#robotics Logs

Feb 06 2012

#robotics Calendar

08:50 mortenmj any of you familiar with the control systems toolbox in matlab? i've got a tf object (that is, a transfer function), and i need its initial value. i'm looking for an elegant way to get it.
09:01 rue_mohr dunno
12:51 SolarNRG Do any of you guys know how to code "critical damping"
16:57 SolarNRG What's the cheapest form of limit switch I can find?
17:21 Tom_itx SolarNRG, a piece of wire
17:31 SolarNRG I've got 4 limit switches extracted from an old trackerball http://imgur.com/Q7oav But how do I increase the contact area of these tiny switches, any ideas?
17:37 Tom_itx http://tom-itx.dyndns.org:81/~webpage/lightseeker/lightseeker_index.php
17:37 Tom_itx i used microswitches on those
17:37 Tom_itx a bit hard to see in thoe poor pics
17:37 Tom_itx the bumper worked good though
17:37 SolarNRG Sorry I've been meaning to get a better camera
17:38 Tom_itx i'm talking about mine
17:39 Tom_itx 3rd and 4th pic down show the bumper switches
17:39 Tom_itx just use your imagination and make something
17:39 SolarNRG You used 2 nails
17:39 SolarNRG 2 switches, bridged or separate inputs?
17:39 Tom_itx spring loaded
17:39 SolarNRG And the nail is on a spring
17:39 Tom_itx i don't remember
17:39 Tom_itx left and right i think
17:40 SolarNRG Oh I see you have a bit of metal sticking out of it
17:40 SolarNRG so when the nail pushes the metal it pushes the switch
17:40 Tom_itx yes
17:40 Tom_itx the limit switch had the arm on it already
17:41 Tom_itx from an old ibm full height floppy
17:41 SolarNRG Have you seen my latest project video?
17:41 Tom_itx don't do videos on this
17:41 Tom_itx too slow
17:41 SolarNRG I've built a skydish and it follows the sun
17:41 Tom_itx mostly for irc :)
17:41 SolarNRG Its going to make hot water
17:42 Tom_itx maybe i did see that
17:42 SolarNRG Yesterday I got it to follow the light for the very first time
17:42 SolarNRG Today I implemented an overdamping function
17:42 SolarNRG Because y'day it was knocking left and right when it found the light
17:43 SolarNRG But I said that if the sensors value was pretty hi like 500 to 600 then nearthesun=true then the motors only drove at 1/10 speed, this solved the knocking problem
17:44 SolarNRG Thanks for your help Tom
17:51 SolarNRG http://imgur.com/CJWWG these springs are too big, where can I get smaller thinner springs from?
18:54 pigzepenguin dont you love team drama
20:02 rue_mohr solarNRG should just CUT them
20:04 rue_mohr http://imgur.com/gallery/ZPkWP
21:15 Tom_itx rue_mohr
21:15 Tom_itx what's up?
21:16 Tom_itx you ever hear or mess with wireshark?
21:17 rue_mohr I'v heard of wireshark, what is it?
21:18 Tom_itx http://www.wireshark.org/docs/
21:18 Tom_itx usb sniffer
21:18 Tom_itx or network i guess
21:19 rue_mohr sounds like anything
21:19 rue_mohr ok, so whats your point?
21:19 Tom_itx garf
21:26 Triffid_Hunter Tom_itx: I use wireshark from time to time, never touched the USB side though
21:28 Tom_itx does it work in windows ok?
21:55 Tom_itx Triffid_Hunter is it hard to set up for USB?
21:55 Tom_itx looks like the default it the ethernet card
21:56 Triffid_Hunter Tom_itx: never tried
21:58 Tom_itx looks like it does but i'm not sure if i need a different driver
22:03 Tom_itx currently only under linux
22:13 e_mohr gig
22:14 Triffid_Hunter Tom_itx: lol of course, you expect windows to be able to do anything useful and fun?
22:14 Tom_itx ever hear of SniffUSB?
22:15 Tom_itx it was a link off the wireshark page
23:02 e_bed expl