultimeter/digitalmultimeter92a.htm
09:15 rizlah First links found on ddg
09:15 rue_mohr na, get an autoranger
09:16 rue_mohr http://www.multimeterwarehouse.com/TP4000ZCf.htm
09:23 rizlah Too much money for a rare-use item. Will buy something more extravagent later
09:23 rizlah For now I need something that works for general/hobby use
09:24 rue_mohr rare-use?
09:24 rue_mohr why dont you get a REALLY cheap one then
09:24 rue_mohr http://www.multimeterwarehouse.com/mf213f.htm
09:24 rizlah The two linked above are buyable at a shop around here, hence its easier to buy them (if they're good enough) rather than buy on the net
09:24 Tom_itx yeah spend $5 on one then when you burn it up you can use the lcd from it
09:24 rizlah Not a fan of analogue
09:24 rizlah -ue
09:24 Tom_itx and you'll still have a $5 lcd
09:24 rue_mohr yes but you want cheap
09:25 rizlah Read what I said above
09:25 rue_mohr you said you never use it
09:25 rizlah I said rare-use, as in not every day professional stuff
09:25 rue_mohr an analog meter can measure battery voltages great
09:27 rue_mohr http://www.multimeterwarehouse.com/stp010f.htm
09:27 rue_mohr ^^ tom?
09:27 rizlah "The two linked above are buyable at a shop around here, hence its easier to buy them (if they're good enough) rather than buy on the net" is why those specifically, but if they're no good at all then I'll buy the one kats recommended the other day
09:29 rue_mohr I'd prefer analog over non-autoranging digitial
09:29 Tom_itx http://www.mecsoft.com/freemill.shtml
09:29 Tom_itx rue
09:30 rue_mohr < linux
09:31 rizlah What distro?
09:33 rue_mohr debian
09:33 Tom_itx some old antiquated debian version
09:33 Tom_itx :D
09:33 rue_mohr heh
09:34 rue_mohr unlike windows, complete reinstalls aren't needed every year to keep linux working right
09:34 m_itx opens rue_mohr's window so he can see the rest of the w
09:34 rizlah Will be installing debian soon, just need to get the energy to backup & whatnot
09:34 rizlah On arch right nowlol
09:34 rue_mohr I'v not had to reinstall debian in 12+ years
09:34 Tom_itx i have done fewer windows updates of late than linux
09:34 rue_mohr it upgrades fine
09:34 Tom_itx the last linux update required a reboot
09:35 rue_mohr Tom_itx, if you change kernels, you need to reboot **IF** you dont have live-kernel-changes enabled
09:35 Tom_itx it didn't change kernel
09:36 rue_mohr then you didn't need to reboot
09:37 Tom_itx it said it did
09:37 Tom_itx i didn't argue
09:40 Tom_itx my damn headache is back
11:14 ^robertj any ideas on software to take a few point clouds and composite them?
11:16 ^robertj they are very simple, just some manually marked edge nodes on 2d photos
11:17 ^robertj i'm trying to make an overhead vector outline of my garden
11:28 joink ^robertj: lab-something or something-lab :P
11:29 furrywolf grrr, znc lost my buffer again.
11:29 furrywolf did I miss anything?
11:30 ^robertj furrywolf, I asked a boring question
11:30 ^robertj furrywolf, I've got a bunch of point clouds with known shared points and was looking to see if there was any software to combine them
11:31 furrywolf I've seen it done, but can't remember what it was.
15:02 Tom_itx http://www2.electronicproducts.com/New_robot_beats_humans_in_rock_paper_scissors_100_of_the_time-article-fajb_robot_rock_paper_jul2012-html.aspx
15:05 ace4016 hah, i knew it was cheating before i read the article....bastard robots
15:06 Tom_itx the hand is just quicker than the eye.. as they say
15:09 ace4016 :D
15:56 ferdna need help!!!!!
15:57 ferdna i replaced the caps on an old 5 disc cd changer...
15:57 ferdna now it wont read discs
15:57 ace4016 same type/value caps?
15:57 ace4016 didn't put anything backwards if it's a polarized cap?
15:58 ace4016 ESR different?
15:58 ferdna ace4016, yes same type/value caps...
15:58 ferdna nothing reverse.. i followed the silk indications
15:58 ferdna double checked that
15:58 ferdna ace4016, yes ESR different
15:59 ferdna but ESR wont make a difference will it?
15:59 ace4016 it can
15:59 ace4016 iirc
16:00 ace4016 throws the timing off, or can
16:00 ace4016 depending on what the caps are for
16:01 ferdna i see
16:01 ferdna but there is no way to get ESR off this caps
16:01 ferdna they were bad
16:02 ace4016 heh
16:02 ferdna any suggestions?
16:03 ace4016 mm, can't think of anything too much; most of my knowledge is theoretical :P
16:07 ferdna ace4016, SG 470uf 10v 85*C (M) F9A
16:55 ferdna ace4016, from the internets: the phyiscal size of the cap gives you an indication of its ESR. If the cap has to handle a lot of current, then a smaller cap can overheat.
16:59 ace4016 aye
17:42 furrywolf umm, many low-esr caps are quite small relative to cheaper caps.
17:42 furrywolf lower esr means less heat dissipation.
17:43 furrywolf and thus doesn't need to be as large.
18:52 Tom_itx rue_mohr, Triffid_Hunter, http://www.ulule.com/foldarap/
19:09 ferdna furrywolf, so that means that those caps are good?
19:47 furrywolf yay, done with work for today. (assuming we don't get any surprise calls, of course)
19:57 furrywolf worked on someone's saab today... hard to shift, and no reverse. problem was a broken bushing in the shift linkage, due to piss-poor design. fabbed (ish) a new one out of cpvc pipe, car's back on the road at least.
19:58 furrywolf the whole shift linkage is plastic crap
19:58 furrywolf breaks by design.
19:58 furrywolf the piece of pipe and hose clamp I put in is stronger than the original design.
20:22 rue_mohr heh
20:23 rue_mohr wow, the evolution tree is crazy
20:24 Tom_itx did you see the rock paper scissor link above?
20:25 rue_mohr the robot arm?
20:25 rue_mohr that always beats ya?
20:25 Tom_itx yeah
20:25 Tom_itx heh
20:25 rue_mohr hackaday, days ago
20:44 rue_mohr ok todays $1 ebay buy
20:44 rue_mohr one of:
20:44 rue_mohr 5x 2N7000 transistors...
20:44 rue_mohr 3 40 pin header pin strips....
20:44 rue_mohr 2x 74595 chips
20:44 rue_mohr 3x 555 chips
20:45 rue_mohr 10x 8 pin dip sockets
20:45 rue_mohr 30x 1N4148 diodes...
20:45 rue_mohr a 1W blue led....
20:46 rue_mohr a 7cmx9cm protoboard....
20:46 rue_mohr 10x 20A 1/4" fuses...
20:46 rue_mohr or a microswitch with a roller wheel on its bar
20:47 rue_mohr anything jump out to anyone as the more exciting buy?
20:47 rue_mohr I'm thinking the protoboard, the 595 or the 1W led
20:47 rue_mohr can I help?
20:47 Tom_itx what don't you have?
20:47 rue_mohr sure!
20:48 rue_mohr what we doing?
20:48 rue_mohr choosing an impulse buy
20:48 rue_mohr ok
20:48 rue_mohr of?
20:48 rue_mohr ^^^ see above
20:48 m_itx leaves the two of you to
20:48 rue_mohr dosn't matter tom, its a $1 buy
20:48 rue_mohr they are all $1 w/free shipping
20:49 Tom_itx so get the diodes then
20:49 Tom_itx you get more bang for your buck
20:49 rue_mohr do you?
20:49 Tom_itx so get the 595 then
20:49 rue_mohr iirc I'm out of 8pin dip sockets
20:49 Tom_itx dont use em
20:50 rue_mohr so your voting for the diodes or the 595
20:50 Tom_itx a 1w blue led would be annoying
20:50 rue_mohr not fun?
20:50 rue_mohr I'v never fooled around with one like that
20:51 Tom_itx i must say, i got a few and don't really like blue ones
20:51 rue_mohr I was most interested in blue
20:51 rue_mohr oh I got my big solar panel home
20:51 Tom_itx they don't stand out as a recognizable color warning
20:52 rue_mohr I'll get the 2n7000 today, think about the rest later
20:52 Tom_itx i dunno what those are
20:52 rue_mohr fet
20:52 Tom_itx i know they're transistors
20:52 rue_mohr to-92 fets
20:53 rue_mohr 5R
20:54 rue_mohr so I suppose they are good for voltage detection
20:54 rue_mohr cant really drive a motor at 5 ohms
20:57 rue_mohr http://www.ebay.com/itm/PT2399-2399-Echo-Audio-Processor-Guitar-IC-/260803603899?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item3cb91b2dbb
20:57 rue_mohr THERE is a toy
20:57 rue_mohr get that tommorow maybe
21:00 rue_mohr oooo max232 for $1
21:00 Tom_itx delay line?
21:01 rue_mohr its an audio chip, prolly something to sit down and by busy with for a while
21:03 e_mohr catches himeself drooling over a 3914 "I HAVE SOME IN THE SH
21:08 ace4016 fancy http://www.ebay.com/itm/ARM-V2-DSO203-Digital-oscilloscope-4-channel-Aluminum-Case-Silver-Black-/160705670184?_trksid=p4340.m1982&_trkparms=aid%3D555001%26algo%3DPW.CURRENT%26ao%3D1%26asc%3D7%26meid%3D382144535081705669%26pid%3D100009%26prg%3D1004%26rk%3D2%26
21:08 ace4016 grr...hyperlink cruft
21:09 The_jester greets
21:10 ace4016 'lo
21:13 rue_mohr ICL7660SCPA <-- whats that?
21:14 rue_mohr its a dc-dc converter
21:15 rue_mohr switched capacitor
21:15 rue_mohr Vinmax = 12V
21:15 The_jester greets rue
21:15 rue_mohr I bought my ebay item for the day
21:15 rue_mohr 5x 2N7000 fets
21:16 rue_mohr http://www.ebay.com/itm/PT2399-2399-Echo-Audio-Processor-Guitar-IC-/260803603899?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item3cb91b2dbb
21:16 rue_mohr think I should get that tommorow?
21:16 The_jester did you order our parts kit yet?
21:16 rue_mohr http://www.ebay.com/itm/1-piece-x-9-15-Universal-Board-Test-Board-9CM-15CM-PCBs-/220983887776?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item3373aa87a0
21:16 rue_mohr or that?
21:16 rue_mohr no...
21:18 The_jester what generation of machine do you have in mind?, im on the reprap wiki atm
21:18 rue_mohr I was thinking of a mendel, but I'v been told otherwise
21:18 rue_mohr hey, Triffid_Hunter
21:18 rue_mohr what machine should I make
21:19 rue_mohr co... The_jester check this out!
21:19 rue_mohr https://plus.google.com/photos/114006544968779005866/albums/5409147241741240113?banner=pwa
21:19 rue_mohr thats Triffid_Hunter's first machine
21:19 rue_mohr ~2yr timespan
21:19 rue_mohr trimmer line dosn't work
21:20 Triffid_Hunter actually it does work, but emits toxic gases
21:20 rue_mohr ah :)
21:20 Triffid_Hunter The_jester: get a prusa or a mendelmax
21:20 rue_mohr mendel?
21:20 rue_mohr I'm paying
21:20 rue_mohr were looking for a parts kit
21:20 furrywolf meh. I can't find _anything_ about how to machine a rzeppa joint.
21:21 rue_mohr rzeppa?
21:21 furrywolf ball type constant velocity joint
21:21 furrywolf the ones with six balls in six grooves with a cage, like found on front wheel drive cars.
21:21 rue_mohr like on model boat propellor drives
21:22 rue_mohr oh
21:22 Triffid_Hunter rue_mohr: full kit? the kits from makergear are reportedly excellent, mendelmax kits are decent too. lots of really shady sellers around, so check with me and/or #reprap if unsure
21:22 rue_mohr maybe not full full, I have steppers, and can make drivers
21:22 The_jester i suppose it doesnt matter which we build, once we get it up and running it can print a differnt machine
21:23 furrywolf I do think I won't just need to finish my 4th axis, but will need to make a 5th axis too, to machine one.
21:23 furrywolf but want to find information on it to see!
21:23 rue_mohr I ahve one of those joints, want closeup pics?
21:24 furrywolf I have them too, but that doesn't help much...
21:24 rue_mohr if you have one sitting infront of you, whats the holdup?
21:24 rue_mohr I have one on the desk in the shop
21:25 rue_mohr been kicking around for like 12 years
21:25 ferdna i need slip rings on the cheap or easy to diy...
21:25 rue_mohr I swore I was gonna make a drillpress with it,
21:26 rue_mohr then someone found one at a garage sale cheap and I bought it
21:26 The_jester i dont see anything particularly intimidating about these machines
21:26 Triffid_Hunter ferdna: get some copper pipe from your local hardware, cut it down.. get brushes from motors :)
21:26 rue_mohr the extruder head
21:26 ferdna Triffid_Hunter, coool... thanks!!!
21:27 The_jester pfft
21:27 furrywolf ferdna: what size? broken car alternators have a nice pair, and are dirt cheap.
21:27 The_jester https://picasaweb.google.com/114006544968779005866/Mendel?noredirect=1#5655896871533648194
21:27 ferdna furrywolf, oh great idea...
21:27 rue_mohr I know
21:28 The_jester Triffid: what are yyou using fpr a nossle?
21:28 The_jester reminds me, no b.s, of the tip on a pop rivet gun
21:28 rue_mohr I think he paid $omeone for an "official" one
21:28 rue_mohr yea, but the guns are too big
21:29 rue_mohr UNLESS say you had a brazing torch and a #80 carbide drill bit...
21:29 rue_mohr know anyone with? }:)
21:29 The_jester sure do
21:30 rue_mohr funny I didn't think of that last night while looking at the rivet gun and thinking "that wont work, hole is too big"
21:30 The_jester well, what the holdup
21:30 The_jester ?
21:30 rue_mohr Triffid_Hunter, have a min to suggest a frame kit for a mendel-max, pref ebay?
21:31 rue_mohr heh
21:31 katsmeow-afk rue, do what i did with carb jets way back when: fill them with solder, then you can use a cheaper drill bit to bore them out to smaller sizes
21:31 rue_mohr if he selects it, I pay for it, and you assemble it...
21:32 e_mohr starts a comm
21:32 rue_mohr ok The_jester see if you can find a mendel_max kit on ebay
21:33 furrywolf I don't know how well soft solder will hold up to forcing material through it at high pressure, might errode pretty quickly.
21:33 The_jester im on it
21:34 katsmeow-afk ok, then buy a whole range of carbide bits to drill harder materials in your search for the correct size
21:34 furrywolf or pour solder around stainless sewing needles, then pull out the needle. :)
21:35 katsmeow-afk it sticks
21:35 katsmeow-afk shrinks as it cools
21:35 The_jester could just buy that..
21:35 The_jester http://www.ebay.ca/itm/Used-3D-Printer-RepRap-LulzBot-Prusa-Mendel-1-0-/261058025138?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item3cc84556b2
21:38 furrywolf or buy/build a machine that makes useful things, like a milling machine. :)
21:38 rue_mohr lets set an $80 budget for now
21:38 The_jester :)
21:38 rue_mohr iirc kits are usually $50
21:39 rue_mohr katsmeow-afk, I have a large box of #80 carbide bits
21:39 katsmeow-afk ok
21:40 The_jester i dont see and $50 mendalmax kits
21:40 Triffid_Hunter The_jester: I got arcol v4 and makergear hot-ends here
21:40 Triffid_Hunter the nozzles themselves are pretty simple, it's the rest of the hot-end that's important to be done properly
21:40 furrywolf I have a bunch of random tiny carbide bits, pcb drills that were too short after sharpening.
21:41 furrywolf bushings? that machine slides on plastic bushings, rather than even pretending to have ways or bearings?
21:41 Triffid_Hunter you *have* to be able to keep the top below 40c while the nozzle is at 240c, and it must withstand quite a lot of pressure without any mechanical deformation
21:41 Triffid_Hunter furrywolf: the load is only a kilo or less, and we need repeatable accuracy of only 0.1mm or so.. I hear that people prefer bushings over linear bearings, having tried both
21:42 rrywolf prefers ground
21:42 Triffid_Hunter furrywolf: I have linear bearings on my printer, they slow it down :/
21:43 orlok whipper snipper cord?
21:43 orlok really?
21:43 orlok wow
21:43 Triffid_Hunter furrywolf: could travel at 1000mm/s with my bushings, chucked some linear recirculating bearings on and now I can't go more than 300mm/s
21:43 Triffid_Hunter orlok: emits toxic gases.. best stick with
21:43 Triffid_Hunter PLA and ABS
21:43 orlok ahh
21:44 Triffid_Hunter or polycarbonate, if you get a hot-end that can take the heat
21:44 rue_mohr if not $80 what are we at?
21:44 The_jester rue: http://www.ebay.ca/itm/Reprap-LM8UU-Prusa-Mendel-Printed-Parts-Kit-/150820586185?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item231d9b82c9
21:44 rue_mohr Triffid_Hunter, whats the basic diff between the mendel and mendel-max?
21:44 The_jester comes with Wade's Geared Extruder
21:45 furrywolf if I ever decide to build something 3d-printer-like, I'd probably go for selective laser sintering. then I can use metal powders...
21:45 The_jester found one mendal max kit it was like $300
21:45 rue_mohr 33 for chipping!?
21:45 orlok furrywolf: like shapeways?
21:45 rue_mohr ouccch
21:45 furrywolf orlok: shapeways?
21:46 orlok furrywolf: been around since before the current 3d printing buzz, they are "the" commercial 3d printers
21:46 rue_mohr jespern, thats $100 !
21:46 rue_mohr The_jester,
21:46 rue_mohr us!
21:46 e_jester Sh
21:46 rue_mohr hahahah not your money
21:46 furrywolf working on the piece of shit saab today reminded me how I will never, ever use plastic unless I need something nonconductive.
21:46 orlok i cant wait until i have some "spare time"
21:46 e_mohr th
21:48 e_mohr looks at The_jes
21:49 rue_mohr Triffid_Hunter, any comments on that ebay link?
21:50 Triffid_Hunter rue_mohr: mendelmax replaces the threaded rod frame with alu extrusions, so should be stiffer
21:50 Triffid_Hunter apart from that not much difference
21:51 rue_mohr ok
21:51 Triffid_Hunter the actual kits from mendelmax.com have quite a few changes, like mains-powered heaters and brass bushings and things like that
21:51 furrywolf heh, if I wanted to, I bet it'd be trivial to make a 3d printing head for my milling machine.
21:51 rue_mohr http://www.ebay.ca/itm/Reprap-LM8UU-Prusa-Mendel-Printed-Parts-Kit-/150820586185?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item231d9b82c9
21:51 furrywolf I should mount a hot glue gun to it one of these days just to claim I have a 3d printer.
21:51 rue_mohr but that is pretty generic/straighforward
21:51 rue_mohr dont see any immediate concerns?
21:52 e_mohr goes to compare 5/16" to M8 thread p
21:52 Triffid_Hunter yeah looks ok, I recognise some of my own parts in there :)
21:52 The_jester we want the sae kit obviously
21:54 Triffid_Hunter The_jester: fwiw even the american reprappers are going for metric
21:54 furrywolf that's now two new heads I need to build... need to build a high-speed spindle too. going to use a 60K rpm air die grinder.
21:54 Triffid_Hunter because LM8UUs just don't run properly on 5/16" smooth rod, and there's no such thing as a LM5/16"UU
21:55 The_jester hmm
21:56 rue_mohr 5/16" is typ 18 , but available up to 32 M8 is 1,,
21:56 rue_mohr 1mm
21:56 rue_mohr 18tpi is 1.41mm
21:57 furrywolf hrmm... I've gotten pretty good at making shapes by walking around a weld pool... I wonder if I could stick my mig welder on the head and print metal parts? :)
21:57 rue_mohr 24tpi is 1.058mm
21:57 rue_mohr 32tpi is .79mm
21:58 rue_mohr furrywolf, haha, I was just thinking about the wirefeed I have today
21:58 rue_mohr wait
21:58 e_jester w
21:59 rue_mohr waaait.. they dont use the threaded rod for feeding...
21:59 rue_mohr oh wait, they do, for Z
21:59 rue_mohr ok, thats not relivent
21:59 rue_mohr ok
21:59 rue_mohr sae, we find 24tpi rod
21:59 rue_mohr /make
21:59 The_jester sure
22:00 rue_mohr $101 USD :(
22:01 rue_mohr we better make this
22:01 rue_mohr $106 cad
22:01 The_jester you should look youreself, its the most complete cheapest kit i could find
22:01 The_jester if only someone had one up here
22:01 rue_mohr no thats ok
22:02 The_jester could print us one..
22:02 rue_mohr its got a green check by trif, looks good to me, and its already paid for
22:02 The_jester Sweet
22:03 furrywolf ohhh! *slaps head*. I've been meaning to make a stepper-driven spindle for a while, so I can do cnc threading. I can just stick the lathe chuck on this and use it for the 5th axis.
22:03 rue_mohr now, less motor drivers, see if you can find a controller :)
22:03 The_jester shouldent we just build one?
22:03 furrywolf a stepper-driven lathe spindle is very similar to a 5th axis. :)
22:04 rue_mohr if you will excise me, I need to find 100 things in the shop to sell for $1
22:04 The_jester we can use that giant perf board you posted..lol
22:05 The_jester well atleast now i know which machine we will be building
22:11 furrywolf for nozzles, what about pilot orifices?
22:12 rue_mohr The_jester, now go find the assembly instructions :)
22:13 rue_mohr furrywolf, good idea, I have a bunch of gas valves I can tear into
22:14 furrywolf last time I did an lp conversion on a stove, I had a total of six different orifices, three sizes for each fuel. they were burner rather than pilot orifices, for a stove with one jumbo, two medium, and one small burner...
22:14 furrywolf six sizes to pick from, all with the same thread.
22:23 rue_mohr The_jester, remember we already have a nema 13? motors
22:23 rue_mohr and all the syncrobelt
22:24 rue_mohr and motor drivers
22:24 rue_mohr and limit switches
22:26 rue_mohr 4x40 character lcd displays
22:26 rue_mohr power supplies
22:26 rue_mohr wirrrrrre....
22:30 rue_mohr oops I forgot to say sae kit
22:31 furrywolf sae kit?
22:32 rue_mohr not metric
22:33 rue_mohr tho, I'm not sure there is much of a difference
22:35 rue_mohr huh, if I put a peltier on my computer hooked to a solar cell on the roof, the hotter a day it was the more my computer would be cooled
22:35 furrywolf instead of a cell, you'd need a large panel.
22:35 furrywolf and it'd be cooled more on brighter days, not hotter days.
22:35 rue_mohr oh I brough tit home today
22:36 furrywolf ?
22:36 Tom_itx rue_mohr, maxbots in #seattlerobotics sells the mendlemax kit
22:36 rue_mohr too late
22:36 Tom_itx ?
22:37 rue_mohr just paid $100 to get that one jester found on ebay
22:37 Tom_itx oh
22:37 rue_mohr I'm more hurt than my bank account
22:37 Tom_itx that exceeded your $1 ebay limit
22:38 rue_mohr it wasn't my $1 item
22:38 rue_mohr I bought the 5 2n7000
22:38 Tom_itx what nozzle is the best to use?
22:39 rue_mohr 0.2mm?
22:39 Tom_itx who makes them?
22:39 rue_mohr me! they are $100 ea, want one?
22:40 rue_mohr oh, well, it was worth a try
22:40 Tom_itx you haven't proven yourself in that field yet
22:41 Tom_itx besides i have a good cnc to make stuff
22:41 rue_mohr it wa unanomous between us that we start with a kit, THEN modify the hell out of it
22:41 Tom_itx probably a good idea
22:42 rue_mohr its logical
22:42 Tom_itx i suppose if i were gonna do it, not knowing anything about it.. i'd get mendlemax
22:42 Tom_itx supposed to be more sturdy than some
22:42 Tom_itx he uses that extrusion stuff for the frame
22:42 rue_mohr yea, but you cant use threaded rod
22:42 rue_mohr you have to buy aluminum extrusons
22:42 Tom_itx it comes in the kit
22:43 rue_mohr kit > $100?
22:43 Tom_itx i'm not getting one anyway
22:43 Tom_itx oh i'm sure it is
22:43 rue_mohr yea
22:43 rue_mohr machines seem to varry from $1000-$2000 to build
22:43 rue_mohr I'm at $100, planning on not going over $200
22:44 rue_mohr lets see how I do
22:44 rue_mohr then I'll make one for $20
22:44 rue_mohr :)
22:44 rue_mohr I hve a 36" plotter slider :)
22:45 rue_mohr with 5 phase bipolar motors
22:45 rue_mohr actually, I have another one of those plotter lacking important parts too
22:45 Tom_itx what's in your kit?
22:45 rue_mohr http://www.ebay.ca/itm/150820586185?ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1497.l2648
22:45 rue_mohr the plastic frame bits
22:47 rue_mohr no comments that I could make better metal versions of those pieces in my shop while asleep with one hand tied behind my back
22:47 rue_mohr I know that
22:47 rue_mohr its not the point
22:53 Tom_itx was there a point?
22:54 Tom_itx http://mendelmax.com/tikiwiki/tiki-index.php?page=MendelMax
22:58 rue_mohr MY BEARINGS ARRIVED yay yay yay yay I'm gonna pick them up tommrow yay
22:59 rue_mohr in 4 weeks I'll get a package every day!
23:00 rue_mohr ah, these bearings are the ones with the 3/4" middles I can press-fit 1/2" EMT into
23:04 rrywolf curls up next to katsmeow-afk and y
23:05 GuShH rue_mohr: you won't quite get a package every day.
23:06 rue_mohr SHUTUP
23:06 rue_mohr :)
23:06 GuShH It doesn't work like that!
23:06 furrywolf a single sunday delivery exceeds your budget for the entire project. :P
23:06 rue_mohr yay yay yay I'll get a package evry day
23:06 ShH is testing an old fridge compre
23:07 rue_mohr actaully, I have to go pick them up from the postoffice
23:07 furrywolf also, my experience with chinese packages is they tend to come in bursts, probably based on arrival of planes/ships.
23:07 GuShH I wonder if theres a place where I can get estimates on how much oil they carry based on size
23:07 GuShH furrywolf: indeed
23:07 GuShH I used to get a pack of 10 or so, tied with rubber bands.
23:07 GuShH whereas I would've ordered the items with a few days in between.
23:08 GuShH Signing all those packages off at once gets boring fast.
23:08 rue_mohr I'v recieved packages from russia tied with string and sealed with a wax stamp
23:08 GuShH LOL
23:08 rue_mohr I thought it was cute
23:08 GuShH I got some from china tied with string, but no seal.
23:08 rue_mohr esp cause it was a CD
23:08 rue_mohr some kinda contrast there
23:08 GuShH heh
23:09 ShH got the garage almost clean and
23:09 GuShH -finally-
23:09 furrywolf grr, the guy with the ni-fe batteries locally is flaking again.
23:09 furrywolf every time he says he'll do something, it doesn't happen unless I keep calling him and get on his case.
23:09 GuShH do mid range air compressors come with automatic purge valves these days?
23:10 GuShH or only big industrial units have them stoc
23:10 GuShH stock
23:10 rue_mohr modify a mid-rang
23:10 rue_mohr e
23:10 GuShH it's -got- to have some sort of purge valve.
23:10 rue_mohr GuShH, you work for hack-a-day and killed a compressor using it to power a red-bull cannon?
23:10 GuShH or at least a fitting for one
23:11 GuShH otherwise they would rust to bits.
23:11 rue_mohr :) ?
23:11 GuShH I've been featured in hack-a-day but I never killed a compressor
23:11 rue_mohr ah
23:11 GuShH any medium to big purchase takes me a long time, usually just making my mind up and comparing my options.
23:13 GuShH I noticed they sell mufflers for most of these units, but not here.
23:14 GuShH - also filters.
23:15 rue_mohr mufflers for ni-fe batteries?
23:16 GuShH air compressors.
23:16 GuShH the air intake.
23:16 rue_mohr ah
23:19 katsmeow-afk .
23:19 rue_mohr -
23:19 GuShH no, it's the kat way or no way.
23:19 rue_mohr ...
23:20 rrywolf hops on kat's
23:20 tsmeow-afk groans and
23:20 tsmeow-afk rearranges the furry's paws to miss the bru
23:21 tsmeow-afk resumes pet
23:21 furrywolf mrrf :)
23:36 furrywolf meh... today is loud noises day, and I need to get up for work at 7:30.
23:37 katsmeow-afk none here so far
23:38 katsmeow-afk the humans could be somewhere else making noses, but noone said anyting to me about it
23:40 rue_bed dont they have to pay for garbage pickup anyhow?
23:40 katsmeow-afk no
23:40 katsmeow-afk altho some with garbage pickup will still burn some
23:40 rue_bed you only get charged for garbage you put out?
23:41 katsmeow-afk no, you buy garbage pickup in 3-month blocks if you want it picked up
23:41 rue_bed huh
23:42 katsmeow-afk i cannot, because the act if taking the garbage tot he road for pickup has been deemed "harrassing the gods" by the DA's office
23:42 rue_bed if those dogs were any other animnal they would be put down for suffering so much
23:43 katsmeow-afk yeas, me too
23:43 rue_bed one of the guys at work put down a deer someone hit on the highway
23:44 katsmeow-afk oh
23:44 katsmeow-afk i helped a deer off the highway that someone else hit, it died soon as it got off the pavement onto the grass
23:45 rue_bed :/
23:46 rue_bed its doing that thing where its light till stupid-oclock
23:47 rue_bed I should make some thick black cutins that automatically clost at half-past-reasonable
23:49 furrywolf I like long summer days.
23:49 rue_bed on the weekend, sure
23:50 rue_bed when its not raining
23:50 furrywolf however, here it's doing the loud explosions and automatic rifles and dogs barking etc etc etc thing, and I won't be able to get to sleep for hours.