#robotics Logs

Dec 18 2011

#robotics Calendar

00:13 rue_house re, restart x
00:24 rue_shop I broke
00:24 rue_shop it
00:38 rue_house yay!
00:59 rue_house hahaha
00:59 rue_house $ apt-cache show sphinx2-bin
00:59 rue_house Description: speech recognition utilities
00:59 rue_house Sphinx 2 is a real-time, speaker-independent speech recognition system.
00:59 rue_house This package contains examples and utilities that use Sphinx. It also
00:59 rue_house includes a sample language model that is capable of recognizing simple
00:59 rue_house commands like "go forward ten meters" and other commands one might use to
00:59 rue_house tell a robot where to move.
00:59 rue_house haha, last line!!!
00:59 rue_house hahaha
01:32 thylanefrance http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8CXReb7f0Eo
01:53 rue_house its a bit bouncy
01:55 rue_house wood based tech shop, hmm
02:14 rue_bed cddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddhjyuxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxzffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddctryyr555555555555555555hnjmmmmmmmmmmm
02:14 rue_bed kitty says hello
02:14 rue_bed their still working on the spelling part
02:15 rue_bed but their verry good at typing, they are so skilled they can even type with their ass
02:15 e_bed stret
06:44 walkingfish hi all.. Is CAN software part of this discussion?
06:46 genesis of course =D
06:46 genesis i find a good project that could fit our need
06:47 genesis but i 've mailed the author, he didn't reply :-(
06:47 genesis http://www.xkopter.de/en-us/entwicklung/canblc/canblcprojectblog.aspx
06:48 walkingfish Thanks..
06:48 genesis i've wrote some page on the wiki
06:48 walkingfish I know some German
06:49 genesis donno if you read its
06:49 genesis http://reprap.org/wiki/CANopen
06:49 walkingfish My Russian is better.. thanks for your help.
06:50 genesis perharps kounst doesn"t speak english, i wrote in english seems i'm french
06:50 genesis my german is totally gone :(
06:51 genesis s/seems/since
06:51 walkingfish I am Iranian but know a bit of English, Russian and German.. Thanks.. Do you know if debian or fedora 16 is best on powerpc?
06:51 genesis don't know
06:52 genesis i'm gentoo and openembedded user
06:52 walkingfish Do many now days chat about CAN on PowerPC?
06:52 walkingfish ok.
06:54 walkingfish I am trying to understand some software and hardware on a drone.. Most of the chips are powerpc
06:55 rizlah What is CAN?
06:56 walkingfish Controller Automation network ..rather it is now uses in cars, trucks, etc.. it is now standard for vehicles.
06:56 genesis http://www.canfestival.org/documentation/supported-platforms-and-can-devices
06:56 rizlah Ah I see
06:57 genesis on a linux plateform, whatever if it's powerpc, i think i should work fine
06:57 walkingfish thanks.. I use powerpc,, but I need to find experts.
06:57 genesis i think CAN could be a great way to improve reprap software and capabilities
06:58 walkingfish do you use it now days?
06:58 genesis no :(
06:58 genesis don't find job in this area
06:58 walkingfish is it a dead technology or a growing one?
06:59 genesis look on the cia website
06:59 genesis http://www.can-cia.org/index.php?id=1305
06:59 genesis it's always on the top :D
07:00 walkingfish thanks.. I will .. you are most kind.. thanks.
07:00 genesis i should go, see you later.
07:00 walkingfish Why does not Fedora or Debian give more attention to it?
07:01 genesis it seems that opensource community and computer scientist are not so much interesting by industrial manufacturing standard
07:02 walkingfish ok.. thanks very much for your help.. Hope you have a super weekend and a great Christmas and an unbelievable New Year.
07:02 genesis you too ;)
07:02 walkingfish In my mind.. automation is the future.
07:02 walkingfish Thanks for your kind help.
07:02 genesis i'm an automation guy ;)
07:03 walkingfish I am very honored that you have helped me .. thanks.
19:12 the_jester greets
19:13 rue_house hey
19:14 the_jester hows it going rue?
19:14 rue_house got some lights up
19:14 rue_house but its another "hope I do better next year" year
19:17 the_jester I found that i had this nneed homeseer x10 motions sensor i found somewhere, finnally looked it up online and found this http://www.edcheung.com/automa/ms14a.htm
19:17 rue_house its got pic
19:18 the_jester looks like you could either leave the pic in it and listen to the i/o ports or remove the pic and replace it with an ATTiny
19:18 the_jester just begs to be part of a robot
19:19 the_jester nice of the guy to post a full schematic :)
19:19 rue_house do you remember I have one of those pyro sensors?
19:21 rue_house he got soemthing wrong tho
19:22 the_jester yup, i have another one onn a board somewhere too, i have read they are hard to build driver circuits for them
19:23 rue_house R20 is the wrong value
19:23 the_jester i amagine you could also reflash the pic...
19:24 e_house shuffles his feet along the carpe
19:24 the_jester lol
19:24 the_jester Zap!
19:24 rue_house interesting
19:24 rue_house they are using their inputs as outputs
19:25 the_jester ya, neat eh
19:25 the_jester ya asm
19:25 rue_house R20 seems to big to get a reading, but maybe its not
19:25 the_jester direct port access is fun i guess
19:25 rue_house thats why they have the diode on the leds, to bring up the saturation voltage
19:26 rue_house just take the signal right off the OUT of U2B
19:26 rue_house GP4 is used as some kinda sensitivity adjust
19:26 rue_house or an input disable
19:28 the_jester i think GP4 is prob a disable of some sort to allow the sensor to stablize, and ya best to tap in before r20
19:28 rue_house its a level adjust
19:28 rue_house not sure why
19:29 the_jester why the sun sensor?
19:30 the_jester oh well i can let the pic deal with GP4
19:31 the_jester a neat find none the less
19:32 the_jester I actually thought about that because i was doing some reading on FSK with relation to a walkie talkie based radio link
19:32 rue_house dont turn on during the day
19:33 rue_house I never did the howto on making data links with RCcar / walkie talkie circuits
19:33 the_jester although you have all those radio moduals from the game controllers
19:33 rue_house yea
19:33 the_jester did you ever find any data on those?
19:34 rue_house didn't find a 'for sure' data set on them, I was only able to guess what chip they use
19:34 the_jester need to data sniff them
19:35 the_jester just like the gyros, we need to figure out what lanuage they speak
19:35 rue_house I know what the gyros are
19:35 the_jester serial i would assume
19:36 rue_house 6 axis, I have the datasheets
19:36 the_jester nice
19:37 the_jester i excited that i have a wii, and a arduino. i cant wait to try wii chuck gyro control
19:37 the_jester lots of wiimote libraries and exaples
19:37 the_jester i could get it working in about 15 minutes if my ducks were in rows
20:53 rue_shop I got what I think will be a good etching tank
20:54 Tom_itx hurah, it's about friggin time!
20:54 rue_shop http://houseoforder.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/Airtight_Fliptop_15-3cup1-300x300.jpg
20:55 rue_shop it'll do for now anyhow
20:55 rue_shop $10 it was still too much
20:55 rue_shop http://www.kitchenwaredirect.com.au/core/media/media.nl?id=20016&c=732990&h=164accc473a819cc9ed0
20:56 Tom_itx have a few of those
20:56 Tom_itx for cereal
20:56 rue_shop huh, imagine that
20:57 Tom_itx and puppy food
20:57 Tom_itx certainly not $10 though
21:01 rue_shop was here
21:01 rue_shop odd, I cant find the heater and booster
21:02 Tom_itx i never used one
21:36 rue_house I found it, the tank heater fits perfect
21:39 Tom_itx what you gettin ready to etch?
21:40 rue_house the pcb's I need to take over the world
21:40 rue_house amazing what I can pull on iwth only one layer
22:05 jschall I have a power connector that looks like this on my UAV: http://www.redrc.net/wp-content/uploads/2009/10/ProtekBalanceConnector-2.jpg
22:05 jschall it powers the autopilot, rc receiver, servos
22:05 jschall so if it fails the plane falls out of the sky
22:05 jschall the way the wires are soldered to the pins, they're starting to look like they're coming loose
22:06 jschall how can I fix this properly? I have to use this connector, and it doesn't come in a format that is meant to connect to wire
22:27 Tom_itx i don't know what series that is but you should be able to find that on digikey or mouser
22:27 Tom_itx is it .1" pin spacing?
22:27 Tom_itx check waldom, amp, tyco etc connectors
22:28 Tom_itx that or resolder the wires and heat shrink them again
23:08 rue_house jschall, what plugs into it?
23:09 rue_house another connector on a wire?
23:10 orlok wow
23:10 orlok kim jong il is dead
23:10 orlok so ronrey..
23:10 rue_house who?
23:12 orlok leader of north korea
23:19 rue_house oh, is that a good or bad thing
23:20 jschall rue_house: yes, but the other connector is designed to go on a wire
23:20 rue_house hmm
23:20 rue_house why not change both of them
23:20 jschall rue_house: because the battery also has to plug into a charger
23:20 rue_house what does the battery and charger have to do with that connectotr
23:21 jschall rue_house: it's the balance connector.
23:21 rue_house I thought you said that was for your flight control
23:21 jschall rue_house: i use it to power the flight control. the opposite end is on the battery
23:21 rue_house whats the ballance connector got to do with the battery
23:21 jschall rue_house: the balance connector is a component of multi-cell lipo batteries
23:21 rue_house ah, the connector you showed us mates into the battery cable
23:22 rue_house so thats your main power connector
23:22 jschall rue_house: no, wires come physically out of the battery and are soldered onto the female connector
23:22 jschall rue_house: yeah, for the electronics
23:22 jschall rue_house: the MAIN power connector is a beast and powers the 300w motor
23:22 rue_house I'm confused, what plugs into what?
23:23 rue_house it sounds like changing the connector isn't an option tho
23:23 jschall rue_house: the balance connector is connected to each cell in the lipo
23:23 rue_house solution, they make a gender bender for those
23:23 rue_house ooooh, for cell balance, not flight balance
23:23 orlok rue_house: Dunno.. i guess it meakes either war or peace signifucantly more likely
23:23 jschall rue_house: i actually found a solution
23:23 rue_house they make a gender bender for those connectors
23:24 rue_house with one of them (M:M) you can use a properly crimped female connector
23:24 jschall rue_house: THP4P10E: http://zeitgeist.shoplinkz.com/pThumbs/2011/280x4/Thunder-Power-RC-THP4P10E-4PinBalanceConnExt-10-C-C-Wires-0.jpg
23:24 rue_house larger than my soluciton, but ok
23:25 jschall rue_house: highest quality
23:25 jschall rue_house: should work out.
23:25 rue_house it'll work, mine would to if you understood what I meant
23:25 jschall rue_house: i have another of those connectors in the plane but its less critical because it doesn't move around and only attaches to the voltage sensor
23:25 jschall rue_house: yeah i understand
23:25 jschall rue_house: use 2 male connectors and a gender changer
23:26 jschall rue_house: or female i mean
23:26 jschall rue_house: not worried about it being big, i need it to be seriously reliable.
23:26 jschall rue_house: i do not want to lose my $800 aircraft because of a $4 connector
23:27 jschall rue_house: that wouldn't make any sense!
23:28 jschall rue_house: really i should split off the main power connector and use that instead and only use the balance connector for voltage sensing, but this works fine and is less wires.
23:29 rue_house I cant find what I'm looking for, its made for exactly what you want
23:30 rue_house I just dont know the proper name
23:30 rue_house I have a drawr of them
23:30 rue_house they latch in, just like the proper connectors
23:32 rue_house they use them in photocopiers
23:48 rue_house oo I think its called a pin shroud
23:50 rue_house its bugging me cause I was a diagram with one in it just yesterday when looking for soemthing else
23:51 rue_house ah "feed thru"
23:52 rue_house free hanging or panel mount feed thru
23:52 rue_house like TE connectivity P/N 292156
23:52 rue_house or 292254
23:56 rue_house jschall, you still here
23:56 rue_house just let me show you this
23:56 jschall rue_house: yes
23:56 rue_house http://search.digikey.com/ca/en/products/292156-6/A100974-ND/2272988
23:56 rue_house I dont know if it matches the connectors you have there, but there will be some made that do
23:57 jschall rue_house: i need 4 pin, but that MIGHT be right
23:57 jschall rue_house: i'm getting the thunderpower connector though
23:57 rue_house I just wanted to show you the device type
23:57 jschall rue_house: because i can pick it up tomorrow in a retail store
23:57 rue_house ok
23:57 jschall rue_house: it looks close
23:57 rue_house but now you know they exist
23:57 jschall rue_house: pitch is probably wrong
23:57 jschall rue_house: i think mine is .100
23:58 rue_house http://search.digikey.com/ca/en/products/0533580440/WM4882-ND/2504409
23:58 rue_house for what its worth
23:58 rue_house yea, your are
23:59 rue_house digikey dosn't seem to have any for .1" and I dont know who makes the connectors on that one you have