#linuxcnc Logs
Feb 05 2025
#linuxcnc Calendar
12:17 AM memleak: trying to get qtpyvcp working in gentoo and both pyside6 and main branch get as far as everything working but i have missing widgets when i do `editvcp mini`
12:31 AM memleak: i'm so close but in order to get this gentoo image out i think i just need to stop working on qtpyvcp
12:31 AM xxcoder: theres also qtpyvcp chqannel on irc
12:31 AM lcnc-relay: <Lcvette> Is linuxcnc running when you launch editvcp?
01:25 AM memleak: it is not running
01:27 AM memleak: https://imgur.com/a/xxqvbq6
01:27 AM memleak: that's using qtpyvcp with the branch that's working for everyone (main branch, not pyside6)
01:33 AM memleak: this is what it's supposed to look like: https://imgur.com/a/1KT9j90
01:36 AM memleak: just going to push gentoo image without qtpyvcp for now, i said i was going to do that before but i was very determined to get it going sooner than later
01:59 AM memleak: it's just really frustrating being this close...
02:02 AM Deejay: moin
02:03 AM memleak: hey Deejay!
02:03 AM Deejay: hey memleak
02:03 AM Deejay: how is goin'?
02:04 AM memleak: not good. you just missed it: https://imgur.com/a/xxqvbq6
02:04 AM memleak: i tried to get qtpyvcp working on gentoo again and got very close but im still missing widgets
02:04 AM Deejay: oh
02:04 AM memleak: supposed to look like this: https://imgur.com/a/1KT9j90
02:05 AM memleak: so i'm going to push the image without it for now
02:05 AM Deejay: ah okay
02:05 AM memleak: it was a hard thing to give up
02:06 AM Deejay: giving up is no option!
02:06 AM Deejay: ;)
02:06 AM memleak: i will continue it at a later point
02:06 AM memleak: turboss is trying to figure out why he's missing widgets when hes using pyside6 instead of qtpy but i'm missing them with both
02:07 AM Deejay: sounds a bit strange
02:14 AM memleak: yeah i thought if i used the main branch which uses qtpy that it'd work fine but so much for that idea
02:15 AM memleak: and then there's the issue with count= and names= both being used when i try to start the sim axis but cooling.hal only uses one of those
02:16 AM memleak: someone on github suggested memory segment corruption but i'm using a stable toolchain
02:16 AM memleak: so there's a few quirks here and there that weren't present a year ago
02:16 AM memleak: sim lathe works though so i have no idea
02:25 AM memleak: i've been ironing out bugs for the last month, i think this is as good as it's going to get until someone who knows what they're doing can push it further.
02:26 AM memleak: qtdragon and pretty much every other interface works except the axis ones
02:27 AM memleak: it's possible that with real hardware, axis will work just fine with known working hal files
02:27 AM memleak: i don't have any hardware to test with personally.
02:28 AM memleak: when more people play with it, even if they're just users, i think it'll help figure out what's going on
02:30 AM memleak: i'm going to push an rtai image too, it'll be nearly identical to the preempt_rt image but with a different kernel. vesa will work :)
02:30 AM memleak: and older gpus with hardware accel
02:31 AM memleak: for gpus like yours, it'll use vesa
03:02 AM lcnc-relay: <meisterdippel@> moin
04:07 AM -!- #linuxcnc mode set to +v by ChanServ
07:40 AM lcnc-relay: <meisterdippel@> new toy to play: https://www.amazon.de/dp/B09MLYF1WK?ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_fed_asin_title
07:41 AM lcnc-relay: <meisterdippel@> i payed only 23Euro on amazon, don't know why but on ali it costs >65 Euro ;P
07:43 AM lcnc-relay: <meisterdippel@> on amazon it has also become more expensive after my order , there was probably an error in the system 🙂
07:43 AM rdtsc-w: "early bird gets the worm" :)
08:06 AM lcnc-relay: <t4kuy4@> anyone else had some issues with a waveshare usb hub in combination with their usb to rs485 dongle?
08:06 AM lcnc-relay: <t4kuy4@> the dongle randomly disconnects and shows up as a different tty device.
08:41 AM rdtsc-w: Have seen one or two PC's get totally fried (over about ten years) from connecting PC USB or Ethernet to faulty 480V motor drives... bad day for sure
08:43 AM rdtsc-w: Siemens drives, especially older ones, are well-known for requiring a stout ground connection... without it, "ground" idles at half the bus voltage
08:50 AM lcnc-relay: <nutlinux@> Lcvette, using venv. Gentoo doesn't use apt.
08:50 AM lcnc-relay: <nutlinux@> If I remove the venv folder and all the files in .local then that should remove everything I have installed via pip right?
08:51 AM lcnc-relay: <nutlinux@> It's acting like I'm using the pyside6 branch but I deleted the qtpyvcp directory, flushed my home/.local directory and the venv dir
08:51 AM lcnc-relay: <nutlinux@> Do I need to delete something else to really flush my old pip stuff out? Is there a pop cache somewhere?
08:52 AM lcnc-relay: <nutlinux@> *pip cache
08:57 AM lcnc-relay: <nutlinux@> I deleted .cache too
08:58 AM lcnc-relay: <nutlinux@> Looks like "pip cache dir" is how to find it
08:59 AM lcnc-relay: <nutlinux@> Lcvette, would you be able to help debug inside my Gentoo environment? It can be installed and run off a flash drive
08:59 AM lcnc-relay: <nutlinux@> Also supports nvme, HDD, SSD
09:01 AM lcnc-relay: <nutlinux@> It's ok if not, just wondering if you'd be interested in trying to get qtpyvcp working on your end in Gentoo. Latency should be lower too
09:01 AM lcnc-relay: <nutlinux@> It uses 6.12 kernel series
09:12 AM lcnc-relay: <nutlinux@> Compared to debian, apps are also much snappier and has faster boot times too
09:24 AM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841@> Gentoo snob..
09:25 AM lcnc-relay: <nutlinux@> Heh!
09:25 AM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841@> 😉
09:29 AM lcnc-relay: <nutlinux@> I started with Ubuntu, switched to debian, then Slackware, then arch, now I use Gentoo for everything.
09:29 AM lcnc-relay: <Lcvette> working on the rack atc integration at the moment
09:29 AM lcnc-relay: <Lcvette> https://jauriarts.org/_heisenbridge/media/matrix.org/njDuJTtKrFNuxLXpbfflMitq/IcgSWgQXJco/image.png
09:30 AM lcnc-relay: <nutlinux@> Woah..
09:30 AM lcnc-relay: <nutlinux@> You're doing great!! Lots of stuff going on there!
09:31 AM rdtsc-w: Fancy (tm) :)
09:32 AM lcnc-relay: <nutlinux@> Qtpyvcp is really pretty
09:32 AM lcnc-relay: <Lcvette> it can be
09:32 AM lcnc-relay: <Lcvette> this is probe basic
09:32 AM lcnc-relay: <Lcvette> built with qtpyvcp
09:33 AM lcnc-relay: <nutlinux@> One problem is that there's too many touchpads and touchscreens and im on a desktop so I can't test any of those, so there's no support for such devices. USB and PS/2 mice only.
09:34 AM rdtsc-w: if ya need to search your hard disk for files, see if fsearch is available - it will index the disk and allow regex searches of filenames
09:35 AM lcnc-relay: <nutlinux@> Am I living in the 90s for still using "find" ?
09:35 AM rdtsc-w: nope, I use that too... but fsearch is nicer :)
09:36 AM rdtsc-w: https://cboxdoerfer.github.io/fsearch/
09:36 AM lcnc-relay: <nutlinux@> Woahhh.. find goes back to 1974
09:37 AM lcnc-relay: <nutlinux@> Version 5 research unix
09:38 AM lcnc-relay: <nutlinux@> Predates tar, make, sed, true, and false
09:38 AM rdtsc-w: still using a 50-year-old command on the daily :)
09:39 AM lcnc-relay: <nutlinux@> I feel bad for those who had to rename code functions without sed.
09:40 AM lcnc-relay: <nutlinux@> Or trying to find content without grep.. oh the horror
09:52 AM lcnc-relay: <schoch_@> fond memories of using tee and ed to root sun boxes over serial.
09:54 AM bjorkintosh: ed.
09:54 AM bjorkintosh: bestest ever. I still use it.
10:19 AM rdtsc-w: In college, a css class touched on scripting in the linux terminal. The prof almost accused me of copying and pasting work, so I edited it while he watched and colorized parts of the text. Hard-coded ANSI escape sequences for the win! :)
10:22 AM bjorkintosh: huh.
10:22 AM bjorkintosh: there are some really well thought out ideas which don't need much changing at all.
10:22 AM rdtsc-w: echo -e "Default \e[31mRed"
10:22 AM bjorkintosh: I did something similar in dos
10:22 AM bjorkintosh: .bat files could do some fancy crap. but it wasn't worth the effort.
10:23 AM bjorkintosh: dead end dead ends.
10:23 AM lcnc-relay: <t4kuy4@> Lcvette: thats awesome. i still need to figure out how the carousel one works.
10:28 AM lcnc-relay: <roguish> sunny and clear here today, but cold, currently 38
10:33 AM lcnc-relay: <t4kuy4@> rdtsc-w: the hub? the hub itself isnt no. but theres nothing else connected to it except that rs485 dongle.
10:33 AM lcnc-relay: i swapped both the dongle, cable and wiring between rs485 dongle and VFD already so im ruling that out
10:40 AM rdtsc-w: just wonder if the dongle needs more power than it can get from a hub. but meisterdippel had the same problem without a hub, so perhaps it's just flaky
10:41 AM roycroft: light snow here at the moment
10:42 AM rdtsc-w: supposed to get a freezing mix overnight... traffic still driving 70+MPH in 23-degree weather (huge accident this morning, entire interstate down for hours...)
10:43 AM roycroft: looks like another 3cm today
10:43 AM lcnc-relay: <t4kuy4@> rdtsc-w: it seems to behave when directly connected atm.
10:43 AM lcnc-relay: i did create a udev rule to have a custom symlink, linked to the ID and serial but that still doesnt fix the disconnect issue _if it happens_
10:43 AM roycroft: and it's -2 at the moment, so it's going to stick
10:43 AM lcnc-relay: <Lcvette> t4kuy4@: all done with subroutines
10:43 AM lcnc-relay: <Lcvette> int eh subfolder
10:44 AM lcnc-relay: <t4kuy4@> damn. thats great.
10:44 AM lcnc-relay: im working on getting my ATC spindle up and running.
10:44 AM lcnc-relay: then its off to the 18T carousel but i still have no idea how i am going to control it
10:44 AM lcnc-relay: <Lcvette> how do you mean control it?
10:45 AM lcnc-relay: <Lcvette> you mean the actual hardware side or software side?
10:45 AM lcnc-relay: <t4kuy4@> software side
10:45 AM lcnc-relay: <t4kuy4@> hardware is already pretty much done.
10:45 AM lcnc-relay: OMC T6 400W servo motor with step/dir controls
10:45 AM lcnc-relay: <Lcvette> the atc_sim has a working set of configs you can use as a template
10:45 AM lcnc-relay: <t4kuy4@> oh thats neat. didnt see those yet
10:47 AM rdtsc-w: thinking out loud... if it were my USB hub, I'd try adding several USB-A connectors to it, with just a 10uF, 25V ceramic cap across the 5V power pins. Adding those will provide a small "current resevoir" for when the RS485 driver toggles the signal lines...
10:47 AM lcnc-relay: <Lcvette> if using a servo there are a few ways to do it, i think carousel_comp is where you will start for the indexing, but the rest of the subs will have all the other sensor inputs already there to use as a guide for setting up IO in hal
10:48 AM rdtsc-w: maybe... never tried such a thing
10:48 AM lcnc-relay: <t4kuy4@> rdtsc-w: the weird thing is, it does work for a short amount of time.
10:48 AM lcnc-relay: then it just stops. and its CONSTANTLY throwing checksum errors
10:48 AM lcnc-relay: <t4kuy4@> which it doesnt when directly connected
10:49 AM lcnc-relay: <t4kuy4@> Lcvette: yea. i read about that.
10:49 AM lcnc-relay: i will not use the encoder on the servo though as i dont have the correct type on there.
10:49 AM lcnc-relay: index sensor, tool position sensor and "is tool in holder" sensor is what im going to add
10:51 AM rdtsc-w: sounds like power "brown-out" for some microseconds. When the RS485 lines toggle, it takes a lot of current for a very short amount of time to "push" that down the wire. I'm imagining the hub can't supply enough current, so ends up acting erratically.
10:51 AM lcnc-relay: <t4kuy4@> yea that might be the case... it might survive for a few turn on/off cycles but then poops out
10:52 AM lcnc-relay: <t4kuy4@> the checksum errors are weird though
10:53 AM rdtsc-w: try a powered hub - cheap enough to try
10:53 AM lcnc-relay: <t4kuy4@> it _can_ be powered. i just havent run the power lines to it yet. it sadly doesnt have a 24V tolerate input. only 5V so i need to somehow sneak that powersupply into my cabinet
10:54 AM rdtsc-w: facing a similar situation in my build... HDMI touchscreen in a pedistal cabinet; 10ft USB cable to it, need more USB ports there... looking at powered USB hubs. :)
10:56 AM lcnc-relay: <Lcvette> t4kuy4@: is this a traditional atc with a shuttle?
11:35 AM lcnc-relay: <t4kuy4@> rdtsc-w: Waveshare has 2 industrial ones. I got the 5V only one but they make a 24V one aswell which has Screw terminals
11:37 AM lcnc-relay: <t4kuy4@> Lcvette: Im not sure i can follow.
11:37 AM lcnc-relay: Rotating disk with 18tools basically.
11:37 AM lcnc-relay: Spindle moves over in x, goes down over tool position, inserts tool, moves to the side to unclip from disk. To return, its the same but backwards
11:38 AM lcnc-relay: <t4kuy4@> Theres no arm that swaps out the tools or so.
11:41 AM lcnc-relay: <Lcvette> so the carousel is stationary
11:41 AM lcnc-relay: <Lcvette> it does not move to meet the spindle
11:41 AM lcnc-relay: <Lcvette> router style machine with moving head in x and y?
12:17 PM lcnc-relay: <meisterdippel@> https://youtube.com/shorts/ZcQjW4829R0
12:20 PM lcnc-relay: <t4kuy4@> Lcvette: Just X
12:20 PM lcnc-relay: <t4kuy4@> Y is a moving table
12:48 PM lcnc-relay: <t4kuy4@> Lcvette: correct
01:16 PM memleak: gmoccapy works in gentoo :)
01:18 PM bjorkintosh: gentoo: if you're not masochistic enough and want to become Herr Leopold Masoch himself!
01:18 PM bjorkintosh: teasing, of course.
01:18 PM bjorkintosh: never touched it. I just know it compiles everything.
01:18 PM bjorkintosh: much like guix
01:19 PM Unterhaus__ is now known as unterhausen
01:20 PM memleak: i use it because it's stable
01:20 PM memleak: you get what you wait for :P
01:20 PM bjorkintosh: hahaha
01:20 PM roycroft: i was just reading an article about people raising chickens because the price of eggs is so high
01:20 PM bjorkintosh: roycroft: 202% higher than usual.
01:20 PM roycroft: i'm all for that, if it makes sense and is something you want to do
01:20 PM memleak: oof
01:20 PM bjorkintosh: which is nuts.
01:21 PM roycroft: but i'm having a hard time with the numbers
01:21 PM memleak: the tariffs are real
01:21 PM roycroft: you get one egg/day from a chicken
01:21 PM roycroft: at most
01:22 PM memleak: what i find funny about chickens is that if you take their eggs away right when they're laid, they don't care, but if you wait awhile they freak out. like either way it could be their offspring.
01:22 PM roycroft: it is going to cost $0.25-$0.50/day to feed a chicken, from what i'm reading, unless you ave set up to free range them
01:22 PM lcnc-relay: <schoch_@> we need AI eggs
01:22 PM xxcoder: unless you want 2-3 eggs everyday, one chicken probably would be plenty
01:22 PM rdtsc-w: 7 eggs a week is a decent amount, no? cholestrol :)
01:22 PM roycroft: so you're essentially at break-even, given the current price of eggs
01:22 PM roycroft: but there is the investment in the coop, in medications, and other supplies
01:22 PM roycroft: plus the time investment
01:23 PM roycroft: it seems like a losing proposition if the only reason you're doing it is to save money vs purchasing eggs at the market
01:23 PM rdtsc-w: go without for awhile, and prices will come back down
01:23 PM roycroft: and eggs will come down in price again, if we ever get the bird flu epidemic under control
01:24 PM roycroft: that's a big IF, though, because it will require a government that cares about the problem and is competent to address it
01:24 PM roycroft: so the price of eggs may be high for quite a while longer
01:25 PM roycroft: but even if they stay at current prices, i just don't see how it makes sense to raise chickens just for their eggs
01:26 PM roycroft: and then what if your chicken(s) get bird flu?
01:27 PM roycroft: as a hobby, as a self-sufficiency thing, i totally get it - i'm not at all opposed to raising chickens, although i kind of wish the town i live in now did not allow roosters, which are prohibited in most cities in oregon
01:27 PM roycroft: they get kind of noisy early in the morning
01:27 PM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841@> I can have as many chickens as I want here. But in Trempealeau where the other house is - 4 max - no roosters
01:28 PM lcnc-relay: <oddname_skane@> is this what I want to link my fault-pins from my closed loop steppers to linuxcnc?
01:28 PM lcnc-relay: net x-fault hm2_7i96s.0.inm.00.input-01 => joint.0.amp-fault-in
01:28 PM lcnc-relay: net y1-fault hm2_7i96s.0.inm.00.input-02 => joint.1.amp-fault-in
01:28 PM lcnc-relay: net y2-fault hm2_7i96s.0.inm.00.input-03 => joint.1.amp-fault-in
01:28 PM lcnc-relay: net z-fault hm2_7i96s.0.inm.00.input-04 => joint.2.amp-fault-in
01:28 PM lcnc-relay: <oddname_skane@> net .... could be wrong 🙂
01:28 PM lcnc-relay: <oddname_skane@> i think I understand is roughly
01:28 PM lcnc-relay: <oddname_skane@> * it
01:29 PM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841@> that looks plausable.. Just an FYI The => are just for us humans and are not actually needed in hal.
01:30 PM lcnc-relay: <oddname_skane@> oh
01:30 PM lcnc-relay: <oddname_skane@> so just a space would do?
01:30 PM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841@> is this what I want to link my fault-pins from my closed loop steppers to linuxcnc?
01:30 PM lcnc-relay: net x-fault hm2_7i96s.0.inm.00.input-01 joint.0.amp-fault-in
01:30 PM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841@> yes - that is the same.
01:30 PM lcnc-relay: <oddname_skane@> ah
01:31 PM lcnc-relay: <oddname_skane@> prefer the => though 🙂
01:31 PM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841@> lol - that is ok.. I was just pointing that out. (I don't like them)
01:32 PM lcnc-relay: <oddname_skane@> makes thins easier for newbies like myself
01:32 PM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841@> it is the same as..
01:33 PM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841@> net x-fault hm2_7i96s.0.inm.00.input-01 joint.0.amp-fault-in
01:33 PM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841@> oops
01:33 PM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841@> hold pleas
01:33 PM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841@> e
01:33 PM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841@> is this what I want to link my fault-pins from my closed loop steppers to linuxcnc?
01:33 PM lcnc-relay: net x-fault hm2_7i96s.0.inm.00.input-01 joint.0.amp-fault-in
01:33 PM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841@> omg
01:33 PM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841@> I have failed at discord.
01:34 PM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841@> net x-fault hm2_7i96s.0.inm.00.input-01
01:34 PM lcnc-relay: net x-fault joint.0.amp-fault-in
01:35 PM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841@> ^ that is the same as your 1 line
01:35 PM lcnc-relay: <oddname_skane@> that looks slicker
01:35 PM lcnc-relay: <oddname_skane@> I like that 🙂
01:36 PM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841@> I do both depending on how long I have worked on a hal file 😉
01:37 PM lcnc-relay: <oddname_skane@> i started out with pncconf
01:37 PM lcnc-relay: <oddname_skane@> but promised myself to learn manual editing to mess less things up
01:41 PM lcnc-relay: <oddname_skane@> tried askin chatgpt the same just nu, same answer as you 😄
01:41 PM lcnc-relay: <oddname_skane@> good thing when its so well documented like linuxcnc I guess
01:44 PM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841@> lol - you will be way ahead if you learn how to edit hal and INI files.. the configurators only go so far.
01:51 PM lcnc-relay: <t4kuy4@> rdtsc-w: so i looked into the specsheet of my hub..
01:51 PM lcnc-relay: without an external psu, its 490mA per port if connected to a usb2.0 port on the host
01:52 PM lcnc-relay: <t4kuy4@> that should be enough for that dongle actually...
01:52 PM lcnc-relay: <t4kuy4@> but who knows whats going on inside that hub
02:27 PM xxcoder: oh finally the promised snow is here
02:27 PM xxcoder: more melty than last one though
02:27 PM roycroft: it's still snowing here, but fairly lightly
02:27 PM roycroft: big fluffy flakes
02:28 PM roycroft: and it's not accumulating much
02:28 PM memleak: i think idle=poll only works if CONFIG_CPUIDLE is enabled
02:33 PM memleak: testing...
02:34 PM lcnc-relay: <wagon56@> Hello guys, ive done some work on the rpi5 issues ive been having that have seemed impossible to fix but now im finally getting close, for the first time i can load the hal_pi_gpio driver with no known issues except the fact that setting a pin state to true still gives no voltage changes on the GPIO pins of the pi, heres the output once i load the hal_pi_gpio
02:34 PM lcnc-relay: cnc@raspberrypi:~$ halcmd loadrt hal_pi_gpio
02:34 PM lcnc-relay: Waiting for component 'hal_pi_gpio' to become ready......Waited 3 seconds for master. giving up.
02:34 PM lcnc-relay: Note: Using POSIX realtime
02:34 PM lcnc-relay: ... long message truncated: https://jauriarts.org/_heisenbridge/media/jauriarts.org/ELiqCVupXwzHjAziBbIgrsjB/9n_JT_JP7D0 (8 lines)
02:36 PM memleak: brb
02:44 PM memleak: ok good i dont need cpuidle enabled. process: using polling idle threads ... process: WARNING: polling idle and HT enabled, performance may degrade
02:45 PM memleak: latency is better, 110 microseconds on base thread with youtube
02:45 PM memleak: 120 on servo
03:00 PM roycroft: does anyone know if modern linuxcnc runs on beagle bone computers?
03:07 PM unterhausen: I think you are stuck trying to figure out how to install machinekit
03:08 PM xxcoder: tons alternatives nowdays im sure
03:08 PM xxcoder: would pi5 be better than beagle bone now?
03:09 PM unterhausen: the only people using beaglebones are selling machines with them. The dsp coprocessors are pretty cool
03:09 PM unterhausen: ^slight exaggeration probably
03:10 PM roycroft: i only asked because i was doing some research on controlling a delta 3d printer with linuxchc, and ran across a video by a guy who did that with a beaglebone board and a cramps "shield" (i forget what beaglebone call their stacking cards)
03:10 PM roycroft: and i remember years ago folks were using beaglebone for linuxchc, but i hadn't heard of it for a while
03:11 PM roycroft: so i'm not at all saying i want to use one - i'm just curious, and if it is still a thing i might be slightly interested
03:12 PM roycroft: i don't mind using an rpi and a mesa board, though, even though the cost might be a bit higher
03:12 PM xxcoder: dont kossel clear already have controller board?
03:12 PM roycroft: for what i paid for the delta printer i don't mind putting a little money into making it move and squirt
03:12 PM xxcoder: or is it too obselete?
03:12 PM unterhausen: pocketnc uses beaglebone
03:12 PM roycroft: i don't remember seeing one
03:12 PM roycroft: i'll go look at it
03:12 PM xxcoder: look in bottom of it
03:13 PM unterhausen: no reason to use anything other than lcnc on a delta machine
03:13 PM unterhausen: I am pretty sure lcnc ships with kinematics
03:14 PM memleak: vesa works: https://pastebin.com/FEFfqr9s
03:15 PM memleak: just need to make sure downgrading to a 5.4 kernel for rtai that it still works, that way Deejay can use his display with RTAI
03:15 PM memleak: and anyone else with a GPU not supported by the 5.4 kernel
03:15 PM roycroft: there's a box on the bottom that i thought was a power supply, but it might have a controller in it
03:16 PM roycroft: it would probably be a grbl board though?
03:16 PM unterhausen: I vaguely remember the delta machine with a beaglebone. I'm pretty sure Charles Steinkuehler built it. He's the only person left on the machine kit email list
03:16 PM roycroft: i'd like to use linuxcnc on that printer
03:16 PM xxcoder: its likely something like martin, its in that era after all
03:16 PM xxcoder: but yeah if you want linuxcnc it would need replacement
03:16 PM roycroft: i'd want to replace it, i should think
03:17 PM memleak: wrapping up the image now, brb
03:17 PM unterhausen: if you were really lucky, it might be remora-compatible
03:17 PM roycroft: and i recently purchased a rpi4 for another project that's going in a different direction, so all i would need is the mesa board
03:18 PM xxcoder: https://reprap.org/wiki/KosselClear infoon it
03:19 PM xxcoder: ah it uses ramps 1.4
03:20 PM roycroft: 7i96s
03:20 PM roycroft: thanks
03:20 PM xxcoder: wlcom
03:20 PM xxcoder: welcome
03:20 PM roycroft: the printer is pretty messed up
03:20 PM xxcoder: my keyboard seem to want to take a break on e lol (its over 20 years old)
03:20 PM roycroft: dirty, and loose wires dangling about everywhere
03:21 PM -!- #linuxcnc mode set to +v by ChanServ
03:21 PM xxcoder: yep it was already messy, though dirt is from years garage storage
03:21 PM roycroft: it needs a good refurbishment anyway, so i figured i'd rebuild it as i want it to be
03:21 PM xxcoder: I cleaned it up as much as I could
03:21 PM roycroft: i'm not complaining
03:21 PM xxcoder: I know :)
03:21 PM roycroft: just pointing out that it already needs significant work to make functional again
03:22 PM roycroft: so i might as well make it work my way, not the way it shipped originally
03:22 PM xxcoder: yeah theres been lot of progress since it come out too
03:22 PM roycroft: i guess i'd need drivers for it too
03:22 PM xxcoder: better printing etc
03:22 PM roycroft: but still, it should not cost that much to get it going
03:23 PM roycroft: that design, though, is the opposite to what i'm really interested in in a 3d printer right now
03:23 PM roycroft: my main complaint about my ender 5 is loading and metering of filament
03:24 PM roycroft: i would like to try a printer where the filament feed is on the top, right by the hot end
03:24 PM roycroft: and the can auto-load filament
03:24 PM Unterhaus_: I'm joining the makerspace so I can use their bambus
03:24 PM roycroft: and that's not a reasonable thing to try to do with delta geometry
03:24 PM Unterhaus_: when they try to steal my designs, they'll be really confused
03:24 PM roycroft: bambu have backed way off on their control crap, for now
03:25 PM roycroft: but creality just came out with a new printer that might crush the bambu market
03:25 PM roycroft: so we'll see how that works out
03:27 PM roycroft: goodbye, most of the world
03:27 PM roycroft: did the bridge just collapse or something?
03:27 PM Tom_itx is now known as Tom_L
03:27 PM xxcoder: nah irc servr split
03:27 PM xxcoder: or not split but one server went down
03:27 PM roycroft: that's unusual on this network
03:28 PM xxcoder: yep pretty good admins
03:28 PM xxcoder: bridge is fine, I see our text on discord
03:28 PM roycroft: and not as many skr1pt k1dd13s as on the old efnet
03:28 PM roycroft: operating a server on efnet in the mid '90s was quite the experience
03:29 PM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841@> what is a 4700k capasitor? internet is failing
03:29 PM xxcoder: I wonder how many server backed irc connections is still being ran to connect to freenode. ones setup then either forgotten or got deadified
03:29 PM roycroft: 4700 kilo farads?
03:29 PM srk- is now known as srk
03:29 PM roycroft: that would be one big capacitor
03:29 PM rdtsc-w: SW prolly 4700pF, or 4.7nF, with a K tolerance
03:29 PM roycroft: like the most ginormous capacitor ever
03:30 PM * roycroft saw a 1 farad capacitor once, and it was pretty big
03:30 PM lcnc-relay: <voiditswarranty@> 4700uf is a pretty common motor start capacitor size
03:30 PM lcnc-relay: <voiditswarranty@> pf?
03:30 PM rdtsc-w: ba$$ k1dd1es use 1F caps in their 10,000W car audio amps
03:30 PM lcnc-relay: <voiditswarranty@> crap I thought I remembered. anyway, "4700" somethings is a pretty common motor start capacitor size
03:31 PM rdtsc-w: barring no other information given, a capacitor with the marking 4700K is probably a tiny one, 4.7nF, and +/-20%
03:32 PM lcnc-relay: <voiditswarranty@> I've got a 3F super capacitor running a backup power circuit for my DRO, cost me like $50, but it means I didn't have to think about diodes or op amps at all
03:32 PM lcnc-relay: <voiditswarranty@> it'll run a raspberry pi for a few minutes
03:32 PM lcnc-relay: <voiditswarranty@> what do the car amp people use them for?
03:32 PM xxcoder: thats plenty to do emergacy stuff
03:32 PM roycroft: to annoy people
03:32 PM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841@> looks like it is 470pf
03:33 PM xxcoder: loudness for car I guess
03:33 PM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841@> or - pretty small lol
03:33 PM roycroft: i remember one very annoying one i got too close to a few years ago
03:33 PM roycroft: the wanker had a pickup (toyota of course) with the entire bed filled with big woofers, pointing straight up
03:33 PM lcnc-relay: <voiditswarranty@> I bet they don't understand R/C circuits and just think bigger is better
03:34 PM rdtsc-w: SW could be 470pF x 0, but usually if a string of digits, all of them are pF
03:34 PM roycroft: you could see the pickup bed vibrating as his "music" was blasting out of the speakers
03:35 PM xxcoder: I wonder if guy already had to re-tighten but with lock all nuts etc
03:35 PM xxcoder: otherwise its going to evenually fall apart
03:35 PM rdtsc-w: In my younger years, helped a nephew build a quad 12" subwoofer box. Really built it well, lots of glue and screws. He was rear-ended at a stop light - totaled the car, but just pushed the unbroken cabinet into the back seat :)
03:35 PM xxcoder: lol
03:36 PM xxcoder: all vehicles I ever owned, speakers was barely used at all. usually by nephew
03:37 PM roycroft: i would not mind so much, except every single one of those ginormous boom box vehicle setups blasts really offensive rap music that's fully of violence and misogyny
03:37 PM roycroft: if they would play decent music (and i don't hate rap music per se - just the violent and hater stuff) it would be more tolerable
03:37 PM rdtsc-w: they're just obnoxious and totally unnecessary
03:38 PM roycroft: personally, i prefer to listen to music inside my vehicle instead of forcing the entire rest of the world to listen with me
03:38 PM rdtsc-w: we even have one of those people at work now... must be a younger kid... can always tell when he arrives because the whole building shakes. Waiting for the company owner to say something to them.
03:38 PM roycroft: well yay
03:39 PM roycroft: i've been fighting with this vpn issue for days - i have three different clients that need to all talk to the same vpn server
03:40 PM rdtsc-w: vpn = void pointer naturally
03:40 PM roycroft: two of the clients are embedded systems running older openvpn/libssl (two different devices, with two different client/lib combos), and the third only likes to use the most bleeding edge stuff
03:41 PM * rdtsc-w does not like VPNs... huge hassle
03:41 PM roycroft: i started out running three different vpn servers on the same host so they would each have what they want to talk to, but i just finally got a combination of crypto algorithms and ciphers configured that all three are happy with
03:41 PM roycroft: here's my situation
03:41 PM roycroft: we're doing voip services for customers
03:41 PM roycroft: and many of them were having trouble talking to our phone switch
03:42 PM roycroft: turns out that internet providers who also offer voip services like to interecept all sip traffic and direct it at themselves
03:42 PM * roycroft stares at comcast and spectrum
03:42 PM roycroft: the only way i've found to get around that is to tunnel the sip traffic through a vpn
03:43 PM roycroft: we're already using tls for the sip traffic, so the data stream is fairly secure without the vpn
03:43 PM rdtsc-w: Calgon, take me away!
03:44 PM roycroft: we're only doing it to get through the cablemodems
03:44 PM lcnc-relay: <ccatlett1984@> cloudflare tunnel? or tailscale?
03:46 PM roycroft: openvpn on one of the devices, some proprietary thing that can talk to an openvpn server on the other device, and the standard openvpn client for the rest
03:50 PM rdtsc-w: oddname_skane be sure to run halshow to see what all of the active I/Os are: https://linuxcnc.org/docs/html/hal/tools.html
03:52 PM lcnc-relay: <voiditswarranty@> oh, they're using super caps on the power rail to make up for batteries, wires, and those crimp splice crap connectors being too small for inrush currents lol (I was pretty sure the trunk rattler down the street wasn't an electronics engineer anyway). I bet the ESR in them is so high they'll just pass alternator high frequencies straight in anyway.
04:09 PM -!- #linuxcnc mode set to +v by ChanServ
05:15 PM john__ is now known as C3-Shop
05:57 PM javabean_ is now known as JavaBean
06:06 PM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841@> lol.. Has anyone created a quick and easy way to convert a hal file into a block diagram?
06:08 PM Tom_L: wouldn't that be trick
06:09 PM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841@> ooh - https://forum.linuxcnc.org/plasma-laser/34978-thc-plasma-configs-with-how-to?start=40#115472
06:09 PM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841@> wonder if that still works
06:10 PM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841@> hmm - but looks like you have to run halshow
06:11 PM Tom_L: following all those lines would make me dizzy
06:11 PM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841@> lol - I didn't know halshow was a hal command..
06:11 PM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841@> I thought it was something in the gui's
06:11 PM Tom_L: nope
06:11 PM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841@> well - for me it might not be too bad. I just have a hal only file
06:12 PM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841@> with a dozen or so componants.
06:12 PM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841@> or les
06:12 PM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841@> less
06:12 PM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841@> learn something new every day
06:12 PM Tom_L: try to
06:12 PM Tom_L: problem now is i forget more than i remember
06:14 PM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841@> the rpi5 and the 7i97t has been rock solid..
06:14 PM Tom_L: nice
06:19 PM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841@> lol - I had an AMC choke/filter that I wanted to try. It hooks in series with the motor and also hooks to supply ground.
06:19 PM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841@> I was today old when I found out - chassis ground is not supply ground.. lol - blew a capasitor right up.
06:21 PM xxcoder: doh
06:32 PM rdtsc: well I'd like to try that dot.py, but somehow python has disappeared from my Rpi4B
06:34 PM rdtsc: ahh no, python3 is there... python is not. symlink to the rescue
06:36 PM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841@> does it work? Huh?
06:37 PM rdtsc: nope, formatting errors, fixing
06:39 PM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841@> and then do this file? lol https://pastebin.com/2K1k4Ntb
06:40 PM rdtsc: there are more than just formatting errors in the file... scratching head
06:42 PM rdtsc: definitely python 2.x
06:42 PM rdtsc: gonna require a port to 3 at least
06:43 PM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841@> darn - I kinda figured that.
06:50 PM rdtsc: and confusingly, it is using a command "dot" which appears to be https://graphviz.org
07:29 PM rdtsc: SW unfortunately I wouldn't be able to "do" your HAL file; it builds the node tree by getting the names from halshow *while* the hal file is running - so it must be done on the actual machine. Maybe I'll have a look at porting it... new libraries available like pydot which might make it easier.
08:10 PM xxcoder: ugh. seems I failed to remove metal spur years ago. its being pushed out again, creating pain at tip of finger lol
08:10 PM xxcoder: it looks tiny, so I guess I only removed most of it
08:11 PM rdtsc: Hmm... get a very strong neodymium magnet :)
08:11 PM xxcoder: dont think its magetic metal
08:11 PM xxcoder: it was either steel or titanium, been few years
08:12 PM rdtsc: I'd think steel would be absorbed... likely titanium then, uggh
08:12 PM xxcoder: alum maybe
08:13 PM rdtsc: could have a doc remove it... won't be pleasant though
08:13 PM Unterhaus_ is now known as unterhausen
08:14 PM unterhausen: xacto knife for me
08:15 PM unterhausen: I might even sterilize it first before digging for the splinter
08:15 PM unterhausen: or you could go get an mri for fun and watch it catch on fire
08:16 PM xxcoder: nah too small for that
08:19 PM lcnc-relay: <big_kevin420@> microscope is the best
08:23 PM unterhausen: microscope, you see it, and then cut it out with an xacto
08:23 PM xxcoder: i have that fancy tweezer with len and led light
08:24 PM unterhausen: I'll have to try the microscope technique next time
08:25 PM rdtsc: apparently titanium is weakly paramagnetic. If you got a disc, put some neodymium magnets on its circumference, spun it, and brought your finger near, it might have a slight affect of pushing it in the direction of rotation. but pretty weak
08:25 PM xxcoder: talking about magnetism, seems scientists found a third form of it
08:26 PM xxcoder: https://www.sciencealert.com/physicists-confirm-the-existence-of-a-third-form-of-magnetism
08:26 PM unterhausen: I found a 4th form of magnetism, but I'm keeping it to myself until I get rich
08:26 PM xxcoder: fancy
08:26 PM unterhausen: IKR
09:06 PM bjorkintosh: 4th?
09:06 PM bjorkintosh: opposites do not attract?
09:57 PM lcnc-relay: <yikityyax@> anyone use wezhunter
09:57 PM lcnc-relay: ESP32_LinuxCNC_MotionController_RealTime in conjunction of LCLC
09:57 PM lcnc-relay: <yikityyax@> https://github.com/wezhunter/ESP32_LinuxCNC_MotionController_RealTime
10:26 PM lcnc-relay: <captainhindsight_.@> yikityyax@ check the forums
10:27 PM lcnc-relay: <captainhindsight_.@> There is another esp32 LCNC project
10:28 PM lcnc-relay: <yikityyax@> oh... question. have you ever used the #7 on your Microwave?
10:29 PM lcnc-relay: <captainhindsight_.@> https://forum.linuxcnc.org/18-computer/42414-linuxcnc-esp32-software-stepping-over-ethernet-using-esp32
10:35 PM lcnc-relay: <rhine_labs@> Senate Testimony.. Right to Repair. No Props Allowed, He Does it Every Year! LOL! https://youtu.be/QOZPJ0sXRZI
10:48 PM AGR: Is
10:50 PM AGR: Does Tool Lenght comp work in Linuxcnc 5-axis mill
11:10 PM lcnc-relay: <yikityyax@> captainhindsight_.@ , I apprecieat the 18 page post... however, it provides about no insigth to my question. Does anybody use it? BTW it linked bauck the the wezhunter git repo... so ... thanks... unless I missed somehting.