#linuxcnc Logs

Mar 05 2025

#linuxcnc Calendar

12:48 AM lcnc-relay: <meisterdippel@> moin
01:02 AM lcnc-relay: <meisterdippel@> yikityyax@: yes
01:07 AM Deejay: moin
01:46 AM jpa-: yikityyax@: for 7196s, you need hardware ethernet port - USB ethernet port will not work
01:46 AM jpa-: if the laptop doesn't have that, linuxcnc is likely not suitable for the purpose (though you may be able to get it work with increased latency, which will give some accuracy limitations)
02:02 AM rmu: thunderbolt / usb-c ethernet port might work
02:11 AM jpa-: maybe, if it would present as a pci-e device to the host; i don't know if such exist, and in any case without USB-C port on the laptop, doesn't help much :)
02:11 AM jpa-: sometimes you can also find pci-e interface on the laptop motherboard, but that gets pretty complex
02:12 AM jpa-: or hook up a parallel port to the LPC bus ;)
02:27 AM rmu: i'm using an apple gigabit ethernet thunderbolt adapter on an older intel nuc (not for linuxcncc though), and that presents as an ordinary PCI device
02:27 AM rmu: plugged into mini display port
02:39 AM jpa-: yeah, i'd expect one of those would work fine
02:54 AM rmu: another possibility is to get a "classic" docking station, those also used to come with real ethernet ports
02:54 AM jpa-: yeah, if the laptop has the connector
03:33 AM -!- #linuxcnc mode set to +v by ChanServ
03:33 AM -!- #linuxcnc mode set to +v by ChanServ
09:42 AM lcnc-relay: <yikityyax@> jpa-: ok... if I had a Pi4, and used RDP to control....
10:34 AM rdtsc-w: Also look into X11 forwarding... can `ssh -Y` into a pi (must have X11 forwarding enabled), run `geany &` and have the window pop up on the client system - almost as good as RDP
10:38 AM roycroft: i would strongly advise against that
10:38 AM roycroft: i have done it and it works
10:39 AM roycroft: but if ever your x session dies, so does your job
10:39 AM roycroft: with something like vnc, if your session dies, linuxcnc keeps running, you reattach when you can, and all is good
11:23 AM Unterhausen: I just looked at the weather map and I'd like to apologize to Wisconsonites and Canadians for sending all this snow
11:23 AM Unterhausen: Payback, I guess
11:24 AM Unterhausen: Pennsylvania doesn't usually get that opportunity
11:29 AM roycroft: you can apologise to wisconsonites, but don't worry about the canadians
11:29 AM roycroft: they will slap a 25% tariff on the snow
11:30 AM lcnc-relay: <rs> or use waypipe into rpi4 (instead of X11 forwarding)
11:30 AM roycroft: maybe you'll think twice about sending it to them next time :)
11:31 AM Unterhausen: They are sending it back, just into Wisconsin
11:31 AM roycroft: well, wisconsin will put a 25% tariff on it when it bounces back
11:32 AM bjorkintosh: in both cases involving X forwarding or VNCing, I strongly recommend not-wifi.
11:32 AM bjorkintosh: if at all possible.
11:32 AM roycroft: anyway, i've been looking at the machines i have that are not working, and thinking about how to best get them all going (and my hopefully soon-to-come router)
11:33 AM lcnc-relay: <rs> in theory you can even make GUIs work over network but that may involve advanced tinkering
11:33 AM lcnc-relay: <rs> not really documented anywhere
11:34 AM roycroft: and what i'm currently thinking is that, instead of a single control assembly for each, containing the rpi running linuxcnc, the mesa ethernet board, drivers, power supplies, etc., i might split that into three components that have a common signal bus - lcnc machine with mesa fpga board, power supplies/drives, and machine-specific components
11:35 AM roycroft: the thought being that i could use the linuxcnc part on all of them, and power supplies, drivers might be common to some
11:35 AM roycroft: if i'm only using one at a time a modular system like that conserves on hardware
11:35 AM bjorkintosh: <rs> in theory you can even make GUIs work over network but that may involve advanced tinkering <-- the X protocol is a network protocol
11:35 AM bjorkintosh: I've done it before. it worked okay.
11:36 AM roycroft: and if i ever need to use multiples at a time, i can build extras of the missing components
11:36 AM bjorkintosh: ssh -X or ssh -Y was considerably easier.
11:36 AM lcnc-relay: <rs> i mean run the gui on the "frontend" and configure NML for network
11:36 AM roycroft: that still has the issue i mentioned earlier
11:36 AM bjorkintosh: yes. a severed connection will kill everything. single point of failure.
11:36 AM roycroft: if you're running a remote x server and it becomes detatched, the linuxcnc process dies
11:36 AM roycroft: which is not desirable
11:37 AM roycroft: but if you're running vnc or something similar, the network connection could be interrupted and linuxcnc will still run
11:37 AM roycroft: you just won't be able to have visibility or control of it until you reattach
11:39 AM roycroft: is my plan crazy?
11:39 AM bjorkintosh: what will be its advantage?
11:39 AM roycroft: i'm thinking that even if i end up having dedicated components for every machine, if it's modular like that and something fails on one machine i can just grab the failed part off another machine to get through the current job
11:40 AM bjorkintosh: ah. a hot swappable modular design.
11:40 AM roycroft: the immediate advantage is that i can build multiple cnc machines without having to shell out the cost of a complete dedicated controller for each
11:41 AM roycroft: a disadvantage is that designing and building the signal/power bus(es) for each will add to the cost of each
11:41 AM roycroft: but it also makes maintenance a lot easier
11:41 AM bjorkintosh: maybe it might not be so bad.
11:41 AM bjorkintosh: a nice trade off.
11:42 AM roycroft: i know when i was working on my router design i was having trouble finding the space to install all the electronics
11:43 AM roycroft: but if they are broken into modules it would be easier to make that space
11:43 AM roycroft: i should pull down my router controller and see what a modular redesign would entail
11:44 AM roycroft: i built it with all din-rail mounted components except for the motion control power supply
11:44 AM roycroft: and i used those din power bus devices, which are nice to use, but consume a lot of real estate
11:45 AM roycroft: https://www.mcmaster.com/catalog/131/867/7641K55
11:45 AM roycroft: those things
11:45 AM roycroft: din terminal blocks, with bus bars to connect a group together
11:52 AM Unterhausen: no evidence of tariffs at lee valley, I wonder how they are handling them
11:56 AM roycroft: i made common bus bars mounted to plywood (a very good insulator) in my brew system: https://roycroft.us/ControlPanelWiring/ControlPanelChassis.jpeg
11:57 AM roycroft: the ones on the right are for dc voltage, and i used aluminium bar stock for them
11:57 AM roycroft: lee valley have warehouses in the us and ship from the us
11:57 AM roycroft: so as long as they are shipping what is in stock already they should be fine
11:58 AM roycroft: the logistics industry will have a field day with this
11:58 AM roycroft: lots of rerouting things to avoid international borders
12:08 PM lcnc-relay: <rs> video is in german, very nice wiring https://www.youtube.com/shorts/O5RtLsg-eZo?t=23
12:10 PM lcnc-relay: <rs> what kind of paperwork did you need for shipping canada->us before introduction of tariffs?
12:11 PM lcnc-relay: <rs> i know that sending stuff from EU to switzerland is a PITA because of the paperwork involved... even a bar of chocolate needs a declaration.
12:14 PM lcnc-relay: <rs> exporting more than 6000€ IIRC needs to be accompanied by government-issued carbon-copy paper that needs to be hand-filled where all kind of BLABLA needs to be explained and then signed and stamped 3 times in original (not CCed) and sealed with a drop of blood.
12:15 PM roycroft: a simple customs declaration is all i ever needed to ship to canada
12:15 PM roycroft: and i should imagine that is still the case
12:16 PM lcnc-relay: <rs> real fun is stuff that is imported from china to switzerland, than exported to EU and reimported into switzerland
12:16 PM roycroft: because unlike the brain-dead people who think that tariffs are paid by the shipper, i know that they are not
12:16 PM roycroft: i would just ship to canada using the customs declaration
12:17 PM roycroft: and when the parcel arrives in canada, customs will intercept and collect any duties/tariffs from the recipient before handing over the parcel
12:17 PM roycroft: as is the case when a foreign shipper ships to the us
12:17 PM lcnc-relay: <rs> even if the shipper paid them, that money has to come from somewhere, and that somewhere is usually the customer
12:18 PM roycroft: here's a good example of how stupid this current move is
12:18 PM roycroft: aluminium is much cheaper to recycle/remanufacture than to mine and manufacture
12:18 PM roycroft: canadians don't have any big aluminium processing plants
12:19 PM roycroft: so they send their empty cans down to the us
12:19 PM roycroft: where alcoa (mainly) melts them down and turns them into nice, fresh aluminium sheet that gets sent back to canada for remanufacture into cans
12:19 PM roycroft: as of yesterday, there's a tariff of 25% on importing those cans
12:19 PM roycroft: so alcoa has to pay more to get them
12:19 PM lcnc-relay: <rs> but canada is big in raw aluminium IIRC
12:20 PM roycroft: which is going to hurt them
12:20 PM roycroft: they send a lot of cans down here to be recycled
12:20 PM roycroft: and alcoa sends aluminium sheet back to canada
12:20 PM roycroft: now at a higher price because they have to pay the tariff on inbound
12:21 PM roycroft: but canada is imposing a 25% tariff, so that aluminium sheet gets a tariff slapped on it when it goes into canada
12:21 PM lcnc-relay: <rs> we used to have an aluminium smelter nearby, ranshofen, AMAG, and they stopped their electrolysis plant and get their raw aluminium from canada
12:21 PM roycroft: that's going to give canadians incentive to build a big aluminium plant of their own
12:21 PM roycroft: and they can power it with the hydro power they will stop selling to the us
12:22 PM lcnc-relay: <rs> hmm. not sure if that works that way. I don't know the english word for that, here it is called "veredelung", refinement, where a company sends goods into another country to be processed and receives that back. the goods are exempt from tariffs because they don't stay in the country.
12:23 PM roycroft: doug ford has already threatened to turn off hydro power to the us
12:23 PM lcnc-relay: <rs> that tariff stuff with canada is complete and utter BS. and they will realize that sooner than later i think
12:24 PM rdtsc-w: while interesting, this is all off-topic
12:26 PM lcnc-relay: <rs> just wanted to know if you need(ed) customs declaration for canada at all or if the situation was more like in EU where there is free trade and no declarations are needed in the eu single market.
12:26 PM roycroft: even with nafta and its sucessor, there are duties on certain goods
12:27 PM roycroft: so customs declarations are required
12:29 PM roycroft: it's just a simple form that is attached to the outside of the parcel
12:30 PM lcnc-relay: <rs> and btw #linuxcnc is rarely on topic, so rarely that on-topic smeels like off-topic sometimes ;-)
12:30 PM lcnc-relay: <rs> smells
12:43 PM Tom_L: some feel the need to keep it off topic
12:55 PM bjorkintosh: it's all on topic if it can be read.
12:55 PM roycroft: one of the other reasons for a modular controller is that there are mesa boards in short supply, and it would be useful to be able to share one with multiple machines
12:57 PM roycroft: i have a 7i96 for the eventual cnc router, and the 7i96s is currently unavailable, and has been for some time
12:57 PM roycroft: although in my view, having the fpga card as part of the machine-specific module makes the most sense
12:58 PM roycroft: it would save significantly on cabling issues
12:58 PM roycroft: but i have one of those boards, and i need three in total
12:59 PM roycroft: i don't see any other way to do it without a bunch of work every time i want to switch machines
01:24 PM lcnc-relay: <oddname_skane@> emccanon.CHANGE_TOOL(int) did not match C++ signature CHANG_TOOL(void).
01:24 PM lcnc-relay: Anyone familiar with this error?
01:24 PM lcnc-relay: <oddname_skane@> happens during toolchange
01:24 PM lcnc-relay: <oddname_skane@> emccanon.CHANGE_TOOL(int) did not match C++ signature CHANGE_TOOL(void).
01:24 PM lcnc-relay: Anyone familiar with this error?
01:45 PM Scopeuk: I'm not directly familiar but the nature of the message suggests that you are attempting to pass a tool index but the C++ function (in linux cnc) it is calling expects you to just call change tool without an index
01:49 PM Scopeuk: looks like there was a reported bug https://github.com/LinuxCNC/linuxcnc/issues/3079
01:57 PM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841@> well - I thought I had a major water leak in the basement. There was a pretty big amount of water coming out from under the tub into the drain. I first thought the tub valve had started leaking externally - as it was leaking pretty bad when you shut it off. I turned off the water to the tub but the water didn't slow down at all. THen I started having visions of the water line under the basement floor starting to leak. ...
01:58 PM lcnc-relay: ... (it comes out of the concrete close to there.) but I turned the well off and the water didn't stop or slow down.
01:58 PM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841@> finally remembered we got an inch plus of rain yesterday and last night.
01:59 PM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841@> I am pretty sure it is just coming out of the floor/wall. (this happens sometimes in the spring - but right now the ground is totally frozen and I think the water just ran on the ground to the house - then down the wall (which is 2 stories into the wall)
01:59 PM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841@> *into the hill
02:07 PM lcnc-relay: <oddname_skane@> @scope last one is my homey trying to get his ATC plugin working 🙂
02:07 PM lcnc-relay: <oddname_skane@> and in turn, mine 😄
02:07 PM lcnc-relay: <oddname_skane@> in that link
02:26 PM xxcoder: winston pretty cool https://youtu.be/wR4JrlBmVrg
02:37 PM xxcoder: cant wait to see him working on cnc projects soon. he was way too busy so it havent happened for a while
03:25 PM Tom_L: oddname_skane, he has the same tool changer as you?
03:28 PM lcnc-relay: <oddname_skane@> he is the guy that created this code 🙂
03:28 PM lcnc-relay: <oddname_skane@> and plugin
03:29 PM Tom_L: you wound up using different code from what we started with then?
03:29 PM lcnc-relay: <oddname_skane@> every single aspect is working, except not when running it in code!
03:29 PM lcnc-relay: <oddname_skane@> yeah it leaned towards the need for python, way above my head 😄
03:29 PM lcnc-relay: <oddname_skane@> so I am his guniea pig for this 😛
03:29 PM lcnc-relay: <oddname_skane@> or rather my machine is
03:30 PM Tom_L: tell him i mentioned using remap :)
03:30 PM lcnc-relay: <oddname_skane@> heh all I tell him he allready knows and has done 😄
03:30 PM lcnc-relay: <oddname_skane@> "hey maybe this?" "nah"
03:31 PM lcnc-relay: <oddname_skane@> this error however, even out of his league 🙂 maybe
03:31 PM Tom_L: using python involves those prolog and epilog lines in the config
03:32 PM lcnc-relay: <oddname_skane@> yup
03:32 PM Tom_L: which i'm sure he already knows
03:32 PM lcnc-relay: <oddname_skane@> yeah its working flawlessly with M6 Tn until you put it in gode
03:32 PM lcnc-relay: <oddname_skane@> for some weird reason
03:32 PM lcnc-relay: <oddname_skane@> a single M6 Tn works, but when it need to change a tool, nope!
03:35 PM Tom_L: what lcnc version?
03:35 PM lcnc-relay: <oddname_skane@> 2.9
03:35 PM lcnc-relay: <oddname_skane@> 2.9.x
03:35 PM Tom_L: iirc lcvette mentioned some issue he found in later versions of 2.9 possibly having to do with tool change but i'm not positive
03:36 PM Tom_L: you might join the probe basic group on discord and ask
03:36 PM Tom_L: i dunno what their channel is
03:36 PM Tom_L: pyvcp something
03:36 PM lcnc-relay: <oddname_skane@> in here?
03:36 PM Tom_L: or Turboss
03:37 PM Tom_L: they come here sometimes but have a separate discord channel for that
03:37 PM Tom_L: qtpyvcp?
03:37 PM memleak: qtpyvcp on discord
03:38 PM Tom_L: i'm not positive what his error was but it could be related
03:38 PM Tom_L: it was on later versions of 2.9
03:38 PM lcnc-relay: <oddname_skane@> sounds very possible
03:39 PM memleak: Joco is balls deep in fixing up the pyside6 branch (qt6)
03:39 PM Tom_L: if it proves to be the same, you can find an older deb and install that to try
03:39 PM lcnc-relay: <Lcvette> Whats the issue?
03:40 PM Tom_L: https://github.com/LinuxCNC/linuxcnc/issues/3079
03:40 PM Tom_L: similar to that
03:40 PM memleak: Joco and turboss know all about qtpyvcp, Lcvette is another genius.
03:40 PM memleak: He's been helping connor out a lot
03:40 PM memleak: qtpyvcp is mostly Lcvette and Connor lol
03:40 PM lcnc-relay: <oddname_skane@> the issue is the 2 last posts there 🙂
03:40 PM Tom_L: lcvette, i couldn't recall the error you mentioned in 2.9
03:41 PM lcnc-relay: <oddname_skane@> it is the atc gui guy
03:43 PM lcnc-relay: <oddname_skane@> the time has come to catch some Zs but please @me if its related to this 😄
03:43 PM Tom_L: naw...
03:43 PM Tom_L: we'll just keep ya guessing a while
03:44 PM lcnc-relay: <Lcvette> There was an ossue i recall sinilar that was a linuxcnc issue, there was supposedly a patch for it but i saw not long ago there were still some quirks
03:44 PM lcnc-relay: <Lcvette> The deb install version of lonuxcnc from the downloads page did not have this error behavior
04:00 PM memleak: Lcvette are you a python developer?
04:02 PM bjorkintosh: we're all one dunder method away from being full blown python devs, memleak.
04:02 PM bjorkintosh: why do you ask?
04:02 PM JT-Shop_: https://www.ebay.com/itm/185836329816
04:03 PM bjorkintosh: damn.
04:10 PM Tom_L: JT-Shop_, did you order a spare too?
04:10 PM JT-Shop_: get a dozen I think
04:18 PM JT-Shop_: just ordered a rag joint and power steering pump but not that one lol
04:18 PM JT-Shop_: got them from Summit Racing
04:20 PM Tom_L: pump making noise?
04:20 PM JT-Shop_: it was $20 more for the pump with the reservoir so that was a no brainer
04:20 PM JT-Shop_: not really but it's 43 years old and I don't want to dig into that hole again
04:20 PM Tom_L: i think gm pumps are pretty much all the same
04:20 PM Tom_L: in appearance at least
04:21 PM JT-Shop_: they have different pressure regulators for different cars
04:22 PM JT-Shop_: https://www.corvetteforum.com/forums/c3-tech-performance/2890103-power-steering-needs-some-help.html
04:23 PM Tom_L: wind your own spring :)
04:26 PM Tom_L: maybe he needs one of those old steering wheels with the knob
04:27 PM Tom_L: those were dangerous but classic
04:28 PM lcnc-relay: <rs> oddname_skane@: are you sure you don't have mixed 2.9 and 2.10 installations?
04:28 PM lcnc-relay: <rs> int argument to CHANGE_TOOL was removed in 2.10 branch
04:42 PM JT-Shop_: I had a suicide knob on the 56 Ferguson and removed it the first day
04:43 PM xxcoder: yeah bad idea to have it
04:43 PM lcnc-relay: <zincboy_ca_on@> I have one on my forklift and it is great 🙂
04:44 PM JT-Shop_: when you hit a stump or rock with a manual steering tractor and the suicide knob will break your hand or more
05:06 PM JT-Shop_: I have 3 days to convert the 50hp up/down controls so should be easy
05:08 PM xxcoder: knob made sense with heavy vehicles with no power steering
05:09 PM JT-Shop_: the builders on the Hoover Dam drove their trucks with their feet
05:11 PM Tom_L: looks like a spaghetti night here
05:11 PM JT-Shop_: yum
05:11 PM JT-Shop_: shrimp here
05:12 PM JT-Shop_: I couldn't help it they just jumped into my basket at the store today
05:12 PM Tom_L: heh
05:12 PM Tom_L: aside from the 50hp what's left to do?
05:13 PM JT-Shop_: mix tank vfd, grind tank vft and grind motor and aging tank vfd and ethernet programming the hmi
05:13 PM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841@> this is going to be nice..
05:14 PM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841@> https://photos.app.goo.gl/GEcefL2YMCG9hNRa7
05:14 PM JT-Shop_: the 50hp is done and the big tank vfd is done
05:14 PM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841@> https://photos.app.goo.gl/WuJGHZwv458omsjf8
05:14 PM Tom_L: nice skunkworks
05:14 PM JT-Shop_: nice
05:15 PM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841@> That was the last lantern tool post...
05:29 PM lcnc-relay: <zincboy_ca_on@> Much nicer 🙂
05:35 PM JT-Shop_: https://youtu.be/vbUyt4nJlNs?t=512
05:35 PM JT-Shop_: fancy tap handle
05:37 PM xxcoder: indeed
06:14 PM Tom_L: https://www.mscdirect.com/product/details/07212533
06:29 PM lcnc-relay: <big_kevin420@> unterhausen@ lol there is an article specifically about what lee valley is doing about the tariffs
07:31 PM memleak: what's a suicide knob?
07:32 PM xxcoder: knob installed into steering wheel to help you spin wheel faster
07:32 PM xxcoder: also more power if vehicle had no power steering
07:33 PM memleak: that doesn't sound exactly unsafe
07:33 PM xxcoder: well you can spin wheel way faster than safety
07:33 PM xxcoder: as well as bumping it and spin it in freeway
07:34 PM bjorkintosh: memleak: it can whip around and hit you in the wrist.
07:34 PM memleak: i know in formula drift they just modify the steering ratio so it takes a lot less effort to turn the wheels
07:37 PM memleak: like 1 1/2 rotations and the wheels are about 90 degrees
07:52 PM lcnc-relay: <unterhausen@> big_kevin420@: Not finding anything satisfactory online about lee valley tariffs
08:00 PM lcnc-relay: <big_kevin420@> https://ottawacitizen.com/business/lee-valley-tools-trump-tariffs
08:00 PM lcnc-relay: <big_kevin420@> he doesnt really give an answer i think
08:13 PM rdtsc: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gN69JSmC9Z0
10:22 PM lcnc-relay: <captainhindsight_.@> So fix them