#robotics Logs

Jun 03 2012

#robotics Calendar

00:02 eBear goes to change his kitten s
00:03 furrywolf you're a bearkitten now?
00:03 theBear not really, but if kats gets to wear people shoes, i don't wanna be left out
00:10 rrywolf curls up next to kat for bed
00:17 furrywolf bbl
00:17 rrywolf sighs, and heads to bed with no
00:37 tsmeow-afk wanders bac
00:46 katsmeow-afk wire,, too,, hot,, to,, hold,, ouch..
00:46 rue_mohr ?
00:47 katsmeow-afk rough test of one pass of wire past one magnet, then 3 passes,, 3 passes is obviously much stronger
00:48 tsmeow-afk tries to imagine a bear in kitten s
00:48 rue_mohr hmm, writing a tutorial on making a dc servo is ... interesting
01:06 tsmeow-afk ponders a two-speed transmission on a servo m
01:27 iR0b0t1 Would it be possible to implement a brushless motor driver with one comparator and maybe an ADC?
01:31 katsmeow-afk rue, what is DrFenning's email address?
01:35 rue_mohr do you need to send an email there?
03:26 rue_mohr http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/0/0a/Caterpillar_345C_L_Excavator.jpg
03:26 rue_mohr does that look like a 2" pin?
09:33 rrywolf stretches out and y
10:26 ckkitten pets furrywol
10:52 e_bed rolls
10:52 m_itx wonders if he rolled too far and
10:58 smooth_penguin yo Tom_itx !
11:01 Tom_itx hey
11:04 furrywolf I'm going to mostly give up on most of my pepper plants from last year... one has quite a bit of new growth, so I'm going to keep it in the greenhouse, but the others have a few tiny buds if anything.
11:07 rue_bed they wil thrive the more you try to kill them
11:07 rue_bed i hate it when plants do that
11:09 furrywolf well, it's already into june, so even if they do live, they're too late to produce anything...
11:10 furrywolf I'm not killing them quite yet, just moving them out of the greenhouse.
11:15 Triffid_Hunter furrywolf: heh I have lemon chillies here that fruit 10+ months of the year
11:17 furrywolf the climate here is not amenable to pepper production... too cold.
11:17 furrywolf I got a bunch of Manzano plants this year, a few of which I'll leave outside, and will see how they do.
11:17 furrywolf generally peppers have to be in a greenhouse.
11:20 ace4016 maybe where you live :P
11:20 ace4016 oh wait, you said that
11:21 furrywolf yes, I did. :P
11:22 furrywolf I only re-potted the manzano starts outdoors a few days ago, but so far they seem healthy and growing.
11:45 rue_bed anyone have any ball park numbers for how many cc there would be to ~2hp for a motorbike?
11:45 e_bed rolls a ball of yarn across the floor infront of katsmeow-
11:49 Tom_itx 20cc
11:49 Tom_itx maybe 30cc
11:50 Tom_itx the little honda minibike was 90cc
11:50 Tom_itx fwiw
12:06 rue_mohr ~2hp?
12:06 Tom_itx my little race boats were 60cc and probably put out about 5 hp
12:08 Tom_itx https://www.mantuamodel.co.uk/Engines/OPS_Model_Marine_engines/_OP82711__OPS_Marine__67_DRV_525.html
12:09 Tom_itx 11cc
12:09 Tom_itx 4.35 hp
12:09 Tom_itx so yes
12:10 Tom_itx 30cc would be way exaggerated
12:11 Tom_itx i was wrong on the cc of my boat engines
12:11 Tom_itx they were .67 cu in
12:18 Tom_itx 3.47cc - 1.75 hp: https://www.mantuamodel.co.uk/Engines/OPS_Model_Engines__21__/_OP82108__OPS_Stock_Car_Pro_1106.html
12:19 Tom_itx so about 4cc
12:28 rue_mohr huh
12:28 rue_mohr wonder what the varryance is between 2 and 4 stroke for that
12:28 rue_mohr those are all 2 stroke I think
12:28 rue_mohr k
12:28 Tom_itx yes they are 2 stroke
12:29 rue_mohr is cc measured at the top or bottom of the stroke?
12:29 Tom_itx bottom
12:29 Tom_itx it's near zero at the top
12:29 Tom_itx or very small
12:29 rue_mohr 4cc cant be much larger than a weedeater
12:29 Tom_itx smaller
12:29 rue_mohr your saying a weedeater is typ over 2HP?
12:29 Tom_itx i would presume so
12:30 Tom_itx the fuel may make some difference
12:30 Tom_itx i ran 60% nitro 48% alcohol 2% peroxide
12:30 rue_mohr na, they say a weedeater here is under .5hp
12:31 Tom_itx err 38%
12:31 Tom_itx they aren't very efficient are they?
12:31 rue_mohr 26 cc 0.8 horsepower
12:32 Tom_itx gawd that sucks
13:07 katsmeow-afk today is not Friday anywhere, is it?
13:11 Tom_itx no but it's getting closer to next Friday by the second
13:12 tsmeow-afk
13:53 furrywolf $@#$@#!! slugs got my moruga trinidad scorpion. :(
13:54 furrywolf I have two more starts I can transplant, but they aren't doing nearly as well as the big one was.
13:55 furrywolf (like, 1/4 the size)
14:03 katsmeow-afk i am thinking it may just be better to not plant in the ground, because that's like feeding the bugs
14:08 furrywolf I don't plant in the ground. it was in a pot, in a tray, sitting on top of a planter.
14:08 furrywolf fucking slugs still got it
14:09 KongfuPanda omg
14:09 KongfuPanda did they eat your robot?
14:09 furrywolf ?
14:10 mipsie3 you could have a robot grow. throw a part near a cnc machining facility, which will inspire someone to craft the remaining pieces
14:10 KongfuPanda furrywolf, what did you plant?
14:11 furrywolf lots of hot peppers
14:11 furrywolf slugs got several of my manzanos, and now my moruga trinidad scorpion.
14:12 katsmeow-afk mipsie3 , that is a great idea
14:14 furrywolf every day I toss 2-3 of them out of the greenhouse when I find them, but there's always more.
14:14 rue_shop hmm
14:14 katsmeow-afk furry, fwiw, i discovered lots less insects up on my roof, zero slugs
14:15 katsmeow-afk how do they get into your greenhouse?
14:15 furrywolf the greenhouse isn't sealed.
14:16 furrywolf and wouldn't be easy to seal...
14:17 katsmeow-afk o
14:17 katsmeow-afk won't be easy to grow things in it then
14:17 smooth_penguin line pots with salt
14:18 smooth_penguin slugs hate salt
14:18 furrywolf so do plants.
14:18 smooth_penguin not as much
14:20 smooth_penguin http://green.thefuntimesguide.com/2009/08/natural_garden_slug_control.php
14:20 smooth_penguin copper tubing seeems to be a nice idea as well
14:21 katsmeow-afk miniature electric fence
14:21 katsmeow-afk "what's for dinner?" "fried escargot!"
14:21 furrywolf I'd need to completely re-organize/re-design the greenhouse for copper to work... right now plants are on a mixture of shelves, upside-down buckets, upside-down pots, or tied to the wall...
14:22 furrywolf would need a mile of copper.
14:23 katsmeow-afk much like keeping any hungry or curious animal out of whatever, you just haveto put it where they don't know it's there, or cannot get to it
14:23 furrywolf plus, I've seen slugs crawling on my copper plumbing, so I really question its effectiveness...
14:26 katsmeow-afk can a makerbot print metals cool enough to not damage electronics?
14:27 furrywolf sure, although they're all annoyingly expensive.
14:27 furrywolf I don't see why you couldn't put field's metal or such into one.
14:28 Triffid_Hunter katsmeow-afk: solder works
14:28 katsmeow-afk print solder?
14:29 Triffid_Hunter yeah, needs to go into printed channels, can't make the whole object out of it
14:29 Triffid_Hunter it doesn't like being viscous enough to print nicely and still bond well
14:29 tsmeow-afk
14:30 katsmeow-afk so i'd haveto print plastic channels and flow the solder
14:30 Triffid_Hunter yeah been done plenty of times, just ask google or search reprap blogs or whatever
14:31 katsmeow-afk what about the field's metal ?
14:31 Triffid_Hunter dunno, first impression is it melts at too low temperature, would take too long to solidify
14:31 Triffid_Hunter same reason we don't use polycaprolactone anymore
14:32 katsmeow-afk yeas, and a few chips running 100Mhz in a blob of it would prolly melt the connections :-/
14:32 katsmeow-afk good idea tho, furry <pet><pet>
14:32 furrywolf you didn't specify what it was for. :P
14:32 Triffid_Hunter heh or even something fairly benign on a hot day
14:33 katsmeow-afk something to release a spring on a fire sprinkler valve?
14:34 furrywolf I'm pissed about the slug damage... that plant was worth $20ish, and I was looking forwards to its peppers.
14:34 katsmeow-afk furry, don't slugs get your peppers every year?
14:35 katsmeow-afk do you plant them the same way every year?
14:35 furrywolf no, this was a very wet winter, and there's far, far, far more slugs.
14:35 furrywolf I don't think I lost a single plant last summer.
14:35 rue_mohr looks like a REALLY trimmed out 21cc weedeater gets about 1.6hp
14:36 furrywolf grrrr. according to ebay, it was a $38 plant, not a $20 plant.
14:36 katsmeow-afk so 1kw mated to a genny inside your mecha?
14:36 katsmeow-afk no,,,, 800watts
14:36 furrywolf http://www.ebay.com/itm/trinidad-moruga-scorpion-plant-world-hottest-pepper-/251075863206?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item3a7549a2a6
14:37 furrywolf at that price, I should have started a bunch more of them!
14:37 rue_mohr http://tech.flygsw.org/echo6.jpg
14:37 katsmeow-afk yipes@price
14:37 rue_mohr you took and shaved off HOW MUCH material?
14:37 furrywolf if they're still so stupidly overvalued by next summer, I'll plant a couple trays of them. heh.
14:38 furrywolf I had a nice happy plant, looking like the ones in that listing... now a stub with two small leaves. slugs got the entire top of the plant.
14:38 furrywolf it will probably live, but not much chance of fruiting.
14:38 furrywolf rue_mohr: presumably he just used two small slices off the bar, not the entire thing.
14:38 katsmeow-afk i drove all over town looking for 3ft x 10ft 1/4 hardware cloth , everyone sold it in 5ft lengths, not enough to cover a 80" tall door, that's yet another thing i haveto order thru ebay!!!!!!!
14:39 rue_mohr so I prolly want about a 60cc engine
14:39 furrywolf actually, one slice. didn't see that was two pictures of the same part.
14:39 rue_mohr for 2hp
14:39 furrywolf get a 49cc engine.
14:39 furrywolf it's a standard size, and there's tons of aftermarket parts for them.
14:40 furrywolf and you can get them up to >5hp
14:40 furrywolf 60cc will be hard to find, 49cc is dirt cheap.
14:42 furrywolf you also can get electric start. :)
14:46 rue_mohr I need 2hp
14:46 rue_mohr for the mecha
14:47 furrywolf ok...
14:47 rue_mohr its only a 12' mecah
14:47 furrywolf a 49cc is something like 2.5hp standard...
14:47 rue_mohr k
14:48 katsmeow-afk 2hp is a lot continuously
14:48 furrywolf 49cc engines are what are used on all the little pocket bikes, mini scooters, bicycle engine kits, etc, because many jurisdictions classify 50cc and over as a motorcycle, 49cc and under not.
14:49 furrywolf so there's lots of them out there, with lots of parts.
14:51 Tom_itx oop, storm movin in
14:51 katsmeow-afk same here, weather warnings
14:54 katsmeow-afk you got a lil low-powered one, i got 55k cloudtops : http://classic.wunderground.com/radar/radblast.asp?zoommode=zoom&num=1&delay=15&scale=1.000&noclutter=0&ID=BMX&type=N0R&lat=0&lon=0&label=you&showstorms=0&map.x=366&map.y=101&centerx=400&centery=240&lightning=0&smooth0&showlabels=1&rainsnow=0
15:01 furrywolf just started drizzling here... supposed to rain for three days.
15:02 furrywolf bbl, going to run some errands and get food.
15:04 tsmeow-afk ponders putting a short section of 3" pipe into the 2" intake plumbing, with a weighted tennis ball in it, and calling that a check v
15:09 katsmeow-afk i remember when i could read an url to someone ....
15:09 katsmeow-afk http://srx.main.ebayrtm.com/clk?RtmClk&u=1H4sIAAAAAAAAAG2QTWuDMABA74L%2FQRh46xqTTm0hDD9KmW1ZXbN%2BIUiqTlM%2F0hqjZb9%2BZbfBDu%2F2Lu89bWWjBQ8A0gw4e4EzaGjrLdEgMKCqtBIXXXeNZuPxMAzPOed5lT0nvB7TpCpfBY3wSqcswl5JGpIm%2FopY5%2BtaZoA5K3u4sd5fL3Y2FR48ylNboKJeWii4O%2B7bJtsXLu
15:09 katsmeow-afk fuzvMq0e7cvR%2F0N3Mhl5tkbueuQ%2Fl8AeIwvYeZ8LboIpj7hfIb8ZCZnY%2BHQILwczTwINQbWUfY0AXLI%2By8%2B%2BYkRhdjJL77kIipRQ5L8lFmQVGdQDJyHZ2msq2iP12sbVlOO8YbKH%2FruoHHrEmKuKdVnwlV6WpsP370%2BF9dVa4NRqrCWIpt2wamBU1rAqdT0wAAmI%2BPJTZU5QdbJhhabQEAAA%3D%3D&ch=1&g=2a8c898f1370a03664479e37ffc3386d&m=235386&pi=4340
15:14 furrywolf sierra romeo x-ray dot mike alpha indigo november dot echo bravo alpha yankee romeo tango mike dot charlie oscar mike slash ... :P
15:19 furrywolf bbl
16:46 Gevallen_Engel hihi
18:43 Tom_itx rue_mohr, i went from ~20 ipm max to ~84 max. good improvement
18:43 Tom_itx on all axis
18:44 Tom_itx rewired the steppers for bipolar parallel mode, was series. that increased the available current to the motors
18:44 Tom_itx not pushing them very hard though
18:44 Tom_itx 3.5A rated for 4.2
18:48 Gevallen_Engel just recently picked up a set of these http://tinypic.com/player.php?v=dgqicn&s=6, still not sure what Im going to do with them though
19:47 katsmeow-afk a floppy duplicator?
19:50 Gevallen_Engel a microplate handler of some kind but I dont know if it works with some other piece of equipment or by itself as it is.
19:50 katsmeow-afk Tom, parallel will allow faster step speeds, i think, if the controller can do it, but parallel will be 2x the current as series at full load
19:50 Gevallen_Engel that one got partially crushed somehow though so its only good for parts
19:51 katsmeow-afk i have an olde IBM 8" (10"?) floppy cassette shuttle-changer, got the cassettes and the floppies too
19:52 Gevallen_Engel nice :3
19:52 katsmeow-afk i couldn't get the mainframe, and with no docs, i wasn't even going to try
19:52 Gevallen_Engel I have a scanner as well :x
19:53 Gevallen_Engel http://imgur.com/a/1q0n5
19:53 Gevallen_Engel doesnt seem to be worth the hassle of trying to sell though, pondering what I could make of it
19:55 katsmeow-afk drop into ##hplusroadmap and ask what it's worth
19:55 katsmeow-afk the thing with all the tubes, not the flatbed
19:55 vallen_Engel
19:56 katsmeow-afk tell them ybit sent you ;-)
19:56 Gevallen_Engel Ive seen a few on ebay but they have issues in some way or another
19:57 katsmeow-afk i dunno beans about them, seen them irl, that's all
19:57 Gevallen_Engel I cant really even find what software it ran, my best guess is a program literally called R8 System Software :\
19:57 tsmeow-afk keeps looking clue
19:58 vallen_Engel join
20:03 katsmeow-afk i think i'll go pound on some steel and brass
20:03 katsmeow-afk making a plate to wind wire on nice and neatly
20:04 katsmeow-afk i tried the method of just laying all the materials next to each other , and seeing if they'll self assemble, but i can't wait any longer
20:32 rue_shop I keep piling parts for the mecha
20:32 rue_shop waiting for critical mass
20:32 Tom_itx it will come
20:33 Gevallen_Engel mecha? :)
20:35 tsmeow-afk sits down for a moment to rest her
20:41 rue_mohr yea
20:41 rue_mohr 12' mecha
20:41 rue_mohr !assist robots/sparrow1
20:41 tobbor Possibly http://eds.dyndns.org/~ircjunk/robots/sparrow1
20:42 rue_mohr http://eds.dyndns.org/~ircjunk/robots/sparrow1/p1040018.jpg about that big
20:42 Gevallen_Engel Awesome
20:50 rue_mohr well we will see how it comes out
20:52 tsmeow-afk imagines a formal affair, catered by the other robots, and the mecha in a
20:53 katsmeow-afk i assume it will have a proper name by then?
20:54 tsmeow-afk goes back to drilling holes in th
20:55 rue_mohr thats its proper name
20:55 rue_mohr its sparrow 1
20:56 Tom_itx first program test went good
20:56 Tom_itx few minor hitches
20:56 Tom_itx new software, new drivers, new psu, pendant working, all seems good so far
20:57 Tom_itx need to permanently mount the electronics
21:00 Gevallen_Engel this tray thing is a pita to get apart
21:04 katsmeow-afk ok, i need some 3/16 roll pins to plug some holes
21:06 home hiiii
21:11 Gevallen_Engel I think these are all unipolar steppers, any disadvantage to that or..?
21:29 rue_mohr easier to drive
22:05 Tom_itx oh, the higher current setting doesn't seem to affect the heat on the drive or psu much
22:05 Tom_itx the steppers are alot cooler now as well
22:14 rue_mohr wow
22:14 rue_mohr the program I made for motion capture files is really awesome
22:14 rue_mohr I was just able to go in and like super change it all around
22:14 rue_mohr and it worked
22:16 Tom_itx oh for moving axis around manually and storing the movements?
22:16 rue_mohr bvh files are what they use in movie stuff to safe motion capture
22:17 rue_mohr a bvh file contains a skelatol definition and a set of angles for each frame
23:56 jschall hmm, i need to split off of some 10ish awg battery leads. what's the best method?
23:57 jschall only need to connect some 20ish awg wire
23:57 jschall oh, it's not 10ish, it's more like 14ish i think
23:58 jschall idk
23:58 jschall ugh, it's missing some insulation. I think i have to cut the connector and heat shrink that anyway...