#robotics Logs

Feb 19 2012

#robotics Calendar

00:03 katsmeow i need goto laydown
00:03 katsmeow should i idle here or hang up the internet?
00:03 rue_shop idle I miss your nick
00:04 rue_shop 6.4mA, I can use a series resistor to burn off some voltage
00:04 rue_shop say, 10V
00:04 rue_shop 1.5K
00:05 katsmeow-afk or use a npn transistor to set the input to the regulator at 0.5v above spec for regulation
00:05 rue_shop I was gathering zeners
00:06 rue_shop I have a pile of 2.5V zeners, I dont know if that would give me the headroom I need for the amp
00:06 katsmeow-afk i cannot say, i dunno for sure what you are doing
00:06 rue_shop its the current sense amps for each motor on the hexapod
00:07 rue_shop but I just remembered that those chip currents are not with it driving an output
00:07 rue_shop the output drive is from 0-5V
00:07 katsmeow-afk or a broken leg
00:07 rue_shop so I think I'm still ok
00:08 rue_shop each leg has a 1A electronic breaker
00:08 rue_shop +-1A and it shuts down the whole leg
00:08 rue_shop no computer involved
00:09 rue_shop computer can reset it tho
00:09 rue_shop no cooldown time
00:40 rue_shop ok now I have the comparitor working too
01:03 rue_shop yay I proved out everything
01:05 rue_shop a tl074 amplifies 3 sense voltages from 0.1R current sense resistors, its power is from a 79L05 and a 78L12 with its signals going to a lm393 via diodes, and outputting to a lm555 that drives and latches a relay and provides the computer with a status and reset line
01:06 rue_shop the 555 fit perfectly, pin 7 drives the relay, pin 3 is status to the comuputer, pin 2 is the computers reset line and pin 4 is the overload input
01:07 theBear lol, and mine is just a db25-db25 straight thru cable, 2 resistors and 2 little caps :)
01:08 rue_shop this is the motor current measuring and limiting system
01:08 theBear status and reset ? i thought you were talking about a pc
01:08 rue_shop I get a 0-5V signal for each motors indicating -2 to 2A, and for the leg I get automatic current cutout thats computer resettable
01:09 rue_shop with that, I can safely feed the legs the 18A supply they need without blowing anything up
01:10 rue_shop tho I suspect if any one leg trips its overload the sudden loss of support from that leg will cause a ripple effect with the overloads on the other legs
01:10 rue_shop :)
01:11 rue_shop any one of the 3 motors on a leg going over 1A will cause the power to the leg to be disconnected
01:12 rue_shop its a component limitation
01:12 rue_shop I only have 6 dpdt relays
01:17 rue_shop hmm they dont say what the voltage limit is for pin 7, I dont know if I can run a 24V relay off it
02:08 rue_shop wow I think I forgot how fun desolding with compressed air is
02:37 rue_shop it was a long green wire with a spade connector! that I swear I didn't throw I awaaaaAAAy, I swear I didn't throw it awaaaaay
02:48 rue_shop ok well I almost have a new motor driver for the robotic arm finished
02:48 rue_shop just need to make a pcb for the relay driver
03:59 rue_mohr power outage again?
03:59 rue_mohr ffffffffffffffffffffffff
04:18 rue_mohr am I back?
04:18 rue_mohr ups was being annoying I hit the wrong switch
04:19 rue_mohr yay internet it still up
04:39 LeelooMinai I was banned from electronics so I temporarily moved here:p I wonder how long will I last here...
04:43 rue_mohr we dont get rid of you unless your annoying
04:43 rue_mohr did you help someone in electronics or soemthing?
04:44 LeelooMinai E, hm... are you suggesting they ban people there for helping? :)
04:44 rue_mohr its happened to me
04:44 rue_mohr screwball administration I wont go back
04:44 LeelooMinai Well actually it happens I was trying to help, but one of the ops is kind of unstable and banned me
04:45 LeelooMinai As I remember frogs was talking about you once (?) That you made a robot to check wiring installation or something crazy like that (?)
04:46 rue_mohr :)
04:46 rue_mohr I'm a guru of many things
04:46 LeelooMinai I'm just a beginner, but I made a "robot" yesterday too:p
04:46 rue_mohr oh p.s. my router is running on ups and when it dies I'm gonna go down
04:47 rue_mohr (power outage)
04:47 rue_mohr and the stupid ups refuses to accept the power from the genorator
04:47 LeelooMinai Hmm... this doesn't seem like a busy channel
04:48 rue_mohr its 2:30am
04:48 LeelooMinai http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WrvWw0ntIRI&context=C3c2732eADOEgsToPDskLDEgmsu279HSFXUW4NaRga < I made this to stirr etching solution (yes, I'm that lazy)
04:48 LeelooMinai And now plan to do cnc to make stencils and some laser diode
04:48 rue_mohr sweeet
04:49 rue_mohr I'd have gone a little gentler tho
04:49 LeelooMinai What kind of robot projects people do here?
04:49 rue_mohr nice scope
04:49 rue_mohr !time
04:49 rue_mohr bah, my bots down
04:49 LeelooMinai Well, cheap, but good enough for a hobbyist
04:50 rue_mohr http://eds.dyndns.org/~ircjunk/robots/robots2.html
04:50 rue_mohr I really have to update that
04:50 rue_mohr http://eds.dyndns.org/~ircjunk/robots/robot_family2.jpg <-- $20 robots
04:50 rue_mohr some slightly over budget, some slightly under
04:51 LeelooMinai lol, almost like a robot zoo
04:51 rue_mohr grr the gens gonna run outa gas if they dont get the power back up soon
04:51 rue_mohr I dont wanna have go fuel that damn thing up again...
04:52 LeelooMinai You live in the middle of daesert or something? :)
04:52 rue_mohr no, a car hit a power pole and were waiting for it to get fixed
04:53 rue_mohr I'm on a genorator in the meantime
04:54 theBear hey rue, guess who's unstable :)
04:54 rue_mohr not you is it?
04:54 theBear :)
04:54 rue_mohr pepsi isn't an admin
04:54 rue_mohr nor is flyback
04:55 LeelooMinai Damn, he is here too
04:55 theBear i'm everywhere, people like me 'cos i'm not crazy :)
04:55 rue_mohr has to be a story there
04:55 theBear but right now i gotta get to a shop
04:56 rue_mohr yay, the power board for the hexapod IS routable!
04:59 rue_mohr LeelooMinai, I like the stirrer, it dosn't go over the sides tho does it?
05:00 LeelooMinai I have not limit detection here - it was just a two day project to makke something useful and learn about h-bridge... I control it with msp430 so I just put some reasonable timing in there
05:01 rue_mohr hmm
05:01 LeelooMinai I also tried pwm to make the motor go slower - kind of works, but not much resolution there
05:01 rue_mohr you might wanna pwm it,
05:01 rue_mohr hmm
05:01 rue_mohr how so not much resolution?
05:01 rue_mohr I thought they had 2 16 bit pwm gens?
05:01 LeelooMinai I mean the motor does not respond well to it - if I cat the duty in half it almost stops moving at all
05:02 LeelooMinai cut
05:02 rue_mohr huh
05:02 LeelooMinai So I have some freedom in maybe 60-100% duty... it works I guess...
05:03 LeelooMinai But I want a lot of agitation so I just left it at 90 duty or so
05:03 rue_mohr I'm thinking about making a waterfall or spray based one
05:03 rue_mohr power it back!
05:03 rue_mohr is
05:04 LeelooMinai As to stirring probably a magnet "pill" way is more effective - I saw some stirrers using those on ebay... but hey - this cost me nothing and I learned something:)
05:08 rue_mohr yea I like it
05:09 LeelooMinai theBear said it's terrible and mechanically unsound - I don't think he likes me much:p
05:09 rue_mohr bear still hasn't finished his balancing robot
05:10 LeelooMinai Is this robot supposed t get him more stable? :p
05:10 rue_mohr heh
05:10 rue_mohr there is a joke there you dont know
05:11 rue_mohr no its something he always wanted to do
05:11 LeelooMinai Hmm...like Segway thingy? :)
05:11 rue_mohr but without the person
05:12 LeelooMinai I thought the person was the point:)
05:12 rue_mohr na
05:13 rue_mohr I hate it when you find a great pcb optimizationa nd it only saves you .1"
05:13 LeelooMinai ND?
05:13 rue_mohr ?
05:13 LeelooMinai what is nd?
05:13 LeelooMinai A, I see...
05:13 theBear i don't like your attitude, but several others don't also, so it's not an unreasonable p.o.v.
05:13 rue_mohr yea, premature spacebar
05:14 LeelooMinai AN a glued to the previous word and I got confused
05:14 theBear and for reference i designed a fully magnetic stirrer with 2 broken 'pc fans' yesterday, untested, but it'll work with a little tuning
05:15 rue_mohr oo this stirring this is a stirr
05:15 LeelooMinai Well, I find comfort in that that all people who do not like me seem to be borderline psychopaths:)
05:15 rue_mohr what happened to bubbling?
05:15 LeelooMinai Like in aquarium?
05:15 rue_mohr yea
05:16 theBear i'm a qualified psychotic, but that's not why i argue with you, it's cos you speak before you understand things and therefore say untruths
05:16 LeelooMinai I don't have a tank, nor bubbler:)
05:16 LeelooMinai theBear, Did you thought for a second that maybe that's only your wrong perception of it and tendency to get angry without thinking too much?
05:17 rue_mohr if bear said, then prolly someone was complaing
05:18 rue_mohr I was once banned for my robot being used for spam by someone else in the channel
05:18 LeelooMinai No, he actually was the person that attacked me while I was trying to help someone
05:18 rue_mohr I was being attacked for having the robot, nothing was said about the guy who was obviously using it to spam the channel
05:18 LeelooMinai Because he misunderstood what I was saying actually
05:19 LeelooMinai You mean like software irc bot?
05:20 LeelooMinai O, well... I have to go to sleep anyways - it's part 6 am here - cu:)
05:27 theBear LeelooMinai, i wouldn't have been watched for years, then been a op for years, if i wasn't known for my lack of personal involvement and fair judgement
05:28 LeelooMinai You are delusional - most offensive word against you was "troll" - you called me "fucker" - I'm not talking to you any more
05:28 orlok heh
05:28 theBear fine with me :)
05:28 orlok i found a pre-donee arduino LX200 parser, yay
05:29 orlok Also, has anybody ever seen/used/whatever Roland CNC gear?
05:34 rue_mohr how did the trace cross the road?
05:34 rue_mohr my plotter is a rolland
05:35 rue_mohr hmm, this circuit board is funny
05:35 rue_mohr I ahve a lot of sparse groups of tightly packed parts
05:36 rue_mohr I cant stay awake anymore
05:37 orlok rue: yo!
05:37 orlok whazzup!
05:43 rue_mohr pcb routing addiction
05:43 rue_mohr must trim offf.... .1"
05:44 rue_mohr the pinout of a quad op=amp chip is screwing me over
05:45 rue_mohr 2 traces I cant route
05:45 orlok the bub is all grabby and stuff now
05:46 orlok and talking.. we just cant understand her
05:46 orlok you have seen Gremlins, right?
05:46 orlok know how Gizmo the Mogwai talks?
05:46 orlok she sounds like that!
05:47 rue_mohr about how old?
05:48 orlok looking at buying a commercial CNC mill too
05:48 orlok its cheap, its supported, it can actually be used to make us money
13:44 rue_mohr only $10000?
13:45 firstbullet I have that in my couch cushions
13:50 Steffann 10k in each cushion ofcourse
13:51 rue_mohr better take that joke in for a warranty, it fell apart
13:51 Steffann Poor you, rue_mohr
13:52 Steffann Nah, shit happens
13:53 firstbullet what are we talking about
13:53 Steffann I've no idea
13:53 Steffann zlog
13:54 firstbullet ah, the commercial CNC mill
13:55 firstbullet how many axes
13:56 Steffann four
13:57 rue_mohr its not worth the effort if its less than 17 axies
13:57 rue_mohr ;)
13:58 rue_mohr who wants to comment on pcb routing to help me get this smaller?
14:00 rue_mohr this baord it just one huge traffic jam
14:10 rue_mohr http://eds.dyndns.org/~ircjunk/circuits/olpcb.png
14:10 rue_mohr suggestions for the right half?
14:47 Tom_itx knight to pawn 2
14:57 Tom_itx i'd move all the parts further east and tighten up the traces
14:57 Tom_itx align the header pins all the same direction
14:57 Tom_itx and all on the same grid pattern
14:57 rue_mohr eastbound is blocked by the lower traffic jam
14:58 Tom_itx drop a guided missle there
14:58 Tom_itx or use smt diodes
14:59 Tom_itx i'd align the left headers too and move the resistors
14:59 rue_mohr with jumpers to get over the traces?
14:59 Tom_itx across the left end of the board
14:59 Tom_itx haven't got that far
14:59 rue_mohr the left isn't schematic'd yet
14:59 Tom_itx i can only visualize one move at a time
14:59 rue_mohr just working on the right half
14:59 Tom_itx well you should schematicize it all first before you start the board
14:59 rue_mohr I can do an update to and show you what I changed
14:59 Tom_itx just good practice
15:00 Tom_itx i'm gonna have to go here real quick
15:00 rue_mohr this is just for a layout idea, I dont make the baords from eagle anyhow
15:00 Tom_itx traitor
15:00 katsmeow-afk http://www.ebay.com/itm/Arduino-Robot-Platform-All-Wheel-Drive-4-Wheel-Chassiss-/160590894720?_trksid=p4340.m1374&_trkparms=algo%3DUPI.GIROS%26its%3DI%26itu%3DUCI%26otn%3D13%26pmod%3D260958003860%26ps%3D63%26clkid%3D6446373518191029804
15:01 rue_mohr eagle is incapable of operating my plotter
15:01 Tom_itx i dunno what you can do with your plotter. i'd cram it all as close as i could and use all smt
15:01 rue_mohr so I use a dos 6.22 program called ezroute
15:01 Tom_itx but that's just em
15:01 Tom_itx me*
15:01 rue_mohr *1 side*
15:01 Tom_itx that's fine
15:02 rue_mohr you cant jump traces with smt and traces .23 thou thick
15:02 rue_mohr er 23
15:03 Tom_itx this is one of those 'you don't own yourself' days
15:03 rue_mohr I just dug up half the trench that used to drain overflow from the septic system
15:03 rue_mohr no water yet
15:04 rue_mohr I have new parts to put in the truck
15:04 katsmeow-afk then water isn't a problem?
15:04 rue_mohr and I need to pull the buzzer out of the UPS
15:04 Tom_itx is it annoying?
15:04 rue_mohr katsmeow-afk, its not going where it should, cause its not going anywhere
15:04 katsmeow-afk i expected to find magnitude comparator chips when i asked ebay for MN74 F681
15:04 katsmeow-afk or
15:04 Tom_itx hello katsmeow-afk
15:04 katsmeow-afk 74F681
15:04 rue_mohr there is a large pool under the house right now
15:05 rue_mohr katsmeow-afk, I can give you ROM images for those
15:05 Tom_itx rue_mohr, put a floor drain in under the house
15:05 katsmeow-afk most of the 74*68* cluster of munbers is comparators
15:05 rue_mohr Tom_itx, its dirt crawlspace
15:05 katsmeow-afk rom images for the ebay version of the 74F681 ??
15:05 Tom_itx rue_mohr, put a floor drain in under the house
15:05 katsmeow-afk you should look that up, rue
15:06 rue_mohr the 'dimple' that the hatch is under in the ground is to the brim with 'water'
15:06 rue_mohr its not the floor, its the ground
15:06 rue_mohr I know the comparitor your talking about I use it for address decoding
15:06 Tom_itx i wonder why it's cheaper to buy smt parts with locating dimples than the same part without
15:07 rue_mohr requires less plastic
15:07 katsmeow-afk rue, ebay says it is not a comparator
15:07 rue_mohr oh
15:07 Tom_itx requires more plastic
15:08 tsmeow-afk grabs the biggest hint she can find and beats rue over the head wit
15:08 rue_mohr how do I jump two 23 thou traces with an smt resistor tom?
15:08 Tom_itx stand it on end and attach a wire to the other side :)
15:08 e_mohr runs out the door to dig up the septic system
15:09 rue_mohr Tom_itx, well then why dont I solder it to come right off the side of the chip?
15:09 Tom_itx not a bad ides
15:09 Tom_itx a
15:27 katsmeow-afk slide the entire bottom half of the board over to the left, turn the relay vertical like the molex (and use bigger pads on the molex) and drop it to mid-pcb, slide the molex over above the relay, do some cleanup, and presto, the pcb is half it's current size
15:39 katsmeow-afk i may never understand ebay pricing,,,, this one guy has qty-100 74ABT16373 for $15, and qty-5 74ABT821 for $18
15:44 rue_mohr biab
16:23 katsmeow-afk from http://www.qinetiq.com/_layouts/spsredirect.aspx?noscript=1 (a federal contractor) : File Not Found. Please turn on client scripting or browse with a browser that supports client scripting to allow the 404 url dreict feature to work.
16:24 katsmeow-afk an " url dreict feature" ?
16:32 tsmeow-afk is so cheap she just bid 2 cents on somet
16:48 katsmeow-afk rue, for your mecha: Sion Power believes that by utilizing Li-S technology, a battery pack weighing less than 700 lbs can power a 3,500 lb five-passenger vehicle more than 300 miles.
16:48 katsmeow-afk so a 70lb battery can power your 350lb mecha for 300 miles
16:49 katsmeow-afk or maybe a 7lb battery can power it 30 miles, which is a lot of laps around the yard
19:03 katsmeow-afk BREATHE PURE SPA LUXURY BATH RUG...
19:03 katsmeow-afk i breathe air instead of rugs
19:18 trylob o_o
19:31 trylob http://i.imgur.com/pP6WA.png
19:34 katsmeow-afk yummy
19:35 katsmeow-afk looks too perfect tho, what is it?
19:35 trylob cake
19:35 trylob http://imgur.com/r/pics/MlVNB
19:36 katsmeow-afk but even tho a slic was cut out, there's zero crumbs, and there's no footprint on the cake table where the slice was
19:44 trylob it was professional cake maker
19:44 trylob they use oils
19:44 katsmeow-afk o
19:46 trylob i dont know. I'm just kinda making that up
19:47 katsmeow-afk http://imgur.com/r/pics/44zoI oh my back
19:51 trylob http://imgur.com/r/pics/QaWPp
19:53 katsmeow-afk http://imgur.com/r/pics/3gJAP
19:54 katsmeow-afk whoa, what's the hurry? http://i.imgur.com/XEmCJ.jpg
19:55 trylob they gotta go places
20:00 Tom_itx katsmeow-afk, what logic families use current for representing states
20:02 katsmeow-afk ecl
20:02 katsmeow-afk afaik, none others do, all the rest use voltage
20:03 Tom_itx ok
20:12 trylob http://www.reddit.com/r/spaceporn/
20:37 trylob http://v1.cache7.c.bigcache.googleapis.com/static.panoramio.com/photos/original/64368851.jpg?redirect_counter=2
21:11 garak Hey guys, its been a while since I've been on here
21:20 Tom_itx evening
21:29 garak whats new tom?
21:30 Tom_itx not so much
21:31 garak since i've last been on here I got new job at a kids science museum, I now have 4 robot arms in various states of broken to play with
21:33 garak and access to a full faberication shop
21:35 garak haven't been doing my robotics stuff, I was into brewing beer for a while and now I'm back at amateur radio
21:35 garak I cycle through too many hobbies
22:11 rue_house so
22:11 rue_house I managed to change the fuel filter
22:11 rue_house there isn't one under the seat
22:11 rue_house (on the frame)
22:11 rue_house just under the hood
22:12 rue_house and to change the one under the hood, you need to undo the bolt that is 1/2" away from, and faces, the firewall.
22:13 rue_house but thats not all, the head of the bolt is positioned between the pointy end of 3 screws that come thru the firewall from the other side
22:14 rue_house if you can get around the screws with a wrench, you can only turn the bolt about 1 degree at a time, your limited to that by the transmissin link and the hose for the brake system
22:14 rue_house furthermore, the return fuel line is OVER the filter
22:16 rue_house you have to be carefull because the only thing to brace yourself on is the brack resivour
22:17 Tom_itx hmm
22:17 rue_house I'd like to see the engineers be required to change all bulbs and filters before a vehicle goes into production
22:17 rue_house tooo much time spent on what the body will look like
22:17 rue_house and belts
22:18 Tom_itx id swear there was one under the seat but maybe i've worked on too many others since
22:18 rue_house and fuses
22:18 rue_house I followed the line
22:18 Tom_itx you should run the open line into a can and see how much flow you get
22:18 rue_house from where it appears from behind the tank to where it dissapears into the frame, there is no filter
22:18 Tom_itx ok
22:19 Tom_itx i could pull the books...
22:19 rue_house I was thinking that, but as I was completely unable to catch the filter spilloff with the jar I thought fit into the only avilable area...
22:19 rue_house I was also thinking that I should have blead off some fuel before running it
22:20 rue_house I turned it on and off a few times to push a bunch of fuel around before starting it
22:20 rue_house checked carefull for leaks
22:20 rue_house the top nut was really tight, but I'd swear the bottom one almost fell off on its own
22:20 Tom_itx yours doesn't have fuel injection
22:20 Tom_itx does it?
22:21 rue_house you know when your turning a bolt and your not sure if your missing it or not?
22:21 rue_house yes
22:21 Tom_itx oh
22:21 Tom_itx 4 cyl though
22:21 rue_house VIN engine A
22:21 Tom_itx right?
22:21 rue_house yes
22:21 Tom_itx i can't get to the books right now
22:22 rue_house np
22:22 Tom_itx i'm sorting thru a spreadsheet right now anyway
22:24 rue_house vin breakdown
22:24 rue_house made in usa
22:24 rue_house by gm
22:24 rue_house chevy truck
22:24 rue_house 4001 500 hyd brake
22:24 rue_house conventionlal cab
22:24 rue_house 1/2 ton
22:24 rue_house two door
22:25 rue_house 2.5L L4 ijjected div usage C,T made in USA "Iron duke" throttle body injection 90HP (67kW) "no timing chain"
22:25 rue_house 1991
22:26 rue_house its got non-interfearance valves
22:26 rue_house redline 5000rpm
22:26 rue_house peak around 135 foot -pbs
22:26 rue_house lbs
22:49 rue_house no comment eh? well, let me tell you all the wire colours on the truck and see if you have any comments about that
22:49 rue_house the wire to the starter is pink
22:49 rue_house the wire to the O2 sensor is purple,
22:52 Tom_itx sry was adding stuff
22:52 Tom_itx nearly fell outta my chair
23:56 katsmeow !ping