#linuxcnc Logs

Feb 06 2025

#linuxcnc Calendar

12:23 AM -!- #linuxcnc mode set to +v by ChanServ
01:28 AM lcnc-relay: <meisterdippel@> moin
01:29 AM memleak: hey hey
01:30 AM Deejay: moin
01:32 AM memleak: Deejay, hey bud! I got vesa video working today in gentoo
01:32 AM Deejay: hi memleak. nice!
01:32 AM memleak: rtai should be no problem
01:32 AM memleak: hold on
01:33 AM memleak: oh no my pastebin expired :(
01:34 AM memleak: meh, it was just the working of the driver working in Xorg.0.log, not too important
01:34 AM memleak: wow i botched that sentence. it was the.. working output of the driver in Xorg.0.log
01:34 AM memleak: VBE initializing properly
01:34 AM memleak: (video bios)
01:37 AM memleak: when does your mesa card arrive?
01:40 AM Deejay: oh, my mesa card arrived one day ofter ordering it :) its already running!
01:40 AM memleak: oh you have video? are you using preempt_rt? how's the latency?
01:40 AM Deejay: yes, preemt-rt
01:41 AM Deejay: latency round 50.000
01:41 AM Deejay: รคh 50,000 for you ;)
01:41 AM memleak: lol are you in UK?
01:41 AM Deejay: Germany
01:41 AM memleak: that's right!!
01:41 AM memleak: i made the comment about wanting to visit stuttgart
01:41 AM Deejay: seems to work fine with preempt-rt and mesa
01:41 AM Deejay: yes, you did
01:42 AM memleak: have you been?
01:42 AM Deejay: thanks to mesa, i dont need that good latency values any more
01:42 AM Deejay: servo-thread is 1,000,000 ...
01:42 AM Deejay: base-thread is not necessary any more
01:43 AM memleak: the servo thread can be that high with mesa?
01:43 AM memleak: i forget which values pertain to what
01:43 AM memleak: ethernet vs mesa parallel port
01:44 AM Deejay: thats in my ini: SERVO_PERIOD = 1000000
01:44 AM Deejay: yes, the critical timing is done by the mesa card
01:44 AM memleak: got it
01:45 AM Deejay: and: the maximum speed of my steppers also increased
01:45 AM memleak: so technically you dont even need an rt kernel if you use mesa?
01:45 AM Deejay: 50% higher max. travel speed
01:45 AM memleak: 1,000,000 isn't real-time anymore, you can get that with a stock kernel
01:45 AM Deejay: i dont now
01:45 AM memleak: lol ok
01:46 AM memleak: what interface do you use? axis?
01:46 AM Deejay: but i think these are more timing issues than just driving the steppers motors
01:46 AM Deejay: input signals must be validated in time also
01:47 AM Deejay: i think the jitter is still important
01:48 AM Deejay: and yes, i am using axis
01:49 AM memleak: ok
01:49 AM memleak: sorry for all the questions, i'm learning :)
01:49 AM memleak: so i'm guessing base thread only applies to ethernet
01:49 AM Deejay: np
01:49 AM Deejay: you are welcome :)
01:50 AM lcnc-relay: <meisterdippel@> what mesa do you have now ?
01:50 AM Deejay: hope i am writing no bullshit ;) i am not an expert either
01:51 AM Deejay: meisterdippel: 6i25 (pci-express), but its basically the same as 5i25, even the images are the same
01:52 AM Deejay: images = bit files for the fpga
01:52 AM lcnc-relay: <meisterdippel@> memleak: no, it's not +- 1ms, it have to be on the exact point each ms
01:53 AM memleak: i know, it's a set thread with a given time that cannot exceed said value
01:53 AM Deejay: i read somewhere that latency should be <100,000, otherwise the computer is not useable for linuxcnc
01:53 AM lcnc-relay: <meisterdippel@> you can hear the difference with fast movements, even on rt kernel with bad hardware like my workstation (test system)
01:54 AM memleak: but i think with a stock kernel on a good motherboard+bios you wont hit more than a million microseconds
01:54 AM memleak: never spent too much time testing it
01:57 AM memleak: well if it's usable for you, then that must be wrong?
01:57 AM lcnc-relay: <meisterdippel@> ok, i don't have a mesa card, but believe me even with external stepgen you need a realtime kernel and a suitable pc if you want good results
01:58 AM memleak: got it
02:00 AM lcnc-relay: <meisterdippel@> the pc only sends velocity data to the card and if an update comes too late when accelerating or decelerating you can hear this in the steppers or they even stop because they are coming out of the clock
02:01 AM lcnc-relay: <meisterdippel@> bad english, sorry ๐Ÿ™‚
02:01 AM memleak: no you're good!
02:03 AM memleak: so is the firmware for the mesa cards a debian package? i didn't add any mesa firmware (yet) to the gentoo image
02:04 AM memleak: or do you usually do it by hand by cloning from git or something?
02:04 AM memleak: i think it's called mesaflash? and the firmware binaries are probably somewhere
02:10 AM lcnc-relay: <meisterdippel@> i have no idea, i think this is included in linuxcnc
02:11 AM memleak: Deejay, where did you get the .bit file?
02:11 AM memleak: i guess i need to write a gentoo package for mesaflash: https://github.com/LinuxCNC/mesaflash
02:12 AM memleak: that looks like an easy one
02:17 AM lcnc-relay: <meisterdippel@> https://github.com/LinuxCNC/hostmot2-firmware
02:44 AM memleak: hmm. no longer maintained and it says you get the firmware from mesa now
02:46 AM memleak: looks like you get the firmware from http://mesanet.com/
02:46 AM memleak: (nowadays)
02:46 AM Deejay: memleak, yep, you can download it from mesa
02:46 AM memleak: would it be acceptable for people using the gentoo image to download the firmware themselves, or should it really be a package?
02:46 AM Deejay: they have a bunch of different bit-files for different machines/setups
02:47 AM memleak: exactly
02:47 AM memleak: i'd have to download them all and put it in a bundle
02:48 AM memleak: or have.. i don't know how many separate packages for each card
02:49 AM memleak: how did you do it? did you download off their site?
02:49 AM Deejay: yes
02:49 AM Deejay: download zip file, extract it, flash firmware / bit file using mesaflash
02:50 AM memleak: ok i'll package mesaflash itself and leave the firmware up to the user to download manually
03:17 AM memleak: is there anything else i should know about? things to package for gentoo that might prove useful to the linuxcnc community?
03:19 AM memleak: for turboss i was going to try and package the eclipse IDE
03:19 AM memleak: for some reason that's missing
03:19 AM jpa-: package nativecam
03:21 AM memleak: https://github.com/FernV/NativeCAM :)
03:23 AM memleak: https://github.com/FernV/NativeCAM/blob/master/debian/rules doesn't look too bad, just lots of `cp`
03:50 AM memleak: the nativecam 2.8 example files still work for 2.9?
03:51 AM memleak: there's 2.7 and 2.8 example files
03:58 AM Centurion_Dan1 is now known as Centurion_Dan
07:45 AM lcnc-relay: <vibram@> when I had a look to nativecam few weeks ago, it was quite a mess to make it run
07:47 AM lcnc-relay: <vibram@> it's not well maintained or something like that?
10:29 AM memleak: yes it hasn't been touched in years
10:30 AM memleak: doesnt hurt to try, ill see what i can do for gentoo
10:48 AM memleak: meisterdippel, yes, i already have linuxcnc packaged as well as flexgui
11:25 AM roycroft: i just got my power bill
11:25 AM bjorkintosh: was it ... powerful?
11:25 AM roycroft: i installed a smart thermostat about 2-1/2 weeks ago
11:26 AM roycroft: although the average daily temperature was much lower last month than in december, my bill went down $25
11:26 AM bjorkintosh: nice!
11:26 AM roycroft: i think that thermosat will pay for itself soon
11:26 AM bjorkintosh: did it come with sensors spread throughout the house?
11:26 AM roycroft: no
11:26 AM roycroft: but i can add those
11:26 AM roycroft: i have forced air heating, so it's not really zoned
11:27 AM roycroft: i do plan on adding temperature sensors in every room, and i can kind of adjust the temperature by manipulating the openings in the registers
11:28 AM roycroft: one of the big wins, i think, is my ability with the smart thermostat to run just the fan on a regular basis
11:28 AM roycroft: my server rack generates a lot of heat, and the room it lives in is traditionally very warm
11:28 AM roycroft: i run the fan 10 minutes/hour now, in addition to when the heat pump is on, and that room stays close to the temperature of the rest of the hosue
11:29 AM roycroft: so i get to use that excess heat, and i also get to keep my equipment cooler
11:29 AM roycroft: at the old house there was no practical way to use that heat, so i dumped it
11:30 AM roycroft: literally - the server rack was in a back room, next to a window, and i had an exhaust fan in the window that ran 24/7/365
11:30 AM Rab: I think central ventilation is important from an air quality standpoint, too, even if there is no active heating or cooling. We have a mini-split system so each room is basically self-contained, and I'm kinda worried about CO2 buildup in the bedrooms.
11:31 AM roycroft: yes, i agree
11:31 AM roycroft: especially in this era of energy efficient houses that are sealed up really well, there's not as much air exchange as there traditionally has been, and circulating the air better is important
11:32 AM JT-Cave: what is "smart" about the thermostat?
11:33 AM roycroft: there are some heat pumps that do a remarkably good job of transferring heat to fresh air, so you can get the best of both worlds - efficient heating and good air exchange
11:34 AM roycroft: jt-cave: it is networked, and i have it connected to my home automation system
11:34 AM JT-Cave: ah ok very cool
11:34 AM roycroft: it has a pid controller in it, so if i program different settings for different times it figures out how to reach the set point at the right time
11:35 AM Rab: roycroft, I have a question for you. I have a crazy plan next week to buy a large machine tool in Corvallis and drive it back to Texas in a U-Haul. The straight route over the mountains seems to be via US 20. Can you tell me anything about driving that route in February?
11:36 AM Rab: I've always taken 84 from Portland in the past, and never had weather problems besides occasional white-outs. But it's a bigger highway with more truck traffic.
11:38 AM roycroft: it can be internet connected and adjust its ramping speed based on outside temperature
11:38 AM roycroft: i can tell you that santiam pass can be nasty in the winter, but there are several spots on i84 that can be nasty in the winter
11:39 AM roycroft: us 20 is a major highway
11:40 AM roycroft: a major truck route - lots of trucks coming from utah and south come up via us 20 to i5 and then head north from there
11:40 AM roycroft: i live on highway 58 which is also a major truck route, but i'd say that us 20 probably has 2x the truck traffic vs 58
11:41 AM roycroft: i think you'll be fine, and it's a really beautiful drive
11:41 AM Rab: Thank you for the intel. I figured February was fine because it's >70F here, then I thought to look at highway cams on 20 and panicked when I saw snow.
11:41 AM roycroft: yeah, you'll find snow on i84 too
11:41 AM roycroft: i84 actually closes more often than us 20
11:42 AM roycroft: the gorge gets some really nasty weather
11:43 AM roycroft: you will need chains in february no matter which route you take
11:43 AM roycroft: need to carry chains, at least
11:44 AM Rab: Oh, hmmmm
11:44 AM roycroft: are you coming from the bay area?
11:45 AM Rab: No, I'll be flying into Portland and driving the truck down.
11:45 AM roycroft: oh
11:45 AM roycroft: well either route will be fine
11:45 AM roycroft: there is snow on i84 right now and snow on us 20 right now
11:46 AM Tom_L: which is worse on roads, chains or salt?
11:46 AM Tom_L: they used to do studded tires years ago
11:46 AM roycroft: i'm not sure either are that bad for the roads
11:46 AM roycroft: studded tires destroy roads
11:46 AM roycroft: but you can't drive on a road with chains - you destroy the chains
11:46 AM roycroft: you drive on snow with chains
11:47 AM roycroft: so they don't harm the roads
11:47 AM roycroft: and we don't use salt here - we use sand
11:47 AM roycroft: salt is definitely worse for vehicles than chains
11:47 AM Tom_L: salt brine here on the highways sand mix on streets
11:48 AM roycroft: rab: you might consider taking us 26 from pdx down to us 20
11:48 AM roycroft: well, it would be 26 to 97 to 20
11:49 AM roycroft: i've never driven us 26 in eastern oregon, so i'm not sure how that would be
11:49 AM roycroft: i have driven it from pdx to us 97 in central oregon
11:50 AM roycroft: if the weather is clear i think you would enjoy the drive - the scenery is much different in that part of the state vs the gorge route
11:51 AM roycroft: i'm a little weird though - i enjoy plateaus and deserts as much as i enjoy mountains and forests
11:52 AM Rab: Dang, that's not looking good. https://tripcheck.com/RoadCams/cams/SWZT010%20-%20Trailer%20J_pid4551.jpg
11:53 AM roycroft: anyway, right now you have https://tripcheck.com/RoadCams/cams/I-84%20at%20Spring%20Creek%20EB_pid4461.jpg?rand=1738863805997 or https://tripcheck.com/RoadCams/cams/Santiam%20Pass_pid2728.JPG?rand=1738863868660
11:54 AM roycroft: https://tripcheck.com/RoadCams/cams/SWZT010%20-%20Trailer%20J_pid4551.jpg?rand=1738863911458
11:54 AM roycroft: there's a chain-up area
11:55 AM roycroft: can this trip be put off a month or two?
11:55 AM roycroft: april would be a *lot* better, and march somewhat better
11:58 AM roycroft: i should mention that in portland some of the roads are salted, but all that does is make washboard ice
12:00 PM Rab: March 27 was an alternate date, but unfortunately I'm committed financially and schedule-wise. I guess I'd better invest in some chains. It looks like one pair is needed for a dually.
12:01 PM rdtsc-w: trailer? do trailers get chained roycroft?
12:02 PM roycroft: sometimes
12:02 PM rdtsc-w: (nope, never watched Ice Road Truckers.) :)
12:02 PM roycroft: i don't know how you would handle this logistically, but there's a big regional tire center - les schwab (based out of bend, but covers the whole northwest)
12:02 PM roycroft: if you buy chains from them and you don't use them you can return them for a full refund at the end of the season
12:03 PM roycroft: usually you only need chains on the drive wheels
12:03 PM roycroft: but there are some cases where they're required on trailers - i don't know the circumstances that trigger that
12:04 PM roycroft: the odot website will tell you, i'm sure
12:04 PM rdtsc-w: was thinking of trailer braking, jack knife etc
12:04 PM roycroft: yeah, i'm sure that's why, but what length/weight/etc triggers it i don't know
12:05 PM roycroft: there are also some trailers with drive axles - some of the really long ones have a powered truck at the back end
12:06 PM Rab: Looks like people are selling them on Corvallis craigslist, I just need to find the tire size.
12:06 PM roycroft: so i found out a bit more about my friend - he did not pass in his sleep
12:06 PM roycroft: rather, he fell in the middle of the night and hit his head
12:07 PM roycroft: hopefully it knocked him out and he never regained consciousness
12:07 PM Rab: I think that's a very common way to go.
12:07 PM roycroft: yes, especially for elderly folks, although he wasn't really at that point yet - he was 67
12:08 PM roycroft: probably in late 70s and up it's very common
12:09 PM roycroft: anyway, in february, if you want to avoid snowy conditions, probably the safest route would be i5 down to i80
12:10 PM roycroft: but even that can be a gamble - siskiyou summit gets snow fairly frequently, and it closes regularly because of snow
12:10 PM roycroft: i84 closes occasionally, but not as often
12:11 PM roycroft: the passes in the middle of the state mostly don't close, but when it's snowing heavily the plows can't keep them totally clear, hence the need for chains
12:11 PM roycroft: https://tripcheck.com/RoadCams/cams/WillamettePass_pid658.jpg
12:12 PM roycroft: that's the pass on my road right now
12:12 PM pcw-home: Bizarre, we had 6 plastic 2 CU ft bags of potting soil leaning against our garage (they had been there about a year) and apparently last night the sheep carefully opened each bag by neatly trimming off the top seam. Not sure what the plan was...
12:13 PM roycroft: https://tripcheck.com/RoadCams/cams/Hilt_pid611.jpg
12:13 PM rdtsc-w: hey PCW! sheep want some warm and dry soil :)
12:13 PM roycroft: that's just south of siskiyou summit - the summit road cam is unavailable
12:14 PM roycroft: pcw-home: they are going to slowly eat the potting soil and relace it with inferior soil so you won't notice
12:14 PM pcw-home: It is pretty soggy here, we had almost 5" of rain on Tuesday
12:15 PM pcw-home: Its just weird.
12:15 PM Rab: pcw-home, my wife got a bag of fertilizer with blood meal. One morning we found the bag completely empty. Assuming raccoons...
12:16 PM rdtsc-w: or vampires?
12:16 PM CloudEvil: Raccoon vampires.
12:16 PM rdtsc-w: big ones, since eating fertilizer
12:17 PM Rab: I have heard that vampires don't need to poop, which is probably a good thing if you eat a bag of fertilizer.
12:17 PM pcw-home: I can see that, but dirt?
12:20 PM roycroft: if you eat a bag of fertilizer you're a domestic terrorist, as you are a walking bomb
12:20 PM rdtsc-w: did somebody set carrots on top of the bag and accidentally forget them? (dunno what sheep would consider an irresistable snack)
12:22 PM Unterhaus_ is now known as unterhausen
12:22 PM roycroft: https://cwwp2.dot.ca.gov/data/d3/cctv/image/hwy80atdonnersummit/hwy80atdonnersummit.jpg
12:22 PM roycroft: even the southern route, through california, would need chains right now
12:22 PM unterhausen: I want to move my computer into the next room, but I also don't want to move my computer into the next room
12:22 PM unterhausen: big downside of a 42" monitor
12:22 PM Rab: roycroft, thanks for the tip on the chains, probably a lifesaver (or at least a ticket avoider). I think I'd better plan to have them on hand, and to plan a route based on conditions at the time.
12:23 PM roycroft: rab: if the chain sign is up, and if you're hauling any weight at all and you don't have chains, you won't get a ticket - you'll be arrested
12:24 PM roycroft: i should say you won't just get a ticket
12:24 PM roycroft: because you'll definitely get that too
12:24 PM * Rab curses his snow-free southern upbringing
12:25 PM roycroft: let me know when you're going to make the trip
12:25 PM rdtsc-w: those photos were what winters were like 3 months out of the year here (four decades ago)... now we barely get any snow at all
12:25 PM roycroft: i might head up to the chain-up area with some popcorn so i can enjoy the show while you try to install them :)
12:27 PM roycroft: we've never had a lot of snow up here, other than in the mountains, but i have definitely notice less and less over the decades
12:27 PM roycroft: when i first moved here (1980), we would reliably get several snowfalls/year
12:27 PM Rab: roycroft, entertainment for everyone!
12:27 PM roycroft: now we're down to every other year or so in eugene
12:27 PM roycroft: although i think it's an annual thing up where i am now
12:27 PM roycroft: but it's still light snow, and doesn't stick for long
12:28 PM roycroft: we got about 2cm yesterday, and it's all gone now
12:28 PM rdtsc-w: frezing rain overnight here; side streets were sketchy but main roads were fine
12:28 PM roycroft: installing chains is actually not that hard to do, but if the first time you do it is in the cold and snow, it can be a bit challenging
12:29 PM pcw-home: rdtsc-w: even orange peels are a treat for the sheep, but the bags were just plain plastic bags...
12:30 PM rdtsc-w: imagine you lay the chains on top, roll half a tire circumference, then batten them... have put on one set, but it was a loooong time ago
12:31 PM rdtsc-w: something must have been interesting about them pcw :)
12:31 PM roycroft: usually folks lay them out behind the tires, back up so that the tire is not sitting on a cross-link, then pull the ends up and hook them together
12:31 PM unterhausen: I think I have only driven over the donner pass once, and it's easy to imagine being stranded there and having to chew off your own leg
12:32 PM roycroft: laying them on top would work too
12:32 PM rdtsc-w: oh that sounds even easier roycroft
12:32 PM roycroft: they key being to try not to land the tire on top of a cross-chain
12:32 PM roycroft: on a big rig slinging them on top is probably easier because they are so heavy
12:33 PM roycroft: pulling them up would be harder than having one end already hanging down
12:33 PM rdtsc-w: oh and, public service announcement, don't shovel at a tire when the operator suddenly "guns" it - it can grab the shovel and break your finger (true story)
12:38 PM roycroft: speaking of which, i would recommend carrying a shovel when making that trip, and some traction devices like a few asphalt 3 tab shingles
12:38 PM roycroft: something you can stuff under tires to get a little traction when you're sitting on ice
12:46 PM roycroft: when i lived in bellingham (up by the canadian border, and gets a fair amount of snow) i would carry a few bags of sand in my pickup in the winter, right over the rear axle, and that was both good ballast and a way to get some traction when i would get stuck in ice
12:48 PM Rab: I'll have 4,500 lbs in the back, but I'd hate to throw it under the tires. ;) Probably some spare lumber left from blocking the load, though.
12:48 PM roycroft: yeah, dunnage would work
01:18 PM lcnc-relay: <voiditswarranty@> rdtsc-w: yeah shovels, tires, and bad drivers are a bad combination. and in my experience, the wheel is usually not the problem if the ramp into the tire depression is dealt with or not extreme, more often the vehicle is high centered. so many people dig snow out from under the tire and then make the vehicle even more high-centered with no weight on the wheels.
01:18 PM lcnc-relay: Be careful around traction aids too. I've seen more of them become flying missiles then actually do any good. 2x4's are particularly good at getting some good acceleration under a wheel before it shoots through the neighbor's window.
01:18 PM lcnc-relay: And try not to slide to a stop pushing up a mound infront of you. And do a few 2 foot back and forths when you park so when the snow goes hard over night you're not stuck in a wheel shaped ice hole.
01:25 PM roycroft: another good tip for getting unstuck is that when you do the back and forth rocking, turn the steering wheel so you're not steering back into the front wheel ruts
01:26 PM roycroft: but the best thing is to chain up before you get stuck
01:26 PM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841@> lol.. I live in wisconsin. we just drive the tractor if it gets bad.
01:27 PM roycroft: it's flat there, unless you live near the dells
01:32 PM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841@> lol - I live in the coulees..
01:32 PM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841@> no mountains though
01:34 PM roycroft: coulees are usually pretty flat, until you get to the wall
01:34 PM roycroft: then they are still flat, but at 90 degrees to the floor
01:34 PM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841@> https://photos.app.goo.gl/iXCNdned6WxMSySW9
01:34 PM roycroft: at least our coulees are like taht
01:35 PM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841@> biking when I was a kid was a pain... We have a hill pretty much like that going from ether direction...
03:30 PM Rab: Hmm, U-Haul is texting me with offers to haul trailers behind the truck.
03:31 PM Rab: $800 for a 2-axle trailer from Vancouver WA to Odessa TX. I don't think this increases my chances of survival in the mountains.
03:33 PM roycroft: that reduces the weight on the drive axle from 4500lbs to 200lbs
03:33 PM roycroft: unless you have other things to haul
03:40 PM Roguish: tandom axel trailer are way safer than single axels
04:01 PM bjorkintosh: roycroft: how did you come up with that figure?
04:01 PM bjorkintosh: the 200 lbs.
04:02 PM bjorkintosh: oh wait. if everything is in a trailer ... and assuming the driver weights 200 ...
04:18 PM rdtsc-w: tongue weight... dang that's one large tongue
04:18 PM JT-Shop: whale tongue
04:22 PM xxcoder: heavier than eleplant
04:23 PM roycroft: i'm assuming that the load is on the trailer and that it's balanced so that there is 200lbs of tongue weight
04:24 PM roycroft: the weight of the driver would usually be distributed amongst the front and rear axles of most trucks
04:24 PM roycroft: it might be just on the front axle of some trucks
04:25 PM roycroft: and maybe only on the rear axle of a very strange truck
04:27 PM rdtsc-w: 'Mater
04:28 PM rdtsc-w: https://wallpaperaccess.com/full/2102860.jpg
05:20 PM lcnc-relay: <ccatlett1984@> Heh. Neato
05:20 PM lcnc-relay: https://www.tinkercad.com/blog/sketch-tool
05:22 PM xxcoder: interesting primitive tech video today
05:59 PM lcnc-relay: <ccatlett1984@> OOF
05:59 PM lcnc-relay: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/735677295255093448/1337124565096333373/IMG_7379.jpg?ex=67a64dca&is=67a4fc4a&hm=20e912438e73c1bc353443bd6f545d5a1eb881ff6356c14fe92bfeeae2b7f90d&=&format=webp&width=1810&height=1357
06:00 PM lcnc-relay: <ccatlett1984@> Buddy "was" going to get a used Tormach, ended up refusing it after this.
06:00 PM xxcoder: ouch
06:00 PM xxcoder: probably can be fixed, but yeah id demend huge discount
06:01 PM lcnc-relay: <ccatlett1984@> they were offering it as partial payment of some unpaid work, were valuing it at 13K
06:01 PM xxcoder: with landing that hard, I dont think anything is parallel or coplanar with anything else
06:02 PM lcnc-relay: <ccatlett1984@> 100% agree, that's for parts at this point
06:22 PM lcnc-relay: <big_kevin420@> ccatlett1984@: how did you do this? upload the picture i mean
06:25 PM lcnc-relay: <ccatlett1984@> big_kevin420@: linked it from another discord channel where i had posted it
06:31 PM lcnc-relay: <big_kevin420@> ahhh perfect
06:31 PM lcnc-relay: <big_kevin420@> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1197351480382988309/1335775942437634110/20180101_001606.jpg?ex=67a6030a&is=67a4b18a&hm=2240e148a1adb84d06f76a572f652568efd622cda88112c37f6635d8f90811bf&
06:31 PM lcnc-relay: <big_kevin420@> nice it works
06:31 PM xxcoder: yeah just make sure to paste url without any additional text
06:31 PM lcnc-relay: <big_kevin420@> ahhh wicked
06:33 PM memleak: i forget the details but aren't all those numbers and letters some sort of tracking info so discord can keep track of everyone who views them?
06:33 PM lcnc-relay: <big_kevin420@> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/970073761770512384/1337217261647171595/bantz1.jpg
06:33 PM xxcoder: its also auth token, image links will stop working aftr a bit
06:33 PM lcnc-relay: <big_kevin420@> hmm maybe
06:33 PM memleak: i know facebook embeds tracking stuff in their images, you can't just view the jpg without a 500 long character string attached to it
06:33 PM xxcoder: not sure how long, but plenty long enough
06:33 PM lcnc-relay: <big_kevin420@> ok, looks like i can just remove that nonsense
06:33 PM memleak: lol yeah
06:34 PM xxcoder: no, if you remove it, its not viewable in irc
06:34 PM lcnc-relay: <big_kevin420@> ohhh really
06:34 PM lcnc-relay: <big_kevin420@> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/970073761770512384/1337217261647171595/bantz1.jpg?ex=67a6a41f&is=67a5529f&hm=1dc6791556450989bd38507667dcf9d80e2d1a175568e7bebab9df426165731f&
06:34 PM lcnc-relay: <big_kevin420@> ok now?
06:34 PM xxcoder: yep
06:34 PM lcnc-relay: <big_kevin420@> pos datafarm
06:35 PM xxcoder: yeah, I hope bridge will evenually be patched on that weird image issue someday
06:35 PM lcnc-relay: <big_kevin420@> if it werent for the 4 other discord things i do remora stuff in, i would just irc
06:36 PM xxcoder: its why I made the discord server
06:36 PM memleak: the thing is, you can still see everyone's ip address who views a jpg on your site without the tracking link stuff
06:37 PM lcnc-relay: <big_kevin420@> ๐Ÿ˜‰
06:37 PM lcnc-relay: <big_kevin420@> but they can also whois me
06:37 PM lcnc-relay: <ccatlett1984@> yeah the "oh no, they are tracking me opening the image of a destroyed Mill", lol.... who cares....
06:37 PM lcnc-relay: <big_kevin420@> fun fact, .es toplevel from spain seems pretty private
06:38 PM lcnc-relay: <big_kevin420@> its not the point who cares
06:38 PM memleak: i'm not complaining i just see it as a little bit of an overreach.
06:39 PM lcnc-relay: <big_kevin420@> who cares, until people looking at destroyed milling machines are a threat to the government
06:39 PM lcnc-relay: <big_kevin420@> ccatlett, you in michigan>?
06:39 PM lcnc-relay: <ccatlett1984@> yeppers
06:40 PM lcnc-relay: <ccatlett1984@> use the same handle everywhere
06:40 PM lcnc-relay: <big_kevin420@> damn blue on white license plates
06:40 PM lcnc-relay: <ccatlett1984@> lololol
06:40 PM lcnc-relay: <big_kevin420@> you guys do white on blue, we will do blue on white, and everyone can tell the difference
06:40 PM memleak: illinois is blue on white too :) with lincoln's face though so we're better
06:43 PM lcnc-relay: <big_kevin420@> damn they change them too much, i thoighjt they were like red on white or something
06:46 PM memleak: red lettering with white and blue background, never really paid that close attention wow
06:47 PM xxcoder: if people go after me for seeing a broken cnc picture, then it was really an excuse, not the real reason. not that I can do anything about it
06:47 PM memleak: lmao
06:51 PM lcnc-relay: <big_kevin420@> exactly, but im sure we can use that fact to somehow link it to a global terror kabal set to undermine the amaerican cnc industry if we need to
06:53 PM lcnc-relay: <big_kevin420@> viewing encoded pictures on a private internet chat, global correspondence, seeming technical information using a special "code" , i feel guilty of something already
06:58 PM lcnc-relay: <big_kevin420@> shit now i see the problem with having swappable spindles that use different motors/ drivers
07:03 PM roycroft: when i lived in illinois they had hideous coolor combinations on the license places
07:03 PM roycroft: like blue on orange, or purple on green
07:04 PM roycroft: and we got new plates every year
07:04 PM roycroft: no pictures of lincoln on them though, although shortly before i moved away they added the "land of lincoln" motto to the plates
07:07 PM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841@> we had some super bad printed licenceplates here in WI.. all the paint would come off of them.
07:07 PM xxcoder: yearly plates? wow
07:07 PM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841@> maybe 10 years ago..
07:07 PM roycroft: most states used to do that, xxcoder
07:08 PM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841@> they have been slowly replacing them
07:08 PM roycroft: it was in the '70s and '80s that permanent plates with annual stickers became a thing
07:09 PM roycroft: i remember we would wonder what hideous color we would be getting when it came time for new plates
07:10 PM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841@> I just found out the truck plates go from (42') go from dec to dec.. (I was wondering why when I first got the plates in the summer - they only went to dec)
07:10 PM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841@> *heavy truck
07:10 PM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841@> then when I renewed them - they went a whole year. lol
07:12 PM roycroft: our plates when i was growing up were for the year - no month expiration, so january to december
07:12 PM roycroft: 'cuz the best possible time to go out and replace your license plates is when it's cold and snowy
07:13 PM xxcoder: lol
07:48 PM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841@> lol - I knew I have something that measures capasitence.. Boy - too a minute.
07:48 PM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841@> the work fluke meter does.. which was in my trunk... lol
07:50 PM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841@> Bought some 6 core i5 lenovo (8500) sff at work for some windows 11 setups. been running a latency test on them and they seem like they might be good. (50us latency)
07:51 PM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841@> running it over night - will report in the morning
08:28 PM lcnc-relay: <captainhindsight_.@> Yeah who still software steps over a LPT port anymore?
08:35 PM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841@> well - I have done total closed loop over the printer port...
08:35 PM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841@> But I might be odd
08:36 PM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841@> captainhindsight_.@ di d you see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s021CRrXfjU
09:01 PM memleak: brb
11:20 PM memleak: https://imgur.com/a/NrwoQac -- gentoo image complete, no nativecam yet though
11:21 PM memleak: 197 microseconds now with youtube, 6.12.12 preempt_rt kernel, no kernel parameters
11:44 PM memleak: now to test the installer and upload to github :)