#robotics Logs

Mar 25 2012

#robotics Calendar

00:00 rue_shop the only way to print a ps document to scale is to send it to a ps printer
00:00 katsmeow-afk remember the guy who made fingers with popscicle sticks,, or balsa wood stock? that's how you hide the tenDons and build up strength etc,,,, only with FR4 you can easily pin the layers together
00:01 katsmeow-afk what about OpenOffice?
00:02 katsmeow-afk i installed OO just to open .ps and .word files
00:05 katsmeow-afk hmm
00:08 katsmeow-afk Major implementations Adobe PostScript, TrueImage, Ghostscript, InterPress
00:11 katsmeow-afk it's not opening it
00:14 katsmeow-afk hello?
00:19 rue_shop haha
00:19 rue_shop it buckled the plexi
00:19 rue_shop *sigh*
00:19 katsmeow-afk i did try to warn you
00:19 rue_shop :) thankyou
00:20 tsmeow-afk is sorry and hugs rue t
00:20 e_shop pats
00:20 rue_shop its ok, I think it might come back as it cools
00:20 katsmeow-afk :-)
00:21 rue_shop more of the markings are from the spots where the paper didn't melt into the plexi than the spots where the toner transfered
00:21 tsmeow-afk
00:22 rue_shop too bad modern drafting apps dont know how to speak hpgl
00:22 rue_shop oh , haha
00:22 rue_shop I could have used pvc too
00:23 katsmeow-afk afaik, all plastics will be to weak to do what you want
00:23 katsmeow-afk peel fleas to prove me wrong tho
00:23 katsmeow-afk wee, feel pee
00:24 katsmeow-afk feel free
00:30 katsmeow-afk ...
00:31 e_shop sweeps the peices up off the bandsaw table and dumps them in the t
00:31 rue_shop good idea kat, next time I'll just print on a 8.5x11 stickey and stick it on
00:33 rue_shop ooooo
00:33 katsmeow-afk hmmm?
00:33 rue_shop this bandsaw DOES cut aluminum sheet pretty good
00:34 katsmeow-afk make it from aluminum? got good stuff?
00:34 rue_shop mmm
00:35 theBear eek, bandsaws are scary enough on timber if you seen a blade break or come off, i dunno about ally
00:35 theBear then again, i spose metal ones don't have 10-20" of exposed blade
00:36 rue_house I'm done for the night tho
00:36 rue_house I'll print the pattern on a 8.5x11 stickey and try it in aluminum
00:37 tsmeow-afk gets dinner from nuk
00:37 rue_house yes, supper
00:40 Gevallen_Engel hm, I replaced that battery katsmeow-afk and no luck
00:41 katsmeow-afk sorry to hear that, i had hoped it was that simple
00:41 Gevallen_Engel me too, I'll probably have to just swap it out for something more modern
00:42 katsmeow-afk for $20, it was agreat shot, but you got a lot of interesting parts
00:42 Gevallen_Engel I still need to bug a company that refurbishes and resells them, maybe they know
00:43 katsmeow-afk just fwiw, i find about 50% of "pulled from a working environemnt" to mean it's dead, and 50% to mean that it's fixable
00:44 Gevallen_Engel probably a garbled bios but I have no idea what youd replace it with
00:44 katsmeow-afk only if they show it working do i thinkit might work, but UPS/USPS/FedEx still has a shot at killing it
00:44 rue_house as a guy who pulls them out of service, I can say 50% of tem are bad
00:45 rue_house usually they are in sets, so one gets wrecked and the other is fine
00:45 rue_house but they have to be matched, so you replace both
00:45 katsmeow-afk rue, the phrase "working environment" *should* mean something tho
00:45 Gevallen_Engel sets?
00:46 katsmeow-afk rue isn't talking about your pipette thing
00:46 Gevallen_Engel ouo
00:58 tsmeow-afk yawns and feels the world isn't worth staying awake for,, since the world isn't doing anyt
00:59 rue_house should be coding someting, but I dont know what
01:01 rue_house tommorow maybe I can finish the fire grate and put the boiler back togethor
01:01 katsmeow-afk why is it apart?
01:01 rue_house it corroded out
01:02 katsmeow-afk already?
01:02 rue_house the grate looks like it was chewed up by a hellhound before being dipped in lava
01:02 rue_house the upper collar dosn't look much better
01:02 katsmeow-afk pics?
01:03 rue_house :) oops
01:03 rue_house I'll get some tommorow
01:03 katsmeow-afk k
01:03 rue_house almost the whole rock bed melted into the grate
01:03 rue_house it was one bug solid chunk
01:04 katsmeow-afk did it keep you warm?
01:04 rue_house the grate sagged and fell in on some other vents
01:04 rue_house yea
01:04 rue_house till it was all clogged up
01:05 katsmeow-afk ok, needs vertical supports from grate to bottom
01:05 rue_house needs to be made of tungsten :)
01:06 katsmeow-afk among the things i do not have some of, is tungsten
01:06 rue_house I have a lot of really really thin strips
01:06 rue_house round ones
01:07 rue_house wire-wise, maybe 100gua
01:07 katsmeow-afk tiney
01:07 rue_house I keep them all coiled up in de-oxygenated glass flasks
01:08 rue_house most of them stored on the cieling to keep them out of the way
01:08 katsmeow-afk what where they used for?
01:09 rue_house leftovers from some edison guy a long time ago
01:09 katsmeow-afk ah
01:09 katsmeow-afk i have some light bulb that has no curls in the filament, old timey style
01:10 rue_house oooo
01:10 katsmeow-afk it's a straight run of "wire"
01:11 katsmeow-afk 0.32 != 7mm, right? it's 8mm?
01:11 rue_house You have: .32 inch
01:11 rue_house You want: mm
01:11 rue_house * 8.128
01:12 rue_house You have: 8mm
01:12 rue_house You want: inch
01:12 rue_house * 0.31496063
01:13 katsmeow-afk if they are 7mm, i can use them, if they are .32" , then ic annot, but it's labled both
01:13 rue_house You have: 7mm
01:13 rue_house You want: inch
01:13 rue_house * 0.27559055
01:13 katsmeow-afk yeas, for an led 7-segment, that's tiney
01:14 rue_house made fried rice yesterday, came out ok
01:14 rue_house wonder if I dare do that agai
01:14 rue_house n
01:14 tsmeow-afk
01:14 e_house would settle for a good bowl of popcorn
01:15 katsmeow-afk i am eating more protein, it's given me some energy and cut my appetite
01:15 ace4016 sounds about right for protien
01:16 rue_house antitien
01:16 katsmeow-afk i absolutely wasn't getting even the minimum recommended
01:16 rue_house still cant find refried beans
01:16 rue_house cheese, hmmm
01:16 rue_house potato
01:16 rue_house and wieners
01:16 rue_house that would work
01:18 katsmeow-afk eating right may be too pricey, add in the cost of the relocation fiasco, and i haveto plan on serious budget cuts asap
01:19 rue_house you need extra income
01:19 katsmeow-afk i know
01:19 rue_house you have so many skills
01:19 rue_house there must be something
01:19 katsmeow-afk we been over this, there isn't
01:20 katsmeow-afk not even you or Tom can hire me
01:20 katsmeow-afk there's nothing irl
01:20 rue_house I'm kinda drown trying to take care of my own life
01:21 rue_house latley I'm thinking hard about how not to work 24.7
01:21 katsmeow-afk i had hped by now, Tiggr wold be making money, but no one wants a smart bot, no one is willing to pay for Watson even
01:26 katsmeow-afk i should goto bed
01:26 katsmeow-afk gnites
11:02 XSerpentX hey
11:02 XSerpentX what's going on ppl
11:09 rue_house I'm waking up
11:09 theBear heh me too, couple more months now
11:16 Tom_itx rue_house is the sun burning your retinas?
11:21 XSerpentX u guys get trashed last night?
11:25 Tom_itx no i was productive
11:25 theBear i dunno about that.... i am what is medically referred to as a "chronic alcaholic", also a "high functioning alcaholic" but pfft, these are just terms, and here at mums house, apart from my shiny new dirt cheap backlit meter, i aint got no iron dude !
11:30 XSerpentX oh..
11:30 theBear totally ! bummer, dude !
11:31 XSerpentX yeah...totally
11:31 theBear one in grandads old workshop where i been looking after animals and plants and crap for gran all this week, but it's got ya know, 10mm point conical tip and no temp control and maybe 120w .... it's for soldering cars together or something :)
11:31 XSerpentX and Tom, I disagree with your statement
11:32 XSerpentX I got to fully feel up a chick last night on the dance floor, it was pretty hot
11:32 XSerpentX and she grinded me harder then you guys would making robotic arm plates
11:33 XSerpentX so I would say I was Productive...Socially
11:33 theBear pfft ! robots don't have arm plates !
11:33 XSerpentX they do if they are jedi robots
11:33 theBear and you mean than, not then
11:33 theBear pfft, jedis don't need robots
11:33 theBear unless they need to get a message across the galaxy
11:34 theBear oh wow, last night was saturday
11:34 XSerpentX ya...
11:34 theBear while i did have a few more drinks and usual, and bring a lovely lady home a few nights ago, i had my mind on more pressing issues this week
11:36 XSerpentX NHL Playoffs?
11:37 XSerpentX any of u guys know anything about gloplug engines?
11:37 XSerpentX glow plug*
11:39 theBear quite a bit, where you talking between <1cc model engines and 24 wheeler truck engines ?
11:41 Tom_itx gentlemen don't divulge their evening activities :)
11:41 Tom_itx hope your finger was tingling
11:43 Tom_itx and yes i used to mess with 2stroke engines
11:43 Tom_itx logged a box full of trophies and got out of it
11:44 rue_house yes its much too bright out
11:45 rue_house XSerpentX, oil type engines
11:45 rue_house need a hot thing in the combustion chamber to get them started
11:45 rue_house after that, they run on the ambient heat and compression
11:46 theBear finger tingling ? anyway, i was distraught and exhausted, and she had some things on her mind.... i met her before, she was just company, at least this time (jeez, damned man-instincts, that serpent got me all riled up, next i'll be eating apples and taking off my loincloth....)
11:47 Tom_itx no that wasn't to you
11:48 XSerpentX wait..
11:48 XSerpentX Tom..you think i'm a gentleman? thanks...best compliment I've gotten in a long while
11:48 XSerpentX :D
11:48 XSerpentX hehehe
11:49 XSerpentX anyways
11:49 XSerpentX i have a old K&B 1 stroke glow plug engine
11:49 XSerpentX i can't get the thing to fire
11:49 XSerpentX i've never started an rc plane engine before
11:49 XSerpentX but i read the how to's
11:49 XSerpentX so i have a glow starter..a capacitor basically it looks like
11:49 XSerpentX the glow plug does glow
11:49 XSerpentX red
11:49 XSerpentX it's 1.5v i think
11:50 XSerpentX i bought new aircraft fuel from a hobby store
11:50 XSerpentX about 6 months ago
11:50 XSerpentX i haven't opened it until recently
11:50 XSerpentX but it was stored in the garage
11:50 Tom_itx i think you misunderstood me
11:50 XSerpentX so what i did, is i primed the engine
11:51 XSerpentX oh for the fuel tank
11:51 XSerpentX i've tried 2 things
11:51 Tom_itx open needle 1 1/4 turns
11:51 XSerpentX i have a clear real plastic gas tank that i bought at the hobby store
11:51 XSerpentX in terms of the needle
11:51 Tom_itx i used OPS engines
11:51 Tom_itx prolly $3-400 a pop
11:51 XSerpentX there was a rubber..hose, that they seem to have used as a calibrator for easy tuning
11:52 XSerpentX but i removed it
11:52 XSerpentX and the mfg website said
11:52 XSerpentX 2.5 turns
11:52 XSerpentX which was fairly close to what they had it set at
11:52 XSerpentX maybe 3.5
11:52 XSerpentX so with the fuel tank tho, i only have 1 hose
11:52 XSerpentX which is fuel intake
11:53 XSerpentX i saw some ppl have 2
11:53 XSerpentX and hooked it to the exhuase to cause pressurized gas tank, i'm assuming?
11:53 XSerpentX inverted flight maybe?
11:53 XSerpentX i don't have that
11:53 XSerpentX 2nd hose
11:53 XSerpentX so i primeid the engine
11:53 XSerpentX by opening he carb fully, thumbing over it and rotating the prob
11:54 XSerpentX i'm not sure how much or little i should prime...i mean mfg said 2-3 spins
11:54 XSerpentX i kinda did it more based on how i run my weed wacker, so it ended being around 5 spins
11:54 Tom_itx hold the blade firmly while covering the carb with your thumb
11:54 Tom_itx turn the blade holding it firmly until it fires
11:54 Tom_itx you will feel resistance
11:55 Tom_itx but don't let go of the blade
11:55 Tom_itx use a glove
11:55 Tom_itx should only take a couple turns or so to prime it
11:55 XSerpentX hmm..
11:55 theBear REAL plastic tank ? WOW
11:55 Tom_itx or get an electric starter
11:55 Tom_itx theBear, that's what they use
11:55 theBear 3.5 is FAR FAR FAR from 2.5 turns
11:55 XSerpentX well i tried that too
11:56 theBear Tom_itx, just the way he mentioned "real plastic" :)
11:56 Tom_itx mmm
11:56 XSerpentX hmm
11:56 theBear prime till you smell a little fuel , maybe more than a litte, at the exhaust
11:57 theBear and round here we always used a little 'stick' to start props, you know, maybe 10-15mm dowel around 6" long
11:57 theBear oh sorry, re-read, you were talking priming
11:57 XSerpentX but should it be pretty easy to start?
11:57 XSerpentX i mean i have worked with lawnmorwer engines
11:57 XSerpentX week wackers
11:57 XSerpentX pocket bikes
11:57 XSerpentX like i'm not retarded
11:57 XSerpentX i feel like it isn't exploding the gas
11:58 XSerpentX i hooked up my drill to it
11:58 XSerpentX for god sakes
11:58 theBear depends, if it's in good condition, and nicely primed with a decent amount of oil in the mix, it may start 'easily', but often with tiny 2 stroke glow engines that are made as cheap as possible with 'stupid' carbs etc etc, it can be quite an art, specific to a given engine/exhaust pip
11:58 theBear e
11:58 XSerpentX i tried the stick
11:58 XSerpentX i tried with gloves
11:58 XSerpentX i mean i can bench 200 lbs
11:58 XSerpentX and i couldn't spin start it
11:58 theBear and remember common stuff like fresh fuel and air in AND out moving at a reasonable pressure/easiness
11:59 XSerpentX i always poor fresh fuel form the container
11:59 XSerpentX it's 6 monthss
11:59 XSerpentX but i did buy it last sept
11:59 XSerpentX so it sat in garage all winter
11:59 XSerpentX sealed tho
11:59 theBear and seriously, if you know ANY kind of engine, you know a whole turn on a carby screw is a WORLD of difference, and every carby EVER, regardless of manuf. suggestion, start at 1.5 turns like tom saId :)
11:59 XSerpentX not opened
11:59 theBear how big is it ? how much air was already in there? fuel is VERY hydroscopic?
11:59 XSerpentX well, shouldn't it at least sputter
12:00 XSerpentX say i had my needle a lil off
12:00 XSerpentX i did 2.5 tho
12:00 XSerpentX very precise
12:00 XSerpentX i mean it should spudder right
12:00 theBear and we both said 1.5 <grin>
12:00 XSerpentX well i can try that
12:00 theBear it's touchey, also you sure it doesn't need/want a plug with a splash-shield, whatever they call em ?
12:00 XSerpentX is there any electric stop?
12:00 XSerpentX no right
12:01 XSerpentX also, does the needle screw all the way down?
12:01 theBear no electrics
12:01 XSerpentX mine kinda doesn't
12:01 theBear also check the plug specs, but i thought usually small model plugs were 6v
12:01 theBear and err, how do you know how many turns it is if you can't screw it to the stop ?
12:02 XSerpentX mfg website says 1.5v
12:02 XSerpentX well what i mean is
12:02 rue_house tiny engine plugs are usually 1.5V
12:02 XSerpentX i think the needle is hitting bottem somewhere in the carb, not the threaded thumb screw area
12:02 XSerpentX isn't flush with the carb casing
12:03 theBear don't expect the top of it to be flush
12:03 XSerpentX k, just making sure
12:03 XSerpentX so how hard do i have to spin it
12:03 theBear usually they stop inside the thread, pull it out if ya wanna confirm, little motors like that are pretty fool-proof, if yer not a fool :)
12:03 rue_house if you have the needles screwed all the way in, its not runnign cause its not getting fuel
12:03 eBear calculates, 20
12:03 XSerpentX like a good frisby throws worth?
12:03 theBear pfft, 200lbs, and you advertise that ?
12:03 XSerpentX cuz that's what i put into it
12:04 theBear spin it as fast as you can assuming primed and ready to go, with the stick
12:04 XSerpentX ya i give it a good flick at the point
12:04 rue_house even when they work, their a *&^&^$%* to start
12:04 XSerpentX i hooked up my cordless drill to it
12:04 rue_house did it fire at all?
12:05 XSerpentX maybe..but it could just been fuel on the prob
12:05 XSerpentX prop
12:05 XSerpentX not really tho
12:05 rue_house you will know if it fires as your running the drill on it
12:05 rue_house *BUT* you have to make sure the drill will release if it starts, otherwise the drill will hold it back into a stall
12:05 XSerpentX why wouldn't gas reach the glo plug?
12:06 rue_house cause you have the needle screwed all the way in
12:06 rue_house your not using gas tho right?
12:06 XSerpentX aircraft fuel
12:06 rue_house your using airplane engine fuel
12:06 XSerpentX it's pink
12:06 rue_house goo
12:06 rue_house d
12:06 XSerpentX how do u know if u flooded the engine
12:06 XSerpentX like is that possible
12:07 rue_house you would have fuel everywhere
12:07 XSerpentX sometimes the prop has fuel on it
12:07 XSerpentX dripping
12:07 rue_house if you cant smell it out the exhaust, its not getting there
12:07 rue_house ah
12:07 XSerpentX ya i can't
12:07 rue_house prolly flooded then
12:07 rue_house how did you adjust the carb?
12:07 rue_house take the glow plug out and dry it off
12:07 XSerpentX the needed 2.5 turns out
12:08 rue_house usually with some light heat
12:08 XSerpentX and the carb
12:08 XSerpentX maybe 15% open
12:08 rue_house hmm
12:08 XSerpentX i tried it full open
12:08 XSerpentX and half open also
12:08 XSerpentX mfg websites says "fast idle" for starting
12:08 XSerpentX something i noticed
12:08 rue_house I have to go to work for a while
12:09 XSerpentX the fuel drips out of the prpeller shaft
12:09 XSerpentX maybe it's going out there
12:09 XSerpentX not into the cylinder
12:09 XSerpentX like does that conpartment below the carb have to be full of fuel?
12:11 rue_house ah, if the bushing is shot, your not getting compression
12:14 theBear maybe, what rue just said
13:08 XSerpentX god..i give up
13:08 XSerpentX i just tried to fire it for the 3rd session
13:08 XSerpentX i tried 1.5..2.5..3.5..
13:08 XSerpentX can my glo plug be shot?
13:08 XSerpentX or..maybe my piston is just too cold?
13:08 XSerpentX i think fuel IS getting to the gloplug
13:09 XSerpentX it's just not exploding or firing
13:09 theBear what rue said, if yer leaking fuel at the end of the crankshaft, something aint right with the seal/bearing/bush/whatever it got
13:09 XSerpentX its more then plausable
13:09 XSerpentX that my gasgets r done
13:10 XSerpentX the engine is prolly 20 years gold
13:10 XSerpentX if not more
13:10 XSerpentX i have no clue how old it is
13:10 XSerpentX i am definatly leaking gas
13:11 XSerpentX but in my defence i got frustrated and hooked up my corded drill
13:11 XSerpentX and had it spining fast as tho it were started
13:11 XSerpentX and i dumped probably a teaspoon of gas out of the carb
13:12 XSerpentX i mean, i could take the whole thing apart
13:12 XSerpentX clean it brand new
13:12 XSerpentX and re seal with liquid gaskets
13:12 theBear is yer battery nice and charged and not 1.2v instead of 1.5v ?
13:13 XSerpentX no
13:13 XSerpentX but it will be in a few hours
13:13 theBear liquid gaskets i don't think work real good on high speed bush/seals
13:13 katsmeow-afk use a 10,000 rpm air-powered die grinder to start it ;-)
13:13 theBear and yeah, have a nice fresh batt... i remembered earlier, when i was a kid it was big 6v 'dry cells', these days high current often rechargable aa's are much more available
13:14 XSerpentX yeah
13:14 XSerpentX god, i just wanna build a UAV so bad
13:14 theBear mmm ok
13:15 tsmeow-afk picks up a rock, writes UAV on it, and throw
13:15 erpentX kicks the rocks...ur UAV s
13:15 theBear reminds me, i saw a silly-cheap 'i-copter' where i got my meter the other day, box/salesman talking to other customer said you get yer iphone app off the store, and can control the little sucker someway or how !
13:15 theBear XSerpentX, it flew further than yours has !
13:15 XSerpentX wow..low blow bear
13:15 katsmeow-afk yea :-P
13:17 theBear that's what yer get for being mean to nice animals :)
13:18 XSerpentX robots vs cats
13:18 theBear robot bears or robot alligators ?
13:18 XSerpentX alligator
13:19 XSerpentX i just got my hoes to buy me new safety glasses
13:19 XSerpentX they r back now
13:20 katsmeow-afk your hoes?
13:20 XSerpentX ye
13:20 katsmeow-afk wanna clarify that some?
13:21 XSerpentX :)
13:22 theBear hmmm...
13:22 tsmeow-afk decides that was the 3rd strike XSerpentX has used against women, and puts him on ig
13:22 eBear shakes his head for the same reason he just shook it in another cha
13:22 theBear lol
13:23 theBear ahh well kats, i'm enjoying chatting with you more recently, errm, even tho i have been off of irc 99% of my time, which is unusual... i suppsoe in times of need, we have to get out the best we can in the shortest time :)
13:23 tsmeow-afk
13:23 eBear is friend to all humans, unless they are annoyin
13:23 katsmeow-afk it may get a lot shorter for me soon
13:24 katsmeow-afk ironically, i may have 2 dsl lines, and not be able to supply power to run the computers
13:25 theBear :-( i may be back to fringe-area whatever E vs gprs or hsdpa stands for
13:25 katsmeow-afk it's $400 to cancel the dsl line in Fla, cheaper to keep it, and pay for it, even tho it's not even hooked up here yet
13:25 theBear heh, probably using my phone as a wifi access point :(
13:26 theBear heh yeah, at least yer on top of it, moving just across suburbs in various ways and between various pre-existing lines/companies the last few years i had to do some 'crazy' things to keep my net affordable, often involving STUPIDLONG delays
13:26 theBear i think it was 5 weeks after moving before i got a connection at my current (not here, MY) place
13:27 theBear but it was the only viable option
13:28 katsmeow-afk wow
13:28 theBear i aint gonna do something silly like agree to a 24+ month 'contract' AND pay a disconnect/new connect fee just to move a suburb away, literally one exchange, all with existing copper to existing exchanges with the same racks at either position, and no wiring/testing/anything manual needed other than some telco tech patching a line into a dslam within the exchange
13:29 katsmeow-afk sadly, i could not get service without a 1yr contract, and i thought i was moving there rather permanently anyhow
13:29 theBear but now i got a single bill, static, HUGE limits before speed cap, and super cheap exchange-terminated-voip and i'm happy, a month or so for what is already well over a year, meh
13:29 katsmeow-afk ditto the 3 yr security system monitoring contract
13:29 theBear yeah well, like i say, at least you understand what they do and do yer best to cover it
13:30 katsmeow-afk with no power, how will the security system stay active?
13:30 theBear ouch, i hope it was basic/cheap monitoring
13:30 XSerpentX wire and tin can security system does not need power
13:30 katsmeow-afk $45/mo : window shatter , motion detect, door open, smoke
13:31 theBear jeez
13:32 XSerpentX test test test
13:32 XSerpentX bear can u hear me
13:32 theBear i hear lots of things, doesn't make them real
13:33 XSerpentX ok good
13:33 katsmeow-afk had the move gone thru in Fla, i'd have had the money to pay it
13:33 katsmeow-afk mostly because this place would have some for enough to put a dent in my current debt, or paid it off entirely, and i cold save money there, and all finances there would have been below 3%
13:34 XSerpentX kat did u really block me? that's pretty mean
13:35 katsmeow-afk but, turns out if i did put solar panels on a fence post out there in Fla, the sturdiest mounting they'd allow, i could not run a power line to it to get the electricity
13:35 erpentX slaps katsmeow-afk around a bit with a large t
13:35 tsmeow-afk s
13:35 XSerpentX lol
13:35 theBear hey lotta places 3 strikes gets you jailed (not you kats :) you should consider yerself lucky
13:36 katsmeow-afk i assume you're talking to the serpent
13:36 XSerpentX wow
13:37 XSerpentX tell kat i'll be good
13:37 theBear yeah, had to say something ... some people just don't get a hint :)
13:37 XSerpentX ya u play me bear
13:38 XSerpentX u must be enjoying this so much
13:38 XSerpentX playing the good guy card :P
13:38 XSerpentX while the evil serpenx is soooooo bad right
13:39 theBear pfft, ass, theBear IS good, years of practice, i can even control my anger these days
13:39 XSerpentX so amazing
13:40 XSerpentX one day i hope i can control my anger and not beat women
13:40 XSerpentX lol
13:40 XSerpentX i wish kat heard that, that would be strike 4 :)
13:41 XSerpentX 1.....2......2 1/2.....2 3/4.......2 7/8........2 15/16......
13:41 katsmeow-afk being able to control one's self is about the height of wisdom
13:41 theBear yeah, but not worth saying if it isn't funny... i don't discriminate, i treat all full grown peoples and many teens equally, but that doesn't make it funny
13:41 theBear katsmeow-afk, that's very kind of you <grin> and of course, you're smart enough to know when i aint talking to you
13:42 XSerpentX oh god..ur making me vomid
13:42 XSerpentX bear, congratz
13:42 XSerpentX u have a higher wisdom then most ppl
13:43 XSerpentX the next phase you will probably realize, now that you have control over yourself, your personality, your life, your financials, etc that you can start to actually have fun
13:44 XSerpentX I have a true apprciation for women, on a level most guys will never understand
13:44 theBear oh dear, if you had any idea the fun i have.... the things i do, have done and will do again... oh your poor poor fool
13:44 theBear rue_house, when yer back, consider removing this ass, 'cos ya know, he's a ass
13:45 XSerpentX well, in my opinion, this shows your not as wise as you say you are
13:45 XSerpentX your attacking me, your next phase in wisdom, you will notice that all people have interesting characteristics and traits
13:45 XSerpentX and you can accept them
13:46 XSerpentX maybe one day, you will be strong enough to handle mine
13:46 theBear your opinion hardly counts, and i was retorting, after you attacked me, mimicking your own actions mixed with facts... it's kinda, pfft, no use arguing.... like how a one celled organism can never possibly recognise a 2 celled one, they just think 'wow, a cell, wow, a cell' etc
13:47 katsmeow-afk i should go do things irl, plumbing, moving dirt, moving boxes, moving my posterior
13:48 katsmeow-afk yeas, when it gets to the point you cannot convince a landlord that outside lights are a good idea at nite, and other common sense, time to call it quits
14:28 thylane http://www.v-rep.eu/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=4&Itemid=11
14:32 thylane http://ode-wiki.org/wiki/index.php?title=File:V-rep.png
17:19 ace4016 just walked the yard to see how bad the back yard weed issue was
17:20 ace4016 there's more weeds than grass
17:22 ace4016 http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v296/dante4016/House/Lawn%20and%20Garden/
17:22 katsmeow-afk but you don't need to try to grow weeds, you haveto try to grow grass
17:22 ace4016 hehe, indeed
17:22 ace4016 from far away it loks like i have a lush backyard...but it's actually just weeds
17:24 katsmeow-afk there's some wierd grass that grows naturally here, and it survives 4 months with no rain, but if i try to grow a nice lawn, it's an ongoing try, try, try, try, with lots of watering and fertiliser
17:25 ace4016 i have no idea what any of those plants are and i don't know types of grass. only grass i know of is the type in florida and it's thick and tall
17:26 katsmeow-afk bahia? iirc, that's not native here
17:26 katsmeow-afk native is St augustine, which is short, with runners,
17:26 katsmeow-afk and people plant a ot of Burmuda grass, same as St Augistine, but with narrower leaves
17:27 katsmeow-afk winter rye is common further north of Florida, but summers in Fla will kill it, and it doesn't like pure sand
17:27 Tom_itx fertilize the weeds
17:27 Tom_itx maybe they'll die and the grass will grow
17:28 katsmeow-afk anyting's possile, let the grass grow overly tall and shade the weeds
17:28 katsmeow-afk those trees may be what's cauing all weeds and no grass
17:28 Tom_itx it was too dry here last year
17:29 ace4016 i'm in NC now, so the plant life here is new to me
17:29 Tom_itx kat are you good at python?
17:29 katsmeow-afk trees cause shade, and suck water out of the ground in long term, but short term rains lay on top of the ground due to the shade and soggy the grass away
17:29 Tom_itx ace4016, what part of NC?
17:29 katsmeow-afk Tom, nope
17:29 ace4016 eastern NC; on the coast
17:29 Tom_itx ahh
17:30 Tom_itx i've been to winston salem and salsbury
17:30 Tom_itx and around that area
17:30 katsmeow-afk i been thru NC a few times, got sick to my stomach each time,, actually pulled over and barfed
17:30 katsmeow-afk SC wasn't much better
17:30 katsmeow-afk dunno why
17:31 Tom_itx driving thru the hills at night isn't much fun
17:31 katsmeow-afk i need the cheapest way to collect heat from the sun, even if it isn't the hottest way
17:32 Tom_itx yeah my first time back there was to SC
17:32 Tom_itx sit out in a lawn chair and bask in the sun?
17:32 ace4016 hehe
17:32 katsmeow-afk not forme, for a low temperature boiler
17:32 ace4016 black painted metal?
17:32 ace4016 left on teh southern side of the house
17:32 katsmeow-afk metal costs money
17:33 ace4016 plastic can work
17:33 katsmeow-afk only cheap plastic is plastic drop sheets, and that actually has holes in it, it isn't water *proof*
17:35 ace4016 apart from painting a container of water black, i can't think of anything
17:35 katsmeow-afk me too
17:36 katsmeow-afk even laying a tarp ut and putting an inch of water over it won't work, not once the dogs and other critters run thru it and punch it full of holes
17:38 katsmeow-afk afk
19:44 katsmeow-afk If the outside air temperature falls to -157°F, propane will no longer burn on it's own. Please keep this in mind at all times, for the safety of those around you.
19:44 ace4016 o.0
19:45 ace4016 you moved to canada?
19:46 katsmeow-afk no, why?
19:47 Tom_itx kat,
19:47 ace4016 worrying about -157F :P
19:47 Tom_itx wanna learn python?
19:47 katsmeow-afk Tom,
19:47 ace4016 only happens in the poles
19:47 katsmeow-afk no
19:47 ace4016 iirc
19:47 Tom_itx mkqy
19:48 Tom_itx mkay
19:48 ace4016 i know a bit of python...just a tiny bit; haven't used it in years
19:48 Tom_itx kat,
19:48 katsmeow-afk sorry, just too busy , and i dunno that i'd ever use python
19:48 Tom_itx wanna teach it to me?
19:48 ace4016 probably couldn't teach you any better than the python.org wbesite
19:49 Tom_itx i concur
19:49 katsmeow-afk it can't be harder than Basic, just with more gotchas
19:49 ace4016 which reminds, me...don't go to http://pythong.org/ or python.com
19:49 ace4016 python is pretty simple
19:49 Tom_itx unless you're looking for something in someone else's code
19:49 ace4016 just its use of whitespace and certain conventions adn tuples nad the like
19:50 katsmeow-afk Keep in mind that one gallon of propane will produce over 36 cubic feet of vapor and this vapor
19:50 Tom_itx oh i nearly forgot the whitespace thing
19:50 Tom_itx katsmeow-afk can you make propane ice cubes?
19:50 katsmeow-afk not yet
19:56 Tom_itx so if i edit a .py file do i need to delete the associated .pyc file or will it recognize the change and recompile it?
19:58 ace4016 no, it'll automatically update the .pyc file
19:59 ace4016 laundry time...i need a laundry machine
20:01 katsmeow-afk Get a jar. Add a handful of gold nuggets, 1 cup of cooking oil, and fill it up with water. Put a lid on it, shake briskly, and let sit for 37 seconds.
20:01 katsmeow-afk Enjoy.
20:03 Tom_itx and what will that do?
20:03 Tom_itx if i had a handfull of gold nuggets....
20:04 katsmeow-afk you can enjoy ownign a handfull of oily gold nuggets
20:04 katsmeow-afk hell of an expensive ,,, toy
20:16 katsmeow-afk the evaporation of every pound of LP (at 60 degrees) comes at the cost of 630 BTU.
20:21 katsmeow-afk damn, to get 1hp i need to vaporise 53 lbs of propane, plus superheat it
20:21 katsmeow-afk that hasto be 1hp/hour
20:21 katsmeow-afk in which case, i'm fine with that
20:21 katsmeow-afk yeas, it is
21:13 katsmeow-afk anyone know of a cheap lightweight 200hp diesel engine, with a good bottom end, and no top end, which i can get for free?
21:27 katsmeow-afk ok, how about a bigblock gas burner? , all i need is the block with crank , rods, and pistons
21:45 katsmeow-afk ybit ?
21:51 ybit hi
21:52 tsmeow-afk points up the mention of eng
21:53 ybit if you'll remind me later this week, i'll have a talk with my grandfather when we're eating lunch
21:53 katsmeow-afk ok
21:54 ybit we crushed a lot last summer, and he continued on while i was in school, so i'm not sure what's left
21:55 katsmeow-afk can't crush an engine, best to yank those out ans sell separately,, or tear down and sell the aluminum
21:55 ybit we were throwing them on the back and taking them to the scrapyard
21:55 katsmeow-afk oh
21:55 ybit we of course had an aluminium pile :)
21:56 katsmeow-afk i wanna double the torque of a ordinary block, and i know i better start with a crank that can handle it
21:57 katsmeow-afk i want 500-600ft-lbs
21:58 katsmeow-afk i have a couple worthl;ess V6 gasburners i can play with in the meantime
21:58 katsmeow-afk one "pulled from a working environment", the other runs but has 1/10 inch play in the cylinders
22:00 katsmeow-afk both are at the edge of "if i could get it onto the truck, i'd scrap it"
22:06 katsmeow-afk 74F11, one for $8 or 375 for 99 cents
22:10 katsmeow-afk rue: "SN74F18PC arithematic IC"
22:31 rue_house oh
22:31 rue_house the boiler runs great with the repair
22:32 katsmeow-afk what's the broadside version of the '244 octal buffer?
22:33 katsmeow-afk the repair being to hold the grate up?
22:33 rue_house 524?
22:33 rue_house new grate, new holder for new grate, and new lower burn collar
22:34 rue_house !assist projects/boiler/
22:34 tobbor Possibly http://eds.dyndns.org/~ircjunk/projects/boiler/
22:34 rue_house !assist projects/heatplant/
22:34 tobbor Possibly http://eds.dyndns.org/~ircjunk/projects/heatplant/
22:34 katsmeow-afk ah, duh, the '245
22:35 rue_house http://eds.dyndns.org/~ircjunk/projects/heatplant/p1030622-scaling.jpg
22:35 sw0rdfish hi
22:35 rue_house that gave out, had to replace it
22:35 katsmeow-afk i dunno why they ever made the '240, '241, or '244
22:35 rue_house sw0rdfish, hello
22:35 sw0rdfish katsmeow-afk, what did you tell me to read to know about some basic robotics sub parts again?
22:36 katsmeow-afk er, i don't remember
22:37 katsmeow-afk holy crud batman, that thing has holes in it too!
22:37 sw0rdfish lol
22:37 rue_house the holes are supposed to be there
22:37 rue_house but they got ... REALLY big
22:37 katsmeow-afk wait,, those look suspiciously rue-made : http://eds.dyndns.org/~ircjunk/projects/heatplant/p1030622-scaling.jpg
22:37 sw0rdfish well ok.. you had just described to me then that what I need to make a simple robotic machine was some spare parts of printers and stuff
22:37 sw0rdfish i just want to know about such parts
22:37 rue_house the holes started to take up the whole thing
22:38 katsmeow-afk oh, yeas,, "sub" thew me off
22:38 rue_house I should finish my sub
22:38 katsmeow-afk rue, talk to sw0rdfish about free-to-$20 robots
22:38 rue_house sw0rdfish, you want to nmake a sub?
22:39 katsmeow-afk http://eds.dyndns.org/~ircjunk/projects/boiler/ = 404
22:39 sw0rdfish sub?
22:39 katsmeow-afk nothing new in http://eds.dyndns.org/~ircjunk/projects/heatplant/
22:39 rue_house heatplant, I dont have tobbor using the 'is the url valid?" code yet
22:39 sw0rdfish rue_house, sub?
22:39 rue_house sw0rdfish, what do you want to built
22:39 sw0rdfish anything really
22:40 katsmeow-afk lets agree that "sub" = "submarine" , ok? no fihting!
22:40 sw0rdfish just to get me aquainted with the robotics world :D
22:40 sw0rdfish lol katsmeow-afk
22:40 katsmeow-afk :-)
22:40 sw0rdfish why does your nick have "-afk" appended to it katsmeow-afk
22:40 rue_house 2 mins , my boiler is at the point where is a program isn't working right it'll blow up
22:41 katsmeow-afk because i am pretty much not guaranteed to be here, i am highly multitasking atm
22:41 sw0rdfish I see.
22:41 sw0rdfish doing what katsmeow-afk
22:42 rue_house have you ever made a robot before?
22:43 rue_house ok at 72c the boiler SHOULD shut down. .... or blow up
22:43 Tom_itx let er blow!
22:44 rue_house the resnsor is being erratic
22:44 katsmeow-afk that Canadian water, boils and blows up at 72C
22:44 rue_house it just sipped to 68
22:44 rue_house at 72c out, the core is liek 95c
22:44 rue_house sorry I cant type
22:44 rue_house on this keyboard
22:44 rue_house cause you have to hammer some of the keys and not others
22:44 sw0rdfish no I've never attempted to make a robot before rue_bed
22:44 katsmeow-afk heck of a heat loss there, rue
22:44 sw0rdfish rue_house*
22:45 katsmeow-afk 95c down to 72c, just exiting the boiler?
22:45 rue_house sw0rdfish, what do you want to make
22:45 sw0rdfish no idea.. lol... ok look give me some beginner ideas
22:45 rue_house ok, ever programmed?
22:45 sw0rdfish I know like 35% of php lol
22:46 sw0rdfish but i guess C is needed for robots
22:47 katsmeow-afk make this : http://lucy.vub.ac.be/
22:47 katsmeow-afk note Lucy existed before PETMAN
22:48 sw0rdfish heh
22:48 sw0rdfish sounds easy peasy :P
22:49 katsmeow-afk http://web.mit.edu/spotlight/spring-turkey/
22:49 katsmeow-afk http://www.ai.mit.edu/projects/leglab/robots/Spring_Flamingo/Spring_Flamingo.html
22:51 katsmeow-afk Spring Flamingo was 16 ys ago, and zhanx hasn't made his yet
22:53 katsmeow-afk R2D2 naked, and with real legs : http://www.ihmc.us/research/projects/HumanoidRobots/images/M2V2_medres.jpg
22:54 sw0rdfish oh waw
22:55 ace4016 robot porn
22:55 sw0rdfish katsmeow-afk, lol you made zhanx quit!!!
22:55 sw0rdfish :P
22:55 sw0rdfish and dude why are you showing me those
22:55 sw0rdfish "beginnerrrrrrrrrr"
22:55 katsmeow-afk i did??
22:56 sw0rdfish * zhanx has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) <== hehe well maybe it wasn't you :D
22:56 sw0rdfish oh well
22:56 sw0rdfish I'll do some googling for beginner projects
22:56 sw0rdfish tomorrow
22:56 katsmeow-afk swordfish, the basic lil robots don't really DO anything useful, some of rue's bots do, like the mowerbot
22:56 sw0rdfish or just use Beginners book
22:56 sw0rdfish mowerbot?
22:58 sw0rdfish Robot Building for Beginners by David Cook <=== think I'll use that
22:58 katsmeow-afk !assist mowerbot
22:58 tobbor Possibly http://eds.dyndns.org/~ircjunk/mowerbot
22:58 katsmeow-afk Possibly not
22:59 katsmeow-afk sw0rdfish, browse thru http://eds.dyndns.org/~ircjunk/robots/
22:59 sw0rdfish k
22:59 katsmeow-afk you'll see mowerbot there
22:59 sw0rdfish lol @ <katsmeow-afk> Possibly not
23:00 katsmeow-afk i wish i wasn't hindered at every turn by humans, so i could do like rue does: make stuff out of other stuff
23:01 katsmeow-afk all i do is stuff at DesignerThinking.com , cept for the Ai stuff, which isn't so there
23:03 sw0rdfish oh
23:03 katsmeow-afk i wann atake a bat to some ebay sellers
23:04 katsmeow-afk like those that show 10,000 parts in the pic, then say you get ONE part
23:04 katsmeow-afk and morons that offer things like:
23:04 katsmeow-afk Expedited Shipping Between Thu. Mar. 29 and Fri. Mar. 30 $3.00
23:04 katsmeow-afk Expedited Shipping Between Thu. Mar. 29 and Fri. Mar. 30 $5.50
23:04 katsmeow-afk your choice
23:05 katsmeow-afk <cough>
23:07 katsmeow-afk a Rockwell 650001 with piggyback memory : http://www.ebay.com/itm/ROCKWELL-R65001EB1-MICROPROCESSOR-VINTAGE-/260814536369?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item3cb9c1feb1
23:08 sw0rdfish well
23:08 sw0rdfish i'm goin to bed now
23:08 sw0rdfish thanks for your time guys
23:08 katsmeow-afk <<== not a guy :-)
23:09 sw0rdfish zomg! :o ... lol tbh I totally had myself convinced you were a dude
23:09 katsmeow-afk several women live in this channel
23:09 sw0rdfish didn't even pause to fully concentrate and see what your nick says...
23:10 sw0rdfish hehe I just assumed its a katsmeareaweawa-whatever fella
23:10 0rdfish face
23:10 sw0rdfish apologies!
23:10 katsmeow-afk np
23:10 sw0rdfish ignore my siliness please, lol
23:10 katsmeow-afk gnites
23:11 sw0rdfish g'nite :D
23:11 sw0rdfish if I meet a robotical chick in real life... it could well be my soul mate lmfao
23:11 katsmeow-afk Tiggr is learning how to make antibacterial soap
23:11 sw0rdfish i'm out
23:11 sw0rdfish cya
23:11 katsmeow-afk bye
23:31 theBear speaking of soap, if i suspect i'm allergic to some/all, what is a good short term alternative for a test ?
23:31 katsmeow-afk a test to make you break out,, or not?
23:32 tsmeow-afk is never sure of these th
23:33 katsmeow-afk "take this, it willhelp your cold" "i don't want thelp my cold!! i want to stop my cold, kill the cold, eliminate the cold, but NOT help it!"
23:34 tsmeow-afk uses an Ivory brand unscented bar soap, and lets it sit outside for a week, opened, before usin
23:34 theBear to make me not.... i suspect either the water or soap down here messes with me, and MAYBE more recently the soap i've used for a lifetime, heck maybe always.... i shoulda stopped having a teen-looking back years ago, if ya know what i mean
23:34 theBear sit outside eh ?
23:35 katsmeow-afk to let the initial fumes dissipate
23:35 theBear fumes eh ? interesting
23:35 katsmeow-afk the unscented Ivory has almost no smell at all anyhow, but it sits with other soaps in the warehouses, etc
23:36 katsmeow-afk it;s usually not the soap itself that is iritating, it's the smells and colors that get to people
23:36 theBear i always been into imperial leather myself.... reminds me of better times, and is fairly plain, has no stupid oil or fruit in it... 99% tradtitional kinda soap ingredients
23:36 katsmeow-afk never heard of it
23:37 theBear mmm, while i try to learn all kinds of international terms and brands and things for the irc convenience, i never really checked what soap brands are where :)
23:38 katsmeow-afk i wonder if everyone in Oz can ring Rif and get some data on how his solar panels are doing
23:39 katsmeow-afk only way t have made solar power today would have been to put a mess of mirrors up aimed at solar cells
23:39 katsmeow-afk which would kill the cells on the first un-cloudy day
23:40 theBear freman who you can often find in electronics has a fancy solar setup and all kinds of detailed webpage monitoring and stuff, he's err, within a days driving distance of rif
23:41 katsmeow-afk know his url?
23:44 theBear nah, and it would only be on my (turned off) desktop at home
23:45 katsmeow-afk oh
23:48 rue_house sorry I'm not at my computer much today
23:48 theBear with time, i think i can forgive you :)
23:48 rue_house there is a scented ivory, somehow I ended up with a pack once
23:48 theBear katsmeow-afk, just asked him elsewhere, see if he still has it public sometime... he's usually around, and it's day/afternoon there
23:49 katsmeow-afk thanks, bear
23:49 theBear i don't like all these scents and things.... buying shampoo these days is a nightmare, there are whole BIG supermarkets that ONLY have 50 different brands with all sorts of stupid oils and fruits and crap in them, call me crazy, but that is exactly what i'm trying to remove when i wash my hair...
23:50 theBear and of course that head and shoulders stuff is everywhere, but having a healthy hair-area, i feel i shouldn't get that, for multiple personal and social reasons :)
23:50 katsmeow-afk lol
23:50 theBear not to mention that acid or whatever it has sounds quite nasty
23:51 tsmeow-afk
23:52 katsmeow-afk and then you get people together, and they smell like a huge fruit salad that's gone bad
23:53 theBear lol
23:53 katsmeow-afk i think apple is the worst, it stings my nose, even if it's someone else who used it
23:54 theBear yeah, god forbid you visit somewhere and have to use that fruity crap on your own head, i may smoke a lot, but as it was put to me long long ago, my lungs/body tell me that is BAD to breathe, so i avoid it.... i apply this to everything other than smokables :)
23:54 rue_house I dont like it when the boiler temps are off the top of the chart
23:54 katsmeow-afk i dunno what my neighbors use, but whe they leave a door open, i haveto go inside my house and close it up,, or leave the property
23:54 katsmeow-afk rue, raise the chart
23:56 katsmeow-afk i wonder why they call this "horseradish", i've never met a horse who would eat it
23:56 theBear cos it tastes kinda like licking a horse ?
23:57 katsmeow-afk i don't have much expereince in that, bear
23:57 theBear me neither, but i felt something needed to be suggested :)
23:57 theBear maybe it's an odd translation thing
23:59 katsmeow-afk must be
23:59 katsmeow-afk i am slowing down,, thing is i know i wonn't get sleep