#robotics Logs

Nov 24 2011

#robotics Calendar

09:17 rue_house http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tmRJ649ICPU&NR=1
09:17 rue_house :)
09:19 rue_house oh, do you think I can just use the atmel boorloader?
09:19 Tom_itx i would
09:20 Tom_itx it's on it already
09:20 Tom_itx by default
09:20 Tom_itx you won't know it unless you push those buttons to activate it
09:23 Steffanx Silly test rue_house .. that mac vs pc test
09:32 rue_house I know
10:33 zhanx morning
10:34 Steffanx Evening :)
10:35 Tom_itx g'day
10:35 Steffanx Who knows
10:37 zhanx ok
10:38 Steffanx What's the definition of a 'good day' Tom_itx ? :)
10:39 Tom_itx it varies
10:41 Steffanx Is there a special name for that isolated wire you use for you oven Tom_itx ?
10:41 Tom_itx not the wire but the insul
10:41 Tom_itx you can get it from a motor shop
10:41 Tom_itx it's high temp insul sleeve
10:41 Steffanx Oh, i though it's part of the wire
10:41 Tom_itx no
10:41 Tom_itx just any wire
10:42 Tom_itx with the sleeve over it
10:42 Tom_itx i used silver solder to solder the PT100 since it has a higher melting point
10:45 Steffanx solderless :)
10:45 Tom_itx do you have it yet?
10:45 Tom_itx they're pretty small
10:45 Steffanx The PT100, no .. have to order that somewhere else
10:46 Tom_itx you can't order from farnell?
10:46 Steffanx minimum order amount of 50 euro ..
10:50 Steffanx For what kind of temperatures are insulation sleeves made for?
10:50 Steffanx The one you used
10:50 Tom_itx i'm not sure but it is used in things like irons, toasters, hair dryers etc and inside electric motors in some applications
10:53 Steffanx Oh, farnell has it too
10:53 Steffanx Anyway, food
11:27 Steffanx Bleh, farnell has it, but it's US stock :(
11:27 KongfuPanda hello robotics people!
11:27 Steffanx Hi kf panda
11:27 KongfuPanda Steffanx, are you from UK?
11:28 KongfuPanda the UK*
11:28 Steffanx NL
11:29 KongfuPanda I see
11:29 KongfuPanda I also find nice robotics things in the US :(
11:29 KongfuPanda I'm a beginner, but for example I bought AXON microcontroller (pre-built board for enthusiasts ) only in the USA
11:29 Steffanx What i'm looking for is not really robotics related
11:29 KongfuPanda I see
11:30 Steffanx High temp insulation sleeves :)
11:30 Tom_itx i could get and send you some
11:30 Tom_itx if you come up dry
11:31 Tom_itx i don't remember what they charged me for it
11:31 Steffanx me neither :P
11:32 Tom_itx i think i got a foot and it was just enough
11:32 Tom_itx gotta go
11:32 Steffanx Have a nice run
11:54 KongfuPanda Steffanx, what are you building? if not a secret ? :)
11:54 Steffanx A clone of toms toaster oven
11:54 Steffanx http://tom-itx.dyndns.org:81/~webpage/toaster_oven/toaster_oven_index.php
11:54 Steffanx Or at least similar
11:56 KongfuPanda what does it do?
11:56 KongfuPanda dry materials?
11:56 KongfuPanda like silicon or something
11:57 KongfuPanda or sealants for vacuum devices?
11:57 KongfuPanda or is it just for baking?
11:57 Steffanx What do you thing about .. reflow soldering? :)
11:58 KongfuPanda I'm not sure what it is
12:04 KongfuPanda I'm watching a video about it :)
12:13 KongfuPanda Steffanx, how is it that all of you guys here know about all those things? which I've never even heard of? although I study Physics and we had some electronics.
12:13 KongfuPanda are you like engineers?
12:13 KongfuPanda do you study all of those techniques how to make things basically?
12:14 KongfuPanda I like making things, I dunno why I went into Physics
12:14 Steffanx I'm EE, but actually more into programming
12:15 Steffanx I 'learn' these things by google, hackaday etc.
12:15 Steffanx And a lot of trial and error :)
12:49 KongfuPanda cool cool
12:49 Steffanx Some times that gets very hot hot :P
12:51 KongfuPanda :P yes
12:55 KongfuPanda I wouldn't know how to build any device
12:55 KongfuPanda even with physics degree
12:55 KongfuPanda I think there should be like a combined Physics+ engineering subject
15:18 zhanx happy thanksgiving
15:18 zhanx my team lost in football
15:29 KongfuPanda happy Thanksgiving to you too
15:29 KongfuPanda sorry to hear about your team
19:35 rue_house noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo luuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuunchhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
19:37 coppermine today i put bigger and wider wheels on the robot and he cant turn
19:37 coppermine so i reverted back to the smaller/thiner ones
19:42 zhanx i had turkey
19:42 zhanx and lots of it
19:42 zhanx just recovering from it
19:46 zhanx tonight i divided by zero and got 1 weird...
22:19 kd0mto rue_house: I saw your air muscle on hackaday
22:19 kd0mto very nice!
22:28 rue_house :) thanks
22:28 rue_house thanks to zhanx too, who posted it
22:36 kd0mto nice!
22:36 kd0mto How are you doing Rue? Haven't been on lately because.... life took a shit
22:36 orlok that happens
22:37 rue_house I'm ok, not getting much real playing done
22:37 rue_house I need to come up wiht a force sensor for that muscle
22:38 kd0mto ahh
22:39 kd0mto orlok: yeah... went ring shopping and the girl and I split... not fun
22:39 kd0mto Still have a job thankfully!
22:39 kd0mto Oh... and was getting screened for cancer.
22:40 Tom_itx kd0mto, better to get that out of the way ahead of time
22:40 kd0mto lol
22:40 orlok yeah, i need to get that done
22:40 Tom_itx much less complicated
22:40 0mto questions liver ca
22:41 Tom_itx the girl thing that is..
22:41 kd0mto I'll be getting her back after I work on myself a bit. But until then... job, hacker space, motorcycle, mudd runner,
22:42 orlok kd0mto: i now have a daughter
22:44 kd0mto orlok: Congrats! I was going to ask about that.
22:44 kd0mto What was the birth weight?
22:47 orlok 3.8kg i think? 49cm
22:49 kd0mto not bad
22:49 zhanx tonight i divided by zero and got 1 weird...
22:49 kd0mto wtf?
22:50 zhanx math fail
22:54 kd0mto I wouldn't say math fail.
22:54 kd0mto I'd say ALU fail
22:54 zhanx alu?
22:55 kd0mto Err.... Arithmatic Logic Unit
22:57 kd0mto Tom_itx: It took sparkfun 6 weeks to send my order....
22:57 kd0mto 6 weeks because of a processing error. I'm so pissed. 3 Atmega324's took FOREVER.
22:57 Tom_itx good track record there
22:58 kd0mto This is why Arduino's should not be used in a professional environment.
22:58 zhanx next day for me there
22:58 kd0mto Oh, I made an order since then and it was fine.
22:58 kd0mto Either way... I feel stupid for not using digikey
22:58 zhanx digikey is better
22:59 kd0mto no doubt
22:59 kd0mto Trying to teach people at the hackerspace to use it though...
23:00 kd0mto nearly futile right now