#robotics Logs

Dec 31 2011

#robotics Calendar

07:02 Steffann Sure orlok ?
07:03 orlok i'm in aus
07:03 orlok Sat Dec 31 13:00:21 UTC 2011
07:04 Steffann So 11 hours remaining :D
07:04 Steffann Your time seems to be of by 5 minutes
07:05 orlok haha yeah
07:05 orlok just noticed that
07:05 orlok :)
07:17 orlok Happy New Years!
07:18 Steffann In Australia maybe :P
07:20 Steffann Oh, lol.. i thought you meant 'austria' with 'aus', because your time was/is a little bit of :D
07:21 Steffann So happy near year orlok :D
07:34 Tobias| 2012 in 4 minutes, here
07:35 Steffann Hmm, since when countries use ½ hour time zones?
07:38 Tobias| ah, new years
07:38 Tobias| Happy new year :3
07:38 Tobias| Anyhow
07:39 Tobias| My state is practically between the edges of two time zones
07:39 Triffid_Hunter Steffann: Australia has a GMT+9:30 timezone
07:39 Steffann Hmm
07:39 Steffann Never heard of that
07:40 Tobias| A lot of countries have such timelines
07:40 Tobias| India, Iran
08:03 KongfuPanda it's already new year there?
08:04 KongfuPanda it's so weird
08:04 KongfuPanda that for some people time is different at this instant
08:04 rue_bed they wont send you tommorows lottery numbers either
08:04 KongfuPanda although this has no relevance to General relativity
08:04 KongfuPanda rue_bed, do you know about General relativity?
08:05 rue_bed sure
08:05 Tobias| This is why I like the idea of just having a single, unified, global time
08:05 rue_bed I think we should all use gmt, and just accept that lunch isn't 12:00 everywhere
08:05 Tobias| mm
08:05 rue_bed haha
08:06 KongfuPanda well, let me try to explain GR in common tongue
08:06 rue_bed to who?
08:06 Tobias| ^
08:06 KongfuPanda to whoever is interested
08:06 rue_bed ah
08:08 rue_bed I want to know more about gravity tho
08:11 bias| teaches rue_bed about gravy ins
08:11 KongfuPanda basically, every object with mass "curves space time". What does it mean? it's not like we can see or hear it or anything.. It just says that there's some property around this object that we can measure and see how it is different depending on the distance from this object. And Einstein came up with this theory, that time would run differently depending on how far you are from the object....
08:11 KongfuPanda ...I.e. if you put like clocks at different distances from the Earth . (note: you carry your own clock, which you consider your time, it's is called proper time). You will see that clocks run differently.
08:12 Tobias| I'd word it more simply as, the faster something moves through space, the slower it moves through time
08:12 KongfuPanda that is special relativity
08:15 Tobias| Which is just the general case of this, no? >.>
08:16 KongfuPanda rue_bed, Einstein came up with this idea that object that free fall under gravity are accelerated (due to gravitational acceleration), that depends on the properties of the (it's mass). But also, there is something called inertial acceleration. I.e. if you have an object at rest somewhere in space, away from any gravitational sources, and suppose it has mass m_i, then if you act with force...
08:16 KongfuPanda ...on it, it starts to accelerate a = F/m_i. And he proposed that this gravitational mass (i.e. m_g = F_grav/accel. due to grav) is equivalent to inetial mass.
08:17 KongfuPanda Tobias|, GR is the most general atm, people are trying to combine GR with quantum mechanics, but no success so far . it's called Theory of Everything. The two main candidates are The String theory and Quantum theory of Gravity
08:19 KongfuPanda rue_bed, if that hypothesis (called "equivalence principle" ) is true, that it is possible to define a system with say a planet and a falling body as an accelerating body without any planet
08:21 KongfuPanda well, the maths of this is horrendous: tensors everywhere and Einstein summation convention.. but in the end it can predict how planets move, how galaxies more, how time on the satellites need to be adjusted for GPS to work etc
08:21 KongfuPanda anyway, I will stop now :) any follow up questions?
08:26 KongfuPanda no questions?
08:26 KongfuPanda I guess no-one read it :D
08:28 Steffann No, it was perfectly clear :P
08:47 orlok KongfuPanda: #astronomy might be a better place...
16:17 rue_house wow, ioctl is really int 80
18:31 KongfuPanda HAPPY 2012 ROBOTICS PEOPLE !!
18:48 Tom_itx oh bite me
18:53 Steffann You too KongfuPanda
18:53 Tom_itx did that sound scrooge enough?
18:54 Steffann Don't know.. I've no idea what scrooge means
18:56 Steffann Anyway, good luck in 2012 Tom_itx
18:56 Steffann I
18:56 Steffann m off again
18:56 Tom_itx http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ebenezer_Scrooge
18:56 Tom_itx same to you Steffann
19:36 rue_house ok I got the exhaust gas temp sensor working
19:52 rue_house and It looks like I just pooched the blower motor
19:52 rue_house the new water cover held in too much heat and I think it just fried the blower motor
19:54 Tom_itx motors don't like heat
20:05 rue_house yay it reset!
20:08 Tom_itx :)
20:09 Tom_itx always a good feeling after you're sure you pooched something
20:09 rue_house replacing that motor will be a nightmare
23:08 Paradoxial Happy new year everyone!
23:11 rue_house oh yea