#robotics Logs

Apr 16 2012

#robotics Calendar

08:43 delinquentme_ Tom_itx, im missing the part where it says "now upload the software to the chip"
12:43 Tom_itx delinquentme_
12:44 Tom_itx ?
12:44 Tom_itx check the avrdude page
12:44 Tom_itx or if you're using studio just ask
17:14 KongfuPanda so what everyone is building?
17:14 KongfuPanda is anyone here doing like forefront research in robotics?
17:39 DanFrederiksen nah I'm not sure anyone is doing any robotics at all actually :)
17:40 DanFrederiksen KongfuPanda, I once did a little machine learning for simulated robot
17:41 DanFrederiksen which you may have seen http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B_uBxO2dZqc
19:38 rue_house http://www.liorelazary.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=46:mechanical-cpu-clock&catid=10:clocks&Itemid=15
19:38 rue_house hahah thats great
19:58 rue_house katsmeow-afk, so I threw togethor a fixed chaotic state machine *knda*
19:59 orlok i bought a new PC
19:59 m_itx is looking for a magic file to
19:59 orlok well, most of the bits
19:59 rue_house I'm suprised how it takes errors, comes out with a lot more certianty than I thought it would on erronious inputs
19:59 rue_house Tom_itx, what do you want to do
19:59 rue_house change the network adapter from dhcp to static?
19:59 Tom_itx enable php
19:59 rue_house ah
20:00 Tom_itx no i got that part
20:00 rue_house well, you installed the apache php module right?
20:00 Tom_itx yup
20:00 Tom_itx i think i did anyway
20:00 rue_house ok so, you can list the modules apache actually loaded
20:00 Tom_itx not easily
20:01 rue_house you make an html page with something in it that apache unfolds into the whole list
20:01 orlok i7-2600k, 8 gig of ram, HSF combo thats about 5.5" cubed, Asus Z77 board
20:01 Tom_itx i did
20:01 Tom_itx it won't do it
20:02 rue_house apachectl -t -D DUMP_MODULES
20:02 rue_house from the command line
20:02 rue_house you should see
20:02 Tom_itx err i did the php test line anyway
20:02 rue_house php5_module (shared)
20:02 rue_house in the list
20:02 Tom_itx just a sec
20:02 Tom_itx do i need root?
20:03 zhanx think i need to swap linux flavors
20:03 rue_house :)
20:03 zhanx mint is starting to run slow
20:03 zhanx root is good
20:03 zhanx i got to work 15 hours today
20:04 rue_house they allowed you to?
20:04 zhanx yep
20:04 zhanx it was like hey dont work toooo hard now
20:04 zhanx :(
20:04 atom1 No command 'apachectl' found, did you mean:
20:04 atom1 Command 'apache2ctl' from package 'apache2.2-common' (main)
20:04 atom1 apachectl: command not found
20:04 rue_house oh stupid apache2
20:04 zhanx sudo apt-get install apache2.2-common
20:04 rue_house yes try apache2ctl
20:04 atom1 ok so what do you wanna know?
20:04 atom1 the whole list?
20:05 rue_house no
20:05 rue_house is what I said should be in there there?
20:05 rue_house <rue_house> you should see
20:05 rue_house <Tom_itx> err i did the php test line anyway
20:05 rue_house <rue_house> php5_module (shared)
20:05 rue_house <rue_house> in the list
20:05 e_house scrapes the bottom of the bucket for some patienc
20:05 rue_house :/
20:05 atom1 php5_module (shared)
20:05 rue_house JUST PRETEND I'M SMILING
20:05 rue_house ok, the module is in *good*!
20:05 atom1 yup, it's there
20:06 rue_house next
20:06 zhanx rue I got tons missing out of my bucket
20:06 rue_house apache2 is stupid
20:06 atom1 it's on the other one too and it works
20:06 rue_house yo need to go to the /etc/apche2/sites-enabled/
20:06 rue_house dir
20:06 rue_house in there are the settings for each site
20:06 rue_house for whatever site your operating (default?) you need to enable php
20:07 rue_house now keep in mind I HATE APACHE2 and I do NOT use it, so I'm making some guesses
20:07 atom1 there's a 000-default file
20:07 rue_house perfect go for it
20:07 atom1 with a <VirtualHost *:80> in it
20:07 rue_house thats it?
20:08 atom1 no
20:08 zhanx thought apache2 used /var/www/root/
20:08 atom1 that's a section though
20:08 orlok Hmm. ANybody had any lick with "flat" optical encoders rather than disk style?
20:08 orlok luck, even
20:08 atom1 mind you i'm using 82
20:08 rue_house orlok,
20:08 orlok zhanx: its all distro dependant
20:08 zhanx orlok: tom is using ubuntu
20:08 orlok oh
20:08 orlok thats config files vs website data too
20:09 zhanx true
20:09 atom1 i'm not using /var/www either
20:09 zhanx i would have to get on my server to check
20:09 rue_house http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4tG2bTOGxK0
20:09 orlok /var/www/ is website data, /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/ is configuration data
20:09 rue_house ^^ orlok
20:09 zhanx after I got it working I stopped
20:10 rue_house http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4tG2bTOGxK0 << orlok
20:11 rue_house Tom_itx, are you taking input from me or other?
20:11 zhanx now if i could get the time to figure out why my ftp stopped working
20:11 Tom_itx i'm waiting
20:11 rue_house ok I'll keep going
20:11 Tom_itx did you get the port 82 thing?
20:12 rue_house the file in sites-enabled does not mention anything about modules?
20:12 orlok rue_house: Ahh, i meant, by flat, where the encodder doesnt pass between the detector/sensor
20:12 orlok so more like a reflectance sensor
20:12 rue_house orlok, nope
20:12 Tom_itx i'll tell you that i can access all the files and directories but php
20:12 orlok i think i may just have to try make my own encoder
20:12 orlok encoder wheel, even
20:12 orlok printable transparency sheet?
20:12 Tom_itx rue_house, try this:
20:12 rue_house Tom_itx, can you run any php file anywhere you put it?
20:12 Tom_itx rue_house, try this:
20:12 Tom_itx rue_house, try this:
20:13 Tom_itx http://tom-itx.dyndns.org:81/~webpage/
20:13 e_house writes up a poster about free C tuto
20:14 Tom_itx now try this:
20:14 Tom_itx http://tom-itx.dyndns.org:82/~webpage/
20:14 rue_house Tom_itx, ok, ...
20:14 rue_house phtml?
20:14 Tom_itx now this:
20:14 Tom_itx http://tom-itx.dyndns.org:82/~webpage/avr/
20:14 rue_house no
20:14 rue_house should be .php
20:14 rue_house not .phtml
20:14 Tom_itx the file is index.php
20:15 rue_house it will not execute it as php unless its in the directory given permissions for php
20:16 rue_house which is what I'm trying to check with you
20:16 Tom_itx i'm just letting you know what it's doing
20:16 Tom_itx so carry on
20:16 Tom_itx chmod should be ok
20:16 Tom_itx it's not that
20:16 Tom_itx that i know of
20:17 Tom_itx you can open the body of the main file
20:17 Tom_itx it's just the php
20:18 rue_house aha
20:18 rue_house /etc/php5/php.ini
20:21 rue_house I havn't found it yet
20:22 atom1 /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini
20:22 rue_house I'm looking for 2 parts
20:23 rue_house a) a list of the program apache uses to execute files with .php on them
20:23 rue_house b) a file that restricts what directories .php files can be run from
20:23 rue_house honestly if it were me, i'd go to #php or #apache2 and ask
20:24 atom1 you're the resident guru here though
20:25 atom1 want me to post that file?
20:25 rue_house no its useless
20:25 rue_house I HATE apach2 caue this junk is so hard to find
20:25 atom1 you're just used to living in the dark ages
20:25 rue_house they took the config files and sprinlked them everywhere
20:26 rue_house I make it work, I leave it alone, it sits ther working
20:26 rue_house aha
20:26 atom1 the other one was apache2 too though and we got it
20:26 rue_house /etc/apche2/mods-available/php5.conf
20:27 rue_house hav that file?
20:27 atom1 i think so
20:27 rue_house show me the line you have lie this one
20:27 rue_house <FilesMatch "\.ph(p3?|tml)$">
20:28 atom1 <IfModule mod_php5.c>
20:28 atom1 <FilesMatch "\.ph(p3?|tml)$">
20:28 e_house gets a light
20:28 rue_house ok
20:28 rue_house go to the dir /etc/apach2/mods-enabled
20:28 om1 drops ice cream in his
20:28 rue_house is php5.conf in there?
20:29 atom1 yes
20:29 e_house watches the seconds hand on the c
20:29 rue_house k
20:29 rue_house so /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/php5.conf exists
20:29 rue_house ENABLED not available
20:30 atom1 that seems true
20:30 om1 knocks on rue_house 's mon
20:31 atom1 # To re-enable php in user directories comment the following lines
20:31 atom1 # (from <IfModule ...> to </IfModule>.) Do NOT set it to On as it
20:31 atom1 # prevents .htaccess files from disabling it.
20:31 rue_house mines commented out, isn't yours?
20:31 atom1 just those lines
20:31 rue_house <IfModule mod_php5.c>
20:31 rue_house <FilesMatch "\.ph(p3?|tml)$">
20:31 rue_house SetHandler application/x-httpd-php
20:31 rue_house </FilesMatch>
20:31 rue_house <FilesMatch "\.phps$">
20:31 rue_house SetHandler application/x-httpd-php-source
20:31 rue_house </FilesMatch>
20:31 rue_house # To re-enable php in user directories comment the following lines
20:31 rue_house # (from <IfModule ...> to </IfModule>.) Do NOT set it to On as it
20:32 rue_house # prevents .htaccess files from disabling it.
20:32 rue_house # <IfModule mod_userdir.c>
20:32 rue_house # <Directory /home/*/public_html>
20:32 rue_house # php_admin_value engine Off
20:32 rue_house # </Directory>
20:32 rue_house # </IfModule>
20:32 rue_house </IfModule>
20:32 atom1 i'le paste it in garf
20:32 rue_house it seems that although I hate apache2, its installed on my machine
20:32 rue_house no just compare it to mine and adjust yours
20:32 rue_house I need food before I bite someones head off
20:33 atom1 oh
20:33 atom1 the last few lines differ
20:33 atom1 <IfModule mod_userdir.c>
20:33 atom1 <Directory /home/*/public_html>
20:33 atom1 php_admin_value engine Off
20:33 atom1 </Directory>
20:33 atom1 </IfModule>
20:34 atom1 restart apache?
20:35 Tom_itx haha
20:35 Tom_itx that worked
20:35 Tom_itx thanks rue
20:36 atom1 why would they do such a thing?
20:48 Tom_itx it's different on this pc
20:49 Tom_itx <IfModule mod_php5.c>
20:49 Tom_itx AddType application/x-httpd-php .php .phtml .php3
20:49 Tom_itx AddType application/x-httpd-php-source .phps
20:49 Tom_itx </IfModule>
20:49 Tom_itx i wonder if that's just the difference in linux flavor?
20:49 Tom_itx debian vs ubuntu?
20:57 Tom_itx ok so i have a backup now if i need it
20:58 rue_house they used a reglar expression in the new one
20:59 Tom_itx http://tom-itx.dyndns.org:82/~webpage/index.php
20:59 Tom_itx that should work now
21:00 rue_house yup
21:00 Tom_itx good
21:00 Tom_itx i'll add that step to my notes :)
21:00 Tom_itx the rest was quite similar
21:00 rue_house I need to calibrate the overload board for buddy
21:01 Tom_itx k, for those who try, it's offline now
21:02 Tom_itx i should copy the bot code over too
21:03 Tom_itx i thought buddy was disassembled
21:05 rue_test iiinteresting
21:05 Tom_itx is that 3.1?
21:06 rue_test no its an online chat cleint at http://webchat.freenode.net/
21:15 rue_house what are the smart camera url things called?
21:15 rue_house smart phone square url glyphs
21:16 Tom_itx no clue
21:17 rue_house QR code
21:17 ace4016 yup, aka 2D bar codes :P
21:18 Tom_itx ahh, those darn things
21:18 Tom_itx see them everywhere now?
21:19 rue_house yea
21:19 rue_house hahaha iphones dont come with a qr code reader
21:20 Tom_itx figure out the scheme to them yet?
21:21 ace4016 android phones don't either; but it's a free app (called barcode even :P)
21:21 ace4016 iirc >_>
21:22 m_itx makes a qr code and sticks it on rue_house's fore
21:22 Tom_itx http://www.mapyourtag.com/
21:26 ace4016 easy way for your robots to know what is what :P
21:28 rue_house !assist images/rue.png
21:28 tobbor Possibly http://eds.dyndns.org/~ircjunk/images/rue.png
21:30 rue_house http://blog.qr4.nl/Online-QR-Code_Decoder.aspx
21:38 rue_house HMM
21:39 rue_house I need a 1.5A variable load
21:40 Tom_itx lightbulbs
21:42 rue_house good tying google has speell checking, I was searching for a speell checker and spelled it wrong
21:42 rue_house *blink*
21:45 Tom_itx rue_house
21:45 Tom_itx stick with me and i'll teach you all about apache2
21:45 Tom_itx :)
21:46 e_house shud
21:46 rue_house I had rice and mushroom soup for supper
21:47 Tom_itx want a secret?
21:48 rue_house I'm good for now, thanks
21:48 Tom_itx get some boneless chicken and fry up then mix the rice in with the mushroom soup on top of it
21:48 rue_house but I dont like chicken
21:48 Tom_itx cook the soup with the chicken
21:48 Tom_itx put on the rice like gravy
21:49 rue_house hmmm
21:49 Tom_itx well, elk then
21:56 rue_house 24W, 24R
21:56 rue_house I have some 25R
21:57 rue_house maybe if I use a FET
21:57 rue_house one with a nice heatsink
21:57 rue_house no I think I can get to sleep, no extra energy
21:59 Tom_itx way too early for that
23:36 tsmeow-afk watches the third hands on the c