#robotics Logs

Nov 07 2011

#robotics Calendar

05:05 sausage2 hi.
05:06 sausage2 booring guys :/
05:06 sausage2 so... what do I use as leg-position sensor for my robot?
06:16 theBear what ?> he's in here too ?
06:19 sausage2 yes I am
06:20 sausage2 and so are you
06:20 sausage2 dun dun dun..
07:09 sausage2 looks like I won theBear. You wre clearly offended :)
07:10 theBear yeah, offended that he "doesn't care what i say next"
08:59 rue_house :/ I had to power cycle my SSD
09:07 theBear "just 'cos i'm paranoid doesn't mean people aren't after me" ..... surely that monkey was sent on purpose, leaving here with a one line insult after finally convincing me to remove him from the other channel ?
09:07 theBear what day is it ? erm, monday eh ? that's not a week after all hallows eve is it ?
09:10 rue_house I dont think so
09:10 rue_house !thislog
09:10 rue_house !thislog
09:10 tobbor This one: http://rueshouse.dyndns.org:82/~ircjunk/irclogs/html/%23robotics-2011-11-07.html
09:11 rue_house hmm
09:12 rue_house so this reel to reel audio player is useless for playing these tapes...
09:30 rue_house http://www.kingston.com/support/ssdnow/v100_firmware.asp
09:30 rue_house damnit
09:34 rue_house where I gonna put 64G?
09:37 rue_house "new technology cant move on untill you treat it like everyday technoogy"
10:04 theBear what ? useless why ? in real2real audio land it's just about track-widths, and if yer desperate you can offset the head and read half a track etc ...
10:05 theBear if the tapes are dying you wanna bake them, and THAT is the only tricky thing with tapes......
10:05 theBear if the machine is bad, they're trivial to get working, at least enough for a single read of each track
17:01 -sendak.freenode.net:#robotics- [freenode-info] if you're at a conference and other people are having trouble connecting, please mention it to staff: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#gettinghelp
19:50 rue_house <useless> If at first you do not succeed, then skydiving is not for you
19:53 orlok Hm, i havent seen kat in ages
19:56 rue_house NO SHE'S BEEN HIDING
19:56 rue_house lkjsdf
20:07 rue_house wow, I'm just looking thru an old programming binder,
20:07 rue_house I havn't drawn a program flowchart in AGES
20:07 Tom_itx you better get in shape
20:08 rue_house I used to flowchart all my programs
20:30 Tom_itx i haven't written a good one in a while but having a roadmap helps
20:31 rue_house ok so it looks like I have to do a firmware upgrade of my SSD in which I have to make a backup of the whole damned thing, if I'm not back for a few days yo can know it didn't go good
20:31 Tom_itx i was rather excited my t45 code worked the first time with no chip here to test
20:31 Tom_itx you were in on that one i believe
20:31 rue_house I used to make flowcharts all the time, I dont know why I stopped]
20:32 Tom_itx you run a ssd?
20:32 Tom_itx on your good pc?
20:32 Tom_itx what type of ssd?
20:32 rue_house my main os drive is a 64G SSD, I did that on the last upgrade
20:32 rue_house its a kengsington
20:33 rue_house mid grade
20:33 Tom_itx i dunno what grade mine is
20:33 Tom_itx i just grabbed one
20:33 rue_house there are ones with faster writes, but I do notice quite a difference anyhow
20:33 Tom_itx http://tom-itx.dyndns.org:81/~webpage/intel_atom/SSD2.jpg
20:34 rue_house so, my goal is to check the drive for a label that indicates it needs an upgrade, install a backup drive and copy stuff over, and close the machine back up with a PCI video card for a 3rd monitor
20:34 rue_house http://www.kingston.com/support/ssdnow/v100_firmware.asp
20:36 Tom_itx what if the firmware update fails?
20:36 rue_house then I have to use a spare drive for a while
20:36 rue_house 3 yr warranty
20:36 Tom_itx does yours have the number that needs it?
20:36 rue_house dunno
20:36 rue_house have to pry everythign open
20:37 m_itx gives rue_house a cr
20:46 rue_house tis, ok, I keep one chained to the side of the case for just suc situations
20:47 Tom_itx yeah, mine are on ^ the shelf
20:47 coppermine can I use 1 battery to power powers and electronics?
20:47 coppermine if my 4 motors pull 4A and my elecrtoncis only .5A will it fry the electronics if im sharing one bus bar?
20:47 rue_house yes, if you ahve enough overhead for regulating out noise
20:48 coppermine it wont burn the electroncis if im sharing 1 bus bar?
20:48 coppermine or it only pulls what it needs
20:48 coppermine why are most robots only 2 wheels? i prefer 4 wheels
20:55 rue_house retreeet!
20:55 rue_house I need to vacuum my way to the computer
20:56 LoRez holy shit! felt that one
20:56 Tom_itx how big?
20:56 LoRez don't know that they've rated it yet
20:56 Tom_itx takes 5.6 to reach us
21:00 rue_house http://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/shakemap/global/shake/b0006lgg/
21:00 rue_house that one?
21:00 rue_house oooo lots of things are moving a lot
21:01 LoRez rue_house: in nicaragua?
21:02 Tom_itx how long ago LoRez?
21:02 Tom_itx http://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/dyfi/
21:03 LoRez at 1320720447
21:03 LoRez I already filled it in
21:03 LoRez 02:47:27 UTCish
21:04 Tom_itx that 5.6 on the list is the one we felt here
21:05 LoRez http://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/recenteqsus/Quakes/usb0006lpf.php
21:05 LoRez 4.7
21:06 Tom_itx i wonder how long the waves take to reach us
21:06 Tom_itx and if that one will
21:07 LoRez Velocity tends to increase with depth, and ranges from approximately 2 to 8 km/s in the Earth's crust
21:08 Tom_itx i just refreshed the list and it's there now
21:08 Tom_itx the 5.6 was 5km
21:10 Tom_itx same depth
21:10 Tom_itx same area
21:10 rue_house yay! I got to the first cover
21:11 Tom_itx LoRez, you got tornado warnings down there too?
21:11 LoRez not afaik
21:12 Tom_itx somewhere south of us does i believe
21:12 Tom_itx so run outside when the house shakes and get sucked up in the vacuum
21:14 rue_house hmm, my drive DOES have the D110225a
21:14 Tom_itx is that bad?
21:14 coppermine i cant find specs on banebot wheels maximum weight they can handle
21:14 coppermine i know they are not colson wheels but still no info at all?
21:18 rue_house its means it dosn't need the firmware upgrade
21:18 Tom_itx oh
21:18 Tom_itx you gonna do it anyway?
21:18 rue_house na
21:19 rue_house I dont want to jump that many hoops right now
21:19 Tom_itx are you anywhere near Puget sound?
21:20 rue_house howe sound
21:22 Tom_itx that's 28 in the last couple days
21:25 rue_house well
21:25 rue_house I cant install the other video card till I get rid of the sound card
21:26 Tom_itx 'get rid' sounds permanent
21:26 Tom_itx better not do that
21:27 rue_house I gt a usb thingle that dosn't work worth a damn
21:27 rue_house but I could try again
21:27 Tom_itx for what?
21:29 rue_house getting the usb thing to make proper sound
21:29 rue_house I also need to replace my desk with a discrete desk
21:30 rue_house desk is the wrong word
21:30 rue_house I need to replace my desk with some discrete computer scaffolding
21:31 rue_house its just I'v had this desk since my first computer (apple 2e used to sit just to my right
21:31 rue_house )
21:31 rue_house then I put my PC on this side, and I been here ever since
21:31 Tom_itx rack mount?
21:32 rue_house no, like, rigger scaffolding that holds all the computer components where their supposed to be
21:33 rue_house no flat space
21:55 coppermine i ordered a dc motor and a hub/wheel set and im not 100% sure it will all work together
21:55 coppermine can someone help?
21:55 coppermine if i tell u what i ordered and if it will work
22:03 rue_house there you are
22:03 rue_house I can, but you have to stick around for a bit so I can
22:03 coppermine its simple really
22:03 coppermine http://www.pololu.com/picture/view/0J901
22:03 coppermine this motor has a shaft of .6"
22:03 rue_house yes, write 1000 words about the shaft and 1000 words about the wheel
22:03 coppermine i ordered a hub for it thats 1" long
22:04 coppermine will the screw lock on the shaft?
22:04 coppermine it looks like it might
22:04 coppermine http://www.robotshop.com/ca/productinfo.aspx?pc=RB-Ban-153&lang=en-US
22:04 coppermine thats the hub
22:05 rue_house do you remember what I said about why the motors not rated for more than (12 lbs?)?
22:05 coppermine 12lbs per motor
22:05 coppermine so if you have 4
22:05 coppermine thats 48 lbs
22:05 rue_house do you remember what I said or did you ignore that part?
22:05 coppermine i did my own research
22:05 coppermine using calculators made for that
22:05 rue_house ok
22:06 coppermine ti depends on a number of things
22:06 coppermine including velocity, total weight, tire diameter, etc
22:06 coppermine acceleration
22:06 coppermine etc
22:06 rue_house I shoulda bookmarked it
22:06 coppermine i did
22:06 coppermine let me show you
22:06 coppermine http://www.robotshop.com/dc-motor-selection.html
22:08 rue_house helping you is like helping tom
22:09 Tom_itx pfft
22:09 coppermine your just full of it
22:09 coppermine arent you
22:09 rue_house its like trying to help stop a runaway freighttrain by holding onto the back and dragging your feet
22:10 rue_house tis ok, you seem to have a solution, call me if you have problems and I can tell you what to do to fix it, you can ignore me and do something else
22:10 rue_house I been doing this for years now
22:15 Tom_itx how many?
22:16 rue_house people been ignoring what I say since I started offering help
22:16 rue_house back like 7 yeras ago
22:17 rue_house I can tell right away if there is the faintest hope of someone accepting help
22:18 rue_house he's doing ok tho
22:18 rue_house he just ignored the part I told him to not mount hte wheel right to the motor without an intermediate support
22:19 rue_house in all fairness, he might have left before I said it, I dont see parts and joins anymore
22:19 rue_house copp... he's gone again
22:21 Tom_itx he left after he said you're full of it
22:22 rue_house heh, hopefully he'll report in as he goes
22:23 Tom_itx i'm sure
22:23 Tom_itx he'll get stuck again, he'll be back
22:40 Tom_itx rue_house
22:40 Tom_itx help this dude in avr