#robotics Logs

Jun 02 2012

#robotics Calendar

00:00 Tom_itx they have a dsp internal to them that also adjusts the microstepping for maximum power throughout the rpm range
00:00 Tom_itx 10 microstep per step
00:00 Tom_itx and it's really noticeable
00:01 Tom_itx even running underpowered and not wired in parallel mode, i was able to increase the feedrate 3x over
00:02 SavageSimian Tom_itx; i kind of walked into the middle of the conversation here but are you saying that you reduce current to the motor after microstepping? doesn't that also reduce the holding torque?
00:03 furrywolf generally you don't need as much holding torque as moving torque, and it keeps the motor cool.
00:03 Tom_itx i'm sure it does to a degree
00:03 Tom_itx so far i'm very impressed with these
00:04 furrywolf I have some really shiny microstepping drivers... they speak rs485, you can download scripts to them, about a million configuration options... never used them yet.
00:04 Tom_itx the microstepping is automatically adjusted for maximum torque throuout the whole rpm range
00:04 Tom_itx so it increases your higher rpm torque where generally a stepper will fall off
00:05 Tom_itx furrywolf what did you get them for?
00:06 furrywolf for? :)
00:06 furrywolf they were cheap!
00:06 furrywolf I have two 7A ones and two 5A ones if I remember right.
00:06 Tom_itx these are 7A
00:07 Tom_itx so i can expand without having to redo all this again
00:08 furrywolf I wish I'd picked up more when I had the chance. I bought them as a mystery item...
00:08 Tom_itx not using them is nearly like not having them
00:08 Tom_itx :)
00:09 furrywolf when I get around to making a cnc router table, I'll put them to good use.
00:09 furrywolf or some other shiny cnc project.
00:09 Tom_itx one dude with similar steppers and same drives is getting 400ipm on his plasma table
00:09 furrywolf I haven't used them because they're TOO fancy. heh. for my tabletop mill, the step/direction box it came with is plenty...
00:09 Tom_itx i settled with mine for quite a few years
00:10 Tom_itx it was time to upgrade
00:10 furrywolf I need a bigger mill before I need fancier drivers.
00:10 Tom_itx i need the mill now
00:11 furrywolf right now I have a tiny tabletop mill.
00:11 Tom_itx mine is a sherline
00:11 furrywolf same here
00:12 Tom_itx but i built all this with expansion in mind
00:12 furrywolf http://fw.bushytails.net/mill03-small.jpg
00:12 Tom_itx and i'll still have the old stuff to bolt back on it when i do
00:13 Tom_itx what software do you use with it?
00:13 furrywolf flashcut
00:13 Tom_itx what ver?
00:13 furrywolf the only thing I can use without replacing all the elctronics
00:13 Tom_itx mine is 1.41
00:13 furrywolf win95-era. oooold. they won't let you upgrade the software without replacing the hardware too.
00:13 Tom_itx same here
00:14 Tom_itx i still use it
00:14 Tom_itx but i'm upgrading the software too
00:14 furrywolf you ask them about a software upgrade, and they point you to the page that says you get a $650 trade-in credit on your old box when you buy a new system...
00:14 Tom_itx using linuxcnc with a couple mesa boards
00:14 Tom_itx pc and cards would be less than their upgrade
00:15 Tom_itx i got an atom mb to use with it
00:15 furrywolf not familiar with any of those parts.
00:15 furrywolf I'll probably just use some random step/direction drivers on the parallel port, as is common...
00:16 Tom_itx http://tom-itx.dyndns.org:81/~webpage/boards/USBTiny_Mkii/Boxes/milling1.jpg
00:16 Tom_itx i added a plate to mine
00:16 Tom_itx since then have replaced it with another one
00:16 furrywolf bbl, plane is actually early tonight, time to go meet it.
00:16 Tom_itx off to sleep here
00:16 furrywolf I wish I could do that.
00:17 furrywolf ohh, you made a tooling plate. I've been meaning to do that...
00:17 Tom_itx very handy
00:17 furrywolf and you have the fancier one with the deep throat.
00:17 Tom_itx yeah i wasn't gonna miss out on all the Y travel i could get
00:17 furrywolf I have the smaller model, with a whole 3" of Y travel.
00:18 furrywolf I got the one I saw cheap, not the one that would have been ideal. heh.
00:18 furrywolf I can't afford new things, so what I own is set by what I can find cheap...
00:19 Tom_itx it took me some getting used to after running okumas and the like
00:19 furrywolf bbl
00:19 Tom_itx one had a pallet changer on it
00:19 Tom_itx later
00:19 furrywolf heh, I'm not spoiled yet - it's the only mill I've used.
00:20 Tom_itx with a 99 tool tool changer
00:23 tsmeow sstttrreeeEEEeeeetttccchhheeesss
00:24 SavageSimian anybody familiar with the USB PIC K150 programmer?
00:26 Tom_itx we somewhat shun pic around here in favor of avr
00:26 Tom_itx but no
00:26 Tom_itx i had an epic
00:26 Tom_itx pre USB
00:26 SavageSimian i typically shun both in favor of the parallax propeller but i'm slumming... :p
00:28 SavageSimian i've got lots of PIC 16Cx's that i got cheap off ebay. they're SOIC and i was hoping i could make motor controllers small enough to fit inside the joints of my robot arm.
00:30 SavageSimian i'm hoping to reduce the number of wires hanging off this thing. put a slip ring on the base and maybe use I2C to communicate with each axis.
00:30 katsmeow i think the pic isn't the problem for space, it's the H-bridge
00:30 Tom_itx there are some pretty tiny hbridges out there
00:30 SavageSimian yea. i'm looking at an SMD h-bridge.
00:30 katsmeow in the hp ratings for lifting a car battery?
00:31 Tom_itx 3A
00:31 Tom_itx http://tom-itx.dyndns.org:81/~webpage/temp/A3995_hbridge.png
00:31 katsmeow 3A@240vdc ?
00:31 Tom_itx no maaam
00:31 katsmeow 3A@240vdc is not even a full hp
00:34 katsmeow SavageSimian, use different color led to talk to the units, you don't even need to aim the let at the reciever, the light can flood the hollow joint
00:34 Tom_itx http://tom-itx.dyndns.org:81/~webpage/temp/hip4081_bridge.png
00:34 Tom_itx that one is 50A iirc
00:35 Tom_itx with different mosfets
00:35 Tom_itx 1505 iirc
00:35 Tom_itx 1405 maybe
00:35 katsmeow 1404
00:35 Tom_itx 40A
00:36 katsmeow also only 40v
00:36 Tom_itx the 5 is 50 iirc
00:36 katsmeow but, it's over a hp
00:36 tsmeow
00:37 SavageSimian katsmeow, actually i'm hoping to put the h-bridge and the pic on the same pcb and sit em in a small space next to the motor. i'm a little worried about motor noise but hopefully a shield will work.
00:40 tsmeow
00:40 katsmeow it's after midnite, so my brain is off, i shouldn't be designing anything
00:41 katsmeow i can design drunk or asleep, but not tween the hours of midnite and 10am
00:41 SavageSimian my brain doesn't even start working till 4 am...
00:42 SavageSimian i've still got 3.5 hrs before it kicks in...
00:42 katsmeow oh
00:43 katsmeow have you looked att he self-reassembling cube robot things? they have a motor and comm circuits in small spaces
00:44 SavageSimian i saw the youtube vid. couldn't find any more details on it.
00:44 katsmeow you could not google the name of it?
00:44 katsmeow or it's characteristics?
00:44 katsmeow or verbs associated with it?
00:45 katsmeow http://duckduckgo.com/?q=self+assembling+robot+cube
00:45 katsmeow i got tons on my first try
00:45 SavageSimian to be honest, i didn't really go on a serious hunt. just mildly curious. cool gadget but not what i'm doing at the moment so didn't want to get distracted...
00:46 katsmeow o
00:47 SavageSimian when i see something cool it's easy for me to get off on a tangent. if i followed everything i'm interested in i'd never get anything done...
00:47 tsmeow nods sl
00:51 SavageSimian at the moment i'm already off on a tangent - thinking about packing stuff into a robot joint when i have some repair work to do on an encoder experiment gone terribly wrong...
00:58 katsmeow hexabromocyclododecane is toxic to fish, as if no one knew that
00:58 SavageSimian i did some serious thermal modification to a breadboard. who knew that an h-bridge driver would object to having a 12v rail tied into it's 5v supply line? :p
00:59 katsmeow did it protest loudly?
01:01 SavageSimian well it did make the same noise i make when i eat a 2nd helping of chilli just before releasing a tiny mushroom cloud into the air... :p
01:02 katsmeow ouch
01:04 katsmeow i should goto bed
01:04 katsmeow gnites
01:05 SavageSimian nite
01:46 rrywolf flops next to katsmeow for bed
10:27 rue_bed
10:27 rue_bed
10:27 rue_bed
10:27 rue_bed
10:27 rue_bed
10:28 e_bed checks any98665256 sleep
10:30 theBear wtf ? invisible flood ? is that a snow storm ascii art maybe ? and you mean our favourite any i assume ? i aint good with numbres :)
10:31 rrywolf is too exhausted to try parsing that a
10:33 theBear mmm parsley
10:34 furrywolf thanks to work, only got 5 hours of sleep last night, which isn't enough for already-exhausted wolfies.
10:35 theBear mmm, i should finish my relaxing and get to sleep sooner or later... long drive in the morning, heh or maybe early afternoon
10:36 rrywolf had a long drive last n
10:38 rue_bed long drive for bear is past his neighbours place, so prolly about 3000km
10:38 Tom_itx theBear, rue_bed sucked on some licker last night. maybe he can't wake up
10:38 rue_bed ;)
10:39 rue_bed everyone has seen the simpsons episode, right?
10:39 Tom_itx who?
10:39 furrywolf no
10:40 rue_bed where bart phones australlia collect
10:41 theBear i'd heard rumours he's been a bit more absent minded than usual recently, but i aint been around much
10:41 theBear naturally, that was early in the simpsons illustious career
10:44 Tom_itx ok my psu is all better now
11:00 rrywolf tries to figure out the best way to ship a 6-pack of seedli
11:01 furrywolf I'm thinking of wrapping the tray with a shop towel between the stems, then taping it up, to hold the soil in...
11:02 furrywolf then wrapping that as much as possible in a plastic bag, then taping that whole assembley to the bottom of a box...
11:03 furrywolf and hoping not too much water is lost through the leaves. I can't wrap the leaves, or they'll rot...
11:05 Tom_itx i think that's how most shippers do it
11:05 Tom_itx that or newspaper
11:05 theBear i'm learning the most basic things like how much to water plants for the first time in my life just the last several weeks, don't ask me
11:06 theBear i CAN tell you that err, human liquid waste product will kill those cauliflower-ear looking weeds in lawn without killing the lawn, but will also make a lemon tree thrive
11:06 furrywolf hrmm, we don't get those here, I think.
11:07 theBear more than anything, this recent realization only reinforces the knowledge that i know very very little about 'gardening stuff'
11:07 furrywolf and urine makes everything thrive, as long as you don't apply too much.
11:07 furrywolf too much is, of course, relative to the size of the plant.
11:08 theBear hmmm.... you sure ? it seems just a couple of applications on these sneaky big weeds timed over about 24hrs is enough to make them turn completely black and basically rot away to nothing in a couple more days, it seems
11:08 theBear hmm... is grass a big plant ?
11:08 theBear i suppose it got a lotta legs underground
11:08 furrywolf yep
11:08 theBear i been reminded digging up all these sprinklers for the fixin recently
11:09 theBear freaking giant probably not safe mushroom popped up in the front lawn overnight a couple days ago, was stuck in there too, took a good nudge to roll it over, but damn they grow quickly when they feel like it
11:09 furrywolf heh
11:10 furrywolf we get giant very-not-safe mushrooms here... big amanitas, red caps larger than your hands...
11:10 theBear and i know rolling it with a boot nudge will most probably bring several next rain, but that's cool, they fascinate me, and who knows, i might look them up and findout they've got all kinds of alkalines or wtf it is some mushrooms most people shouldn't eat have in em
11:10 furrywolf also pop up overnight.
11:11 theBear mmmm... we used to get some huge non-traditional kinda mold on a sticks that grew in the yard where i grew up near the city... i might have to read the very start of a book about them out of fascination.... i mean, you'd think something that's invisibly tiny one day would need not only a lot of rain, but an apple or a pork chop or something to have the strength to get that size overnight
11:30 rue_mohr http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=xL7Bb_C5ySU#!
11:32 Tom_itx kids today?
11:36 ace4016 looks boring
11:36 rue_mohr http://hackaday.com/2012/06/02/eastons-robot-arm-takes-2nd-place-in-the-international-science-and-engineering-fair/
11:36 rue_mohr heh
11:45 rue_mohr http://hackaday.com/2012/06/02/charting-the-efficiencies-of-boiling-water/
11:45 rue_mohr solarnrg: microwave: 15% efficient.
11:48 elimirks wait... he got 2nd place at the science fair?
11:49 furrywolf that number is useless, as they're considering the efficiency of power generation and distribution as well.
11:49 Skwint must have been quite some competition :p
11:49 furrywolf the actual microwave itself is rather efficient.
11:50 ace4016 actaully...that depends on where you're measuring the energy
11:50 ace4016 if you mean from chamber enegery to heat...or from power consumption of entire MW to heat
11:52 furrywolf they're considering from-dinosaur-to-pot-of-water.
11:52 furrywolf the last step, electricity to pot of water, is only a small part of the inefficiencies.
11:53 furrywolf he found 43% efficiency for the microwave; from what I read a month or two ago, modern microwaves are closer to 80%, so I suspect he has an old one.
12:27 furrywolf yay! first pepper of the year sighted. it's only 5/8" long so far, but it's a pepper. :)
13:39 katsmeow-afk <cough>
13:40 katsmeow-afk Tom, what does it mean: "all better now" , was it in bad shape last nite before bed? i thought "<Tom_itx> yay! 50, 24 and 5v now" means "it works great now!"
13:53 home hey guys
13:56 katsmeow-afk Hague eyes
14:08 elimirks :P
14:09 rue_mohr katsmeow-afk, I have 2x 2" pipes butted up against each other, the juction needs to contain a 1d hinge, suggestions?
14:13 katsmeow-afk some flat steel, weld to side of pipe, one on each side, bolt thru
14:13 katsmeow-afk you've done it before
14:13 rue_mohr yea, I'm just asking which ways you might attack it
14:15 home I am looking for a certain type of pipe
14:15 home and lexan..
14:15 home lol
14:15 rue_mohr kat, I'm looking to do up the plastic mockup more
14:16 katsmeow-afk the 2" pipe?
14:16 rue_mohr yes
14:17 katsmeow-afk got any 2x1 channel? you can hose clamp that to the pipe, it fits perfectly, mount any hinge you like to the channel cabinet door hinges, small 35cent strap hinges, etc
14:17 katsmeow-afk dill and use a bolt or pin to stabilise the pipe in the channel after it's hose clamped
14:19 rue_mohr I want something upgradable to steel that can take a tonne
14:20 katsmeow-afk it can be, just don't use plastic pipe
14:20 tsmeow-afk gets an
14:22 katsmeow-afk steel pipe, 3" steel channel, bolted for easy removeal, else could be welded: http://designerthinking.com/images/lathe-big/DSCF2063.jpg
14:23 katsmeow-afk hinge axis at center of pipe, but you can obviously put it anywhere : http://designerthinking.com/images/lathe-big/DSCF2064.jpg
14:23 rue_mohr http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/0/0a/Caterpillar_345C_L_Excavator.jpg
14:23 rue_mohr excavators use like the first way you said
14:25 katsmeow-afk they are built from the ground up for extreme stresses, and don't use pipe
14:25 katsmeow-afk a hinge axis is a straight line, by mounting the channel to the pipe you get several plane surfaces on which you can easily mount a hinge
14:46 rue_mohr aha I can useBOTH of your ideas
14:47 rue_shop katsmeow-afk, I desire a document showing standard dimentions for U channel, are you aware of such a ducument?
14:49 katsmeow-afk hmm
14:50 katsmeow-afk http://www.engineeringtoolbox.com/american-standard-steel-channels-d_1321.html
14:51 rue_shop wow, the abs pipe I'm using for this mockup is EXACTLY the same OD ad the steel pipe I'm gonna use
14:51 katsmeow-afk the 3x6 stuff is exceptionally heavy channel for it's size
14:52 rue_shop AWESOME thanks kat
14:53 katsmeow-afk also, beware that any non-machined stock is not guaranteed to be in any tolerances, it could be 1/8 off in inside width, for instance
14:53 rue_shop drat, they only go down to 3"
14:56 rue_shop ok, when I make it out of bedframe....
14:57 katsmeow-afk http://delsteelinc.com/index.php?cPath=57
14:58 rue_shop I'd get about 2.5" which is almost exactly what I want
15:01 rue_mohr so on the 3", prolly 2.5" "grip" which isn't enough
15:01 rue_mohr I need 2.4"
15:05 katsmeow-afk i swear some sites are SERIOUSLY designed to run customers away
15:13 katsmeow-afk ok, i give up
15:13 rue_shop you did fine
15:14 rue_shop channel sizes under 3" are hard to find, thats a result
15:14 katsmeow-afk what i do is: goto steel supplier, pick something out, buy it, take it home, use it
15:14 rue_shop I collected a lot of bedframe for the mecha
15:14 rue_shop our steel suppliers dont 'browse'
15:14 rue_shop cause their welders
15:14 katsmeow-afk it's not hard to find, that't the thing, i have 3 diff weights of 2" channel outside
15:15 katsmeow-afk i have 2 or 3 diff ratios of heigth/width channel too
15:15 katsmeow-afk it's in huge racks , literally tons of the stuff, at my metals wholesaler place
15:15 katsmeow-afk but they don't have it online
15:19 rue_shop haha
15:20 rue_shop this is evil
15:20 rue_shop the pin I'd need for the hinge is 66 thou over 2"
15:20 rue_shop over if I should split and weld the pipe to make it a TINY bit smaller
15:22 katsmeow-afk but you need lots, so buy a 20ft stick and cut pins to any size you need
15:22 rue_shop I'd need to take .2" off the circumcrance
15:22 katsmeow-afk why?
15:22 rue_shop na, the hinges are only 2.4" long
15:23 rue_shop taking .2" off the cicumfence would make the ID 2" so I could use 2" hinge pins
15:24 katsmeow-afk why are you using 2" hinge pins when you can make any size hinge pin you like for cheaper than buying "hinge pins" ?
15:24 rue_shop are any of the solid shafts in a car 2"?
15:24 rue_shop 1 tonne
15:24 katsmeow-afk not on plastic pipe
15:24 rue_shop a 2" pin can take 1 tonne
15:24 rue_shop no its a 1:1 mockup
15:25 katsmeow-afk 2" long or 2" diameter?
15:25 rue_shop d
15:25 katsmeow-afk 2" diameter pin can lift your house
15:25 rue_shop well you have to have a safety margin
15:26 katsmeow-afk they hinge 18-wheel dump truck beds with 2" pins
15:28 katsmeow-afk i've never seen the axle springs of an 18-wheeler as big as 2", or the king pins in any road truck be as big as 2"
15:29 katsmeow-afk 2" diameter hinge pin is freaking strong, rue
15:33 rue_shop I didn't say they would be grade 8
15:33 rue_shop :)
15:33 rue_shop if using a grade 8 bolt, what size would you gander
15:34 rue_shop 1"?
15:34 rue_shop 2" is handy cause I can use the stuff I have to make the hinges
15:35 katsmeow-afk but you can drill holes under an inch diameter
15:35 rue_shop I dont want to go too small, were talking a 12' robot putting its foot down
15:36 rue_shop (with passive compliance)
15:39 katsmeow-afk then look at similarly loaded pins: pins mounting the leaf springs under 4ton trailers (mine are 1/2 diameter grade8), bolts mounting springs under 3/4 ton offroad 4x4 (mine were 1/2 inch grade8), look at the pins holding rollers on overhead bridge cranes (mine are 1/2 inch grade8) , shall i go on?
15:39 rue_shop hmm
15:40 katsmeow-afk Shear strength of a bolt. - Nova Tech - Team Nova at Novas ...
15:40 katsmeow-afk With that said a 7/16" grade 8 bolt with a tensile strength of 120,000 psi would require a force of 72,000 lbs to shear it. ...
15:40 rue_shop a 1/2" pin dosn't feel right as the hinge pin on a 2" pipe frame
15:40 katsmeow-afk in other words, i'll *never* break it
15:40 rue_shop hmm
15:40 rue_shop 72000lb sheer
15:41 rue_shop so your saying its *possable* for it to be sheered
15:41 rue_shop :)
15:41 katsmeow-afk multiplied by how many plates in the hinge that the bolt goes thru
15:41 rue_shop ok the pin may be abel to be grade 8, but the collar around it wont be
15:42 rue_shop prolly grade 3 or 5 metal
15:42 katsmeow-afk right, you'll break a lot of stuff before you break the pin
15:42 rue_shop got sheer specs for grade 3"
15:42 rue_shop ?
15:42 katsmeow-afk no
15:42 rue_shop 5?
15:43 katsmeow-afk i got 100's of google hits on bolt shear
15:43 rue_shop I think the design point should be the collar around the pin
15:43 rue_shop part of why I like the 2" lots of surface area on the collar
15:44 katsmeow-afk you remember how there's lots of plates per pin on that timing chanin you bought?
15:44 rue_shop yea
15:44 katsmeow-afk that's how you get lots of surface area and multiply the pin shear strngth at the same time
15:44 rue_shop but I'm prolly just using 2 peices of 1/4" plate with a collar to widen it up to 1/2" or so
15:45 katsmeow-afk then use more plates :-/
15:45 rue_shop hmm
15:45 rue_shop I need the width too
15:45 rue_shop for lateral stability of the hinge
15:45 katsmeow-afk you aren't building a D10 or the world's biggest trackhoe
15:46 rue_shop but its 12' and may extert a lot of forces walking
15:47 katsmeow-afk drill a mess of 1/4 thick 1.5 wide plates with a 1/2 hole, stack them on the 1/2 pin, and weld them to the ends and sides of the pipe, and be happy
15:47 rue_shop or reduce the count and put a spacer in the middle
15:47 katsmeow-afk if that approach won't make you happy, you need the complicated and pricey route of roller bearings
15:48 rue_shop I think well greased friction brearing is ok
15:48 rue_shop they last a long time on excavators
15:49 katsmeow-afk use tapered roller bearings to adjust for slop, the cheapest made are prolly small boat trailer bearings, or front wheel bearings on rear-wheel drive cars
15:49 rue_shop $240 budget
15:50 katsmeow-afk they actually get sloppy as hell on excavators, and farm tractors (i know), and when used as steering kingpins (i know), and bobcat buckets (i know)
15:55 katsmeow-afk i remember making and replacing new sets of bushings for a farm tractor attachement EVERY WEEKEND , because an hour of my time was easily worth it compared to the cost of the equipment
15:56 katsmeow-afk the equipment never did get replaced, the bushings got replaced every weekend, the 1/2 grade8 bolts got replaced every year
15:57 katsmeow-afk the bolts wore, but not badly, i replaced them when diameter was down to 7/16
15:57 katsmeow-afk which was about once a year
15:57 rue_shop but the mecha has a human in the feedback loop to compensate
15:58 katsmeow-afk yeas, and my 3500HD had a human in the feedback loop to steer it, and it still drove like crap and wandered the road and ate 1/2 the tread off the $250 tire in only 600 miles
15:58 katsmeow-afk ( worn kingpin )
15:59 katsmeow-afk and oval holes the pin was in
16:02 katsmeow-afk i think you put any stress on a 12ft mecha's 2inch pipe legs, and they will get really bendy,, i think your hinges should be cheap tapered roller bearings on a 1/2 grade8 bolt, there just isn't a huge price disadvantage to makeing it basically a good design, even if it is lightweight
16:03 katsmeow-afk at $2 per bearing, each leg has 4 bearings? it's a cheap price for a joint with adjustable no-play and nearly zero friction, and no wear
16:06 katsmeow-afk http://designerthinking.com/images/idlers/one%20built.jpg
16:08 e_shop plays in the suns
16:08 katsmeow-afk http://designerthinking.com/idlers.html <<== read the first 2 paragraphs, follow the process
16:08 tsmeow-afk goes away to do things irl too
16:51 elimirks Real life? I have never heard of that server.
16:53 elimirks http://2damnfunny.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/Scumbag-Nerd-Meme-In-Real-Life.jpg
16:55 rue_mohr I made more potato boxes
16:56 Tom_itx that's it??
16:56 Tom_itx did you have class today?
16:56 rue_mohr 8 pieces ea
16:56 rue_mohr yes
16:56 Tom_itx sry i couldn't make it this time
16:56 Tom_itx :)
16:56 rue_mohr we ended up in a scamble trying to get the arm ready for the faire
16:56 rue_mohr a wire got pinched and blew 2 motor drivers
16:56 elimirks uni?
16:56 Tom_itx are they going to that?
16:56 rue_mohr I still have a fix to make
16:56 elimirks yikes.
16:57 rue_mohr no, its a robotics class I do at my house
16:57 rue_mohr but we got the computer boxed all nice
16:57 elimirks Oh nice
16:58 elimirks What country are you in?
16:58 rue_mohr canada
16:58 rue_mohr were taking the robot arm we made to the maker fiare
16:58 rue_mohr !assist arm5
16:58 tobbor Possibly http://eds.dyndns.org/~ircjunk/arm5
16:58 rue_mohr er 4
16:58 rue_mohr oh 5
16:58 rue_mohr !assist robots/arm5
16:58 tobbor Possibly http://eds.dyndns.org/~ircjunk/robots/arm5
16:59 rue_mohr http://eds.dyndns.org/~ircjunk/robots/arm5/p1030984.jpg
16:59 elimirks rue_mohr: Are you in the GTA? If so, I would be interested in the class, if there is room.
16:59 rue_mohr whats gta?
16:59 elimirks Greater Toronto Area
16:59 rue_mohr I'm in 'sechelt'
16:59 rue_mohr its on the OTHER side of canada
17:00 rue_mohr the one the east side tries to pretend dosn't exist
17:00 elimirks Oh bc eh? :-/
17:00 rue_mohr yes
17:00 elimirks Ahh I have been looking for a robotics / electronics group
17:00 rue_mohr find a hackerspace
17:01 rue_mohr there will probably be one somewhere near you
17:02 elimirks Oh your hosting one eh?
17:02 rue_mohr yes, I do the class for intrested kids
17:03 elimirks Neat
17:04 rue_mohr so what you up to?
17:05 elimirks About to study
17:06 elimirks I am doing the free 6.002x course from MIT
17:06 elimirks that, and organizing stuff.
17:06 elimirks How about you? I hear you built more robots than one could think of, eh?
17:07 rue_mohr http://eds.dyndns.org/~ircjunk/robots/robot_family2.jpg
17:08 elimirks hehe yay a robo family :D
17:10 elimirks Mh... what do you think about this one http://hackerspaces.org/wiki/Toronto_Hackerspace one member.. lol
17:10 rue_mohr make it 2
17:10 elimirks Yeah I think I will
17:11 biker Im doing my own cheap cnc programmed with labview
17:11 elimirks It is close enough to bike to... meh
17:11 biker on monday ill try to post a video and the code
17:12 elimirks Looks like it is in a pc repair shop
17:12 rue_mohr http://hackerspaces.org/wiki/List_of_Hacker_Spaces <-- katsmeow-afk is that too far from you?
17:12 rue_mohr theBear, your close to perth?
17:14 elimirks Mh looks like I will have to send him some snail mail
17:14 rue_mohr http://hackerspaces.org/wiki/Robots_and_Dinosaurs <-- :) hehe
17:14 elimirks He didn't post his email :-/
17:22 rue_shop so I guess I have to use a tiny13 or soemthing to translate the encoder
17:22 rue_shop or, hmm
17:22 Tom_itx ?
17:22 Tom_itx t10 would
17:23 rue_shop or I make a 2 bit dac, and have it control the freq of a 555
17:23 rue_shop I dont have any t10, or any t10 programmers
17:23 elimirks t13s are nice
17:24 rue_shop the problem is that the pulses might go by too quick the decode it properly
17:24 e_shop th
17:24 rue_shop if I'm gonna use a t13, it might as well report position
17:26 rue_shop this isn't a super speedy robot, maybe I should get some numbers on what I'm working with
17:30 rue_shop the shortest time between level changes will be .5ms
17:30 rue_shop thats with a lot of safety margin
17:31 rue_shop which is 2khz
17:31 rue_shop as a period
17:31 rue_shop so
17:31 rue_shop 20Khz would be more than enough bandwidth to do it
17:32 rue_shop I wonder what kinda bandwith I can get thru the opto
18:07 rue_shop !assist tutorials/mech
18:07 tobbor Possibly http://eds.dyndns.org/~ircjunk/tutorials/mech
18:07 rue_shop 2" in mm is 52.4ish
18:08 Tom_itx maybe i'll get a chance this evening to test my wiring
18:08 rue_shop drat, no pipe has that OD
18:25 rue_shop 8-|
18:25 e_shop wake
18:37 katsmeow-afk yeow, it's 6:30pm already
18:37 katsmeow-afk i thought it was 5ish
18:37 katsmeow-afk i kept busy and got almost nothing done, but it all needed doing, whatever it was i did
18:37 Tom_itx damn lens just popped out of my new glasses
18:38 Tom_itx is everything cheap shit anymore?
18:38 katsmeow-afk no, i make *good* shit
18:40 katsmeow-afk rue, if you zoom in on eht usa, you'll see a big hole where there's no intelligence, plainly showing MS, AL, LA, and AR
18:41 katsmeow-afk there's more makerspaces in Guatamala than in those 4 states
18:42 katsmeow-afk ah, there is one in AR
18:42 rue_mohr yea its way up there
18:43 elimirks Is a makerspace the same thing as a hackerspace?
18:44 katsmeow-afk there were several near the Fla place :-|
18:46 katsmeow-afk the Rome Ga space membership : Membership fee
18:46 katsmeow-afk $70/month Basic USD $135/month Advanced USD Paid monthly.
18:46 katsmeow-afk cannot afford it
18:46 katsmeow-afk but save that for 4 months, buy a small lathe
18:47 Tom_itx that's alot
18:48 katsmeow-afk yeas, and with gas prices, forget it
18:48 Tom_itx basic plus advanced?
18:48 Tom_itx or just advanced?
18:48 katsmeow-afk i dunno, i quit reading
18:48 Tom_itx i'd have to set up business to support that
18:49 Tom_itx then it wouldn't be fun anymore
18:49 rue_mohr they prolly have a LOT of resources for that
18:49 rue_mohr I dont think any of them are profit based
18:49 rue_mohr but yes, thats expensive
18:50 rue_mohr my point was that there might be some intelligence there you could find some relief with
18:50 Tom_itx oh and i think you bring your own tooling
18:50 rue_mohr na, not for that much
18:50 rue_mohr whats their page?
18:50 Tom_itx i bet so
18:50 Tom_itx i stopped looking for intelligence
18:50 Tom_itx it's too hard to find anymore
18:52 katsmeow-afk my intelligence it telling me to not buy $40 in gas, pay $50 per month to bring my own stuff there, in a 23 yr old car in bad need of tires, when i can't pay the bills i already have
18:56 rue_mohr haha I have a list of tutorials I need to write
18:56 rue_mohr how do turn a dc motor + pot into a servo, how to make an air muscle, and how to store gas in a lightbulb
18:57 rue_mohr but I havn't rounded up a dead sodium bulb from work yet for that one
18:58 elimirks turn a dc motor and a pot into a servo?
18:58 elimirks How would you go about doing that? O_
18:58 rue_mohr yea
18:58 elimirks O_o
18:58 rue_mohr :) just throw in a microcontroller with code
18:58 imirks is already intere
18:58 elimirks Ah..
18:58 rue_mohr ok, ok
18:59 e_mohr goes out to the shop with the ca
18:59 Tom_itx you just use software tape
18:59 elimirks heh, yay!
19:02 elimirks rue_mohr: How long does it take/how complicated?
19:03 rue_shop its depends how good you are with mecahnics
19:03 rue_shop not long
19:03 elimirks What do you have to do, in summary?
19:03 rue_shop I'll post the generic software I use
19:03 rue_shop hold on
19:05 katsmeow-afk rif did the two-port pot-speed thing, and a differential mode too, for the two motors on his float
19:10 roboman2444 i get pinged here a lot... whenever someone says *robo*
19:11 katsmeow-afk so tell your irc client to stop it if you don't like it
19:13 rue_shop elimirks, a) you have a motor
19:13 rue_shop b) you have a gear reduction
19:13 rue_shop c) you have a potentiometer for position feedback
19:13 rue_shop d) you have a microcontroller
19:14 rue_shop e) you have a motor driver that can do variable speed
19:14 rue_shop f) you have a motor
19:14 rue_shop right, getting out of that fircle
19:14 rue_shop you also have an input on the microcontroller to 'command' a position
19:15 elimirks Ahh ok
19:15 elimirks In the end, wouldn't it be worth it to just use a servo?
19:15 rue_shop the software on the controller, takes the reading of the position that the servo is at, compares it to where its supposed to be, does some scaling to the difference, and applies that as a speed to the motor
19:15 rue_shop no
19:15 rue_shop cause
19:15 katsmeow-afk we don't discuss *Where* we put the equipment
19:16 rue_shop you can make a winshield wiper into a servo that will flatten by strength and price any servo you can buy
19:16 elimirks ?
19:16 katsmeow-afk and for $100 you can make a 2000 inch-lbs servo
19:18 elimirks Ahh true.. :)
19:18 katsmeow-afk <cough>
19:31 rue_shop or 2000 foot-lbs :)
19:33 rue_shop hmm tweek the software a bit here
20:25 tsmeow-afk looks pe
20:33 elimirks Why so?
20:33 katsmeow-afk because i *am* pewped
20:36 elimirks Oh that makes a LOT more sense
20:53 furrywolf yay unplanned vehicle projects. was driving the jeep dj I'm working on for someone, fuel line cracked.
20:54 tsmeow-afk hands furry a broken rear sp
20:55 furrywolf haven't done that one yet. I exploded an axle, does that count? :)
20:55 katsmeow-afk actually, i can beat that too, was driving a GTO at 65mph, connecting rod busted, punched thru the side of the oil pan, ate the piston as it came down the bore
20:56 furrywolf best damage I've seen lately is a friend's truck... he twisted the transfer case clean off the transmission.
20:56 katsmeow-afk sometimes i think i have done too much living
20:56 katsmeow-afk that's a good trick
20:57 furrywolf big engine, crappy chevy parts...
20:57 furrywolf cracked the aluminum housings of both the transmission and transfer case while in low range.
20:58 katsmeow-afk does cracking a bell housing count?
20:58 furrywolf big engine, crappy chevy parts, depleted uranium foot. (lead foot does not describe him well enough...)
20:59 katsmeow-afk my biggest mental problem with replacing/rebuilding the engine in the big truck i have is that Detroit never produced a good powerful engine for that truck
21:00 katsmeow-afk all i hear of big detroit engines is overheating, overheating, overheating,, and twisted cranks
21:00 furrywolf 6bt?
21:01 katsmeow-afk whowhat?
21:02 furrywolf cummins 12-valve
21:02 furrywolf the 6bt is an inline 6 diesel with a pretty good reputation.
21:02 katsmeow-afk afaik, it wasn't made in 1989
21:03 katsmeow-afk the V8 fills the engine bay now, pretty sure a inline won't fit
21:03 furrywolf sure it was. they've made from from the early '80s, and I think they still do.
21:03 furrywolf ah
21:03 furrywolf the international 7.3 used in ford trucks is a good engine too.
21:03 katsmeow-afk and, i can't spend $1000's on a new drop-in
21:04 furrywolf I might swap a 7.3 into my jeep.
21:04 katsmeow-afk the 7.3 gasburner? i heard it wears fast and overheats
21:04 furrywolf 7.3 diesel
21:04 katsmeow-afk oh, i don't know it
21:05 furrywolf it was used in ford trucks from the late '80s to mid '9s
21:05 furrywolf '90s
21:05 furrywolf before they switched to powerstrokes
21:06 furrywolf before that was the 6.9, which while reliable, was slow. the 7.3 had a bunch of improvements, as well as being bored out, which made it nice and zippy.
21:08 katsmeow-afk maybe i can look this engine over good this year
21:08 furrywolf which one do you have?
21:09 katsmeow-afk 6.5 turbo, the first yr after the 6.4,, but it has the 6.4 injector on it and the turbo is disengaged, and there's oil in the intake where it doesn't belong
21:10 katsmeow-afk 200 and something thous miles on it
21:10 furrywolf heh
21:10 furrywolf I'm poking at my dual tds meter, the $24.99 ebay one... seems pretty nice. the manual is obviously written by someone who speaks english natively, which is a welcome change...
21:13 katsmeow-afk http://www.ominous-valve.com/wlw.html
21:14 furrywolf it has that "real product" feel to it, rather than "chinese special".
21:15 furrywolf now, when I get some plumbing, I can see which of the three RO systems I have, if any, actually works...
21:21 furrywolf bleh, internet connection sucky tonight... mostly loaded that page...
21:23 katsmeow-afk Advances had to be made in the fairly arcane art of "re-entrant termination," a scheme that let these antennas throw some real juice without simply melting. Birds landing on these lines had a tendency to explode, simply vanish into very small pieces.
21:29 rue_mohr .
21:29 rue_mohr may I flood?
21:29 katsmeow-afk you did!
21:29 Tom_itx how bad?
21:29 rue_mohr 20 lines
21:29 rue_mohr we dont seem 2 active
21:30 Tom_itx speak for yourself
21:30 rue_mohr example: (command.parameter)
21:30 rue_mohr 0.256 (everyone into listening mode)
21:30 rue_mohr 3.8 (set the current position to the control position, this is to make it hold its current position when its powered up)
21:30 rue_mohr 3.2 (power up)
21:30 rue_mohr 1.256 (everyone ignore)
21:30 rue_mohr 0.0 (servo 1 listen)
21:30 rue_mohr 0.3 (servo 3 listen)
21:30 rue_mohr 4.512 (go to position 512, servo 1 and 3 will do this)
21:30 rue_mohr 1.256 (everyone ignore)
21:30 rue_mohr 2.4 (servo 4 listen to the next command)
21:30 rue_mohr 5.256 (cache position 256, servo 4 does this)
21:30 rue_mohr 2.5 (servo 5 listen to the next command)
21:30 rue_mohr 2.6 (servo 6 lisen to the next command, THIS ISN'T A COMMAND so servo 5 is still listening)
21:30 rue_mohr 5.123 (cache position 123, servos 5 and 6 do this)
21:30 rue_mohr 2.8 (servo 8 listing to the next command)
21:30 rue_mohr 5.400 (cache position 400, servo 8 does this)
21:30 rue_mohr -- no servos are listening right now --
21:30 rue_mohr 3.1 (enguage cached position, servo 4 will go to 256, 5 and 6 will go to 123, and 8 will go to 400, all at the same time)
21:30 rue_mohr -- special mode example, only works with one time listen--
21:30 rue_mohr 2.514 ('chain listen' starts with servo 514-512 = servo 2 (add 512 to the servo you want to start with))
21:30 rue_mohr 4.100 (servo 2 goes to position 100)
21:30 rue_mohr 4.200 (servo 3 goes to position 200)
21:31 rue_mohr 4.50 (servo 4 goes to position 50)
21:31 rue_mohr 4.75 (servo 5 goes to position 75)
21:31 rue_mohr -- right now, servo 6 is in 'one time chain listen' --
21:31 rue_mohr 1.256 (everyone ignore)
21:31 rue_mohr -- nobodys listening now --
21:31 Tom_itx a pastebin may have been better
21:31 rue_mohr :) too late
21:31 rue_mohr you said speak :)
21:31 Tom_itx i didn't say ramble
21:31 rue_mohr does that make sense
21:32 furrywolf grrrr. you do know some of us are in more than one channel, right?
21:32 theBear hmm... not sure i like your numbers, but the concept is solid
21:32 rue_mohr its implemented
21:32 theBear so is your face :)
21:32 rue_mohr I just want to know if that scenario example works
21:32 theBear i just got up with a sore head, i'm impressed i even understood the characters that make up that example
21:35 katsmeow-afk i don't see how 0.0 = (servo 1 listen) , but 0.3 = (servo 3 listen) ,, but i don't need to know how
21:36 rue_mohr 0 is the 'listen' command 0 and 3 are the paramter of who should listen
21:36 furrywolf it seems like an overly complex system
21:36 rue_mohr it works for anything :)
21:36 rue_mohr its quite optimized for low control bandwidth
21:37 furrywolf for various definitions of work.
21:37 rue_mohr mhm
21:37 furrywolf if it's optimized for low bandwidth, don't make it send 4. before every position.
21:37 rue_mohr every command is 16 bits
21:37 rue_mohr you have to send 16 bits, so the 4 isn't an issue
21:38 rue_mohr [0][c3][c2][c1][c0][v2][v1][v0]
21:38 rue_mohr [1][v9][v8][v7][v6][v5][v4][v3]
21:38 rue_mohr
21:38 rue_mohr c0-c3 are command
21:38 rue_mohr v0-v9 are value
21:38 furrywolf how many servos can it support?
21:38 rue_mohr up to 256
21:39 furrywolf how many systems will have more than ten? add a listen bitmap command.
21:39 rue_mohr my hexapod has 18
21:39 rue_mohr the mecha...
21:39 furrywolf how the heck does every leg need three servos? lol
21:39 furrywolf or do you mean hexapod as in walking robot, not hexapod as in parallel motion milling machine?
21:39 rue_mohr mecha has 47
21:40 rue_mohr walking
21:40 rue_mohr full motion
21:40 rue_mohr right side up, up side down, on edge
21:40 rue_mohr walking
21:40 rue_mohr on end
21:42 rue_mohr have you not seen it?
21:42 rue_mohr your not in vancouver are you?
21:43 furrywolf nowhere near there.
21:43 rue_mohr I cant remember who is
21:43 furrywolf and by hexapod, I assumed you meant a parallel motion actuator, not a robot.
21:44 rue_mohr !assist robots/buddy3/
21:44 tobbor Possibly http://eds.dyndns.org/~ircjunk/robots/buddy3/
21:44 rue_mohr grr
21:44 rue_mohr !assist robots/buddy_III
21:44 tobbor Possibly http://eds.dyndns.org/~ircjunk/robots/buddy_III
21:45 rue_mohr http://eds.dyndns.org/~ircjunk/robots/buddy_III/p1020058.jpg
21:46 furrywolf only walking robot I've built used a whole four motors, with everything done through rods and cables.
21:46 furrywolf each side had two motors, one for switching which pair of legs was up or down, one for moving them back or forth.
21:48 furrywolf anything I build in the future will by hydraulic, not electric.
21:49 furrywolf there's no reason you can't build a walking robot with a big-block V8 in the middle of it. :P
21:50 theBear i seen a walking 'robot' (more of a giant version of a windup walking toy) that had not only a small (probably from a TINY car or motorbike, i forget, bigger than a mower engine) petrol engine in it's err, body (think roughly robocop2 shape/layout) cavity with the spark outputs run thru cool bendy neon tubes in it's body !
21:51 theBear that guy was kinda cool... this was a long time ago now... primary school i think
21:53 furrywolf eh, I like practical, not art.
21:57 theBear heh, good guess, but still, he built a frickin steel framed 9' high glowing petrol powered walking robot and because it WAS art he had special permission to let it walk around outside the slightly 'alternative' art gallery in the middle of the city
21:57 theBear i'd never imagined anyone could build such a thing... was probably a formatitive experience :)
21:58 rrywolf curls up next to katsmeow-afk and yawns, completely exhausted still after having to work in the middle of the n
21:59 katsmeow-afk wish i had seen that one
21:59 katsmeow-afk i wonder what he is doing now
22:00 Tom_itx how big a debounce cap do i need?
22:00 Tom_itx .1 uf?
22:00 rue_shop even when I want to go backwards I have to start with the future
22:00 Tom_itx 1F?
22:00 katsmeow-afk debounce?
22:00 Tom_itx switch
22:01 katsmeow-afk oh
22:01 katsmeow-afk depends on the circuit, high impedance circuits need less cap
22:01 katsmeow-afk .1 is a good guess tho
22:02 katsmeow-afk by SS Nair - 1992 - Cited by 8 - Related articles
22:02 katsmeow-afk Robotics and Autonomous Systems 9 (1992) 149-163 149 ... R., Waldron, K.J. and Vohnout V.J., Power system of a multi-legged walking robot, Robotics and ... length is 5 m (17ft), normal walking height is 3.3 .... high tensile steel rim which is shrunk onto a steel ...... of a gas-turbine powered helicopter drive system, ASME ...
22:02 theBear me too, a friend from old work basically runs the practical/technical side of the 'new' theaterspace downstairs there, i'm regularly nearby, but haven't seen any exhibitions with anything like he used to do... was the first time i saw a cool micro-based homemade robot too, he had this big kinda low glass case/cage in the middle of a small side-gallery kinda room, little ultrasonic tower/beacon thing in one corner, a handful of tiny 'mouse-like' r
22:02 theBear obots and a whole bunch of little foam cubes.... chuck it all in there and as the week progresses the little mousies go around collecting foam blocks one by one and shuffling them towards the tower until they've built a little 'nest'
22:23 furrywolf argh... one of the neighbors is having an obnoxiously loud party. and I want to go to bed early tonight.
22:24 theBear heh, you need a frickin 3.3m tall helicopter turbine powered robot in your yard to fight back with
22:38 rue_shop so, the microcontroller was resetting when I powered up the motor
22:38 katsmeow-afk the inconsiderate hunk of plastic
22:39 rue_shop weak power supply so I grabbed the largest electorlytic I had in reach and plugged it into the 12V rail
22:39 rue_shop *** it was a 6.3V cap ***
22:39 theBear hehe woops
22:39 rue_shop and it waiting till I had my head over it to go off
22:39 rue_shop waited
22:39 katsmeow-afk but it was a weak power supply, so it was ok
22:39 rue_shop no, it went
22:39 theBear at least it was small... 25v cap on 30v is much scarier/more surprising
22:40 tsmeow-afk offers rue her spare gla
22:40 e_shop fishes the capacitor out of his eye and tries them
22:40 rue_shop na, it split like its supposed to
22:41 tsmeow-afk tests fits all the pipe together on the top floor, and it all looks nice, so goes down to the cellar and turns the wate
22:42 katsmeow-afk test fit = dry fit, no glue
22:42 rue_shop 8 -|
22:44 tsmeow-afk sings "where oh where has my little zhanx gone, oh where oh where can he be?" ,, cause i really wanna see how his motor winding is g
22:44 furrywolf heh, someone I knew was assigned a helper on a large plumbing job... turned out the helper forgot to glue about one in ten joints. needless to say he found out about this as soon as they turned the water back on... said helper was not to help in the future.
22:46 rrywolf curls back up next to kats
22:47 tsmeow-afk is trying to not sleep, so praps sleep can happen at midnite whent he brain switches off an
22:50 furrywolf my packet loss is up to 61%... time to give up on internet.
22:51 katsmeow-afk k, good sleeps
22:51 tsmeow-afk falls off the c
22:57 rue_shop arg, I hate it when something simple wont work
23:03 atom1 no shit
23:03 atom1 but i think i got it anyway
23:04 theBear hehe, halfwit that sweeps yer floors being difficult again eh ?
23:05 katsmeow-afk i think i am worn out for the nite already
23:05 atom1 me to
23:05 atom1 theBear, who sweeps the floor?
23:06 atom1 just open both doors and bring in the air hose
23:06 theBear "something simple won't work"
23:06 theBear yet another terribly unfunny one liner from theBear
23:06 rue_shop I'm using integers
23:06 katsmeow-afk lol@rue
23:06 rue_shop and numbers from 0-1023 are rolling over
23:06 rue_shop in a-b
23:07 katsmeow-afk oops
23:09 katsmeow-afk wait, you said the otehr day that numbers were supposed to roll over so you could issue mutpliplmpllllulplemnmnplle commands
23:12 rue_shop the error should go from -1023 to 1023
23:13 rue_shop oh, uh
23:13 rue_shop thanks kat
23:13 katsmeow-afk <curtsey>
23:13 rue_shop I'm taking the -1023 -> 0 and running it thru a 0 -> 255 limiter
23:13 rue_shop which is, obviously, always 0
23:14 katsmeow-afk any idea why you are doing that?
23:15 rue_shop I forgot to dro the sign flag when the value is negitive
23:16 rue_shop if (error > 0) {
23:16 rue_shop pwm1 = 0;
23:16 rue_shop pwm0 = limit(ABS(error), 0, 255);
23:16 rue_shop } else {
23:16 rue_shop pwm0 = 0;
23:16 rue_shop pwm1 = limit(ABS(-error), 0, 255);
23:16 rue_shop }
23:17 rue_shop I forgot the -
23:21 rue_shop now the pwm levels are all inverted
23:25 rue_shop yay! it works
23:26 furrywolf "-:- CTCP PING reply from furrywolf: 369.765 seconds" bleh!
23:27 katsmeow-afk what char is
23:27 katsmeow-afk 226 â
23:27 katsmeow-afk 130 ‚
23:27 katsmeow-afk 172 ¬
23:27 katsmeow-afk ?
23:27 katsmeow-afk ¥ ?
23:28 katsmeow-afk i thinkit's supposed to be a yuan symbol
23:32 rue_shop hmm the integrator sucks
23:34 katsmeow-afk The city is also home to China's nuclear engineers, who work at a laboratory in the desert about 100 kilometers away. Every morning, at 7:40, a train takes engineers and workers to the secret nuclear center. At about 6 p.m., it brings them back to Jiayuguan.
23:36 rue_shop my integrators are why a few axies on buddy are unstable, aparently
23:36 furrywolf dunno. those symbols seem to be encoded with something other than unicode utf-8.
23:36 furrywolf and thus undisplayable.
23:37 katsmeow-afk TheWebPage = replace(TheWebPage,{226,130,172},"Y") -- 3-char yuan -- June 2 2012
23:37 katsmeow-afk it displays now :-)
23:40 rue_shop if (ABS(error) < INTTHRESH) { In[0] = limit(In[0] + SIGN(error), -INTTHRESH, INTTHRESH); }
23:40 rue_shop else { In[0] = 0;
23:40 rue_shop if the absolute value or the error is less than the treshold the integrator kicks in at
23:41 rue_shop then the value of the integrator is , to the + and - limits of the intrgrators treshold, added or subtracted 0 or 1 depending on the sign of the error
23:41 rue_shop why isn't this working?
23:41 rue_shop oh
23:41 rue_shop no, its accumulitive
23:42 furrywolf I have a tap labeled 1/4 1/32 20. 20 is the pitch. it's not 1/4, however.
23:45 furrywolf it feels like it might be 9/32-20, but that's not a standard size I've ever heard of...
23:47 rue_shop I need to slow down the integrator
23:50 furrywolf yep, it's exactly 9/32. why the heck you'd want one, or why it'd be labeled 1/4 1/32 instead of 9/32, I have no idea...
23:58 katsmeow-afk [furrywolf PING reply]: 2 secs
23:59 furrywolf yeah, it's getting better