#robotics Logs

Feb 21 2012

#robotics Calendar

00:13 e_house puts 10W of loops of heater cord on kats chair
00:15 trylob http://robotgrrl.com/blog/
00:15 rue_house !seen robotgrrl
00:15 tobbor RobotGrrl was last seen in #robotics on Aug 29 12:06 2011
00:16 rue_house she should ask me
00:33 rue_house sigh
00:51 rue_house yep, she needs a new current detect resistor, and new inductor for sure
00:55 tsmeow-afk suddenly remembered she has fireboxes for containing small propane fires (torch or bunsen burner sized): cheap semi-disposable fire extinguisher bot
01:03 rue_house oh the irony
01:08 katsmeow-afk i thought you'd like that too
01:08 rue_house :)
01:08 rue_house gnight
01:08 RifRaf hello folks
01:08 katsmeow-afk RIF!!
01:08 katsmeow-afk how the heck are ye??
01:08 RifRaf bloody good
01:08 rue_house damn!
01:08 rue_house its rif!
01:08 RifRaf and hope you are all well too
01:09 katsmeow-afk how's the cows, Foxy, and the daughter?
01:09 RifRaf hi rue, just found all my photos after loosing them for weeks and saw ya
01:09 rue_house heh
01:09 katsmeow-afk well, mine is a long wierd story we won't go into so close to bedtime
01:09 RifRaf and rememered this place
01:09 rue_house still selling roofs?
01:10 RifRaf nope doing more fun stuff now
01:10 katsmeow-afk how is solar panel outputs?
01:10 RifRaf sign making, but big lit up sky signs and stuff
01:10 rue_house cool stuff
01:10 katsmeow-afk laser drawing the signs on clouds?
01:10 RifRaf yep my new toy is a 4mx2m cnc router
01:11 RifRaf nah kats not lots of aluminium work, leds galore and still a bit of neon
01:11 katsmeow-afk how are you switching on/off tons of leds?
01:12 RifRaf many power supplys, is just on off stuff with big timers generally
01:12 rue_bed rif I finally made a pov project!
01:13 RifRaf nicw rue, i'll be back soon if you have to crash
01:13 rue_bed you dind't go to the party
01:13 rue_bed in salmo :S
01:13 RifRaf no projects here, but with all these new toys i still want to make things
01:13 rue_bed I was kinda looking forward to it
01:14 RifRaf nah rue, got this new job and has been flat out, saw bassnectar and a few others at big day out in january though
01:14 RifRaf still planning for this august
01:14 RifRaf have alreay got the time off with work
01:15 tsmeow-afk hates to leave, but hasto get back into warm s
01:15 rue_bed if you come over do it after I get a new fuel filter in the truck
01:15 RifRaf will catch up soon katsmeow, good to see you
01:15 RifRaf ok then, will remind you to fix it
01:16 rue_bed http://eds.dyndns.org/~ircjunk/tutorials/elex/fsmflash/main.html
01:18 RifRaf new project using savage stuff?
01:18 RifRaf *salvage
01:18 RifRaf the rats ate the hot air tube on me rework station :/
01:18 rue_bed state machine
01:18 rue_bed it worked the first damn time too!
01:19 RifRaf wow well done, but knowing you it probably would
01:20 RifRaf looks like alot for me to take in at the moment, been wiring up and soldering leds all day
01:21 RifRaf you still working as an electrician>
01:22 rue_bed yes
01:23 RifRaf cool, am enjoying the change of career here again, roofs got boring
01:25 rue_bed your not a roof guy
01:25 RifRaf now i like to make stuff
01:25 rue_bed you need to make something slightly artsy
01:28 e_bed turns off the lights, gnight cha
01:28 RifRaf i want to make a set of walking legs for foxy using the cnc
01:28 RifRaf see ya another day
01:28 e_bed bumps a nightlight to get it to com
01:29 rue_bed cool
01:30 RifRaf yep have access to all the toys, and heaps of people can weld and tig aluminium for me, i can even weld it but not that good
01:31 RifRaf just need to get some plans into CAD
06:26 Pip Can we talk about robotic vehicle here?
07:19 rizlah Pip: ... Yes.
07:20 Pip So anyone who has been doing that field?
07:25 rizlah Ask an interesting question
07:25 rizlah State an interesting fact
07:26 rizlah TL;DR? Say something interesting.
07:54 Pip I will ask in here later
08:05 elektrinis ok, we are all ready and waiting
08:30 Pip That's cool
08:36 e_bed starts the channel wa
08:54 ckkitten runs around in a panic~
09:01 e_house turns the lights on so hackkitten dosn't run into anyt
09:03 hackkitten hi ^-^/
09:13 rue_house !seen ball
09:13 tobbor ball was last seen in #avr on Sep 10 00:10 2011
09:13 e_house throws
09:21 Pip So what are you guys up to on protects?
09:24 theBear i've been protecting the president
09:27 rue_house !assist robots/robots2.html
09:27 tobbor Possibly http://eds.dyndns.org/~ircjunk/robots/robots2.html
09:56 ckkitten chases after said b
19:18 rue_house !seen robotgrrl
19:18 tobbor RobotGrrl was last seen in #robotics on Aug 29 12:06 2011
19:19 Tom_itx !seen robocop
19:19 tobbor I have never seen robocop
20:13 rue_shop !seen robotgrrl
20:13 rue_shop !seen robotgrrl
20:13 tobbor RobotGrrl was last seen in #robotics on Aug 29 12:06 2011
20:13 rue_shop oh I give up
20:20 theBear HOLY CRAP ! rif was back
20:21 theBear which reminds me, largest ##electronics meetup since you guys visited planned for end of march... 3 whole people :)
20:32 Aggrav8d hey, robotics. http://youtu.be/KPB3cKn8jYw why is my output not square? code here: http://marginallyclever.com/samples/drawbot_code.ino
20:32 Aggrav8d bbiab, please pm me if you have an idea
20:34 rue_shop your good at comming in for help, scoffing at what your told, and dissapearing back into the black abyss
20:34 rue_shop I bet your didn't compensate for your ratios properly, every time I'v put effort into helping I'v regretted it
20:41 rue_shop theBear, which three?
20:42 theBear zap and umm, dude from cnc channel i think
20:43 Tom_itx who in cnc?
20:43 Tom_itx valen?
20:43 rue_shop if Aggrav8d had been at his blooming booth I'd still hold the record
20:44 theBear i honestly don't remember... lives in the hills near here
20:45 Tom_itx you're not into cnc are you?
20:47 rue_shop I hear silence, I think bears not talking
20:48 tsmeow-afk turns down the silence so as to not dis
20:48 rue_shop yes, we need less silence
20:49 tsmeow-afk plays Simon and Garfunkle "sounds of silence" , seems there's many different sounds of sil
20:49 e_shop places 5 AM2901 on the desk infront of
20:49 tsmeow-afk makes a 20bit
20:50 tsmeow-afk warms her tootsies wit
20:50 rue_shop :)
20:50 katsmeow-afk where's you find bit slice chips?
20:50 e_shop oggles at a card with 4
20:50 rue_shop a medical nerve tester
20:51 Tom_itx so rue_shop's having company over?
20:51 katsmeow-afk appropriate
20:51 rue_shop its got a 8080 in it
20:51 katsmeow-afk building such a thing would test my nerves
20:51 rue_shop they call it an ALU card
20:51 katsmeow-afk maybe that's all they did with it, use it like an olde 8087?
20:52 e_shop sh
20:52 rue_shop poitivly not usefull to me
20:52 rue_shop just like the 8080
20:52 katsmeow-afk from the man who sold a single screw on ebay
20:52 rue_shop hey, someone bought that screw
20:53 katsmeow-afk i know!
20:53 rue_shop iirc I shipped them 4
20:53 Tom_itx somebody got screwed
20:53 e_shop chuc
20:54 katsmeow-afk i made a $50 bid on something on ebay today, 5 sec before ending, ebay refreshed and did all the normal things, and i lost, it sold for $11
20:54 tsmeow-afk was pi
20:54 katsmeow-afk stil is
20:54 rue_shop oh I need to make a DSL detector
20:54 katsmeow-afk i wanted to take 100 of the item out of the box and relist it for same price
20:55 rue_shop katsmeow-afk, was it part of their non-last-minute system?
20:55 katsmeow-afk their what?
20:55 rue_shop they have a system to defeat last second bidding
20:55 rue_shop I dont know much more about it
20:55 katsmeow-afk it was 5 sec
20:55 rue_shop I think they slightly randomize the end time
20:56 rue_shop DSL right
20:56 rue_shop a) what freq range is dsl?
20:56 Tom_itx ok looks like i'm about done with this spreadsheet
20:56 katsmeow-afk mouser sells the connector for $2.50 each, i need 100 connectors, there was 400 in this auction, i bid $50, and LOST cause it sold for $11 !!!!!!!!1
20:57 Tom_itx kat
20:57 katsmeow-afk Tom
20:57 Tom_itx dude in avr moved to china to help ppl looking for cheap stuff
20:57 Tom_itx from Au
20:57 katsmeow-afk i heard about him, left his gf?
20:57 Tom_itx family
20:57 Tom_itx i dunno
20:58 Tom_itx he goes back and forth i guess
20:58 katsmeow-afk sheesh, so,,, should i ask how many vd he has yet?
20:58 Tom_itx ?
20:59 katsmeow-afk i am afraid to buy from asia, i heard horror stories about bad fakes
20:59 katsmeow-afk vd = venereal disease
20:59 Tom_itx supposedly that's why he's there, to make sure things are good
20:59 Tom_itx i hooked one guy up that seemed happy
20:59 katsmeow-afk that's a word with too many 'e' in it
21:00 Tom_itx with some arm chips
21:01 m_itx sh
21:02 katsmeow-afk oh, i found a good price for some L14-30
21:03 katsmeow-afk connectors
21:03 katsmeow-afk 1/3 the cost of everyone local
21:03 katsmeow-afk that's the NEMA #, btw
21:04 Tom_itx http://www.cnbbj.com/index.asp?MenuId=1
21:04 katsmeow-afk http://www.cnbbj.com/indexEn.asp?MenuId=1
21:05 katsmeow-afk ?
21:05 Tom_itx just another supplier
21:06 katsmeow-afk they wouldn't have the L14-30
21:06 katsmeow-afk do you buy from them?
21:06 Tom_itx no, inflex put me on to them
21:06 Tom_itx for a switch i use
21:07 Tom_itx http://www.cnbbj.com/inc/products_viewEn.asp?id=236
21:07 katsmeow-afk http://stores.ebay.com/iron-box-electric/_i.html?_nkw=L14-30&submit=Search&_sid=1024611260
21:07 Tom_itx similar to mine
21:08 katsmeow-afk tiney
21:08 Tom_itx yeah
21:09 Aggrav8d rue_house - shit talking in IRC? What are you, five? Every time you talk to me you try to act superior and it's.... it's boring, man.
21:09 katsmeow-afk anyhow, for future reference, the L14-30 can handle 40amps all day and get much less warm than #12 copper at 40amps
21:10 katsmeow-afk i'd hate to haveto wire #10-4 into that shell, it's very small, so i wired #12-3 s-cord into it
21:11 katsmeow-afk it's in open air on concrete, so no wories, it's on the arc welder
21:13 katsmeow-afk Tom, tell him i'd like a pair of Texas (brand) (or some other brand) TX6150 10x 500Mhz probes for $70usd
21:14 Tom_itx you could ask him
21:15 katsmeow-afk i dunno how to
21:15 Tom_itx  /j #avr and ask capnkernel
21:16 katsmeow-afk many humans sell new 100Mhz scope probes for $7 on ebay, change the coax and it's 500Mhz, and suddenly worth $75 or more each? i don't see how
21:16 Tom_itx dunno what china time is atm though
21:16 rue_shop Aggrav8d, I'm just annoyed cause you are doing such cool neat projects but dont take us along with you on them
21:16 Aggrav8d take you along? do you read my blog at all?
21:16 Aggrav8d what do you want?
21:17 Aggrav8d found the problem. a friend copied my robot but built it exactly backward. once I flipped it in software everything came out nice and square.
21:20 tsmeow-afk would have beamed him from where he was to local, held him in the buffer, tied it to the holodeck, changed the wrongness in virtual reality in the holodeck, re-materialised him with fix intact, slapped him soundly, and beamed him back
21:21 katsmeow-afk because now , done your way, you have an orphan device out there
21:24 Aggrav8d ?
21:24 Aggrav8d who are you talking to?
21:24 katsmeow-afk you
21:24 Aggrav8d i don't follow a word you said.
21:24 tsmeow-afk nods s
21:28 rue_shop Aggrav8d, no, sorry, we dont follow everyones blogs, cause were here, in realtime
21:28 rue_shop tho I went there a few times and everything seemed cool
21:29 rue_shop kat, how do I design a 500Khz high pass filter with a 4069 as an amp?
21:33 katsmeow-afk http://www.ft.com/intl/cms/s/281ccca6-5bff-11e1-bbc4-00144feabdc0,dwp_uuid=9a36c1aa-3016-11da-ba9f-00000e2511c8,Authorised=false.html?_i_location=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.ft.com%2Fcms%2Fs%2F0%2F281ccca6-5bff-11e1-bbc4-00144feabdc0%2Cdwp_uuid%3D9a36c1aa-3016-11da-ba9f-00000e2511c8.html&_i_referer=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.bbc.co.uk%2Fnews%2Ftechnology-17119768
21:34 katsmeow-afk a 4069 cmos chip??
21:35 rue_shop yes
21:35 rue_shop aparently all the rage in simple audio circuits
21:36 Tom_itx saiz who?
21:36 katsmeow-afk really
21:37 katsmeow-afk i can see using it, *maybe* as a 500khz filter notch-pass, but not a highpass filter
21:37 rue_shop http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-DBwm6BbvO7M/Tmnl-DK88NI/AAAAAAAAAGE/f4WCE0WY0Vs/s320/4069bpfilter.jpg
21:38 katsmeow-afk couldn't connect
21:38 rue_shop oh
21:39 Tom_itx just imagine an audio circuit
21:39 tsmeow-afk imagines
21:39 katsmeow-afk it has no cmos invertors in the audio path
21:41 e_shop goes back to transis
21:42 katsmeow-afk or at least real opamps
21:42 katsmeow-afk heck, at 5v, i dunno a 4069 would toggle at 500khz
21:42 katsmeow-afk they are real slow and heavily loaded with capaciance
21:44 Tom_itx rue_shop, how'd you come out with the truck?
21:49 katsmeow-afk everyone has a 40 pin header at 2.54mm grid, but why wold anyone make one at 2mm grid?
21:49 Tom_itx but they do
21:50 katsmeow-afk but why?
21:50 Tom_itx they thought theirs was better?
21:50 katsmeow-afk oh
21:51 katsmeow-afk so they couldn't use degenerate capitalist usa ide cables or pata drives, i see
21:53 katsmeow-afk <techsupport> it's 40 pins right? tap it in, you may need to use a small hammer
22:01 katsmeow-afk guy lists qty-5 "ide header" for $5, then right below it, same header but qty-10 called "2.54mm 2x20 40pin straight male" for $5 ........ change title, get 10 instead of 5 for same price
22:06 katsmeow-afk a 0.39 tall 7-seg led would be .30 wide, right?
22:06 katsmeow-afk or 0.31?
22:07 Tom_itx dunno
22:12 katsmeow-afk someone in Mexico sold a LeCroy 1gsps scope for $148, you cannot buy a 1gsps a/d convertor chip for that
22:13 katsmeow-afk reason i did not bid at all on it: i have 1ghz analog scope i can take ntsc pic of the screen and get more samples per waveform than any digitising scope, especially in single-shot mode
22:13 rue_shop I think I did it
22:13 rue_shop I think I made a DSL detector
22:13 katsmeow-afk a handfull of pll chips?
22:14 katsmeow-afk PLL
22:17 katsmeow-afk hmm, 40 oin 1.27mm
22:18 tsmeow-afk draws in the missing decender on the o to make it
22:20 katsmeow-afk Tom, where do you get your shrouded headers?
22:20 rue_shop no a 500Khz high pass filter that triggers an led
22:21 katsmeow-afk won't a noisey dsl fall back below 500khz?
22:27 Tom_itx katsmeow-afk which ones?
22:27 Tom_itx the 6 pin?
22:27 Tom_itx mouser
22:28 katsmeow-afk cost?
22:28 Tom_itx http://www.mouser.com/Search/Refine.aspx?Keyword=75869-131LF
22:29 katsmeow-afk hmm
22:29 Tom_itx http://search.digikey.com/scripts/DkSearch/dksus.dll?x=16&y=16&lang=en&site=us&KeyWords=75869-131LF+
22:29 Tom_itx they have a prettier picture
22:30 Tom_itx usually 100 or more at a time
22:31 katsmeow-afk wow, you do a good business!
22:31 Tom_itx it takes quite a few of those
22:31 Tom_itx 3 per
22:31 Tom_itx only way to keep the cost down
22:32 katsmeow-afk how about 34 cents each?
22:32 Tom_itx where?
22:32 katsmeow-afk ;-)
22:32 Tom_itx problem is getting everything else too otherwise shipping kills it
22:32 katsmeow-afk free shipping
22:33 tsmeow-afk looks for the bribe to tell the
22:33 Tom_itx it's been kinda slow lately though
22:33 Tom_itx :)
22:34 katsmeow-afk one order would save you enough to gimme a free programmer, but i may not have a clue how to use it
22:34 katsmeow-afk http://www.ebay.com/itm/170Pcs-2-54mm-2x3Pin-6Pin-Straight-Male-Shrouded-PCB-Header-Connector-/170754042159
22:34 katsmeow-afk your call
22:34 Tom_itx hah
22:34 Tom_itx you don't do avr?
22:35 katsmeow-afk i *started* doing avr early last yr, and got sidetracked with moving to Fla
22:35 katsmeow-afk i have a dragon and the othe avr programmer
22:35 Tom_itx good price
22:35 katsmeow-afk and unopened etch chemicals, and Eagle
22:36 katsmeow-afk you can get them from him qty-10, but at 39 cents
22:36 katsmeow-afk i figured you'd bulk buy
22:36 Tom_itx hmm, you got a dragon?
22:36 tsmeow-afk
22:36 Tom_itx i'm not in position to get much right now
22:37 katsmeow-afk well, in your next order when i have saved you ~$30 ........ <cough> umm, <cough>
22:37 Tom_itx are they regular sellers there?
22:37 katsmeow-afk 533 stars, he's got 2x as many as i do
22:39 Tom_itx that's where capn is iirc
22:39 Tom_itx B3U-3000P
22:39 Tom_itx i need that lots more
22:39 Tom_itx or B3U-3000P
22:39 Tom_itx crap
22:39 katsmeow-afk ?
22:40 Tom_itx B3U03000P-B
22:40 Tom_itx B has a tit on the bottom
22:40 tsmeow-afk looks clue
22:41 katsmeow-afk i asked captn about scope leads, he doesn't do that
22:41 Tom_itx http://www.mouser.com/Search/Refine.aspx?Keyword=B3U-3000P
22:41 Tom_itx oh, sorry
22:42 Tom_itx i just need a few of those
22:42 Tom_itx gotta sleep now
22:42 katsmeow-afk i got 3000 tiney spst buttons like that
22:43 katsmeow-afk i have not measured them, i sure don't need them all
22:51 katsmeow-afk Tom, did i see you also use an octal latch?
23:06 rue_house hah digikey got their page working under firefox properly
23:08 katsmeow-afk in, under, thru, beside, next to, ........
23:14 katsmeow-afk in the olden daze, if we wrote a software that directly acessed hardware, it loaded before windoze, and it operated under windowze.
23:15 katsmeow-afk windoze then loaded and ran like pond scum on top of the low level drivers underneath it
23:15 katsmeow-afk anything the user interacted with in a gui, ran on top of winders, and tried to stay operating as it floated around on the pond scum
23:16 katsmeow-afk you could also load after dos, and run on dos and still be under windoze, as some sorta translator, like a drive letter redirector or nat sharer
23:17 katsmeow-afk things aren't simple any more, near as i can tell
23:34 rue_house in linux , everythings a black box, that you can shine a light into, but you will prolly run screaming in horror
23:34 rue_house as you dig thru code and find a bunch of stuff to support pdp11 hardware
23:37 katsmeow-afk eww
23:37 tsmeow-afk needs a warmer place to sit for a w
23:44 rue_house katsmeow-afk, any luck on the firebox?
23:45 rue_house hmm
23:45 rue_house so I realized that I can make the controllers on the current limit boards trip the overloads if I set the ADC pin to an output and go low or high with it
23:46 rue_house both 0 and 5V are overload conditions from the circuit
23:46 rue_house which is good, that means I can trip/reset and detect overload from the one circuit
23:48 rue_house its designed, it seems to be routable, and I'v tested everything
23:48 rue_house all of buddy's 8 li-ion packs are charged
23:48 rue_house the next big project will be the cell balancer
23:50 rue_house I'm still most amused that the 555 turned out to be the perfect overload controller
23:55 rue_house for the 3 axies, the overload board seems large at 2x2.5" but its not really...