#linuxcnc Logs
Mar 01 2025
#linuxcnc Calendar
01:17 AM Deejay: moin
04:12 AM -!- #linuxcnc mode set to +v by ChanServ
07:07 AM -!- #linuxcnc mode set to +v by ChanServ
07:09 AM NetPipe: do you actually have a cave ?
07:09 AM NetPipe: often wonder if they keep perfect temperature
07:15 AM JT-Cave: it's my beer cave
07:16 AM JT-Cave: but I no longer brew
07:27 AM -!- #linuxcnc mode set to +v by ChanServ
07:29 AM Poincare: Is it normal to have high cpu load on linuxcnc 2.9.3 realtime, even if nothing is running besides just the empty desktop?
07:29 AM Poincare: High cpu load, but no process using the cpu that much
07:53 AM Tom_L: no
07:58 AM -!- #linuxcnc mode set to +v by ChanServ
08:32 AM -!- #linuxcnc mode set to +v by ChanServ
09:01 AM -!- #linuxcnc mode set to +v by ChanServ
09:10 AM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841@> umm - I remember my laptop getting hot whenever linuxcnc was running. but never looked into it.
09:14 AM lcnc-relay: <meisterdippel@> https://www.youtube.com/shorts/d0oPlP3mrNE
09:26 AM lcnc-relay: <oddname_skane@> hmm the value called block height in the probe tab, what is the block?
09:27 AM lcnc-relay: <oddname_skane@> if I set this to my stock thickness and measure tool on my tool measureplate it stops right at the top of it, is it related to stock thickness?
10:07 AM -!- #linuxcnc mode set to +v by ChanServ
10:47 AM Tom_L: oddname_skane, that would depend on what the author of the probe routine decided to call it
11:05 AM Poincare: Welllll... My small computer case was also running very hot, btop showed 100%cpu usage, but 0% on the 2 cores, things were slugish.
11:05 AM Poincare: Seems that I forgot to connect the case fan...
11:06 AM Poincare: Still 100%cpu usage, 0% on the 2 cores but the system itselfs behaves normal, now time to find out how jitter is
11:07 AM rdtsc: Heat tends to quickly degrade electrolytic caps... hope they are ok
11:08 AM Poincare: It's a new case, with new psu and graphics card but old motherboard. Still working on it, didn't run more then 12 hours yet
11:10 AM rdtsc: look for any bulged caps: https://weishielectronics.com/bulged-capacitor/
11:45 AM lcnc-relay: <oddname_skane@> BLOCK HT:: The height of the top of the workpiece from the machine table surface. This value is used to calculate the Z zero height for the current work coordinate system when using the probe with a tool setter sensor. this was my answer 🙂
12:03 PM lcnc-relay: <menace7656@> Hi everyone 🙂
02:00 PM -!- #linuxcnc mode set to +v by ChanServ
02:02 PM NetPipe: someone should make a gardening tag punch ? like those guitar pick makers
02:27 PM xxcoder: new ToT already
02:49 PM xxcoder: pretty interesting project
02:54 PM lcnc-relay: <JT> Yo
02:54 PM xxcoder: o/
02:55 PM Tom_L: yo yo
02:56 PM lcnc-relay: <JT> https://jauriarts.org/_heisenbridge/media/matrix.org/pNtSKNRLHRCJoZJQepnixbWw/WphQsQfqBV4/20250301_144709_693848323766148206.jpg
02:57 PM Tom_L: king david's has been around a very very long time :)
02:58 PM lcnc-relay: <JT> It's local
02:59 PM Tom_L: was a joke
02:59 PM lcnc-relay: <JT> I thought so
03:01 PM Tom_L: nice day to be out and about
03:01 PM Tom_L: steak sounds good
03:01 PM xxcoder: yup! too bad im too sick to lol
03:01 PM xxcoder: and no tricycle to ride on yet
03:06 PM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841@> running the monarch all day. No issues
03:06 PM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841@> even cleaned out most of the chip pan
03:07 PM lcnc-relay: <JT> I made a shim
03:08 PM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841@> https://photos.app.goo.gl/KDbtLy3fXNBUdbmU6
03:08 PM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841@> https://photos.app.goo.gl/2Jr9jTx6AsnpZUdN9
03:09 PM lcnc-relay: <JT> https://www.corvetteforum.com/forums/c3-tech-performance/4903080-82-steering-overhaul-2.html#post1608609120
03:27 PM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841@> think I need a new drive belt..
03:27 PM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841@> https://photos.app.goo.gl/axf4YG9pKgzPzfEu7
03:32 PM lcnc-relay: <rs> JT: Comis Sans. Horrible.
03:50 PM lcnc-relay: <JT> https://jauriarts.org/_heisenbridge/media/matrix.org/zXgIdMRdkqFLpMWNOjUBMMFZ/5b2kTW00zAo/20250301_154111_1941047647920157211.jpg
03:57 PM lcnc-relay: <JT> https://jauriarts.org/_heisenbridge/media/matrix.org/tfiYZdxCpTYEbHeCwGOdboKq/BpQK1hBPH5E/20250301_154755_577843778090082802.jpg
03:57 PM rifraf: new collet chuck is alive https://www.youtube.com/shorts/rcXMSnGL6YQ
04:03 PM xxcoder: king, im cutting you off. you're way too drunk
04:03 PM xxcoder: ;)
04:04 PM xxcoder: rif cool
04:07 PM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841@> neat
04:10 PM rifraf: will double the strength of spring when 2 cylinders are on
04:11 PM rifraf: got sent 2 different cylinders by accident :/
04:37 PM xxcoder: repotted the english ivy. wasnt easy while ill but today is watering day, so I wanted to repot then water
04:49 PM lcnc-relay: <JT> https://jauriarts.org/_heisenbridge/media/matrix.org/qthwndoRGFfkgXuNEzEuIjGj/aKc4FzqrWj0/1000002795.jpg
04:52 PM lcnc-relay: <JT> https://jauriarts.org/_heisenbridge/media/matrix.org/qttEgCGHMVpZbGRDXZtZgjRr/EzYj_4iM_WU/1000002799.jpg
04:52 PM xxcoder: just chilling
04:52 PM xxcoder: or trying to hatch you ;)
04:59 PM lcnc-relay: <JT> Chilly it is 52°F
06:00 PM -!- #linuxcnc mode set to +v by ChanServ
07:03 PM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841@> chickens are funny. Kinda pets - but they will eat your eyes out given the chance.