#robotics Logs

Nov 23 2011

#robotics Calendar

09:21 rue_house !assist tutorials/elex
09:21 tobbor Possibly http://eds.dyndns.org/~ircjunk/tutorials/elex
18:51 zhanx rue_house, you home?
18:53 home yes
18:53 home home is home :D
18:53 home hiii
18:53 zhanx ummm
18:53 zhanx fail
18:53 zhanx like super duper epic fail
18:57 home 'lol
18:57 home I am sore
19:30 ShH hands
19:30 GuShH err, keyboard fail.
19:30 GuShH I was going to hand you some ice cubes :(
19:31 home damn it
19:31 home lol
19:43 e_house plays in the dk wrapping p
19:53 Tom_itx next time just order packing material. it'll be alot cheaper
19:59 rue_house I dont want to know how much dk charges for empty boxes
20:03 zhanx rue
20:04 zhanx i needed an xmas tree so i made one https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-6aeTE-fsbxY/Ts15T6eDxOI/AAAAAAAADAA/VkayVGXM8is/s512/IMAG0678.jpg
20:19 rue_house love it
20:20 rue_house shy ont he decorations :)
20:20 zhanx still working on it
20:20 rue_house room mate says attach leds to the ends and power them
20:20 zhanx i am thinking of a rebuild an using the 555 timer on it
20:20 rue_house :)
20:20 zhanx my angel is a 555
20:51 Tom_L zlog
20:53 Tom_L zhanx, add leds to each pair and run them down to a µC for effects
20:54 zhanx i was thinking that
21:07 rue_house Tom_L, could you take everything said in the last 30 days and organize it alphabetically by the second character?
21:10 zhanx ok time to make my tree work
21:23 Tom_L rue_house what for?
21:46 rue_house to see if you can do it
21:46 rue_house :)
21:49 Tom_itx probably not the same way you would
21:54 Tom_itx index on substr(field,2,len(field))
21:55 Tom_itx you would do it in c
22:25 rue_house http://www.instructables.com/id/Converting-an-Inkjet-Printer-to-Print-PCBs/
22:25 rue_house huh
22:25 rue_house iirc, wax works as a resist
22:25 rue_house but the BEST resist I came across is SOLDER
22:27 Tom_itx not such a good mask though
22:28 rue_house is either a problem?
22:29 Tom_itx huh?
22:29 Tom_itx solder would wick out and not make a good mask
22:29 Tom_itx wax might be ok
22:29 Tom_itx it sure works on paint stripper
22:34 rue_house not if you control the solder somehow
22:34 rue_house the wax would just burn away
22:34 Tom_itx not in the etchant
22:36 rue_bed neither are effeted by etchant
22:37 rue_bed the etchant dosn't touch the solder
22:37 Tom_itx do you have DFU Programmer or FLIP?
22:37 rue_bed no just isp
22:37 Tom_itx you will need one of those
22:37 rue_bed !?
22:37 rue_bed for which?
22:37 rue_bed the U4?
22:38 Tom_itx both
22:38 rue_bed they dont do isp!?
22:38 Tom_itx if you use ISP, it will erase the bootloader in it
22:38 Tom_itx if that's what you want... ok
22:38 rue_bed uh
22:38 rue_bed huh
22:38 Tom_itx figured i'd give you a heads up
22:38 rue_bed I asked about that before
22:38 Tom_itx they do isp but it will erase the bootloader i believe
22:38 rue_bed lufa has a bootloader in it no?
22:39 rue_bed I can program via bootloader?
22:39 Tom_itx the bootloader is easy to use
22:39 Tom_itx very easy
22:39 rue_bed yea
22:39 rue_bed I assume isp the bootloader on and use it from there
22:39 rue_bed do you have the bootloader on them?
22:40 Tom_itx they come from atmel with the bootloader
22:40 Tom_itx iirc, they also don't use internal osc
22:40 rue_bed the lufa bootloader?
22:40 Tom_itx of course
22:40 rue_bed wow, abc rocks
22:45 Tom_itx zlog
22:45 Tom_itx rue_bed, no not the lufa bootloader
22:45 Tom_itx atmel's
22:46 Tom_itx what did abc do?
22:50 Tom_itx maybe it does have an internal osc, but it is shipped with the external crystal selected
22:52 rue_bed not abc's bootloader?
22:52 Tom_itx no
22:52 Tom_itx apparently the U2 ships with internal as default
22:52 Tom_itx but it's all taken care of in code
22:52 Tom_itx no need to worry about it
22:53 Tom_itx you must be lookin over his code
22:56 Tom_itx you could replace it i suppose
22:56 Tom_itx that would require isp
23:08 rue_bed so if I put his bootloader on via isp I can use avrdude to load after that?
23:08 Tom_itx i don't think so but ask him
23:08 Tom_itx he's in avr now
23:09 Tom_itx i still think you need flip or dfu programmer
23:09 Tom_itx you use the HWB and RESET pins to enable it
23:10 Tom_itx that's why my boards have a pulldown on HWB
23:14 Tom_itx you may wanna remove that if it gets in your way
23:25 Tom_itx apparently his works on the butterfly as it's an older project of his