#linuxcnc Logs
Dec 09 2024
#linuxcnc Calendar
01:08 AM Deejay: moin
04:20 AM Tom_L: morning
04:25 AM Tom_L: memleak, using RTAI 5.4.279 linuxcnc can't be updated thru normal channels is that correct?
05:24 AM CaptHindsight: Which rtai version did Andy package?
06:56 AM Tom_L: i don't recall
07:00 AM Tom_L: 5.4.258
07:31 AM memleak: yeah 5.4.258
09:17 AM memleak: you can't mix and match so the 5.4.279 linuxcnc deb needs to be installed with it
09:30 AM memleak: oh yeah, my dad was working on a machine and he kept seeing real-time delay errors in linuxcnc running rtai, but every time he ran the latency histogram, it'd be under 10 microseconds but he needed to set his (either base or serve) thread to 80 or so microseconds to avoid the delays. I was so confused so I ran the RTAI testsuite and only in _there_ was latency hitting the 50s or whatever
09:31 AM memleak: so the linuxcnc latency test doesn't measure latency the same way it's done internally in RTAI
09:32 AM memleak: now i've deployed rtai on many systems and literally only saw this once in the many years i've been working on rtai
09:34 AM memleak: *servo
09:35 AM memleak: weird.
09:39 AM memleak: one thing i just thought of, i don't think the rtai testsuite uses the highest core even if isolcpus is set but i'm not sure. i'd have to throw in a printf (using CPU %somethinghere); and test it
09:40 AM memleak: i wrote a simple CPU affinity testcase here awhile back: https://github.com/NTULINUX/affinity/blob/master/affinity.c
09:45 AM memleak: doesn't measure latency at all, just runs a pthread on the highest core with a printf function telling you what core it's on.
09:46 AM memleak: uses POSIX, not RTAI.
09:48 AM memleak: i'd have to dig through the linuxcnc source to figure out how they did it for rtai then modify the testsuite so it (more closely) matches linuxcnc's latency test. I write C using copypasta :)
09:50 AM memleak: ok so it's %d
09:50 AM memleak: no idea why it's d, but it's %d xD
10:06 AM memleak: oof.. looking at rtapi_task_new() in linuxcnc and rt_task_init_cpuid() in rtai, this is over my head
10:06 AM memleak: heh, writing posix threads is a lot easier than writing for rtai
10:22 AM rdtsc-wk: I sort-of asked RodW on the forums (since he made a preempt-rt .iso for aarch64, thank you) if he'd consider an RTAI build for aarch64... he enthusiastically declined heheh
10:26 AM memleak: rtai only works on i386 and amd64 atm
10:26 AM memleak: my tree only supports amd64 though
10:30 AM memleak: technically rtai supports arm m69k ppc and maybe something else but you'd have to go back to the 90s with an ancient toolchain, kernel and distro
10:30 AM memleak: *m68k
10:31 AM rdtsc-wk: figured there was a good reason why :)
10:33 AM memleak: old arm, not arm64
10:48 AM memleak: i think i saw an at91 in there
10:51 AM roycroft: my ir laser head is allegedly out for delivery
10:52 AM * roycroft will be happy to be able to scratch on metals with his laser
11:09 AM memleak: hi BorgPipe
11:09 AM memleak: i think you're a new face!
11:17 AM roycroft: i wouldn't get too friendly with borgpipe - it will probably try to assimilate you
11:17 AM roycroft: with a pipe
11:17 AM roycroft: which would hurt, i should think
11:19 AM memleak: i got bag pipes!
11:22 AM Unterhaus_ is now known as Unterhausen
11:53 AM * roycroft has bagpipes
11:54 AM roycroft: i'm thinking of selling them though
11:54 AM roycroft: i live in a small town now, and if i play them the whole town would hear
11:54 AM roycroft: many might not appreciate it
11:55 AM Tom_L: start a town parade
12:05 PM memleak: who remembers this old gem? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=54sT9_KZScU
12:10 PM rdtsc-wk: wow haha. roycroft, looks like you need to make a sound-proofed shed now for your bagpipes :)
12:13 PM roycroft: i can't afford enough foam to soundproof the bagpipe
12:47 PM xxcoder: memleak: saw it for first time. funny lol. had to read video text to understand whats going on but yeah
12:56 PM Unterhausen: apparently bagpipes are very common in Brittany France. I was in Carhaix, and there was someone playing a soprano bagpipe. It was excruciating
01:03 PM roycroft: yes, the bagpipe originally came from spain
01:03 PM roycroft: it migrated to brittany and scotland
01:03 PM roycroft: and then from scotland to ireland
01:03 PM roycroft: the highland bagpipe is a unique instrument, though
01:06 PM roycroft: it's an extremely difficult instrument to play, and only plays in e flat major, which limits its use
01:09 PM rdtsc-wk: gosh that'd be like a thread milling tool which only supported 1/4"-28
01:12 PM roycroft: yeah, it's tough
01:12 PM roycroft: it would require a different chanter for every key
01:13 PM roycroft: and to sound at all decent, different drones for every key
01:13 PM rdtsc-wk: guess they chose e flat to keep the weight under a hundred stone lol
01:13 PM roycroft: drones can be tuned a bit, but they're pretty much fixed pitch
01:13 PM roycroft: so you would have to physically swap out the drone pipes with different length ones to change the pitch
01:13 PM rdtsc-wk: imagine how big it would be with chromatic scale capability
01:18 PM roycroft: well, the chanter could be made to do that
01:19 PM roycroft: but the piper would have to grow a lot of extra fingers to play it
01:19 PM roycroft: and there would still the drone issue
01:23 PM xxcoder: design a machine to play it over and over
01:23 PM * roycroft used to play the flute when he was young, and thinks that if he sold the bagpipe he could get a pretty decent flute with the money
01:24 PM skunkworks: my daughtor started with flute.. Went to clarinet.. And is now taking piano lessons..
01:28 PM memleak: that ain't workin, that's the way you do it. you play the geetar on the MTV
01:28 PM rdtsc-wk: but, stay away from video, because it killed the radio star...
01:28 PM roycroft: i've thought about clarinet
01:29 PM skunkworks: it was obviously way easier for her..
01:29 PM roycroft: it's a pretty cool instrument, and i like the big band music that features the clarinet, and i really like klezmer music
01:30 PM roycroft: the bagpipe is a double reed instrument
01:30 PM memleak: rdtsc-wk, HEH
01:30 PM roycroft: actually, it's an octoreed instrument, as the chanter has a double reed, as do each of the three drones
01:30 PM roycroft: but one does not play the reeds directly like an oboe, of course
01:30 PM roycroft: it's still difficult
01:31 PM roycroft: a single reed, like the clarinet, is much easier
01:31 PM memleak: you guys know a lot about music, this is my first time hearing about reeds, oboes, and drones (the ones you don't fly)
01:31 PM roycroft: did your daughter have a silver or silver-plated flute, skunkworks?
01:32 PM roycroft: it's pretty hard to get decent, consistent tone with a nickel silver flute
01:32 PM skunkworks: If I remember right - yes. It was silver looking
01:32 PM roycroft: even siver plating makes a big difference
01:32 PM roycroft: silver
01:32 PM skunkworks: it was a rental from the local music store
01:32 PM roycroft: right
01:32 PM roycroft: she was in the fifth grade then
01:32 PM skunkworks: yes :0
01:33 PM roycroft: they are all rentals in the fifth grade
01:33 PM skunkworks: sully - who is in 4th grade is taking piano lessons too - as that will give him more options when he is in 5th grade.
01:33 PM roycroft: piano is great to start on
01:33 PM skunkworks: stell was in 6th when she got the flute.
01:33 PM roycroft: you learn scales and other basic music theory
01:33 PM skunkworks: stella
01:34 PM roycroft: and don't have to focus too much on technique just to get the thing to make noise
01:34 PM skunkworks: sully - who is in 4th grade is taking piano lessons too - as that will give him more options when he is in 6th grade.
01:35 PM skunkworks: she was getting to the point of making music. but - she tried one of her friends clarinets and instantly was doing scales..
03:22 PM roycroft: i have an old imac g3 - the 1999 model
03:22 PM roycroft: it's in almost mint condtion
03:23 PM roycroft: i had not turned it on in at least 15 years, and it's becoming collectable, so i thought i'd check it out to see if it still works
03:23 PM roycroft: it booted right up
03:23 PM xxcoder: nice. sounds like caps stayed intact
03:23 PM roycroft: it's in a dual-boot configuration - os 9.x or os x 10.1
03:23 PM roycroft: yeah
03:23 PM roycroft: so i booted os 9.1
03:24 PM roycroft: and decided to configure it for internet access, just for laughs
03:24 PM roycroft: it's on the net, but it won't load any websites due to certificate issues, which i expected
03:24 PM roycroft: but then i saw it had an aol app installed
03:24 PM roycroft: so i tried that, and it's trying to log into aol
03:25 PM roycroft: i don't have an aol account, so it won't log in, but it's accepting a username and password and then telling me the password is incorrect
03:25 PM roycroft: i think next i should set up outlook express, and see if it says "you've got mail!"
03:26 PM roycroft: there's 96
03:26 PM roycroft: MB of ram, 6GB hard drive
03:27 PM roycroft: but i have the original box, original keyboard and mouse, even the original power cord (apple used a "rainbow" power cord with those imacs - multi-colored wires and a clear sheathing"
03:28 PM roycroft: i have both the os 9 and os x cds, microsoft office 98, and serveral other apps
03:28 PM roycroft: i think i can get decent money for it
03:28 PM xxcoder: nice
03:28 PM roycroft: it weighs 20kg though, so if i don't sell it locally, shipping will be expensive
03:52 PM rdtsc-wk: remember to wipe any personally-identifiable info
03:52 PM roycroft: yeah, it's clean
03:53 PM roycroft: i'd kind of like to keep it
03:53 PM roycroft: it is, as i said, in almost mint condition, and it works perfectly well
03:53 PM roycroft: i bet i could install linux mint on it and have support for modern protocols
03:53 PM roycroft: but it is big and bulky and i don't have a lot of space to spare
04:06 PM -!- #linuxcnc mode set to +v by ChanServ
04:58 PM roycroft: apparently i wasn't home when my laser head delivery attempt was made, and the postal service decided that insted of holding it for redelivery they would send it back to eugene
04:59 PM roycroft: i wonder where i was, because i don't reall leaving the property at all today
04:59 PM * roycroft has been at work all day, with a view overlooking the driveway almost the entire time
05:00 PM roycroft: i hope it's not going back to eugene because they claim i refused delivery
05:35 PM bjorkintosh: roycroft: it's a ploy. they didn't deliver it.
05:36 PM bjorkintosh: I've had to order the same stupid fucking thing 3 different times from amazon. the first time, they claimed it was due to be delivered that day. 3 days later, the status had not changed so I canceled it.
05:36 PM bjorkintosh: tried again, and this time it was delivered, but with a big hole in the envelope.
05:36 PM bjorkintosh: so. no product. just a flat envelope.
05:36 PM bjorkintosh: so I called them and asked 'wtf amazon'. they promise to do it properly this time around.
05:46 PM JT-Shop: you actually got amazon to answer the phone?
05:47 PM bjorkintosh: hahaha. yes.
05:47 PM bjorkintosh: I'm just as surprised as you.
05:47 PM xxcoder: how many days did you wait on phone?
05:48 PM bjorkintosh: it said 'Amazon Mega Warehouse' on the id
05:49 PM JT-Shop: I stopped by Fasenal today but they no longer have a retail store it's a fulfillment center whatever that is
05:49 PM JT-Shop: so no sales at the store
05:49 PM bjorkintosh: how? where does one buy unistrut then?
05:49 PM bjorkintosh: 'cause Lowes doesn't know what unistrut means.
05:49 PM JT-Shop: lol at menards
05:50 PM bjorkintosh: oh. they call it 'adamax'
05:50 PM JT-Shop: I would not buy unistrut from fastenal as they are too expensive
05:50 PM JT-Shop: electrical supply house or menards
05:50 PM bjorkintosh: when I did hvac, that's pretty much all we used.
05:51 PM bjorkintosh: I didn't realize it was primarily used by sparkies.
05:53 PM JT-Shop: I get my fasteners from mcmaster as they are all usa made
05:53 PM Tom_L: there was a local guy that's all he sold was fasteners but after the pandemic no more counter sales
05:58 PM Tom_L: along with fastenal, there's midwest fastener
05:59 PM JT-Shop: none here
05:59 PM Tom_L: https://www.fastenerconnection.com/
05:59 PM JT-Shop: I only stopped by to get a 1/4" drill bit to replace one from a set from them
06:04 PM JT-Shop: got the last bit off the drivers side of the front suspension so it's time to clean up the control arms and start to put the C3 back together
06:05 PM Tom_L: dinner is served
06:05 PM JT-Shop: yum
06:06 PM Tom_L: homemade potatoe soup in a breadbowl
06:06 PM JT-Shop: nice
06:09 PM JT-Shop: at the Depot they make a chipotle cheddar potato soup that is great
06:10 PM roycroft: i had some homemade chipotle corn chowder for lunch today
06:11 PM xxcoder: still trying to decide what to have for dinner today lol
06:12 PM roycroft: i'm about to go to my storage unit and see if for some insane reason i put that baggie with the cabinet hardware there
06:12 PM roycroft: i can't imagine doing so
06:13 PM roycroft: i remember clearly the trip with the cabinets - they filled up 2/3 of my pickup bed, and i took a few other items that did not go to storage to fill up the load
06:14 PM roycroft: i'm also really good about putting things that i need to keep track of in the front of the cab, and if i did not put that hardware there i was on crack or something
06:15 PM roycroft: it would cost me $100 to replace all the hinges, and i don't anticipate that these cabinets will be there forever - they're not what in want in that room, but they're what i have right now and will help out
06:15 PM roycroft: as long as the don't cost me money
06:15 PM JT-Shop: memory is an amazing and sometimes surprising what you "think" you remember
06:17 PM roycroft: i remember the back of the pickup part
06:18 PM roycroft: i do not remember the handling the hinges part, other than putting them in the baggie
06:19 PM roycroft: i should probably go clean out the pickup cab really well before heading over to storage - i've been loading it up and unloading most, but not quite all, of it for several trips now
06:19 PM roycroft: stuff that's hard to sort out and figure out where it lives has been staying in the pickup
06:19 PM roycroft: maybe it's time to find homes for all that stuff, and maybe i'll find the hinges buried underneath something, although i think i've moved/uncovered everything in there
06:20 PM roycroft: it needs to be cleaned out anyway
06:20 PM roycroft: i got my electronics bench cleared off and my soldering station set up last night - that bench has had piles of boxes and gallon-size baggies on it since i moved
06:21 PM roycroft: it feels really good starting to get my spaces a bit organized and functional finally
06:23 PM roycroft: the laundry room sink is the next big task, along side insulating, sheathing, and painting the shop
06:23 PM roycroft: i've been procrastinating on that
06:23 PM roycroft: this house was built in the '80s, and the plumbing is that polybutyl crap
06:23 PM JT-Shop: I bet
06:23 PM JT-Shop: I will be so glad to finish up the control system for Empire
06:23 PM roycroft: which does not meet code any more, and leaks if you look at it hard
06:23 PM roycroft: i'm going to transition to pex, but i haven't come up with a good strategy for doing so yet
06:23 PM roycroft: i know the right way is to go back to the water meter and start redoing it all
06:23 PM JT-Shop: it's what you signed up for...
06:23 PM roycroft: yeah
06:23 PM roycroft: i need the sink soon, though
06:23 PM roycroft: and i really need to put my nice faucet on the kitchen sink soon
06:23 PM roycroft: so i'll probably patch some pex in for now, and finish doing it right later on
06:24 PM roycroft: i'm going to have to open walls to redo the plumbing, though
06:24 PM roycroft: and i only want to do that once
06:24 PM JT-Shop: yup that is a huge project
06:26 PM xxcoder: if thats the case wouldnt it be best time to have whole house ethernet networking added?
06:27 PM xxcoder: thats what we did when basement walls was destroyed
06:29 PM * JT-Shop calls it a night
06:29 PM JT-Shop: say good night Gracie
06:52 PM roycroft: i'm not going to tear out all the walls at once
06:53 PM roycroft: and i can't just leave cat6 "stubs" that i can splice into later
06:53 PM roycroft: but i get good wifi coverage throughout my house and shop
06:53 PM roycroft: i have one ethernet cable pulled so far, from my studio in the back of the house (where the server rack is) to my office in the front of the house
06:54 PM roycroft: i might pull a second ethernet out to the shop, but wifi works great there, so maybe not
06:54 PM roycroft: i really only need ethernet for devices that are not wirless, and i don't have many of those other than what is in my studio
06:54 PM xxcoder: I guess it depends much on what your needs is
06:55 PM roycroft: yeah
06:55 PM roycroft: i even have usb wifi dongles for my phones, so i did not have to pull a cable to the kitchen to put a phone there
06:55 PM roycroft: and all of my home automation stuff will be wireless
06:56 PM roycroft: as far as the communications channel
06:56 PM roycroft: the line voltage actuators have to carry current on the load side, of course
06:56 PM roycroft: but the control side is wifi
06:58 PM roycroft: i have a bunch of sensors and actuators on order, and some esp8266 boards for the sensors
06:59 PM roycroft: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B081CSJV2V
06:59 PM roycroft: that kind of board
07:00 PM roycroft: built-in wifi, can be powered by usb, and you can plug sensors into it
07:01 PM roycroft: i'll just 3d print little boxes for them and i'll be good to go with sensors
07:04 PM roycroft: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07HGW8N7R
07:05 PM roycroft: my house is new enough that it has neutral wires running through the switch boxes
07:05 PM roycroft: barely new enough, but i checked and the neutrals are there
07:05 PM roycroft: so i can use those cheap switch actuators
07:05 PM Tom_L: mine had screw in fuses
07:05 PM xxcoder: nice, though id check plugs. some have fake grounding connection. illegal
07:06 PM roycroft: the switch actuators for houses without a neutral wire start at about $60 each
07:06 PM roycroft: i have proper grounds
07:06 PM roycroft: i've already done a fair amount of rewiring
07:06 PM xxcoder: thats good
07:06 PM roycroft: the house was wired to code (at the time)
07:06 PM roycroft: but the switches and receptacles are the cheapest possible
07:07 PM roycroft: i'm replacing them all room by room, and checking the wiring as i go
07:07 PM Tom_L: at least they're not push button
07:07 PM roycroft: i like push button switches
07:07 PM Tom_L: the old ones
07:07 PM roycroft: and there are new push button switches that are built to modern code
07:07 PM roycroft: the old ones were actually pretty robust
07:08 PM roycroft: but after decades of use they get kind of funky
07:08 PM roycroft: just like people do after decades of use :)
07:08 PM Tom_L: a friend got a house that had a tube intercom between floors
07:08 PM roycroft: nice
07:08 PM Tom_L: not electronic tube.. tube
07:08 PM roycroft: right
07:09 PM roycroft: did he always say "ahoy!" when he called someone on the intercom?
07:09 PM Tom_L: no idea
07:09 PM roycroft: it seems the thing to do
07:09 PM Tom_L: he was renovating it like you are.. this was quite a few years back
07:10 PM roycroft: i really am trying to avoid pulling network cables
07:10 PM roycroft: i have several boxes of cat5e, but i hope to not have to use much
07:11 PM Tom_L: i pulled a bunch and now everybody but me is wireless in the house
07:11 PM roycroft: the plan is for most of the cat5e to be in the garage sale
07:11 PM Tom_L: i pulled one out to the garage and put a switch out there
07:11 PM roycroft: i pulled heaps of it in the old house
07:11 PM Tom_L: and remote wifi mostly for the smart door opener
07:11 PM roycroft: but the problem was, when i would move things around, i'd need new cable pulls
07:12 PM roycroft: you set it up the way you think you need it
07:12 PM roycroft: and when you do something different you have to do it all over again
07:12 PM roycroft: with wifi you just move your stuff
07:12 PM roycroft: the room that was originally my office at the old place had 16 ethernet jacks
07:13 PM roycroft: mostly in use when the office was there
07:13 PM roycroft: but i moved my office to another room over the years, and the old office was used mostly for storing brewing equipment and for my kegerator and lagering freezer
07:13 PM roycroft: the new office had one ethernet jack, thank goodness
07:13 PM roycroft: it was originally a bedroom
07:14 PM roycroft: i was able to put a switch in there so i could run most of my stuff, but the printers lived in another room and i had to pull new ethernet cables from my new office to them
07:14 PM * roycroft just wants to avoid that kind of stuff as much as possible
07:15 PM Tom_L: i think just about everything here has been re'done
07:15 PM Tom_L: including digging a basement under it
07:15 PM roycroft: i'd like to do that, but it's really not feasible
07:16 PM xxcoder: off I go, taking phone with me so ill disconnect from internet. whee see you guys later in a bit
07:16 PM roycroft: my property is small, and having a basement would conserve real estate
07:16 PM * roycroft should go make dinner - he has a meeting this evening
07:17 PM Tom_L: http://tom-itx.no-ip.biz:443/~webpage/temp/house/7.jpg
07:17 PM Tom_L: best thing i ever did for it
07:18 PM Tom_L: space constraints were a concern here as well
08:01 PM BorgPipe is now known as NetPipe
08:29 PM -!- #linuxcnc mode set to +v by ChanServ
08:45 PM xxcoder: aww lol. looked over to discord to catch up but bridge is still down
08:46 PM xxcoder: images is still very broken, matrix changed something