#robotics Logs

Feb 09 2012

#robotics Calendar

15:44 XSerpentX roh u here
15:44 XSerpentX rue*
15:44 XSerpentX anyone find wireless is a friggan mess of noise?
15:45 theBear well yeah, just think of that superman where the kid got all radiationed and had to be taken back in time by superman 'cos all the radio waves and crap were making him too strong and destroying him....
15:46 XSerpentX ...uhh?
15:46 ace4016 there's a lot of wireless noise these days he's saying
15:47 ace4016 using a comic book episode to demonstrate it
15:47 theBear AND it was a good movie/show/episode, i forget the details
15:47 XSerpentX any strats on filtering that?
15:47 theBear oh not comic book, it was on 'tv'
15:47 ace4016 lol
15:47 ace4016 ah
15:47 XSerpentX i'm using 433Mhz RF
15:47 XSerpentX i'm sending serial
15:47 XSerpentX at 4800 baud, 2 stop bits, no parity
15:47 XSerpentX i'd say maybe 1/5 transmits actually recieve
15:48 XSerpentX i'm sending about 15 bits
15:48 XSerpentX 15 bytes*
15:50 theBear maybe you got a bad source of interference, or they are way too close or too far apart
15:50 XSerpentX prolly 2 close, they are only 2 feet
15:50 XSerpentX and my RF is rated for 300feet
15:51 XSerpentX well there is only one way i can think of, is to INCREASE TRANSMIT POWER AND BURST 10 SIGNALS A SECOND
15:52 XSerpentX i could actually put anttenna's on my RX TX
15:53 XSerpentX it's wierd too, if i put the parity bit on, it doesn't work
15:53 XSerpentX over RF
15:53 XSerpentX no clue why that is
15:54 XSerpentX and why the hell it only works wellish on 4800 baud is beyond me
15:54 XSerpentX i tried everything from 300 to 9600
15:54 XSerpentX 2400 works shittyish
15:54 XSerpentX the rest no
15:56 XSerpentX so what are u guys working on
15:58 ace4016 nothing at the moment; though I want to maybe start on a derigible nursery bot
15:59 ace4016 nursery as in gardening nursery
15:59 XSerpentX is derigible mean like an air blimp
15:59 ace4016 yup
15:59 XSerpentX what's it genna do
16:00 ace4016 i'm imagining it like a big headed humanoid that will go around tending to plants
16:00 ace4016 big head, small body
16:01 XSerpentX i think that pretty much stands for everything I am against in this world
16:01 XSerpentX but to each his/her own
16:01 ace4016 lol, why?
16:01 XSerpentX robots are for war and fighting
16:01 ace4016 ah
16:02 XSerpentX they should look tough and powerful
16:02 XSerpentX not some sissy big head nursery bot
16:02 XSerpentX that's blasphemy against the robot gods
16:02 ace4016 i have no interest in that; i already work with the military
16:02 XSerpentX I am personally offended.
16:02 ace4016 :D
16:03 XSerpentX that's like if you are given master level of Forse Lightning
16:03 XSerpentX and u use it to create glow light decorations...like ..how dare you
16:23 SolarNRG Has any of you ever worked with graphite before?
16:23 ace4016 i've used a lead pencil before; does that count?
16:27 SolarNRG LOL
16:28 SolarNRG Ever heated it up before?
16:28 ace4016 niet
16:28 ace4016 it's mostly carbon though
16:28 ace4016 err...all carbon actually?
16:28 ace4016 liquid carbon...hmmm
16:32 SolarNRG I wanted to make a graphite box
16:32 SolarNRG But not just any box
16:32 SolarNRG A box that can be a vaccuum inside
16:34 SolarNRG I'm trying to make a robotic materials processor that runs entirely off solar energy
16:35 ace4016 hm
16:35 ace4016 chemistry and materials isn't my thing, so i'm clueless about what you might be asking
16:36 SolarNRG What is your thing?
16:36 ace4016 although graphite is electrically conductive...so hopefully there are some precaoutions there :P
16:36 theBear idiot kids used to drop the 'leads' on the big dc psus at highschool, got real red hot and smokey and smelled BAD
16:37 ace4016 general EM theory, control systems, and such; basic EE stuff
16:37 ace4016 i guess some RF/MW stuff too...
16:38 SolarNRG OK, I have a question that might be up your street: I want a resistor that's the shape of a ring that goes around the top face of my large 155mm diameter gear so I can determine its position. What would you recommend?
16:39 theBear something optical
16:40 theBear maybe two little opto-coupler-with-gap whatsits and a toothed disc
16:40 theBear oh, that only gives direction and relative tho
16:40 theBear and 155mm dia is BIG.. if it's got a small shaft or a end you can just butcher a pot, hmm... still a gap tho... ummmmmmm....
16:43 SolarNRG I was thinking along the lines of a spring loaded anode touching a coil of wire around the top face and have the coil insulated from the gear
16:43 SolarNRG The pots I've got don't go round 360 degrees
16:44 XSerpentX u can get one then
16:44 theBear coil of wire means a lot of current
16:44 XSerpentX i agree with bear's solution tho
16:44 XSerpentX with the notches and notch reader
16:45 XSerpentX u could i guess
16:45 XSerpentX theoretically
16:45 SolarNRG I bought an old trackerball from the market for a quid but even that didn't have optical encoders in. All mice these days are laser optical
16:45 XSerpentX liek if u don't need precision
16:46 XSerpentX strap a row of resisters to the wheel
16:46 theBear a lot of the 'robotic' disco lights i worked on the last few years have a disc maybe 80mm dia, slots in the sides, offset sensros like i described (to sense direction at any transition,) and an initialisation routine where a stepper might do it's full possible number of steps or just move till it hits a sensor/stop switch, then only turn the other direction, counting the disc then tells exact position and direction, just you cant go back past 0,
16:46 theBear unless maybe your stop/limit/sense switch had a big floppy end you could 'force' past
16:46 XSerpentX and create your own makeshift shitty 360 pot
16:46 theBear laser-optical can work, people have made line followers with them
16:47 SolarNRG ITs beyond what I know how to work with. I know how to use analog in and current differences
16:47 XSerpentX and as the connection hand rakes over the resisters, it would make connection occationally and u could ADC that
16:48 XSerpentX seems pretty shitty tho
16:48 SolarNRG That's an idea, loads of 100 ohhm resistors in parallel around two discs
16:48 SolarNRG Would that work?
16:48 XSerpentX i was thinking in series
16:49 XSerpentX like u need the resistance to compound
16:49 XSerpentX so like tick 1 is 100ohm
16:49 XSerpentX tick 2 is resister1 + resister2
16:49 XSerpentX so then if ur on first tick it's 100ohm
16:49 XSerpentX say the last tick (all the way around) is like 1000ohm
16:50 XSerpentX then when u run 5v thru it
16:50 XSerpentX u get a range of say 1v to 5v
16:50 XSerpentX then u analog to digital convert that
16:50 theBear yeah, parallel wouldn't work
16:50 XSerpentX well depending on what u want
16:50 theBear what kinda 'specs' do you need ? how much resolution etc ?
16:51 SolarNRG But I guess if the rotary contacts overlap you'll get a funny voltage, won't you?
16:51 XSerpentX u could get like 20 ticks maybe?
16:51 SolarNRG Good enough
16:51 XSerpentX well that's exactly it
16:52 theBear they won't overlap, you just pick a contact slightly smaller than the gaps, and expect regular 'gaps' in the reading
16:52 XSerpentX when the contact hand goes over the resister
16:52 XSerpentX it will be Not connected
16:52 SolarNRG So I bridge each tick to the start of the next resistor comes back in then goes back up to make the next tick
16:52 XSerpentX soon as it touches the wire in between the resister
16:52 XSerpentX it will give u a reading like 3.4v
16:52 theBear if you position the resistors pointing at the center of the gear, you could fit probly a couple hundred on a big gear like that
16:52 theBear then just a little 'wiper' on the outer or inner edge
16:52 XSerpentX and u can use a ADC to put that into a digital value
16:52 XSerpentX say 0-256
16:53 theBear oh, you gotta get the voltage onto the moving gear then tho :(
16:53 theBear which means sliprings or some VERY sneaky resistor arrangement and 2 wipers
16:53 XSerpentX yeah like a zig zag
16:53 XSerpentX asuuming it rotates in only 1 direction
16:53 XSerpentX u would tie ur first resister to +Vcc
16:53 XSerpentX and ur last to ground
16:54 XSerpentX and don't connect fist and last
16:54 XSerpentX u could strap a battery to the wheel
16:54 XSerpentX so it is self onctained or do the brush or slipring way
16:54 XSerpentX if u need external power
16:54 SolarNRG No it rotates in BOTH directions
16:54 XSerpentX but a 9v should last long
16:54 XSerpentX k, so u have to do a straight pattern then
16:55 SolarNRG But it only goes 180 degrees in each direction
16:55 XSerpentX well u could still do zig zags
16:55 XSerpentX and make some kinda contact plate
16:55 XSerpentX that makes sense to me
16:55 XSerpentX have ur resisters soldered onto contact plates that stick out
16:55 XSerpentX like spokes
16:55 SolarNRG Yep
16:56 SolarNRG And a spring on the contact arm?
16:56 XSerpentX ya i imaging
16:56 theBear yeah, don't connect any fists, it might tear your arm off
16:56 XSerpentX like u know when u put a card in your bike tires
16:56 XSerpentX something like that
16:56 theBear yeah, what serpent said and i described terribly earlier :)
16:57 SolarNRG What do I insulate the face of the gear with because its steel?
16:57 XSerpentX an insulator?
16:58 XSerpentX u'll have to think of what would work best
16:58 SolarNRG I think insulation tape will just come off the gear
16:58 XSerpentX pastic, cardboard
16:58 XSerpentX ya, i'm not a terrific constructions material guy
16:59 theBear meh, it's diy, plastic sounds good, cut up a old icecream container or milk 'bottle'
16:59 SolarNRG Sounds good
16:59 SolarNRG Epoxy?
16:59 XSerpentX could be good
16:59 XSerpentX will hold ur resisters in place
16:59 XSerpentX but don't they have like
16:59 XSerpentX notch counters
16:59 XSerpentX that can count like black marker
16:59 XSerpentX notches
16:59 XSerpentX like u could use a photodiode
17:00 XSerpentX or something
17:00 XSerpentX that gets triggered between black marker and steel
17:00 XSerpentX and then just marker large notches
17:00 XSerpentX i swear that is how it's done
17:01 SolarNRG I like the spoked resistor idea the best, very novel, very cheap
17:01 SolarNRG What happens if the arm touches two notches at the same time?
17:01 XSerpentX ok, let me know if it works, i think it'll be a big mess
17:01 SolarNRG Will it give a funny voltage or one that's inbetween the two?
17:01 XSerpentX it shouldn'ted physically?
17:02 XSerpentX but it will give the lesser voltate
17:02 XSerpentX cuz that's just connecting as if the further resister were shorted
17:02 XSerpentX u should put a led on the end
17:03 XSerpentX to make sure u don't have and broken connections and cuz you get points for swag in electronics
17:06 XSerpentX you know what really sucks?
17:06 XSerpentX old school servo's
17:06 XSerpentX they put a pot in there to help determine it's position
17:06 XSerpentX now my robot has "the shakes"
17:07 SolarNRG Software critical damping?
17:07 SolarNRG Reduce the speed as it approaches its target
17:08 XSerpentX ya that's what i had to do
17:09 XSerpentX now only a small studder
17:09 XSerpentX but still
17:09 XSerpentX not like these new hitech frequency controlled servo's
17:09 SolarNRG I had the same problem with my dish tracking the sun, but when the ldrs went over 700 I made the stepper motors move 1/10th their normal speed
17:09 XSerpentX fuckers go full tilt to their postions
17:09 SolarNRG Then I smashed the whole thing up
17:10 SolarNRG :(*
17:10 SolarNRG ****
17:10 SolarNRG Now I'm building a better gearbox
17:10 XSerpentX nice..i ended up getting the difference between the current and the goal
17:10 ace4016 making your own servo, like a pro
17:10 XSerpentX i divided that by 4
17:11 XSerpentX each is worth 5ms of pulse on time
17:11 XSerpentX well it's actually the opposite since my motor controller is low enabled
17:12 XSerpentX i also had to reverse the mc phase (direction) when the current pos matched it's goal, cuz of over turn
17:13 XSerpentX ace4016: pft for $5, i will just buy it
17:13 ace4016 what if they don't sell one big enough?
17:13 XSerpentX stepper motor?
17:13 SolarNRG Yeah mclennan unipolars that can do 1 newton meter!
17:15 SolarNRG I got two, one to move my dish up and down the other left and right
17:15 SolarNRG This is my project if you're interested www.youtube.com/watch?v=CReRQb_UZj0
17:16 XSerpentX dam...ur fat dude
17:16 SolarNRG Gee thanks
17:17 SolarNRG And what has my weight problem got to do with robotics?
17:17 XSerpentX i find it's difficult to stop looking at your boobs also
17:17 XSerpentX yo is ur girl hot?
17:18 XSerpentX ya ur satelite thing has the shakes too
17:19 XSerpentX well i wrote some tips on how i fixed mine
17:20 XSerpentX right now my resolution is 1/100
17:20 XSerpentX using a adc that ranges from 60-970
17:20 XSerpentX that is 0-3.3v
17:21 XSerpentX so that is like what 0.033v resolution
17:21 XSerpentX decent
17:22 SolarNRG I solved the shake problem the day before I smashed it
17:22 XSerpentX what did ud o
17:22 SolarNRG Yeah she's hot
17:23 SolarNRG if (nearthesun==true) {
17:23 SolarNRG if (xdampcounter<10) {
17:23 SolarNRG xdampcounter++; }
17:23 SolarNRG else if ((leftldr-rightldr)>20) {
17:23 SolarNRG xleft();
17:23 SolarNRG xdampcounter = 0;
17:23 SolarNRG }
17:23 SolarNRG else xdampcounter = 0;
17:23 SolarNRG }
17:23 SolarNRG else if ((leftldr-rightldr)>20) {
17:23 SolarNRG xleft();
17:23 SolarNRG }
17:23 SolarNRG That's how I solved it
17:42 XSerpentX so you have any nude pics of ur girl?
17:43 zhanx not a question for this channel
17:43 XSerpentX ...u have any nude pics of your...robot?
17:43 zhanx much better
17:44 ace4016 diodes all sprawled out like on the front cover of Make
17:44 zhanx no but i nude pics of the tv i stripped last nght
17:45 XSerpentX ace, i hope you have permissions to use that TradeMark
17:45 XSerpentX with SOPA and PIPA
17:45 ace4016 did it pass? wasn't sure if the news would get through the filters :P
17:46 XSerpentX even without it, it's still illegal to use other peoples intellectual and copywrited material
17:47 zhanx www.liveleak.com/e/07b_1284580365
17:47 zhanx thats a crappy job
17:49 zhanx wonder if they carry parachutes
17:55 XSerpentX that's pretty fucked
17:56 XSerpentX the dangling toolbox has got to be the worst idea tho
18:00 SolarNRG I'm shitting myself already
18:06 SolarNRG That's intense
19:38 rue_mohr zhanx, maybe its me, but I dont see... right no safety gear
19:44 zhanx none
19:44 zhanx bbl watching a movie
19:46 rue_mohr I'm going to bed, I'm gonna fall asleep if I do or not
19:48 Tom_itx aww
20:10 e_jester Greets to
20:11 the_jester Tom_itx: are you here?
20:12 Tom_itx maybe
20:13 the_jester I guess it depends on why :o)?
20:13 Tom_itx did you need something?
20:14 Tom_itx i'm gonna shower soon
20:14 the_jester I was at rues the other night trying to do a quick toner transfer onto a board for a qfd44, seems he is running low on toner or something and i couldent get a transfer to happen
20:14 Tom_itx that or the board wasn't clean enough
20:15 the_jester im wondering if you have a little bit of spare time to etch a board for me
20:15 Tom_itx if i weren't out of etchant
20:15 the_jester hmm
20:16 Tom_itx i'm sure what's in the bottle isn't any good now
20:16 the_jester do you sell anything i can use to read/write the Nand in a 360?
20:16 Tom_itx and i don't have any more crystals
20:16 Tom_itx not that i know of
20:17 Tom_itx what about that flash chip hack i did... is that nand?
20:17 Tom_itx http://tom-itx.dyndns.org:81/~webpage/mtkflash/flash_howto_index.php
20:17 the_jester back before i split with the wife i was managing to do some transfer but i dont have the printer anymore, got left on rues porch
20:18 the_jester its still there and the cartridge seems to be damp or screwed
20:19 the_jester Im pretty sure all i need is a spi programmer
20:19 the_jester anyway thanks tom
20:21 the_jester http://joysgames.com/uploads/allimg/110903/1-110Z32355260-L.jpg
20:21 Tom_itx you should ask flyback, he's done alot more with it
20:27 the_jester i think im just gonna try to do the clpd dead bug style..
20:28 the_jester if the doesnt work out i will have to work on the board again
20:57 zhanx i have etchent solution. but never used it
20:57 zhanx :D
21:37 rue_mohr ammonium and sodium * seem to go bad if mixed and not used for too long
21:38 rue_mohr I'd used ferric chloride that was 20 years old and it worked fine
21:38 rue_mohr messy stuff tho
21:52 zhanx ok i need to rewrite a total x/y coordinate thingy
21:52 zhanx ugh
22:01 rue_mohr !seen rikus
22:01 tobbor Rikus was last seen in #avr on Sep 24 11:34 2011
22:01 zhanx wow
22:02 zhanx !kat
22:02 zhanx !seen kat
22:02 tobbor kat was last seen in #robotics on Jul 27 13:42 2006
22:02 zhanx i win
22:02 rue_mohr !seen god
22:02 tobbor God was last seen in ##electronics on Jul 26 08:08 2010
22:02 rue_mohr oh, god came back
22:02 zhanx still win
22:02 rue_mohr !seen lorez
22:02 tobbor lorez is here
22:02 zhanx !seen jesus
22:02 tobbor jesus was last seen in #avr on Dec 02 12:59 2011
22:03 zhanx !seen atom_atx
22:03 tobbor I have never seen atom_atx
22:03 rue_mohr I cant remember the names of the other founders
22:03 rue_mohr !seen rifraf
22:03 tobbor RifRaf was last seen in #robotics on Nov 15 23:48 2011
22:03 rue_mohr huh
22:03 Tom_itx !seen fenn
22:03 zhanx i still win
22:03 tobbor fenn was last seen in ##electronics on May 09 15:44 2009
22:03 Tom_itx ha
22:04 zhanx !seen magic
22:04 tobbor I have never seen magic
22:04 zhanx !seen creation
22:04 tobbor I have never seen creation
22:04 zhanx !seen evolution
22:04 tobbor I have never seen evolution
22:04 zhanx hmmm
22:04 zhanx !seen darwin
22:04 tobbor darwin was last seen in #robotics on Feb 18 15:58 2009
22:04 zhanx win
22:05 LoRez rue_mohr: what doin?
22:05 rue_mohr your gonna trip the pepsi detector
22:05 zhanx !seen dr. pepper
22:05 tobbor I have never seen dr. pepper
22:05 Tom_itx !seen rucas
22:05 tobbor Rucas was last seen in ##electronics on Feb 08 00:26 2010
22:05 rue_mohr LoRez, think were going for hte oldest seen records
22:05 zhanx that is my drink now days
22:05 zhanx i am winning
22:05 zhanx 27jul06
22:06 Tom_itx !seen moses
22:06 tobbor moses was last seen in ##electronics on Sep 05 00:37 2009
22:06 Tom_itx !seen pharoh
22:06 tobbor I have never seen pharoh
22:06 zhanx !seen water
22:06 tobbor Water was last seen in ##overflow on Mar 31 10:15 2010
22:06 zhanx we broke it
22:06 Tom_itx !seen me
22:06 tobbor me was last seen in ##electronics on Nov 11 06:57 2010
22:07 zhanx !seen flyback
22:07 tobbor flyback was last seen in #robotics on Sep 09 18:45 2011
22:07 zhanx !seen emc
22:07 tobbor emc was last seen in ##overflow on Jul 14 10:25 2010
22:07 Tom_itx !seen katsmoew
22:07 tobbor I have never seen katsmoew
22:07 Tom_itx !seen katsmew
22:07 tobbor I have never seen katsmew
22:07 zhanx !seen stack
22:07 tobbor I have never seen stack
22:07 zhanx !seen stackoverflow
22:07 tobbor I have never seen stackoverflow
22:07 zhanx hmmm
22:08 LoRez !seen good code
22:08 tobbor I have never seen good code
22:08 zhanx !seen segfault
22:08 tobbor I have never seen segfault
22:08 zhanx rue your bot is too new
22:08 Tom_itx !seen dos
22:08 tobbor I have never seen dos
22:08 Tom_itx !seen linux
22:08 tobbor I have never seen linux
22:08 Tom_itx no
22:08 Tom_itx it's broken
22:08 anx is not writing segware right
22:09 rue_mohr !seen puffafk
22:09 tobbor Puffafk was last seen in #electronics on Jan 16 09:50 2005
22:09 rue_mohr }:)
22:09 rue_mohr !seen puff-n-stuff
22:09 tobbor Puff-n-Stuff was last seen in #acidblood on Jun 25 15:45 2006
22:10 rue_mohr remember the old founders!
22:10 zhanx http://pastebin.com/vkL1RY5Q
22:11 zhanx dang
22:11 zhanx !seen mike
22:11 tobbor Mike was last seen in ##electronics on Jul 08 18:11 2009
22:11 zhanx !seen davve
22:11 tobbor I have never seen davve
22:11 zhanx !seen dave
22:11 tobbor dave was last seen in #avr on May 22 16:42 2010
22:12 zhanx !seen @#@#@
22:12 tobbor I have never seen @#@#@
22:13 zhanx !seen #old
22:13 tobbor I have never seen #old
22:13 zhanx hmmm there must be a list command
22:14 zhanx 27 enough or should i do 50+
22:26 rue_mohr so how you finding picture & picture?
22:27 e_mohr stops short from spraying control cleaner on his supper and uses the salt ins
22:29 Tom_itx you really need join/part enabled
22:29 XSerpentX anyone know how the max232 ic works?
22:29 rue_mohr did he leave?
22:29 Tom_itx it uses a charge pump to boost the voltage
22:29 rue_mohr XSerpentX, yea, its a switched capacitor voltage doubler and inverter
22:29 Tom_itx and 5 caps
22:30 XSerpentX ok..
22:30 XSerpentX so say i have a pc serial port
22:30 XSerpentX that is -12 and +12 v
22:30 XSerpentX right? say i'm sending rs232
22:30 Tom_itx and comes in a small package: http://tom-itx.dyndns.org:81/~webpage/misc_stuff/rs232_3.jpg
22:30 rue_mohr you can send rs232 with liek +-5V if you want
22:30 XSerpentX ya
22:30 XSerpentX that's what i want
22:31 XSerpentX i want to feed it from my pc to a 433Mhz RF
22:31 XSerpentX into my netduino
22:31 rue_mohr the pc always uses +-12V
22:31 XSerpentX so i think my transmitter
22:31 Tom_itx supposed to anyway
22:31 XSerpentX can handle the 12v directly
22:31 rue_mohr prolly not...
22:32 XSerpentX ok
22:32 XSerpentX so i have a max232
22:32 rue_mohr good
22:32 XSerpentX i never used one before
22:32 XSerpentX it shows like RIN
22:32 XSerpentX and ROUT
22:32 Tom_itx http://tom-itx.dyndns.org:81/~webpage/misc_stuff/rs232_sch.png
22:32 XSerpentX and TIN
22:32 rue_mohr I hope you have a knockoff, the maxim ones are really expensive
22:32 XSerpentX and TOUT
22:32 Tom_itx schematic for one
22:32 Tom_itx ^^
22:32 XSerpentX its a maxim
22:32 rue_mohr RIN -> Reciever In
22:33 XSerpentX so the rin can take like 30v in
22:33 XSerpentX so my +-12 should be fine
22:33 XSerpentX but then what? just r out
22:33 XSerpentX do i need all those supporting caps?
22:33 rue_mohr rs232 levels are: a) bipolar b) inverted
22:33 XSerpentX i'm not really inverting or doubling voltate
22:34 XSerpentX i just wanna drop the +-12v to =-5v
22:34 XSerpentX +-5v
22:34 rue_mohr the max232 takes the 5V and makes 10V by doubling it, then it takes the +10V and makes -10V
22:34 XSerpentX what's the rs232in and rs232out and ttl in and ttl out do
22:34 rue_mohr it uses the +- 10V for the internal buffers that translate between the +- rs232 levels and ttl levels
22:34 Tom_itx rue_mohr i got gcc and dude installed and tested the code
22:35 XSerpentX ok so i need the supporting caps then, right
22:35 Tom_itx XSerpentX, did you look at that schematic?
22:35 rue_mohr XSerpentX, the rs232 levels go from +12V to -12V and the ttl levels go from 0V to 5V
22:36 rue_mohr XSerpentX, -12V on the rs232 serial port is 5V for the ttl
22:36 rue_mohr +12V on the rs232 is 0V on the ttl
22:36 rue_mohr the max232 deals with changing all the voltages for you
22:36 XSerpentX right
22:36 XSerpentX hmm
22:36 XSerpentX so theorettically
22:36 XSerpentX i just shove +-12v rs232 into the Rs232 IN
22:37 rue_mohr the ttl goes to your avr/arduino/wireless device
22:37 XSerpentX and put the ttlout thrue the Transmitter
22:37 XSerpentX hmm
22:37 rue_mohr the rs232 goes to your computer
22:37 XSerpentX now do i have to hookup anyother pin
22:37 XSerpentX from the ps serial port
22:37 XSerpentX i think it's pin3
22:37 XSerpentX whatabout ground?
22:37 rue_mohr you have to connect the grounds togethor
22:37 XSerpentX signal gropund
22:37 rue_mohr pin 5
22:37 XSerpentX ya
22:37 m_itx feels ign
22:38 XSerpentX tom, i looked
22:38 XSerpentX ur diagram is similar to the test circuit
22:38 rue_mohr from a 9 pin serial connector, you can use pins 2, 3, 5
22:38 rue_mohr do you get toms diagram?
22:39 XSerpentX ya i saw
22:39 rue_mohr but do you understand?
22:39 XSerpentX ya, so i DO need the supporting caps?
22:40 XSerpentX for some reason i thought i only needed them if i was using inverting or doubling
22:40 rue_mohr yes, the caps make the +- 10V thats the max232 uses to talk back to the ocmputer
22:40 XSerpentX ok i don't wanna talk back
22:40 rue_mohr you HAVE to invert and double
22:40 XSerpentX 1 way
22:40 rue_mohr it still needs it as a referece
22:40 XSerpentX pc -> netduino
22:40 XSerpentX ok
22:40 XSerpentX that's prolly why
22:40 XSerpentX brb
22:41 rue_mohr Tom_itx, I have a faint recollection of somoen getting help this morning regarding stepper code for a cnc machine, do you know who it was?
22:43 orlok hmm. 20 gig in 15 minutes
22:43 orlok tape
22:46 XSerpentX it goes mF, uF, nF, pF right
22:46 XSerpentX for cap sizes
22:46 XSerpentX i forget how to read ceramic caps :/
22:46 XSerpentX i need .1uF
22:47 XSerpentX thats 10^5 right
22:48 rue_mohr yea
22:48 rue_mohr 103 is .01uF
22:48 rue_mohr so you want 104
22:49 rue_mohr 105 is 1uF
22:57 rue_mohr !bookmark http://media.digikey.com/pdf/Data%20Sheets/Murata%20PDFs/PVZ3G%20Series.pdf <-- page 9, note table of 'shortcut codes' on trimmers
23:01 rue_mohr rue_shop, http://eds.dyndns.org/~ircjunk/circuits/car-locator.jpg
23:09 rue_shop3 to me! to me!
23:09 rue_shop http://eds.dyndns.org/~ircjunk/circuits/car-locator.jpg
23:10 rue_shop dude...
23:10 rue_shop you...
23:10 rue_shop printed it!?
23:10 rue_shop YOU HAVE THE BOOK!
23:10 rue_shop3 TOO LATE, ITS PRINTED!
23:10 rue_shop ninny
23:10 rue_shop3 and a proud ninny I am
23:11 rue_shop3 but I'm a cold ninny, pls turn on the heat
23:49 rue_shop the most basic amplifier setup on an ideally powered op amp and AS USUAL the opamp is proving to be USELESS
23:49 rue_shop this reminds me why I stopped working with analog stuff all togethor