#robotics Logs

Mar 22 2012

#robotics Calendar

00:21 rue_house ARG
00:21 rue_house as if that weren't bad enough! they dont even use the same names for everything
00:22 rue_house I have two diagrams here, one a cutaway of the wrist and the other the tennon names for fingers, and they do not cross
00:30 rue_house I beleve I have identified 23 tennons thru the wrist
00:31 rue_house attempting to find out what they are
00:32 ace4016 tendons* >_>
00:33 rue_house sry
00:33 ace4016 what are you trying to do?
00:33 katsmeow-afk bak
00:33 katsmeow wow, after midnite already
00:34 rue_house understand human hand engineering so I can maybe apply it to a mecha hand
00:34 katsmeow rue, not spring return, they are using opposing motors for active powered grasp/ungrasp , the springs do two things
00:34 rue_house ext. Poll. Brev. ... is short for....
00:35 katsmeow 1) they keep the servos from fighting each other because 2) the spring is how they detect tension on the tendon
00:35 rue_house extensor pollicis brevis
00:35 rue_house which actuates...
00:36 rue_house ...cant see on this diagram
00:36 katsmeow you really don't need to know the human anatomy to build the hand
00:36 rue_house ext. Carp. Rad. Long. ... is short for....
00:36 katsmeow you got the basic idea, all your time is gonna be spend engineering it from non-biologic materials , metals and plastics
00:37 rue_house extensor carpi radialis longus
00:37 rue_house ... which actuates...
00:37 rue_house finger 1, index finger
00:38 rue_house ok thats 3, calling it a night
00:38 katsmeow see, you aren't concentrating on the robot
00:39 rue_house na I' might as well understand how humans work, they are always breaking down and the information could come in handy
00:39 katsmeow true
00:39 rue_house besides, its one of the engineering styles I'm not familiar with yet
00:40 katsmeow but don't let it dustract you from going to the shop and firing up the drill press and grinder
00:40 rue_house there are 12 tendons that share 3 names
00:40 katsmeow my paws are sore from cleaning the spot for the water tank today
00:40 rue_house where do they hurt?
00:40 rue_house I have a nerve schematic here somewhere
00:40 katsmeow heh
00:40 rue_house :)
00:41 katsmeow just sore and stiff from being used, the details don't matter
00:41 katsmeow they tend to self-repair, the second only reason to let my body "sleep"
00:42 rue_house I think the proffesion of "biological technician" needs to be recognized as NOT being a doctor
00:42 katsmeow i would like to see low friction hand built really well, that really would match a human hand in gross function, of not actual scale and features
00:42 rue_house I'd rather see a bio tech than a doctor any day
00:43 katsmeow oh, there's channels for that
00:44 ace4016 rue, the fingers aren't much different than any other hinge joint in the body; tendons connect to bone and muscle; muscle can only pull; tendons are springy; the oppposing muscle allows for a bit of control; there are usually stabalizers...mainly for bigger muscles iirc
00:45 tsmeow suggested Tiggr knowing sites like http://www.genome.jp/kegg-bin/show_pathway?org_name=map&mapno=00010&mapscale=1.0&show_description=show and such might help
00:45 katsmeow fnger tendons also have some stabilisers, which i showed rue about the otehr nite
00:47 ace4016 is that saying it purposefully decreases power for control?
00:48 katsmeow is who what when?
00:48 ace4016 the link >_>
00:48 katsmeow the link i posted? that's medical details, nothing to do with this channel
00:48 katsmeow [00:33] <rue_house> I'd rather see a bio tech than a doctor any day
00:48 katsmeow [00:34] <katsmeow> oh, there's channels for that
00:48 katsmeow [00:35] * katsmeow suggested Tiggr etc
00:48 ace4016 ah
00:49 katsmeow generally, in robots, more control = more power is burned
00:49 tsmeow gets whiplash, because we are talking medical stuff in here and robots in the otehr cha
00:50 ace4016 lol
00:50 katsmeow [00:41] <katsmeow> because even bolting the root to the supposed zero position doesn't in fact make it be there
00:50 katsmeow etc
00:50 ace4016 most joint health problems come from a lack of good fats and nutrients...and with todays industrial meats and such, mst people aren't gettign either
00:51 tsmeow ag
00:51 ace4016 leave it up to big business to ruin food
00:51 katsmeow i wasn't getting enough protien or choline or a few other things, even with a good multivitamin
00:52 ace4016 i say we burn it all down and start from scratch! :D
00:53 katsmeow i am 15 yr late in having a garden here, and i am on the edge of old, and don't have a prepared garden space, it's all forest again,, damned dogs
00:53 katsmeow so i must buy all my food
00:58 ace4016 yea; i have adeent yard now so i'm going to attempt food gardening
00:59 katsmeow tomatos here are $2 a pound and more, that's nuts, and why i cannot buy veggies
01:02 ace4016 that's terrible
01:26 katsmeow http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DaWYCAt-kgE&feature=related
01:35 katsmeow i would like to goto bed, but i think i'll just fall out of the chair and sleep on the floor here
01:56 tsmeow sits proped up against faceplants, with her aul of condim
01:56 katsmeow haul
01:56 saschi hi
01:57 katsmeow the French's horseradish mustard is *very* flavorfull, bitingly tangy
01:57 katsmeow hi
01:58 katsmeow the Fraft cocktail sauce is mild to the point of bland, it needs some horseradish
01:59 saschi katsmeow: i like wazabi better
01:59 katsmeow the McCormick tartar sauce is bland
02:00 katsmeow wasabi the green stuff? wow that stuff is hot
02:01 saschi katsmeow: yes, it's similar to horseradish from the kind of heat
02:02 saschi katsmeow: where are you from?
02:04 saschi <3
02:04 saschi larv oh larv </lena>
02:20 any46667927 damned telco
02:21 katsmeow-afk they plan these outages, but don't tell us
06:50 Tom_itx looks like katsmeow-afk paid homage to walmart
08:59 rue_house ext.carp.rad.brev.
09:00 rue_house extensor carpi radialis brevis
09:01 rue_house finger 2 straightening
09:01 rue_house or not
09:02 SolarNRG Hi guys, I've got a new youtube video, its me demonstrating my mirrored parabolic dish and a lens to superheat materials. Please have a look and tell me what you think: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NaL-OyhwD6o
09:03 rue_house there is a log of work!
09:03 SolarNRG lol
09:04 rue_house odd
09:04 rue_house it almost looks like it could use a bit of alignment on the mirrors
09:04 SolarNRG Yeah, the mirrors are not perfectly aligned
09:04 SolarNRG the dish is not perfectly aligned
09:04 SolarNRG and as you saw I was having trouble aligning the lens and the log
09:04 SolarNRG until I had an optimum
09:05 rue_house if you have to align the mirrors you might as well use something flat and make a freznel
09:05 SolarNRG Well I've been talking to the linuxcnc guys
09:05 rue_house ext.indicis.prop.
09:05 SolarNRG They say I should get myself an X3 gear mill
09:06 SolarNRG Then convert it to CNC with a gecko, my 3 stepper motors, fix my pc so I can use the parallel port and a power supply
09:06 saschi aha
09:06 rue_house for doing which?
09:06 rue_house ext.indicis.prop.
09:06 SolarNRG I thought it would be useful for milling aluminium ingots I melt myself
09:07 SolarNRG Then I can make crap gears,
09:07 SolarNRG but better than wood
09:07 saschi hi
09:07 SolarNRG How are you saschi
09:07 rue_house with terms like this I understand why the medical system seems like its in the stone age, it IS
09:07 saschi fine, & u SolarNRG?
09:09 rue_house ext.dig.quinti prop
09:11 SolarNRG I think we've got hi tech for the medial industry but the beurocrats insist on using the cheaper stone age option
09:11 saschi Topy44: ich ueberlege doch nur, was ich fraesen soll fuer ein material
09:14 rue_house nin spek dutch
09:15 rue_house ist nin
09:16 SolarNRG Thanks for watching
09:16 SolarNRG I got to go out now
09:16 SolarNRG See you all soon
09:20 rue_house you have to close irc?
09:20 rue_house are you on dialup?
09:26 saschi dunno
09:32 rue_house ok, ijteresting
09:32 rue_house there are 3 tenons for a finger
09:32 rue_house it looks like the retraction tennon is shared for all joints
09:36 Skwint I have a servo moving! Does that count as "hello world" in robotics?
09:54 hackkitten rue_house > isn't human anatomy fun? :)
10:09 Triffid_Hunter Skwint: yes, absolutely :)
10:26 joink Skwint: yes, next step is to hurt yourself on it
10:27 Skwint interesting - I'm not sure it's big enough to do that
10:28 hackkitten joink > isn't the next step releasing some magical smoke?
10:28 joink hackkitten: oh- hmm. I've always hurt myself before the smoke comes
10:28 joink well, with robotics that is.
10:29 hackkitten joink > well, you're special, then :D
10:29 Skwint my skill with a soldering iron has led to quite a bit of smoke already - can I skip that step with the actual robot?
10:29 joink well, last robot project had propellers.
10:29 joink those.. are. annoying
10:29 joink quad copter..
10:29 hackkitten quadcopter? :)
10:29 hackkitten yay :3
10:29 Skwint heh
10:30 joink and effings carbon fiber ones as well
10:30 joink so flying razor blades
10:30 joink with the "kill switch" smack in the middle of the four propellers :P
10:30 joink not.. the best design
10:30 Skwint exciting though
10:31 Skwint why so many quad copters?
10:32 Skwint I know why it's a simple way to control flight, but wouldn't a single motor powering larger blades work out more efficient? balancing it with a tail can't be that hard can it?
12:30 SolarNRG Alright guys
13:31 SolarNRG We are guinia pigs for Lush, please have a look at our Scottish facemasks in hope to win a competition. I would like to hear what you think of the photo: http://i.imgur.com/QhXEp.jpg
13:46 reesk92 yo
13:46 joink urh,
13:47 SolarNRG did u like that?\
13:47 joink SolarNRG: it was different :)
13:48 joink I don't know the premise of the competition, but what took me in was the "lush guinia pigs" text.
13:48 Steffanx The faces made you close the window joink :P
13:49 joink actually, I just tabbed
13:49 joink so they're behind my ssh-window
13:49 joink allows me to tab back and forth a bit
13:49 joink it's like the sun, can't look at it too long
13:50 joink SolarNRG: but good fun :)
13:55 Steffanx :D :D
14:13 SolarNRG lol
14:42 reesk92 is it npn or pnp that resists current when the base is low
14:53 reesk92 http://img853.imageshack.us/img853/6103/48265728.png
14:53 reesk92 that is my idea of hell
14:53 reesk92 i spent 30 mins trying to work out how the hell that working
14:54 reesk92 and im still clueless cause in1 and in 2 are getting the same result
14:54 katsmeow-afk npn
14:56 katsmeow-afk wait,, rephrase the question
14:57 katsmeow-afk whatever,, hen b-motor-signal-2 goes high, Q2 pulls IN4 low
14:58 reesk92 yeah but look at side a
14:58 katsmeow-afk i already closed the window
14:58 reesk92 anyway
14:58 reesk92 its feeding the same signal into the second in pin aswell
14:59 reesk92 for some reason it feeds the same ignal to 2 pin but 1 of those pins is being held constantly high anyway
15:01 reesk92 idk what happenign but it is madness to me
18:02 i-make-robots join #bootstrap
18:28 nijacker ---------------------------------------------
18:28 nijacker Anarchy forum, check it out [sign up quick] http://zr0.org or you can join our chat #zr0
18:46 katsmeow-afk why do i need 1.2 ohm resistors?
18:47 Steffanx When you need 0.6 ohm :P
18:47 Steffanx or 2.4
18:48 katsmeow-afk but i don't
18:48 katsmeow-afk what's vdrop on white leds?
18:49 katsmeow-afk 3.2v ?
18:50 Steffanx Some i have are 3.1-3.4 and others from 3.4-3.6 ..
18:50 Steffanx volt
18:51 katsmeow-afk hmm, k
18:57 Tom_itx hmm
19:03 tsmeow-afk hmms
19:14 rue_house taking nap biab
19:15 rue_house in the meantime, if anyone can tell me what fingers the following control I'd be greatfull
19:15 Tom_itx sleep when you're dead
19:15 rue_house flex.carp.uln
19:16 rue_house palmaris longus
19:16 rue_house flex.carp.rad.
19:16 rue_house extensor carpi ulnaris
19:16 Tom_itx what do you need to know?
19:17 katsmeow-afk he wants to build a human hand, but with only 3 fingers
19:17 rue_house what finger do they arrach to
19:17 Tom_itx well i could look them up
19:17 katsmeow-afk so instead of building what's neded, he wants to know what to leave out
19:17 Tom_itx got a medical ref book
19:17 katsmeow-afk he's been going over internet books on this since monday, i halped
19:28 zhanx EVENING
19:28 zhanx opps
19:28 katsmeow-afk HI
19:29 zhanx one heck of a day at work, i wish i could fire people
19:29 katsmeow-afk with live fire?
19:29 zhanx yes
19:30 zhanx my "boss" is a moron
19:30 katsmeow-afk they'd prolly object based on the noise
19:30 zhanx adding simple numbers is pain staking to him
19:30 tsmeow-afk whips out some st
19:30 zhanx 3 rows of ten.. 20 minutes later he comes up with 23
19:31 zhanx i am like wtf
19:31 katsmeow-afk my math isn't perfect, i carry a calculator
19:31 zhanx kat, rows of ten should be easy
19:31 zhanx this guy is suppose to be taking over for me
19:31 katsmeow-afk nope: rows of ten what?
19:32 zhanx so we are laying over everything, and it was cones
19:32 zhanx like traffic cones
19:32 zhanx bright orange with a black base
19:32 katsmeow-afk 10 cones * 3 = 23?
19:32 zhanx to him
19:32 katsmeow-afk damn
19:32 zhanx after 20 minutes of counting them
19:33 katsmeow-afk he simply hasto be faking it
19:47 zhanx no
19:48 zhanx i wish
19:48 Tom_itx gomer pile?
19:49 zhanx something, was on the phone with my commander about him, my commander is asking for a deferment of my orders for 90 days to allow the other nco to get here and take over
19:52 zhanx but oh well i guess
19:53 zhanx think my gf had too much caffeine
20:18 rue_bed v cccccccccccVCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC}{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{ wow, I thought the military had higher standards than that{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{
20:18 rue_bed erp
20:19 rue_bed I cant sleep , I either need to work on the genorator, pcb's for the kids to make, or the boiler
20:19 rue_bed the boiler needs a pretty major repair
20:20 rue_bed zhanx, how would you build a hand for a 12' robot?
20:20 rue_bed this morning I learned there is only one actuator in the human hand for straighting the finges
20:20 rue_bed but two for curling them
20:21 rue_bed which makes sense when you play with a human hand for a while
20:22 rue_bed that little bit of multiplexing saves actuators , but will make my math a nighmare
20:22 rue_bed ^t
20:23 e_bed pulls the chain to turn on the light so he can see if thee's still anyone her
20:23 ace4016 boo
20:23 Tom_itx stop pullin my chain
20:23 rue_bed eeek
20:24 Tom_itx boards came today
20:24 Tom_itx ordered 25
20:24 rue_bed another!
20:24 Tom_itx got 35
20:25 Tom_itx small ones
20:25 rue_bed your gona have to start an assembly line
20:25 Tom_itx these are hand assembled
20:25 rue_bed make a big lazy susan
20:26 rue_bed with little board holders
20:26 rue_bed as it rotates you put each part on, after the rotation you move to the next part
20:26 rue_bed R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 R2 R2 R2 R2...
20:27 Tom_itx i thought about making a worktable on bearings
20:27 Tom_itx so i can slide it back and forth easier
20:28 rue_bed I need to go to the medical clinic and get my xray results
20:28 rue_bed I suppose I have to look at them myself
20:28 Tom_itx what were you xray'd for?
20:29 ace4016 broke a rib after falling from teh top of his 12' robot
20:33 rue_house the knee problem I had a week ago and the ongoing problem with my back
20:47 rue_house flex.carp.uln
20:47 rue_house I think its short for flexor carpi ulnaris
20:47 rue_house ulnaris
20:47 ace4016 is this in the hands/arms?
20:47 rue_house hnad
20:48 ace4016 ulna is a forearm bone; does that tendon connect to the foreamrs at all?
20:48 rue_house it goes to a finger
20:48 rue_house oh no
20:48 ace4016 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flexor_carpi_ulnaris_muscle
20:49 rue_house it dosn't sorry, its a wrist actuator
20:49 rue_house I think
20:50 ace4016 i use to know all those muscles
20:50 ace4016 and tendons and ligaments...dissected a cat to learn it...
20:50 ace4016 kat might not like that >_>
20:50 rue_house the flexor carp radius is the opposite rotate
20:51 rue_house that leaves palmaris longus
20:52 rue_house extensor idicis oprius
20:52 rue_house and extensor digiti minimi
20:53 rue_house I think palmaris longus is the top wrist actuator
20:54 rue_house oh its for wrist up, down
20:56 ace4016 found anyting you can use for your robot?
20:56 rue_house and I still dont know what extensor pollicis brevis extensor carpi radialis longus extensor carpi radialis brevis extensor digiti quint proprius extensor carpi ulnaris do
20:57 ace4016 extensor pollicis brevis pulls the thumb straight/out
20:58 ace4016 extensor carpi radialis longus might twist the wrist
20:59 rue_house I have that as operating the index finger
21:00 rue_house ah, the thumb has 2 almost matching tennons
21:02 ace4016 http://www.getbodysmart.com/ap/muscularsystem/wristhanddigits/extcarpiradialislong/tutorial.html this tells you what they do i think
21:02 rue_house oooo
21:02 rue_house good one!
21:02 ace4016 time to prepare lunch for tomorrow
21:23 katsmeow-afk mmmmmm tartar sauce with a splash of horseradish
21:38 katsmeow-afk 5-40 VDC Hobby - Motor (Pkg of 12) - 93M002S
21:38 katsmeow-afk Pkg. of 12 5-40 VDC HOBBY MOTORs Approx. 1.375" long. Caps and ferrite beads on power leads; 12-tooth gear on 0.0625" shaft.
21:38 katsmeow-afk Your Price: $9.95
21:46 XSerpentX hi
21:58 Tom_itx rue_house
21:58 Tom_itx http://www.rad.washington.edu/academics/academic-sections/msk/muscle-atlas/upper-body/extensor-pollicis-brevis
21:59 Tom_itx http://www.rad.washington.edu/academics/academic-sections/msk/muscle-atlas/upper-body/extensor-carpi-radialis-brevis
22:00 Tom_itx http://www.rad.washington.edu/academics/academic-sections/msk/muscle-atlas/upper-body/extensor-carpi-radialis-longus
22:01 katsmeow-afk monorail parts to be available in Sidney : http://www.news.com.au/travel/nsw-monorail-to-be-pulled-down-ofarrell/story-e6frfq7r-1226308055982
22:02 katsmeow-afk that's some heavy motors, wheels, steel beams, for robot making
22:06 m_itx thumps rue_house in the cra
22:08 XSerpentX careful, u can be charged for cyber bullying now
22:08 XSerpentX jk, i just made that up
22:09 erpentX smashes rue_house's head in with a sh
22:10 XSerpentX shoot, i shoulda asked my question before I did that
22:11 XSerpentX I'm genna attempt to learn USB protocal
22:11 XSerpentX i'd like to interface some electronics with it
22:12 ace4016 ick
22:12 ace4016 they have chips to handle all that for you :P
22:13 Tom_itx http://education.yahoo.com/reference/gray/illustrations/figure?id=423
22:14 Tom_itx http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Extensor_indicis#Extrinsic
22:15 XSerpentX u trying to make a 1:1 realistic model of a sexy girl too Tom?
22:15 Tom_itx nope
22:16 ace4016 tim is a ladies man; he don't need no stinkin' sexbot
22:16 Tom_itx some ask and leave
22:16 ace4016 tom*
22:16 Tom_itx rue asked and waited so an answer is in order
22:17 XSerpentX i wish i were a ladies man
22:18 XSerpentX u guys score a lot of chicks?
22:18 XSerpentX ace: i think i found one, it's called 34825
22:18 XSerpentX so..u can talk rs232 with it?
22:18 ace4016 yup
22:18 XSerpentX i think i should finishe reading this USB protocal website
22:19 XSerpentX talk to it how
22:19 XSerpentX virtual usb port?
22:19 XSerpentX or something
22:19 ace4016 even on windows (its actually built into windows, you just have to tell it to communicate as rs232 )
22:19 XSerpentX oh..ok
22:19 XSerpentX making more sence
22:20 ace4016 you just have to make sure the usb controller is communicating as rs232...otherwise one system will speak turkish while the other speaks greek
22:22 XSerpentX is that the main way to communicate
22:23 XSerpentX rs232
22:23 XSerpentX i see this chip has like...audio right..audio left
22:23 XSerpentX mic..
22:23 XSerpentX and also D+ and D-
22:23 XSerpentX so i guess if u wanna listen in on the actuall USB communication u can?
22:28 XSerpentX is there any usb ic u recommend ace?
22:32 XSerpentX so..does generally most USB accessories communicate via rs232 string messages?
22:36 XSerpentX TUSB1310
22:47 XSerpentX so the proper name for the ic is USB Transciever?
22:51 rue_house can anyone find extensor digiti quint proprius its attached to the 4th finger, I'm trying to work out what joint it actuates
22:52 rue_house for hands, not feet, stupid latin
22:52 XSerpentX tom posted a bunch of stuff
22:52 XSerpentX rue
22:53 XSerpentX and was going on about "Rue asked a question..and he will get an answer"...n' stuch
22:55 XSerpentX is there a program
22:55 XSerpentX that can..intercept communication from a usb port
22:55 rue_house where
22:56 XSerpentX like..say i wanted to know what protocal or comm methed my mouse was sendingt o my pc, and what the messages or packets looked like?
22:56 XSerpentX http://www.rad.washington.edu/academics/academic-sections/msk/muscle-atlas/upper-body/extensor-pollicis-brevis
22:56 XSerpentX <Tom_itx> http://www.rad.washington.edu/academics/academic-sections/msk/muscle-atlas/upper-body/extensor-carpi-radialis-brevis
22:56 XSerpentX <Tom_itx> http://www.rad.washington.edu/academics/academic-sections/msk/muscle-atlas/upper-body/extensor-carpi-radialis-longus
22:56 XSerpentX http://education.yahoo.com/reference/gray/illustrations/figure?id=423
22:57 rue_house ooo
22:57 rue_house aha
23:00 rue_house ok so, extensor digiti quint proprius
23:00 rue_house must have another name
23:02 katsmeow-afk prolly just as latin as that one
23:03 rue_house like extensor indicis oprius must have another name
23:04 rue_house and then theres extensor indicis proprius
23:04 rue_house not like giving the same name to parts in the foot, they had to make multiple names for the same thing
23:05 rue_house you cant advance in a technical way around this garbage
23:05 rue_house we would be decades ahead if we renamed everything
23:05 rue_house uniquely
23:05 rue_house and properly
23:06 katsmeow-afk or had $10 wiper gearmotors
23:08 rue_house there are letter abbreviations for a bunch of them that are even better
23:10 rue_house http://paste.debian.net/160730/
23:10 rue_house there is what I have so far
23:10 rue_house 3 names, what it actuates and how
23:13 rue_house it seems I have the following
23:13 rue_house 5 tennons for the index finger
23:13 rue_house 3 for the next
23:13 rue_house 3 for the next
23:13 rue_house 5 for the little finger
23:13 rue_house 3 for the thumb
23:13 rue_house and 5 for the wrist
23:14 rue_house if 'oprius' was a type for 'proprius' then...
23:16 rue_house so it looks like the index finger has an extra tennon that hte others dont
23:17 XSerpentX that's why girls prefer it ;)
23:17 katsmeow-afk shit
23:18 e_house hits XSerpentX with a wiffle
23:18 XSerpentX hehehe
23:18 katsmeow-afk once more an i'll put him on igore permanently
23:18 XSerpentX wowwwwww
23:18 XSerpentX it was funny kat
23:18 rue_house I dont think that extensor carpi radialis longus operages finger 1
23:18 katsmeow-afk no, it wasn't
23:19 rue_house XSerpentX, be polite
23:19 XSerpentX whatever, back to my usb tranciver research
23:20 rue_house extensor carpi ulnaris and flexor carpi ulnaris seem to do the same thing
23:21 katsmeow-afk can't, one is extensor, one is flexor
23:21 rue_house most of the actuation of the thumb is done in the hand
23:21 katsmeow-afk yeas
23:22 rue_house i have them both as 'turn wrist to finger 4 side
23:22 rue_house -ish
23:22 rue_house one document had a hint that one of them actuates spreading of the palm
23:22 rue_house but it was obscure
23:23 rue_house I dont fully understand their use of the word abduct
23:23 katsmeow-afk Pull away from the body, of muscles
23:23 rue_house BUT I think I have enough data to make a finger
23:24 rue_house ok, that dosn't make it much clearer to me tho :/
23:24 XSerpentX how come your making a finger
23:24 katsmeow-afk are you going to build a flexable palm?
23:25 rue_house XSerpentX, the mecha will have 2 fingers and a thumb on each hand
23:25 rue_house katsmeow-afk, with 2 fingers, its not needed
23:25 rue_house but the non-index finger will be able to ... 'abduct'?
23:25 katsmeow-afk then why are you studying it?
23:25 rue_house it'll be capable of side to side motion
23:26 rue_house "read the manual, even if you dont follow it"
23:26 rue_house er ^ instructins
23:26 rue_house ^them
23:26 rue_house can I start again?
23:26 XSerpentX $5 / try
23:26 rue_house "Read the nstructions, even if you dont follow them"
23:27 rue_house h damn
23:27 katsmeow-afk try again
23:27 XSerpentX this is the best donation this year
23:27 rue_house I'm back to my old keybard, and the keys dotn give me feedback to when they strike
23:27 rue_house the wireless is annoying
23:28 XSerpentX u need wireless usb rs232
23:28 XSerpentX i can make u
23:28 rue_house I need a usb model M for less than $50
23:29 erpentX is googling usb mod
23:29 rue_house $300 ish
23:30 XSerpentX oh..i thru mine out
23:30 XSerpentX the cat pissed in it
23:30 XSerpentX didn't realize it was worth so much
23:30 rue_house I'd have thrown it out too
23:30 XSerpentX i woulda cleaned it up and put it on ebay
23:30 rue_house that stuff destroys solder
23:31 rue_house you would never get it out
23:31 erpentX notes
23:31 rue_house it'll leave the copper perfectly in tack
23:31 rue_house t
23:31 rue_house and all the solder will corrode away
23:33 rue_house kat, here is the next thing I'd like to know
23:33 katsmeow-afk 12
23:34 rue_house whats the spring factor for a tennon
23:34 katsmeow-afk i actually knew that once
23:34 rue_house like, how much do they stretch?
23:34 katsmeow-afk Tiggr has it, she's not even plugged in
23:35 XSerpentX side topic, anyone know how to make a usb game pad device?
23:35 katsmeow-afk rue, just add a spring that deforms enough to get your max load reading, that's all
23:37 katsmeow-afk if you can deect 1mm travel in a spring, and your max rated pull will be 75lbs, then use a spring that deflects 1mm at 75lbs
23:37 katsmeow-afk if it's linear deflection, then 0.05mm = 37.5lbs
23:37 katsmeow-afk etc
23:38 katsmeow-afk but i have a feeling that almost anything you use for a tendon to connect finger to actuator will have more spring to it that you like anyhow
23:39 XSerpentX you can cut up my hand if u need some parts, rue
23:58 rue_house I'd like linear force detection