#linuxcnc Logs

Jan 19 2025

#linuxcnc Calendar

01:37 AM Deejay: moin
04:10 AM lcnc-relay: <turboss@> good morninh
04:10 AM lcnc-relay: <turboss@> *morning
05:07 AM Unterhausen is now known as unterhausen
05:13 AM Tom_L: morning
08:54 AM lcnc-relay: <ccatlett1984@> @roycroft their new connect application has already been reverse engineered. The new firmware has not been made available just yet, outside of a beta channel. And only currently for the X1 series of printers. It was hilarious that they decided to do this a week before Chinese New Year.
08:55 AM lcnc-relay: <ccatlett1984@> If you are currently in lan only mode, and running firmware prior to this update, you can happily keep printing from your slicer as you currently do today.
09:07 AM lcnc-relay: <ccatlett1984@> The fallout from this debacle is glorious to watch though.
11:10 AM xxcoder: wow what a ice day
11:38 AM rdtsc: Bambu write-up: https://hackaday.com/2025/01/17/new-bambu-lab-firmware-update-adds-mandatory-authorization-control-system/
11:52 AM TurboTechnique: https://i.imgur.com/d4FoQPB.jpeg Getting ready to get my new chinese cnc router up and running, using mesa 7i76 and 7i92. Should have just gotten ethercat stepper drives, would have been even easier.
11:57 AM roycroft: i think bambu are getting a lot of feedback on the new firmware from their users, especially those with big printer farms
11:57 AM lcnc-relay: <ccatlett1984@> yep
11:57 AM roycroft: i don't have any bambu printers
11:58 AM roycroft: this doesn't affect me at all
11:58 AM lcnc-relay: <ccatlett1984@> https://git.devminer.xyz/archive/bambu-connect here is the reverse engineered source code.
11:58 AM roycroft: but i also had not heard of orca slicer before
11:58 AM roycroft: now i'm going to check it out - folks say it's vastly superior to most other slicers
11:58 AM lcnc-relay: <ccatlett1984@> Orca is great, nice to have the buil-in calibration prints in the slicer
11:58 AM roycroft: i'm using the prusa slicer now
11:59 AM roycroft: so maybe this whole fiasco will benefit me
11:59 AM roycroft: thanks, bambu!
11:59 AM rdtsc: TurboTechnique looking good, good luck and best wishes for an easy time at it
11:59 AM xxcoder: neat wiring cabiet
12:00 PM lcnc-relay: <thorhian@> https://wiki.rossmanngroup.com/wiki/Bambu_Lab_Authorization_Control_System
12:01 PM lcnc-relay: <thorhian@> Info from the Rossmann community without the Rossmann rant.
12:02 PM xxcoder: nice cat
12:02 PM lcnc-relay: <thorhian@> Poor Clinton.
12:03 PM roycroft: from what i've read about the situation, i can understand bambu's wanting to lock down access to their cloud servers
12:03 PM roycroft: i don't understand their locking down lan mode though
12:03 PM roycroft: not for the reaons they stated
12:04 PM xxcoder: former is security, latter is money I'm pretty sure
12:04 PM roycroft: well the former is money
12:04 PM xxcoder: after all earliest bambu printers didnt even have "lan" mode
12:04 PM roycroft: it's all about their cloud servers getting hammered
12:04 PM roycroft: and having to invest more money in the cloud server farm
12:06 PM lcnc-relay: <thorhian@> People controlling their P1S via BTT products or similar devices are going to love this transition period.
12:16 PM lcnc-relay: <ccatlett1984@> its all about money, lan mode is already authenticated
12:16 PM lcnc-relay: <ccatlett1984@> it's already user+password+2FA for lan mode
12:18 PM xxcoder: its pretty simple to secure commucations honestly. have printer sdcard have excryption key that is never shared across network
12:18 PM xxcoder: boom its much harder to get access to printer
12:19 PM roycroft: it's just a matter of time now until some team puts together some open source replacement firmware for bambu printers
12:20 PM roycroft: something that should not be necessary, and would likely have been avoided had bambu not pulled this lockdown stunt
12:20 PM xxcoder: think they lock down ability to flash board, so probably need replacement board also
12:20 PM roycroft: that's not hard to do
12:20 PM xxcoder: yeah but not worth it. id just get prusa core 1
12:21 PM roycroft: but the next step will be bambu requiring a printer to call home if the owner needs replacement parts
12:21 PM xxcoder: step after that would be printer ordering upgrades for itself
12:21 PM lcnc-relay: <ccatlett1984@> or locking it down to their filament, or forcing "consumables" to be replaced at a specific interval
12:21 PM roycroft: yes, the xerox model
12:22 PM roycroft: parts pairing is illegal in oregon now, for consumer electronics
12:24 PM * roycroft decides to install orca slicer while he's enjoying his cappuccino and easing into the day
12:25 PM lcnc-relay: <ccatlett1984@> there is a PERL script to convert your prusaslicer profiles to orca, i can find the github repo if you need it
12:25 PM roycroft: i was dubious about orca slicer at first, as there are so many malware sites that pop op when i do a search on it
12:25 PM roycroft: but i found the real thing on github
12:26 PM roycroft: i'll let you know if i need that, ccatlett1984
12:26 PM roycroft: i've never been totally happy with my profiles, but never spent the time dialing them in a bit more
12:26 PM roycroft: perhaps it's best to start from scratch with the new slicer - it has a profile for my printer already that would be a good starting point
12:27 PM roycroft: i'm thinking of getting an auto-leveler for my printer as well
12:29 PM lcnc-relay: <ccatlett1984@> 100% bed meshing is the way to go
12:29 PM rdtsc: Saw on the Creality Print 6 software, it would actually let you target a Bambu X1 series... perhaps this intends to block that behavior as well
12:30 PM lcnc-relay: <ccatlett1984@> this will block all 3rd party apps, slicers, integrations, accessories
12:30 PM Tom_L: wait til they put write once chips on their junk
12:31 PM roycroft: orca, bambu, prusa, and creality slicers are all forks of slic3r
12:31 PM roycroft: tom_l: or turn the printers into rentalware
12:32 PM rdtsc: Guess I need to pop-up a warning which reads "Do not upgrade printer firmware" so co-workers don't accidentally bork the work printer
12:32 PM roycroft: they'll announce one day that unless you start paying a monthly subscription fee your printer(s) will stop working
12:32 PM lcnc-relay: <ccatlett1984@> slic3r > prusaslicer > bambu > orca
12:32 PM Tom_L: i'm kinda glad i don't have one
12:32 PM lcnc-relay: <ccatlett1984@> creality, is a bad re-skin of orca
12:32 PM roycroft: allegedly doesn't matter, rdtsc
12:32 PM Tom_L: they're already too much plastic in the world
12:33 PM roycroft: the bambu announcement says that even in lan mode they will block new print requests until the firmware is updated
12:33 PM roycroft: which tells me that their "lan mode" still calls home
12:33 PM lcnc-relay: <ccatlett1984@> unless you block the printer from communicating out
12:33 PM lcnc-relay: <ccatlett1984@> yes, it does
12:34 PM rdtsc: what a "Pongyang" move...
12:34 PM Tom_L: rent to never own
12:36 PM xxcoder: lol https://hackaday.com/2025/01/19/bambu-connects-authentication-x-509-certificate-and-private-key-extracted/
12:37 PM xxcoder: yeah that looks very "secure"
12:37 PM rdtsc: less than three days and... cracked lol
12:38 PM lcnc-relay: <ccatlett1984@> it was cracked over 24hours ago
12:38 PM lcnc-relay: <ccatlett1984@> happened pretty much in realtime in another discord that i'm in
12:38 PM lcnc-relay: <ccatlett1984@> was great to watch
12:39 PM lcnc-relay: <ccatlett1984@> they used some app armoring to make reverse engineering harder, it basically exctracted a zip bomb (~100gb of empty files)
12:40 PM roycroft: there are some folks on teh youtube who sing the praises of bambu constantly
12:40 PM roycroft: none of them are "sponsored" by bambu
12:40 PM roycroft: or so they say
12:40 PM Tom_L: would you admit that?
12:40 PM roycroft: i wonder if any of them will be changing their tune soon
12:40 PM xxcoder: astroturfing
12:40 PM roycroft: some youtubers are open about their sponsorship
12:41 PM rdtsc: well, looks like we'll be forced to upgrade firmware, then a 3rd-party "patch" to circumvent it. Look Bambu, realize security is a concern... but locking the product down like it was from a third-world country is (clearly) not the answer. I'm thinking a "Eff Bambu" LAN-only mode sounds nice about now.
12:41 PM roycroft: that's a lot better than blatently promoting a vendor and lying about being sponsored
12:41 PM roycroft: again, locking down the cloud servers is fine
12:42 PM rdtsc: Eff those... LAN only please
12:42 PM roycroft: especially since, if i owned a bambu printer i would run it in lan mode
12:42 PM xxcoder: picture a cnc machine as locked down as bambu printer
12:42 PM roycroft: with my flaky internet service, i'd hate to be 9 hours into an 11 hour print and have it fail because the internet connection went down
12:43 PM rdtsc: xxcoder, lol... set-up time goes from 10 seconds to 2 days
12:43 PM roycroft: so the question is: when will linuxcnc run on a bambu printer? :)
12:45 PM xxcoder: rdtsc: "oh their server is down, we cant run this hot job meanwhile, for probably a week"
12:46 PM roycroft: for the production print farms, running jobs off sd cards is not feasible
12:46 PM xxcoder: yeah
12:46 PM rdtsc: "Oh the internet went down everybody - we can't work, everyone go home"
12:47 PM roycroft: when you have 20-50 printers that run constantly, you can't go around queueing jobs on a per-printer basis at the printer's control panel
12:47 PM rdtsc: or from SD cards because the firmware won't let it talk
12:48 PM roycroft: that's what i'm talking about
12:48 PM roycroft: you have to run the job on the sd card at the printer console
12:48 PM bjorkintosh: yep. the 'cloud' is someone else's computer.
12:48 PM roycroft: a printer that only works with an sd card is not useful in production
12:50 PM rdtsc: we only have one X1C at work... soon to have a K2 Pro I think... we COULD use SD cards, but that would slow things down and hurt efficiency. The X1C is busy most of the time
12:52 PM roycroft: yeah, even if you're a small shop, it doesn't scale
12:52 PM lcnc-relay: <ccatlett1984@> X1Plus w/ Lan + Shield mode
12:53 PM roycroft: if you have 100 products, and you make occasional changes to some of them, keeping them all up-to-date on sd cards is almost impossible
12:53 PM roycroft: not to mention how long it takes to scroll through directories on the sd card to find the job you need to print
12:54 PM rdtsc: as is, our "3d prints" folder has grown from a few files to a dedicated-naming-tree-system, just to keep all of the various versions and iterations clear and concise
12:56 PM rdtsc: we're just a small shop making some parts that can't be gotten any other way... can only imagine what that's like on a full print-farm
01:10 PM Tom_L: just like any other cnc shop
01:38 PM jdh: I have an x1e at work. it's on a private lan with no way out.
01:54 PM BorgPipe: would a spine snapper work for euthanisia ?
01:55 PM * rdtsc raises one eyebrow...
02:38 PM * roycroft hopes that was a mischan
02:40 PM BorgPipe: how many times does a large drill press almost get someone in the back
02:42 PM BorgPipe: just because the vice wont hold the part
02:43 PM xxcoder: get better vice
02:44 PM BorgPipe: be surprised what a person might use a 3" drill bit for
02:45 PM BorgPipe: big round things for one
02:45 PM CloudEvil: Improvised boring bar
02:47 PM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841@> the bambu change sucks. I knew going into this that it might happen.
02:48 PM xxcoder: hopefully with excryption leak people can create fake bambu server
04:11 PM xxcoder: insane. pretty badly designed bicycle https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AB7pBrudFbg
04:21 PM Unterhaus_ is now known as unterhausen
04:22 PM unterhausen: lots of people have designed hubless wheels. The only person I know of that ever built them found out they weigh too much
04:25 PM xxcoder: not surpised. that ghost rides near the end just scare me lol
05:31 PM lcnc-relay: <big_kevin420@> man is that kid riding a minibike in the park? can you guys do that >
05:31 PM lcnc-relay: <big_kevin420@> ?'
06:38 PM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841@> google says my email is 75% full.. lol
06:40 PM lcnc-relay: <ccatlett1984@> time to kill all those old pdf attachments
06:41 PM lcnc-relay: <ccatlett1984@> woohoo, have the pi5 booting off nvme now 😄
06:41 PM lcnc-relay: <ccatlett1984@> rpi-clone wasn't working, had to use "dd" for the clone
06:41 PM lcnc-relay: <ccatlett1984@> boots stupid fast now
06:55 PM roycroft: i just found a piece of paper with a bunch of random words printed on it
06:56 PM roycroft: it looks like it might be my long-lost crypto wallet pass phrase
06:56 PM * roycroft is cautiously excited
07:02 PM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841@> https://photos.app.goo.gl/tn1aAYPHNzEFsT716
07:02 PM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841@> lol - I have one of those papers in my tool box at the other house.
07:02 PM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841@> (there is nothing in the wallet)
07:23 PM roycroft: i don't remember what i mined all those years ago (2012-2013) but it was > 1 btc and <2 btc
07:23 PM roycroft: with bitcoin sitting at $105k right now, i have six figures in my wallet
07:25 PM roycroft: and it's been so long since i mined it if i sell it i'll only pay 10% taxes on it
09:12 PM CloudEvil: roycroft: Good luck!
09:16 PM xxcoder: yep
09:21 PM roycroft: thanks
09:35 PM roycroft: currently i'm puzzling over a plumbing issue
09:35 PM roycroft: i opened up the wall in the laundry room today (finally)
09:35 PM roycroft: i need to add a sink to that room, and there's no plumbing for a sink
09:36 PM roycroft: it's the drain and vent that are the problem
09:37 PM roycroft: especially since the existing laundry drain is not compliant with current code (it was compliant when the house was built)