#robotics Logs

Apr 03 2012

#robotics Calendar

00:05 thylne These are all robocup videos, kats
00:05 thylne http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1QiN6a73Sf4&feature=related
00:56 rue_house http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rznYifPHxDg&feature=player_embedded
00:56 rue_house oh you have to love the humor
00:59 katsmeow-afk no sound
01:02 rue_house http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1KhZKNZO8mQ&feature=player_embedded
01:02 rue_house hahahahahahahaha
01:02 rue_house for neither of those do you need audio
01:06 tsmeow-afk looks clueless after seeing the video and not hearin
01:14 rue_house http://www.google.com/js/reallyadvanced.html
01:20 rue_house http://thenextweb.com/google/2012/04/01/googles-april-fools-jokes-continue-meet-really-advanced-search-and-multiple-cursors-for-chrome/
05:12 rizlah http://www.zdnet.com/blog/emergingtech/programmable-smart-sand-can-assume-any-shape/3222
05:12 rizlah Comments
05:27 Skwint it links to this: http://www.zdnet.com/blog/emergingtech/3-d-printer-with-nano-precision-sets-world-record/3187?tag=content;siu-container
05:27 Skwint which I think is more impressive!
05:32 rizlah Sure, but in terms of robotics, what do people think?
05:32 rizlah I don't quite see the real use for the blocks just yet
05:33 Skwint they seem too big at the moment
05:33 rizlah Yeah
05:33 Skwint and I don't see how they can ever be as sensible as a 3D printer
05:34 rizlah The video explains what they do, but I don't see the use of having blocks figure out how to copy a 2D image.
05:34 Skwint even if they can make them small enough (presumably by creating them using a 3D printer) they will still not really be as sane
05:34 Skwint Can anyone recommend a cheap 3D printer by the way?
05:34 Skwint oh - it says it can do 3D too
06:52 sw0rdfish thylne, I'm not american don't even know some of the big stations there, let alone a local Ohio one
06:52 sw0rdfish rofl
07:07 -calvino.freenode.net:#robotics- [freenode-info] channel flooding and no channel staff around to help? Please check with freenode support: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#gettinghelp
07:26 katsmeow-afk With the C410x and the Tesla C2070 GPU,
07:26 katsmeow-afk a single 3U rack could provide 7,168 GPU cores with 8,240 gigaflops of
07:26 katsmeow-afk performance at a less than $100,000 USD price point;
07:31 rizlah katsmeow-afk: The ddg search engine was a good suggestion, thanks for that.
07:32 katsmeow-afk <curtsey>
07:32 katsmeow-afk Predator aircraft control uses mirc to talk to each other and to other command structures
07:33 rizlah Seriously?
07:33 sw0rdfish :o
07:33 katsmeow-afk i an reading a declassified report on a Predator action in Feb 2010 in Iraq
07:33 katsmeow-afk at least, i tink it's declassified
07:34 sw0rdfish I was just re-reading about the predator uav hacking incident reported by WSJ more than a year ago
07:34 sw0rdfish oh dang what a coincidence.... how ironic
07:34 sw0rdfish I'm talking about the same inccident, I believe.
07:34 katsmeow-afk it scares me the general ineptness, AND that they don't know the difference between irc and mirc
07:34 sw0rdfish and I was even gonna ask in #networking or #wireless or something about what kind of protocol those drones use?
07:35 sw0rdfish like the line the pilots use to be in control of it...
07:35 rizlah The problem is that they listen to marketting BS without even looking at the thing, and because they believe so much in closed source being better they have no real way to check the quality of the products they're using
07:35 sw0rdfish I remembering seeing a comment somewhere that year explaining about how their networking works... I just couldn't find it last night
07:36 sw0rdfish and I also remember some people saying those drones' engineering occurred in the late 80's :O
07:36 rizlah Along with hiring people who don't really know what they're doing
07:36 katsmeow-afk early on the camera system simply broadcast the video in the clear as plain ntsc, even in war zones
07:37 katsmeow-afk they discovered the Taliban was watching the drove video in real time
07:37 katsmeow-afk drone
07:37 sw0rdfish damnnnn
07:37 rizlah lolol
07:38 sw0rdfish so like the video feed is broadcast by what kind of technology? radio?
07:38 sw0rdfish brb
07:38 katsmeow-afk of course it's radio
07:40 katsmeow-afk Extracted from a 2100-page report released by Centcom.mil 22 March 2012
07:40 katsmeow-afk http://www2.centcom.mil/sites/foia/rr/centcom%20regulation%20ccr%2025210/forms/allitems.aspx?RootFolder=%2Fsites%2Ffoia%2Frr%2FCENTCOM%20Regulation%20CCR%2025210%2FAfghanistan&FolderCTID=0x012000BDB53322B36BD84DA24AF0C8F8BCD011&View={7AED4B57-43F2-4B7D-A38E-4BDDC5BB9BD6}
07:40 katsmeow-afk if you get busted for being in a .mil site, don't blame me
07:41 rizlah What is a .mil?
07:42 katsmeow-afk MILitary
07:42 rizlah Ah, wasnt thinking xD
07:42 theBear they run windows ? jeez, a lot of them must crash or get lost forever...
07:43 katsmeow-afk heh, they do crash, often
07:44 rizlah As I said earlier, the products they buy are closed source and generate revenue, hence they must be better than that "free crap" you can download.
07:45 theBear yeah, just like that free crap webserver that rules the planet on all os's
07:45 theBear or that free crap nameserver that only makes the whole internet work
07:45 rizlah Yeah, we should really do something about that freeware stuff.
07:45 rizlah Embarassing to not be throwing money away for something that only does half it's intended purpose.
07:46 theBear or that free crap smtp server that the majority (recent citation needed) of the worlds email work, regardless of spam volume
07:46 theBear oh wait, don't forget the several free crap browsers that do a better job of working on new, old, and broken pages not to mention doing a good job of following constantly changing standards
07:47 tsmeow-afk is trying to not forget all this s
07:47 rizlah The thing is, they get approached with this crap because companies want to get big contracts, hence windows is used because the DoD probably has some sort of license agreement with MS. They don't hire competent people to actually properly search for the best solution
07:47 theBear i can sum it up for you, closed source and particularly ms products are worse in every possible way than ANY alternative
07:48 rizlah theBear: You do realise I was being sarcastic, no?
07:48 theBear rizlah, i do
07:48 theBear technically so was i, but it was poorly disguised
07:48 tsmeow-afk wonders if the bear saw in the channel logs that she is planning on making her harddrive box understand only C64 at the drive interface level, so winxp cannot never get real access to the drives, even thru mal
07:49 theBear and look at democratic politics for an example, the people in this capitalist world that make the important decisions are NEVER properly informed or educated regarding the topics they are deciding on, that'd make things way too sensible and unprofitable
07:49 rizlah They aren't really informed or educated on anything. They simply get elected for charisma.
07:49 theBear katsmeow-afk, yeah, but some FOSS ASSHOLE is bound to make a driver sooner or later
07:49 rizlah The one who makes the biggest show and sweet talks the best gets the job.
07:50 theBear heh, it can't be charisma, at least not in this country :)
07:50 katsmeow-afk bear, for hardware i am not releasing?
07:50 theBear then again, compulsory voting kinda screws any kind of analysis, the majority of voters are somewhere between random and what their parents/friends speak strongly about voting for
07:50 theBear katsmeow-afk, c64, sooner or later someone will think it's a good idea
07:51 katsmeow-afk speaking of people not getting educated to be useful and thinking huamns : http://johntaylorgatto.com/underground/toc1.htm
07:51 rizlah We should ask everyone why they're voting for said candidate. If they say "because I want to help out a minority", "they have a nice <X>", "I trust them", etc, then their vote should be discounted and them shot
07:52 katsmeow-afk nono, i am not putting a C64 into the drivebox, only certain parts of it, and not any RTOS
07:52 katsmeow-afk what if we cannot find anyone we'd like to vote into office?
07:53 rizlah Then you vote for yourself in protest.
07:53 katsmeow-afk but yu won't shoot me?
07:54 rizlah If you're protesting, you have some idea of what you want rather than who has invested the most in the campaign, hence you are deemed somewhat intelligent.
07:54 rizlah Hence you would not be shot.
07:55 katsmeow-afk i'd put that on a tshirt, but no onelocal woould have any idea what it meant
07:57 katsmeow-afk ...
07:58 rizlah ... ?
07:58 katsmeow-afk i wondered where everyone went
07:58 rizlah I'm currently deciding what to buy from the store.
07:59 rizlah By that I mean the food one, and also one for electronics
08:00 theBear rizlah, oooh ! if you ever run a dictatorship, i wanna live in it !
08:01 rizlah I know I'd be the best dictator ever, but no one will give me a chance :< !
08:01 theBear you have a store for food and electronics ? brilliant !
08:01 rizlah I have two stores, one for food and another for electronics.
08:01 theBear rizlah, 2nd best buddy, but hey, if they put me in charge, i'll buy you an island and send you some potential good citizens :)
08:01 rizlah xD
08:02 tsmeow-afk suggests the Cocos/Keeling , before there'sa war over them and they get ru
08:04 theBear meh, places recover from warring with time... i aint in this for the short term
08:12 tsmeow-afk goes to lay down a
08:15 Skwint STUPID ROBOT!
08:15 Skwint do what I say damnit :(
08:16 theBear kats isn't a robot
08:16 Skwint really?
08:16 theBear yes
08:16 wint scratches his
08:25 sw0rdfish lol
08:25 sw0rdfish thanks for that report thingy, katsmeow-afk :D
08:25 sw0rdfish and I live in a country thats supposedly safe from usa internet policies and fbi sheet
08:27 theBear yeah, i thought that and now i'm on a list of most dodgy internet restricted countries !
08:27 sw0rdfish ohrlly?
08:27 sw0rdfish .se?
08:27 theBear .au
08:28 sw0rdfish ahhh that one...
08:28 sw0rdfish lol yeah, you reminded me of what happened in .nz
08:28 theBear something happened ? oh well... i aint there
08:29 sw0rdfish it was supposedly like .no .... but when the FBI ordered megaupload owner's arrest
08:29 sw0rdfish the gov there complied
08:29 sw0rdfish hypo-frikin-cracy
08:29 theBear unlike them, they hate seppos more than us
08:30 sw0rdfish man if only earth's entire population would revolt
08:30 theBear most of them are already revolting <grin>
08:30 sw0rdfish a minority is trying to do so
08:31 theBear china are doing well, give 'em a couple years to suck up some more money, they might surprise you
08:31 sw0rdfish but damn, its so crazy some ppl actually make fun of them photoshoping some pictures to say "oh look they're smart and make money, so I'm revolting"
08:31 Skwint I thought they were spending most of it buying all the land
08:31 sw0rdfish stuff like that ^^ (I'm paraphrasing)
08:32 theBear Skwint, just a smaller part of the master plan...
08:32 eBear has faith in the yellow p
08:32 sw0rdfish theBear, what you talkin about?
08:32 Skwint well, they aren't the only large group of people with a master plan
08:32 sw0rdfish the gov is buying lands you mean?
08:32 Skwint nor the worst
08:32 theBear umm, i'm talking about large scale 'revolt'
08:33 wint grabs a pitch
08:33 eBear grabs a sh
08:33 theBear hey, lets do a american gothic pose :)
08:33 Skwint can I do steam punk instead?
08:33 theBear NO ! BAD SKWINT !
08:33 Skwint but... but...
08:34 theBear there's no pride in disguising silly pointless art as technical projects
08:34 theBear god forbid involving steam OR punks in the whole mess
08:34 Skwint there is if it works!
08:35 theBear NO THERE ISN'T ! call it art, call it aesthetically pleasing enclosures, don't call it something stupid and classify yourself as such then base a 'lifestyle' around it
08:44 delinquentme heyyyy all ! can you compile java into code to run on chips?
08:54 Skwint interesting question - there are things which can turn java into an executable, but generally speaking you need a JVM present
08:55 Skwint and the chips in most robots are probably too small to hold a JVM
08:58 Skwint also this: http://xkcd.com/801/
09:06 rue_house yea
09:06 rue_house newbs trying to run java on a 8 bit avr so they can flash an led
09:07 rue_house thats how I feel about arduino
09:07 rue_house tho the libraries for arduino have become pretty wide
09:20 Skwint I rather like the library I'm using with Axon2
09:20 Skwint as a complete newbie it's nice to stick a wire onto the board and click on a picture of the board to say "set this up for me, k?"
09:25 delinquentme rue_house, so basically im pretty well versed in Ruby atm and im wondering if Java is what I should learn
09:25 delinquentme or C
09:26 delinquentme I want to work on real robotics
09:26 delinquentme and Ruby happens to be built on a C Core
09:26 rue_house a lot of languages relvolve around C syntax, learn C
09:27 Skwint many languages do certain aspects of programming better than C/C++
09:28 Skwint but when you want to do things they weren't designed for, C/C++ usually comes up trumps
09:28 rue_house yes, but all the real things are made in c
09:28 rue_house its about building libraries
09:28 Skwint I use C++ by choice. My robot is OO style C
09:28 Skwint I am just prepared to give a balanced view :p
09:29 Skwint also, part of my robot is held together with string because I ran out of screws.
09:29 Skwint It's a temporary measure but I'm thinking of making it a fashion statement instead :)
09:30 impulse32 there's no java fanatics in here is there?
09:30 pulse32 looks ar
09:33 Skwint welcome to the 8 bit IRC channel - may I recommend #flamewar?
09:42 delinquentme #flamewar
09:46 impulse32 ~/url 1329
14:13 mumptai moin
14:20 duckinator hi
17:22 Tom_itx katsmeow-afk, good you still weren't in Fl shopping today
18:52 katsmeow-afk why?
18:52 katsmeow-afk oh, the grocery store
18:52 katsmeow-afk i know exactly where it is, pass it going into town, shopped there twice
18:53 katsmeow-afk it's a rather small parking spot, and always packed
18:53 katsmeow-afk and yeas, inline with the airport on the otehr side of town,, and jumping out of planes is a huge sport there, it's lucky they didn't have another 20 people on the plane
18:55 katsmeow-afk i was up at the road, exlaning to the UPS guy that his job was to leave my packages here, and how about leaving them over the fence from now on
18:55 katsmeow-afk he was extremely polite and agreeable, and did not ask me for my signature as he had been demanding, when he did not leave the packages yestrday
18:57 katsmeow-afk not sure if it was the baseball bat i was carrying, or the pistol on my waist, but i find Roosevelt's practice of "speak softly and carry a big stick" sometimes works with very little fuss
18:57 katsmeow-afk for sure phone calls to UPS were not getting me anywhere
18:59 katsmeow-afk but it's nuts how much work-around one must do when no one in this idiot state does their job properly
19:28 katsmeow-afk I have complained about the water here for many years, and finally whole neighborhoods in Pell City were at a "town hall meeting" today to complain about the smelly brown and yellow water, which the town mayor said was fine to drink. It's that kind of place, it's just not normal here.
19:37 katsmeow-afk the water issue finally being addressed here, by the media, but not the water company or the local government : http://www.abc3340.com/story/17317015/water-woes-in-pell-city
19:39 katsmeow-afk the official gov line is that the color and smell are because the water is running backwards in the pipes,, nevermind the water is what carried the smell and coloration into the pipes in the first place
19:39 Tom_itx http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ppjf9--Sfcs
19:41 katsmeow-afk yeas, see, that is why i am figuring on making each side of the wheeled bots a separate unit, to put anything between them, and with gobs of torque the steep terrain here should be little problem
19:43 katsmeow-afk see how the sides pop off? great example
19:44 Tom_itx ~$32k
19:44 katsmeow-afk not if you diy
19:44 katsmeow-afk with recycled car parts
19:45 Tom_itx my getup and go done got up and went to diy
19:46 Tom_itx http://www.klavier-roller.com/uk/introduction.htm
19:47 tsmeow-afk shows Tom her new 47uf 25v caps, for 99 c
19:49 katsmeow-afk wow "Dimple Patel" is really common
19:50 Tom_itx that thing moves alot of weight
19:50 Tom_itx what are the 47uf caps for?
19:51 Tom_itx and why did they pick 47 instead of 46 or 48?
19:51 katsmeow-afk same as picking oscope amplifier settings as 1-2-5 ,, or making 2.2k resistors common
19:52 katsmeow-afk someone 50 years ago decide, and he's dead now anyhow, but humans are in a rut
19:55 katsmeow-afk prolly not the same now, but 30 yrs ago, 220, 470ohm resistors were common, but 200 and 500 ohm were special order
19:56 katsmeow-afk same for 2.2k vs 2k , 4.7k vs 5k
19:58 katsmeow-afk what is this top made of? beads and coins? http://media.santabanta.com/gal/fashion/Chennai-Fashion-Week-Press-Meet/chennai-fashion-week-press-meet-3.jpg
19:59 katsmeow-afk it was tagged as chain maille, which it isn't, it's not even plate maille
20:00 Tom_itx no idea
20:01 katsmeow-afk it looks heavier in this pic : http://media.santabanta.com/gal/fashion/Chennai-Fashion-Week-Press-Meet/chennai-fashion-week-press-meet-8.jpg
20:25 katsmeow-afk poweline freq is 60hz, but turntables played at 16, 33.333 , 45, and 78 rpm , while common reel tape decks played at 15/32, 15/16, 1 7/8, 3 3/4, 7 1/2, 15 and 30ips, and phillips cassettes ran at 1 7/8 ips (or special 15/16 and 3 3/4,, or mine, which was a variable speed)
20:44 Triffid_Hunter katsmeow-afk, Tom_itx: those values are chosen such that at the rated tolerance you get total coverage of the whole range.. ie 10k + 20% = 12k, 15k - 20% = 12k, 15k + 20% = 18k, 22k - 20% = 18k, 22k + 20% = 26.4k, 33k - 20% = 26.4k, etc
20:44 Triffid_Hunter so 20% gives the E12 series, 10% gives E24, etc
20:45 Triffid_Hunter no wait, 20% gives E6 series, 10% gives E12
20:45 Tom_itx Triffid_Hunter, i kinda figured as much. just at times you just wonder why things are what they are
20:46 Triffid_Hunter had me baffled for a while until I went and looked it up, then it made perfect sense
20:46 Triffid_Hunter also explains why it's an exponential progression
21:02 katsmeow-afk can you still buy 20% resistors now?
21:10 Triffid_Hunter katsmeow-afk: haven't seen any, but I'm sure if you looked hard enough you'd find some
21:11 Triffid_Hunter electrolytic capacitors are commonly -20%/+80% hence why they use E6 or even E3 series
21:11 Tom_itx processes improve over time, maybe they're just not that common anymore due to that
21:11 katsmeow-afk not looking for them,, i remember the trouble using a +20 and a -20 in the same circuit, it's as if the stated values didn't matter at all
21:16 katsmeow-afk wow, if this is a spoon, i'd hate to be in the same room with their fork!! : http://www.vanceoutdoors.com/products2.cfm/ID/91747
21:19 katsmeow-afk mess of a storm sitting on in the Ark-Tx border
21:20 katsmeow-afk 70k cloudtops down into Tx
21:24 katsmeow-afk afk to put my hind paws up
21:44 m_itx formats the drive to start a
22:12 rue_house hi
22:12 e_house falls
22:22 Tom_itx hello rue_house
23:24 theBear we talk when talk is needed
23:25 theBear more importantly we do stuff that is generally considered 'robotics'
23:27 rue_shop why does nopbody use a cd writer laser to fuse toner directly onto a pcb in plotter config?
23:27 rue_shop random toner is easy enough to get
23:27 rue_shop just sprinkle on an even layer and fuse in
23:29 theBear maybe people don't like having toner everywhere and all over their hands
23:29 theBear :)
23:29 home i got
23:29 home linksys wrt54g, and arduino
23:29 home it seems like I can interfade them..which is awesome..
23:29 home now I just need a way to control motors :/
23:30 home or servos >..
23:30 iR0b0t1 ServoLibrary...?
23:31 iR0b0t1 analogWrite/Out/whateverthehellitis to MOSFET
23:31 theBear mmm interfading
23:33 home I dont have a soldering iron
23:33 home or flux..
23:33 home or servos :/
23:35 theBear well that's not much good is it ?
23:35 home I know :/
23:35 home I am too scared to buy one XD or ask my parents too :/
23:38 home vm lol wil lbuy one -.-
23:42 iR0b0t1 Well
23:42 iR0b0t1 servos are expensive
23:47 theBear these days little and little/medium ones are damned cheap compared to 'the old days'
23:50 iR0b0t1 Well okay, but $10 or so a pop still keeps you from using too many
23:50 0b0t1 made a parts list for a bipedal robot o
23:50 iR0b0t1 Nope.
23:52 theBear well yeah, don't use too many, only just enough :)
23:52 theBear and if you understand momentum and balance and that kinda mechanical stuff, it's AMAZING how much a tiny one can do
23:58 rue_house a vacuum cleaner motors can do 30000rpm
23:58 rue_house at that speed, they have a fair bit of torque
23:58 rue_house THIS is a 300:1 reduction box
23:58 rue_house it produces 300x more torque out than in
23:59 theBear wtf ? those vacuumes must sound like jet engines
23:59 rue_house just your standard shop vac
23:59 rue_house without the impeller
23:59 rue_house running on 9vdc
23:59 rue_house er 90vdc