#robotics Logs

Dec 17 2011

#robotics Calendar

00:55 home how pid works
00:55 home 0_0
00:55 home gotta fix a wrist...
00:55 zhanx https://picasaweb.google.com/john.jensen.2/Polymorph?authuser=0&feat=directlink
00:55 home also what do encoders do?
00:55 zhanx go high low high low high low
00:55 home so much to know and practice XD
00:56 zhanx so you cna count the high and lows to get accurate position
00:57 home zhanx: hmm.. interesting
01:21 rue_bed home, if there are two channels of highs and lows that are 90 degrees out of phase, you can tell which direction the position changed in
01:23 rue_bed zhanx, I think its just a plug for Bud Light
01:36 zhanx naa
01:50 rue_bed is what it is nearly as showfull as how it was made?
01:57 zhanx say that again
11:47 rue_house what is it, how did you make it
12:32 Speleo Hey all :) My friend is having me help him build and program a remote-controlled airsoft turret (web-page operated). I need some help picking out servos, can someone help me?
13:16 Speleo Hey all :) My friend is having me help him build and program a remote-controlled airsoft turret (web-page operated). I need some help picking out servos, can someone help me?
14:32 rue_house camn
14:32 rue_house he left
14:40 Steffanx poor rue
14:44 rue_house always just miss them
18:06 rue_house http://www.ebay.ca/sch/i.html?_from=R40&_trksid=p5197.m570.l1313&_nkw=robot+platform&_sacat=See-All-Categories
18:07 rue_house huh, look at all the restulst
18:07 rue_house but it dosn't look like any of them can turn
18:08 rue_house odd
18:08 rue_house http://www.ebay.ca/itm/Dagu-Rover-5-Robot-Platform-2-motors-2-encoders-/130606997611?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_3&hash=item1e68c8a06b
18:08 rue_house thats one of the only descent ones
18:16 rue_house zhanx, why the 2313?
18:18 zhanx oh need more of them ran out
18:18 rue_house oh
18:18 rue_house did you not like the fet chip?
18:18 rue_house its got hte least voltage drop
18:21 rue_house http://www.ebay.ca/itm/1pc-PCB-Etching-Tank-2L-without-Agitator-Heater-/130349662953?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item1e597202e9
18:21 rue_house hmmmm
18:22 rue_house dosn't have a proper emptying drain
18:22 zhanx bit high priced don't you think
18:22 zhanx for the tank
18:23 rue_house yea
18:23 rue_house I have a bit of gift money
18:23 rue_house I know I can spend it better than that
18:23 rue_house hmmm
18:24 rue_house but I cant glue plexi worth a damn
18:24 rue_house they want something like $50 for 4g of the plexi glue
18:28 rue_house http://www.ebay.ca/itm/Set-2-Clear-Indiana-Glass-Daisy-Square-Vase-Crystal-Vases-/120792929411?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item1c1fd1d483
18:28 rue_house ...
18:28 zhanx bit thick but will work
18:30 rue_house what about a case for those layered, colour sand things?
18:32 rue_house http://www.ebay.ca/itm/Antquarium-L-E-D-ized-Part-Ant-Farm-Series-NIB-/170749619384?pt=AU_Toys_Hobbies_Educational_Toys&hash=item27c1786cb8
18:33 zhanx i actually thought about one of them
18:33 zhanx think they will work good
18:34 rue_house http://www.ebay.ca/itm/SALTWATER-REEF-AQUARIUM-SYSTEM-CANOPY-TANK-2-GAL-KIT-/190613800388?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item2c6177c5c4
18:40 zhanx that is bigger than it looks
18:42 zhanx gonna make this i think http://txapuzas.blogspot.com/2009/12/paperduino-leonardo-clon-de-arduino.html
18:42 zhanx will cost 12.90 in parts
18:46 rue_house ok...
18:46 zhanx just practice is all
18:46 zhanx i can sell it for more that i have into it
18:48 rue_house its dark, I couldn't think of anything theme wise to do for christmas lights
18:49 rue_house http://www.ebay.ca/itm/New-w-tags-8-Rectangular-clear-frosted-glass-vase-/120829387726?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item1c21fe23ce
18:49 zhanx i just have them inside, they over rules me putting them up outside
18:57 rue_house why.,.... dont I just make a structur that holds a clear bag?
19:16 Tom_itx so what's up rue_house
19:17 rue_house I'm gonna reboot after recompiling a kernel with the stuffs I should need to ake the wireless keyboard work
19:17 Tom_itx what's the hbridges for?
19:18 rue_house z
19:18 Tom_itx for his steppers?
19:18 rue_house ok, with any luck, I'll be back in a few
19:18 rue_house no he's making a package for the platform I made
19:18 rue_house I thin
19:18 rue_house k
19:19 Tom_itx oh
19:19 rue_house biab
19:44 zhanx normal dc motor drivers tom
20:52 jschall i'm looking for a connector that would be like a servo connector but 8 pins wide. anyone know where i can find that?
21:21 Tom_itx yes
21:21 Tom_itx i forget what they're called off hand now but digikey etc have them
21:22 Tom_itx the ones i'm thinking of are like a pc speaker plug only wider
21:24 the_jester greets to the room
21:24 rue_house hey
21:24 Tom_itx rue what are those called?
21:24 rue_house I'm killing myself trying to get the new wireless keyboard at home
21:24 rue_house what are what called
21:24 the_jester heu Rue, hows it
21:24 rue_house oh, the narrow ones
21:24 rue_house hmm
21:24 Tom_itx yeah they have a name and i forget
21:24 rue_house amp makes them
21:25 rue_house so their a tyco product
21:25 rue_house hmm
21:25 rue_house the_jester, whats up?
21:25 the_jester nothing much
21:25 rue_house did you get your avr arduinoing
21:25 Tom_itx IDC are the ribbon connectors
21:25 rue_house did you need a rs232 pinout>
21:26 rue_house IDC is Insulation Displacement Connector
21:26 the_jester i spoiled myself the otherday and bought a used samsung 42" plasma for a couple hundred bucks
21:26 rue_house anything thats crunch on
21:26 rue_house cool
21:26 the_jester its got a pretty nice picture considering the price was good
21:26 rue_house if I restart X, I may not be able to come back
21:27 rue_house should I do it now or later
21:27 Tom_itx later
21:27 rue_house ok
21:27 Tom_itx try c-grid
21:27 Tom_itx that's it i believe
21:27 the_jester rue were there any pictures of the db-9 stikr assembled?
21:28 rue_house no
21:28 the_jester hmm
21:28 rue_house cut it so the round tips are just cut square
21:28 the_jester im not sure how its suppoosed to go together
21:28 rue_house push the connector on so that the 5 pins align with the 5 traces
21:28 rue_house solder
21:28 rue_house I could do ya one up
21:29 rue_house hey I dont know wehre the stikr stuff is
21:29 rue_house !assist
21:29 rue_house !assist
21:29 the_jester well ya i get that much biut it also occured to me i could just solder some 90' header into the 5 pin row
21:29 tobbor Possibly http://eds.dyndns.org/~ircjunk/(null)
21:29 Tom_itx http://search.digikey.com/us/en/products/90123-0108/WM8006-ND/760722
21:29 Tom_itx jschall: ^^^^
21:29 rue_house the pins for themare sold seperatly
21:30 Tom_itx yeah
21:30 Tom_itx and make sure they match the housing
21:30 rue_house you might find its cheapter to buy a really wide one and cut it
21:30 Tom_itx they're are alot of different ones that are quite similar
21:31 the_jester digikey sent me a second catalog, i hope this doesnt become a bi-weekly event
21:31 rue_house products would be a good place...
21:32 rue_house nope, never made a folder for stikrs
21:32 rue_house huh
21:32 Tom_itx give em to rue and he can use em to start his heat plant
21:32 rue_house the_jester, did you order fom dk canada AND dk usa!?
21:32 the_jester no
21:32 rue_house your just going for cheap firewood aren't you
21:33 rue_house the_jester, you saw the robot platform yes?
21:33 rue_house http://eds.dyndns.org/~ircjunk/robots/flatbot/
21:33 rue_house ?
21:33 the_jester actaully i was quite annoyed to make a sooecial trip into town only to discover its a duplicate digikey catalog, i have visions of winning a contest or soething good, but no just more fire starter
21:34 rue_house only need 1 a year to start fires every day too
21:35 the_jester so what are you gonna do with the flatbot, mount a arduino on it?
21:35 the_jester :D
21:37 the_jester rue, do you remeber we talked about doing distance measurment with ir by varying the modulation freq of the tx LED
21:38 the_jester i think the theory was that say we are at 39Khz, as you drifted off freq to say 35Khz the range of the sensor would decrease
21:40 the_jester i noticed there is an IR library for the arduino that will modulate the led at a desired freq and that the freq is set via a variable so it would be easy to experiment with distance - freq shift
21:42 the_jester hmm
21:42 the_jester silence
21:42 rue_house the_jester, yes, it goes out on ebay for like $30 or more
21:43 rue_house the_jester, we DID ir ranging with freq modulation
21:43 rue_house I was petting a kat
21:44 the_jester we did not
21:44 the_jester we did IR object detection, never range finding
21:45 rue_house we tweeked the freq to set the range to where we wanted it
21:46 rue_house we observed that the duty being off caused a similar effect
21:49 the_jester ok, so with this library you set the freq variable and it does the modulation via either bitbang or real modulation,- tweak the variable tweak the range?
21:49 rue_house I'd presume
21:54 rue_house goto ebay, search robot platform, tell me what you thin of the restlts
23:04 home join #facade
23:04 home oops
23:04 rue_house hows the robot home?
23:04 home rue_house, need to understand a lot of stuff >.>
23:04 home trying to do some line following..
23:05 home have to understand how encoders work and how to use them
23:05 home also need to understand PID..
23:05 rue_house no you dont
23:05 home lool
23:05 home not sure
23:05 rue_house space the sensors so that they just miss either side of the line
23:05 home my teacher told me I have too :/
23:05 home not for line following
23:06 rue_house if you see the line to your left, turn right a bit, if you see it to your right, turn left a bit
23:06 home if I remember..
23:06 home rue_house, thats what the program does currently
23:06 rue_house what did you learn about encoderS?
23:06 home uhmm, they can measure the revolutions of a wheel?
23:06 home thats all I can remember 0_0
23:06 rue_house how
23:06 home not sure
23:06 home honestly, I have not even looked into it in detail, if at all. 0_0
23:06 rue_house do they use switches?
23:07 home not sure XD
23:07 home hmm.. I have three sensors
23:07 home mounted..
23:07 rue_house did you find any documents on encoders?
23:08 home not sure
23:08 home I have a specific model for the encoder
23:08 home ooh youtube vids 0_0
23:09 home anyways, gonna have to lok into it deeper..hah
23:09 rue_house did you google for "how an optical encoder works" ?
23:10 rue_house http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rotary_encoder
23:10 rue_house look at incremental rotary encoder
23:11 rue_house home, http://www.imakenews.com/encoder/e_article000449747.cfm?x=b5DD4G9,b1qCpFrK,w
23:11 rue_house did you see that webpage?
23:12 rue_house http://zone.ni.com/devzone/cda/tut/p/id/3321
23:12 home looking
23:12 rue_house or that one?
23:16 home signals a and b.. hmm
23:18 rue_house http://www.societyofrobots.com/sensors_encoder.shtml
23:19 jschall Tom_itx: thanks, i ended up ordering from pololu
23:20 home acceleration control is exactly what I need 0_0
23:20 home especially for one of the wrists..
23:21 rue_house http://www.pyroelectro.com/tutorials/simple_motor_encoder/theory.html
23:21 rue_house home ^^ that s agood one
23:21 rue_house http://www.pyroelectro.com/tutorials/simple_motor_encoder/hardware.html
23:21 rue_house home, you understanding them yet?
23:22 home slowly
23:22 home good information
23:25 rue_house whats that diy make it yourself site called
23:26 rue_house instructables!
23:26 home oh yeah, I visit there sometimes... in three months XD
23:27 rue_house http://www.instructables.com/id/Gear-with-optical-encoder-on-a-gear-wheel/?ALLSTEPS
23:27 home dont have a solder 0_0
23:29 home hmm
23:30 rue_house so, tell me what you now know about optical encoders
23:31 home so far, it has IR LED, and photoresistor
23:31 home that responds to the intensity of IR
23:32 home and it can measure the pulse given for each rotation
23:32 home bleh XD
23:32 zhanx rue_house:
23:32 home need to read up on it more
23:32 home to focused on trying to make that 0_0
23:33 rue_house home, no, thats about all there is to it
23:33 rue_house home, you got it
23:33 rue_house its all variations on that exact system
23:33 rue_house zhanx,
23:34 home I dont have any motors
23:34 home but fans..
23:34 zhanx me is about to place order
23:34 zhanx digikey
23:34 rue_house yes
23:36 rue_house ... should I set up a pay and talk phone to see if I can get the serial tow ork as a modem for control?
23:36 rue_house eek, I'd need a modem to dial into
23:36 rue_house thats a scarry thought
23:37 rue_house zhanx,
23:37 rue_house http://pinouts.ru/all/universal_cell_phone_serial_cable_pinout.shtml
23:48 home hmm
23:48 home i dont have a robot at home
23:48 rue_house make one!
23:48 rue_house make a few
23:48 rue_house make a lot
23:48 home yeah
23:48 home looking for parts :/
23:48 home dont have a motor
23:48 rue_house http://eds.dyndns.org/~ircjunk/robots/robot_family2.jpg
23:48 home well, the fans have a motor
23:48 rue_house make your goal to make more robots than I have!
23:49 home urggh
23:49 home awesome
23:49 home But I do not have much to work with
23:49 home I have this old pentium laptop lying around ..hmm :/
23:49 rue_house everyone has to start somehow
23:50 rue_house geez I could half that image size and not lose any quality not worth having
23:54 home hmm
23:54 home gotta innovate 0_0
23:58 home dont have any rc cars :/
23:59 home I dont really have much to work with :/