#robotics Logs

Feb 07 2012

#robotics Calendar

01:36 trylobot for purchase
08:12 trylobot [02:27] <trylobot> high speed cameras for robots? anyone know where I can find?
08:12 trylobot [02:27] <trylobot> for purchase
08:12 trylobot fail
09:01 rue_mohr trylobot,
09:59 trylobot -_-
18:48 Solaris Are these lifeYPO4 batteries any good? www.ev-power.eu/
18:48 Solaris Do you know their weight?
19:02 moriarty Solaris, lithium-sulfer batteries for the win
19:03 Solaris Arte lithium sulfur the BEST?
20:00 moriarty Solaris, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lithium–sulfur_battery
20:01 moriarty i believe the solar-powered record flight used Li-S
20:01 moriarty ah yep it says in the wiki
20:02 moriarty http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/science/nature/7577493.stm
20:02 moriarty ""A lot of effort has gone into power storage and light-weighting the systems," explained Mr Kelleher. "Lithium sulphur is more than double the energy density of the best alternative technology which is lithium polymer batteries."
21:07 rue_shop how much is 26mT in amp-turns?
21:10 frogs for air core?
21:20 Tom_L http://info.ee.surrey.ac.uk/Workshop/advice/coils/
21:59 XSerpentX asdf
21:59 XSerpentX hey
22:00 XSerpentX anyone transfer RS232 over 433Mhz RF?
22:49 rue_mohr you have to respect the ac coupling effect
22:49 rue_mohr either by high baud or other means
22:49 XSerpentX how do i respect it
22:50 XSerpentX so i set my baud to like...56k
22:54 rue_mohr that might be too high
22:54 rue_mohr you can use one of the encoding teqniques, like .. that ethernet ... what... it ....called....rzl... no...
22:56 XSerpentX well what i think is the carrier signal is interfering with my rs232 signal
22:56 XSerpentX http://www.robotshop.com/on-shine-high-sensitivity-tx-rx-1.html
22:56 XSerpentX that's the rx/tx set
22:57 rue_mohr ah your trying to do it now?
22:57 XSerpentX ya, all day
22:57 XSerpentX i got everythng else to work
22:57 rue_mohr what baud rate
22:57 XSerpentX i tried 300 and 1200
22:57 rue_mohr thats it?
22:58 XSerpentX wouldn't it get worse as it gets highter?
22:58 rue_mohr what do they say the rc module bandwidth is?
22:58 XSerpentX • Communicates up to 300 feet (92 Meters)
22:58 XSerpentX • Data is transmitted via "On-off keyed" (OOK) modulation at up to 9.6Kbps
22:58 XSerpentX 1Kbps to 9.6Kbps Data Rate
22:59 rue_mohr hmm, that sounds like it should be ok with dc levels
22:59 rue_mohr try 4800 baud
22:59 XSerpentX k
22:59 rue_mohr wire it directly first
22:59 rue_mohr without the rf modules
22:59 XSerpentX yep
22:59 XSerpentX 1 sec
22:59 rue_mohr to make sure the two devices work properly
23:00 XSerpentX serialCom = new System.IO.Ports.SerialPort(SerialPorts.COM1, 4800, System.IO.Ports.Parity.Even, 8, System.IO.Ports.StopBits.One);
23:00 XSerpentX just so u know
23:00 rue_mohr you prolly need handshaking off too, software and hardware
23:04 XSerpentX k works
23:04 XSerpentX via wire
23:07 rue_mohr k
23:13 XSerpentX hmm
23:14 XSerpentX so on the wireless
23:14 XSerpentX first off, i get a shit ton of noise
23:14 XSerpentX i get random values, alot of 6
23:14 XSerpentX so i'm trying to broadcast
23:14 XSerpentX "This is a Test!"
23:14 XSerpentX so the first letter of the buffer is T
23:14 XSerpentX or ascii 84
23:15 XSerpentX so i did a test, to check the entire buffer for T
23:15 XSerpentX nothing
23:15 XSerpentX i also noticed
23:15 XSerpentX that even without any power
23:15 XSerpentX to the RX circuite
23:15 XSerpentX i get noise
23:15 rue_mohr Tom_itx, http://www.serasidis.gr/circuits/mini_logic_analyzer/miniLogicAnalyzer.htm
23:16 rue_mohr hmm, I go back to my usual standing "rf sucks"
23:16 rue_mohr your gonna have to modulate it then
23:16 rue_mohr to get over the noise
23:17 XSerpentX is that basically using encoder/decoder IC's?
23:17 rue_mohr no,
23:17 rue_mohr all chips that do that were discontinued and burried about 20 years ago
23:17 rue_mohr I'm about to fall asleep, look up ...
23:18 rue_mohr kat?
23:18 rue_mohr katsmeow?
23:19 rue_mohr I hav no idea what she set her nick to now...
23:19 rue_mohr ah
23:19 rue_mohr FSK
23:20 rue_mohr ah, yea, ook is crap
23:21 XSerpentX ya
23:21 XSerpentX http://www.robotshop.com/PDF/RXA18-433MHZ.pdf
23:21 XSerpentX i was genna ask if u could check out the datasheeet
23:21 rue_mohr do FSK with your modules
23:22 XSerpentX frequency shift keying
23:22 rue_mohr you can do it with a 555 and two 567 s
23:22 rue_mohr UA555 or LM555
23:22 XSerpentX i have a 555
23:22 rue_mohr you also need a flipflop... maybe a 74ls74
23:23 rue_mohr then the microcontroller wouldn't have to do any work
23:23 rue_mohr !time
23:23 tobbor My watch says its 21:20 Tue Feb 07 2012
23:24 XSerpentX ok so is there a tutorial to turn ook to fsk?
23:25 XSerpentX actally
23:25 XSerpentX maybe we could start with why it won't work on ook
23:25 XSerpentX or what is causing the problem
23:38 XSerpentX ?
23:40 XSerpentX so
23:40 XSerpentX i got some partial good news
23:40 XSerpentX i got it to semi boardcast / receiver
23:41 XSerpentX so what I did is scrape all the noise for "Test"
23:41 XSerpentX and it found it semi consistently