#robotics Logs

Jan 23 2012

#robotics Calendar

00:00 rue_mohr every line was expressed as an if() output() goto() line
00:01 rue_mohr I want to get there again, but I'm taking a different route
00:02 saschi ah, ok
00:03 rue_mohr with this one I can make logical tables and kinda make state machines from them
00:03 rue_mohr my rule system is giving me more flexability then I anticipated
00:04 saschi i guess, the main prob is to stuff them compact
00:04 saschi in the most cases they're sparse
00:05 rue_mohr iirc is was an approach problem I encountered, I set off in this direction and I cant remember all the reasons
00:05 saschi and then you would need an access method to load them coherent into the cache?
00:05 rue_mohr cache?
00:05 saschi if the architecture has a memory hierarchie
00:05 rue_mohr no this is hardware implimented
00:05 saschi ok
00:06 rue_mohr this is two chips, a rom and a feedback latch
00:06 saschi ah, ok
00:06 rue_mohr I'm gonna try to make something for a hackaday article
00:06 rue_mohr I should be able to finish tommorow evening, if I can still burn eproms...
00:08 rue_mohr and if I have a 256k rom thats empty
00:08 rue_mohr ... and if I can find hte power supply for the burner...
00:09 dumbass-afk rue, no i do not want that image to make a eprom be a comparator, since our fight, and the fights here over electrical to the barn, i cannot imagine me ever doing anything again
00:09 rue_mohr gngiht
00:10 rue_mohr sorry kat, the last thing I ever want to do is discourage you
00:10 dumbass-afk and what with 10 computers, 12 scopes up to 1Ghz, and other test equipment and machinist tools, sounds like a fucking waste to me, but it's what you people want
00:10 rue_mohr you have made me understand Picassos brush more than I ever did before
00:11 dumbass-afk you called me stupid and out of touch with the reality here, when you never saw reality here, it's not a brush problem
00:11 rue_mohr I'm sorry you got hurt in the process of me learning it
00:11 rue_mohr it was not my intent
00:12 saschi you fought about FSM? :-D
00:12 rue_mohr my learning comes at quite a cost, like the fly that died at the windowstill of the open window cause it wouldn't back up long enough to get over the other pane to get out
00:13 rue_mohr it taught me that sometimes, to get what you want, you have to get a little farther away from it for a while
00:13 rue_mohr saschi, no, kats havin life problems
00:13 rue_mohr I tried to help and, as usual, made a mess
00:13 saschi ah, ok
00:13 saschi hmmm
00:13 saschi .o(IRC)
00:13 saschi :)
00:14 rue_mohr Piccaso's brush: 'anyone can hold Picasso's paintbrush, but only he was screwed up enough to paint with it what he did'
00:14 rue_mohr it mwans that just cause a problem someone has would be easy for you to deal with, you cant get the other person to try to implement your approach to the solution
00:15 rue_mohr rue_bed, your up.
00:16 saschi good night
00:16 dumbass-afk that's what i mean by you not reading the words i type
00:17 dumbass-afk it's not about me not trying something, it's about that solution not existing here
00:17 dumbass-afk i cannot get an electricians permit when they don't issue such a thing here
00:17 dumbass-afk and even if i could, i could not work on property i do not own
00:18 dumbass-afk and sionce i don't own it, neither can i ghet a permit to do said work
00:18 dumbass-afk wtf can't you understand that?
00:23 dumbass-afk how can the gov authorise work by me on property when it has no idea the owner knows about it?
00:24 dumbass-afk how can it certify me to get a ticket issued only by Canadia?
00:24 dumbass-afk how can you not understand that?
00:31 rue_bed ti801, smart 7 seg
00:31 rue_bed have 9
00:31 rue_bed er 803
00:32 dumbass-afk why do you have 803 of them?
00:43 dumbass-afk avi
01:03 dumbass-afk .fm
09:06 rue_mohr no ti803, I think
09:06 rue_mohr I found a dtasheet for them too
09:07 rue_mohr they have a latch built into them oddly enough
09:07 rue_mohr they could prolly be put on a microcontroller bus
09:20 rue_mohr :) I added the >= and <= operators
09:22 rue_mohr mmm at this rate I could make a whole 8 bit ALU
17:49 any33662233 another great example of my inability to communicate: i told someone i found gigabytes of StarTrek i could play online, and he said he knew someone who could do that but it required connection to their server to play
17:50 any33662233 this from a guy who has recorded dvd's of starTrek series on tv and plays them regularly
18:12 any33662233 it still boggles my lil mind that when i told people water falls out of the sky for free, there's hardly much reason to buy it, they looked at me like i was crazy
18:13 any33662233 "nothing falls out of the sky for free!!" "really? how much do you get charged when it rains?"
18:13 LoRez hey kat, how doin?
18:13 any33662233 same ole
18:13 any33662233 you?
18:13 LoRez not horrible.
18:14 any33662233 only thing really new is the circle of people talling me i am stupid now includes rue
18:14 LoRez wtf?
18:15 any33662233 i dunno
18:16 LoRez I still love ya kat
18:17 any33662233 he seems to think the local county will issue me a Canadian electrical permit to do wiring on someone else's property without their knowledge
18:18 y33662233 purrs at l
18:18 LoRez local Alabama county?
18:18 any33662233 moving to Fla
18:18 LoRez yeah?
18:18 y33662233 points to her host
19:03 any33662233 in years past, it would have taken 5,437 Commodore 64 computers at 32k free ram, to store a 174megabyte 20 minute .avi file,,, and it was too slow
19:31 rue_mohr zippo:/files/programming/c/table2ihex# cat hadrocks.tbl.hex
20:58 any33662233 uushit
20:58 any33662233 dandfghkgl
21:30 theBear wtf ? yer losing it rue !
21:33 any33662233 why? i have said, in here, for a long time, you can make lookup tables in ram for any math or logic function, and it's faster than calculating the results
21:34 any33662233 most modern cpu use lookup tables
21:34 theBear not the lookup tables, they make sense, the electrical license
21:34 any33662233 ah
21:35 any33662233 he faults me for not even trying to get a license they do not issue here
21:40 theBear don't be like that dumbass <grin>
21:40 theBear yeah, even i coulda told you that, not to mention the 'without their knowledge' bit
21:41 dumbass i don't own this place yet, i cannot pull a permit for any work on it
21:42 dumbass the gov will not authorise work unless it's asked for by the owner, and he wants a licensed contractor to do all the work outside the trailer
21:52 theBear mmm.... you can't even get a permit/half license here, takes a year or 2 of apprenticing and all kinds of schooling to get a full electrical license.... there ARE shortcuts, but being that electrical work is illegal otherwise, even someone like me doesn't look great on paper
21:53 mbass nods s
21:54 dumbass i've pulled 0000/200mcm, and seen lots bigger, and done a aweful lot of wirewrap at 30awg, and lots in between, and i mean nothing to anyone in the grand scheme of the universe
21:55 dumbass or to rue, ispose
21:56 theBear oh :( please change your nick, this is err, very reductive
21:56 dumbass i thought it fit, it's other people's opinion of me, i was just fitting in
21:58 theBear see, doesn't that feel a little better ?
21:59 katsmeow feels puzzeling
22:01 rue_mohr I did it!
22:01 rue_mohr it works!
22:01 katsmeow know when you put a glass of tater on the table and thump the table, the water has waves in it? i been in generator rooms so loud that the sound pressure caused eyeballs to wripple, and no one could see clearly
22:03 katsmeow the room had to be made of steel, because concrete turned to powder
22:03 katsmeow it was louder than the tail apu of mil jet transports and such
22:04 katsmeow if they still have those
22:04 katsmeow but now i know i am useless
22:04 rue_mohr the state machine worked
22:04 rue_mohr I got a pic of the morse code message
22:05 theBear katsmeow, i've been to/worked concerts like that... the walls of subwoofers do it... goes BOOM and any lights you are looking at stretch as your eyeballs wobble
22:05 katsmeow yeas
22:06 theBear i'm useless right now, but i finally got pissed off about it... i'm comin back
22:09 tsmeow wishes you all the
22:10 theBear mmm, i'll need it :)
22:10 katsmeow i figure you can do it, if others would let you
22:12 theBear more or less.. i gotta go from 6 months of submitting to pain and trying to allow things to heal back to being able to get up on time and leave the house, heck, even get places, tho there might be some potential for home-work
22:12 tsmeow
22:13 katsmeow i am noticing that in addition to my shoulders being painful and clicking/grinding, my paws are often painful now
22:14 theBear mmm... my jaw does that stuff most of the time these days... the weird hippy 'osteopath' lady says my back does it...
22:14 katsmeow if i cannot get into more electronics bench stuff, and less work-on-car stuff, lesss put-in-fenceposts , i will be less than useless
22:15 theBear putting in fenceposts is good honest work... i done a lot of that... i don't hold any hopes of finding an electronics related job again anytime soon, just aren't a lot to go around here
22:18 katsmeow sure, i was proud of work on the farm, i did worthwhile things, i pulled a few posts today too
22:19 katsmeow but it's wearing on my joints, and i have a bad back from overusing it for 30 years, and falling on it for a minute
22:21 theBear mmm... doesn't help
22:22 katsmeow well, same as you, i spose
22:22 katsmeow collapsed disks at L3 , L4, and T10
22:23 katsmeow not near as flexible as i was, on a good day i can still get butch on something or other
22:24 theBear that's rough, i only got l4/5 completely screwed (rest has just been a bit squishy since birth) just that it kills my left leg
22:25 katsmeow ouch
22:27 katsmeow sciatica can be aweful
22:27 katsmeow i useto have it real bad
22:28 theBear yeah, i think it's the only pain that's ever bothered me... i'm the kinda person that can operate on their own finger without painkillers, i'm good with pain
22:29 theBear actually, chopping my thumb off hurt quite a bit, i'll put them in the same general category at least :)
22:29 rue_mohr so the main discovery is that any baord that uses a '373 address latch for the memory can be turned into a state machine
22:29 katsmeow heh
22:29 rue_mohr but you have to change the 373 for a 374
22:29 theBear then again, i was able to steady my voice and think that night, i wasn't able to do any of that when i went to the ER for this, i was just kinda twitching and crying in the waiting room...
22:29 katsmeow yeas, because the enable changes and upsets things,, and it's active low
22:31 katsmeow last time i used a case cutter on me to remove something, was about 3 weeks ago
22:31 katsmeow all healed now
22:39 katsmeow i did shove one jaw of small electrnics wire cutters into one finger last week, it'll be ok
22:40 katsmeow whole jaw, about 3/8 inch up under the skin
22:43 katsmeow wierd graphic,,,, wouldn't a flight from Alaaska to UK go north right over the pole?
22:44 theBear erm, maybe
22:45 katsmeow it's the old diff tween str8 line on a flat map vs shortest line on a globe
22:46 theBear oh, looking at a flat map is confusing at the edges
22:57 katsmeow before i knew about globes, someone asked me why planes from New York to London flew over PEI, Greenland, Iceland, Ireland
22:58 theBear before you knew about globes ? wtf ? did you grow up locked in a basement ?
22:58 katsmeow it was in a military context, so i pointed out the usa had bases in all those places, and they were emergency landing places, if the new engines on new planes died in transit
22:59 katsmeow i was 7 yrs old or so,, what did i know?
22:59 theBear fairy nuff :)
23:00 tsmeow wonders if she went for walkabout now, she'd find a bear or deer doing the
23:03 theBear i wouldn't, maybe a junkie or a dole bludger...
23:04 katsmeow think 500ft is enough space to launch a mechanical bird?
23:04 katsmeow there's herons here, extraordinarily skinny birds, almost 5ft tall and with 6ft wingspan
23:05 katsmeow an interesting dimension for a plane
23:06 theBear i dunno, i never really seen a mechanical bird that looked feasible, or do you mean slang fer a plane ?
23:08 katsmeow no, i meant a hybrid, turnable head, use the webbed feet for the tail airfoils, and if i use liquified propane for the fuel then i have a ready high pressure resource to make the wings seem to flap somewhat
23:09 katsmeow let the LP vaporise in the flapp pistons, made of pvc pipe, because the engine cannot burn LP, it can burn only vapors
23:10 katsmeow the flapping need not contribute to flight, but it would be an interesting puzzle
23:11 katsmeow likewise, landing on legs and feet isn't necessary, a belly landing on grass is fine
23:11 theBear hmm... with some kinda jet on the back 500m sounds reasonable, not like a weak prop where it needs a long run to get up to speed
23:11 katsmeow katapult
23:11 tsmeow points to the 6 garage door spr
23:12 theBear heh
23:14 katsmeow hybrid power too, itty bitty engine turning a generator
23:15 katsmeow mostly aluminum, lighter than lead acid batteries, last longer in the air than any battery
23:16 theBear mmm.. these modern brushless plane motors, and turbine things are quite amazing
23:16 tsmeow listens to the gears turning in the
23:17 theBear heh
23:18 katsmeow it would be most satisfying if it could merge with a flock of flying herons, and they accept it
23:18 theBear indeed
23:19 katsmeow hence the total idea works, the long body and feet as muffler and diffuser
23:19 katsmeow propane as the fuel to make the wings flap, and provide endurance
23:20 katsmeow in the event of crash, dumping propane will occur and dissipate in a hurry, so no avgas on impact
23:22 theBear probably best if you want a chance to get it up again after that :)
23:22 katsmeow yeas
23:40 katsmeow "The Lord is a shoving leopard"
23:41 katsmeow "You have hissed all my mystery lectures, and were caught fighting a liar in the quad. Having tasted two worms, you will leave by the next town drain"
23:41 katsmeow (You have missed all my history lectures, and were caught lighting a fire in the quad. Having wasted two terms, you will leave by the next down train)
23:42 katsmeow "Let us glaze our asses to the queer old Dean"
23:42 katsmeow (raise our glasses to the dear old queen)
23:54 Triffid_Hunter yay for spoonerisms
23:55 katsmeow not just olde Spooner, i once sat outside to enjoy watching the flutterbys and listen to the chirds burp