#robotics Logs

Jan 27 2012

#robotics Calendar

00:13 rue_bed I can have it do it for 2 to 4 steppers at once
00:14 rue_bed is this worth doing?
00:14 fckng_stupid no, just read out of the eprom, no calculations needed
00:15 rue_bed I mean countless step/dir into phase A phase B phase C phase D
00:16 fckng_stupid so you want a "transition pulse" , but no "clock pulse" ?
00:24 rue_bed well, so it would be
00:24 rue_bed the latch would have to run on a continious high speed clock
00:25 rue_bed and the table only change on transition of the step input
00:25 rue_bed meaning a few extra feedback bits I suppose
00:25 fckng_stupid no
00:25 fckng_stupid why do you want the steppers to run at high speed all the time?
00:26 rue_bed no just the state machine feedback latch
00:26 fckng_stupid what is it latching?
00:27 rue_bed the state macines work by feeding the data outputs of the rom back to the address lines thru a latch
00:27 fckng_stupid shit
00:27 fckng_stupid so you insist on taking a simple phase generator rom and making it way too complicated?
00:28 rue_bed :) complicated things are flexable
00:28 fckng_stupid k, have funs
01:40 theBear rue works in mysterious ways, but have faith...
05:10 ckkitten kittehs on top of theBear's hea
09:05 e_mohr puts a bird on hackkittens head to form a liging totem
16:42 firstteam23 Does the first robotics competition have a IRC channel?
19:10 rue_mohr first.. they dont stick around
19:37 panda81 Hi. In the US, which states have high concentrations of robot equipment and automation tools manufacturers?
19:37 any32704280 59 nicks in here, and not even the bot will talk to them
19:39 any32704280 likely the states with the most military development
19:39 any32704280 Electronics giant Foxconn plans to use a million robots in next three years following spate of employee suicides
19:40 any32704280 Speaking at a company event, Gou said Foxconn already had 10,000 robots and would increase the number to 300,000 next year and a million within three.
20:07 any32704280 ...
20:14 rue_mohr aaah shower
21:31 pigpenguin any one here do first robotics?
21:41 rue_bed pigpenguin,
21:41 rue_bed everyone who does first robotics leaves before we can answer
21:41 rue_bed if you stay here for 3 days, you will meet atleast 2 people doing first robotics
21:44 pigpenguin ok then
21:53 Triffid_Hunter oh wow managed to snag one, good work rue_bed
21:54 rue_mohr yea, thanks!
21:54 rue_mohr thats the 4th one
21:54 rue_mohr 4th time lucky?
23:43 any32704280 .,mnbvcxz
23:54 Kimlaroux any32704280, ,mnbvcxz: command not found
23:56 any32704280 you left off the .