#robotics Logs

Jun 11 2012

#robotics Calendar

00:09 nutrichat the word "AGI" is quickly becoming a code word for "I am proud of my own pet method in my little narrow domain"
00:09 nutrichat all the claims to generality in all the various AGIs out there always turns out to be groundless horsecrap on deeper inspection
00:13 tsmeow-afk
00:13 katsmeow-afk what about Cyc, are they restricting that to one domain now?
00:29 katsmeow-afk ...
00:37 nutrichat Cyc is knowledge rep
00:37 nutrichat but worse its like NLP semantic webs almost
00:38 nutrichat super narrow
00:39 katsmeow-afk i thought they were adding info about everything, no restrictions
00:39 katsmeow-afk i have not been following it tho, i didn't much like Lenat's theories
00:49 rue_mohr oh I think I get it, each half is a phase
00:50 rue_mohr genuine intelligence is where its at
00:50 rue_mohr this artificial stuff just dosn't work
00:50 rue_mohr the solution, when you know it, is simple
00:51 katsmeow-afk half is a phase?
00:51 rue_mohr ?
00:51 rue_mohr didn't I understand right?
00:52 katsmeow-afk i dunno, i don't understand "half is a phase"
00:52 rue_mohr I cast 6 bars of aluminum tday :)
00:52 katsmeow-afk err "each half is a phase"
00:52 katsmeow-afk half of what?
00:52 rue_mohr half of a circle
00:53 katsmeow-afk no, not half of a phase, half of the entire windings
01:09 rue_mohr one of the 3d viewers I found has some orientation finders I like
10:18 rrywolf stretches out and y
11:23 furrywolf can't find a 2A fuse. I found a 3A one. I'm going to call it good enough. :)
11:58 SquirrelCZECH :D
12:07 furrywolf connecting the trimetric was easy. programming it... still working on it.
12:07 furrywolf they have managed to make a user interface so poor that ~10 settings needs a 20 page manual of fine print.
12:19 furrywolf first manual I've ever printed.
12:19 furrywolf ever.
12:19 furrywolf because it needs to be kept with it to be able to set it up, or even use it...
12:23 SquirrelCZECH :DDD
12:23 uirrelCZECH just likes ard
12:31 rrywolf doesn't like arduinos, or arduino us
12:31 SquirrelCZECH why?
12:31 furrywolf arduinos are to robotics what AOL is to internet.
12:32 SquirrelCZECH ?
12:32 furrywolf they enable clueless people to live in little walled gardens
12:32 SquirrelCZECH oh
12:32 SquirrelCZECH I still can't see what's bad on that
12:35 furrywolf just like aol, they end up completely unprepared for the real world, and piss everyone else off when they try.
12:38 wint has a thing not unlike an arduino and feels it was a reasonable introduc
12:39 wint thinks being generally unpleasant and elitist is unlikely to win many friends or assist the march of prog
12:40 furrywolf did your arduino-like thing try to teach you its own langauge and own way of doing things that wasn't useful for any other product on the planet? basic stamps did this too...
12:53 Skwint I used C and a programmer
12:53 Skwint and bits of wire
12:54 Skwint if arduino is doing something weird to make itself incompatible for no good reason, then disliking it is fair, but I think you should go easy on those that use it - it's probably not their fault that they haven't been taught better
13:14 furrywolf arduino uses its own language, loader, etc, making it quite incompatible for no good reason.
13:21 SquirrelCZECH rofl
13:21 SquirrelCZECH furrywolf, I wouldn't tell it this way
13:21 SquirrelCZECH it makes it's own language
13:22 SquirrelCZECH but if it didn't I would never used Atmega etc...
13:23 SquirrelCZECH the reason of Arduino is to allow people like me to use atmegas and things similar
13:23 SquirrelCZECH to have a way how to program a robot without knowing all about atmega...
13:23 SquirrelCZECH it' same thing as why there is PHP and everybody don't learn C++ (just quick example)
13:25 SquirrelCZECH Arduino is just Atmega for beginners... because it's too hard for them to make atmega alone working
15:15 Gigs- that's not really true
15:16 Gigs- arduino language is really pretty good
15:16 Gigs- c can be annoying
15:35 SquirrelCZECH Gigs-, believe me that in question of speed etc... nature language of electronics is always better
15:35 SquirrelCZECH but it's not only point in programming
15:35 SquirrelCZECH PHP is pointed to be able to be used by many people....
15:35 SquirrelCZECH C goes complete different way
15:35 SquirrelCZECH :-)
15:36 SquirrelCZECH it'same with Arduino
15:36 SquirrelCZECH it's not pointed to stand near standart Atmega, it can't beat it
15:37 SquirrelCZECH but it's much better for beginner....
15:37 SquirrelCZECH and for mass...
16:18 ace4016 not that he's here, but that's a poor analogy
16:18 ace4016 man, people suck at analogies
16:18 ace4016 (says the king of analogies :D )
16:19 genesis baby speaking is not a good thing.
17:01 GuShH_ re: arduino -> http://gushh.net/tmp/arduinoshield.png
19:15 rue_mohr gigs!?
19:15 rue_mohr Gigs-, long time...
19:15 rue_mohr really ... long ...time
19:20 Tom_itx rue_mohr, he's gettin into cnc a bit too
19:21 rue_mohr cool
19:21 rue_mohr what got him back online?
19:22 Tom_itx i didn't know he left
19:22 Tom_itx i haven't been in electronics
19:22 Tom_itx he came back asking about cnc
19:22 rue_mohr I think he's been offline for 3 to 6 yeras
19:23 Tom_itx he has a bot in electronics or at least he did
19:24 theBear he's been dropping in for short visits maybe once a week the last year or so
19:35 rue_mohr oh
19:36 Tom_itx i want my box!!
19:37 Tom_itx i want to get this project finished
19:37 rue_mohr i want to not want to go to sleep
19:38 Tom_itx http://www.ebay.com/itm/RITTAL-AE-1380-Painted-Steel-Enclosure-15-x-15-x-9-/180899383510?_trksid=m7&_trkparms=algo%3DLVI%26itu%3DUCI%26otn%3D3%26po%3DLVI%26ps%3D63%26clkid%3D9024009551874549694&_qi=RTM1084479
19:38 rue_mohr hah
19:39 Tom_itx it's a box
19:40 Tom_itx it will house all my psu and drive electronics
19:40 rue_mohr http://www.ebay.com/itm/DSC-POWERSERIES-8-ZONE-CONTROL-PANEL-PC1864PCB-NEW-/280549647655?pt=US_Surveillance_Security_Systems&hash=item41520fe527
19:40 rue_mohr I'm trying to find one of those cheaper than your box
19:40 Tom_itx that box is ~240 new
19:40 Tom_itx your box isn't deep enough
19:40 Tom_itx for me
19:41 rue_mohr no that box with the alarm board in it is $30 new...
19:41 rue_mohr I think
19:41 rue_mohr maybe bot
19:42 Tom_itx alarm pannel boxes should be more plentiful than what i was looking for
19:42 rue_mohr is what you got not a securrity panel box?
19:42 Tom_itx no
19:42 Tom_itx it's an industrial enclosure
19:42 Tom_itx 9" deep
19:42 rue_mohr ok , heavier matel...
19:43 Tom_itx not quite the dimensions i wanted but i think it will fit
19:43 rue_mohr ok deeper
19:43 rue_mohr huh
19:43 Tom_itx i needed 8
19:43 Tom_itx but wanted 18 x 18
19:43 rue_mohr the seccurity boxes are only 4" deep
19:43 Tom_itx i think 15 x 15 will work though
19:43 Tom_itx right
19:43 Tom_itx i have one
19:43 rue_mohr you can get those as electrical junction boxes for commercial work
19:43 rue_mohr made by...
19:43 rue_mohr uh
19:43 Tom_itx hammond makes these too
19:44 rue_mohr they have an icon with a little crown on it
19:44 Tom_itx the place i got my little blue boxes from
19:44 Tom_itx i was tempted to ask them to sample me one
19:44 Tom_itx they sampled me some blue ones :)
19:45 rue_mohr http://www.ebay.com/itm/HOFFMAN-A181610CHQRFG-ENCLOSURE-JUNCTION-BOX-FIBERGLASS-GRAY-18X16X10IN-46967-/300722603126?pt=BI_Electrical_Equipment_Tools&hash=item460476c476
19:45 rue_mohr #2?
19:45 Tom_itx plastic
19:45 Tom_itx i have some similar to those with no hinged lid
19:46 rue_mohr has to be metal eh?
19:46 rue_mohr that plastic IS UL
19:46 Tom_itx mine does yes
19:46 rue_mohr I bought a solar panel today
19:46 rue_mohr a deal cause its got a crunched frame
19:46 rue_mohr 230W
19:46 rue_mohr 24V
19:47 Tom_itx nice
19:47 Tom_itx http://tom-itx.dyndns.org:81/~webpage/SBC/inside_control.jpg
19:47 Tom_itx i got 5 or 6 of those
19:47 rue_mohr I cant remember the price
19:47 rue_mohr looks like something a gps would come out of :)
19:48 Tom_itx yup
19:48 Tom_itx i think i got spare gps's though
19:48 Tom_itx and a signature reader thingy
19:48 rue_mohr do your boxes have to be drip proof like that?
19:48 Tom_itx 2 or 3 of those
19:48 rue_mohr you need 18x18 steel with hinged lid, right?
19:48 Tom_itx mine don't
19:48 Tom_itx it would be nice
19:49 Tom_itx i got it on the way
19:49 Tom_itx so i don't need one now
19:49 rue_mohr I'm going to the supplier first thing tommorow, see if I can remember to get a price
19:49 rue_mohr but you need 5 more?
19:49 Tom_itx i couldn't hardly pass up $22
19:49 Tom_itx no
19:49 Tom_itx i need one
19:49 rue_mohr ooooh
19:49 Tom_itx i doubt i could make one half as nice for that price
19:49 rue_mohr see if I can remember to get a price just for kix
19:50 Tom_itx the industrial boxes aren't cheap
19:50 Tom_itx digikey listed that one for around $300
19:50 rue_mohr they list our fiber crimper for $40000
19:50 Tom_itx hah
19:50 rue_mohr its not electric...
19:50 rue_mohr they just put a million box on anything they dont want to sell
19:51 Tom_itx i think i will make some plates to bolt in with the cutouts rather than trying to cut them into the box
19:51 rue_mohr round or square?
19:51 Tom_itx DB25 and the ones for the motor plugs
19:52 Tom_itx http://tom-itx.dyndns.org:81/~webpage/cnc/psu/frame1.jpg
19:52 Tom_itx like i did on the plastic piece on the side
19:52 Tom_itx i have all the sizes in cad and will arrange them once i get the box as to what will fit the best
19:53 Tom_itx i was thinking about making a cutout in one side to mount the heatsink thru the box
19:54 Tom_itx i will have to trim the heatsink down a bit to make it fit
19:54 Tom_itx make it shorter and i may also narrow it
19:55 Tom_itx might use the cutoff to mount the diode packs to
19:55 rue_mohr bc bearing
19:58 Tom_itx did you see that online site?
19:58 rue_mohr I cant find page for bc bearing
19:59 rue_mohr ah your cnc controller lookin good too
19:59 Tom_itx i'm VERY pleased with the way it works
19:59 rue_mohr whats the lamp ballast for in the background?
20:00 Tom_itx that's my UV lamp for curing my silkscreen
20:00 Tom_itx 2 bulbs
20:00 rue_mohr aaah
20:00 Tom_itx http://tom-itx.dyndns.org:81/~webpage/boards/USBTiny_Mkii/silkscreen/silk_batch_cure.jpg
20:01 rue_mohr heh short tube
20:01 Tom_itx like the fixture?
20:01 Tom_itx yes they're from fishtanks
20:01 rue_mohr the strain relief for the cord is my fav. part :)
20:01 Tom_itx like you see in stores or in meat areas
20:02 Tom_itx i don't even remember what i did now
20:04 rue_mohr I want to make some progress on the mecha every day
20:04 Tom_itx may as well
20:07 Tom_itx get your cnc up to speed and load linuxcnc
20:33 Tom_itx so rue_mohr, where are you at with the mech?
20:37 rue_mohr well
20:37 rue_mohr I have to ,make the rings
20:37 rue_mohr and
20:38 Tom_itx have you made a full sketch of what it will be?
20:38 Tom_itx i need to think of a next project
20:39 Tom_itx oh, i was gonna make a didital readout for my spindle rpm
20:40 Tom_itx it would make cutting better since then i could get the feeds and speeds alot closer to what they should be
20:43 rue_mohr I must finish my work homework
20:43 rue_mohr arg, I'm zonked right out
20:44 Tom_itx meh
20:45 Tom_itx what homework??
20:49 rue_mohr ok I can be tired all night or have a nap and get something doen
20:50 ace4016 nap
20:50 ace4016 sleep rejuvenates the mind
20:51 Tom_itx he will nap and wake up tomorrow morning
20:51 ace4016 hehe
20:53 furrywolf rue_mohr: heh, I also got a 230W panel cheap because it was crunched... the wires had been yanked, and ripped the junction box off the back.
20:53 furrywolf is it 24V or 20V?
20:55 furrywolf that is, does it have 72 cells or 60 cells?
21:01 furrywolf woot! got my feeldoes off ebay... and they're genuine feeldoes, not clones.
22:04 rue_mohr 24
22:05 rue_mohr its 3x something cell wise
22:05 rue_mohr 24V 15A
22:05 rue_mohr (29.6V)
22:17 furrywolf 3x something... what is something? 3x24 or 3x20? :)
22:20 rue_mohr .5V cells?
22:20 rue_mohr no must be more
22:20 rue_mohr 6 cells wide
22:20 rue_mohr its a sharp panel
22:21 rue_mohr 3x20
22:21 rue_mohr http://www.google.ca/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&ved=0CGAQFjAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Ffiles.sharpusa.com%2FDownloads%2FSolar%2FProducts%2Fsol_dow_ND230QCJ.pdf&ei=GrPWT5a6LcPW2gXRgcmNCw&usg=AFQjCNFfejeDuciujyWMg7T_DNPi0Jtcng&sig2=Arh5NLi3K-71HS7zMXTBwA
22:21 rue_mohr must be that one
22:22 rue_mohr they say its 60 in series tho
22:22 rue_mohr I'm sure its not
22:25 furrywolf 60 is a 20V panel, aka a "self-regulating" 24V panel. they're usually intended for grid tie, not battery use, as they're an annoying voltage.
22:27 rue_mohr they spec 29 to 36V
22:28 rue_mohr files.sharpusa.com/Downloads/Solar/.../sol_dow_ND230QCJ.pdf
22:28 furrywolf right, now compare to a standard 24v panel. :)
22:28 furrywolf will usually be 42v or something
22:28 rue_mohr dunno
22:29 furrywolf once you add wiring and diode losses, on a hot day, it's well past its peak power point with a mostly charged battery bank, hench the self-regulating term sometimes used for them.
22:30 rue_mohr I'm thinking making a buck/boost ppp
22:31 Tom_itx solar powered mech
22:31 furrywolf it's not a bad panel; it's just not meant to be used directly with a battery. for battery use, you're best off using it with a 12v system and mppt charge controller.
22:31 rue_mohr 230W isn't even a verry large core, I can use one from a computer power supply
22:31 furrywolf they're called 20V panels because they don't quite work for 24V systems. :)
22:31 rue_mohr hmm
22:32 furrywolf of course, with boost, it'll work fine.
22:32 furrywolf but boost is hard and inefficient.
22:32 furrywolf how much did you spend for it?
22:33 furrywolf I got my 230W panel cheap because the junction box had been ripped off... http://fw.bushytails.net/newjunctionbox01.jpg was my fix.
22:34 rue_mohr !thiglog
22:34 rue_mohr !thislog
22:34 tobbor This one: http://rueshouse.dyndns.org:82/~ircjunk/irclogs/html/%23robotics-2012-06-12.html
22:34 rue_mohr I got mine cheap cause the frame is crunched
22:34 furrywolf http://fw.bushytails.net/newjunctionbox02.jpg I even put in bypass diodes. :)
22:35 furrywolf heh, mine was $5... the guy thought it was unfixable.
22:35 rue_mohr mine was a few hundred cause they knew it still worked
22:36 furrywolf over $1/watt? that's pretty high.
22:37 furrywolf http://www.affordable-solar.com/store/solar-panels/schott-poly-230-230-watt-solar-panel non-damaged 230W panels, $255.
22:37 rue_mohr http://www.ebay.ca/itm/7976-New-No-Box-KSK-SS7R12-Double-Shielded-Ball-Bearing-3-4-ID-/170858557911 <-- for one?
22:37 rue_mohr hmm
22:37 rue_mohr made in china?
22:38 rue_mohr no, hmm
22:38 furrywolf good bearings are expensive
22:38 rue_mohr I want cheap and now, not good
22:38 furrywolf "As a bonus, they are manufactured in the USA" not china
22:38 rue_mohr http://www.ebay.ca/itm/Lot-2-New-Box-NACHI-77R12-Bearings-7R12-/220960188573
22:38 rue_mohr closer
22:39 rue_mohr but I need 8
22:39 Tom_itx http://www.vxb.com/
22:39 rue_mohr Shipping: US $47.95
22:39 rrywolf hopes rue didn't spend more for a damaged panel than a new one cost
22:39 rue_mohr hahah
22:39 Tom_itx http://www.vxb.com/
22:39 rue_mohr I got it below new cost, the price diff will be because its a sharp panel
22:40 rue_mohr BUT, I'm taking down notes from what you say!
22:40 furrywolf I got my last batch of used panels for $0.45/watt, or $0.51/watt based on actual measured power output due to aging.
22:41 furrywolf my 230W panel is a 20V too... its output current drops to near nil around the time the batteries reach bulk voltage.
22:41 furrywolf and that's with a 20ft run of #8 wire to two paralleled blocking diodes.
22:41 rue_mohr kat, what are the specs on a 7R12 bearing?
22:41 Tom_itx http://www.vxb.com/Merchant2/merchant.mvc?
22:41 furrywolf so keep in mind it's only marginally suitable for 24V systems. when the batteries are low, then it gets to its maximum power point, and works fine.
22:42 katsmeow dunno
22:42 rrywolf hops on kat's lap, being careful to avoid any food or proj
22:42 Tom_itx http://www.vxb.com/page/bearings/PROD/Kit7486
22:42 m_itx thumps rue_mohr on the
22:43 rrywolf wonders if tom expects people to visit random links pasted with no descrip
22:43 e_mohr looks around for where it came
22:43 rue_mohr $6 ea! see!
22:44 Tom_itx what price are you looking for?
22:44 katsmeow 10 cents
22:44 furrywolf free!
22:45 rue_mohr http://www.vxb.com/page/bearings/PROD/Kit7529
22:45 rue_mohr coool
22:45 rue_mohr so, hmm do I buy 10?
22:45 Tom_itx that's where i got the bearings for my washer
22:45 rrywolf sends katsmeow the spare feeldoe, given her comment on needing a dyke to hold thing
22:45 katsmeow heh
22:46 Tom_itx http://www.vxb.com/page/bearings/PROD/Kit7784
22:46 Tom_itx there's a little better quality one
22:46 furrywolf what is the application for these bearings?
22:46 rue_mohr a mockup of the gyro ring set for controlling the mecha
22:47 furrywolf gyro ring set... are you building an actual gyroscope, or some kind of input device?
22:47 furrywolf if you're building a gyro, you can buy cheaper than build.
22:47 rue_mohr input device
22:48 furrywolf does it need ball bearings, or just bronze sleeves?
22:48 rue_mohr none available I can stand in for less than the $120 budget
22:48 furrywolf stand in? that needs bigger bearings.
22:48 rue_mohr MOCKUP
22:48 furrywolf hrmm, I guess 3/4 might do it...
22:48 furrywolf use bicycle hubs. :)
22:49 furrywolf ~$0 if you scrounge.
22:49 rue_mohr I specifically require 3/4" id
22:50 rrywolf wonders what has 3/4" shafts with cheap bearings to scaveng
22:50 rue_mohr 1/2" EMT
22:51 Tom_itx ok well you got a good bearing source
22:51 rue_mohr I love the search engine
22:51 furrywolf if it's just a mockup, can you just use lots of grease and fit it inside pipe?
22:51 rue_mohr http://www.vxb.com/page/bearings/PROD/Kit13879
22:51 furrywolf if you have a $250 budget, $60 on bearings for a markup kinda blows it...
22:51 rue_mohr http://www.vxb.com/page/bearings/PROD/Kit8836
22:51 rue_mohr http://www.vxb.com/page/bearings/PROD/Kit7529
22:52 rue_mohr furrywolf, the mockup has a $20 budget, but I want to stock the shop with some 3/4" id bearings
22:52 furrywolf ah
22:52 Tom_itx k. i'm out
22:52 rue_mohr the control cage 10'+ gyro ring set, has a $120 budget,
22:52 rue_mohr the 12' mecha has a $240 budget
22:53 rue_mohr so I'm really laying out on this one.
22:53 furrywolf what's the point of standing in a gyro cage for controlling it? trying to use the operator to balance it without being in it?
22:53 Tom_itx yeah, most only get $20
22:53 rue_mohr yup
22:54 rue_mohr dont tell zhanx, he's will the military
22:54 rue_mohr s/will/with/
22:54 furrywolf just put the controls inside of it? :)
22:54 rue_mohr you cant, there is no room in a mecha unless you make it 40' tall
22:54 furrywolf heh
22:54 rue_mohr !assist robots/sparrow1/
22:54 tobbor Possibly http://eds.dyndns.org/~ircjunk/robots/sparrow1/
22:55 rue_mohr http://eds.dyndns.org/~ircjunk/robots/sparrow1/p1040018.jpg <-- its not that big you see
22:55 rue_mohr and there is the obvious safety factor
22:56 rue_mohr kat
22:56 katsmeow rue
22:56 rue_mohr $39.50 vs $49.50 for 10 bearings
22:56 furrywolf might be cheaper to make it self-balancing by feeding some accelerometers and gyros into the controls, then control it from a normal standing non-gyro-cage position.
22:56 rue_mohr http://www.vxb.com/page/bearings/PROD/Kit13879 vs http://www.vxb.com/page/bearings/PROD/Kit8836
22:56 katsmeow sounds pricey
22:56 rue_mohr furrywolf, go build your own :)
22:57 rue_mohr do you think I should spring for the better ones?
22:57 rue_mohr its only +$1 ea
22:57 katsmeow switch to 1/2 id bearings and bolts inestad of 1/2 emt, and cut the cost per bearing to $1.60
22:57 rue_mohr nonon
22:57 rue_mohr this is for a mockup
22:57 rue_mohr 1/2" emt is od 3/4"
22:58 katsmeow [22:46] <rue_mohr> $39.50 vs $49.50 for 10 bearings <<== is NOT $1 per bearing, it's $3.90 vs $4.90 per bearing
22:58 rue_mohr I want to have a few kicking around for misc
22:58 rue_mohr yes, +$1 ea
22:58 katsmeow switch to 1/2 id bearings and bolts inestad of 1/2 emt, and cut the cost per bearing to $1.60
22:58 rue_mohr to go from http://www.vxb.com/Merchant2/graphics/00000001/kiit8542.jpg to http://www.vxb.com/Merchant2/graphics/00000001/6203-2rs-3-4-inch-3.jpg
22:59 rue_mohr no kat, the pin has to be hollow for the optic data path
22:59 katsmeow and, you can get the outer race suppostes in a stock DOM size tubing
22:59 katsmeow then drillt he bolt
22:59 rue_mohr no I dont have a lathe
22:59 rue_mohr arg
22:59 katsmeow you have a drill press
22:59 rue_mohr I'm going for the better one
23:00 katsmeow i will not get in a machine that has my life in the paws of 1/2 emt
23:00 rue_mohr http://eds.dyndns.org/~ircjunk/robots/sparrow1/p1040020.jpg
23:01 furrywolf http://www.ebay.com/itm/10-1633-2RS-Premium-Bearings-5-8-x-1-3-4-ABEC-3-/370449114242?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item56407ce482
23:01 katsmeow you are still paying too much for bearing, shirt, use roll pins if they must be hollow
23:01 katsmeow $1.60 bearing and rollpins
23:01 rue_mohr furrywolf, what pipe fits SNUG in them tho?
23:02 furrywolf http://www.ebay.com/itm/10-Pack-R12-ZZ-Shielded-Bearing-3-4-x-1-5-8-x-4347-/160399514890?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item25588e5d0a
23:02 furrywolf these are 3/4 like you wanted
23:02 furrywolf so whatever pipe you were planning on using.
23:02 rue_mohr ooo
23:02 katsmeow 3/4 id for a mockup, at that price, is too high
23:02 rue_mohr 1/2" emt has a 3/4" od
23:02 furrywolf $28 for 10 at the last link
23:02 rue_mohr yea
23:02 katsmeow rue, it's the emt and the cost i am having the problem with
23:03 rue_mohr I'm goin for it, but if I recieve one bearing in 10 peices I'm gonna blame you furrywolf
23:03 rue_mohr katsmeow, I dont need 10, I want some shop stock
23:03 katsmeow 1 inner race, one outer race, 8 balls, that's about right, 10 pcs
23:04 rue_mohr :)
23:04 furrywolf http://www.ebay.com/itm/10pcs-R12-ZZ-3-4-x-1-5-8-x-7-16-inch-Bearing-Miniature-Ball-Radial-Bearings-Z-/110880068366?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item19d0f7930e $18
23:05 rue_mohr I cant tell if that lst one will ship to canada
23:05 furrywolf but china, and no idea which of the ones they picture it is...
23:05 rue_mohr hey your good at this
23:06 katsmeow you're = you are
23:06 rue_mohr I know china will ship to canada too
23:06 katsmeow there's a car dealership here that constantly advertises they have DeLois Price
23:06 rue_mohr I'll prolly get a box wrapped in paper and tied closed with string
23:07 furrywolf http://www.ebay.com/itm/10-1633-RS-1633-2RS-Bearings-5-8-x-1-3-4-1633RS-/370444539020?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item564037148c $20.47 gets you a US seller and proper pictue.
23:07 furrywolf picture
23:07 rue_mohr the one from russia even had a wax seal
23:07 rue_mohr most usa sellers will not sell outside the main 48 states
23:07 rue_mohr aparently, to most of the usa, alaska isn't part of the usa
23:08 katsmeow shipping there costs more and puts them later in the listings
23:08 furrywolf brb, making wolfy food
23:08 rue_mohr Shipping: Not Available to Canada
23:08 rue_mohr that last listing
23:09 katsmeow some advertise using 3week shipping, because it's cheaper, and if you want it sooner, it's up to you to select that option
23:09 rue_mohr see, they cant work out how to get it to a forign country like canada
23:09 katsmeow i wasn't looking
23:09 katsmeow my input to save you money and make you safer isn't working
23:09 rue_mohr safety smaftey, I'll learn by cutting off my leg :)
23:10 katsmeow k
23:11 rue_mohr yay! in about 3 months I should get some bearings, total cost: 1.90 ea
23:11 rue_mohr http://eds.dyndns.org/~ircjunk/robots/sparrow1/p1040051.jpg
23:11 rue_mohr so that is my plan for the mecha knee
23:12 rue_mohr pretend the plastic is steel
23:12 katsmeow drat, i wanted video of you welding to that plastic
23:12 rue_mohr plates welded to the other tube to go around the pin
23:12 rue_mohr :)
23:12 rue_mohr unless
23:12 rue_mohr I can find a standard size pipe I can use with smaller pins
23:13 rue_mohr I dont really mind going down to like 1" pins
23:16 furrywolf according to my new meter, running the microwave, some lights, laptop, and other normal loans, is 102A, 88A of which is the microwave.
23:17 furrywolf s/loans/loads
23:18 katsmeow 88A@12vdc = 1,056 watts , that's a lot
23:18 katsmeow mine is 900w
23:18 furrywolf 24VDC
23:19 katsmeow it's that 88a part of a kw that bothers me, when at 120v it's only 8.8a
23:19 katsmeow 88a @ 24v ??
23:19 rue_mohr yea, my 5kw ups is 48V
23:19 rue_mohr 100A
23:19 katsmeow how did you even find a 2kw microwave??
23:19 katsmeow 88a@24v = 2112w
23:20 rue_mohr thanks for the help finding the bearings everyone :)
23:20 furrywolf I think it's rated for 1800W, then inverter efficiency...
23:20 katsmeow eithe the meter is wrong, the invertor has horrible efficency, or you have a 2kw nukebox
23:21 furrywolf hrmm, only 1500W.
23:21 furrywolf but the voltage drops to 22V at that load.
23:21 katsmeow ya know, some stores have $70 sales occasionally on the baby 900w nukeboxes, might take the edge off your power demands
23:22 furrywolf which gives 77% efficiency... which is about right for a big heavy non-smps-based inverter.
23:22 furrywolf I have a Half Pint in the closet... I like my big microwave. :P
23:23 furrywolf http://i.oodleimg.com/item/2907034705u_1x424x360f?1327898195 one of those
23:25 katsmeow that's prety tall for a baby one
23:25 furrywolf http://i.ytimg.com/vi/iOK10OXNiBg/0.jpg little
23:26 katsmeow cost?
23:26 katsmeow i grabbed one at the recycler a while back, must be 2ft wide and deep inside
23:26 furrywolf I spent $20 for the halfpint... never used it.
23:26 furrywolf also spent $20 for my big one. :)
23:27 katsmeow i showed it tot he guy, i said "look at the size!" , he said "ok, looks normal wide to me", i said look how *deeP* it is!" , he said "omg"
23:27 katsmeow $20 at a garage sale?
23:28 furrywolf http://products.howstuffworks.com/panasonic-genius-prestige-microwave-nn-sn797s-review.htm 1.6ft2
23:28 furrywolf yes. I get everything at yard sales.
23:29 katsmeow http://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_fspt=1&LH_CAds=&_udlo=&_sadis=&_sacat=&_nkw=half%20pint%20microwave&_fpos=&_mPrRngCbx=1&_udhi=&_sop=15
23:30 furrywolf yes, I know it's worth more than I spent. only reason I spent $20 on a tiny ancient microwave.
23:30 furrywolf maybe it ws $30. can't remember now.
23:34 furrywolf I'm not even sure I can run the half pint.
23:35 furrywolf it draws more than my true sine inverter can put out, but it's transformer based, so won't like my modified sine inverter.
23:35 furrywolf the big microwave is smps-based, and just recitifies the input and filters, so it doesn't care what it looks like.
23:36 katsmeow it's not the sine wave or the square wave that the problem, it's that the square wave does not peak to the proper voltage as the sine does
23:36 furrywolf ... that sounds like it's the problem to me. :)
23:36 katsmeow the square wave delivers raw "power under curve" , and never hits a high voltage
23:37 katsmeow did you wanna explain or not?
23:37 furrywolf which the inverter microwave likes just fine, and the transformer one doesn't.
23:38 tsmeow won't bother telling you why
23:40 furrywolf well, I've never run this specific microwave off modified sine, but I've tried with others in the past, and never had one cook...
23:42 katsmeow and you don't want to know why they won't cook on the square wave invertors, i understand, so i won't force you to hear me explain why
23:43 katsmeow i can tell you i can build a modified square wave intertor that WILL cause the nukebox to cook tho
23:43 katsmeow but i won't tell you why or how
23:44 furrywolf I solved the problem by getting a smps-based microwave, that'd probably run just fine off DC. :)
23:44 katsmeow k
23:44 furrywolf actually, I think the tray spin motor might be a little shaded pole job, which won't.
23:46 katsmeow k